• Published 4th Dec 2017
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Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Decade: Shocker Resurgence - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset's vacation is soured when enemies of past Kamen Riders set their sights on Equestria!

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Day 4: Cloudsdale Assault

The following day was a little awkward for both Twilight and Sunset, and Starlight could see it. Something was up, since both mares couldn’t go two seconds without blushing upon making eye contact. After breakfast Sunset decided to see if she could locate a certain unicorn in town and talk about the attacks that had happened so far, meanwhile, Twilight had Starlight meet her in private at the library. Starlight watched as her teacher and friend paced the room, knowing that she only did this when she was nervous or overthinking a problem.

“So…what’s on your mind, Twilight?” Starlight asked.

“Oh nothing, nothing at all! Except I may have a crush on Sunset Shimmer and we almost kissed each other last night in a moment of swelling emotions!”

Starlight’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew to saucer plate size. “Uh…Um…y-you like Sunset Shimmer that way, and you almost kissed her?!”

“I wasn’t really sure before, but I think I might like her that way! I mean, the first time we met it wasn’t entirely under good circumstances. The second time, well, I could tell she had changed a lot, and I could feel a connection between us when we were trying to defeat the Sirens.”

“And now?”

Twilight stopped. “Having her here, I…I feel strange here,” the Princess of Friendship placed a hoof on her heart, “I know it means something, because it only happens whenever I’m close to her. I’m sure it’s the same for you and Trixie.”

Starlight’s jaw dropped further. “YOU KNEW ABOUT US?! HOW LONG?!”

Twilight glanced to her student with a deadpan expression. “Starlight, you’re my pupil, I would be a terrible teacher I didn’t know what was going on in your life. Especially in your romantic pursuits.” A coy smile appeared on the Princess’ muzzle. “And you should really think about putting up a sound barrier spell on your room once and awhile, thank goodness I remember to do that for Spike’s room.”

Starlight’s face was blushing crimson red, embarrassed beyond all belief that her mentor had not only known about her relationship with Trixie, but that she could hear them. At this point Starlight wished her mane was as long as Fluttershy’s, because she wanted to hide behind it. “Okay…so…you think you like Sunset Shimmer that way, I mean I don’t blame you she is rather attractive, speaking objectively of course! So, what do you plan on doing then?”

“I don’t know…I mean, Sunset’s only going to be here for four more days, and she’s here to relax, I don’t want to stress her out with my…possible feelings towards her, and that’s not adding the recent attacks that have just happened,” said Twilight.

Starlight sighed. “Twilight, if spending time with you was stressful to her I doubt she’d stay here for her vacation. She chose to stay here and spend time with you, and trust me, being near somepony who cares about you is something that I’d like, and I do.”

Twilight rubbed her chin as she thought on this, her ears suddenly perked up as an idea struck her. “Then I should think of a…date! Spike – oh right where is that dragon? – Starlight!” The brainy alicorn levitated a quill and parchment to Starlight who quickly took hold of the objects. “You’re going to help me plan a date with Sunset Shimmer for tomorrow!”

Starlight deadpanned. “Oh boy…”

***__________<U> X [D] __________***

Sunset’s mind was still trying to make sense of what happened in her room. She was crying, she was feeling sorry for herself, and she remembered Twilight looking at her with kindness and looking desperate to console her. And then, there was the fact that they almost kissed. Even now Sunset could still had a tingling feeling on her lips from when she kissed Twilight, a feeling that would not seem to go away. Although Sunset wasn’t sure if that was essentially a bad thing.

Okay, let’s just analyze the situation. Twilight – Princess Twilight – is cute, really cute, in an adorkable way. She’s strong, kindhearted, resourceful, and…ahem…kind of hot. I mean, I did – maybe still do – have a crush on her since the Sirens thing, but now, why the heck does it feel like I’m betraying someone?

An image of Earth’s Twilight Sparkle flashed in Sunset’s mind, an image of the bespectacled girl smiling her cute smile, and looking at Sunset with eyes filled of wonder and admiration.

It…It can’t be, I mean…

“You seem deep in thought this morning.”

“GAH!” Sunset jumped at the sudden voice. Her head whipped around until she spotted Tsukasa lying on a sturdy tree branch, covered in the shade of the leaves. “Seriously, are you stalking me at this point and just randomly pop out nowhere?! Because I can only handle one pony/human who can do that!”

Tsukasa blinked at that response. “Whoa, sorry Sun-chan, guess it’s serious if you’re this riled up. But to answer your question, I was already hanging in the tree until I saw you. I guess it wasn’t about Shocker?”

Sunset sighed heavily. “I wish, at least with bad guys they’re a little straightforward in what they do. Sometimes. But since you brought up Shocker, I need to ask you. First Apple Bloom, and then Sweetie Belle, why the hell are they trying to kidnap fillies?”

Tsukasa’s horn glowed as he teleported himself from the tree branch and too the ground, he leaned against the same tree and thought on the question. “Knowing their track record, and speaking from experience. Children, no matter from what universe, have the ability to tap into magiks and otherworldly powers. Be it for their innocence and pure soul, or the circumstances of their birth, whatever the reason, children can tap into these great powers. Shocker has exploited this on multiple occasions, manipulating or turning children who have power into conduits of evil.”

Sunset began to ponder these words. “But…every filly and colt in Equestria has some sort of magic, Earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, each has magic unique to their tribe, heck, even zebras and griffons have it, even dragons.”

Tsukasa shrugged. “Then there must be something special about those two compared to every other child in this land. You’re from a world where there is a human counterpart to the pony version in this one, so I imagine those two fillies are there as well. Was there anything out of the ordinary happening with them, possibly before or after you became a Kamen Rider?”

Sunset thought back, as far as she could remember, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, that trio could be rambunctious and often times a bit of a pain, but they were just normal freshman girls. Other than their relation to each of her friends, but that shouldn’t have any bearing on this. “No…not necessarily.”

“What?” Tsukasa asked.

“The ones in my world, as far as I know, don’t have anything magical or supernatural going on. But then again, that’s their human counterparts, their pony counterparts on the other hand – we need to go, now!” Sunset stated.

The sun-yellow mare began to gallop down the street, with Tsukasa following alongside her. “What’s up, where are we going?”

“To the one pony here I know would know about random things that happen!”

Sunset and Tsukasa continued their gallop until they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Once inside, they spotted Pinkie Pie working the front counter, the pink party pony greeted the two unicorns with her happy-go-lucky smile as she waved to them. “Hi Sunset, hi pony-I-don’t-know – wait, a pony I don’t know?!”

The sun-yellow mare quickly enveloped Pinkie in her aura, freezing her in place. “Pinkie I know you want to do your little welcome wagon thing, but right now we need your help with something!”

Pinkie Pie nodded, she could see that Sunset quite serious, especially that look in her eyes, it was the same as Twilight’s when something was up. “Okie-dokie, what can I do?”

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, what can you tell me about them? I know them from my world, but there’re always some differences between both worlds.”

Pinkie Pie thought about that for a minute as her practically eidetic memory ran through events of the past regarding the three fillies. “Weeeeellll…I know they were all blank flanks, and became friends. They created a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders that was pretty much all about them searching for their special talents, and they did A LOT. Like this one time, Apple Bloom made a potion that made her get a cutie mark, but then ended up getting Cutie Pox and being forced to do whatever special talent the marks did!”

“Okay, but they have their marks now, and come to think of it, they look similar,” said Tsukasa.

“Oh that’s because they got them at the same time when they realized that they wanted to help other ponies remember what their cutie marks mean and to help other blank flanks like they were,” said Pinkie.

Sunset snapped to attention at that. “Wait, back up, they got their marks at the same time?!”

“Yep, kind of like how Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom was the thing that made us all realize our special talents and helped us get our cutie marks.” Pinkie sighed. “Ah, the memories.”

“Thanks, Pinkie! We need to get them, NOW!” Sunset stated.

***__________<U> X [D] __________***

Rarity lied in bed, with Sweetie Belle curled up next to her. After the events in Canterlot, the little filly was scared to sleep alone, so Rarity let her sleep in her bed. She didn’t mind really, she missed this, especially when Sweetie Belle was younger and was scared of thunderstorms, she’d run right into her room and curl up next to her. Rarity would be lying if she said she didn’t appreciate the company during those times, as she too would jump at the sound of thunder back then. Plus, it was like spending quality time again, but Rarity had wished it didn’t have to come from her little sister nearly getting foalnapped by monsters.

Suddenly, a flash of turquoise light went off over Rarity’s bed, starling the fashionista and making her release a shriek of surprise. The shriek woke up Sweetie Belle who added her own shriek, not knowing what was happening. Once the flash of magical light was gone, Rarity and Sweetie Belle realized it was Sunset Shimmer who was now standing over them.

“Sunset Shimmer, what in Equestria are you doing?!” Rarity asked.

“No time! Gotta get you to the castle, so hold on!”

Without even a chance to ask why, Sunset placed a hoof on Rarity and Sweetie and teleported. After a few seconds all three arrived in Twilight’s castle in the main entrance hall, Twilight was descending the stairs when she saw this, followed closely by Starlight Glimmer and Spike.

“What in the name of Celestia is going on here?” Twilight asked.

Rarity got up and moved her frazzled mane out of her face. “Exactly what I’d like to know myself?!”

Another flash of light went off, and this time Apple Bloom appeared, her face in complete shock. “Who, what, where, why?!”

A second flash went off and Applejack appeared next to Apple Bloom, the farm mare stumbled a bit in a daze from the sudden teleportation. “Whoo boy, tell me when the room stops spinnin’.”

A third flash of magic went off and now Tsukasa was standing in the room. “Got them, and it looks like you got yours, too.”

Starlight groaned as she tried to make sense of this. “Okay, what is going on?! Why are two teleporting our friends into the castle against their will? That’s kind of something I’d do.”

Sunset walked up to Starlight and Twilight with a panicked look. “We think we may know something. The monsters may be after the Crusaders! The last two attacks by monsters were aimed at getting them, and we think they may be after Scootaloo next!”

Everypony’s face contorted in shock at hearing this revelation. Tsukasa walked up to Twilight and asked, “Do you know where she is,” he then turned everypony, “anyone?”

“She’s with Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale!” Sweetie Belle stated.

“She was gonna have her aunts meet Rainbow’s parents, on account that they’re like sisters now,” said Apple Bloom.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at that. “But ain’t one of them an Earth pony?”

“Actually…” Starlight answered. “While you two were gone, Scootaloo brought her aunts over so that I could cast the cloud walking spell on her Aunt Holiday.”

“Wait a minute, Cloudsdale is up in the sky, you need wings to get to it, that or a hot air balloon or pegasus chariot, and I doubt a monster would use either,” said Spike.

“Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of monsters that can fly. After two failures like this, no doubt they want a win, no matter if it may cost lives,” said Tsukasa.

A feeling of dread came over everypony, the image of Cloudsdale falling from the sky popped into their minds, along with a foalnapped Scootaloo crying out for somepony to save her.

“We can teleport to Cloudsdale,” said Sunset.

Twilight and Starlight glanced to each other and then back to Sunset.

“Sunset, Starlight and myself can teleport to multiple locations, so we can go to Cloudsdale, but have you ever tried to teleport that vast a distance?” Twilight asked with concern.

“No, but I have to try.” Sunset stated with seriousness.

Tsukasa tapped his hoof against the floor, gaining the attention of everypony. “Okay, we can do that, or we have another option.” Tsukasa motioned for the fillies to move, upon which they quickly got behind the stallion. In a matter of seconds the Silver Veil appeared before them, it rippled like curtains with a breeze flowing through them. “I haven’t seen Cloudsdale, so I’ll need one of you to help visualize it.”

Rarity and Applejack stepped forward, taking up each side of the stallion.

“We can help with that, Mister,” said Applejack.

“Just tell us what to do,” said Rarity.

Tsukasa nodded to the mares. “Place your hooves on my shoulders and picture Cloudsdale in your minds, clearly.” Applejack and Rarity did as instructed, placing their hooves on Tsukasa and bringing up the mental image of Cloudsdale. The silver veil began to ripple like water, the haze inside it changed to a dingy blue, with clouds crafted into monolithic structures. “Now, think of someplace solid where many ponies can walk on.”

The Veil shifted, now showing the entrance to the Weather Factory.

“Perfect.” Tsukasa turned his head to Starlight, Sunset, and Twilight. “Let’s go, and I suggest the rest of you stay here. Shocker may not be able to reach you in this place.”

Rarity and Applejack didn’t know what “Shocker” was up to, but if it had anything to do with the monsters, they weren’t about to leave the castle that soon. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran up to Sunset Shimmer, their eyes welling with tears and filled with worry for their friend.

“You’ll save Scootaloo, right?” Apple Bloom.

“I promise. Tsukasa let’s transform now just in case.”

Tsukasa nodded.



[Kamen Ride: Decade! ]


***__________<U> X [D] __________***

Scootaloo was extremely excited, today was going to be watching the Cloudsdale Wonderbolts show, and what’s better, and she was going to share it with both her Aunts and Rainbow Dash’s parents. And per the request of Rainbow Dash, her parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles promised to dial down the cheering, at least she managed to talk them out of the fireworks cannons. Scootaloo glanced to her right, her Aunt Holiday was an Earth pony mare, with a light pink coat, two toned orange mane and tail, a red pearl necklace, and light magenta eyes. This was the first time she was actually in Cloudsdale, and it seemed that she was just a bit freaked out about being so high up.

The orange filly could see why, since Scootaloo herself was flight challenged, if you weren’t careful you’d fall right off the edge and straight to the ground. But Scootaloo imagined it was a little worse for Holiday, being an Earth pony she was more comfortable with solid dirt beneath her hooves. Scootaloo sighed as she nudged her hoof to her aunt and took hold of it, causing Holiday to look down at her niece.

“Sorry for dragging you up, Aunt Holly,” said Scootaloo. “I know you’re probably nervous about being up here and all.”

Holiday shook her head. “No, no, sweetie you have nothing to be sorry for. I mean, I am nervous about being this high up, but I’m also quite excited. I always wanted to see Cloudsdale since your Aunt Lofty grew up here, so I’m glad to have come. Also, it’s nice to see that there are other ponies who care about you as much as we do.”

To this, Bow and Windy turned their heads and smiled at the two mares. “Why wouldn’t we? This little trotter’s our daughter’s little sister, and far as I’m concerned, she’s family,” said Bow.

“Plus it’s like being able to cheer on Dashie all over again from when she was a filly! And…ahem…sorry again about the three of us crashing her report in class,” said Windy.

Oh yes, tale spread of how Rainbow Dash and her parents, at the end of Scootaloo’s report, entered the classroom and began cheering for her, despite Cheerliee’s numerous attempts to get them to stop. Lofty waved her hoof at the apology. “Please, as far as I’m concerned, that was wonderful! And Scootaloo, you should tell us when you’re feeling like that, you know you can come to me or Holiday if you’re feeling down.”

“It’s alright, I know you guys are busy and all, I mean, nowhere near as busy like Mom and Dad, but it’s fine,” said Scootaloo with a smile.

Lofty and Holiday didn’t like that, less so from Scootaloo’s parents who seemed more occupied with their work than their own daughter. Still, they didn’t want her to feel as if they were distant despite being so close. Suddenly the crowd began to cheer as the announcer spoke over the loudspeaker.


In less than a second the sky sounded with thunder as seven pegasi zoomed over the Cloudiseum, they performed a few loop-de-loops before diving straight down. The eyes of everypony followed the Wonderbolts, and five ponies in the crowd followed one Wonderbolt with a rainbow mane and tail. Scootaloo kept her eyes on the Wonderbolts, not wanting to miss a thing of their performance, especially her idol.

However, there was something that caught the filly’s attention. Something down below the Cloudiseum. There were three black specks, at first Scootaloo thought them to be black feathered birds and was not going to pay them any mind, but then when she saw some birds fly close to the black specks, the birds vanished in a flash. Scootaloo started to become worried, especially when she noticed the specks getting bigger, or rather, getting closer.

“Uh…Auntie Lofty, Aunt Holiday…” Both mares looked away from the show and looked to their niece. “What’s that?”

Holiday and Lofty followed Scootaloo’s gaze all the way to the bottom of the Cloudiseum, where they too spotted the three specks, which were now considerably closer as to make out some pointy features. Holiday looked towards Windy and Bow and asked, “Um, are those normal around here?”

Windy and Bow looked down and they too sported confused looks on their faces as the objects were now even closer. Suddenly, three flashes of light erupted from the objects, and crescents of gold, purple, and silver light rose up and struck the Cloudiseum, exploding upon impact and causing many pegasi to fall from their seats. Several managed to correct themselves before getting too far, however the explosion jostled one pony that could not.

Holiday found herself slowly turning around as she watched Scootaloo, her wife Lofty, Windy, and Bow getting further away. The weightlessness hit her next, and with that the realization that she was falling. There was no sturdy clouds around them, most were blown away from the explosion, and it was a straight fall down thousands of feet all way to the ground. She watched as Scootaloo flared her wings and prepared to take off after her, but Bow quickly grabbed the filly, holding onto her to keep her from doing something foolish. Holiday smiled, at least they knew that she couldn’t fly yet.

Lofty spread her wings and jumped off, diving straight down after her wife. Unfortunately, their path took them straight to where the attackers were. Lofty folded her wings, gaining some speed and closing the gap between them. Within a few seconds, Lofty had caught up to Holiday, the sturdy pegasus brought Holiday into her arms, holding her tight as she unfurled her wings and stopped their descent.

Holiday looked into her wife’s teary eyes and said, “Thank you!”

“Like I was going to just watch you fall,” said Lofty.

“How cute, love.” Lofty and Holiday turned their heads towards the voice. Before them floated a creature, its body was humanoid, colored black with patches of armor that were colored in white and various shades of orange, almost like a stain glass window. In its right hand the creature carried a long sword, with a glowing golden aura that indicated that it was one of the attackers. “Allow me to end your existence at the same time.”

Both mares shut their eyes, there was no way to dodge this monster’s blade.

“AIR BULLETS!” The Kaijin was assaulted by several condensed, emerald wind spheres. Each one exploded against the Kaijin’s body and forced it to retreat from the mares. When the mares opened their eyes again, they were shocked to see a pony clad in armor. Kamen Rider, Mystic Cyclone, had arrived. “I’m a friend of Princess Twilight, is Scootaloo safe?”

Holiday and Lofty didn’t know how this pony knew about their niece, but considering she just saved them, they were willing to be a bit trusting. “She’s up in the Cloudiseum, the parents of her friend are watching her right now!” Holiday stated.

“You two need to get her, and then all six of you, Rainbow Dash included, need to head to Twilight’s castle ASAP!” Unicorn ordered.

“Hold on,” said Lofty. “What’s going on?! Why are they after our niece?!”

Unicorn glanced back at the mares. “Princess Twilight will explain, but you need to get Scootaloo to safety!”

Lofty still didn’t know if they could fully trust this mare, but the look on Holiday’s face told her that if it concerned Scootaloo’s safety then they had to go to her. With that, Lofty began her ascension back to the Cloudiseum, with Unicorn following close behind.

***__________<U> X [D] __________***

The Wonderbolts went from their normal stunt flying routine to their second role as aerial defense, helping the other pegasi evacuate that were either trapped by denser cloud debris or just too scared to get moving without some motivation, even though one would think monsters would be a perfect motivator. Bow and Windy had taken Scootaloo and began to fly as fast as they could out of the Cloudiseum, Bow had Scootaloo held in his forelegs as Windy flew under him, just in case Scootaloo slipped from his grip she’d be there to catch her.

It was times like this that Scootaloo cursed her flightless wings. Why were they not strong enough to carry her? Why couldn’t she fly when foals younger than her were already soaring in the skies with their parents? It was frustrating, annoying, and degrading, especially when she had to be carried. But in this case she wasn’t complaining, she felt safe with Mr. Bow and Mrs. Windy looking after her, however she was worried more for her aunts.

She saw her Aunt Holiday fall down, and shortly after Auntie Lofty had taken off after her. Scootaloo had no doubt Lofty had caught Holiday, but it was the thought of them running into those monsters that scared her the most.

Suddenly, the three noticed several pegasi flying in the opposite direction, and it wasn’t long before they saw why. A creature was flying toward them, a female humanoid in appearance, its chest and shins had silver armor, with its shoulder plates colored silver and black. The creature’s face was insect like, with large ear-like things coming out of its head. This monster also shared the same stain glass motif as the other, and wielded a trident.

The monster swiped the trident in a wide arc, sending bolts of emerald lightning dancing across the area. Several explosions went off as the bolts struck against the denser cloud material that was used for the surrounding structures, some pegasi had gotten caught in the explosions and were sent flying into other cloud structures or sent into a nosedive, out of pure instinct many other pegasi dove down to catch them before they hit the unforgiving earth below.

Bow, Windy, and Scootaloo quickly did an about face and flew away from the monster. Much to their horror, the monster flew in their direction. The creature plowed through many mares and stallions, firing bolts of emerald lightning to either make the other ponies move out of the way, or to shoot down Bow who was carrying Scootaloo.

Windy was watching the monster’s movements, she directed Bow to fly to the left, which he did. The mare noticed that the monster moved with them. Windy again directed Bow to fly to the right, and once again it matched them.

“That thing is following us!” Windy stated.

“What?! Why?!” Bow asked.

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely just coming after us, I mean it’s not even bothering with the other ponies!”

Bow looked back and saw that this was true, several pegasi ponies were flying away, and were in striking distance of the monster, but it barely paid them any attention. Crap, she’s right!

“LOOK OUT!” Scootaloo shouted.

The husband and wife looked forward and saw another monster. While the other was scary, this one was more fearsome. Another humanoid creature, but had insect-like features as its fellow monster. It was a blackish-brown color, with parts of its body showing a stain glass coloring. This creature sported a leathery cape, and had sharp teeth. In its left hand it held a large scythe that glowed with violet light. Bow and Windy stopped, they were essentially trapped.

“Give us the child, and you two may live,” said the scythe wielder.

“Or we kill you both and take her anyway, your choice,” said the trident wielder.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened with fear. Why were monsters coming after her? What did she do to make monsters mad enough to do so? Maybe a past crusade gone bad and coming back to bite her in the flank? I think I would know if I ticked off a bunch of monsters!

The young filly glanced to Bow and Windy, she cared for them as a second mom and dad, besides Lofty and Holiday who were practically her mothers at this point. Bow and Windy had fierce expressions on their faces, both trying to figure out a way out of this situation.

“Mrs. Windy, Mr. Bow, give me to them,” said Scootaloo.

“WHAT?!” Both exclaimed.

“Rainbow Dash would be sad if anything happened to you! I’ll be fine just do it!”

Bow and Windy both had stern looks on their faces as they turned to Scootaloo.

“If you know our Dashie, then you know she’d be even sadder if she knew we gave you up to monsters,” said Windy.

“You’re part of the family, kiddo, and family doesn’t just abandon each other,” said Bow.

Scootaloo’s eyes willed up with tears, both from happiness at hearing that Rainbow Dash’s parents considered her part of the family, and at the fact that they may lose their lives because of her.

“Choice is made then,” said the scythe wielder.

Both monsters readied to slay Windy and Bow.

[Form Ride: Kiva Basshaa.]

Before either monster could attack, they were barraged by several energy bolts, making sparks fly from their bodies and forcing both monsters to move back. All three pegasi gazed at the one who saved them, following the shots to their point of origin.

Kamen Rider Decade had appeared, standing at the edge of a cloud, he assumed the form of Kamen Rider Kiva, but now in Basshaa form, and wielding the Bashaa Magnum. The armor around Tsukasa’s hind legs were silver, with the right leg wrapped in chains, the chest plate was deep green color, matching that of the right shoulder pauldron, and the blaster in his hoof. The normally yellow eyes of the Kiva form were now same green color.

I’d suggest getting behind me before they regroup, said Decade.

Despite the fact that there was an armor clad unicorn firing some strange weapon at the monsters, they were more than happy to take their chances with him. Once they had flown behind Decade, the Kamen Rider resumed fire, keeping both Kaijin at bay.

“What are they?!” Scootaloo asked.

Fangire, the Mantis and Silkmoth to be exact. What did they say they wanted?


Decade glanced at the filly and hummed for a moment. My partner will be here soon with your aunts, all five of you are to get out of this city and to Princess Twilight’s castle!

Mantis growled in frustration and began spinning his scythe around to block the shots from Decade’s blaster, allowing him to fly towards the Kamen Rider and close the distance. “You will not escape us!”

Before Tsukasa could react, several orbs of condensed wind energy flew at Mantis, making the Fangire retreat back to Silkmoth’s position. Tsukasa glanced to his left and saw Kamen Rider Unicorn, as well as Lofty and Holiday following close behind. Both mares set down on the cloud and Bow released Scootaloo. The young filly wasted little time as she flew to her aunts and was embraced fiercely by both of them.

Unfortunately, they did not come alone, the Moth Fangire had rejoined its brother and sister, and now the Riders were looking at a three on two scenario. “Now would be a good time to open that portal thing, Decade,” said Unicorn.

It takes a minute, and we cannot risk one of those Fangire passing through while they are.

“Then what do you suggest?”

Decade looked to the Fangire, to Unicorn, and then to the group of five behind them. Just then, his Ride Booker began to glow, Decade used his magic to open the book and from it floated a card that made the stallion smirk. Unicorn, deactivate your Mimetic Drive.

Sunset didn’t know where this was going, but at this point she had to trust Tsukasa’s judgment. Unicorn deactivated the Cyclone Memory and landed on the cloud in an upright position. Decade opened his buckle, and placed the card into it.

[Final Form Ride: U-U-Unicorn!]

This might tickle a bit, said Decade.

Decade walked behind Sunset and placed his hooves against her back. Unicorn immediately went stiff as a board as a light shined from behind her back. In a matter of seconds Kamen Rider Unicorn’s body shifted, transforming into a mechanized unicorn. Its body was a sleek metallic turquoise, with a silver mane that was honed like a blade edge, and silver tail that also appeared sword-like. Unicorn’s eyes shined with turquoise light as its crystal horn shined, to the other ponies she appeared like a mechanical Saddle Arabian.

Unicorn looked upon her transformed state, finding this new form both scary, exhilarating, and disturbing. She glanced behind herself and gave a glowing eyed glare at Decade. You’re stronger aren’t you?

The Mecha Unicorn snorted out steam, but nonetheless nodded.

“It’s not Kiva, it’s Decade!” Moth shouted.

“Moth, take the child, Silkmoth and I will take care of the Kamen Riders!” Mantis stated.

Both moths nodded and proceeded to attack. Silkmoth unleashed a torrent of emerald lightning, but Mecha Unicorn’s horn glowed and produced a large barrier around all of them. Mantis came in and struck the barrier, trying to pierce through it. But Unicorn wasn’t having any of that, her horn and eyes shined as the barrier expanded, again, and again, and again. With a wild neigh, the barrier burst apart, sending a shockwave of energy that pushed Mantis, Moth, and Silkmoth back.

Unicorn’s hooves blazed with ethereal energy as she motioned for Decade to get on. The Kamen Rider jumped up and landed on Unicorn’s back; she ran forward, making the others fear that both were going to fall off the edge, but Unicorn’s hooves struck the air and propelled her forward, as if she was running on solid land. Decade took aim with his Bashaa Magnum and fired multiple shots at the Fangire as Unicorn circled them.

Moth broke out of the circle and began spreading its moth dust, after a few seconds the dust began to ignite and a series of explosions followed Mecha Unicorn and Decade. Unicorn and Decade nodded to each other, and Decade jumped off of Unicorn. The mecha pony’s horn glowed again, gathering mana until it formed a blade of pure magical energy. Mantis flew at Unicorn and began dueling with her, sparks flying as his scythe clashed with her energy blade.

Silkmoth came from behind and prepared to strike her, but Unicorn’s tail energized and lashed out, meeting Silkmoth’s blow. Unicorn glanced back, her mechanical form couldn’t show it, but she was smirking as if saying “No sneak attacks for you.”

Meanwhile Moth was looking for Decade, the dust cloud from the explosive moth dust had clouded the area. Decade was in fact high above Moth, using his magic to self-levitate for a short time. Tsukasa released the spell and let himself go into a controlled dive. Taking aim with his blaster, Decade unleashed a barrage of aqua energy straight at Moth. Sparks flew from Moth’s body again and again as she tried to defend herself and prepared to release more dust.

Decade spun in midair until his hind hooves were pointed at Moth. The Kamen Rider made contact, using his momentum and weight to force Moth into freefall, while he was standing on her, Decade fired the blaster at point blank range several times before kicking off her.

Mecha Unicorn managed to land two strong blows on both Mantis and Silkmoth, causing them to fly backwards. Sunset saw what Decade had done and ran down at great speeds to catch him. She teleported three times before reaching Decade and having him land on her back. Think we should finish this?

Unicorn snorted her agreement as she ascended higher into the sky. Decade disengaged his Kiva form and returned to his default armor form. Decade took out another card and placed into the buckle.

[Attack Ride: Illusion!]

At that moment, three Decades and three Unicorns split off. In perfect sync they turned around and aimed themselves for Fangire. Decade took out one last card and put into the Driver.

[Final Attack Ride: U-U-Unicorn!]

The Decades jumped off and allowed all three Mecha Unicorns to transform, shifting into a leg and foot. The horn moved forward and pointed outwards at the tip of the foot. The Decades extended their right hind legs forward as the Unicorn Leg attached itself to Decade’s leg. The horn gathered mana energy, recreating the magical blade from before. With a mighty battle cry, all three Decades and Unicorns split off to take out their own Fangires.

The right Decade and Unicorn came down in an ax kick, slicing Silkmoth down the middle. The left Decade and Unicorn dealt a side kick, the mana blade slicing through Mantis from the right side. And finally, the center Decade and Unicorn performed a spinning kicking, becoming a windmill of destruction as Moth was caught up in the whirlwind of energy. All three copies reappeared behind their targets, with Unicorn returning to her mechanical equine mode. All three Fangire shattered like fragile glass before exploding. The Decades and Unicorn rejoined the center copies, returning to the originals from whence they split from.

Both Kamen Riders returned to the cloud plateau, finding that the families had been watching the battle the entire time. Once Unicorn landed, Decade jumped off, allowing Unicorn to return to her original pony form. The mare Kamen Rider had a shiver go through her body from her transformation into the mechanical equine.

“Okay, we’re never doing that again, that just felt too weird!” Unicorn stated.

I warned you it would tickle, said Decade.

“‘Tickle’? That was, was, I don’t even have words! The only time you’re doing that again is if there is NO other options.” Decade shrugged but nodded his head in agreement. Unicorn went to Scootaloo and Dash family, looking them over for signs of injury. “You all okay?”

“Yeah, thanks to you two,” said Scootaloo.

“Those monsters said they were after Scootaloo, why was that?” Bow asked.

We’ll explain, but we’ll do it somewhere safer,said Decade. The red Kamen Rider waved his hoof and the Silver Veil appeared, it rippled for a moment and showed an image of the inside of Twilight’s castle. It’s safe, your friends are waiting for you.

Good, thanks for making it easy, Decade.

Sunset and Tsukasa looked up as an Earth pony stallion, clad in silver armor like a Kamen Rider, jumped over the Silver Veil and landed behind both of them. Before the either one could react, the dark Rider, Shadow Moon, energized his foreleg blades and dashed towards Unicorn and Decade. In one swift motion Shadow Moon slashed both Riders, dealing massive damage as sparks sprayed from their armor and sent them spiraling until they hit the clouds. Shadow Moon wasted no time as he dashed for Scootaloo, the adult ponies tried to put themselves between Scootaloo and Shadow Moon, but the latter proved to be stronger than four ponies.

Shadow Moon, with his remarkable speed, tossed all four adults like rag dolls to the side, leaving Scootaloo cowering before the dark Kamen Rider. Shadow Moon raised his right hoof, above it formed a sphere of glowing, violet-black fire. The dark Rider thrust the sphere forward and Scootaloo was instantly surrounded by the flames. For a moment, Unicorn, Decade, Bow, Windy, Holiday, and Lofty believed Shadow Moon burned her alive. But were equal parts relieved and worried when they saw Scootaloo was trapped inside the sphere. Shadow Moon tapped the sphere and Scootaloo began to disappear.

“SCOOTALOO!” Lofty and Holiday shouted.

But it was too late, Scootaloo had vanished into a dark void. Shadow Moon looked back at the two Riders, his green eyes flashed as he turned his attention towards the Silver Veil.

“NO!” Unicorn shouted.

Shadow Moon leaped into the Veil, but Unicorn, despite the pain from the fierce blow, rose to her hooves and sprinted for the portal.

***__________<U> X [D] __________***

Twilight was pacing the floor, going back and forth, turning on a dime once she reached a designated point in her mind. Applejack was busy horsing around with Apple Bloom, the two sisters deciding to get into a wrestling match while they waited. Rarity, upon permission from Twilight, used one of her numerous bathrooms to freshen up and returned to Sweetie Belle’s side, the young unicorn had been watching both Apple siblings getting into it, and nudged Rarity as if suggesting they’d do the same. One look at Applejack and Apple Bloom, and then Rarity’s face, already told Sweetie Belle that that was not happening. Worth a shot.

Starlight was standing with them as well, watching Twilight pace about. “Twilight they’ll be fine, I don’t know about that Tsukasa guy, but Sunset’s a tough mare, they’ll protect Scootaloo.”

“I know…I know Sunset’s tough, resourceful, and apparently skilled in combat, but these enemies are different from what she’s been facing, and who knows what abilities or otherworldly powers they wield!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Well, for that she has Tsukasa, he seems to be knowledgeable about these monsters.”

Twilight snorted.

Starlight lips began to curl into a coy smile. “Twilight, you wouldn’t happen to be jealous of Tsukasa, are you?”

Twilight’s face flushed. “E-Excuse me?!”

“Well, he is like a mentor to Sunset as far as Kamen Rider stuff, and I won’t lie he does have a certain charm to him,” said Starlight.

The purple alicorn’s brow rose. “You better not let Trixie hear you say that, and on that note I thought you were into mares?”

“I am, but that doesn’t mean I’m opposed to –”

Starlight was cut off when the Silver Veil appeared, a sigh of relief was released by everypony, believing the mission to be a success. However, that relief was quickly dashed when another pony exited the Veil. Shadow Moon stood before the gathered ponies and drake, all of them staring at the new Rider with worry. Unlike Sunset and Tsukasa, this one emitted an intimidating aura, and evil miasma that threatened to crush them in an instant.

Twilight and Starlight entered defensive stances, channeling their magic into their horns in preparation for battle. Shadow Moon took one step forward, but the magic of the castle went to work. A pulse of harmonic energy shot through the room and pushed on Shadow Moon, the dark Rider felt an incredible amount of magical energy try to force him back out through the Veil, indeed the magic of the Elements that flowed and made this structure was still protecting its bearers and trying to force the evil presence away.

Such power…however… Shadow Moon began to rise onto his hind legs, standing in an upright position. The crystal at the center of his belt began to release a dark green glow. Against the power of a Century King, and the collective power of the Underworld, it means nothing.

Shadow Moon’s aura enveloped his body, cancelling out the power that was forcing him to leave. Twilight and Starlight wasted no time, charging up their horns and unleashing dual beams of magical energy. Rosy and sea-green mana swirled together into a double helix, combining into one powerful beam that roared towards Shadow Moon. The Earth pony dark Rider was ready, to his right hoof he summoned a sword. The hilt was golden, with a cross guard that curved outward and connected to the pummel to protect the wielder’s hand, or hoof in this case. The blade was ruby red, and hummed with power.

The dark Rider raised his sword, the infamous Satan Saber, and slashed the beam of magical might. With one blow the magical beam of Equestria’s two magical prodigies was shredded like cheap confetti, the resulting backlash of the dispelled energy sent a jolt of energy that sent both Starlight and Twilight flying towards the walls. The unicorn and alicorn mares quickly erected barriers around themselves, but due to the speed, they weren’t able to get a stronger barrier up. When they impacted, it left craters in the walls.

Starlight and Twilight began to fall from the walls, but Applejack and Rarity quickly ran to catch their friends before their fall did more damage. Shadow Moon wasted little time as he walked towards the fillies, but Spike quickly put himself between the dark Rider and his friends. Shadow Moon paused as if either considering whether the dragon was a threat, and dumbfounded that the little drake would even try, considering how easily he dispatched probably the strongest beings in the room.

Spike inhaled deeply, tapping into his draconic power, and bellowed a jet stream of green flames that washed over Shadow Moon. The dark Rider just stood there, not even phased by the intense flames that would’ve burned anypony badly. Shadow Moon raised the Satan Saber and slashed once again, cutting through the flames and parting them down the middle. The dark Rider closed in on Spike and delivered a swift kick to his midsection, stopping the flames and causing Spike to double over in pain.

“SPIKE!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shouted.

Both fillies watched in horror as Shadow Moon raised his sword to slay the dragon. But the Veil behind him began to ripple, drawing Shadow Moon’s attention away from Spike.



From the Veil, Kamen Rider Unicorn jumped out, having changed into Fang Edge form. Two glowing, crescent blades were extended from her forelegs as she spun out and came down with her left blade. Shadow Moon turned around and met her attack with his sword, creating a shockwave that pushed the fillies and drake back to where their sisters were.

“You won’t take them, too!” Unicorn shouted.

You may be a Kamen Rider, but you’re still fresh to the fight. I have fought Riders stronger than you, said Shadow Moon.

The ruby blade of the Satan Saber flashed as Shadow Moon pushed forward. The resulting energy burst, snapped the Arm Fang blade like a twig and forced Unicorn to vault over Shadow Moon, and land a few feet behind him. Unicorn quickly took out her Fang Memory and replaced it with another.


Unicorn’s armor changed again, shifting into her other form of Ace High. Thanks to the booster effect of Joker, Sunset’s speed, strength, and reflexes were doubled. Unicorn shot straight for Shadow Moon, cocking back her right hoof for a punch. Shadow Moon raised his left foreleg, blocking the punch as a concussive wave of force was released upon impact. Unicorn did not relent as she continued throwing on punch after the other, and throwing in some kicks. Shadow Moon managed to either parry or block most of Unicorn’s attacks.

But even still, it was clear that there was a big gap between their fighting experience, where Sunset had only been a Kamen Rider for a few months, both Decade and Shadow Moon had been Riders for years. Honed by their countless battles against monsters of all kinds across different worlds, compared to them, Sunset might as well be a grade-schooler. Despite that, she couldn’t give up, giving up meant Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be taken as well.

I let down Scootaloo, I WILL NOT LET THEM DOWN!

Unicorn went for a spinning kick with her left hind leg, and Shadow Moon did the same, both their kicks struck at the same time. The concussive wave was strong enough to send them both skidding backwards. Shadow Moon gave a low growl as he dismissed his Satan Saber.

“Giving up now?” Unicorn asked.

No, you’re just not worthy of my blade. Shadow Moon corrected.

Unicorn growled in frustration and moved the Joker Memory into her right hip port.


Sunset stood on her hind legs as her cocked back her right hoof. Blazing purple energy ignited around that hoof as her helmet’s eyes shined in unison with her horn. Shadow Moon seemed unimpressed as he took his stance as well, the emerald King Stone at the center of his belt began to spin and glow. Shadow’s right hoof was wrapped in dark green electrical energy, which was building with each passing second.


Rider Punch!

Both Kamen Riders dashed towards each other, in a split second they closed the gap between them. Everypony inside the castle closed their eyes as a blinding light erupted from them. A thunderous explosion rocked the castle to its core, and from one of the walls a stream of violet light burst its way through and continued on into the distance, while on the opposite side, a burst of dark green energy shot up at an angle towards the sky. Twilight and Starlight finally regained consciousness, the explosion having been the right amount of loud to jar them awake. Their eyes were greeted by the blinding light, making them wince and cover their eyes. When the light finally began to fade, everypony dared to open their eyes, and what they saw shocked them.

Unicorn and Shadow Moon had met at the center. The former’s hoof had not connected with Shadow Moon, it had only went past his left shoulder pad, only grazing the armor. The latter, however, did connect, Shadow Moon’s right hoof was buried right in Unicorn’s midsection. For a moment nothing was said, not a breath taken.

Then, micro explosions began to go off all over Unicorn’s armor, sending sparks spraying everywhere. Shadow Moon lurched forward, picking up Unicorn with the same hoof and then slamming her back down into the floor hard enough to leave a body sized crater in the floor. When Shadow Moon removed his hoof, Sunset’s Rider form fell apart in particles of light, leaving only an injured unicorn mare lying on the ground in pain. Sunset’s vision began to blur as Shadow Moon looked down upon her, his voice became distant.

Remember this pain…Remember your inadequacy…Against Shocker, this is the only outcome, all shall fall…the Miracle Magic will be ours…