• Published 1st Jun 2020
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Stargate SG1: Children of Equestria - Megaskullmon

A long history of friendship on a world long forgotten.

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Introduction: A mission

Earth date: 1990 7 in the morning.

The General of this SGC a large earth pony stallion that has a large brown and yellow coat and brown tail and mane. Most of his command center is of Griffin's and Zebras. The doctor is waiting for a team to return. He stood in front she is a unicorn a light blue unicorn mare having a white coat hiding her cutie mark. She drinks from her tea.

" Doctor...BlueBerry." BlueBerry looks up from her tea. " Has there been any word?"

" Uh..no Hammer."

Hammer sighs it’s been almost six to seven days that they have heard from them. Like it was clockwork the gate itself came to life a large expanse of energy filling the gate shooting out then finally becomes a normal pool of blow energy. The alarm goes off showing off-world activation.

“Off-world activation!!” A voice over the PA system calls out.

“Close the magic gate.” A form of powerful magic forms over the gate to block any coming enemies or problems. On the computer, they look to be waiting for a code. A code finally comes up.

“It’s SG1s GDC sir.”The mare looks to hammer she has her wing close to a strange device that has a symbol of wings and a horn. That if only Pegasus and unicorns can open the magic Irse. Hammer gives the nod. She placed the wing on the device it glowed removing the magic.

“SG 1 its open!!”

“We are coming in hot!!” A voice yells from the other side.

“Get ready safeties off!!” A bunch of ponies dressed in heavy armor cock magic machine guns getting ready to fire at whoever comes through the gate. While they wait primitive spears fly through the gate. The gate causes the spears to go in overdrive into the wall sticking into the wall. Thankfully it missed others in the gate room when the team finally comes.

“We got them now shut down the gate!!” The gate finally is shut down and the team with the name SG 1 on their coats finally made it back.

A griffin with glasses in an SG-1 uniform. He seemed to be having issues breathing. But he was a normal looking Griffin but he looked a bit weaker than normal.

Second to come through a red hot colored mare. With gentle blue eyes and having a long lanky body and a long unicorn horn. She looked to be a LT.

To come soon after her an earth pony stallion. He had an odd mark on his head. He looks to be a Jaffa. They ran into a peaceful race of Jaffa without their so-called God's. He is dark brown with a symbol of a god on his head that looks like the symbol of RA

They all seemed to be waiting for the last one. What came through was a Bright sea blue pegasus that walked through. He looked to be strong he looked to be a leader...He.

"Jack...." The pegasus turned to The Griffin."

" Danial?"

" You could have started...a war there!!" He yelled out raising his claws.

" Oh? I could have but I didn't." He smiled.

" Sir..."

Jack turned his eyes to the unicorn.

" Carter?"

" I think O'neal did very well."

Jack laughed.

" SEE the Jaffa thinks I did amazing,"

The griffin growled softly sighing Hammer came down to them.


"The people of 66G26 were a very kind group of folks sir," Carter said removing her magic weapon from her side. " But Jack almost started a war when he didn't accept their offer."

" What was the offer?" Hammer asked.

" Marriage," Jack said softly.

" I guess from this Dr. Jackson didn't approve." Hammer asked.

" Oh I did general but I couldn't think of a way to get us out of there. But I did offer them something else." He opened his pack up and dumped all his rappers of babe Ruth

" So after I gave them this. They will allow us to check their mine' for anything we can use. But without him." Points his claw to Jack.

Hammer sighed. " Alright, we will send SG-6. Go report to BlueBerry for a check-up. Then get ready for Debriefing."

Before heading to see BlueBerry they head to the locker's to get out of their uniforms.

" Daniel... Next time you have a good idea. Tell me before I get married." Daniel smirked.

" So Jack is asking for my help next time?" Jack sighed nodding.

" Yes, Griffin boy I am asking for your help." He gets his pants off keeping a shirt on that has his name and rank. His cutie mark is a commander's uniform. His talent is leading.

" Sir come on we both told you not to do it." Carter removed her pants as well putting on her uniform. Her cutie mark was a computer being taken apart.

" Oh, Carter you and your unicorn mind."

Teal'c removed his uniform keeping the top on his Cutie mark a Death Glider. " Maybe it’s best to get checked out then maybe O’Neal can take us fishing?"

Jack's eyes open wide he turned to Teal'c " You said the right words T-man" Danial groaned along with Sam.


After the testing, if they had anything. They went to the debriefing. Daniel was the first to speak bringing out some items they were given.

" Now thanks to Jack we got many items that they wished to trade to us. Now this item. " He moves a strange device that looks like a recording device. " They said this came to their world way before they even showed up. They found it in a dig near the Stargate."

" What is it?" Hammer simply asked.

" That's what we are trying to find out sir," Jack said.

The device was taken into Carter's magic as she works on getting the device to work. Her magic forms a screwdriver.

" But that is not all sir. They have a type of metal that could build a block you want for the gate." Daniel said. " Now if I can go back. I can.."

He was cut off after Carter fixed a few wire's in the device she screamed as it flew to the middle of the table and the image of a human formed in front of them.

"Our world is dying... Thanks to our greed. I'm one of the last of the human race. Since the earth is dying. I must give what history I can. Now, this is when we discovered a world known as Equestria." Teal’c eyebrow raised. Jack had his mouth gaped open and Carter was speechless.

" We learned in this world of a race of ponies and other creatures. But an issue happens and the leaders asked us to forget about them. But that wasn't what killed our planet. No that was our fault...Find the other recordings. Then you may learn what happens to us so you don't fall into our problem."

" This is amazing!!!" Daniel said. "It's a human that means the text is right what we have here on earth."

" Daniel that's not what I am focusing on," Carter said.

Daniel blinked.

" I agree with Daniel Jackson. The human said Equestria the world that all ponies and creatures of this world came from. That mean's the world is not a fake."

" If that is true...." Daniel looked up. " We have to find all this before the Wraith do."

" But Daniel we don't have to worry about that. That's Atlantis's issue. But we need to see if they found any of these." Jack said.

" Well, ponies Griffin we have a mystery here. Let me get in touch with the president. Maybe she is in a good mood today. Dismissed."

The team looked at each other. While Hammer got out of his chair. Jack stood up and looked out the window to the gate.

" Something wrong sir?" Carter looked up.

" I don't know Carter.. I have a fear when this gets out to the public they will demand us to find a way back home. I doubt we will be able to do it.

" But Jack we need to find it. It would be amazing to see the Princess." Jack sighed.

" That is the problem, Daniel. I don't trust this. They kept the humans out of Equestria for a reason."

“Well, we all know from the text of Humans they didn’t get along with themselves as we do. The fact we find more info that we aren’t even from this world. That we now control the world.” Carter added.

“Yes yes, the theory that something happened that brought us here from Equestria. I heard it all before. I will believe it when I see it with my own eyes. I need to get home to my cloud.” The group goes their separate ways. They wait for the day when the news gets ahold of this. The ponies and creatures of the earth will demand to find their homeworld.

“If only this was done in secret,” Jack said softly to himself flying out of the mountain.