• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 3,344 Views, 96 Comments

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Decade: Shocker Resurgence - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset's vacation is soured when enemies of past Kamen Riders set their sights on Equestria!

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Day 5 (part 4): The Miracle!

Author's Note:

Don't forget to click the underlined text for battle music!

[Final Attack Ride: U-U-Unicorn!]

Tsukasa jumped off of Unicorn’s back and high into the air, at the same time, Unicorn transformed into her leg and foot form, with the crystal horn energizing. Unicorn rose up into the air to meet Decade as he attached himself to Unicorn and came down with a kick slash of magical power straight for Kaizer Hell’s neck. The dragon-centaur didn’t even flinch as the blade of energy struck his neck, sparks flew from the point of contact, but it was like a saw blade cutting into solid rock, as no damage could be seen.

Heh, heh, that tickles a bit.

Kaizer Hell opened his mouth and unleashed a torrent of magical black and gold flames as they washed over both Decade and Unicorn, the flames quickly morphed into a full beam attack as both Riders were sent straight to the ground before another explosion took them further away from the ritual site. Carbuncle and Shadow Moon merely watched as their leader made short work of the last remaining obstacles in their way, there was no need to interfere, it would be insulting to their leader if they did.

Unicorn rose back to her hooves, back in her pony form. She stumbled twice in the attempt, but soon managed to stand. Her body was in great pain, her energy was low, and she was sure there was a broken bone or two. Sunset’s legs were wobbly, feeling like toothpicks that were ready snap with just the slightest of movements. The unicorn mare glanced to Decade who hadn’t gotten back up, she feared he had died until his body moved slightly. He was not dead, at least not yet, but was clear that the veteran Kamen Rider was just as beat up as she was.

Steeling herself, Sunset made the slow walk towards Kaizer Hell. It was a stupid thing to do, she could barely focus her sight at this point, and Kaizer Hell was so powerful, like truly fighting a god. Part of her wanted to just give up now, she had fought hard, given all she had, dying with honor in the blaze of glory was not a bad way to go all things considering.

‘Save those fillies, you are their last hope, Sunset-chan!’

‘No more children will suffer and be made to cry, I won’t let that happen – YOU don’t let that happen!’

‘Don’t worry, we’re all heading back together, that’s a promise between friends!’

‘And we keep those promises.’

Images of back home flashed before her eyes, images of Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and…Twilight. No, she couldn’t die now, dying would mean their world would suffer at the hands of Nega-Shocker, and not just their world, all worlds. Another image appeared in her mind, that of Twilight Sparkle, the adorkable girl from CPA who had never known true friendship, the girl who looked up and admired Sunset, the one who saved her and brought her out of the darkness like somepony else did for Sunset. If she died, out of all her friends, that girl would be devastated beyond repair. Sunset’s eyes began to refocus as she caught her second wind, but that still did nothing for her weakened body.

Kaizer Hell looked down upon the approaching unicorn and sneered in distaste. Pitiful, even at the end, you Kamen Riders fight to the last breath, admirable, but foolish. Nega-Shocker’s rise is now cemented with our acquisition of the Miracle Magic, and in mere moments its energy will be corrupted and will bend to my will. What hope do you have?

“Heh…funny you should say that…another Kamen Rider told me I was those three’s last hope. But I guess I’m the last hope of my entire world…honestly, it feels as if I’m going to be crushed by that weight…and yet, I don’t mind it.” Sunset looked up at Kaizer Hell glaring at him from behind her helmet. “It lets me know how many are counting on me to stop you! To stop this abomination unto all things good in this or any world!”

Sunset managed to rise onto her hind legs, her balance was even more unstable, but she didn’t care as she entered a fighting stance. “No matter what…I will not stop…if you take away our miracle, then I’ll make one happen!”

Just then, high above the Negative Zone, a single star shined brightly enough to cut through the dark haze of the sky. After a moment, that star descended like a blazing meteor, crashing through the Negative Zone as it punched a hole in the field and let the full moonlight shine down through that spot. The meteor fell further and further until it struck Sunset Shimmer, engulfing her in its radiant light.

Within the light, Sunset felt her injuries and fatigue vanish as if they never existed. There was power in this light, and a comforting, yet familiar warmth. Before a new Gaia Memory appeared, it was golden and sparkled in the light. The Memory’s emblem had a holographic, almost shimmering effect. The emblem itself was an “S” and like a sun, it had rays coming out of it.

Sunset went to reach for it, but remembered her Mimetic Drive was broken. However, the Gaia Memory released a ray of light that shined upon the broken slot, repairing the damage and making it just like new again. Sunset Shimmer took hold of the item in her magical grasp, just doing so allowed her to feel the power behind this Gaia Memory, but even more so, she could feel and hear the wishes that were put into it.

“Thank you.”


Unicorn quickly placed the Shining Memory into the slot.


Sunset’s entire body glowed with a brilliant light as the power of Memory coursed through her body. With a burst of power, a pillar of light shot up into the hole created by the Shining Memory, and chased away the corruption for a good ten-mile radius. Decade finally awoke and when he did, the veteran Rider beheld Unicorn’s super form.

Sunset’s armor had changed to all gold, turquoise lines drew whimsical patterns and some cursive runic markings, these were more prominent on her lower foreleg armor, the front of her boots, and around her chest. The shoulder pauldrons had a slight crescent curve to them, and had silver lining around the bottom edge. Unicorn’s helmet changed as well, now instead of aquamarine eyes, the eyes themselves were turquoise, and on the sides of the helmet were wing-like fins, the crystal horn remained, but instead of a silver metal edge around it, it now matched the gold. Attached to the armor, right around Unicorn’s shoulders, were two long flowing clothes, about five feet in length, they undulated up and down, and gave off an aurora as if the fabric was made from a rainbow.

Unicorn: Shining Day!

Kaizer Hell, Carbuncle, and Shadow Moon looked upon this transformation with surprise, even they could feel the power emanating from this Kamen Rider. Shadow Moon broke off from the others, summoning his Satan Saber, Regardless of your power, you’re still no match for us!

Unicorn took a fighting stance, her eyes flashed with power as she spoke, Let’s find out.

Shadow Moon charged forward, coming down with an overhead strike. However, the moment he did, Unicorn raised her left hoof, blocking the sword blade with only the flat of her left hoof, the force generated by that attack made the very ground shake. Unicorn’s right hoof blazed with golden light as she thrust it forward, hitting Shadow Moon right in the chest and made the dark Rider skid back on his hooves, sparks flying from his chest the whole way there.

Shadow staggered the moment he stopped, surprising him that this mare could actually damage him enough to make him stagger at all. But the fight wasn’t over, Unicorn dashed across the field, faster than ever before, closing the distance between herself and Shadow Moon, the dark Rider noticed and immediately went into full assault mode. Shadow Moon came in with a slash from his right, but Unicorn blocked it with her right foreleg, but Shadow Moon used the same momentum to abandon his sword and spin around for a roundhouse kick to the right side of Unicorn’s head.

Unicorn saw this coming and ducked back to avoid the hoof from connecting, but now off balance, Unicorn engaged. A flurry of punches was thrown at Shadow Moon, appearing as streaks of golden light that rained upon the dark Rider. Sparks flew from every point on his body, making Shadow Moon realize just how big a gap there was in his power compared to Sunset’s. Shadow Moon released a burst wave from his aura, making Unicorn back off from him. The emerald jewel at his belt glowed bright with intense dark green and black energy, gathering it all towards his right hind leg. Unicorn skidded to a halt and watched this, normally this would’ve been where she’d worry, but not now.

Shadow Moon leaped into the air, did a somersault, and shot down towards her with a flying kick. RIDER KICK!!!

Unicorn raised her left hoof and pressed the button on the left hip port once.


Unicorn’s forehooves and hind hooves ignited with an orange aura about them. The Kamen Rider mare widened her stance as she cocked back her right hoof. Bunker Buster!

The other hooves ceased glowing as the right hoof shined even brighter. Shadow Moon was about to make contact, assured that his skill and prowess was far superior to this whelp of a Kamen Rider. However, at the last second, Unicorn pivoted to her left, allowing Shadow Moon to pass her and miss entirely. In that brief, split second before the dark Rider realized what had happened, Unicorn drove her right hoof home into the middle of his back. The impact was like the sound of heavenly thunder being ushered as blast of orange light shot through Shadow Moon. Unicorn continued to drive her hoof upwards, resulting in an uppercut that sent Shadow Moon into the air. The energy didn’t stop as it continued to eat his body, the pure energy breaking down his corrupted power, and thus his very being.

Shadow Moon met his end in the sky as his body exploded in a shower of dark green light, but that was quickly washed away by the orange light of Unicorn’s attack. Sunset turned her sights onto Carbuncle, and just doing so made the Phantom take a fearful step back. Anticipating a battle, Carbuncle erected a barrier made of several layered magical circles, creating a magical fortress around himself and the pillars.

You will never reach them!

Not like this, no.

Sunset hit the button on her left hip port three times.

\\\ GENEROUS! ///

Sunset jumped into the air, the two clothes flapped in air and released sparkles, once she was high enough. Those same clothes grew out and formed a halo behind her. Radiant Gift! From the halo, a wave of golden light pulsed through the air, spreading out through the entire area. Unicorn’s eyes and horn shined even brighter as she spoke loudly. Hear me, Kamen Riders from other worlds! This is Unicorn! Take this power, and use it! Show me the power of the legacy I now share with you all, show me the resolve that comes with being a Kamen Rider!

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Proto-Birth, Birth, and Aqua had managed to get the last of the citizens away, but unfortunately, they were on their last legs. However, something occurred, a wave of golden light pulsed through the sky. This golden light resonated with the three Riders, and carrying with it Sunset Shimmer’s message. Proto chuckled upon hearing the message, and said, Well then we definitely can’t disappoint the little lady, can we?

It would look bad if her seniors couldn’t show some effort, said Birth.

“I don’t think I count in that conversation, I am from the future. But, all the same, I don’t want to let her down!” Aqua added.

Birth and Proto-Birth took all the Cell Medals they had left, six in total to each of them, and placed them into the Driver belt. In less than a few seconds, machine parts appeared around the Births, and then attached themselves to the armor. When the outfitting was complete, Birth had called upon all his CLAWs, weaponry. The Crane Arm, Leg Caterpillars, Drill Arm, Shovel Arm, Crane Arm, and Cutter Wing. This was his full assault power, Kamen Rider Birth Day.

I’m even more glad that old man Kougami upgraded the Proto-Birth for this! Remind me to thank him when we get back! Proto-Birth stated.

“Let’s put this power Unicorn gave us to good use!” Aqua shouted.

The Births charged into the army of Yummies, the Leg Caterpillars squealed as they carried the Births through the streets, their drills revved up as they thrust them into the crowd of incoming Yummies. Every one of them that crossed their path had sparks flying from their bodies the moment they came into contact with their drills. Meanwhile, Aqua was gathering energy, they were close to water in Baltimare, and Aqua was using it, calling on the elemental power of water as a swirling water spout formed around him.

The Births used their Cutter Wings to plow through the rest of the Yummies and float into the air, once high above, the Births charged their Breast Cannons, and in the next second, unleashed a dual Cell Bash blast attack. The dual beams sailed towards the Yummies and Combatmen, hitting the center of the enemy forces and exploding grandly, taking all of their forces in one fell swoop.

AQUA, DO IT NOW! The Births shouted.


Aqua took all the water he had gathered and channeled it into pure power, charging down the cleared path towards the tower. He slid across the ground as a tidal wave carried him to the tower, and once in range, that tidal wave followed his kick as he struck the side of the tower, sending all that energy and torrential power straight through it. The power and force of the water acted as a blade, cutting through the tower and toppling it one fell swoop.

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

The Armored Riders also heard the message, and were determined to end this, now. Zangetsu and Ryugen struck the katana arm on their Sengoku Drivers once.

\| Budou Squash! |/

\| Melon Squash! |/

Zangetsu drew his Musou Saber and dashed towards the Inves Overlords, all three readied to take him down, but they weren’t prepared for Zangetsu jumping into the air. The Inves followed his movements, which was what he wanted as Ryugen powered up his gun for its attack. The grapes on the side of the weapon began to glow and gather at the barrel of the gun. After cocking back on the hammer, a dragon head formed, and Ryugen pulled the trigger. The gun unleashed a rapid-fire barrage of energy blasts that pummeled the Inves Overlords. Once softened up, Zangetsu landed between the three Inves, and slashed at them with his saber as green streaks of light sliced through them, and then exploded.

\| Durian Au Lait! |/

\| Donguri Au Lait! |/

\| Kurumi Sparkling! |/

Kamen Riders Grindon, Bravo, and Knuckle charged up their weapons. Knuckle punched in the direction of the tower, releasing energy blasts in the shape of walnuts. Bravo slashed with his swords, with each one firing off durian shaped spheres of light. Grindon raised his hammer and struck the ground, sending a focused energy shockwave towards the tower. All three attacks converged and with their combined might, the tower exploded magnificently.

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Beast and Meteor also felt the power up, and nodded towards each other. Meteor Storm prepared to launch the pinwheel, and Beast Hyper placed the ring into the slot of his Mirage Magnum.

[**] Hyper, Magnum Strike! [**]

}M{ Meteor Storm Punisher }M{

Meteor pulled the ripcord and launched the Punisher top, at the same time, Beast fired and conjured the form of Chimera. But the two attacks merged at the last second, forming a swirling tornado of magical and cosmic power that roared towards the Tower.

“BEAST-METEOR, DYNAMIC FINISH!!!” Beast and Meteor shouted at the same time.

The tornado, at the head of it, took on the shape of Chimera as it opened its mouth and rammed into the tower, all the Phantoms and Zodiarts, even the Combatmen, where swept up in the vortex of power that the two attacks created together. The blast bore through the center of the tower, and in a matter of seconds, broke through, causing the tall structure to explode violently, taking the Kaijin with it, but, thanks to the power of Meteor Storm, the kinetic energy of the explosion was absorbed, negating any damage to the surrounding area.

Both Kamen Riders released a sigh of relief at that moment, thankful that it had worked.

“We did it, Nitoh-san,” said Meteor.

“We did, now you can go back to the castle and start flirting with that moon princess,” said Beast.

“What?! I-I don’t harbor any affections for her, she’s nice, but I don’t –!”

“Hey, she may be a pony, but here, so are you. So, it’s totally legit.”

Thanks to his helmet, Beast was spared the inquisitive look Meteor was giving him. “I’m not certain if I should be offended by that remark or insulted by what you're implying of me.”

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Eiji was on his last legs, the Greeed were closing in, and he could barely maintain TaToBa form. But then, a miracle happened. The skies cleared, and the sparkling night sky made its reappearance, along with the full moon. The Greeed looked up in confusion as to why the Negative Zone had vanished, as well as the power boost they had gained from it, but it was no matter, Kamen Rider OOO was almost dead, even at their current power levels, they were more than powerful enough to end him.

However, that proved to be false. A golden pulse shined over the area, and from this pulse three objects shot down towards Eiji. The self-less warrior gazed upon the objects, recognizing them as the Hawk, Tiger, and Grasshopper medals, however, these were different, the animal symbols at the centers were etched in gold, these were the Super Medals. The normal medals self-ejected from the Driver, and the Super Medals entered the belt. Eiji took up his scanner and passed over the new medals.

-) Super Taka, Super Tora, Super Batta: Su~per Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba! Super! (-

The Super Medals formed over the original suit, and Kamen Rider OOOs entered his true final form. The colors were inverted from the original TaToBa combo, where the black was the more dominant color and the other colors accented it, the red, yellow, and green colors were the dominant of this, and black accented. The wing frills on the side of the Taka helmet were fully flared, and instead of green eyes, they were now red. The Tora part of the suit’s claws were longer and sharper, and the Batta lower half now had curved fins coming out of the sides of the hind legs. This was the Super TaToBa combo.

OOOs extended the claws and crouched low as he focused his energy into the legs and jumped forward, crossing several feet in less than a second. The first to fall was their tank, Gamel. OOOs slashed at the heavy armored Greeed in rapid succession, too fast for the heavy Greeed to follow or counter. The claws flared up, and with one slash of the right claw, OOOs cut through Gamel, slicing the Core Medals within his very being. Once he was done, OOOs backed away and allowed Gamel to explode into nothing.

Uva multiplied himself, surrounding OOOs. The insect Greeed leapt into the air and channeled his emerald lightning into his stag beetle horns. However, OOOs wasn’t afraid, channeling power back into his legs, OOOs jumped and began to pinball around, taking out all the Uva’s at once. Before Uva could counterattack, OOOs appeared before the original and slashed at him several times, cutting right down into his medals and shattering them. OOOs landed back on the ground just as Uva exploded in midair.

Kazari sped towards him, thinking he could match his speed with his own and catch OOOs off guard. He was mistaken. OOOs perception was already enhanced thanks to the Taka helmet, but with the Super Taka medal, he was even more aware of his surroundings, so by the time Kazari was in his striking distance, OOOs jumped away. Kazari was stunned as he saw how OOOs was there, but then not there. OOOs had jumped over him, and while in the air, channeled his energy into both hind hooves and came down on Kazari, striking him in his back and slamming him into the ground. The moment he hit the ground was when OOOs sent a burst of energy through his hooves and through Kazari in a concentrated blast that shattered the Core Medals inside him.

Once Kazari exploded, OOOs moved on to Mezool. The marine Greeed had already called on her electric whips, and began spinning them around her body, creating a zone upon which OOOs could not enter without getting damaged. Again, an assumption that OOOs was about to prove wrong. OOOs dashed towards Mezool, with the perception of the Super Taka medal, and the Super Batta medal, OOOs was able weave through all the gaps in the attacks between her lashes, drawing closer by the second. OOOs thrust both of his claws forward, piercing Mezool, he then pulled out to the right and left, slashing through the Core Medals inside her, and felling the fourth Greeed.

Maki now seemed worried, the bearer of the destructive medals was now afraid. Eiji took the scanning device and passed it over the three medals once again.

--) Scanning Charge! (--

OOOs jumped into the air, red wings made of pure energy flared out from his back as he extended his right and left hind hooves out, and before him, three rings of red, yellow, and green formed. OOOs passed through all three right before striking Kyoryu, Kiyoto Maki, down. Eiji appeared behind Kyoryu, right before he exploded as three rings of red, yellow, and green formed his namesake.

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Gaim awoke from the attack that Baron had dealt him and watched as he approached to deliver the final blow. Until the Negative Zone vanished from sight. Gaim saw the golden pulse wave, and from it appeared his most powerful Lockseed, the one that held his true power. Gaim wrenched himself free from the crater and took the device, pressing the button on the side of the Lockseed.

\| Fruits Basket! |/

Above Kouta, a portal opened, releasing from it all the fruit arms that had been created. Kouta placed the Lockseed into the side slot of the Sengoku Driver, connecting it to the Kachidoki Arms. With a slight twist, Kouta released the lock on the device.

\| Lock Open! Kiwami Arms: Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai Shogun! |/

The fruit armors coalesced to Gaim’s body, in a splash of power and light, the Kachidoki Arms were jettisoned from his body, and Kouta had achieved his godlike power once again. The armor was a sterling silver, the chest plate was black and gold, with the many colorful images of different fruits. Upon his back flowed a red and black cape, his helmet visor was a rainbow of colors to match the fruit on his chest plate, and at his left and right hips were assembled all the Lockseeds that this form allowed him to access. This was Kamen Rider Gaim Kiwami Arms.

Baron nodded at the appearance of this form, even without the power of the Negative Zone, nothing would stop him from having his great battle with his rival. The Inves Overlord dashed for Gaim, but before he reached him, Gaim turned the switch on the Kiwami Arms.

\| Melon Defender! |/

To Kouta’s left foreleg, Zangetsu’s shield appeared, and with it, Gaim blocked Baron’s attack. Using that same momentum, Gaim threw Baron back and turned the switch once again.

\| Banana Spear! |/

A spear weapon appeared, the handle was black, but the spear itself was white, with four yellow guards coming out from around it like a banana peel. Gaim took this spear in hoof and charged for Baron, thrusting forward and hitting him in the chest, making sparks fly from his body.

Baron countered with a horizontal slash, but the Melon Defender blocked it, but then Baron used a front kick and struck Gaim in the chest, making him skid back. Gaim counterattacked by jumping up and throwing the spear at Baron, and after he flipped the switch again.

Baron dodged the spear, but almost missed the Melon Defender spinning towards him. The Inves Overlord cut down the shield in one stroke of the blade.

\| Sonic Arrow! |/

Gaim had summoned a new weapon, this one was a bow, the arms of the bow had blade edges to them, and there was a crystal arrowhead at the draw. Gaim pulled back on the draw lever and released, firing a barrage of light arrows down on Baron. The Overlord was distracted by the previous move, and therefore was unable to block the onslaught that rained down upon him.

\| Kurumi Bombers! |/

\| Budou Ryuhou! |/

Descending from the air were giant fists of energy that fell upon Baron, at the same time, a green blaster weapon appeared in his left hoof. Gaim pulled the trigger and fired down along the with bomber attacks, igniting the area in multiple explosions. The Overload dashed backwards to get away from the bombs, but from the ensuing dust cloud, Gaim dashed out after him.

\| Ichigo Kunai |/

Gaim summoned dozens of kunai knives, each with a strawberry design on them, and commanded them to fly towards their target. Baron used his sword to block, swiping away as he deflected as many as he could.

\| Suika Sojinto! |/

Another weapon was summoned, a double-blade weapon, with the blades having a watermelon design. Gaim twirled the giant weapon around and threw it at Baron, sailing as if it was a giant buzz saw. Baron barely had time to dodge the weapon as it nicked him in the side, causing sparks to shoot off from that spot. The weapon continued until hit the ground and stuck itself there.

\| Donkachi! |/

Gaim jumped up as a hammer weapon appeared in his hooves, the shogun Kamen Rider brought down the mighty hammer, just as Baron found his footing. The Inves raised his sword and met the attack, creating a shockwave that rang throughout the area.

\| Duri Noko! |/

Gaim released the hammer, and dropped to the ground as the next weapon appeared. A pair of spiked swords that he quickly used to slash at Baron’s midsection, causing him to retreat.

\| Mango Punisher! |/

A large, long-handled flanged mace appeared, with the business end shaped like a mango fruit. Gaim took hold of the heavy weapon, planted his hind hooves into the dirt, and swung the weapon with all his might. Baron once again blocked the blow from hitting his body, but the force it generated was significant enough to throw the Overlord all the way into the rock wall.

\| Kiwi Genkirin! |/

\| Kagematsu! |/

Two chakram-like weapons appeared into both of his hooves, the blades were fitted around a lime-green, kiwi-like fruit slice. Gaim tossed the two weapons at the spot where Baron sailed. At the same time, a second weapon appeared, a black spear, with the blade held in place by eight metal pine cones. Along with the Kiwi Genkirin, Gaim hurled this spear right for Baron.

Baron managed to tear himself out of the rock face, just in time to dodge the chakram weapons, and the spear, as he escaped into the air.

\| Pine Iron! |/

A pineapple morning star weapon appeared next, Gaim swung the pineapple part around and tossed it at Baron, the heavy weapon struck the Overlord in the chest, stopping his momentum, and with a second swing, Gaim brought it down like a hammer, forcing the Overlord to return to the ground.

\| Daidaimaru! |/

Gaim summoned his Orange Arms’ signature weapon and dashed once again for Baron. The red Overlord picked himself up, roared and dashed towards Gaim. The two warriors met in the middle as a flash of light went off with both of them ending up on opposite ends of their opponents.

After a moment, it was revealed that Baron’s sword was cut in half, with the top half flying up in the air. Baron turned around and caught the other half in his left hand and prepared for one final assault.

\| Hinawadaidai! DJ Gun! |/

\| Musou Saber! |/

Gaim summoned another signature from his Kachidoki Arms. The shogun Kamen Rider combined the two weapons, activating the Gun’s Taiken mode, Gaim took the Fruits Basket Lockseed and placed it into the DJ Gun.

\| Soiya! Kiwami Au Lait! |/

The blade of the DJ Gun blazed up with energy, within those flames were the silhouettes of the several fruits that made up the power of Kiwami Arms. Gaim stood his ground as the Inves Overlord rushed in, brandishing the broken halves of his sword as he infused energy into them. The split second before Baron could land the blow, Gaim dashed ahead of him, and slashed at Baron. There was a brief moment before the explosion when Baron looked back on Gaim and chuckled.

“Well done…Kouta…”

A massive explosion erupted from behind Gaim, and with a sad sigh, he whispered, Thank you, Kaito-san…

Sagittarius watched his comrade get destroyed, and readied to go and defeat Gaim while he was still distracted from the battle. However, at the last second, a white armored hoof punched the Zodiart in the face, the punch had more power than expected, as it threw the Kaijin several feet back before he was able to sop himself. When he looked to see who had struck him, to his surprise, it was Fourze. He was back in his default form, but was still standing.

“Where are you lookin’? We’re not done yet!” Fourze declared as he raised an Astro Switch. This Astro Switch was different from its brethren, it was colored purple at the base, but the top of the switch was a globe. “Now I’m gonna show you the power of friendship!”

Gentaro inserted the switch into the belt, and immediately the belt shined.

}F{ Fusion On! }F{

The image of Kamen Rider Meteor appeared, broke down, and overlaid with his own form. The Meteor Switch appeared in the right arm slot of the Driver, and at the same time, Fourze was wrapped in a swirling tornado of purple and gold light. Once the tornado died down, Fourze had entered his most powerful form.

The suit was purple, with star specks all around it, as if a galaxy had made up the suit itself. A mantle armor plate covered Fourze’s upper chest, which folded over to cover his back and wings. Foruze’s helmet now had a purple oval on the face where it once was black, and the orange eyes were now a bright yellow. This was Fourze’s Fusion State.

Fourze tucked in his forelegs and then yelled with all his might, Space…KITAAAAAAAA!!! as he thrust both forelegs into the air. Now, let’s do this man-to-man!

Sagittarius growled in anger and dashed straight for the annoying Rider. Fourze entered a fighting stance, with his left hoof, Fourze blocked Sagittarius’ punch, and in response, Fourze unleashed a flurry of punches at his chest and gut at blinding speeds. Several sparks flew off from Sagittarius as the Zodiart was forced back.

Fourze dashed after him, appearing and disappearing at rapid speeds, making Sagittarius confused as to where Fourze was going to attack. His answer came sooner than he would’ve liked, as Fourze landed a solid kick to the back of Sagittarius’ head, in less than a second, Fourze reappeared beneath him, striking him with an uppercut that sent him flying into the air.

The space Kamen Rider flared his wings and flew after him. Fourze sped past Sagittarius and appeared above him, Gentaro brought up both hooves and slammed them down on the Zodiart’s head in a sledgehammer blow that sent Sagittarius back down to terra firma.

Sagittarius dragged himself out of the crater he created and jumped up, channeling his Nova power into right foot and coming at Fourze with a flying energy kick. Fourze saw this and pressed a button on the device that had formed on his right foreleg.

}F{ Jupiter Ready? Ok Jupiter! }F{

On Fourze’s right hoof formed an energy construct of the planet Jupiter. Once Sagittarius was in range, Gentaro met his foot with his hoof, striking at the same time and causing a whirlwind of lightning and cosmic energy to roar forth against Sagittarius’ attack. The Zodiart was caught off guard by this attack from Fourze, and was even more surprised by how powerful it was.

An explosion erupted from the point of contact and threw Sagittarius back. Fourze deactivated the Jupiter function and pressed another button.

}F{ Saturn Ready? Ok Saturn! }F{

An energy construct of planet Saturn appeared on his right hoof, and with a swipe of that hoof, the rings of Saturn flew off as purple energy blades that slashed at Sagittarius from all sides. Fourze deactivated the Saturn button, Gentaro placed the Drill Switch into the left leg port of the Driver, and at the same time, activated the Meteor Switch.

}F{ Meteor On! }F{

}F{ Drill On! }F{

Together, we’ll defend friendship through all worlds!

Fourze flew into the air, and at his left hind leg formed a module with a drill at the end. The drill bit spun faster and faster as Fourze descended upon Sagittarius, and at that same time, a construct image of himself in default form appeared on his right, and on his left a construct of Kamen Rider Meteor. The two constructs merged with Fusion State and made Fourze glow with purple and gold energy.


Sagittarius looked up at the last second as the kick landed, setting off an explosion that shook the Gorge and the surrounding area. Fourze appeared behind the explosion, the drill landed in the dirt and spun him around for a few seconds before finally stopping, and allowing Gentaro a moment to pump his hoof in victory.

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Sorcerer stood there in disbelief at what he saw, the Negative Zone was gone, and not only that, he sensed the rise of a great magical power right where the ritual was taking place. And to make matters worse, Sorcerer felt the disappearing energies of the Nega-Shocker troops that were fighting the other Riders before him.

This can’t be happening…!Sorcerer stated.

Oh, but it is. Wizard was standing once again; his magical aura was shimmering brightly as he glared down his foe. Hope will never fade, not now, not ever!

Haruto summoned new ring to his left claw, and placed it on his right middle claw.

[**] Lupachi Magic To Go! Lupachi Magic To Go! [**]

[**] Very Nice! Finish Strike! Fabulous! [**]

Wizard widened his stance as a silver magic circle appeared beneath him. From the circle arose WizarDragon in crystal form, flying around Haruto before flying into his back. A golden light shined at the center of his chest, changing the power into its strongest form.

When the light faded, Wizard was donned in parts of his WizarDragon. The Gold Infinity Wings were on his back, the Gold Infinity Hell Claws were attached to both of his arms, the Gold Infinity Tail wrapped around his actual dragon tail, and lastly, the Gold Infinity Skull, the head of WizarDragon, protruded from his chest.

Wizard flew into the air, a magic circle appeared as Wizard flipped around and pointed his right leg out. The magic circle shined brightly as the image of WizarDragon appeared and roared as Wizard flew towards Sorcerer.

Sorcerer wielded his Dis Halbred, charged it with mana and unleashed a slashing energy arc at Wizard. The attack was in vain as Wizard smashed through the crescent and impacted against Sorcerer, the dark Rider exploded in a column of mystical energy as Wizard came to a halt, floating for a few moments before touching back down on the ground.

Hope lives on in all of us, and shines the brightest in the dark, remember that!

***_________<U> X [D] _________***

Sunset watched as the Negative Zone fell, and the pillars of light that made it stopped shining their light. The unicorn mare looked back down at Carbuncle, noticing his shield had weakened considerably since the fall of the Zone. Now was the time to free the fillies. Unicorn pressed the button on the Mimetic slot six times.

\\\\\\ MAGIC! //////

Unicorn’s horn flared up with rosy light as she channeled the Harmonic Magical energy. She thrusted both forehooves forward, coating them in that energy, and bringing them together. At the center of those hooves formed a sphere of rosy light with magical circles forming around it like rings. Unicorn descended to the barrier, taking that sphere into one hoof and thrusting it forward onto the barrier.

Curse Reverser!

The rosy light ignited, creating a vortex of magical energy that lashed out at Carbuncle’s shield, tearing it apart like cheap tissue paper. Within seconds the barrier shattered like glass, leaving the Phantom completely exposed. Unicorn took that same energy, and released it in a wave of rosy light that struck the columns holding up the Crusaders. The columns fell apart, but not before Sunset used her magic to teleport them away to Decade.

DAMN YOOOOU!!! Carbuncle roared as he fired a beam of pure mana straight at her.

Magnificent Rebound!

Unicorn used her forelegs to draw a circle in the air, the circle filled itself in with rune marks and a symbol of the Unicorn Memory. When the beam struck the circle, the energy was quickly absorbed into it, after about ten seconds, Carbuncle stopped the attack and looked on in horror as he realized what he had just done. Unicorn took all that energy, and fired right back at Carbuncle, doubling its size and power as it sailed towards its target. Carbuncle could do nothing as he was engulfed by the beam, and wiped away from existence.

Kamen Rider Unicorn looked up at Kaizer Hell, her eyes shining as she glared at the leader of Nega-Shocker. The dragon-centaur roared in anger as he moved his hoof to stomp on the unicorn mare. But Unicorn was faster than him, dodging to the left before his hoof made landfall. Unicorn jumped up and began running along the body of the giant monster, Kaizer Hell swatted at his body like someone would do if trying to swat a bug off of themselves. However, Unicorn was too nimble and quick for the behemoth, so it took no time at all for her to reach his chest. Once she was there, she jumped straight up, cocking back her right hoof and delivering an uppercut to Kaizer’s jaw, making Nega-Shocker’s leader stumble backwards.

Meanwhile, Decade used his Ride Booker to slash the cages apart, releasing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It didn’t take too long after for them to finally awaken. Groggily they stood on their hooves and looked up at Unicorn, who was now golden colored. The three fillies knew that was thanks to their wish that they were able to grant Sunset Shimmer this power.

“Oh no, Mister ya gotta go up to that flying thing!” Apple Bloom stated.

Why exactly? Decade asked.

“A friend of ours is trapped up there,” said Sweetie Belle.

Decade looked up at the flying Nega-Shocker base and nodded. The Silver Veil appeared and Decade disappeared into it.

Meanwhile, Sunset was giving Kaizer a run for his money, the giant continued to hold onto the Miracle Magic, which was still wrapped in a cocoon of negative energy, but it was quickly starting to fade. Sunset noticed this and fired several mana spheres at Kaizer’s right claw. The spheres exploded thunderously against his claw, making the giant roar in pain, but it seemed that he was adamant about not letting it go.

Kaizer Hell, you foalnapped three fillies, and sought to use them to corrupt a power that is all the pure and good in this world! These crimes, indeed your very nature, is a threat to all things good in this – and every universe! It’s time to restore harmony!

I will not be judged by the likes of you! I AM KAIZER HELL, LEADER OF NEGA-SHOCKER, AND CONQUEROR OF ALL WORLDS!!!

Kaizer Hell flapped his large draconic wings and flew into the sky, higher and higher until everything, even Unicorn looked like a speck. The dragon-centaur gathered all the energy he had absorbed and opened his mouth. Black flames began to form in his mouth, along with strands of magical energy. Unicorn saw this, and moved the Shining Memory into the right hip port, and pressed the button.


A whirlwind of golden light surrounded Sunset as she crouched low and gazed up at the dragon-centaur. Focusing that power into her legs, Sunset jumped into the air, appearing as a golden shooting star. Kaizer Hell fired all of his power in a massive flaming beam of black and multicolored energy that roared towards Unicorn, the sheer size of the beam was enough to cover the whole Everfree Forest and then some, but no doubt strong enough to wipe out everything for miles upon miles when it hit. Unicorn, despite seeing this, continued on, flipping around and thrusting her right hind leg forward. A construct horn formed, and along side it were flaming wings.


The two attacks met each other in the air, and to Kaizer Hell’s surprise, his beam was being blocked by Unicorn’s attack. The clash of power could be seen for miles all around, the Kamen Riders, and those ponies who knew who was fighting for them, all cried out in their hearts, a cry that Unicorn could hear in her heart as well.


Unicorn’s eyes and horn shined even brighter as she gave a fierce battle cry, her aura and light glowed like an inferno as she pushed forward with her attack. The beam began to part down the middle and disperse, fading to noting as Unicorn ascended higher and higher. Kamen Rider Unicorn finally struck her target right at the center of his chest, the impact was like resounding thunder that echoed throughout all of Equestria, and the power of that same attack carried Kaizer Hell higher and higher into the air as he screamed in pain and defiance of this situation.


Unicorn flew Kaizer Hell all the way up until they crashed into the flying fortress ship that remined stationed up above the forest. Upon impact, the ship exploded brilliantly in the night sky in giant aurora of colors, and from that explosion, hundreds of thousands of lights shot out and spread all over the land, appearing as fireworks to all who looked.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders all had looks of horror at the fact that Discord was aboard that ship. However, at the last second, The Silver Veil appeared behind the fillies and from it walked out Discord and Decade, the draconequss looking particularly chipper, and livelier than when they last saw him.

“Guess who’s got their magic back?” Discord asked before snapping his fingers and making multiple signs appear that read “This guy!” on them.

Where’s Sunset? Decade asked.

The three fillies looked up, still wondering themselves, but their answer arrived when Sunset Shimmer descended from the explosion and in her hooves she held the Miracle Magic, purified of the corruption that had surrounded it. Upon landing, Sunset released the Miracle Magic and allowed it to sink back into the earth, to slumber once more until it was truly needed.

Sunset’s Shining Day form dispersed, returning her to her normal pony form. All three fillies ran to her and hugged Sunset, practically tackling the unicorn mare. Sunset smiled and hugged the fillies close her, thanking them for their help in granting her the power she needed to finish this fight and save them. It didn’t take long before OOOs, Gaim, Fourze, and Wizard appeared now standing next to Decade. Sunset felt a wave of relief pass over her, her fellow Kamen Riders were safe, and…and…

“I feel really tired now…”

The unicorn mare suddenly lost all feeling in her legs and dropped, thankfully the Crusaders were right there, keeping her from hitting the ground and gently bringing her down. The fillies worried about Sunset, apparently the others were too as the other Riders ran towards her, changing back to normal form as they stood in a circle around Sunset Shimmer.

“Is she…?” Scootaloo dared ask.

Kouta knelt and placed his ear against the mare’s chest. The steady rhythmic thumping of her heart eased his worry. “No, she’s breathing, and her heart is beating. I think she’s just exhausted from the battle.”

“Let’s get her back to the castle, she’s earned some rest,” said Eiji.

“Please allow me, the least I can do for the ponies who saved not only me, but these three little ones,” said Discord.

The others nodded and waited for Discord to do his thing. While they did, Tsukasa walked over to the unicorn mare and patted her on the head while he smiled.

“Well done, rookie,” said Tsukasa. “Well done.”