• Published 4th Dec 2017
  • 3,344 Views, 96 Comments

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Decade: Shocker Resurgence - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset's vacation is soured when enemies of past Kamen Riders set their sights on Equestria!

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Day 5 (part 1): Mobilize

Ambassador Hell sat upon his throne as he focused his hellish powers, this draconic form was unusual to what he was accustomed to, but it had power, and if aligned to his powers just right, could prove to be a more suitable vessel than his other form. Thoughts of past defeats by the Kamen Riders, as well as the betrayal of their weapon, Decade, passed through Hell’s mind. Each time, the Riders would defeat them with the “power of justice” or the “magic of friendship and unity”.

Hell scoffed at that, there was no “justice”, there was only power absolute, and the one who wielded it. Friendship was nothing, there are only those who rule and those who obey. Those too stupid to know the difference were quickly destroyed under the weight of their own naïveté. Which is why this world, Equestria, filled with such ideals and power that was derived from those notions, was the perfect starting ground.

Converting all this positive energy into negative, would bolster Shocker’s power, not even the Kamen Riders would be able to stop them, even if they allied with the Super Sentai, it would not help. And it all began with the power of the Miracle Magic.

Suddenly, the throne room doors opened up, and Shadow Moon walked through them. Hovering above him were three orbs, each one containing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Shadow Moon knelt down before Hell and said, Sire, I have brought the Catalysts.

“Excellent, Shadow Moon, take them to the holding cells. It is time Shocker – no – Nega-Shocker, to rise!” Hell announced. “Have Tirek informed that the plan is moving forward now, our assault will begin shortly.”

Shadow Moon nodded and walked back out with the three fillies in tow. All during the walk, the girls saw monsters, each one terrifying. Some snapped at the orbs that held them, prompting Shadow Moon to stamp his hoof to bring them in line, apparently Shadow Moon was the second-in-command, and powerful enough to make the other monsters part and shut up upon his say so. Along the way Apple Bloom tried to take note of their surroundings, the walls were made of metal, in fact everything was. Steam hissed out of pipes while others hummed as energy passed through them and into different areas.

A sliding door rose and inside were several holding cells, and in one of them was someone the fillies recognized. Discord rose up upon seeing Shadow Moon, but his fury suddenly quelled when he saw who it was that the stallion had brought with him. Two Combatmen unicorns were guarding the cell and opened it up for its new occupants. Shadow Moon willed the spheres to enter the cell where Discord was, and once inside, the spheres popped, dropping all three fillies, unceremoniously, to the floor.

Scootaloo ran towards the bars and glared at the stallion. “You won’t get away with this, our sisters will come beat you guys!”

Shadow Moon glanced over his shoulder. Hope, such a fragile thing. Learn to despair, as soon, that is all that will remain for you three.

With those parting words, Shadow Moon exited the holding cells. Scootaloo banged her hooves against the bars and crossed her forelegs, slumping against them.

“Well isn’t this a fine kettle of fish, right about now a kettle of fish would appear though,” said Discord as he lamented the loss of his chaos magic.

“They got you too?” Sweetie Belle asked. “How?”


The Crusaders all looked at Discord as if he was joking, or wished he was. But the look on the draconequess’ face said otherwise. The fillies remembered the terror Tirek brought to Equestria, compared to the other baddies their sisters and their friends faced, Tirek was the closest to bringing all of Equestria to ruins.

“We have to warn ‘em, if that varmint’s back, then he could steal their magic!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“Oh c’mon, they all had their magic stolen by him, and they still beat him,” said Scootaloo.

“That was before all this. I mean, those monsters, that dragon, and that pony?! None this is normal stuff, even for Equestria! They’re on another level, and they don’t care who they hurt to get it!” Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo felt a twinge of fear, remembering the assault that the three Fangires unleashed on Cloudsdale. “But…why us?”

Discord sighed. “I wish I knew, but whatever it is it involves you three, and they’ve been very tight lipped about it. And those two aren’t exactly chatterboxes either.”

“Kee, Kee!”


“…So, what do we do?” Apple Bloom asked.

Discord looked to the three fillies, his joking manner wouldn’t serve him here. He had a feeling that this was going to get worse before it got better, especially considering that Tirek had not stolen the fillies magic, which meant they needed them for something. What for he had no idea, but these beings were truly evil, and Discord doubted they had no any qualms about harming children.

“Hope, hope that our friends will defeat them, and save you,” said Discord.

“They’ll save you too, Discord,” said Sweetie Belle.

The three fillies gathered around Discord, the draconequss encircled the fillies, acting as protection. He couldn’t do much, but he was at least going to make sure these fillies weren’t as scared as he was.

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

Sunset Shimmer slowly regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open and gazing at the crystal ceiling of the castle. Her body hurt all over, especially in her ribs. She felt incredibly weak, straining just to turn her head. Sunset managed to turn to her left, feeling a presence. When she did she was shocked to see Princess Celestia, her head cushioned by her forelegs as she rested her head on them.

Many thoughts ran through her mind, but right now, she was just happy to see her. Her ethereal mane seemed to have settled, its wavy nature having stopped as Celestia rested. Sunset remembered that she used to do this for her, whenever she got sick with a cold, Princess Celestia would sleep at her bedside, no matter how busy she was, and despite the fact that doctors said she’d be fine.

Sunset managed to get enough strength into her left hoof to move a lock of Princess Celestia’s mane from her face. The action caused the alicorn to stir, and once her eyes fell on Sunset she immediately shot up into attention. “Sunset!”

“Heh, heh…morning, or is it afternoon?” Sunset asked.

“Night, actually. Late night, but it doesn’t matter, I’m just happy you awoke at all!” Princess Celestia’s eyes began to water as she sniffled. “When Twilight told me what happened, I was so worried.”

Sunset sighed in disappointment. “I hurt you again…How…How can you still care about me after everything I did back when I was here?”


“I was selfish, cruel, I acted superior to everypony around me, including you! I spurned the affection and friendship of anypony who got close to me, and I only carried that over into another world where I became even worse!” Sunset’s eyes began to water as she recalled the horrible things she did in the past. “And I know it hurt you more, because…I know I’m like a daughter to you…You adopted me, got me out of the orphanage, and practically raised me, and look how I repay you!”

Now Celestia understood, this was why Sunset had not made contact with her for some time after everything was settled. “Sunset, I did adopt you, and that makes me your parent. And like any parent and child, we have arguments, we have times when we will say hurtful things to each other, but that doesn’t mean that deep down we don’t still love each other. Sometimes in the heat of those moments we forget that, and it makes it hard for us to know how say ‘I’m sorry’ when it feels like it’s not enough.”

Sunset nodded as she continued to cry.

“I had Twilight inform me of everything, and I do mean everything. I know about what you did when you stole her Element of Harmony, I know how you were important part in defeating the Sirens, and how you rescued Twilight’s counterpart from nearly destroying both our worlds. Even more than that, I know the deeds you have done as a Kamen Rider, risking your life to protect others from both those who would cause harm, and those who were lost.”

Princess Celestia moved closer to her adopted daughter and ran her hoof through her mane. At first Sunset flinched from the contact, but as Celestia continued, she began to relish the soothing contact. “I couldn’t be more proud of you Sunset, you’ve come such a long, long way.”

It took several minutes before Sunset found her voice again, most of that time was spent just enjoying the presence of her adoptive mother, and the feeling that the worst of her offenses were behind her now. After another minute of silence, Sunset finally asked, “What’s going on now?”

Princess Celestia sighed heavily. “Right now I have the Royal Guard that are stationed around Equestria, I have also requested the aid of the Wonderbolts to search for this enemy, Shocker. Twilight and Starlight are using their magic on the Map to see if they can locate their base of operations. I’ve done what I can to console the families of the fillies who were foalnapped, but their understandably distraught and fearful of what will happen to the little ones.”

Sunset growled as tried to left her right hoof to hit the mattress. “It’s my fault…I wasn’t strong enough to save them, even after I promised them that I would…!”

Celestia placed her hoof on Sunset’s cheek and directed her to look at the Princess of the Sun directly. “You haven’t failed them yet, so long as you are still willing to keep that promise you haven’t, but you will if you decide to now. Understand?”

Sunset nodded. “Where’s Tsukasa, I thought he might have some insight as to where they are?”

“That stallion has disappeared, to where I don’t know. The only thing he said before leaving was ‘Shocker is mobilizing, and it won’t be long before they make their move.’ He also said, ‘Tell the rookie to hold the fort until I get back’.”

The sun-yellow mare rolled her eyes at that message. “Great.” Sunset tried to get up, but Celestia placed her hoof on Sunset’s chest. “C’mon, I need to help!”

“You help by healing, I used my magic to heal you as best I could, but I didn’t want to strain your body. I plan on administering another healing spell after you’ve gotten some rest, so lie down,” said Celestia in a stern tone.

Sunset relented and went back to lying on the bed. “That Rider, he said something about the ‘Miracle Magic’, what is that?”

“I don’t know, but I have somepony from the Crystal Empire coming to give some insight. He’s been researching it and may have found some information. He should be here by dawn via train,” said Celestia. “For now rest, I’m not going anywhere.”

Sunset smiled and scooted down back into the blankets, upon closing her eyes, sleep began to quickly take her. Before completely knocking out, Sunset managed to whisper, “Thanks, Mom…”

Celestia had to stifle a crying fit, but was able to keep her composure as she leaned forward and kissed Sunset below her horn, and continued to watch over her adopted daughter.

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

Elsewhere, further from the commotion in Cloudsdale, the dark lord, Tirek, was feasting upon the magic of several ponies in Somnambula. Many of merchants and families tried to fly or run away, but Tirek was not alone. The Phantoms known as Medusa and Carbuncle used their own magical power to keep Tirek’s victims from escaping. Carbuncle created a magical barrier around the entire town, while Medusa turned a vast majority into stone statues. Even in such a state, Tirek was able to continue feasting on the magical power that was inside them.

From there the trio made their way to several other regions, Trottingham, Neighpon, and Prance, all the citizens were drained of their magical power. The Guardsponies that were dispatched to each region were just as quickly ambushed by the towering centaur and the Phantoms. They made sure to keep one pony kicking, so that they may be able to spread the terror of what was coming for Equestria and its denizens.

Tirek, Carbuncle, and Medusa returned to Nega-Shocker’s headquarters, most of the Kaijin parted for the centaur, who had grown bigger and more powerful than they last saw him. The Phantoms entered through the doorway first, approaching the center of the throne room and bowing to Ambassador Hell, but Tirek had a different approach. His hulking mass broke the door and wall connecting to it, causing the other Kaijin and Combatmen to scatter less they get crushed by debris.

Across from Tirek, Ambassador Hell sat upon his throne, with Shadow Moon at his right side. Medusa’s snake hair hissed at the giant centaur, “Bow before Nega-Shocker’s leader, Tirek!”

“Or what, you’re going to make me?” Tirek asked.

Medusa made as to turn her head and use her Stone Gaze, but Tirek’s horns glowed, and Medusa soon found her body enveloped his black and orange aura. She struggled to turn her head at the centaur, but his newfound power was showing in this act.

Carbuncle stood and glared at the centaur disapprovingly. That is enough, Tirek. Or shall I show you the difference in our powers?

“Stop your bickering, now is not the time.” Ambassador Hell stated. Tirek grunted and released Medusa, while Carbuncle tsked and turned to face their leader. “Tirek, do you believe yourself strong enough to take the magic of the protectors of this realm?”

Tirek stepped forward, forcing Carbuncle and Medusa to step to the side. “I fought evenly with only one who was infused with all four magicks at once, taking them separately will be child’s play.”

“Then it is time…Nega-Shocker, rise our banner high! Let this world know the true meaning of terror, and prepare the ritual, for the Miracle Magic will be the final nail in the coffin of the good in this universe!”

The Combatmen ponies stood at attention and held out their right hooves as they shouted aloud, “KEE! KEE!”

The Kaijin all roared, howled, screeched, and chittered their battle cry.

The entire Nega-Shocker base began to shake and rattle, a low rumbling echoed throughout the halls as many of the Kaijin and Combatmen grabbed ahold of something sturdy.

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

Back at Twilight’s castle, the throne room was a hub of activity. Starlight and Twilight had fallen asleep on the Cutie Map, having spent the night using their magic to locate the fillies via the map’s magic and their own. The floor was littered with scribbled notes, magic formulas, and circles as they tried to come up with a good locater spell, but to no avail.

Rainbow Dash had just returned from yet another fly around, having enlisted the aid of the Wonderbolts and the cadets, but again nothing had been found. Fluttershy had gone to her critter friends and asked them to spread the word that they were looking for three foalnapped fillies taken by strange creatures, so far nothing had been reported back but they still held out hope on that one. Applejack had been able to send word to all branches of the Apple Family, and even the Pie Family to keep a look out for Apple Bloom.

Word came down from the Crystal Empire that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance would be arriving with additional Crystal Guard ponies to aid in the search and for security. They were due to arrive soon this morning, but in the meantime, the families were still left to worry and wonder what fate awaited their young ones. Lofty and Holiday were chief among them, they had been trusted with the safety and wellbeing of Scootaloo by her parents, and in the end they couldn’t do anything to help, in fact, they were thrown like rag dolls.

Rarity’s parents weren’t any better. Cookie Crumbles was in tears at hearing this, and Hondo Flanks was trying his best to console his wife. Rainbow Dash’s parents were in attendance as well, true to their word, they regarded Scootaloo as part of the family, and weren’t leaving until the little filly was back home safe.

The main doors to the throne room opened, and Princess Celestia walked in, with Sunset Shimmer at her side, the unicorn leaning against her adoptive mother with a downy white wing draped over her. The noise made Starlight and Twilight wake up instantly, babbling nonsense until they regained their focus. Twilight saw her former teacher and friend approach and she quickly went to them. “Sunset…how are you doing?”

“Sore, but thanks to some healing magic better, I’m starving though,” said Sunset.

“I’ll get us something to eat, and maybe something to drink, looks like we’re going to be at it for a while,” said Spike.

“Let me help,” said Cookie. “Goodness knows I can do at least a little something to help.”

“I will too, I’d rather be doing something as well,” said Windy.

Spike led Windy and Cookie away to the kitchen, leaving the rest inside the throne room. Sunset sighed as she stood before the collective family members of the Crusaders. “I’m sorry…I promised to protect them, and I couldn’t…I couldn’t save them, when they needed me the most I…”

“Hey now,” said Applejack. “We all saw ya fight like crazy to save the girls, we all saw the proof of that in how banged up ya were. Short of killin’ yerself, ya did all ya could.”

“Besides,” said Bow. “So long as you’re alive, the girls have a chance, we have a chance.”

A collective round of nods came from everypony in the room, agreeing that Sunset was still their hope at saving their family members. Sunset sniffled and wiped some tears from her eyes, “Thank you, everypony. Now we just need to know what this ‘Miracle Magic’ has in connection to Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.”


The doors to the throne burst open, and from them a unicorn stallion dashed inside, skidding to a halt before the Cutie Map. Sunset stared at the stallion for a moment, trying to take in what she was seeing. He was darker shade of her coat, with white spots around all four hooves, and one running down the length of his muzzle. He had a two toned red mane, and goatee, and a pair of rounded glasses that framed his turquoise colored eyes similar to her own. Sunset felt her heart stop upon looking at the stallion, not in a romantic way by any means, but she did feel a connection to this stallion.

“Sunburst!” Starlight shouted as she ran to her foalhood friend and gave him fierce hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Well, you always said I should come visit you in Ponyville,” said Sunburst.

“Yeah, I just wish it wasn’t because of all…well…this,” said Starlight. “Oh, before I forget, I think you should meet somepony.”

Starlight led Sunburst to a still dumbstruck Sunset Shimmer, and upon arriving it was now Sunburst’s turn to sport the same look. For a moment Starlight didn’t understand what was happening, but after looking back and forth between her new friend and foalhood friend, did she notice the similarities between them. A fact that didn’t seem to be lost on everypony in the room, Twilight included. The Princess of Friendship knew Sunset was an orphan, and yet, the odds of another pony with almost the exact same features of Sunset was too low, and yet here they stood. Sunset and Sunburst, everypony wanted to say it, but seemed afraid to, or were waiting for one of them to say it, heck, they were waiting to see if Celestia would say anything.

“Um…” Sunset began. “You’re Sunburst, right?”

“Y-Yes, I am. And who are you?” Sunburst asked.

“Sunset Shimmer,” she replied. Sunset shook her head for a moment and regained her train of thought. “You said you knew what the Miracle Magic was?”

“Huh? Oh yes, yes I did! Where are my books?!”

Sunburst went to collect his books and scrolls that had fallen about the floor upon his entry, meanwhile, Sunset was still trying to process that she may have…may have just met her brother. Princess Celestia stood next to Sunset, rubbing her hoof on her back to comfort the mare. “Are you alright?”

“Not entirely…Princess, is…is Sunburst my brother?” Sunset asked.

“I had suspected when we first met in the Crystal Empire some time ago. He has a great deal of magical knowledge and application of such, much like you, although I would argue your magical prowess is stronger than his. Would you like to know?” Celestia asked.

“We have too much to worry about now. My familial ties to Sunburst will have to take a backseat until Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are here safe.”

Sunburst had recollected all his works and laid them out on the table. “It took some doing, but after going through the library in the Crystal Empire, and cross referencing with my own collection, I found out what the Miracle Magic is! It’s old magic, possibly before the Elements of Harmony and founding of Equestria!”

The ponies in the room took a moment to let that sink in, especially for the six Element bearers in the room.

“The Miracle Magic has the power to make impossible things possible, said to be the culmination of all the love, hope, joy, and peace in the land, manifested into a single source of pure magical power that can shine a light in the darkest times. The closest thing I can describe it to is a wish granter!”

Applejack had to interject. “Hold on now, if there was somethin’ that powerful lyin’ around, why didn’t it appear when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were battlin’ Discord, or when the Princess had to fight Nightmare Moon? Or, heck, any of the other times we needed it?”

Sunburst raised his hoof. “And that’s the kicker. It can only be accessed by certain ponies who share a special bond, and not only of friendship, but of destiny as well.”

There were even more confused looks now. Sunburst’s horn glowed and above them was a diagram of Twilight, her friends, Starlight, and Sunburst’s cutie marks. “Cutie Marks are signs of ones’ destiny, but, on rare occasions, two or more ponies can obtain their cutie marks at the exact same time, and share a strong bond, and it is this bond and this occurrence that allows those individuals to access the Miracle Magic!”

The cutie marks of the Crusaders appeared on the right, separate from the others.

“But wouldn’t that make us able to use the Miracle Magic, too? All of us got our cutie marks when Rainbow Dash did her Sonic Rainboom?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight stepped in to answer that. “Yes, Rainbow’s Sonic Rainboom was the catalyst that allowed us all to gain our cutie marks and connected us as friends. However, we did not get our cutie marks at the same time.” Twilight used her magic to hijack the diagram and separated her and her friends’ cutie marks. “Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark upon executing the Rainboom.” Rainbow’s cutie mark glowed. “Then I got mine a few minutes after my magical outburst.” Twilight’s mark glowed. “Fluttershy got hers after the Rainboom and after calming the animals.” Fluttershy’s mark glowed. “Rartiy’s came to her later that night, Applejack’s didn’t appear until the day after in the afternoon, and Pinkie’s appeared in the early morning hours.”

All six cutie marks lined up in the order of which Twilight gave, listed from one to six.

“That event connected us as friends, and solidified our connection to the Elements. Time is a factor here too, we all got our cutie marks in roughly a twenty-four hour time span, but not at the exact same time. Correct Sunburst?”

Sunburst nodded. “From what I’ve been told, those three fillies got their marks at the exact same time.”

“Come to think of it, the other foals said that when Sweetie and the girls got their marks, they were glowing really brightly. I talked to Cheerilee when I heard that and it turns out that was true,” said Rarity.

Sunset walked up to the table and stared at the cutie marks of the Crusaders. “Three friends, sharing a common destiny, connecting them to a magical power they never knew existed. And yet, Shocker knew. Sunburst, what would happen if the power of the Miracle Magic were to be changed to negative uses?”

A bewildered look befell the stallion. “Hope would turn to despair, joy into sorrow, love into hate, and peace into chaos. It could turn the world, if not everything beyond, into a nightmare.”

“But what would happen to them?!” Holiday demanded. “What would happen to the fillies?!”

“If they were going to summon it for good purposes I wouldn’t worry, but if this Shocker intends to use them as conduits to bring it forth and change its nature…I’m…I’m not sure,” said Sunburst.

“All the more reason to find them as quickly as possible!” Sunset stated.

“GUYS!” Spike yelled.

The doors to the throne room burst open, causing everypony to be on guard, however, it proved to be for not when the one who busted down the doors was a baby alicorn in a bubble of yellow magical light. Twilight recognized the baby alicorn and flew up to make her presence known. The baby broke out of the bubble and flew right to Twilight crying into the mare’s chest.

“Flurry! Oh, it’s okay bugaboo, Auntie Twily’s here, shh, shh.” Twilight looked carefully towards the door, only for Spike, Cookie, and Windy to come in. “Where are Cadance and Shining Armor, are they still downstairs?”

“That’s…What I came to…tell you,” said Spike between pants. “She just got here, alone, there’s nopony downstairs!”

Twilight’s heart began to drum in her ears as panic and fear welled up inside her, but she tried to keep a calm look on her face, Flurry Heart was scared enough as it was. “They were supposed to be on a train, heading straight here, right Sunburst?”

The unicorn stallion nodded. “Yes, I left on the first early train out, and they told me to go on ahead since I had the information on the Miracle Magic, and since it was going to take time to gather a garrison.”

A feeling of dread befell the ponies in the room, but Twilight floated to Princess Celestia and gently passed Flurry Heart to her other aunt. “Princess, can you watch Flurry for a minute, I’m going to check on my brother and Cadance.”

“Of course, Twilight,” said Celestia as she took the little foal into her forelegs.

Sunset stood up and summoned her Uni-Driver. “I’m coming too, just in case.”

Twilight nodded and stood next to Sunset. The alicorn mare enveloped them in a bubble of magical energy, and in the blink of an eye they disappeared.

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

A flash of rosy light ignited on the train tracks; Sunset and Twilight were facing in the direction that the Crystal Empire’s train would have come, but it was nowhere in sight. With growing fear, Sunset and Twilight traveled the length of the tracks, hoping to find some trace of the train.

“Flurry Heart couldn’t have been too far away, her magic is strong but there’s no way she could teleport all the way from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville, they had to be close by!” Twilight stated.

“We’ll find them Twilight,” said Sunset in reassurance.

And find them they did. The two mares happened upon the special crystal locomotive, tossed off the tracks with the rest of the cars strewn to either side. Dozens upon dozens of Crystal Guard ponies were on the ground, unmoving. A cold feeling gripped Twilight’s heart as they approached the wreck, both mares approached one of the guards and checked him over. Sunset removed his chest armor and placed her ear against his chest, when she heard his beating heart she sighed in relief.

“I think they’re knocked out, but they’re pretty banged up,” said Sunset.

“That’s not the only problem here…I can’t sense their magical energies, any of them,” said Twilight.

Sunset looked back at the Earth Crystal Pony, and sure enough, she could sense no magical energy coming off of him. Sunset and Twilight continued to search through several cars, pulling guards out who were pinned and getting them to safety. Those guards who were able to move aided the mares in their rescue efforts, but as expected, they were very weak from having their magic drained from them so they proceeded with caution.

Thankfully, Twilight made it to the royal suite car, and practically pried it open with her magic like a giant can opener. But nopony was inside, fear began to grip at Twilight’s heart a little tighter as she took the skies and called out, “CADANCE, SHINING ARMOR!” Twilight waited for reply, and called out once more, “CADANCE, SHINING ARMOR!!!”

Twilight kept her eyes open, surveying the area as her gaze darted from one spot to the next, but it wasn’t until a magical flare was sent up that Twilight turned her head in that direction. The alicorn mare flew to where the flare was released, and spotted Sunset Shimmer standing next to two ponies, specifically, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Twilight landed on the ground, her legs nearly giving way as she saw the motionless bodies of her big brother and sister-in-law.

“A-Are…Are they…?” Twilight dared to ask.

“They’re alright, I checked. It’s the same as the guards, drained of magic, but it looks like they were in the thick of a battle,” said Sunset.

Twilight took this time to glance about their surroundings, the area was littered with scorch marks, upheaved earth, and chunks of sediment and rock blasted from ground. “Tirek…”

Sunset’s ear twitched at the mention of that name. “There’s no way, he was in Tartarus! We both saw him rotting in that cell!”

“The last time we were there, yes. Now…with Shocker…anything could be possible,” said Twilight.

Sunset snorted in agitation of Shocker’s actions thus far. “Let’s get them to the castle, and see about getting this wreckage cleared or else we’ll have another disaster to on our hooves.”

Suddenly, a sea-green light flashed a couple of feet behind the mares. Twilight and Sunset spun around and prepared to attack only to find Starlight Glimmer waving her hooves in front of her. “Don’t attack, friendly, friendly!”

“Starlight, what the heck?! We could’ve blasted you!” Sunset scolded.

“I’m sorry, but we have an emergency and – Holy Celestia what happened to everypony?!” Starlight exclaimed upon seeing the wreckage.

“Focus, Starlight, what’s the emergency?!” Twilight asked.

Starlight shook her head. “Oh, right, Equestria’s under attack!”

“Where?!” Sunset asked.


***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

Thankfully the Royal Guard that had accompanied Princess Celestia had gone to the sight of the wreckage and began to help the injured back to town to Ponyville General Hospital. Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight used their magic to teleport Shining Armor and Cadance to the throne room, where a sad Flurry Heart flew out of Celestia’s forelegs and to her unconscious parents. She whimpered sadly as she went to nudge her father and mother awake, but to no avail.

Twilight stood behind her niece and stroked her mane. “They’re alright Flurry, they just need some time to rest. They fought hard to protect you.” At that moment Hondo Flanks and Bow Hothoof went to Shining Armor and carefully lifted him onto their backs, Cookie, Windy, as well as Lofty and Holiday, helped in lifting Cadance. “There are spare bedrooms down the hall, please take them there and watch over them please.”

The older ponies nodded and went to deliver the royals to their beds. Meanwhile, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, Starlight, Spike, and Celestia were staring at the Cutie Map. Twilight joined them and watched as dark spots appeared over Canterlot, Baltimare, and Los Pegasus, all three were under attack.

“This is…I…” Starlight stammered.

Everypony was stunned, a large scale attack on three fronts, against creatures from another world with powers that were beyond their magical abilities; it was overwhelming, fear inducing, and soul crushing. Sunset couldn’t take it anymore.

“I’m going, the closest is Canterlot! I’ll start there!” Sunset stated. The fiery maned mare turned to leave and summoned the Unicorn Memory.

Twilight stepped forward and stopped her friend. “I won’t let you, Sunset!”

“Twilight, move, I’m the only one who can stop them!” Sunset stated.

“There’s only one of you, Sunset! Against an army of monsters! I almost lost Shiny and Cadance, I don’t want to lose you, too!” Tears began to fall from Twilight’s eyes, making Sunset pause in her actions. “You’re a Kamen Rider, and I understand that you have the power to fight them, but that makes you their worst enemy! They’re not like the villains we’ve faced, they won’t hesitate to kill you! I don’t want that to happen…!”

Sunset held the Unicorn Memory aloft in the air, but walked over to her. The sun-yellow mare hugged her friend close, offering what comfort she could. There was no getting around this, Sunset had to go and fight, but she also understood Twilight’s fear. “I know, neither do I. But if I don’t, all those ponies will die, and the girls are still in danger. Don’t get me wrong, Twilight, I am scared of all this, but I’m more scared for what will happen to them and other ponies if I don’t act.”

“Spoken like a true Kamen Rider.”

Everypony looked about the room, hearing the familiar disembodied voice. Across the room the Silver Veil appeared and from its rippling surface emerged Tsukasa, wearing his nonchalant smug expression. Twilight and Sunset parted as the latter quickly stood before the veteran Rider. “Where have you been?! Shocker’s on the move, they’re attacking three different cities! We need to move!”

Tsukasa raised his hoof as if to stop that train of thought. “I figured they would, Shocker employs several monster, and raising them from the hell of their previous defeat and having them fight again. So I figured we needed our own army to fight back with. It’s not much, but it’s more than enough.” The light-red unicorn glanced over his shoulder. “Oi, c’mon on over already, it’s a pain keeping it open this long.”

The surface of the Veil rippled again, and from the dimensional gateway appeared four beings. The first was a tall pegasus stallion coming just a few inches below Celestia’s chin, and who looked to be around his early twenties. His black mane was stylized into a pompadour, he also wore baggy black pants, and similarly colored jacket with a white shirt underneath, his coat was a sky-blue, and eyes of deep purple.

The second to exit was a…a dragon. He stood about the same height as Tsukasa, with a black leather jacket. His scales were deep red color, with hazel green eyes, and yellow spines that ran down from his back to the tip of his tail. The dragon’s muzzle was short, with two white fangs protruding from his upper lip, and yellow frills on the sides of his head.

The third was an Earth pony stallion. His coat was a vibrant orange color, with a dark brown mane, and blue eyes. He wore a blue hoody and denim jeans, and the white shirt beneath it had the word “GAIM” written above a strange symbol.

The fourth was also an Earth pony stallion, but he was dressed in a rather nomadic fashion. A white scarf wrapped around his neck, with a long stripped sweater of multiple warm brown and red hues. His mane was shaggy dark brown, and his coat was dark yellow with silver eyes.

“Sun-chan, meet your senpais, fellow Kamen Riders,” said Tsukasa.

The pegasus stallion stepped forward and glanced about the room, his gaze locked with that of Twilight and he immediately walked towards her. Sunset got on edge for a moment, but Tsukasa held out his hoof and shook his, as if saying it was alright. When the stallion reached Twilight, he looked her at her and then tilted his head to the side.

“So you’re Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes, I am,” said Twilight.

“The ‘Princess of Friendship’?” he asked.


The stallion smiled wide. “Ha, ha, so you really weren’t kiddin’ Tsukasa-senpai! A princess of friendship itself, and a kingdom of friendship, I like that!” The stallion raised his right hoof and pounded against his chest twice before sticking out towards Twilight. “My name’s Gentaro, and my goal to make friends with everyone, even in other universes!”

Twilight, as well as everypony else, were a little taken aback by his proclamation. Not because they thought it was strange, it was actually a nice thing to hear, but because they didn’t expect someone from another world to be so straightforward in wanting to create friendships.

The orange Earth pony stallion quickly darted from the group and gently reeled Gentaro back. “Gentaro, please, she’s a princess, a royal, show a little respect!” The stallion bowed to Twilight, and subsequently made Gentaro do the same. “Sorry about that, he’s just a little excited. My name’s Kouta, and thank you for having us in your world.”

Spike broke away from the others and went up to the tall dragon, finding the long leather jacket, and air of cool he generated to be awesome. “H-Hey, my name’s Spike, official Friendship Ambassador to the Dragons,” said Spike as he held out his claw.

The taller dragon smirked and took the young drake’s claw to shake. “Nice to meet you little guy, my name’s Haruto.”

Rarity seemed to eye the stallion with the shaggy mane, regarding his choice of wardrobe as she approached him. The stallion looked upon the unicorn and was about to say something before Rarity’s horn glowed, from seemingly out nowhere, Rarity began tidying up the stallion’s wardrobe, sewing up the scratches in his clothes and getting the dust and dirt that had collected off it. When she was done, Rarity looked upon her work and nodded.

“Thank you, Miss…?”

“Rarity, and whom might you be?”

“Eiji, just a wandering nomad,” said Eiji with a smile.

Rainbow Dash hovered over them and looked about the four newcomers, “So all of these guys are Kamen Riders? Like Sunset?”

“Pretty much, yeah,” said Tsukasa.

“Forgive my doubts, but even with six Riders, how will you stop so big force on three fronts?” Celestia asked.

“Who said I only brought four?”

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***

~Las Pegasus~

Ponies were running through the streets of the bustling metropolis as explosions went off in every direction. Several creatures were marching down the streets, some were Combatmen, but a vast majority were Kaijin. Leading the charge were three Kaijin, each one from the world known as Helheim. They were the strongest of them all, and directed the other Inves to attack and destroy everything in sight, clearing the way for their arrival.

Behind them, several Combatmen and Inves were pulling a large metal tower, jagged in appearance, and colored a menacing, purple, red, and black. The lead Inves, who looked like he was made of bandages wraps, directed a red Inves and a spear wielder to strike the sides. Both did as commanded hitting the nearby buildings and causing them to break apart as if they were made of cardboard.

Suddenly, a loud, war trumpet sound echoed in the distance. Followed by a loud battle cry of “HENSHIN!”

\| Hai! Boudou Arms: Ryu, Hou, Ha-Ha-Ha! |/

\| Soiya! Melon Arms: Tenka Gomen! |/

\| Come On! Donguri Arms: Never Give Up! |/

\| Durian Arms: Mr. Dangerous! |/

\| Kurumi Arms: Mr. Knuckleman! |/

In the distance and explosion went off, followed by the flashing of several lights that made the Kaijin stop in their tracks. From the smoke of the explosion emerged five Kamen Riders. The first was an Earth pony stallion, with armor colored green, gold, and purple. His chest plate resembled that of round grapes, and upon his hip was blasting weapon with grape a motif on it, and a helmet that resembled that of a dragonfly. This was Kamen Rider Ryugen.

The second was another Earth pony stallion, clade in white, lime green, and gold armor. This stallion carried a large shield upon his back, and a sword on his hip, carrying himself with an air of superiority. His name was Kamen Rider Zangetsu.

The third was a pegasus stallion in armor of brown, gold, and silver, with a hammer strapped to his waist. One could see a kind of acorn motif for this warrior’s armor, and his name was Kamen Rider Grindon.

The fourth was a minotaur, the under armor was a neon green, with violet armor plates on his legs, thighs, and forearms. His upper half had dark green heavy armor, which was covered in protruding spikes, this also carried to his helmet, which had his natural horns that were barbed with smaller spikes. In both hands the minotaur wielded swords, the flat and edges lined with serrated spikes making them into saw-swords. He was Kamen Rider Bravo.

The fifth Rider was another pegasus stallion, wearing black, light-brown, and silver armor. His upper body armor had square shaped studs coming out of the chest and shoulder pauldrons, but his hooves had giant metal fists which he bumped together a few times as he hovered in the air. This was Kamen Rider Kurumi.

Bravo raised his sword towards the Inves and Combatmen, as he stated, “Attention to all Shocker baddies, we will not let you inflict harm upon this beautiful, and adorable world full of cuteness!” The other Armored Riders groaned, with Ryugen and Zangetsu sighing. “Everyone! Prêt, prêt, attaque!”

Grindon and Knuckle took flight, with Grindon taking up his hammer. Kurumi dove in, cocking back his right hoof and delivering a punch straight to the first Inves that was in his sights. Grindon began swinging away with this hammer, knocking away one Inves and Combatman after the other.

Several Combatmen broke away and pointed their swords at them, which also doubled as blaster weapons. They took aim at Zangetsu and Ryugen and opened fire on them. Several energy bullets flew through the air and headed straight for the Armored Riders. But Zangetsu quickly stood on his hind legs and took his shield, and had Ryugen stay behind him. The shield emitted a field of power that blocked every shot, exploding against the barrier’s surface and shrouding them in smoke.

“Are you ready, Mitsuzane?!” Zangetsu asked.

“Whenever you are, Onii-san!” Ryugen stated.

Ryugen stood on his hind legs and took up his blaster, at the same time, Zangetsu took hold of his Musou Saber and pointed the gun barrel guard forward. In less than a second, both Riders unleashed their own barrage of energy bullets, barraging the Combatmen that dared to attack them. Several explosions went off where the Combatmen stood as each one was wiped out. Some pegasus Combatmen flew down from the sky and tried to fire at them from the air, but Ryugen was a better shot, focusing his firepower on the skies as he shot down one after the other.

Some Combatmen tried to bum rush the duo, Ryugen only had a blaster weapon, and Zangetsu was the only one with close range weaponry, surely he couldn’t defend himself and his partner. They thought wrong. As soon as the first Combatman Earth stallion tried to punch his brother, Zangetsu brought up his mighty shield, blocking the attack. Ryugen responded by firing several shots in the face of the henchman. Another tried to attack from the left, but Ryugen fired two shots at its legs, and Zangetsu came with a sword slash, ending the Combatmen then and there.

Meanwhile, Bravo was walking slowly towards a group made entirely of different Inves. Durian chuckled and stated, “Everyone, please make this a beautiful battle! Despite your repulsive appearances.”

Some of the Inves did not take kindly to that and began their assault. Bravo swung his saw-swords in a perfect pirouette, causing sparks to fly from all the enemies that dared to enter his circle of death. Taking advantage of the disorientation, Durian charged into a group of Inves and delivered a spinning kick, sending one flying into the side of building. Another two met their end from his saw-swords, and three more after that. Durian was no ordinary Rider, he was one with years of combat experience, not only battling Inves, but as well as a soldier in the French army.

“How disappointing, that wasn’t very beautiful.”

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***


Animal-like Kaijin and multiple Combatmen field into the city and began a wide spread spree of destruction, the once scenic landmarks now being reduced to piles of rubble before their onslaught. Like in Los Pegasus, this group pulled with them a large metal spire, it began shifting and making noises, as if powering up for something. This group of Kaijin were known as Yummies, creatures created by their masters the Greeed.

One of the Yummies, which looked like a praying mantis, slashed at the air with its sickles and sent crescent shaped energy waves at one of the buildings, making it explode and sent large chunks of debris falling to the ground. Down below was a group of fillies and colts, too frightened out of their minds to move.

[=*=] Breast Cannon! [=*=]

However, at the last second a beam of light energy roared over the heads of the children, and vaporized the debris before it even hit. The children managed to follow the origin of the beam attack to just a few feet behind them. There they saw three armored warrior Earth ponies.

Two of them wore the same kind of armor, it was black and silver, with the right chest plate colored a jade green, and on the left was a green orb. The helmets had a visor that went up and created a U that acted like antenna or horns, and at the center was a green orb. In fact, on the shoulder pads, bracers, thighs, and boots, each one had a green orb. The only difference between them was that the one on the left had bright red lines around the chest orb, boots, shoulder pads, thigh armor, and bracers. They were Kamen Riders Birth and Proto Birth.

The third was different. He was bathed in different hues of blue, giving him an ocean look, his helmet was silver and blue, with bright yellow eyes that shined. This Rider was a future warrior, known in his time as Kamen Rider Aqua.

Good thing Old Man Kougami had a cache of Cell Medals, else we wouldn’t be able to help at all, said Proto Birth.

Knowing the President, he more than likely anticipated the need for Birth to be used again, said Birth.

“Um, guys, the kids!” Aqua warned.

Another Kaijin, a lion Yummy, roared as it charged for the children. Proto and Birth materialized their Birth Buster weapons and fired a barrage of weaponized Cell Medals at the Yummy, sending the beast flying back into its comrades. Aqua hurried to the kids and began leading them away as Proto and Birth continued their barrage. Four Yummies broke away during the barrage, two of which were heading straight for Aqua, while the other two stayed to fight the Births.

Aqua was confronted by two bird type Yummies, with the kids shaking in fear behind him. The future Kamen Rider stood on his hind legs, he widened his stance, and brought his right hoof up, while keeping his left extended. “I, Kamen Rider Aqua, protect the future of my world! So too shall I protect the future of these children!”

The bird Yummies squawked and flew for Aqua, but the future Rider was calm. When the first Yummy, a blue feathered one, entered his zone of control, Aqua jumped up as the creature took a swipe at him. His movements were fluid, even while in midair as he came down with an ax kick to the Kaijin’s head, sending it straight to ground with a savage boom.

The second bird Yummy, with yellow feathers, tried to kick Aqua while he was still recovering. But Aqua’s movements hadn’t stopped, and once again he flowed with the Yummy’s attack, using his hooves to redirect it so that it flew past him and straight into the side of a building.

The foals watched all this unfold and stared in awe of Kamen Rider Aqua, shouting “So cool!”

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***


Princess Luna and the Royal Guard fought valiantly against the oncoming monster army. The Kaijin made of Zodiarts and Phantoms, astral and magical powers coming to conquer the capital of Equestria. Princess Luna took to the skies and summoned form streams of magical energy, blasting the Kaijin one after the other. Luna’s alicorn magic was strong, and managed to push back some of the weaker Phantoms and Zodiarts, but not against the stronger ones.

Two warrior Zodiarts, Orion and Perseus, jumped into the air and swung their mighty blades. Luna quickly erected a barrier, just in time to block the mighty blows of the two warrior constellations. The Princess of the Night found this battle to be vexing, she was the Keeper of the Stars. She painted the night sky with the stars and knew of the Constellation Beasts, but these creatures, although also constellations, were nothing like the stars she knew.

Orion and Perseus focused their power into their swing and both Zodiarts sent Luna flying until she crash landed into the street. Her barrier, thankfully, took the majority of the impact, but it did leave her a bit dazed. The Royal Guard charged in to protect their fallen Princess, but barred from assisting by three Phantoms, Hellhound, Gargoyle, and Caitsith.

Orion and Perseus dragged their blades against the cobblestone road, sparks flinging from the metal to rock contact as they approached Princess Luna and prepared to deal the Diarch a finishing blow. However, high above, a blue star formed. This star started to steadily grow bigger and bigger with each passing second, gaining the attention the two warrior constellations. That same blue star broke from the sky and began a rapid descent, flying down like a blue flaming meteor right for both Zodiarts.

The two Kaijin had little time to retreat as the blue fireball struck them, sending Orion and Perseus flying back until they landed in a heap against the Combatmen. The blue fireball evaporated, revealing a pegasus stallion emerged from the small smoldering crater, his armor was jet black, like the night sky. With dozens upon dozens of dots littering it as if the night sky itself was his armor. His right chest had a second piece of armor that was blue, and started on his belt, went up the right side of his chest, and looped around his shoulder to continue on the back. His helmet was silver around the bottom jaw, but the upper head portion was blue with horn-like protrusions coming out, as if mimicking the tail of a meteor.

The stallion raised his wings, which also had the night sky armor wrapped onto them, and flew over to the alicorn mare, looking down at her with his red eyes. “Are you alright?”

Luna’s face suddenly felt warm as she reached out and took the stallion’s hoof, helping her back to her hooves. “Y-Yes, I am, but who are you?”

“Kamen Rider Meteor, we’re here to help,” said the stallion.

“‘We’?” Luna asked.

Meteor turned Luna’s attention to the Phantoms that were engaged with her troops. Her keen eyes picked up on a strange being. He was a feline, standing upright on his hind legs. His fur was a golden brown, and hair of sandy-blonde, and he wore faux leather jacket. Around his waist was a belt, with the buckle resembling that of closed gates, and on his left paw he was wearing a ring, golden at the center, with two emerald eyes at the center. The Phantoms ceased their assault on the ponies and began to back away upon seeing this strange, yet familiar being.

The unicorn and pegasus Royal Guards weren’t sure if this cat being was friend or foe, but he ignored them and continued walking forward until he was between them and the Phantoms. His green cat eyes looked the Phantoms up and down and smiled toothily. “Alright then!”

The cat raised his left paw into the air, widened his stance, and performed a series of movements as he said aloud, “Henshin!” The cat placed the ring into a slot on the side of the buckle.

[**] Set! [**]

The cat turned the ring and the buckle opened up, revealing golden plates inside. On the right plate was the image of a dolphin and falcon, on the left was a buffalo and chameleon, and at the center was a lion’s head.

[**] Open! L-I-O-N, Lion! [**]

An arcane, golden magic circle appeared before the cat and passed over him, donning him in gold and black armor. On his left shoulder was pauldron in the shape of a lion’s head, with the golden mane continuing onto his left chest plate. His tail was also coated in black armor, with a golden spike tip to it, the helmet had a golden mane, with big, emerald colored eyes.

One of the Royal Guards got up and asked, “Who are you?”

“Kamen Rider Beast. Say, what time is it?” Beast asked.

“Um…Noon, I think.”

Beast rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Alright, then it’s Lunch Time!”

The golden Kamen Rider charged for the Phantoms, striking Hellhound with a fierce punch that made the Phantom skid on its heels. The Caitsith Phantom lunched forward to attack with its claws, but Beast nimbly jumped up, and used the Phantom’s head as springboard to get behind it, on the backflip, Beast used the spike end of his tail to slash at Caitsith’s back, sending it flying forward into Gargoyle.

Beast selected a ring from the loop on his left hip, and placed it on his ring finger on the right hand. The golden Rider placed the ring into a slot on the right side of the buckle and the lion face sparked red.

[**] Buffa, Go: Bu-Bu-Bububu-Buffa! [**]

A red magic circle appeared on Beast’s right side, he held out his right arm and the circle passed over it, adorning that arm in a mantle. The shoulder had a buffalo head upon it, and a crimson red cape. The Guards were confounded by this addition to the warrior’s armor, what use did a cape with a buffalo head have?

The answer came quickly as Gargoyle threw Caitsith off of itself and charged for Beast, the Phantom threw a punch, but Beast caught it. The force of the blow was distributed through the air in a shockwave, and yet Beast remained unmoving. Gargoyle seemed to have a difficult time following through with the punch, and even tried to pull back, but Beast’s iron grip was not letting that happen. Beast went on the offensive, cocking back his right fist and slamming it Gargoyle’s chest, sparks flew as the Phantom flew into a building, causing rubble to fall on it and bury the Kaijin.

Luna watched all this in awe as the golden Kamen Rider wielded some kind of ancient magical power that she had never seen before. Compared to the energy Meteor had around him, the stallion before her had energy that was more cosmic in origin.

Orion and Perseus didn’t take kindly to being blown away like that, and charged straight for Meteor. Luna took an aggressive stance, but Meteor held out his hoof, “Allow me, Princess.”

Meteor flew at the two Zodiarts, utilizing his new form to grant him air superiority, Meteor spun in midair, and delivered a kick to Perseus’ chest, with Meteor letting a loud “Wah!” sound. Meteor, while still in midair, unleashed a flurry of energy laced punches and kicks, the blows appearing as streaks of lights as Meteor shouted, “Wah, huwa! Sho!” Meteor performed a backflip kick, hitting Orion in the chin, the Zodiart stumbled back and tried to slash at Meteor.

The pegasus had already dropped to the ground, and swept Orion’s legs from under him, causing the warrior to fall. Before he hit the ground, Meteor tucked his legs in and bucked him in the stomach, sending Orion crashing into a lamppost, and then into the stoop of a residence. Meteor regained his hoofing, standing upon his hind legs as he entered a defensive stance, watching the enemies before him, and ones who had yet to engage.

Luna found the display of combat prowess to be quite, strangely, exhilarating to witness.

***____________<U> X [D] ____________***


The Cutie Map displayed the happenings in the three affected areas, signs of resistance from the Kamen Riders that Tsukasa had brought with him were keeping Shocker’s troops at bay. Sunset watched all this with amazement, seeing other Kamen Riders battling, veteran Riders at that, was getting her fired up, and brimming with confidence that they would be able to beat Shocker. She turned to thank Tsukasa, but the unicorn stallion swayed a bit, and nearly fell to the ground if it weren’t Haruto.

“What’s wrong, is he hurt?!” Sunset asked.

“No, he’s just exhausted,” said Eiji.

“Traveling from world to world to gather us didn’t tax him, it was the other thing he did that did it,” said Haruto.

“What did he do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“He gave us part of his ability of Omni-Knowledge. When Tsukasa enters a new world, he automatically knows how that world works, and in this case, he bestowed that ability to us for the time being so that we wouldn’t be hindered with getting used to a new body and trying to figure it out,” said Kouta.

Twilight looked upon the Cutie Map, watching the Riders fight the monsters so easily, as if they had always been Equestrians. “That explains it, when I went to Earth, I had no idea how to properly walk or use my new body, but with that ability you’ve eliminated the problem of adaption. That’s quite the amazing ability Mr. Tsukasa!”

Tsukasa chuckled. “Just, Tsukasa. Still, this is just the opening act. They’re moving those towers into the cities for a reason.”

“Whatever these Shocker meanies are doing, we definitely know it’s happening around here somewhere,” said Pinkie Pie. The room all looked at the mare with confusion. “Well, duh, Canterlot, Baltimare, Los Pegasus, they all form a perfect triangle with Ponyville and the Everfree Forest right in the middle.”

The others took a look at the map again, and sure enough, Ponyville and Everfree were at the center of this triangle. Still that left the mystery of the towers, why was Shocker implanting them, how did this tie into the Miracle Magic and Tirek?

Author's Note:

To Be Continued...