> Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Decade: Shocker Resurgence > by Michael_Ravencroft > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day 1: Spa Day Disaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And so the promised day arrived, it was Sunday morning and the girls had gathered in front of the Wondercolt Statue. Sunset had a couple of saddle bags with her, not much was in them. Rarity noticed her lack of baggage and had to ask, “Darling, is that really all you’re taking to Equestria? You didn’t pack any nightwear or anything else?” “Just my toothbrush and some toothpaste. But remember, back there, clothing is optional, and more or less to make a statement of that pony’s individuality. But otherwise, the majority go around without, like me.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “So it’s a society of nudists, sounds like fun.” “You do realize that when I’m a pony I have fur, right?” Sunset asked in a deadpan tone. “Still makes you wonder,” said Rainbow. “I’ll be sure to pass that along to your pony counterpart when I see her.” Sunset reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the journal. She then handed it Twilight who gingerly took the journal into her grasp. “Remember, if you guys need me just write a message in the journal and I’ll come straight here. Or if you just want to see how I’m doing, that’s cool too.” Pinkie Pie appeared next to Sunset and patted her on the head. “Aww, don’t worry your pretty little head, Sunset, you just go there and distressify yourself, and say hi to the other me!” “Will do.” Suddenly, the statue began to ripple like water, followed by a small shimmer of light signaling the way was open. Sunset released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, she felt nervous for some reason, but it didn’t make sense why. She was going back to her home world, it was just for a vacation and it wasn’t like there would be armed guards waiting to take her away. Princess Twilight had made it clear that Princess Celestia hadn’t harbored ill will towards her or was looking to lock her away in a dungeon, or banish her to the moon. “Here it goes, see you girls in a week.” “Sunset!” Twilight spoke out. Sunset turned around and in that same moment, found Twilight giving her a hug. The action made Sunset blush noticeably. “Please…just be careful over there. I mean I know it’s your home, but that doesn’t mean you can be careless.” Sunset smiled and gently separated herself from Twilight and rested her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. “I’ll be fine, Twilight, and thanks.” The fiery haired girl turned and walked straight ahead, reaching out with her hand first. The portal rippled like water, and as her hand sunk in, light began to shine. Taking one last breath, Sunset made the plunge and went all in. The result was a spiraling tunnel of rainbow light, Sunset felt her whole body swirl as if she were in a never ending roller coaster. Her body began to glow, becoming pure light as her clothes were removed and scattered into particles of light. Her body began to morph, going from bipedal to quadrupedal, her feet and hands becoming hooves, her face elongated a little, becoming a muzzle, and from her forehead she grew a horn. ***___________ X [D]___________*** On the other end, Princess Twilight’s portal device began to glow, and in less than a couple of seconds, Sunset Shimmer was jettisoned from the portal, and came flying straight into stacked towers of books. The impact had all the books fall on top of Sunset Shimmer, burying her in the tomes of Princess Twilight. Some of the books were moved by a sea-green aura, revealing Sunset Shimmer as she blinked and tried to regain her senses. Her vision was blurry and spots danced in her vision as she tried to focus on the figure before her. “Uh…Princess Twilight?” Sunset asked. “Nope.” Sunset’s vision finally started to come into focus, revealing a unicorn mare. Her fur was lilac colored, with a purple mane that had a sky-blue streak through it, and her eyes were violet. “Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight offered her hoof to the new arrival, Sunset gratefully took hold of the hoof and began to stand. However, upon doing so, her sense of balance was completely thrown off by her new center of gravity. Sunset wobbled forward for a few steps and Starlight feared she’d fall on her face, but after a second, Sunset managed to stand on her back hind legs, confident now she was able to find balance. However, Starlight just stared in utter confusion as to why she would be standing like that. Sunset turned around and saw the look Starlight was giving her, she then looked down at herself and realized what was wrong. Chuckling nervously, Sunset lowered her upper body and stood on her front legs. “Heh, heh, sorry, it’s been awhile since I was in my normal body, gotta get used it again. Starlight Glimmer? You’re Princess Twilight’s student right?” “Yep, I am, and you’re Sunset Shimmer, right? Princess Twilight’s been excited about your week stay,” said Starlight. “I’m sure, but, uh, where is she?” A flash of rosy light went off between the two mares and from it appeared Twilight Sparkle. “Sunset Shimmer!” “Princess Twilight!” The two mares quickly moved towards each other, but Sunset mostly stumbled forward, forcing Twilight to catch her. Both mare’s chuckled and proceeded to hug each other. Secretly, Sunset had always wondered what Princess Twilight felt like as a pony, now that she was here, her fur felt surprisingly soft, and smelled of lavender. “Ahem, you two need a minute?” Starlight asked with a grin. The alicorn and unicorn separated, blushing at the probably longer than necessary hug. “Sorry about that, it’s just that I haven’t seen Sunset for a long while, guess I was overexcited.” “Same, so where were you earlier?” Sunset asked. “Oh, follow me!” The three mares began to traverse the long halls of the castle, during their walk Sunset was taking in the sight of the place. She remembered Twilight saying she had a castle, but never imagined it would look like this. Crystal walls and floors, with beautiful chandeliers, ornate doors, and the light glow of the crystal allowed for perfect illumination. “And this all sprang out of a box?” “Yep, it was right after my friends and I defeated Tirek,” said Twilight. Starlight and Sunset shuddered at the mention of the centaur’s name. “Ugh, I still remember that day, all my magic just sucked away! That feeling of powerlessness was soul crushing,” said Starlight. “I remember stories about Tirek, but they were mostly to scare foals. To hear that he was real and was actually kicking around here while I was in the other world, ugh, I’m glad you beat him, I’d hate to see the destruction he would’ve brought to the other world. Ugh, even now I’m still thinking of what stuff could happen over there, ” said Sunset. Twilight put her right wing over Sunset’s back. “Hey now, none of that. You’re here to relax and enjoy being back home. If I know those girls as well as I know my friends, then they’ll be fine.” Sunset sighed. “Sorry, guess I really do need a vacation.” “From what Twilight told me, sounds like you got a lot on your plate,” said Starlight. Sunset sighed again, “You have no idea. We have Equestrian magic leaking into that world which can cause any number of random magical mishaps. On top of that, there's somebody or a group of people, who are peddling devices that grant a person the ability to transform into a super powered monster. Lately it’s been more the latter than the former.” “Well, you can relax here, and that’s all you have to do,” said Twilight. “And to answer the question of why I wasn’t there to greet you, well we’re here!” Sunset, Twilight, and Starlight stopped before a pair of double doors. Sunset instinctively reached to grab the doorknob, but found her hoof pump against the door. The unicorn mare tried several times to turn it with her hoof, growing increasingly frustrated with each attempt. Deciding to help out the mare, Twilight and Starlight cleared throats loudly and gained Sunset’s attention. The alicorn and unicorn pointed to their foreheads, more specifically to their horns. The fiery maned mare glanced up and then face hoofed herself. Concentrating, Sunset’s horn glowed with turquoise light that wrapped around the doorknob and turned it, opening the door wide. Sunset pranced in place in sheer joy at the ability to use magic again, and without having to transform into her Kamen Rider form at that. The sun-yellow pony entered the room and took a look around. There was a large queen sized bed, with crystal nightstands on either side of the bed, along with a lamp. Next to the closet was a dresser with a mirror hanging over it, a window that was positioned to the east where the sun would rise and give a great view of Ponyville and the horizon. Off to another wall was a desk with a few assorted tomes on magic, along many sheets of parchment paper, ink, and quills. “Twilight you didn’t have to do this,” said Sunset. “I know, but the castle is so big and I don’t have anypony else here besides Spike, Starlight, and myself. So I keep a few rooms set aside for my friends in case they decide to spend the night for whatever reason. This is just my way of saying that you’re welcome here anytime, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset fought the urge to shed a tear. “Thank you, Twilight, I don’t know what to say.” “Don’t say anything, that’s just the kind of pony she is. She even let me stay and become her pupil, a mare who has done some really terrible things and nearly broke time in the process,” said Starlight in a remorseful tone. Sunset walked to Starlight and placed her hoof on her shoulder, looking the other unicorn mare straight in the eyes. “Hey, you’re past does not define you. What you do now, what you’re doing now, speaks to the kind of person – uh – pony you’re trying to be, never lose sight of that, speaking from personal experience here.” Starlight eyes began to water a bit, hearing that somepony else had been through a similar experience as her and came out a better mare gave her hope for herself. Twilight smiled at seeing their interaction, Starlight always carried the scars of her misdeeds, and rarely forgave herself, but here was a mare who had similar scars and crawled out from the bottom to become somepony better. “Okay, let’s give Sunset some time to rest up before we all start breaking into tears.” Sunset and Starlight nodded. Starlight exited first, with Twilight following behind, but paused and glanced over her shoulder to Sunset. “Spike’s making dinner, I’ll come up and get you after he’s done, and maybe I can give you a full tour to walk off the meal?” Sunset smiled. “Sounds great, Twi.” With a nod, Twilight closed the door, leaving Sunset alone in her room. Sunset took a moment to bask in this moment, she was back home, she was a unicorn again, and she could feel magic again. The sun-yellow pony teleported until she was a couple of feet above her bed and let herself plop down onto it, bouncing twice before settling. Sunset let out a little giggle of happiness as she took it all in. I’m home, again. ***___________ X [D]___________*** The morning sun crested over the horizon, bathing the sky in hues of orange and reds. The light of the sun struck against the crystal castle, making it sparkle brilliantly for all to see, and those very same rays peeked into the room of one Sunset Shimmer. The unicorn mare was facing towards the window, with the rays creeping up steadily until they landed on her face. Sunset groaned as she turned around to avoid the light for as long as possible to enjoy sleep. However that would prove to be a futile effort. The door to Sunset’s room opened, ushering in Starlight Glimmer. “Good morning, Sunset!” The fiery maned mare gasped from the sudden rousing from slumber, tossing the sheets every which way. Out of pure instinct, Sunset draped a foreleg over her barrel, and at the same time put one between her hind legs. “WHOA-HA, AAAH, I’M NAKED DON’T LOOK!” Starlight tilted her head in confusion at Sunset’s peculiar reaction and was trying to figure out why she as covering those particular areas. Sunset took a moment to analyze Starlight’s reaction, she then looked down at herself, paused, and then face hoofed herself. I’m a pony again, not a human. Sunset sat up in her bed and gave a nervous chuckle, “Sorry, human habit.” “No big deal, I’m sure I’d have to adjust to some things if I ever decided to go over there,” said Starlight with a coy smile. Sunset shot one back at the mare. “Uh-huh, yeah, nice try.” “Had to try, so, you ready for some serious relaxation?” Starlight asked. Sunset smiled and jumped out of bed. Using her magic, she made the bed until it was nice and neat, Celestia she missed being able to do that. “Let’s go.” The two unicorn mares traversed the halls and walked down the stairs until they were in the Main Hall, all the while Sunset was glancing about. “Is Twilight coming with us?” “Nah, she said she had some Princess-y things do, so it’s you, me, and one other.” “Oh, who?” Starlight opened the front door and immediately smoke bombs went off, along with several sparklers and fireworks. From all the commotion emerged an azure unicorn mare, with a silver mane, and magenta colored eyes. Upon her head she wore a purple wizard’s hat with several yellow and silver stars, and a cape to match. “Newcomer, gaze in awe at the amazing entrance of the Great and Powerful –!” “Trixie,” said Sunset. And just like that all the wind was taken out of Trixie’s sails, the unicorn mare plopped onto her hooves as the smoke and fireworks fizzled out. Trixie turned her annoyed gaze to Starlight and pouted. “Starliiiiiight, I told you not to tell her about me so I could make an amazing first in impression!” Starlight shook her head vehemently. “I-I didn’t, I swear!” “It’s not her fault, Trixie. I recognized you because I know the other you in the world I’m from. And she’s quite similar to you,” said Sunset. Trixie blinked. “Oh…well…naturally the Great and Powerful Trixie is amazing in whatever world she’s in.” Starlight playfully rolled her eyes. “Hope you don’t mind having her as our third, she can be a hoofful.” “Hey!” “Don’t worry, I’m used to it.” “Hey!” ***___________ X [D]___________*** During their walk, Starlight pointed out various parts of Ponyville. Sunset remembered being able to see Ponyville from the towers in Canterlot Castle, she had never been but heard it was a nice town. And judging from the smiling faces of the townsponies as she passed by, it was also quite friendly. Along the way they passed Rarity’s house, Sunset whistled at the sight of it. “So the Rarity here has how many stores?” Sunset asked. “Three, one here in Ponyville, obviously. Another in Canterlot and a third in Manehattan on Saddle Row,” said Starlight. “Dang, I remember Saddle Row being a fashion hotspot, and getting a store there is practically the height of acknowledgement! Heh, oh man my Rarity’s going to flip when she here’s this,” said Sunset. Trixie glanced to Starlight and mouthed, “What does she mean by ‘man’?” Starlight shrugged. After some walking all three mares arrived at the Ponyville Day Spa and were greeted by the Spa’s dual owners Lotus and Aloe. The trio were slipped into their robes and began their treatment. The first was a massage, Sunset briefly got a feeling of dread when she saw a rather large and buff pegasus stallion come walking towards her. Upon further inspection of the large stallion, she noticed some similarities between him and a boy she remembered from school. “Bulk Biceps?” Sunset asked. Bulk tilted his head in confusion. “That’s my name Miss. Just relax and we’ll work out those muscles.” Sunset placed her head down and prepared for the massage, but thankfully, the musclebound stallion was quite gentle and found all the problem areas on her back, making Sunset practically turn into goo. “Bulk looks intimidating, but he’s very good at what he does,” said Starlight. “Not to say that these mares don’t either – oohh, a little to the right – Ahh~” Trixie purred. The next stop was to the sauna. Sunset had removed her robe and reclined back, letting the heat sweat out all the stressful toxins in her body. As she laid there, she couldn’t help finding that there were eyes on her. “What’s up guys?” Sunset asked. “You seem to recognize a lot of the ponies in town on the way here,” said Trixie. “And we were wondering what it was like over there, the world you’re from?” Starlight asked with a twinkle of curiosity in her eyes. Sunset hummed for a moment as she closed her eyes and thought. “In some ways it’s not that different from here, just in the few minutes of spent walking around. Almost everypony has a counterpart there, except for me, and as far as I know, Starlight.” “So there’s another Twilight over there? Guess she’s the top of the magic game,” said Trixie with slight hint of annoyance. Sunset chuckled. “Well no, she’s mostly into science, magic is more like some fantasy thing for most people over there.” Trixie and Starlight shuddered. “I can’t imagine a place without being able to use magic, how else would the Great and Powerful Trixie flourish and show her talents?” Trixie asked. “When you learn to actually concentrate and think of the spell rather than say it out loud,” said Starlight. Sunset snorted and then chuckled at that, followed by Starlight. The magician mare’s cheeks were turning red from embarrassment and then she huffed and turned her nose up at them. Starlight smiled at Trixie’s pouty face and quickly used her magic to bring the mare closer to her, where she then draped her right foreleg around her shoulders. “C’mon now, you know I love you,” said Starlight. “Really? When you quip at Trixie like that it’s hard to tell,” said Trixie. “And let me go, you’re all sweaty.” “Since when has that bothered you?” Starlight began to nuzzle the azure mare, making Trixie giggle and release sounds of “eww” as she continued. “So, you two need the room? Otherwise I don’t mind a show,” said Sunset with a smirk. Starlight froze in her actions and blushed, having forgotten that there was another pony in the sauna. After their steam they were whisked to the mineral baths to soak and were provided with glasses of water to replenish their fluids. Afterwards they were treated to a hooficure and facial treatment. Once they were done, all three mares exited the spa, rejuvenated and relaxed, Sunset in particular felt all the tension had left her body. “Oh wow, I never realized how much I missed that as a pony,” said Sunset. “By the way, what do you look like when you’re over there?” Trixie asked. Sunset thought about it for a moment and concentrated her magic. Before them was a sphere of light, that sphere began to morph taking on Sunset’s human form. Trixie and Starlight examined the image with confusion as they tried to make sense of it. “Where’s your tail?” Trixie asked. “Human bodies don’t have them.” Sunset answered. “Why is your muzzle all scrunched up?” “What happened to your hooves?” “And what are those two bumps on the upper part of your barrel, are those your –?” Sunset snuffed out the image as her face began to heat up. “Okay, I’ll give you two an anatomy lesson some other time and in some place more private than out in the open.” “AAAAHH! THREE HEADED DOG!” Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight’s ears perked up at the sound of the scream. Sunset was ready to spring into action, but Starlight and Trixie didn’t seem as worried. “Didn’t you two hear that?! A three headed dog!” “Yeah, it’s probably Cerberus, I’ll go and get Fluttershy she’ll calm him down,” said Starlight as she began to walk away. Sunset cocked an eyebrow at this reaction, as if it were no big deal. “Don’t worry, things like this happen all the time, whether it’s a bugbear or Ursa Minor, Ponyville has a monster scare once in a while,” said Trixie. Suddenly, one of the buildings came crashing down as a giant beast appeared. Cerberus had gone through a transformation. The hound had grown a couple of feet, its fur gleamed in the sunlight as if made of metal. On each paw were three razor sharp claws that gouged the earth below it. Cerberus’ heads did not resemble that of a bulldog’s anymore, instead each head’s muzzle was stretched out, with rows of dagger like teeth. Its eyes were burning crimson red as it gazed down upon the ponies below, even as it drooled the spittle that dropped to the ground hissed as if made of acid. “That’s…Uh…That’s a different Cerberus, right?” Trixie asked. Starlight quickly teleported Sunset Shimmer and Trixie to her side and teleported them further away from the beast. They reappeared a few yards away, but even from their location they could still spot the giant canine. “Okay, this has officially moved into ‘Call Twilight and her friends’ territory! Trixie, you and Sunset get to the castle and stay there!” “Where are you going?!” Trixie asked. “I have to go and find her, just head there!” Starlight ordered. The lilac unicorn teleported away in a flash of magical light, off to find Princess Twilight. Meanwhile, the sounds of the rampaging Cerberus continued as ponies screamed in terror. Sunset gritted her teeth and clenched jaw, she may have come to Equestria for some relaxation, but that didn’t mean she could just stand by and watch this unfold. “Trixie, I need you to promise me you won’t tell anypony what you’re about to see unless I say it’s okay! Okay?!” Trixie shook her head. With that established, Sunset focused her magic. In a flash of turquoise light two items appeared before Sunset Shimmer. The first was her Unicorn Gaia Memory and the second was the Uni-Driver. The girls thought she was crazy for bringing them with her while on a vacation, but evil and disasters never care about that kind of stuff. Sunset balanced on her hind legs, much to Trixie’s utter confusion as to how she was doing that. With her telekinetic aura Sunset brought the buckle to about her barrel and the straps immediately shot out and connected. Sunset then used her spell to push down on the button of her Gaia Memory. < UNICORN! > “What the hay?!” “Henshin!” > UNICORN! < Sunset inserted the Gaia Memory into the slot and pushed the switch down with her left hoof. A field of turquoise energy appeared around Sunset, making Trixie jump back in shock. The armor, surprisingly, was actually able to form over her now pony body. Her forelegs were covered in turquoise armor, along with her lower hind legs, her chest and head were armored and her head was wrapped in a helmet with two large, oval eyes colored aquamarine. Sunset’s horn was covered in an emerald crystal, with a single silver edge at the front. “WHAT! THE! HAY?!” Trixie shouted. Sunset felt different, when she looked at her body, she noticed her magical power created a fine glowing layer of turquoise light that shimmered and sparkled. “What…Why do I feel so much stronger?” “AAAAAAHH!!” The scream of two fillies grabbed Unicorn’s attention, she didn’t even think twice before teleporting to the source of the scream. Upon arrival she saw two young fillies, one was strawberry pink, with a three toned mane of magenta, goldenrod, and red, and a two toned tail of light blue and violet. The other filly was coconut white, with a three tone mane and tail of neon yellow, neon green, and purple. Both Earth pony fillies hugged each other close as Cerberus loomed closer to them. But before the hellhound could take them, a flash of turquoise light went off in front of them, and in the next second both were gone. When the fillies blinked they now saw a unicorn mare, dressed in strange armor. “What are your names girls?” “I-I’m Toola Roola,” said the strawberry pink filly. “C-C-Coconut Cream,” said the other filly. “Alright then, Toola, Coco, you need to run as far as you can, get to Princess Twilight’s castle, you’ll be safe there!” “Miss…who are you?” Coconut Cream asked. The armored mare glanced over her shoulder to the two fillies. “I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn!” Cerberus roared at the armored pony and began a mad dash towards them. Unicorn glared at the great beast and super sprinted to meet the creature head on. “So cool!” Toola Roola and Coconut Cream stated at the same time. Sunset got underneath the beast’s first head and jumped straight up. She met the lower jaw of Cerberus with an uppercut making the hellhound stumble backwards. Unicorn spun in midair and landed on a nearby rooftop with perfect grace and balance, on her hind legs. Cerberus’ middle head shook back and forth as it tried to regain its senses, the other two heads were keenly focused on Unicorn as she stared down the behemoth. Unicorn’s horn glowed bright as spheres of condensed mana began to form around her, the Kamen Rider jumped into the air and with a swipe of her hoof commanded the magic bolts to fire in rapid succession at Cerberus. The giant dog was pushed back from the constant barrage of magic bolts, making it go further and further back until it was at the edge of the town. “Time to restore harmony!” Unicorn’s horn glowed as she concentrated on the Gaia Memory, making it slide up and release, and then placing it into the right hip port. >} UNICORN! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< Sunset aimed herself at Cerberus and shot down towards him with her right hind leg forward. A cone of energy appeared as it spun out at great speed. “SPIRAL BREAKER!” The behemoth dog didn’t have time to react as Unicorn’s Spiral Breaker struck the center head, leading to an explosion the rocked the town. Fiery turquoise light lapped off of Cerberus as Unicorn walked away from the flames, but up above, she watched as a black mass began to seep from the flames as if something was being purged from the magical fire. Once the dark mass was fully exorcised, it imploded on itself and gave a light puff as if fizzling out. Unicorn found this curious, but decided to inquire Twilight about this later. But when she looked back at the crowd, she found Twilight, and the counterparts to her CHS friends, Starlight, and Trixie watching the turquoise flames burn behind her. Fluttershy separated from the group as she marched towards Unicorn with a glare that might as well be burning a hole through her head. “WHAT! HAVE! YOU! DONE?! You didn’t have to –!” *BARK, BARK!* The turquoise flames evaporated, and from them emerged Cerberus, but his demonic form was gone, and was back to looking like a three headed bulldog. The giant dog lumbered over to Unicorn and sniffed her, and then all three heads licked Unicorn. Sunset was particularly glad that she was wearing armor and could not feel the slimy drool of Cerberus. “Cerberus, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. *Bark!* “Oh good, I thought she hurt you.” *Bark, bark!* “Something took control of you?!” Sunset remembered the dark mass that came out of the flames, wondering now if her Maximum Drive had somehow purified the beast. Princess Twilight stepped forward and reached out with her hoof towards Unicorn. “Thank you for protecting us, may we know the name of our hero?” Twilight asked. “I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn,” said Sunset. Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Unicorn, if you don’t mind would you please assist with escorting Cerberus back to the Gates of Tartarus?” “It would be my honor,” Unicorn bowed, “your Highness.” Twilight rolled her eyes playfully and led the way to take Cerberus back to his post, with Unicorn walking alongside her. Once they were far enough away from the town, Twilight hung her head in apology, “I’m sorry Sunset, you came home to relax and now this happens.” “It’s fine Twi, besides, that went a lot smoother than most of my fights. But I’m also guessing you want me to come with you for another reason?” Twilight’s brow furrowed as she thought of what Cerberus’ possession could mean. “The last time that Cerberus left his post, Tirek was able to get loose and roamed Equestria until he was strong enough to make his move.” Sunset had a worried look under her helmet. “I remember you saying it was defeating Tirek that allowed you to gain that castle and everything, but you never really went into detail as to what happened.” A pained expression befell the Princess of Friendship. “He destroyed my home, the place where I created so many memories with my friends, good and bad. He tricked Discord into turning his back on somepony who actually cared about him, and drained their magic. Compared to others my friends and I have faced, Tirek was evil incarnate.” Sunset placed her armored hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, trying to comfort the alicorn as best she could. Even Cerberus whimpered and lowered his three heads to nuzzle the little Princess. Twilight smiled at the affection she was receiving from both her friend and Cerberus. ***___________ X [D]___________*** It took some time but Twilight and Sunset finally arrived at the Gates of Tartarus. Upon getting close to the gates they found that it was in a forest, but the closer they got to the gate they were able to watch a transition of the trees going from wilting to dead and gray. An area of fifty feet was comprised of nothing but dead trees, not even any grass grew around the area of the Gates of Tartarus. The gates themselves were intimidating to see. Wrought iron, with rivets at certain intervals. The doors were colored a dark, crimson red and bared ancient Equestrian runic markings. Sunset walked alongside the gate and saw that that there was no back, it was strange. It was basically a giant door standing in the middle of nowhere. Twilight looked up to the hellhound and asked, “Cerberus, can you take me to see Tirek?” Cerberus’ three heads looked at the Princess in confusion, as if asking “Are you sure?” But her determined look swayed him. The giant dog released a powerful bark that shook the entire forest. Just as soon as the beast uttered that bark the gates started to open inward, and once they did, Twilight and Sunset beheld the dark void of Tartarus, with stone pathways that lead to numerous corners of the supernatural prison. “Twilight, are you sure about this?” “To this day we still don’t know who or what lured Cerberus away from Tartarus the first time, and that’s when Tirek escaped. This time I want to make sure he’s still in his cage with my own eyes,” said Twilight. Sunset didn’t think this was a good idea, but the last thing she wanted was to worry that an evil like Tirek was running loose. So Sunset accompanied Twilight and Cerberus into the depths of Tartarus. Along the way they saw several cages, each one containing a nightmarish creature, some were as big as a dragon, some the size of Timberwolves, and others were pony sized. As they continued along the stone path, Cerberus stopped and growled as they approached a large cage. Twilight glared as she saw its occupant. A scrawny, red and black centaur with yellow eyes peered from behind the bars of his prison at the familiar faces, and the newcomer. “Oh I am so lucky that Princess Twilight has decided to grace my humble cell. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I’m not here for pleasantries Tirek! I just wanted to make sure you’re still in here, where you belong. You won’t be escaping again,” said Twilight. Tirek hummed. “Well, we shall see. Life has a funny way of making unexpected things happen.” The dark centaur glanced over to the armored mare with curiosity. “And who might this be? I haven’t felt so strong a magical aura since…well, since we had our little battle, Princess. That was quite fun for all intents and purposes, I haven’t had any creature, pony or otherwise push me as hard as you did. I commend you for that.” Twilight narrowed her gaze, her horn sparking as if preparing to fire a spell at Tirek. In Tartarus, the dark centaur’s powers were nullified, his absorbing power would not save him if Twilight decided to strike him now. But after a moment the Princess of Friendship’s horn dimmed as she released a deep breath. “We’re done here. Thank you Cerberus.” *Bark.* “I hope to have another visit from you, Princess, and you too armored one.” Sunset turned around and the eyes of her helmet glowed. “Just so you know, if you even try to hurt the Princess or anypony, you’d better pray I don’t get to you before the Princess and the Elements do.” Tirek watched as Cerberus, Princess Twilight, and the armored mare disappeared into the distance. The scrawny centaur chuckled as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. “So, how long do you plan to hide there in the shadows?” The sound of rock crunching echoed in the darkness as a being stepped from behind a tall stalagmite. It appeared as a black and gold, wingless dragon. His left claw was only a sharp, golden boney hook. Upon his shoulders was a mantle with a black cape that flowed down his back, and a head ornament that resembled that of the pharaohs of ancient Southern Equestria. The creature had a short muzzle, with golden colored eyes that glowed bright in the void, and a row of razor sharp teeth. On his waist was a belt with a double headed golden eagle. “How did you manage to avoid Cerberus’ gaze?” Tirek asked. “I am Ambassador Hell, in such a place, I can make my presence known or concealed,” said the dragon. “Hmm, so I take it you’re here to free me?” “I need your power and strength, I can provide you with a means to regain your full power, but you will need to swear loyalty to me.” Tirek gave a slight bow to Ambassador Hell. “You have it.” Ambassador Hell opened his right claw and to it appeared a red barbed whip. The dragon took the whip and slashed at the bars of Tirek’s cell. After a delayed reaction, the bars were sliced apart and fell away, allowing the dark centaur to exit his cell. “They will be suspicious of my departure, after my first exit.” Ambassador Hell grunted as he waved his claw over the cell, the bars reformed and a copy of Tirek was now inside the cell. “They will not suspect so long as they see. Now come, I did not expect a Kamen Rider to be here, we’ll have to deal with that nuisance.” > Day 2: He's Just a Passing Through Kamen Rider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was night by the time Sunset and Twilight returned from the Gates of Tartarus. Sunset had noticed that Twilight still seemed a bit down from talking to Tirek, and had constantly been thinking of ways to cheer up her friend. When they arrived at the castle Starlight had greeted them and had given their friends the explanation as what and how Sunset was able to do what she did, and assured them she was back to just relax and not for any fighting. But that that didn’t mean she wouldn’t help out if something bad did happen like it today. “Thank you, Starlight, go on and head to bed, we’ll be alright,” said Twilight. Starlight nodded and went back to her room for some shut eye. As both mares started to walk down the hall, Twilight stopped as her stomach grumbled. The Princess of Friendship blushed at her loud growl, but her embarrassment didn’t last long as Sunset’s stomach echoed its hunger as well. “Let’s grab something from the kitchen,” said Twilight. Sunset smiled as Twilight led the way. Once in the kitchen, Twilight opened the fridge and cabinets, within a matter of seconds she had made a daffodil and daisy sandwich for both of them. The two mares levitated their midnight meals, Sunset bit into her sandwich and gave a moan of satisfaction. “It’s been too long since I’ve had one of these!” “So you really can’t eat any type of Equestrian food there?” Twilight asked. “I tried once, and got sick the following day. Human dietary needs are both different and similar to ponies in some ways. Sweets, most vegetables, and breads are similar diets for both ponies and humans, but eating things like hay, oats, and flowers there will either kill you or make you sick for days.” Twilight grimaced. “Glad I didn’t find out the hard way. But you seem to have adjusted well over there, at least from what I’ve read in your journal entries.” Sunset shrugged and took another bite of her sandwich. “I guess I have, in a way I kind of see it as second home.” At that moment a thought crossed her mind. “I never did ask, did you want me to look into your parents? I’m sure they’d love to see you.” The sun-yellow mare stopped her chewing for a moment and then swallowed. “You really don’t have to do that. If you could I’d be amazed, but it doesn’t matter.” Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Why not?” “I was an orphan when Princess Celestia chose me as her protégé. I was dropped off at an orphanage when I was a foal, growing up in the Canterlot Orphanage, and then one day I unleash a great display of magical power and the next thing I knew I was chosen as Princess Celestia’s student and was accepted into her school,” said Sunset. The sound of sandwich hitting plate drew Sunset’s attention. She stared wide eyed Twilight who was looking at her with shock at this revelation. “I’m…I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that! I-I shouldn’t have brought it up!” “Honestly, Twilight, it’s alright. I got over it a long time ago, and even more after being stuck in that other world all these years, and really – EEP!” Sunset squeak when she felt Twilight wrap her forelegs around her, along with her wings. A strange feeling of warmth filled her cheeks as she felt the soft fur of her friend caress hers. “Um…T-Twilight?” “I can’t imagine not having a mother and father, or brother, is like. Applejack’s parents are no longer with us, but at least she and her siblings have Granny Smith, and each other, I just…” Sunset managed to get one of her forelegs out from the hug and returned the hug with one of her own. After a minute of hugging, both mares smiled at each other and finished their meal. With blushing faces both mares bid the other goodnight and went to their respective rooms, both still trying to figure out what this thumping feeling inside meant. ***___________ X [D]___________*** The next morning, Twilight and Sunset explained to her friends about what Sunset did and what she could do, about receiving a mysterious power and the ability to transform into an armored hero. Thankfully her friends accepted the explanation, as Sunset Shimmer did save the town and everypony from a rampaging, and possessed Cerberus. Once they were gone, Sunset decided to go out and get to know the pony versions of her friends. Sunset had had fun hanging out with Rarity, but barely escaped getting swept up in one of her inspiration induced sewing frenzies, apparently seeing Sunset had struck the fashionista with an idea for a new line of dresses, and when she told Rarity what she wore on the other side, it brought about the line of “Bad Girl” chic. Once she was out of Carousel Boutique Sunset began wandering about the town, everywhere she went the ponies were talking about Kamen Rider Unicorn. Sunset was afraid the townsponies would be fearful of the combative hero, but was surprised to see that they were welcome to the idea of a hero like her. As she continued to walk, Sunset glanced into the distance and saw the mountain where Canterlot stood. Even from this distance the city still looked as majestic as she remembered. The sun-yellow mare’s heart ached a bit, part of her wanted to go to the city and see her teacher and proverbial mother, Princess Celestia. She had left on such bad terms last time, and despite what Twilight had said, she couldn’t stop thinking that some part of Celestia was might still be angry with her. Sunset sighed and continued on her way, taking the dirt path and to wherever it led. Stop thinking about depressing things, Sunset. Think of something else, she thought. Her mind did wander onto something else, that of another alicorn, a lavender colored alicorn. Thinking of Princess Twilight put a smile on Sunset’s face, and made her heart thump a bit harder. Sunset quickly dismissed that thought, but then the face of the Twilight Sparkle of her world came into her mind, and yet again the thump came back. “Stupid Rainbow Dash putting thoughts in my head! I don’t feel that way for Princess Twilight or Twilight! I don’t…they’re…they’re my friends! And I can’t like them like that, right?” “KEE!!” Sunset snapped out of her inward debate and glanced about her surroundings. Somehow she had walked the dirt path all the way to Sweet Apple Acres, but what she didn’t understand was where that sound came from. “Kee! Kee!” “What the Sam hill are you varmints doin’!” “Sis help!” Sunset ran into the farm and spotted Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Mac, and another pony she didn’t recognize. She was a unicorn mare with a magenta mane, and cerise coat. Her eyes a light shade of her coat, and on her flank was a cutie mark of a strawberry topped cupcake. All three seem to be running towards the distance in pursuit of something or someone. Sunset continued to follow them from behind and watched as several ponies were taking Applejack’s little sister, Apple Bloom, away. They were dressed in black suits, with a skeletal ribcage painted on the front. Each of the foalnappers had a black mask on, with the eyes, nose, and mouth exposed and rimmed with white, and upon their head they bore the double headed eagle insignia. Each one, about thirty in total, made of pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies. Two of the unicorn foalnappers held Apple Bloom aloft in a combined spherical barrier. The red maned filly kept pounding and bucking at the bubble, but it did not break. “Give my sister back!” Applejack shouted as she ran straight for the foalnappers. “Ke-Kee!” The black attired earth pony cried as he charged forward. The stallion met with Applejack at the center and body slammed into her, the blow was powerful enough to send the farm mare flying back to where she was. Thankfully, the unicorn with them used her magic to quickly catch Applejack and slowed her down until she rested before them. Big Macintosh snorted in anger, raking the ground with this right hoof. He reared and then charged in, the same masked stallion charged again, but this time the two met in the center and slammed into each other. Big Mac tried to push back against the other stallion, but the foalnapper was somehow stronger than him as he took a step forward and got under Big Mac and raised him into the air as if he weighed nothing. Applejack came to and gawked at the sight of her brother being picked up as if were light as a feather. Sunset couldn’t stand by and watch this no more, concentrating she summoned both the Unicorn Memory and Uni-Driver to her side. She quickly stood on her hind legs and strapped the belt on. < UNICORN! > “Henshin!” > UNICORN! < Sunset ran towards them as the turquoise filed enveloped her and spawned her armor, transforming her into Kamen Rider Unicorn. With her power now activated, Sunset teleported quickly to where the three were. Just as she got there, the stallion threw Big Macintosh at them, but Unicorn quickly used her levitation spell to stop him midflight and safely brought him down to the ground. Applejack looked to Kamen Rider Unicorn with relief, knowing who it was under the mask. “They took Apple Bloom! They just came in and…and…!” “Don’t worry, AJ, I’ll get her back!” Unicorn declared. The foalnappers seemed to regard Unicorn differently than they did Applejack and Big Mac, they backed away, not retreating, but cautious, as if they knew what she was and were trying to assess how to fight back against her. Sunset eyed each of the black clothed ponies, and keeping watch of the ones in the air who almost appeared like ravens if one squinted hard enough. “Kee! Kee-Kee!” One unicorn sounded. “KEE!” was the others’ response. The earth pony stallions charged for Unicorn. The Kamen Rider took a defensive stance one came in swinging with a right hook, but Unicorn caught that hook punch and used the pony’s momentum to throw him into several of his companions. Another tried to body slam her, with a quick teleportation, Unicorn appeared over the stallion and came down on his back with both her hind hooves, driving him into the dirt. She then flipped off him like a springboard and landed a few ways away. Some of the unicorn assailants came in, and with their magic they produced sword weapons. Unicorn blocked the blows with well-timed shield spells, however, while she was defending she missed the pegasi up above that flew down. Like bombers they released their quills from their wings that rained down like bombs and exploded upon impact. The sword wielding unicorns broke off as Unicorn got pelted by several of the exploding quills. Sparks flew from her armor as she was sent flying backwards and rolling across the grass until she hit a tree. “Damn, they’re tougher than I thought.” “Who, those Combatmen? They’re easiest to beat.” “Seriously they’re hella strong and – Wait a minute, who’s there?!” “Up here.” Sunset looked up and saw a unicorn stallion sitting in a tree. His mane was a sandy brown, with a coat of light red, eyes a dull green, and a black jacket. Around his neck was a camera, which he levitated and snapped a photo of Unicorn. “If you don’t stop messing around with them, they’re going to take that kid away, you know that right?” Unicorn glanced back towards the Combatmen and saw that the two keeping Apple Bloom were starting to get further away. “I know, I’m trying!” “No, if you were they’d be all gone and she’d be with them.” The unicorn jumped off the tree and landed on the ground a few feet from Unicorn. “Guess I’ll have to show you how it’s done, rookie.” The unknown unicorn stallion stood on his hind legs and placed his forehooves over his waist. A silver belt appeared, with a red sphere at the center, and surrounding that belt were nine symbols. A book was attached to his hip, which opened thanks to his rose colored magical aura, and out from it he drew a card. The unicorn stallion placed both hooves on either side of the buckle and pulled it apart. [Kamen Ride.] Sunset’s eyes widened with shock. “Wait you’re a –!” “Henshin.” The unicorn slipped the card into the belt and closed it. [Kamen Ride: Decade!] A flash went off from the belt and a ghostly image of armor appeared, and both halves of that image overlaid with the unicorn stallion, transforming him into Kamen Rider Decade. His armor was blocky, with black and white X pattern going from the left side of his chest, the center of the Rider’s chest was black and ran down to his hooves, the inner thighs and legs of the armor was colored white, along with the underside of the arms. On the outer thighs, legs, and going up his body and shoulder pauldrons, his armor was red. The helmet had green eyes, with a slight curve as if showing a narrowed gaze, and had black bars in it like a bar code. From the center of his helmet, one of the black bars took to protecting his unicorn horn. The Combatmen all seemed to jump at the sight of Decade, a sight that made Decade chuckle. “Well then, let’s get started.” Decade jumped into the air, spun once, and came down with a flying kick to one of the earth pony Combatman. Decade used the Combatman’s face as a springboard, propelling him into a backflip, while in the air, Decade detached the Ride Booker and transformed into a blaster. Taking it into hoof, Decade squeezed the trigger and fired multiple energy bolts at the Combatmen. Each explosion sent them flying into the air and let out a painful “Kee!” sound. Unicorn shook her head at this and rose back to her hooves. With a swift teleportation, Unicorn appeared in front of Decade as her took aim, with his blaster now aimed between her eyes. “I’d suggest moving.” “You may be a Kamen Rider, and they may be bad guys, but they’re still just ponies! You’ll kill them at this rate!” Unicorn argued. Decade chuckled. “Take a closer look.” Unicorn looked back at some of the downed Combatmen and watched as they began to turn into puddles of goo and then the goo began to evaporate. “What in the name of Celestia are they?!” Unicorn gasped. “Combatmen are genetically engineered soldiers, they're made from nothing and from nothing they return. So don’t hold back rookie, and hit them hard to save that kid!” Sunset narrowed her gaze as she smirked, not having to worry about hurting her opponents was a load off her conscience, now she could go all out. Bearing that in mind, Unicorn materialized a new Gaia Memory. < CYCLONE! > {< CYCLONE! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} A whirlwind of emerald wind surrounded Unicorn, transforming her into Mystic Cyclone form. Unicorn stood beside Decade as she looked towards the air. “I’ll handle the airborne ones, think you can take the ground?” “Please, I’ve fought worse.” Unicorn took off into the sky, upon which the pegasus Combatmen swarmed on her. Unicorn watched as two of them fired their explosive quills at her, but Unicorn summoned the emerald wind to create a shell of dense air pressure, making the quills explode on impact and shifting the concussive force away from her. Unicorn focused her magical energy into the wind and created spheres of glowing condensed air pressure. “Air Bullets!” Unicorn fired her first volley at the Combatmen, each one landing a hit and the targets giving a satisfying “Kee!” upon getting hit. Five Combatmen were on Unicorn’s tail, but the masked rider turned around and gave the lead mare a flying kick to her face. She jumped to the right Combatmen and struck with an elbow right in the center of the wing joints. The pegasus Combatman gave a very painful “KEE!” and fell out of the sky like a lead weight. Sunset felt a little bad for hitting her enemy there, pegasi were sensitive around their wing joints, and an elbow strike like that must’ve been extremely painful. Several more came in to attack and Sunset was starting to get annoyed by them. Using her telekinetic spell, Sunset moved the Cyclone Memory into the right hip port. >} CYCLONE! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< Unicorn wrapped herself in the emerald wind and began flying circles around the remaining seven pegasus Combatmen. The result created a typhoon around them that caught and held the Combatmen in place. “Typhoon Rumble!” Unicorn’s right hind hoof blazed with magical energy and wind as she bounced off a wall of hardened air, she appeared as a green streak, pin balling from one side to the next as she struck each of the seven Combatmen in succession. Each one exploded in a shower of green fire once the attack ended. Decade watched this and shook his head. “Not bad.” [Kamen Ride.] Decade took out another card, this card however had the image of a different Kamen Rider on it. Decade slipped the card into the Driver and closed it. “Henshin.” [Kamen Ride: Kabuto!] Blue energy paneling appeared over Decade, rapidly changing this armor, and once complete, Decade had become an entirely new rider. The colors had changed, the armor had turned red, with the shoulder pauldrons having a silver edge to them, his helmet had big blue eyes, with a horn that ran up its face and split into a wide V shape. Although the armor changed, the belt and book were in the same place they were originally. The strange horn glowed and from the book another card came out, and Decade opened the belt again. [Attack Ride.] The card slipped into the belt and Decade closed it. [Clock Up!] The world around Decade looked as if everyone and everything was moving at a centimeter per hour, this was the power of the Clock Up card, the power to accelerate time for the user. Decade transformed the Ride Booker into sword mode and took off after the Combatmen. Outside of the Clock Up, the Apples and Unicorn watched as each Combatman pony was struck by an impossibly fast blur and then turned to goo in the next split second after. All of the earth pony Combatmen were felled quickly, and soon after, there were only the two that held Apple Bloom. Unicorn returned to her default form, and Decade appeared next to her, transforming back into his original form. Both Riders glanced to each other and nodded. [Attack Ride.] >} UNICORN! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< Both Kamen Riders took off into the air, before Decade appeared several cards bearing his insignia, and with Unicorn, spiral magical energy gathered to her left hind leg. “Spiral Breaker!” [D-D-Decade!] Decade smashed through one holographic cards one after the other, each one layering over his right hind hoof and coating it with more and more power. At the end, both Riders struck the two Combatmen unicorns in one shot, causing an explosion. Big Mac, Applejack, Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith feared the worst of the youngest Apple, but thankfully their fears were for not as two beings came walking out of the dying flames, eyes glowing as their forms were silhouetted by the glow of the fire. Within a bubble of turquoise magical energy, was Apple Bloom, completely safe and sound. Unicorn and Decade met the rest of the Apples and gently released Apple Bloom back to them. “SIS, BIG BRO, MISS BELLE, GRANNY!” The older Apples brought the youngest into a family hug, glad that she was safe and sound. Decade changed back to his pony form and used his telekinetic magic to snap a picture of the reunion. “That’s a keeper.” Sunset released her form and changed back, smiling at the reunion but then shifting a suspicious gaze towards Decade. “Okay, we need to talk.” Decade chuckled. “We do, but later. You should enjoy this nice day.” The unicorn pony began walking off and almost immediately a shimmering veil of silver appeared, it rippled like water and came towards Decade, and in the next second he passed through it and disappeared. Sunset looked around and even used her magic to try and sense any use of a teleportation spell, but there was nothing at all. Deciding to look for Decade another time, Sunset turned her attention to the Apples. “Hey, so what exactly happened?” Sunset asked. “It was the darndest thing, we were just startin’ get some work done, but then those creeps just come bargin’ in here and take Apple Bloom! The only thing they kept saying was that weird noise as they were takin’ her!” Applejack explained. Sunset crouched a little lower and smiled at Apple Bloom. “Hey, you alright AB? I know that was scary, but you don’t have to worry, I’ll make sure that they don’t come back.” Apple Bloom released herself from her family’s hug and went to hug Sunset, taking the unicorn off guard. “Thank you Miss Shimmer!” Sunset gingerly raised her right hoof and stroked Apple Bloom’s mane soothingly, a gesture, she recalled, that certain alicorn princess once did for her when she was scared. “No problem.” ***___________ X [D]___________*** Sunset decided to head back into Ponyville proper to inform Twilight of what occurred. As she passed through the open market place, Sunset caught a familiar sight out of the corner of her eye. The same stallion was lounging on a bench and using his camera to take pictures of the area. Sunset furrowed her brow and quickly teleported right in front of Decade right as he took a picture. “That’s not going to be a very flattering picture,” said Decade. Sunset snorted as she continued to glare at him. “You know I’m on your side, we’re both Kamen Riders.” “I saw, but look at it from my perspective. The three-headed dog, Cerberus, attacks the town. The next day, a friend of mine’s little sister was almost foalnapped by a bunch of badly dressed henchmen, and then you appear out of nowhere and help save the day. And that you just so happen to be a Kamen Rider,” said Sunset. Decade tapped his chin as he mulled that over. “Huh, now that you put it that way I’d be suspicious of me, too.” The stallion carefully stood up from the bench and smirked. “Let’s start over, my name is Tsukasa.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “‘Tsukasa’, it means ‘wing’ in Neighponese, right?” “Ha, figured Japan had a counterpart, even in this fantasy world,” said Tsukasa. “Walk with me.” With a bit of caution and reluctance, Sunset walked alongside Tsukasa. During their walk, the unicorn stallion gave Sunset a rundown of who he was. The infamous “Destroyer of Worlds” and apparently “Savior of Worlds” as well. Tsukasa gave a brief explanation of the different Kamen Riders in different dimensions where they too protected people from various, monstrous threats, and of the hardships each of them faced along the way. “Wait, so one of the Riders became a god?” Sunset asked. “Oh, Kouta? Yeah, he did, him and his girlfriend both. So technically god and goddess,” said Tsukasa. “And…he’s still a Rider?” Tsukasa’s horn glowed as he levitated an orange from a nearby stand, and just as quickly placed a bit on the counter of the merchant pony. With precession, Tsukasa began to peel the skin off the orange and evaporated it with a quick lighting spell. The unicorn stallion carefully took a piece of the fruit and began to eat it, savoring the juicy flavor. “Mmm, something about this world just makes fruit and vegetables taste better, probably the pony biology,” said Tsukasa. Sunset watched all this and raised an eyebrow. “How long have you been in Equestria?” Tsukasa shrugged, “Eh, a few hours now.” The sun-yellow mare halted in her tracks, mouth agape. “And you just know how to use unicorn magic?!” The dimension traveler just chuckled. “It comes with the territory. Whenever I visit a new world, I gain some rudimentary knowledge of it. Such as how magic works, and how to walk on four legs, which is still a strange feeling.” Sunset snorted. “Well that’s unfair, I still stumble from time to time since I’ve been away for some years.” The fiery maned mare sighed and brought her thoughts back to Sweet Apple Acres. “More importantly, why are you here, and why were those Combatmen after Apple Bloom?” It was here that Tsukasa’s chipper mood went a little sour. “Those badly dressed henchmen are from a group known as Shocker. They’ve gone by different names, Gel-Shocker, Dai-Shocker, Super Shocker, Space Shocker, and Nova Shocker. Each reincarnation steadily getting worse than the last, each one led by monsters, an organization created entirely of past enemies of the many Kamen Riders, your senpais. They will stop at nothing to conquer not just the world but all worlds, failing that, they’ll destroy them all.” Sunset suddenly felt a chill go up her spine. “Each time they’ve failed, the power of the Kamen Riders, a force of good, keeps their evil down. But each time they come back a little stronger, and a little craftier. Some learn from their mistakes, and I won’t lie we’ve come across some close calls, but the fact that Shocker is back, and in this world, must mean something.” Tsukasa looked off towards the street, watching as the numerous ponies walked about and talked, each with happy smile on their faces. “A world filled with magic and wonder, fueled by pure harmonious energy. It’s something that even they can’t resist. I’m not sure what their plans are, Sun-chan, but somehow I feel that filly is part of it. Watch her closely.” Before Sunset could inquire further, the Silver Veil appeared again, and passed over Tsukasa. The veil stopped a mere few inches from her muzzle and then disappeared. Sunset fell on her rump and sighed heavily, she had come to Equestria to get some rest and relaxation, only to find out that an evil organization was planning something diabolical in her homeland. “Wonder how things are going for Rainbow and the girls? Probably less stressful than this mess.” ***___________ X [D]___________*** Sunset felt like she needed another trip to the spa, which at this point she may need to pay Rarity a visit. Knowing her Earth counterpart, that girl – mare – would no doubt be up for a little spa time. Once she reached the castle, the front doors burst open and Twilight and Starlight came rushing down the stairs. Twilight nearly knocked Sunset Shimmer to the ground as she hugged her tight. “Sunset, I heard about what happened at Applejack’s! Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital? Wait, we’re too far, Starlight, do you know any healing spells?!” Twilight ranted. The sun-yellow mare snapped out of her surprise and chuckled a little as she placed her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders. “Twi, I’m alright. Those bad guys were way too easy, plus I had help.” “Help?” Starlight and Twilight uttered at the same time. “Yeah, turns out there’s another Kamen Rider. Still not sure about him though, but otherwise I think he’s a good guy, maybe,” said Sunset. Twilight’s ears drooped against her skull. “Oh…well…maybe we shouldn’t then.” “Shouldn’t what?” Sunset asked. Starlight stepped forward and with a confident smirk stated. “Oh Twilight had thought it best that you guys have a day, just you two, out of town, maybe in Canterlot?” Twilight’s face tinted pink as glanced at her student. “Starlight, after everything that happened, you can’t expect –!” “Sounds great.” Twilight’s face went from pink to crimson, her feather’s fluffing up at hearing what Sunset said. “Y-You want to go to Canterlot?” Sunset rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously. “Honestly, it was one of the things I wanted to do. Spend some time in my old stomping grounds…I…I doubt that anypony remembers me other than Celestia. And before you ask, no, I don’t want to see her. Not right now, anyway…” ***___________ X [D]___________*** “Kee, kee!” Ambassador Hell walked down the halls of his lair, the Combatmen saluting him as he passed by. It took some time for him to adjust to his dragon form, but it was going to take him a little longer to accept the pony forms of his henchmen. For years he had been planning the rebirth of Shocker, but each time Shocker rose up, Kamen Riders would appear to take it down. So, Ambassador Hell thought of a different method, regrow Shocker in a different world, a different universe, and from there they would grow ever more powerful. For when the Kamen Riders, and in the unfortunate event, the Super Sentai, found out they would be powerless to stop them. No miracles would save them, not once they have taken the ultimate magic of this land. Ambassador Hell continued his walk through the halls, eventually arriving in the main hall, where his throne awaited. At his right side was an Earth pony stallion. His armor was silver, with dark plates, a belt was tied around his waist, with a glowing green orb at the buckle. At sides of his forelegs were black crescent blades, and on the heels of his hind hooves were the same crescent blades. The stallion’s helmet was colored silver as well, with the mouth guard black. Two black, horn-like antenna rested at the center of his forehead, and his round eyes shined an emerald green. Ambassador Hell knew this man well, less than a man anymore, was now only filled with ambition and darkness, and a hatred for the Kamen Riders. This man who had at one point led Shocker in his absence, was known as Shadow Moon. Surrounding this throne room were a plethora of monsters, Greeed, Yummies, Phantoms, Inves, Fangire, Mirror Monsters, and Zoidarts. Each one a powerful creature from their respective worlds, each one defeated by the Kamen Rider of that world. Yes, the hate and fury of these monsters would never be satiated, not until the last Rider was dead. Ambassador Hell took his seat upon the throne and looked to each of his comrades. Unlike himself and Shadow Moon, the majority of the other Kaijin remained in their original forms, unaffected by this world’s strange magic. Ambassador Hell slammed his fist against the armrest of his throne, ushering in silence to the Kaijin army. “Explain to me how we lost one of them?” Ambassador Hell asked. Shadow Moon stepped down from the right side of the throne and stood before his leader. “Sir, Kamen Rider Unicorn was in the vicinity and…another Rider.” Ambassador Hell’s brow furrowed. “Who?” The throngs of Kaijin looked to each other, apparently they already knew, but were reluctant to speak his name. Shadow Moon sighed and uttered the name, “Decade.” Ambassador Hell’s aura flared up in agitation, Kamen Rider Decade, the one who was groomed to be the spearhead of Shocker, the true “Destroyer of Worlds”, now a traitor to the cause and siding with the other Kamen Riders, helping them in their battle against Shocker. The raging aura of Ambassador Hell settled as he took in a deep breath, and spoke, “It does not matter, once we reach our goal the rest will fall by the wayside. How went the other mission?” Shadow Moon turned around, and in the middle of the room an arcane magic circle opened up. From it appeared three beings known as Phantoms. The first was colored white with a violet visor, he was called Wiseman or by his Phantom name, Carbuncle. To his right was a woman, with undulating snakes in her hair, she went by the name Medusa. And lastly, to the left, was a male creature, bright red, with gold highlights, his name was Phoenix. At the center of their triangle was a statue, and not just any statue, it was a statue of the Spirit of Chaos himself, Discord, caught in mid shock of what happened. “Ambassador Hell, we have returned with the Chaos Spirit,” said Carbuncle. “Not much of a challenge though, for an omnipotent magical being, he was easily subdued,” said Medusa. “As I had warned him, playing with ponies will make you soft.” The crowd of Kaijin parted as Tirek’s hooves clopped against the stone floor, his eyes narrowed and fixated on his former partner in crime. It was poetic, in way, he betrayed Discord, and in the end it was Discord who ended up handing over the item which would lead to his defeat. “Now, for my revenge.” Tirek opened his mouth and suddenly, purple, chaotic light rose from the statue of Discord. The magical essence flowed straight into the centaur’s mouth, causing his body to emit an orange aura. The scrawny, almost sickly looking centaur began to grow. Tirek began growing with sculpted muscles, his short horns grew out, becoming U shaped. The scraggly beard and mane became fuller and longer with each passing second, until finally, the mighty Lord Tirek practically towered over the denizens of Shocker. The last remnants of Discord’s magic flew into his mouth, upon which Tirek snapped his jaws shut, his eyes glowing with the absorbed magic. “Wake him,” said Tirek, his voice had become deeper, and gravelly. Medusa’s eyes shined and the stone prison shattered, releasing the depowered Spirit of Chaos. Discord fell to the floor, feeling an all too familiar weakness in his body. The Spirit of Chaos glanced about his surroundings and saw the numerous Kaijin that littered the room, and then looked upon the three who had spirited him away, but his gaze narrowed in anger when he laid eyes upon the one being he had hoped to never see again. “Tirek,” said Discord, disdain heavy I his voice. “Heh, heh, nice to see you again, ‘friend’. I can’t wait to start taking all that magical power from your precious ponies, and I’ll start with that little pegasus you’re so fond of.” Discord rose up quickly, extending the claws on his lion’s paw to take a swipe at Tirek, but his weakened state made that impossible, falling back to the floor in a heap before he even got close to the centaur. “If you harm one hair on her head, I’ll tear your apart atom by atom!” “Good luck with that, take him away!” Tirek ordered. “Kee, kee, ke-kee!” Combatmen unicorns entered the room and quickly shackled the Spirit of Chaos, dragging him away to their holding cells. “So shall I begin extracting the magic from those ponies?” Tirek asked. Ambassador Hell glared at the centaur. “You will restrain yourself until the time is right, we still need the Miracle Magic of this land. And once we have it, we will possess the power to rid ourselves of the Riders, and finally have dominion over the multiverse!” The Kaijin all released roars and cheers, all chanting the name of their leader. “HELL! HELL! HELL! HELL!” “Shadow Moon, I want you to send more competent warriors this time, if Kamen Rider Decade shows, I want him dead,” said Ambassador Hell. “Send me!” Phoenix demanded. “I want to see if this new Rider is any good.” “I as well.” The crowd of Kaijin parted as a Zodiart stepped forward, his body was white as snow. Black and gold armor covered his upper chest, shoulders, head, and forearms. This Zodiart had a helm like that of a unicorn, with a spiral horn. “I think a Unicorn, should fight a Unicorn.” > Day 3: Canterlot Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around six in the morning the duo were out the door and on the first train to Canterlot. Sunset yawned as she tried to fight the urge to doze off on the train ride, which apparently they were the only ones on it, but since most ponies were still in bed it was not surprising. During the ride, Sunset did nod off a couple of times, both ending up with her head resting against Twilight’s shoulder. The first time kind of shocked Twilight, as she was not prepared for a sleepy Sunset using her as a pillow. But the second time it was less of a surprise, Sunset actually stayed asleep a little longer on her second nap. Twilight smiled at the unicorn mare next to her and unfurled her right wing to wrap around Sunset’s body, acting as a makeshift blanket. A blanket that made Sunset hum in appreciation. Twilight’s heart fluttered a bit more when Sunset unconsciously snuggled closer to the alicorn mare, and said alicorn couldn’t help but stare. A thought crossed her mind to kiss Sunset’s forehead, just a little one, but she thought against it. It felt weird and yet right to think about doing it, but at the same time it filled Twilight’s heart with a little worry as to why she was thinking about doing something like that. Twilight looked out the window and smiled, as she nudged her friend awake. “Huh…wha-what’s up?” Sunset asked in a groggy state. “Look out the window.” Sunset turned her head and watched as the moon set, and soon after the sun crested over the horizon. The fiery maned mare turned her whole body, watching as the celestial sphere of fire graced the land with warmth and light. Without realizing it, Sunset began to cry, Twilight noticed this and immediately panicked. “S-Sunset, are you alright?!” Twilight asked. Sunset wiped her tears away and smiled at Twilight. “I’m alright Twilight, it’s just been a long time since I’ve seen the sunrise from this high up on the mountain. It’s nostalgic.” Once the train pulled into the station, Twilight and Sunset disembarked. The city was now coming to life as businesses were opening up and the Canterlot citizens began their day. Twilight watched as Sunset’s eyes widened, she could tell that Sunset recognized everything, although there were times when she gave a confused look, most likely due to something that had changed. Twilight led Sunset down the street, of course several ponies either bowed or fangirled when she was around, making Twilight blush and giving Sunset much teasing fuel for later. “Hey, Twilight, you mind if we head somewhere? It’s probably not there anymore but I’d like to see if it is.” “Sure, where to?” “C’mon.” Sunset led Twilight down a few blocks, going by memory, and for the most part it was the same. When they turned the corner of the street, Sunset stopped. A couple of yards away was an orphanage called “Little Trotters Orphanage”. A sad smile appeared on Sunset’s muzzle. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s still here.” “Sunset you know that place?” Twilight asked. “It’s the place where I was left as a foal, where I grew up until Princess Celestia saw my magic potential and took me under her wing.” “Do you want to…?” “No, it’s alright, maybe some other day, I just wanted to see if it was here. Let’s go have some fun,” said Sunset. ***________ X [D] ________*** The rest of the time was spent on more fun activities, Twilight took Sunset through the Royal Rose Gardens, and through the Hedge Maze. Twilight regaled Sunset with the tale of when Discord first resurrected and had tricked them into going into the maze. Sunset recounted the times when she and Princess Celestia would sneak away and play hide and seek in the maze, and how Sunset would subsequently cry when she couldn’t find her. Sunset blushed in embarrassment at how she was a crybaby back then. From there they moved onto the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, a place that held both happy and bad memories for Sunset. Twilight knew this, but Sunset insisted on going back, along the way they passed by several unicorn students who paused in their studies and conversations to watch the Princess of Friendship as she strode side-by-side with Sunset Shimmer. “Seems you’re quite the popular Princess,” said Sunset. “Ugh, you don’t even know…I found a shop selling body pillows of me.” Twilight had a chill run up her spine. “I can’t and don’t want to imagine what ponies are doing with them.” “Oh I’m sure they're doing something,” said Sunset with her trademark smirk. Twilight blushed and bumped Sunset with her shoulder. “Sunset!” After that embarrassing little jab, both mares began to feel a bout of hunger hit their stomachs, so they decided to head to the most popular restaurant in Canterlot, The Tasty Treat. Twilight also gave Sunset the rundown of the friendship emergency that went on that required the expertise of both Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Sunset couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at that, if their Canterlot City counterparts were anything like them, then Sunset felt like that could either end in a complete success or disaster. Thankfully it was the former. Once they arrived, they were greeted by a unicorn stallion. He had a dark raspberry colored mane and mustache, magenta colored eyes, and an amber coat. “Welcome to the Tasty Treat – Oh my goodness, Princess Twilight!” Twilight waved to stallion. “Hi, Coriander.” “Oh my, I did not know you were coming, I would’ve set up a nice private booth for you, Princess!” “No, no, please don’t, but if you have a table or booth available we’d like to have lunch here,” said Twilight. “Of course!” Coriander quickly bused a booth, using his magic to clean it until it practically sparkled. The stallion rushed back to the front and bowed to Twilight and Sunset. “Your booth awaits!” Once Twilight and Sunset were seated, they were given some time to look over the menu and told their orders to Coriander who promptly took them back to the kitchen. While they were seated, Sunset decided to let Twilight onto what had been happening back at CHS, especially with all the Dopant activity. “I’m glad you seem to have everything handled, Sunset, but don’t hesitate to ask us for help on this side,” said Twilight as she reached out and placed her hoof on Sunset’s. “Thanks, but now that Rainbow’s a Rider too, it kind of puts me more at ease. Actually it’s one of the things I’d like to talk to you about.” Sunset stated. “Like what?” Sunset sighed. “Since I’m the only one who knows anything about Equestrian magic, I feel as if I need to be the one to take charge, and for the most part, the girls seem to have pinned me as the leader of the group. Even your human self seems that way. But because of my knowledge – and the fact that I’m practically older than all of them – I constantly keep thinking of all the bad things that could happen. Be it Dopant attacks or random acts of magic! I’d just…I just wonder how you do it?” Twilight thought about that, she thought hard until finally she spoke the truth. “Honestly, Sunset, I worry just as much as you do.” Sunset’s turquoise eyes widened. “As a Princess and Element of Harmony, I know my friends and I will be called upon to help Equestria, and each time I keep wondering if the next challenge will be too much. Will I be able lead them? Will we make it through? Will this be our land stand? I plan, I plot, and I try to execute, but not everything goes according to plan, not everything will be executed to perfection. In those moments, it’s my friends that keep me stable.” “Pinkie Pie has taught me to accept things that are just sometimes not logical, and work with them. Fluttershy has showed time and again that kind words and a kind heart can sometimes bring about great change. Rainbow’s daring and courageous attitude has shown me that we can’t let fear bring us down. Applejack is like a rock, always keeping us level headed. And Rarity’s keen eye for details and creativity have helped me to think in different ways for whatever comes our way. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you can’t always be prepared for whatever comes your way, you just have to react appropriately, trust in yourself, and most of all, trust in your friends.” Sunset digested the words Twilight spoke. Twilight reached over and took Sunset’s hoof into her own, making the sun-yellow mare look back up at her. “And don’t forget, you have ponies here that will always help you.” “Twilight…” For a moment, the world stopped, and there was only the two of them. Their eyes locked onto each other as a blush befell both their faces. Sunset was becoming hyper aware of Twilight’s hoof gripping her own, as well as the lavender scent. Their hearts beat a little faster as lumps formed in their throats, Twilight knew what this feeling was, but was not sure how to act upon it in this moment. Was it okay to say how she felt, here, in front of so many? Surely kissing Sunset right now would be too much, and besides, it should be done privately, and in a more romantic setting than this. But…Sunset’s lips did look oh so inviting to the alicorn mare. Without really realizing it, both mares were moving closer to each other, inch by inch the gap was closing between them. Was this really happening? Right here, right now? “Princess Twilight!” Sunset and Twilight were snapped out of their trance and sat at attention in their seats. Both mares watched as a young mare walked towards them. She had curly fuchsia colored hair, an orange coat, and violet colored eyes. Twilight knew this mare as Saffron Marsala, the chef and daughter of Coriander. “It has been quite a while since you were here last, I’m glad see you again!” Twilight blushed and smiled at the unicorn mare. “Of course Saffron, I just wanted my friend to sample your food since she’s in town.” Saffron glanced to the mare sitting beside Twilight. “I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before?” “Sunset Shimmer, I’ve been away studying abroad and wanted to come and visit,” said Sunset Shimmer. “Oh, well any friend of Princess Twilight’s is welcome here, so please, enjoy your meals,” said Saffron as she placed their orders before them. There was a bit of an awkward silence between the mares, but upon Sunset sampling her food, the silence was broken as her taste buds were granted a taste of nirvana from the deliciousness of Saffron’s food. The unicorn mare dove into her meal with gusto, making Twilight and Saffron giggle from the enthusiasm. “This is great! I’ve never tasted anything like this!” Sunset declared. “Please enjoy, if you want more, I’d be happy to make it again.” Saffron then turned sharply towards Twilight. “No charge, and I insist. It’s not wise to argue with a chef in their restaurant.” Twilight could see there was no use in even arguing the matter and conceded to the chef. She then turned her attention back to Sunset once Saffron went back to the kitchen and giggled again. “I see you really did miss Equestrian food.” “Oh yeah, that mare knows how to cook! I am definitely looking for this place when I get back, if her human version is even half as good as her pony self, I’m eating there every day!” Sunset gulped down another helping and continued. “When you come over, I’ll treat you.” “I’d like that.” ***________ X [D] ________*** After filling up on the delicious meal, Sunset and Twilight made their way towards the shopping distract of Canterlot. Twilight enjoyed seeing Sunset smile, she could see the nostalgia in her eyes whenever she looked upon the city, but it did sadden her when she would peer towards the castle, no doubt thinking about Princess Celestia. Time and again Twilight debated whether or not to have them meet each other again, but she didn’t want to rush it. Sunset didn’t feel that she was ready to see their mentor, and Twilight didn’t want to have to force her to. Still, Princess Celestia was like a second mother to Twilight, to Sunset, she was a mother to her, the only one she knew. “Hey, why don’t we go to Canterlot Carousel? You can check out how Rarity has done here in the capital, and maybe take back a few custom outfits?” Twilight suggested. “Well…I mean, she doesn’t have to, but I’d like to see what she has,” said Sunset. Twilight scoffed. “You know Rarity, she’ll insist all the way till she’s measuring you.” Sunset chuckled, knowing exactly what she meant. “AAAAAHHH!!!” Twilight and Sunset’s heads snapped to attention, they ran down the street and turned the corner, skidding to a halt as they beheld Canterlot Carousel, the front of the store was demolished, and two bipedal beings were standing in the shop. One of them resembled a unicorn, while the other, well, they didn’t really know. The red one had something in the crook of his arm, a small, marshmallow white something. The creature turned slightly and revealed that it was a unicorn filly, but not just any filly. “Let go of me!” “SWEETIE BELLE!” Sunset and Twilight shouted. Sunset glanced to Twilight, Twilight nodded and spread her wings. Her horn gathered light and then released a flash of light that concealed both of them. Sunset ducked into an alleyway and summoned her Uni-Driver and Unicorn Memory. < UNICORN! > “Henshin!” > UNICORN! < A flash of turquoise light enveloped Sunset Shimmer, transforming her into Kamen Rider Unicorn. The masked hero, focused her magical energy into her hooves and jumped straight up. Her crystal horn shined and in the blink of an eye, she teleported to the top of the building. Narrowing her eyes, Unicorn belted out for all to hear, “HEY! LET THE FILLY GO!” The red monster and the unicorn monster looked up and saw the Kamen Rider staring down at them. The red monster stepped forward and lifted Sweetie Belle up. “You want her? Come and get her!” Unicorn leaped off the roof and dove down for the red monster, but at the last second, Unicorn vanished in a flash of light. The red monster glanced about, trying to spot her, but Unicorn reappeared right in front of him, and delivered a spinning kick right to his face. The impact sent the monster flying, but not without Unicorn teleporting Sweetie Belle and herself away from both monsters. Sweetie Belle and Unicorn reappeared some ways down the street where she once stood. Twilight was gone, but a flash of rosy light showed the alicorn mare had been busy as well, reappearing with both Rarity, and her store manager, Sassy Saddles. “SWEETIE BELLE!” Rarity cried. “SIS!” Sweetie shouted back. Both sisters embraced each other, happy that the other was safe. Twilight erected a shield around them, as Sunset walked out and faced the two creatures. The unicorn monster looked at the red monster and shook his head. “Really, Phoenix, that was quite sad.” Phoenix got up and growled as he walked towards his compatriot. “Unicorn, shut up. I was gauging her strength, and I like what I see. That was a good kick, Kamen Rider.” “What do you want with this filly?!” Unicorn demanded. “It’s a bit complicated, but you won’t be around too long to care.” The Zoidart threatened. The Unicorn Zoidart removed his helm and transformed it into a rapier sword, revealing a black face and his eyes a long red visor. Phoenix slammed his hands together and summoned his broadsword, which he lovingly named Catastrophe. Sunset knew this was going to be a tough fight, so she decided to get tougher. With her magic, Sunset summoned a Gaia Memory to give her the edge. < METAL! > {< METAL! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} The Metal Memory symbol appeared behind Sunset and wrapped around her body, shifting her into Unicorn Iron Heart. Sunset stood on her hind legs and quickly hit the button on her left hip port. \ METAL RING! / Sunset held out her right foreleg and a metal ring appeared around it, she began spinning the ring around and in no time dashed towards both the Phantom and Zoidart. Both monsters came in swinging, both blades striking against Sunset’s metal ring as sparks flew from each contact. Thanks, to her smaller size, Sunset was able to nimbly move between both Kaijin, she kept them at bay by spinning the ring around, switching it from one hoof to the other, creating a three-hundred and sixty degree combat counter zone. Sunset teleported, and reappeared behind the Unicorn Zoidart, about to strike a blow. Phoenix created flaming wings and took the air, in his left hand he generated flames which he shot straight for Sunset. The flames struck the Kamen Rider, pushing her back and forcing her to defend. These guys aren’t like the Combatmen, nor are they like Dopants. They’re strong, especially that Phoenix guy, his flames are laced with magic, I can feel it! The Unicorn Zoidart turned around and charged his sword blade, once the blade glowed a bright green, the Kaijin thrust the sword forward, striking Sunset in the chest and causing sparks to fly off her body. Phoenix dove down, igniting his sword and slashing Sunset across the chest, adding to the damage of she had taken from the Unicorn Zodiart. Sunset was sent flying into the side of a building, leaving an impression in the stone. Both Kaijin closed in, but then several bolts of magical energy came raining down from the sky. The Phantom and Zodiart merely stood there and allowed the barrage to rain down on them. Sunset looked to Twilight, figuring she had intervened, but Twilight shook her head. The origin of the attacks was made clear as several Royal Guards surrounded the area, covering the skies and the streets. Along with them, strode the immortal co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia. The alabaster alicorn mare glared at the two Kaijin, her magical aura flaring in indignation. “What is your business here monsters?!” “Princess Celestia?!” Twilight cried. Celestia, thought Sunset. “They tried to foalnap my sister, Princess!” Rarity stated. Princess Celestia narrowed her gaze at the creatures. “This will be your only warning. Surrender now or I shall be forced to subdue you!” The Phantom and Zodiart looked to each other and chuckled at the tall mare’s declaration. Phoenix stepped forward and said, “Do what you gotta do, Sun Butt.” Celestia’s horn glowed with brilliant golden light, and from it she fired a beam of pure magical energy that roared towards Phoenix. The Phantom brought up Catastrophe to use a shield, the beam struck the sword, making Phoenix dig his heels into the cobblestone road. Celestia took a step forward, and pushed Phoenix back so more. For a moment, it looked as if Princess Celestia’s magical power would overwhelm Phoenix. However, this was proven wrong when the Phantom took one step forward. Phoenix gripped Catastrophe with both hands and swung upwards, throwing the beam into the air and soaring high into the sky. With another swing of his sword, Phoenix released a wave of negative energy that cancelled out the alicorn mare’s attack. Phoenix channeled his fiery energy into Catastrophe and fired a beam of magical fire at Celestia. The alicorn Princess threw up a barrier to defend, with several other unicorn Royal Guards adding their own magic. Phoenix scoffed at this and thrust forward, doubling the size of his fire beam and shattering the barrier, causing an explosion that threw everypony in the vicinity on their rears. The pegasus Royal Guards prepared to dive bomb, but the Unicorn Zodiart leaped up into the air. His sword shined with pent up energy as he slashed the air around him, creating a three-hundred and sixty-degree power wave that slammed against the Royal Guards, sending them into tail spins as they landed on the rooftops or in the streets, some were spared a harsh landing from their fellow Guards, some of the citizens even pitched in, using their own telekinetic auras to keep the pegasi from suffering severe injuries. Once the Unicorn Zodiart landed, he swiped his blade and prepared for another attack. Sunset peeled herself out of the wall, and stood before the two Kaijin, panting and hurt. Her Iron Heart form disengaged, leaving her back in default form. Still, she widened her stance, horn flaring in preparation for battle. [Kamen Ride: Decade!] Sunset recognized that sound and quickly found herself standing side by side with Tsukasa, or rather, stepped out from the Silver Veil dimensional gateway. “Well, you’re looking a little beat up there Unicorn.” “Spare me Decade, these guys are not like those Combatmen from yesterday,” said Sunset. “I know, the one with your namesake over there is a Zodiart, and the other is a Phantom, a pretty strong one too. Both are a part of Shocker. ” Sunset glanced to Decade. “So what do you propose? ” Decade’s horn glowed and from his Ride Booker a card flew out. It was blank, but after a brief moment the card shined and took the form of a new Gaia Memory. Decade tossed this to Sunset and quickly took it into her magical grasp. Upon the Memory was the letter W, stylized like a dragon. “That’s only going to last for this fight, so take out the red Phantom, I’ll take on the one stealing your name.” Both the Zodiart and Phantom assumed defensive stances, past experience telling them that something was coming. Sunset concentrated and pressed the button on the Memory. < WIZARD! > {< WIZARD! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} A dragon appeared behind Sunset and formed a W. The dragon of fire wrapped around Sunset Shimmer and imbued her with the Memory’s magical might. When the flames died away, Sunset was standing on her hind legs, in a new Mimetic Form. She wore a black coat, with three large ruby jewels on both sides of the front, her armor around the forelegs changed to black, silver, and red, while the chest armor remained turquoise colored. The coat draped and hovered behind her, revealing the red cloth on the inside. Her helmet changed as well. The eyes now ruby red, and from her turquoise horn sprouted two smaller, silver horns that pointed up. Sunset gave a twirl, allowing the coat to flutter in response. She struck a pose and chuckled with renewed vigor and power. “Unicorn and Wizard, together as one! Scarlet Mage!” Phoenix recognized this form, and he was not happy. “Oh you’re mine.” Sunset smirked under her helmet. “It’s show time!” Phoenix dashed for Sunset Shimmer, and at the same time, the Kamen Rider took off as well. In the span of a second, both the Phantom and Rider met each other halfway. A bright flash of light went off as Sunset threw a punch with her right hoof, and Phoenix blocked it with the flat of his sword. Sunset smirked as orange-red and turquoise flames danced around her right foreleg and concentrated at her hoof. The flames built up more and more until they exploded, forcing both herself and Phoenix back. Sunset hit the mimetic slot once. \ FIRE DRAGON, PLEASE! / Flames wrapped around Sunset for a moment, when they were gone, her coat changed to a bright red, and the small silver horns grew out to a long V shape. Sunset crossed her forelegs over her chest, and then parted them to reveal a dragon head coming out. “DRAGON BREATH!” A stream of fire shot out and struck Phoenix, he tried to counter with his own flames, but they were being smothered by Sunset’s magical fire. In the end, the area round Phoenix exploded and forced Phoenix to take to the sky, and Sunset jumped up after him. Meanwhile, Decade and the Unicorn Zodiart were dueling. Decade parried Zodiart’s first blow, but missed his riposte and struck at Decade’s chest, causing sparks to fly off his armor. The Unicorn Zodiart pushed on, thrusting his saber in rapid succession and creating streaks of light that attacked from – seemingly – every direction. Decade was sent flying to the ground, but quickly recovered as he panted from the multiple blows. “Guess I need something more specialized,” said Decade. The Kamen Rider stood on his hind legs and levitated a new card from his Ride Booker. With his hooves he opened the buckle to his belt. [Kamen Ride.] “Henshin.” [Kamen Ride: Blade!] A square shaped field of energy appeared before Decade, with a golden beetle on the center. Decade passed through the energy field and transformed into a new form. His armor changed to silver, with black mesh underneath, and upon the chest plate was a spade card suit. The helmet changed as well, having a silver armor piece running down the face and cresting over the head, and an emerald jewel at the center of the forehead. The helmet was changed a bit to accommodate Tsukasa’s horn, giving him a bit of a Mohawk look. The Unicorn Zodiart was not deterred though, taking up its sword and charging towards Decade. Now empowered by Blade, Decade took up his sword and clashed blades once more, but to the Zodiart’s surprise, Decade was not fazed by the power of his blow. With a chuckle, Decade slapped the blade aside, and slashed across the Unicorn Zodiart’s chest, sparks flying from the power of the impact. Meanwhile, the Royal Guards were regrouping, getting their wounded out of the fray. Twilight and Rarity quickly went to aid Princess Celestia as she got back to her hooves. “Thank you, Twilight, Rarity.” “No problem at all, Princess Celestia,” said Rarity with a bow. “Now please, can you explain what is happening here? Who are those monsters, and the ponies fighting them?” Celestia asked. Twilight wanted to say that it was Sunset Shimmer, no doubt news of her surrogate daughter fighting to protect them would surely put a smile on her face. But Sunset had made it clear that she was not ready to face Celestia, so, she had to lie. “Princess, I know who the one in green is, and I can vouch for her when I say she is here to protect us with everything she has!” “And other one, the stallion who changed his armor?” Twilight was hesitant on that one. “She trusts him, and all I can say is that I trust in her judgement. He helped save Applejack’s little sister, alongside the other!” Princess Celestia looked towards Decade, she could sense a strange power about him. It was as if he wasn’t here, but also everywhere, tied to other places, yet not bound to them. However, the case was different for the mare fighting the other monster. Her magical aura, while augmented by her strange armor, felt oddly familiar. It had Equestrian magic in it, a lot of it, whoever this mare was she was strong, as strong as Twilight was when she was a unicorn, no, it was just barely alicorn level magical power. Sunset struck the side of her mimetic slot twice. \\ WATER DRAGON, PLEASE! // Sunset was surrounded in water, and in a second burst forth from the bubble, revealing a change in color to the armor from red to blue. Phoenix slashed at Sunset, but the moment he made contact, her body split apart. Some were about to lose their lunches from the sight, but it was soon revealed that her body was now water. When Sunset reformed she dove right in and delivered a series of punches to Phoenix’s abdomen. She backed up for a moment, and in that moment a dragon tail formed. “DRAGON TAIL!” Sunset followed up with a backflip, infusing the tail with water elemental energy, and striking Phoenix with enough force to send the Phantom into the air. Sunset landed gracefully back on the ground and hit the button three times. \\\ HURRICANE DRAGON, PLEASE! /// A gust of emerald wind appeared around Sunset, changing her armor to a bright green. Upon her back sprouted two dragon wings, with which she used to take flight after Phoenix. Sunset began to fly in a spiral as she caught up to Phoenix, creating a vortex of wind. The Kamen Rider called upon her own magical power, summoning electricity from the air around her. “DRAGON SONIC!” Green lightning shot off from every direction, hitting Phoenix from all directions, leaving him no option for defense. Sunset appeared over the vortex and released a powerful bolt of lightning from her wings that hit Phoenix, sending him careening to the ground below. Sunset folded her wings and began her controlled dive straight to the ground. While in midair, she hit the mimetic slot four times. \\\\ LAND DRAGON, PLEASE! //// Rock and dirt appeared around Sunset, ushering another elemental change. From the Earthen cocoon Sunset appeared again, now colored yellow and sporting two dragon claws on either hoof. Sunset thrusted both claws forward and began to spin like a drill, further increasing her descent speed. “DRAGON CLAW!” The moment Phoenix landed on the ground, Sunset struck, smashing them through the ground and drilling downward. Everypony, including the Zodiart, waited, hearing only the sounds coming from the hole that Sunset had created. After about twenty seconds, both Sunset and Phoenix burst forth from the ground like an erupting volcano, and Phoenix was once again sent into the air. “Time for the finale,” said Sunset. Sunset took out the Wizard Memory and placed it into the right hip port. >} WIZARD! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< Her coat changed into the bright red from before, but four dragons appeared, each one made of wind, fire, earth, and water. All four flew into Sunset, and imbued her with their combined elemental power, granting her the Dragon Wings, Tail, Claws, and Skull, this was the power of All Dragon form. “Celestia, move the sun one-hundred degrees to the left, quickly!” Sunset ordered. Celestia didn’t know what for, but she did as the warrior asked. Her horn lit up and the sun began to visibly move to where it was now positioned right behind Phoenix. Sunset flew at Phoenix as four arcane circles appeared around her, each colored red, blue, yellow, and green. From them the four dragons appeared again and flew after Phoenix. Each dragon struck Phoenix once before disappearing into a magic circle behind him. Sunset flipped around and thrusted her right hind hoof forward as a fifth magic circle appeared in front of her. “DRAGON STRIKE!” The magical energy wrapped around her hoof, and in the next moment, her kick connected with Phoenix. The power and force of the attack sent the Phantom flying, further, and further, and further, and even further still. Phoenix continued to fly, escaping the atmosphere and continued sailing. The Phantom eventually struck the sun, where his power of rebirth kicked in, again and again in an endless cycle until his energy reserves depleted. “Well done……KAMEN RIDER!!!!!! ” Back on Equestria, the Unicorn Dopant’s jaw was practically hanging open, if he had one that is. His partner just got kicked straight to the sun, and he wasn’t alone in the shock, Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Sassy Saddles, Celesita, the Royal Guard, and the entirety of Canterlot’s citizens had the same stunned expression. Decade merely chuckled at the display and nodded in satisfaction. “Looks like the rookie has some moves, but that just means her senpai can’t fall behind,” said Decade. “It won’t be as flashy, but it will be quick.” [Attack Ride: Mach!] Before the Unicorn Zodiart realized what was happening, Decade had slashed the creature several times. When Decade reappeared, sparks flew from the Zodiart’s body as the damage took hold. The Unicorn Zodiart raised its sword in preparation to attack, but Decade waved his sword back and forth as if saying “no, no, no”. In that moment, the sword was shattered into pieces, leaving the Zodiart unarmed. Decade took out another card and placed it into his belt buckle. [Form Ride: Fusion Jack!] Decade’s Blade Kamen Ride shifted, the chest and helmet armor changed to gold, the spade insignia changing to that of a falcon. On his back, six, blade-like wings formed, allowing Decade to take flight. Decade placed another card into the belt. [Final Attack Ride: B-B-Blade!] Decade’s sword became infused with lightning energy, and came down with an overhead slash that left a trail of sparkling electricity in its wake. The blade sliced through the Zodiart and in the next split second, the monster exploded magnificently, with Decade’s form silhouetted in the fire of the detonation. Unicorn flew down from the sky and stood next to her senior Kamen Rider. Her Mimetic Drive form ended and the Wizard Memory ejected from her belt. The device changed back into a card and flew back to Tsukasa. “Thanks for the help, but what kind of Memory was that?” Sunset asked. “My powers allow me to use the powers of other Kamen Riders, and in this case I infused that power into a card, and had it change to something you could use. It was the power of Kamen Rider Wizard. A powerful mage who fights to keep hope alive, although the fact that that one appeared to you is surprising, perhaps Haruto felt a connection to you to allow you to use his powers.” Sunset chuckled nervously. “Well…I’m glad I put them to good use. Tell him thank you if you see him.” Decade nodded as the Silver Veil appeared behind him, the stallion changed back into his default form and began walking towards the veil before turning his head and saying, “Maybe you’ll get the chance to tell him yourself.” On that cryptic note, Decade disappeared, leaving only Kamen Rider Unicorn, and a very confused Princess Celestia. The Diarch of the Sun looked to her former pupil and raised an eyebrow. “I would really like to see you, Twilight.” She then turned her gaze to Sunset. “And you as well, in my throne room.” Twilight and Sunset gulped. ***________ X [D] ________*** Twilight, Kamen Rider Unicorn, and Princess Celestia walked back to Canterlot Castle, followed closely by the Royal Guard. Once they reached the castle, Princess Luna appeared and inquired on what occurred in the city. After a quick briefing, Luna decided to go into the city and help with cleanup while she spoke to Twilight, and the masked hero. The whole time they were walking, Sunset was struggling to maintain her Rider form, the battle had taken a lot of her energy, and this walk to the throne room was not helping. Unicorn leaned to her left and whispered, “Twilight, at this rate I’m going to change back! I need to go, now!” “I, know, but there’s no way, not with all the Guards, and Princess Celestia in front of us. Teleporting now would not look good after you just saved everypony,” whispered Twilight. “I know, but I…I’m not ready for her to see me like this! Even less to actually face her!” Before both mares realized it, they had arrived at the throne room. Princess Celestia turned to face them and said, “Thank you, please wait outside for the time being.” The Royal Guards all glanced to each other with worry, after seeing what Kamen Rider Unicorn could do, they were not exactly comfortable with leaving their Princess alone in the same room with that pony. Twilight Sparkle they trusted to keep her safe, but the masked mare was another story. “I will be fine my loyal Guards, you are dismissed.” With great reluctance, the squad left the room, leaving all three mares alone in a big empty throne room. Twilight glanced to Sunset’s armor, seeing a brief shimmer and evidence of rising particles of light. Her power was waning and the transformation would end soon, but there was no way for her to hide Sunset’s identity without it looking suspicious or raising more questions than Twilight could answer. “I think it’s about time to power down now, Unicorn. Don’t you think?” Celestia suggested. “With all due respect…I think it best that my identity remain a secret, safety and all that,” said Unicorn. “Hmm, and yet my former student seems to know who you are, enough to trust you completely.” “Y-Yeah, well…It’s better to keep that circle as small as possible. That way I know exactly who to keep close, y’know?” Princess Celestia hummed in contemplation and nodded her head. “That is true, but then again, it’s a bit of a wasted effort when the identity is known. Wouldn’t you say so, Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight and Sunset gasped at the same time, the shock of this revelation was enough to make Sunset lose her concentration and made her transform back into her normal form, revealing the fiery maned, sun-yellow mare beneath the armor. And there they were, former student, and former mentor, years of separation, without a word spoken to each other, now facing one another. After getting over the initial shock, Sunset managed to find her voice again. “H-How did you know?!” Princess Celestia sat on her haunches and sighed. “At first I knew it had to be somepony Twilight trusted impeccably. I knew it couldn’t be Miss Rarity, since she was right there beside me. It couldn’t have been your student, Starlight Glimmer, I’d imagine her fighting style would’ve been more…ahem…broader. There was the possibility of it being Miss Trixie Lulamoon, but again compared to your style, hers would be…bombastic.” “But…Princess, it could have also been one of my other friends, the armor made the wearer look like a unicorn so it would be hard to tell,” said Twilight. “I would’ve believed so myself, however, there was one thing that cemented my decision.” Princess Celestia stood up and walked until she was but a foot away from both mares, her gaze now turning to Sunset directly. “I could never forget how your magical aura felt, Sunset Shimmer. It burns brightly, like a wildfire, but that was back then. Now, it is as if you have harnessed that wildfire and turned into something even stronger, but controlled.” Sunset looked down at her hooves, both to hide her blushing face and avoid direct eye contact. “Sunset, why did you not tell me you had returned?” Celestia asked, a hint of sadness in voice. “I…I…” “Sunset….Sunset wanted me to keep it a secret it wasn’t –!” “It wasn’t out of spite.” Sunset interrupted. “I’m…I’m only staying for seven days, a kind of mini-vacation. And I didn’t want you to have to interrupt your duties as a Princess.” Celestia snorted. “Sunset, you know that would not be an issue. For you, or Twilight, I would always make time to speak to you! Especially considering I haven’t seen you in years!” Sunset winced. “I know…” “Twilight has kept me abreast of how you are doing, but after witnessing all that, perhaps not as much as I would like.” At this Twilight began to nervously fidget in place. “Tell me, Sunset, why would you not want to see me? Do you…Are you still angry with me?” Sunset couldn’t take it anymore, gritting her teeth she looked up at Celestia, her eyes watering and voice breaking as she spoke. “No I’m not! I’m angry at myself! I just…I can’t…I…” Sunset leaned into Twilight’s shoulder as her eyes continued to water. “Please…Twilight…can we go.” Twilight tentatively wrapped her right wing around Sunset, and looked up to Celestia. The alabaster mare nodded, her own expression one of sadness as well. Twilight’s horn lit up and in a blink they were both gone. ***________ X [D] ________*** The train ride back was a somber one, Sunset would just stare out the window, only responding when asked a direct question. When they reached Ponyville, nothing had changed. Once they had returned to the castle, and had given Starlight a brief of what had happened in Canterlot, Sunset returned to her room. For a couple of hours Twilight gave Sunset some space, but now she needed to know. The purple alicorn knocked at the door to Sunset’s room and called out, “Sunset, it’s me. Can I come in?” There was no immediate response, but a shimmering turquoise aura appeared over the doorknob. The door opened and Twilight found her friend, and possible crush, looking out the window into the distance, watching both their namesake’s come to life before them. “Sunset, I’m sorry, but I need to ask you. Why did you say you were mad at yourself?” Twilight asked. A heavy sigh escaped Sunset. “You remember how bad I was on Earth, but you didn’t see me back when I was here in Equestria. With magic, and the prestige of being Princess Celestia’s personal student, and my raw talent, I was even worse. I saw everypony as if they were beneath me, things like friendship didn’t matter to me, only power and knowledge.” Twilight winced, remembering way back to her days in Canterlot, while power wasn’t what she sought, knowledge certainly was, and in her pursuit of it she became blinded to the world around her and almost missed out on having the wonderful friends she has now. “I was selfish, brazen, stubborn, and…just a plain bad pony all around. I wanted to become an alicorn, I was strong, powerful, and knowledgeable, and I believed with every fiber of my being that I deserved it more than anypony. But no matter what feats of magic I performed, no matter how much I excelled, it was never enough to show that I was worthy of Ascension.” Sunset turned around and faced Twilight as she sat on her haunches. “Looking back on myself now, I understand why. Had I become an alicorn, with all that power, I don’t doubt Princess Celestia would’ve needed to banish me to some other dimension. The hard part about reforming yourself is looking back at how much of a jerk you were, I spat on all she tried to endow me with, her, the mare who saw in me potential and brought out from an orphanage into a castle and treated like a daughter. She was practically my mother and I told her she was only jealous and scared of how much more powerful I would be than her!” The sun-yellow mare began to cry again. “I hate myself because I hate what I said and did!” Twilight got closer to Sunset and brought her into a gentle embrace. “Sunset, you saw her, she doesn’t hate you and has been worried about you. It’s time you forgave yourself, Princess Celestia has. And I have as well.” The purple alicorn titled Sunset’s head up just a bit so that their eyes met. “Sunset, you’ve come a long way from the mare you were when you left Equestria, from the girl I met in Canterlot High School, and certainly now. You hit rock bottom and crawled your way back up the right way, earning the respect and admiration of those around you. You helped defeated the Sirens, and you saved my counterpart from her magic induced madness. Even now you’re still doing great things by protecting others as a Kamen Rider. You’re amazing Sunset, both inside and out, so please, start seeing that which your friends…and me, see in you.” Sunset’s eyes still shed tears, but her lips curled into a smile. But something was occurring, Sunset didn’t know if it was the hug, her emotions running wild, or what, but Twilight looked very beautiful to her right now, more so than normal. Twilight was also feeling something, her heart was pounding as she held Sunset close, and her face began to heat up as she found herself locked in her gaze. Neither one of them knew who moved first, but their heads were moving, inch by inch, the distance between their muzzles closing with each passing second. This…can’t be happening right now, thought Sunset. I…I can’t, Sunset’s vulnerable I shouldn’t, thought Twilight. I need to stop, but why won’t my body listen? I didn’t want my first kiss to start like this! In the distance, a something clanked against floor, snapping the two mares out of the moment and making them realize what they were about to do. Twilight and Sunset chuckled nervous as they parted from their hug. “I’ll…um…I better…you know,” said Twilight. “Y-Yeah,” said. Twilight awkwardly left the room, both mares trying to comprehend just what they almost did. > Day 4: Cloudsdale Assault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day was a little awkward for both Twilight and Sunset, and Starlight could see it. Something was up, since both mares couldn’t go two seconds without blushing upon making eye contact. After breakfast Sunset decided to see if she could locate a certain unicorn in town and talk about the attacks that had happened so far, meanwhile, Twilight had Starlight meet her in private at the library. Starlight watched as her teacher and friend paced the room, knowing that she only did this when she was nervous or overthinking a problem. “So…what’s on your mind, Twilight?” Starlight asked. “Oh nothing, nothing at all! Except I may have a crush on Sunset Shimmer and we almost kissed each other last night in a moment of swelling emotions!” Starlight’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew to saucer plate size. “Uh…Um…y-you like Sunset Shimmer that way, and you almost kissed her?!” “I wasn’t really sure before, but I think I might like her that way! I mean, the first time we met it wasn’t entirely under good circumstances. The second time, well, I could tell she had changed a lot, and I could feel a connection between us when we were trying to defeat the Sirens.” “And now?” Twilight stopped. “Having her here, I…I feel strange here,” the Princess of Friendship placed a hoof on her heart, “I know it means something, because it only happens whenever I’m close to her. I’m sure it’s the same for you and Trixie.” Starlight’s jaw dropped further. “YOU KNEW ABOUT US?! HOW LONG?!” Twilight glanced to her student with a deadpan expression. “Starlight, you’re my pupil, I would be a terrible teacher I didn’t know what was going on in your life. Especially in your romantic pursuits.” A coy smile appeared on the Princess’ muzzle. “And you should really think about putting up a sound barrier spell on your room once and awhile, thank goodness I remember to do that for Spike’s room.” Starlight’s face was blushing crimson red, embarrassed beyond all belief that her mentor had not only known about her relationship with Trixie, but that she could hear them. At this point Starlight wished her mane was as long as Fluttershy’s, because she wanted to hide behind it. “Okay…so…you think you like Sunset Shimmer that way, I mean I don’t blame you she is rather attractive, speaking objectively of course! So, what do you plan on doing then?” “I don’t know…I mean, Sunset’s only going to be here for four more days, and she’s here to relax, I don’t want to stress her out with my…possible feelings towards her, and that’s not adding the recent attacks that have just happened,” said Twilight. Starlight sighed. “Twilight, if spending time with you was stressful to her I doubt she’d stay here for her vacation. She chose to stay here and spend time with you, and trust me, being near somepony who cares about you is something that I’d like, and I do.” Twilight rubbed her chin as she thought on this, her ears suddenly perked up as an idea struck her. “Then I should think of a…date! Spike – oh right where is that dragon? – Starlight!” The brainy alicorn levitated a quill and parchment to Starlight who quickly took hold of the objects. “You’re going to help me plan a date with Sunset Shimmer for tomorrow!” Starlight deadpanned. “Oh boy…” ***__________ X [D] __________*** Sunset’s mind was still trying to make sense of what happened in her room. She was crying, she was feeling sorry for herself, and she remembered Twilight looking at her with kindness and looking desperate to console her. And then, there was the fact that they almost kissed. Even now Sunset could still had a tingling feeling on her lips from when she kissed Twilight, a feeling that would not seem to go away. Although Sunset wasn’t sure if that was essentially a bad thing. Okay, let’s just analyze the situation. Twilight – Princess Twilight – is cute, really cute, in an adorkable way. She’s strong, kindhearted, resourceful, and…ahem…kind of hot. I mean, I did – maybe still do – have a crush on her since the Sirens thing, but now, why the heck does it feel like I’m betraying someone? An image of Earth’s Twilight Sparkle flashed in Sunset’s mind, an image of the bespectacled girl smiling her cute smile, and looking at Sunset with eyes filled of wonder and admiration. It…It can’t be, I mean… “You seem deep in thought this morning.” “GAH!” Sunset jumped at the sudden voice. Her head whipped around until she spotted Tsukasa lying on a sturdy tree branch, covered in the shade of the leaves. “Seriously, are you stalking me at this point and just randomly pop out nowhere?! Because I can only handle one pony/human who can do that!” Tsukasa blinked at that response. “Whoa, sorry Sun-chan, guess it’s serious if you’re this riled up. But to answer your question, I was already hanging in the tree until I saw you. I guess it wasn’t about Shocker?” Sunset sighed heavily. “I wish, at least with bad guys they’re a little straightforward in what they do. Sometimes. But since you brought up Shocker, I need to ask you. First Apple Bloom, and then Sweetie Belle, why the hell are they trying to kidnap fillies?” Tsukasa’s horn glowed as he teleported himself from the tree branch and too the ground, he leaned against the same tree and thought on the question. “Knowing their track record, and speaking from experience. Children, no matter from what universe, have the ability to tap into magiks and otherworldly powers. Be it for their innocence and pure soul, or the circumstances of their birth, whatever the reason, children can tap into these great powers. Shocker has exploited this on multiple occasions, manipulating or turning children who have power into conduits of evil.” Sunset began to ponder these words. “But…every filly and colt in Equestria has some sort of magic, Earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, each has magic unique to their tribe, heck, even zebras and griffons have it, even dragons.” Tsukasa shrugged. “Then there must be something special about those two compared to every other child in this land. You’re from a world where there is a human counterpart to the pony version in this one, so I imagine those two fillies are there as well. Was there anything out of the ordinary happening with them, possibly before or after you became a Kamen Rider?” Sunset thought back, as far as she could remember, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, that trio could be rambunctious and often times a bit of a pain, but they were just normal freshman girls. Other than their relation to each of her friends, but that shouldn’t have any bearing on this. “No…not necessarily.” “What?” Tsukasa asked. “The ones in my world, as far as I know, don’t have anything magical or supernatural going on. But then again, that’s their human counterparts, their pony counterparts on the other hand – we need to go, now!” Sunset stated. The sun-yellow mare began to gallop down the street, with Tsukasa following alongside her. “What’s up, where are we going?” “To the one pony here I know would know about random things that happen!” Sunset and Tsukasa continued their gallop until they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Once inside, they spotted Pinkie Pie working the front counter, the pink party pony greeted the two unicorns with her happy-go-lucky smile as she waved to them. “Hi Sunset, hi pony-I-don’t-know – wait, a pony I don’t know?!” The sun-yellow mare quickly enveloped Pinkie in her aura, freezing her in place. “Pinkie I know you want to do your little welcome wagon thing, but right now we need your help with something!” Pinkie Pie nodded, she could see that Sunset quite serious, especially that look in her eyes, it was the same as Twilight’s when something was up. “Okie-dokie, what can I do?” “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, what can you tell me about them? I know them from my world, but there’re always some differences between both worlds.” Pinkie Pie thought about that for a minute as her practically eidetic memory ran through events of the past regarding the three fillies. “Weeeeellll…I know they were all blank flanks, and became friends. They created a club called the Cutie Mark Crusaders that was pretty much all about them searching for their special talents, and they did A LOT. Like this one time, Apple Bloom made a potion that made her get a cutie mark, but then ended up getting Cutie Pox and being forced to do whatever special talent the marks did!” “Okay, but they have their marks now, and come to think of it, they look similar,” said Tsukasa. “Oh that’s because they got them at the same time when they realized that they wanted to help other ponies remember what their cutie marks mean and to help other blank flanks like they were,” said Pinkie. Sunset snapped to attention at that. “Wait, back up, they got their marks at the same time?!” “Yep, kind of like how Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom was the thing that made us all realize our special talents and helped us get our cutie marks.” Pinkie sighed. “Ah, the memories.” “Thanks, Pinkie! We need to get them, NOW!” Sunset stated. ***__________ X [D] __________*** Rarity lied in bed, with Sweetie Belle curled up next to her. After the events in Canterlot, the little filly was scared to sleep alone, so Rarity let her sleep in her bed. She didn’t mind really, she missed this, especially when Sweetie Belle was younger and was scared of thunderstorms, she’d run right into her room and curl up next to her. Rarity would be lying if she said she didn’t appreciate the company during those times, as she too would jump at the sound of thunder back then. Plus, it was like spending quality time again, but Rarity had wished it didn’t have to come from her little sister nearly getting foalnapped by monsters. Suddenly, a flash of turquoise light went off over Rarity’s bed, starling the fashionista and making her release a shriek of surprise. The shriek woke up Sweetie Belle who added her own shriek, not knowing what was happening. Once the flash of magical light was gone, Rarity and Sweetie Belle realized it was Sunset Shimmer who was now standing over them. “Sunset Shimmer, what in Equestria are you doing?!” Rarity asked. “No time! Gotta get you to the castle, so hold on!” Without even a chance to ask why, Sunset placed a hoof on Rarity and Sweetie and teleported. After a few seconds all three arrived in Twilight’s castle in the main entrance hall, Twilight was descending the stairs when she saw this, followed closely by Starlight Glimmer and Spike. “What in the name of Celestia is going on here?” Twilight asked. Rarity got up and moved her frazzled mane out of her face. “Exactly what I’d like to know myself?!” Another flash of light went off, and this time Apple Bloom appeared, her face in complete shock. “Who, what, where, why?!” A second flash went off and Applejack appeared next to Apple Bloom, the farm mare stumbled a bit in a daze from the sudden teleportation. “Whoo boy, tell me when the room stops spinnin’.” A third flash of magic went off and now Tsukasa was standing in the room. “Got them, and it looks like you got yours, too.” Starlight groaned as she tried to make sense of this. “Okay, what is going on?! Why are two teleporting our friends into the castle against their will? That’s kind of something I’d do.” Sunset walked up to Starlight and Twilight with a panicked look. “We think we may know something. The monsters may be after the Crusaders! The last two attacks by monsters were aimed at getting them, and we think they may be after Scootaloo next!” Everypony’s face contorted in shock at hearing this revelation. Tsukasa walked up to Twilight and asked, “Do you know where she is,” he then turned everypony, “anyone?” “She’s with Rainbow Dash in Cloudsdale!” Sweetie Belle stated. “She was gonna have her aunts meet Rainbow’s parents, on account that they’re like sisters now,” said Apple Bloom. Applejack raised an eyebrow at that. “But ain’t one of them an Earth pony?” “Actually…” Starlight answered. “While you two were gone, Scootaloo brought her aunts over so that I could cast the cloud walking spell on her Aunt Holiday.” “Wait a minute, Cloudsdale is up in the sky, you need wings to get to it, that or a hot air balloon or pegasus chariot, and I doubt a monster would use either,” said Spike. “Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of monsters that can fly. After two failures like this, no doubt they want a win, no matter if it may cost lives,” said Tsukasa. A feeling of dread came over everypony, the image of Cloudsdale falling from the sky popped into their minds, along with a foalnapped Scootaloo crying out for somepony to save her. “We can teleport to Cloudsdale,” said Sunset. Twilight and Starlight glanced to each other and then back to Sunset. “Sunset, Starlight and myself can teleport to multiple locations, so we can go to Cloudsdale, but have you ever tried to teleport that vast a distance?” Twilight asked with concern. “No, but I have to try.” Sunset stated with seriousness. Tsukasa tapped his hoof against the floor, gaining the attention of everypony. “Okay, we can do that, or we have another option.” Tsukasa motioned for the fillies to move, upon which they quickly got behind the stallion. In a matter of seconds the Silver Veil appeared before them, it rippled like curtains with a breeze flowing through them. “I haven’t seen Cloudsdale, so I’ll need one of you to help visualize it.” Rarity and Applejack stepped forward, taking up each side of the stallion. “We can help with that, Mister,” said Applejack. “Just tell us what to do,” said Rarity. Tsukasa nodded to the mares. “Place your hooves on my shoulders and picture Cloudsdale in your minds, clearly.” Applejack and Rarity did as instructed, placing their hooves on Tsukasa and bringing up the mental image of Cloudsdale. The silver veil began to ripple like water, the haze inside it changed to a dingy blue, with clouds crafted into monolithic structures. “Now, think of someplace solid where many ponies can walk on.” The Veil shifted, now showing the entrance to the Weather Factory. “Perfect.” Tsukasa turned his head to Starlight, Sunset, and Twilight. “Let’s go, and I suggest the rest of you stay here. Shocker may not be able to reach you in this place.” Rarity and Applejack didn’t know what “Shocker” was up to, but if it had anything to do with the monsters, they weren’t about to leave the castle that soon. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom ran up to Sunset Shimmer, their eyes welling with tears and filled with worry for their friend. “You’ll save Scootaloo, right?” Apple Bloom. “I promise. Tsukasa let’s transform now just in case.” Tsukasa nodded. < UNICORN! > “Henshin!” [Kamen Ride: Decade! ] > UNICORN! < ***__________ X [D] __________*** Scootaloo was extremely excited, today was going to be watching the Cloudsdale Wonderbolts show, and what’s better, and she was going to share it with both her Aunts and Rainbow Dash’s parents. And per the request of Rainbow Dash, her parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles promised to dial down the cheering, at least she managed to talk them out of the fireworks cannons. Scootaloo glanced to her right, her Aunt Holiday was an Earth pony mare, with a light pink coat, two toned orange mane and tail, a red pearl necklace, and light magenta eyes. This was the first time she was actually in Cloudsdale, and it seemed that she was just a bit freaked out about being so high up. The orange filly could see why, since Scootaloo herself was flight challenged, if you weren’t careful you’d fall right off the edge and straight to the ground. But Scootaloo imagined it was a little worse for Holiday, being an Earth pony she was more comfortable with solid dirt beneath her hooves. Scootaloo sighed as she nudged her hoof to her aunt and took hold of it, causing Holiday to look down at her niece. “Sorry for dragging you up, Aunt Holly,” said Scootaloo. “I know you’re probably nervous about being up here and all.” Holiday shook her head. “No, no, sweetie you have nothing to be sorry for. I mean, I am nervous about being this high up, but I’m also quite excited. I always wanted to see Cloudsdale since your Aunt Lofty grew up here, so I’m glad to have come. Also, it’s nice to see that there are other ponies who care about you as much as we do.” To this, Bow and Windy turned their heads and smiled at the two mares. “Why wouldn’t we? This little trotter’s our daughter’s little sister, and far as I’m concerned, she’s family,” said Bow. “Plus it’s like being able to cheer on Dashie all over again from when she was a filly! And…ahem…sorry again about the three of us crashing her report in class,” said Windy. Oh yes, tale spread of how Rainbow Dash and her parents, at the end of Scootaloo’s report, entered the classroom and began cheering for her, despite Cheerliee’s numerous attempts to get them to stop. Lofty waved her hoof at the apology. “Please, as far as I’m concerned, that was wonderful! And Scootaloo, you should tell us when you’re feeling like that, you know you can come to me or Holiday if you’re feeling down.” “It’s alright, I know you guys are busy and all, I mean, nowhere near as busy like Mom and Dad, but it’s fine,” said Scootaloo with a smile. Lofty and Holiday didn’t like that, less so from Scootaloo’s parents who seemed more occupied with their work than their own daughter. Still, they didn’t want her to feel as if they were distant despite being so close. Suddenly the crowd began to cheer as the announcer spoke over the loudspeaker. “MARES AND GENTLECOLTS, PLEASE DIRECT YOUR EYES HIGH TO THE SKY FOR YOUR…WONDERBOLTS!” In less than a second the sky sounded with thunder as seven pegasi zoomed over the Cloudiseum, they performed a few loop-de-loops before diving straight down. The eyes of everypony followed the Wonderbolts, and five ponies in the crowd followed one Wonderbolt with a rainbow mane and tail. Scootaloo kept her eyes on the Wonderbolts, not wanting to miss a thing of their performance, especially her idol. However, there was something that caught the filly’s attention. Something down below the Cloudiseum. There were three black specks, at first Scootaloo thought them to be black feathered birds and was not going to pay them any mind, but then when she saw some birds fly close to the black specks, the birds vanished in a flash. Scootaloo started to become worried, especially when she noticed the specks getting bigger, or rather, getting closer. “Uh…Auntie Lofty, Aunt Holiday…” Both mares looked away from the show and looked to their niece. “What’s that?” Holiday and Lofty followed Scootaloo’s gaze all the way to the bottom of the Cloudiseum, where they too spotted the three specks, which were now considerably closer as to make out some pointy features. Holiday looked towards Windy and Bow and asked, “Um, are those normal around here?” Windy and Bow looked down and they too sported confused looks on their faces as the objects were now even closer. Suddenly, three flashes of light erupted from the objects, and crescents of gold, purple, and silver light rose up and struck the Cloudiseum, exploding upon impact and causing many pegasi to fall from their seats. Several managed to correct themselves before getting too far, however the explosion jostled one pony that could not. Holiday found herself slowly turning around as she watched Scootaloo, her wife Lofty, Windy, and Bow getting further away. The weightlessness hit her next, and with that the realization that she was falling. There was no sturdy clouds around them, most were blown away from the explosion, and it was a straight fall down thousands of feet all way to the ground. She watched as Scootaloo flared her wings and prepared to take off after her, but Bow quickly grabbed the filly, holding onto her to keep her from doing something foolish. Holiday smiled, at least they knew that she couldn’t fly yet. Lofty spread her wings and jumped off, diving straight down after her wife. Unfortunately, their path took them straight to where the attackers were. Lofty folded her wings, gaining some speed and closing the gap between them. Within a few seconds, Lofty had caught up to Holiday, the sturdy pegasus brought Holiday into her arms, holding her tight as she unfurled her wings and stopped their descent. Holiday looked into her wife’s teary eyes and said, “Thank you!” “Like I was going to just watch you fall,” said Lofty. “How cute, love.” Lofty and Holiday turned their heads towards the voice. Before them floated a creature, its body was humanoid, colored black with patches of armor that were colored in white and various shades of orange, almost like a stain glass window. In its right hand the creature carried a long sword, with a glowing golden aura that indicated that it was one of the attackers. “Allow me to end your existence at the same time.” Both mares shut their eyes, there was no way to dodge this monster’s blade. “AIR BULLETS!” The Kaijin was assaulted by several condensed, emerald wind spheres. Each one exploded against the Kaijin’s body and forced it to retreat from the mares. When the mares opened their eyes again, they were shocked to see a pony clad in armor. Kamen Rider, Mystic Cyclone, had arrived. “I’m a friend of Princess Twilight, is Scootaloo safe?” Holiday and Lofty didn’t know how this pony knew about their niece, but considering she just saved them, they were willing to be a bit trusting. “She’s up in the Cloudiseum, the parents of her friend are watching her right now!” Holiday stated. “You two need to get her, and then all six of you, Rainbow Dash included, need to head to Twilight’s castle ASAP!” Unicorn ordered. “Hold on,” said Lofty. “What’s going on?! Why are they after our niece?!” Unicorn glanced back at the mares. “Princess Twilight will explain, but you need to get Scootaloo to safety!” Lofty still didn’t know if they could fully trust this mare, but the look on Holiday’s face told her that if it concerned Scootaloo’s safety then they had to go to her. With that, Lofty began her ascension back to the Cloudiseum, with Unicorn following close behind. ***__________ X [D] __________*** The Wonderbolts went from their normal stunt flying routine to their second role as aerial defense, helping the other pegasi evacuate that were either trapped by denser cloud debris or just too scared to get moving without some motivation, even though one would think monsters would be a perfect motivator. Bow and Windy had taken Scootaloo and began to fly as fast as they could out of the Cloudiseum, Bow had Scootaloo held in his forelegs as Windy flew under him, just in case Scootaloo slipped from his grip she’d be there to catch her. It was times like this that Scootaloo cursed her flightless wings. Why were they not strong enough to carry her? Why couldn’t she fly when foals younger than her were already soaring in the skies with their parents? It was frustrating, annoying, and degrading, especially when she had to be carried. But in this case she wasn’t complaining, she felt safe with Mr. Bow and Mrs. Windy looking after her, however she was worried more for her aunts. She saw her Aunt Holiday fall down, and shortly after Auntie Lofty had taken off after her. Scootaloo had no doubt Lofty had caught Holiday, but it was the thought of them running into those monsters that scared her the most. Suddenly, the three noticed several pegasi flying in the opposite direction, and it wasn’t long before they saw why. A creature was flying toward them, a female humanoid in appearance, its chest and shins had silver armor, with its shoulder plates colored silver and black. The creature’s face was insect like, with large ear-like things coming out of its head. This monster also shared the same stain glass motif as the other, and wielded a trident. The monster swiped the trident in a wide arc, sending bolts of emerald lightning dancing across the area. Several explosions went off as the bolts struck against the denser cloud material that was used for the surrounding structures, some pegasi had gotten caught in the explosions and were sent flying into other cloud structures or sent into a nosedive, out of pure instinct many other pegasi dove down to catch them before they hit the unforgiving earth below. Bow, Windy, and Scootaloo quickly did an about face and flew away from the monster. Much to their horror, the monster flew in their direction. The creature plowed through many mares and stallions, firing bolts of emerald lightning to either make the other ponies move out of the way, or to shoot down Bow who was carrying Scootaloo. Windy was watching the monster’s movements, she directed Bow to fly to the left, which he did. The mare noticed that the monster moved with them. Windy again directed Bow to fly to the right, and once again it matched them. “That thing is following us!” Windy stated. “What?! Why?!” Bow asked. “I don’t know, but it’s definitely just coming after us, I mean it’s not even bothering with the other ponies!” Bow looked back and saw that this was true, several pegasi ponies were flying away, and were in striking distance of the monster, but it barely paid them any attention. Crap, she’s right! “LOOK OUT!” Scootaloo shouted. The husband and wife looked forward and saw another monster. While the other was scary, this one was more fearsome. Another humanoid creature, but had insect-like features as its fellow monster. It was a blackish-brown color, with parts of its body showing a stain glass coloring. This creature sported a leathery cape, and had sharp teeth. In its left hand it held a large scythe that glowed with violet light. Bow and Windy stopped, they were essentially trapped. “Give us the child, and you two may live,” said the scythe wielder. “Or we kill you both and take her anyway, your choice,” said the trident wielder. Scootaloo’s eyes widened with fear. Why were monsters coming after her? What did she do to make monsters mad enough to do so? Maybe a past crusade gone bad and coming back to bite her in the flank? I think I would know if I ticked off a bunch of monsters! The young filly glanced to Bow and Windy, she cared for them as a second mom and dad, besides Lofty and Holiday who were practically her mothers at this point. Bow and Windy had fierce expressions on their faces, both trying to figure out a way out of this situation. “Mrs. Windy, Mr. Bow, give me to them,” said Scootaloo. “WHAT?!” Both exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash would be sad if anything happened to you! I’ll be fine just do it!” Bow and Windy both had stern looks on their faces as they turned to Scootaloo. “If you know our Dashie, then you know she’d be even sadder if she knew we gave you up to monsters,” said Windy. “You’re part of the family, kiddo, and family doesn’t just abandon each other,” said Bow. Scootaloo’s eyes willed up with tears, both from happiness at hearing that Rainbow Dash’s parents considered her part of the family, and at the fact that they may lose their lives because of her. “Choice is made then,” said the scythe wielder. Both monsters readied to slay Windy and Bow. [Form Ride: Kiva Basshaa.] Before either monster could attack, they were barraged by several energy bolts, making sparks fly from their bodies and forcing both monsters to move back. All three pegasi gazed at the one who saved them, following the shots to their point of origin. Kamen Rider Decade had appeared, standing at the edge of a cloud, he assumed the form of Kamen Rider Kiva, but now in Basshaa form, and wielding the Bashaa Magnum. The armor around Tsukasa’s hind legs were silver, with the right leg wrapped in chains, the chest plate was deep green color, matching that of the right shoulder pauldron, and the blaster in his hoof. The normally yellow eyes of the Kiva form were now same green color. “I’d suggest getting behind me before they regroup,” said Decade. Despite the fact that there was an armor clad unicorn firing some strange weapon at the monsters, they were more than happy to take their chances with him. Once they had flown behind Decade, the Kamen Rider resumed fire, keeping both Kaijin at bay. “What are they?!” Scootaloo asked. “Fangire, the Mantis and Silkmoth to be exact. What did they say they wanted?” “Me…” Decade glanced at the filly and hummed for a moment. “My partner will be here soon with your aunts, all five of you are to get out of this city and to Princess Twilight’s castle!” Mantis growled in frustration and began spinning his scythe around to block the shots from Decade’s blaster, allowing him to fly towards the Kamen Rider and close the distance. “You will not escape us!” Before Tsukasa could react, several orbs of condensed wind energy flew at Mantis, making the Fangire retreat back to Silkmoth’s position. Tsukasa glanced to his left and saw Kamen Rider Unicorn, as well as Lofty and Holiday following close behind. Both mares set down on the cloud and Bow released Scootaloo. The young filly wasted little time as she flew to her aunts and was embraced fiercely by both of them. Unfortunately, they did not come alone, the Moth Fangire had rejoined its brother and sister, and now the Riders were looking at a three on two scenario. “Now would be a good time to open that portal thing, Decade,” said Unicorn. “It takes a minute, and we cannot risk one of those Fangire passing through while they are.” “Then what do you suggest?” Decade looked to the Fangire, to Unicorn, and then to the group of five behind them. Just then, his Ride Booker began to glow, Decade used his magic to open the book and from it floated a card that made the stallion smirk. “Unicorn, deactivate your Mimetic Drive.” Sunset didn’t know where this was going, but at this point she had to trust Tsukasa’s judgment. Unicorn deactivated the Cyclone Memory and landed on the cloud in an upright position. Decade opened his buckle, and placed the card into it. [Final Form Ride: U-U-Unicorn!] “This might tickle a bit,” said Decade. Decade walked behind Sunset and placed his hooves against her back. Unicorn immediately went stiff as a board as a light shined from behind her back. In a matter of seconds Kamen Rider Unicorn’s body shifted, transforming into a mechanized unicorn. Its body was a sleek metallic turquoise, with a silver mane that was honed like a blade edge, and silver tail that also appeared sword-like. Unicorn’s eyes shined with turquoise light as its crystal horn shined, to the other ponies she appeared like a mechanical Saddle Arabian. Unicorn looked upon her transformed state, finding this new form both scary, exhilarating, and disturbing. She glanced behind herself and gave a glowing eyed glare at Decade. “You’re stronger aren’t you?” The Mecha Unicorn snorted out steam, but nonetheless nodded. “It’s not Kiva, it’s Decade!” Moth shouted. “Moth, take the child, Silkmoth and I will take care of the Kamen Riders!” Mantis stated. Both moths nodded and proceeded to attack. Silkmoth unleashed a torrent of emerald lightning, but Mecha Unicorn’s horn glowed and produced a large barrier around all of them. Mantis came in and struck the barrier, trying to pierce through it. But Unicorn wasn’t having any of that, her horn and eyes shined as the barrier expanded, again, and again, and again. With a wild neigh, the barrier burst apart, sending a shockwave of energy that pushed Mantis, Moth, and Silkmoth back. Unicorn’s hooves blazed with ethereal energy as she motioned for Decade to get on. The Kamen Rider jumped up and landed on Unicorn’s back; she ran forward, making the others fear that both were going to fall off the edge, but Unicorn’s hooves struck the air and propelled her forward, as if she was running on solid land. Decade took aim with his Bashaa Magnum and fired multiple shots at the Fangire as Unicorn circled them. Moth broke out of the circle and began spreading its moth dust, after a few seconds the dust began to ignite and a series of explosions followed Mecha Unicorn and Decade. Unicorn and Decade nodded to each other, and Decade jumped off of Unicorn. The mecha pony’s horn glowed again, gathering mana until it formed a blade of pure magical energy. Mantis flew at Unicorn and began dueling with her, sparks flying as his scythe clashed with her energy blade. Silkmoth came from behind and prepared to strike her, but Unicorn’s tail energized and lashed out, meeting Silkmoth’s blow. Unicorn glanced back, her mechanical form couldn’t show it, but she was smirking as if saying “No sneak attacks for you.” Meanwhile Moth was looking for Decade, the dust cloud from the explosive moth dust had clouded the area. Decade was in fact high above Moth, using his magic to self-levitate for a short time. Tsukasa released the spell and let himself go into a controlled dive. Taking aim with his blaster, Decade unleashed a barrage of aqua energy straight at Moth. Sparks flew from Moth’s body again and again as she tried to defend herself and prepared to release more dust. Decade spun in midair until his hind hooves were pointed at Moth. The Kamen Rider made contact, using his momentum and weight to force Moth into freefall, while he was standing on her, Decade fired the blaster at point blank range several times before kicking off her. Mecha Unicorn managed to land two strong blows on both Mantis and Silkmoth, causing them to fly backwards. Sunset saw what Decade had done and ran down at great speeds to catch him. She teleported three times before reaching Decade and having him land on her back. “Think we should finish this?” Unicorn snorted her agreement as she ascended higher into the sky. Decade disengaged his Kiva form and returned to his default armor form. Decade took out another card and placed into the buckle. [Attack Ride: Illusion!] At that moment, three Decades and three Unicorns split off. In perfect sync they turned around and aimed themselves for Fangire. Decade took out one last card and put into the Driver. [Final Attack Ride: U-U-Unicorn!] The Decades jumped off and allowed all three Mecha Unicorns to transform, shifting into a leg and foot. The horn moved forward and pointed outwards at the tip of the foot. The Decades extended their right hind legs forward as the Unicorn Leg attached itself to Decade’s leg. The horn gathered mana energy, recreating the magical blade from before. With a mighty battle cry, all three Decades and Unicorns split off to take out their own Fangires. The right Decade and Unicorn came down in an ax kick, slicing Silkmoth down the middle. The left Decade and Unicorn dealt a side kick, the mana blade slicing through Mantis from the right side. And finally, the center Decade and Unicorn performed a spinning kicking, becoming a windmill of destruction as Moth was caught up in the whirlwind of energy. All three copies reappeared behind their targets, with Unicorn returning to her mechanical equine mode. All three Fangire shattered like fragile glass before exploding. The Decades and Unicorn rejoined the center copies, returning to the originals from whence they split from. Both Kamen Riders returned to the cloud plateau, finding that the families had been watching the battle the entire time. Once Unicorn landed, Decade jumped off, allowing Unicorn to return to her original pony form. The mare Kamen Rider had a shiver go through her body from her transformation into the mechanical equine. “Okay, we’re never doing that again, that just felt too weird!” Unicorn stated. “I warned you it would tickle,” said Decade. “‘Tickle’? That was, was, I don’t even have words! The only time you’re doing that again is if there is NO other options.” Decade shrugged but nodded his head in agreement. Unicorn went to Scootaloo and Dash family, looking them over for signs of injury. “You all okay?” “Yeah, thanks to you two,” said Scootaloo. “Those monsters said they were after Scootaloo, why was that?” Bow asked. “We’ll explain, but we’ll do it somewhere safer,” said Decade. The red Kamen Rider waved his hoof and the Silver Veil appeared, it rippled for a moment and showed an image of the inside of Twilight’s castle. “It’s safe, your friends are waiting for you.” “Good, thanks for making it easy, Decade.” Sunset and Tsukasa looked up as an Earth pony stallion, clad in silver armor like a Kamen Rider, jumped over the Silver Veil and landed behind both of them. Before the either one could react, the dark Rider, Shadow Moon, energized his foreleg blades and dashed towards Unicorn and Decade. In one swift motion Shadow Moon slashed both Riders, dealing massive damage as sparks sprayed from their armor and sent them spiraling until they hit the clouds. Shadow Moon wasted no time as he dashed for Scootaloo, the adult ponies tried to put themselves between Scootaloo and Shadow Moon, but the latter proved to be stronger than four ponies. Shadow Moon, with his remarkable speed, tossed all four adults like rag dolls to the side, leaving Scootaloo cowering before the dark Kamen Rider. Shadow Moon raised his right hoof, above it formed a sphere of glowing, violet-black fire. The dark Rider thrust the sphere forward and Scootaloo was instantly surrounded by the flames. For a moment, Unicorn, Decade, Bow, Windy, Holiday, and Lofty believed Shadow Moon burned her alive. But were equal parts relieved and worried when they saw Scootaloo was trapped inside the sphere. Shadow Moon tapped the sphere and Scootaloo began to disappear. “SCOOTALOO!” Lofty and Holiday shouted. But it was too late, Scootaloo had vanished into a dark void. Shadow Moon looked back at the two Riders, his green eyes flashed as he turned his attention towards the Silver Veil. “NO!” Unicorn shouted. Shadow Moon leaped into the Veil, but Unicorn, despite the pain from the fierce blow, rose to her hooves and sprinted for the portal. ***__________ X [D] __________*** Twilight was pacing the floor, going back and forth, turning on a dime once she reached a designated point in her mind. Applejack was busy horsing around with Apple Bloom, the two sisters deciding to get into a wrestling match while they waited. Rarity, upon permission from Twilight, used one of her numerous bathrooms to freshen up and returned to Sweetie Belle’s side, the young unicorn had been watching both Apple siblings getting into it, and nudged Rarity as if suggesting they’d do the same. One look at Applejack and Apple Bloom, and then Rarity’s face, already told Sweetie Belle that that was not happening. Worth a shot. Starlight was standing with them as well, watching Twilight pace about. “Twilight they’ll be fine, I don’t know about that Tsukasa guy, but Sunset’s a tough mare, they’ll protect Scootaloo.” “I know…I know Sunset’s tough, resourceful, and apparently skilled in combat, but these enemies are different from what she’s been facing, and who knows what abilities or otherworldly powers they wield!” Twilight exclaimed. “Well, for that she has Tsukasa, he seems to be knowledgeable about these monsters.” Twilight snorted. Starlight lips began to curl into a coy smile. “Twilight, you wouldn’t happen to be jealous of Tsukasa, are you?” Twilight’s face flushed. “E-Excuse me?!” “Well, he is like a mentor to Sunset as far as Kamen Rider stuff, and I won’t lie he does have a certain charm to him,” said Starlight. The purple alicorn’s brow rose. “You better not let Trixie hear you say that, and on that note I thought you were into mares?” “I am, but that doesn’t mean I’m opposed to –” Starlight was cut off when the Silver Veil appeared, a sigh of relief was released by everypony, believing the mission to be a success. However, that relief was quickly dashed when another pony exited the Veil. Shadow Moon stood before the gathered ponies and drake, all of them staring at the new Rider with worry. Unlike Sunset and Tsukasa, this one emitted an intimidating aura, and evil miasma that threatened to crush them in an instant. Twilight and Starlight entered defensive stances, channeling their magic into their horns in preparation for battle. Shadow Moon took one step forward, but the magic of the castle went to work. A pulse of harmonic energy shot through the room and pushed on Shadow Moon, the dark Rider felt an incredible amount of magical energy try to force him back out through the Veil, indeed the magic of the Elements that flowed and made this structure was still protecting its bearers and trying to force the evil presence away. “Such power…however…” Shadow Moon began to rise onto his hind legs, standing in an upright position. The crystal at the center of his belt began to release a dark green glow. “Against the power of a Century King, and the collective power of the Underworld, it means nothing.” Shadow Moon’s aura enveloped his body, cancelling out the power that was forcing him to leave. Twilight and Starlight wasted no time, charging up their horns and unleashing dual beams of magical energy. Rosy and sea-green mana swirled together into a double helix, combining into one powerful beam that roared towards Shadow Moon. The Earth pony dark Rider was ready, to his right hoof he summoned a sword. The hilt was golden, with a cross guard that curved outward and connected to the pummel to protect the wielder’s hand, or hoof in this case. The blade was ruby red, and hummed with power. The dark Rider raised his sword, the infamous Satan Saber, and slashed the beam of magical might. With one blow the magical beam of Equestria’s two magical prodigies was shredded like cheap confetti, the resulting backlash of the dispelled energy sent a jolt of energy that sent both Starlight and Twilight flying towards the walls. The unicorn and alicorn mares quickly erected barriers around themselves, but due to the speed, they weren’t able to get a stronger barrier up. When they impacted, it left craters in the walls. Starlight and Twilight began to fall from the walls, but Applejack and Rarity quickly ran to catch their friends before their fall did more damage. Shadow Moon wasted little time as he walked towards the fillies, but Spike quickly put himself between the dark Rider and his friends. Shadow Moon paused as if either considering whether the dragon was a threat, and dumbfounded that the little drake would even try, considering how easily he dispatched probably the strongest beings in the room. Spike inhaled deeply, tapping into his draconic power, and bellowed a jet stream of green flames that washed over Shadow Moon. The dark Rider just stood there, not even phased by the intense flames that would’ve burned anypony badly. Shadow Moon raised the Satan Saber and slashed once again, cutting through the flames and parting them down the middle. The dark Rider closed in on Spike and delivered a swift kick to his midsection, stopping the flames and causing Spike to double over in pain. “SPIKE!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shouted. Both fillies watched in horror as Shadow Moon raised his sword to slay the dragon. But the Veil behind him began to ripple, drawing Shadow Moon’s attention away from Spike. {< FANG! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} \ ARM FANG! / From the Veil, Kamen Rider Unicorn jumped out, having changed into Fang Edge form. Two glowing, crescent blades were extended from her forelegs as she spun out and came down with her left blade. Shadow Moon turned around and met her attack with his sword, creating a shockwave that pushed the fillies and drake back to where their sisters were. “You won’t take them, too!” Unicorn shouted. “You may be a Kamen Rider, but you’re still fresh to the fight. I have fought Riders stronger than you,” said Shadow Moon. The ruby blade of the Satan Saber flashed as Shadow Moon pushed forward. The resulting energy burst, snapped the Arm Fang blade like a twig and forced Unicorn to vault over Shadow Moon, and land a few feet behind him. Unicorn quickly took out her Fang Memory and replaced it with another. {< JOKER! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} Unicorn’s armor changed again, shifting into her other form of Ace High. Thanks to the booster effect of Joker, Sunset’s speed, strength, and reflexes were doubled. Unicorn shot straight for Shadow Moon, cocking back her right hoof for a punch. Shadow Moon raised his left foreleg, blocking the punch as a concussive wave of force was released upon impact. Unicorn did not relent as she continued throwing on punch after the other, and throwing in some kicks. Shadow Moon managed to either parry or block most of Unicorn’s attacks. But even still, it was clear that there was a big gap between their fighting experience, where Sunset had only been a Kamen Rider for a few months, both Decade and Shadow Moon had been Riders for years. Honed by their countless battles against monsters of all kinds across different worlds, compared to them, Sunset might as well be a grade-schooler. Despite that, she couldn’t give up, giving up meant Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle would be taken as well. I let down Scootaloo, I WILL NOT LET THEM DOWN! Unicorn went for a spinning kick with her left hind leg, and Shadow Moon did the same, both their kicks struck at the same time. The concussive wave was strong enough to send them both skidding backwards. Shadow Moon gave a low growl as he dismissed his Satan Saber. “Giving up now?” Unicorn asked. “No, you’re just not worthy of my blade.” Shadow Moon corrected. Unicorn growled in frustration and moved the Joker Memory into her right hip port. >} JOKER! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< Sunset stood on her hind legs as her cocked back her right hoof. Blazing purple energy ignited around that hoof as her helmet’s eyes shined in unison with her horn. Shadow Moon seemed unimpressed as he took his stance as well, the emerald King Stone at the center of his belt began to spin and glow. Shadow’s right hoof was wrapped in dark green electrical energy, which was building with each passing second. “JOKER REVENGE!” “Rider Punch!” Both Kamen Riders dashed towards each other, in a split second they closed the gap between them. Everypony inside the castle closed their eyes as a blinding light erupted from them. A thunderous explosion rocked the castle to its core, and from one of the walls a stream of violet light burst its way through and continued on into the distance, while on the opposite side, a burst of dark green energy shot up at an angle towards the sky. Twilight and Starlight finally regained consciousness, the explosion having been the right amount of loud to jar them awake. Their eyes were greeted by the blinding light, making them wince and cover their eyes. When the light finally began to fade, everypony dared to open their eyes, and what they saw shocked them. Unicorn and Shadow Moon had met at the center. The former’s hoof had not connected with Shadow Moon, it had only went past his left shoulder pad, only grazing the armor. The latter, however, did connect, Shadow Moon’s right hoof was buried right in Unicorn’s midsection. For a moment nothing was said, not a breath taken. Then, micro explosions began to go off all over Unicorn’s armor, sending sparks spraying everywhere. Shadow Moon lurched forward, picking up Unicorn with the same hoof and then slamming her back down into the floor hard enough to leave a body sized crater in the floor. When Shadow Moon removed his hoof, Sunset’s Rider form fell apart in particles of light, leaving only an injured unicorn mare lying on the ground in pain. Sunset’s vision began to blur as Shadow Moon looked down upon her, his voice became distant. “Remember this pain…Remember your inadequacy…Against Shocker, this is the only outcome, all shall fall…the Miracle Magic will be ours…” > Day 5 (part 1): Mobilize > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambassador Hell sat upon his throne as he focused his hellish powers, this draconic form was unusual to what he was accustomed to, but it had power, and if aligned to his powers just right, could prove to be a more suitable vessel than his other form. Thoughts of past defeats by the Kamen Riders, as well as the betrayal of their weapon, Decade, passed through Hell’s mind. Each time, the Riders would defeat them with the “power of justice” or the “magic of friendship and unity”. Hell scoffed at that, there was no “justice”, there was only power absolute, and the one who wielded it. Friendship was nothing, there are only those who rule and those who obey. Those too stupid to know the difference were quickly destroyed under the weight of their own naïveté. Which is why this world, Equestria, filled with such ideals and power that was derived from those notions, was the perfect starting ground. Converting all this positive energy into negative, would bolster Shocker’s power, not even the Kamen Riders would be able to stop them, even if they allied with the Super Sentai, it would not help. And it all began with the power of the Miracle Magic. Suddenly, the throne room doors opened up, and Shadow Moon walked through them. Hovering above him were three orbs, each one containing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Shadow Moon knelt down before Hell and said, “Sire, I have brought the Catalysts.” “Excellent, Shadow Moon, take them to the holding cells. It is time Shocker – no – Nega-Shocker, to rise!” Hell announced. “Have Tirek informed that the plan is moving forward now, our assault will begin shortly.” Shadow Moon nodded and walked back out with the three fillies in tow. All during the walk, the girls saw monsters, each one terrifying. Some snapped at the orbs that held them, prompting Shadow Moon to stamp his hoof to bring them in line, apparently Shadow Moon was the second-in-command, and powerful enough to make the other monsters part and shut up upon his say so. Along the way Apple Bloom tried to take note of their surroundings, the walls were made of metal, in fact everything was. Steam hissed out of pipes while others hummed as energy passed through them and into different areas. A sliding door rose and inside were several holding cells, and in one of them was someone the fillies recognized. Discord rose up upon seeing Shadow Moon, but his fury suddenly quelled when he saw who it was that the stallion had brought with him. Two Combatmen unicorns were guarding the cell and opened it up for its new occupants. Shadow Moon willed the spheres to enter the cell where Discord was, and once inside, the spheres popped, dropping all three fillies, unceremoniously, to the floor. Scootaloo ran towards the bars and glared at the stallion. “You won’t get away with this, our sisters will come beat you guys!” Shadow Moon glanced over his shoulder. “Hope, such a fragile thing. Learn to despair, as soon, that is all that will remain for you three.” With those parting words, Shadow Moon exited the holding cells. Scootaloo banged her hooves against the bars and crossed her forelegs, slumping against them. “Well isn’t this a fine kettle of fish, right about now a kettle of fish would appear though,” said Discord as he lamented the loss of his chaos magic. “They got you too?” Sweetie Belle asked. “How?” “…Tirek.” The Crusaders all looked at Discord as if he was joking, or wished he was. But the look on the draconequess’ face said otherwise. The fillies remembered the terror Tirek brought to Equestria, compared to the other baddies their sisters and their friends faced, Tirek was the closest to bringing all of Equestria to ruins. “We have to warn ‘em, if that varmint’s back, then he could steal their magic!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Oh c’mon, they all had their magic stolen by him, and they still beat him,” said Scootaloo. “That was before all this. I mean, those monsters, that dragon, and that pony?! None this is normal stuff, even for Equestria! They’re on another level, and they don’t care who they hurt to get it!” Sweetie Belle added. Scootaloo felt a twinge of fear, remembering the assault that the three Fangires unleashed on Cloudsdale. “But…why us?” Discord sighed. “I wish I knew, but whatever it is it involves you three, and they’ve been very tight lipped about it. And those two aren’t exactly chatterboxes either.” “Kee, Kee!” “See.” “…So, what do we do?” Apple Bloom asked. Discord looked to the three fillies, his joking manner wouldn’t serve him here. He had a feeling that this was going to get worse before it got better, especially considering that Tirek had not stolen the fillies magic, which meant they needed them for something. What for he had no idea, but these beings were truly evil, and Discord doubted they had no any qualms about harming children. “Hope, hope that our friends will defeat them, and save you,” said Discord. “They’ll save you too, Discord,” said Sweetie Belle. The three fillies gathered around Discord, the draconequss encircled the fillies, acting as protection. He couldn’t do much, but he was at least going to make sure these fillies weren’t as scared as he was. ***____________ X [D] ____________*** Sunset Shimmer slowly regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open and gazing at the crystal ceiling of the castle. Her body hurt all over, especially in her ribs. She felt incredibly weak, straining just to turn her head. Sunset managed to turn to her left, feeling a presence. When she did she was shocked to see Princess Celestia, her head cushioned by her forelegs as she rested her head on them. Many thoughts ran through her mind, but right now, she was just happy to see her. Her ethereal mane seemed to have settled, its wavy nature having stopped as Celestia rested. Sunset remembered that she used to do this for her, whenever she got sick with a cold, Princess Celestia would sleep at her bedside, no matter how busy she was, and despite the fact that doctors said she’d be fine. Sunset managed to get enough strength into her left hoof to move a lock of Princess Celestia’s mane from her face. The action caused the alicorn to stir, and once her eyes fell on Sunset she immediately shot up into attention. “Sunset!” “Heh, heh…morning, or is it afternoon?” Sunset asked. “Night, actually. Late night, but it doesn’t matter, I’m just happy you awoke at all!” Princess Celestia’s eyes began to water as she sniffled. “When Twilight told me what happened, I was so worried.” Sunset sighed in disappointment. “I hurt you again…How…How can you still care about me after everything I did back when I was here?” “What?” “I was selfish, cruel, I acted superior to everypony around me, including you! I spurned the affection and friendship of anypony who got close to me, and I only carried that over into another world where I became even worse!” Sunset’s eyes began to water as she recalled the horrible things she did in the past. “And I know it hurt you more, because…I know I’m like a daughter to you…You adopted me, got me out of the orphanage, and practically raised me, and look how I repay you!” Now Celestia understood, this was why Sunset had not made contact with her for some time after everything was settled. “Sunset, I did adopt you, and that makes me your parent. And like any parent and child, we have arguments, we have times when we will say hurtful things to each other, but that doesn’t mean that deep down we don’t still love each other. Sometimes in the heat of those moments we forget that, and it makes it hard for us to know how say ‘I’m sorry’ when it feels like it’s not enough.” Sunset nodded as she continued to cry. “I had Twilight inform me of everything, and I do mean everything. I know about what you did when you stole her Element of Harmony, I know how you were important part in defeating the Sirens, and how you rescued Twilight’s counterpart from nearly destroying both our worlds. Even more than that, I know the deeds you have done as a Kamen Rider, risking your life to protect others from both those who would cause harm, and those who were lost.” Princess Celestia moved closer to her adopted daughter and ran her hoof through her mane. At first Sunset flinched from the contact, but as Celestia continued, she began to relish the soothing contact. “I couldn’t be more proud of you Sunset, you’ve come such a long, long way.” It took several minutes before Sunset found her voice again, most of that time was spent just enjoying the presence of her adoptive mother, and the feeling that the worst of her offenses were behind her now. After another minute of silence, Sunset finally asked, “What’s going on now?” Princess Celestia sighed heavily. “Right now I have the Royal Guard that are stationed around Equestria, I have also requested the aid of the Wonderbolts to search for this enemy, Shocker. Twilight and Starlight are using their magic on the Map to see if they can locate their base of operations. I’ve done what I can to console the families of the fillies who were foalnapped, but their understandably distraught and fearful of what will happen to the little ones.” Sunset growled as tried to left her right hoof to hit the mattress. “It’s my fault…I wasn’t strong enough to save them, even after I promised them that I would…!” Celestia placed her hoof on Sunset’s cheek and directed her to look at the Princess of the Sun directly. “You haven’t failed them yet, so long as you are still willing to keep that promise you haven’t, but you will if you decide to now. Understand?” Sunset nodded. “Where’s Tsukasa, I thought he might have some insight as to where they are?” “That stallion has disappeared, to where I don’t know. The only thing he said before leaving was ‘Shocker is mobilizing, and it won’t be long before they make their move.’ He also said, ‘Tell the rookie to hold the fort until I get back’.” The sun-yellow mare rolled her eyes at that message. “Great.” Sunset tried to get up, but Celestia placed her hoof on Sunset’s chest. “C’mon, I need to help!” “You help by healing, I used my magic to heal you as best I could, but I didn’t want to strain your body. I plan on administering another healing spell after you’ve gotten some rest, so lie down,” said Celestia in a stern tone. Sunset relented and went back to lying on the bed. “That Rider, he said something about the ‘Miracle Magic’, what is that?” “I don’t know, but I have somepony from the Crystal Empire coming to give some insight. He’s been researching it and may have found some information. He should be here by dawn via train,” said Celestia. “For now rest, I’m not going anywhere.” Sunset smiled and scooted down back into the blankets, upon closing her eyes, sleep began to quickly take her. Before completely knocking out, Sunset managed to whisper, “Thanks, Mom…” Celestia had to stifle a crying fit, but was able to keep her composure as she leaned forward and kissed Sunset below her horn, and continued to watch over her adopted daughter. ***____________ X [D] ____________*** Elsewhere, further from the commotion in Cloudsdale, the dark lord, Tirek, was feasting upon the magic of several ponies in Somnambula. Many of merchants and families tried to fly or run away, but Tirek was not alone. The Phantoms known as Medusa and Carbuncle used their own magical power to keep Tirek’s victims from escaping. Carbuncle created a magical barrier around the entire town, while Medusa turned a vast majority into stone statues. Even in such a state, Tirek was able to continue feasting on the magical power that was inside them. From there the trio made their way to several other regions, Trottingham, Neighpon, and Prance, all the citizens were drained of their magical power. The Guardsponies that were dispatched to each region were just as quickly ambushed by the towering centaur and the Phantoms. They made sure to keep one pony kicking, so that they may be able to spread the terror of what was coming for Equestria and its denizens. Tirek, Carbuncle, and Medusa returned to Nega-Shocker’s headquarters, most of the Kaijin parted for the centaur, who had grown bigger and more powerful than they last saw him. The Phantoms entered through the doorway first, approaching the center of the throne room and bowing to Ambassador Hell, but Tirek had a different approach. His hulking mass broke the door and wall connecting to it, causing the other Kaijin and Combatmen to scatter less they get crushed by debris. Across from Tirek, Ambassador Hell sat upon his throne, with Shadow Moon at his right side. Medusa’s snake hair hissed at the giant centaur, “Bow before Nega-Shocker’s leader, Tirek!” “Or what, you’re going to make me?” Tirek asked. Medusa made as to turn her head and use her Stone Gaze, but Tirek’s horns glowed, and Medusa soon found her body enveloped his black and orange aura. She struggled to turn her head at the centaur, but his newfound power was showing in this act. Carbuncle stood and glared at the centaur disapprovingly. “That is enough, Tirek. Or shall I show you the difference in our powers?” “Stop your bickering, now is not the time.” Ambassador Hell stated. Tirek grunted and released Medusa, while Carbuncle tsked and turned to face their leader. “Tirek, do you believe yourself strong enough to take the magic of the protectors of this realm?” Tirek stepped forward, forcing Carbuncle and Medusa to step to the side. “I fought evenly with only one who was infused with all four magicks at once, taking them separately will be child’s play.” “Then it is time…Nega-Shocker, rise our banner high! Let this world know the true meaning of terror, and prepare the ritual, for the Miracle Magic will be the final nail in the coffin of the good in this universe!” The Combatmen ponies stood at attention and held out their right hooves as they shouted aloud, “KEE! KEE!” The Kaijin all roared, howled, screeched, and chittered their battle cry. The entire Nega-Shocker base began to shake and rattle, a low rumbling echoed throughout the halls as many of the Kaijin and Combatmen grabbed ahold of something sturdy. ***____________ X [D] ____________*** Back at Twilight’s castle, the throne room was a hub of activity. Starlight and Twilight had fallen asleep on the Cutie Map, having spent the night using their magic to locate the fillies via the map’s magic and their own. The floor was littered with scribbled notes, magic formulas, and circles as they tried to come up with a good locater spell, but to no avail. Rainbow Dash had just returned from yet another fly around, having enlisted the aid of the Wonderbolts and the cadets, but again nothing had been found. Fluttershy had gone to her critter friends and asked them to spread the word that they were looking for three foalnapped fillies taken by strange creatures, so far nothing had been reported back but they still held out hope on that one. Applejack had been able to send word to all branches of the Apple Family, and even the Pie Family to keep a look out for Apple Bloom. Word came down from the Crystal Empire that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance would be arriving with additional Crystal Guard ponies to aid in the search and for security. They were due to arrive soon this morning, but in the meantime, the families were still left to worry and wonder what fate awaited their young ones. Lofty and Holiday were chief among them, they had been trusted with the safety and wellbeing of Scootaloo by her parents, and in the end they couldn’t do anything to help, in fact, they were thrown like rag dolls. Rarity’s parents weren’t any better. Cookie Crumbles was in tears at hearing this, and Hondo Flanks was trying his best to console his wife. Rainbow Dash’s parents were in attendance as well, true to their word, they regarded Scootaloo as part of the family, and weren’t leaving until the little filly was back home safe. The main doors to the throne room opened, and Princess Celestia walked in, with Sunset Shimmer at her side, the unicorn leaning against her adoptive mother with a downy white wing draped over her. The noise made Starlight and Twilight wake up instantly, babbling nonsense until they regained their focus. Twilight saw her former teacher and friend approach and she quickly went to them. “Sunset…how are you doing?” “Sore, but thanks to some healing magic better, I’m starving though,” said Sunset. “I’ll get us something to eat, and maybe something to drink, looks like we’re going to be at it for a while,” said Spike. “Let me help,” said Cookie. “Goodness knows I can do at least a little something to help.” “I will too, I’d rather be doing something as well,” said Windy. Spike led Windy and Cookie away to the kitchen, leaving the rest inside the throne room. Sunset sighed as she stood before the collective family members of the Crusaders. “I’m sorry…I promised to protect them, and I couldn’t…I couldn’t save them, when they needed me the most I…” “Hey now,” said Applejack. “We all saw ya fight like crazy to save the girls, we all saw the proof of that in how banged up ya were. Short of killin’ yerself, ya did all ya could.” “Besides,” said Bow. “So long as you’re alive, the girls have a chance, we have a chance.” A collective round of nods came from everypony in the room, agreeing that Sunset was still their hope at saving their family members. Sunset sniffled and wiped some tears from her eyes, “Thank you, everypony. Now we just need to know what this ‘Miracle Magic’ has in connection to Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.” “I THINK I KNOW!” The doors to the throne burst open, and from them a unicorn stallion dashed inside, skidding to a halt before the Cutie Map. Sunset stared at the stallion for a moment, trying to take in what she was seeing. He was darker shade of her coat, with white spots around all four hooves, and one running down the length of his muzzle. He had a two toned red mane, and goatee, and a pair of rounded glasses that framed his turquoise colored eyes similar to her own. Sunset felt her heart stop upon looking at the stallion, not in a romantic way by any means, but she did feel a connection to this stallion. “Sunburst!” Starlight shouted as she ran to her foalhood friend and gave him fierce hug. “It’s so good to see you!” “Well, you always said I should come visit you in Ponyville,” said Sunburst. “Yeah, I just wish it wasn’t because of all…well…this,” said Starlight. “Oh, before I forget, I think you should meet somepony.” Starlight led Sunburst to a still dumbstruck Sunset Shimmer, and upon arriving it was now Sunburst’s turn to sport the same look. For a moment Starlight didn’t understand what was happening, but after looking back and forth between her new friend and foalhood friend, did she notice the similarities between them. A fact that didn’t seem to be lost on everypony in the room, Twilight included. The Princess of Friendship knew Sunset was an orphan, and yet, the odds of another pony with almost the exact same features of Sunset was too low, and yet here they stood. Sunset and Sunburst, everypony wanted to say it, but seemed afraid to, or were waiting for one of them to say it, heck, they were waiting to see if Celestia would say anything. “Um…” Sunset began. “You’re Sunburst, right?” “Y-Yes, I am. And who are you?” Sunburst asked. “Sunset Shimmer,” she replied. Sunset shook her head for a moment and regained her train of thought. “You said you knew what the Miracle Magic was?” “Huh? Oh yes, yes I did! Where are my books?!” Sunburst went to collect his books and scrolls that had fallen about the floor upon his entry, meanwhile, Sunset was still trying to process that she may have…may have just met her brother. Princess Celestia stood next to Sunset, rubbing her hoof on her back to comfort the mare. “Are you alright?” “Not entirely…Princess, is…is Sunburst my brother?” Sunset asked. “I had suspected when we first met in the Crystal Empire some time ago. He has a great deal of magical knowledge and application of such, much like you, although I would argue your magical prowess is stronger than his. Would you like to know?” Celestia asked. “We have too much to worry about now. My familial ties to Sunburst will have to take a backseat until Sweetie, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are here safe.” Sunburst had recollected all his works and laid them out on the table. “It took some doing, but after going through the library in the Crystal Empire, and cross referencing with my own collection, I found out what the Miracle Magic is! It’s old magic, possibly before the Elements of Harmony and founding of Equestria!” The ponies in the room took a moment to let that sink in, especially for the six Element bearers in the room. “The Miracle Magic has the power to make impossible things possible, said to be the culmination of all the love, hope, joy, and peace in the land, manifested into a single source of pure magical power that can shine a light in the darkest times. The closest thing I can describe it to is a wish granter!” Applejack had to interject. “Hold on now, if there was somethin’ that powerful lyin’ around, why didn’t it appear when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were battlin’ Discord, or when the Princess had to fight Nightmare Moon? Or, heck, any of the other times we needed it?” Sunburst raised his hoof. “And that’s the kicker. It can only be accessed by certain ponies who share a special bond, and not only of friendship, but of destiny as well.” There were even more confused looks now. Sunburst’s horn glowed and above them was a diagram of Twilight, her friends, Starlight, and Sunburst’s cutie marks. “Cutie Marks are signs of ones’ destiny, but, on rare occasions, two or more ponies can obtain their cutie marks at the exact same time, and share a strong bond, and it is this bond and this occurrence that allows those individuals to access the Miracle Magic!” The cutie marks of the Crusaders appeared on the right, separate from the others. “But wouldn’t that make us able to use the Miracle Magic, too? All of us got our cutie marks when Rainbow Dash did her Sonic Rainboom?” Pinkie Pie asked. Twilight stepped in to answer that. “Yes, Rainbow’s Sonic Rainboom was the catalyst that allowed us all to gain our cutie marks and connected us as friends. However, we did not get our cutie marks at the same time.” Twilight used her magic to hijack the diagram and separated her and her friends’ cutie marks. “Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark upon executing the Rainboom.” Rainbow’s cutie mark glowed. “Then I got mine a few minutes after my magical outburst.” Twilight’s mark glowed. “Fluttershy got hers after the Rainboom and after calming the animals.” Fluttershy’s mark glowed. “Rartiy’s came to her later that night, Applejack’s didn’t appear until the day after in the afternoon, and Pinkie’s appeared in the early morning hours.” All six cutie marks lined up in the order of which Twilight gave, listed from one to six. “That event connected us as friends, and solidified our connection to the Elements. Time is a factor here too, we all got our cutie marks in roughly a twenty-four hour time span, but not at the exact same time. Correct Sunburst?” Sunburst nodded. “From what I’ve been told, those three fillies got their marks at the exact same time.” “Come to think of it, the other foals said that when Sweetie and the girls got their marks, they were glowing really brightly. I talked to Cheerilee when I heard that and it turns out that was true,” said Rarity. Sunset walked up to the table and stared at the cutie marks of the Crusaders. “Three friends, sharing a common destiny, connecting them to a magical power they never knew existed. And yet, Shocker knew. Sunburst, what would happen if the power of the Miracle Magic were to be changed to negative uses?” A bewildered look befell the stallion. “Hope would turn to despair, joy into sorrow, love into hate, and peace into chaos. It could turn the world, if not everything beyond, into a nightmare.” “But what would happen to them?!” Holiday demanded. “What would happen to the fillies?!” “If they were going to summon it for good purposes I wouldn’t worry, but if this Shocker intends to use them as conduits to bring it forth and change its nature…I’m…I’m not sure,” said Sunburst. “All the more reason to find them as quickly as possible!” Sunset stated. “GUYS!” Spike yelled. The doors to the throne room burst open, causing everypony to be on guard, however, it proved to be for not when the one who busted down the doors was a baby alicorn in a bubble of yellow magical light. Twilight recognized the baby alicorn and flew up to make her presence known. The baby broke out of the bubble and flew right to Twilight crying into the mare’s chest. “Flurry! Oh, it’s okay bugaboo, Auntie Twily’s here, shh, shh.” Twilight looked carefully towards the door, only for Spike, Cookie, and Windy to come in. “Where are Cadance and Shining Armor, are they still downstairs?” “That’s…What I came to…tell you,” said Spike between pants. “She just got here, alone, there’s nopony downstairs!” Twilight’s heart began to drum in her ears as panic and fear welled up inside her, but she tried to keep a calm look on her face, Flurry Heart was scared enough as it was. “They were supposed to be on a train, heading straight here, right Sunburst?” The unicorn stallion nodded. “Yes, I left on the first early train out, and they told me to go on ahead since I had the information on the Miracle Magic, and since it was going to take time to gather a garrison.” A feeling of dread befell the ponies in the room, but Twilight floated to Princess Celestia and gently passed Flurry Heart to her other aunt. “Princess, can you watch Flurry for a minute, I’m going to check on my brother and Cadance.” “Of course, Twilight,” said Celestia as she took the little foal into her forelegs. Sunset stood up and summoned her Uni-Driver. “I’m coming too, just in case.” Twilight nodded and stood next to Sunset. The alicorn mare enveloped them in a bubble of magical energy, and in the blink of an eye they disappeared. ***____________ X [D] ____________*** A flash of rosy light ignited on the train tracks; Sunset and Twilight were facing in the direction that the Crystal Empire’s train would have come, but it was nowhere in sight. With growing fear, Sunset and Twilight traveled the length of the tracks, hoping to find some trace of the train. “Flurry Heart couldn’t have been too far away, her magic is strong but there’s no way she could teleport all the way from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville, they had to be close by!” Twilight stated. “We’ll find them Twilight,” said Sunset in reassurance. And find them they did. The two mares happened upon the special crystal locomotive, tossed off the tracks with the rest of the cars strewn to either side. Dozens upon dozens of Crystal Guard ponies were on the ground, unmoving. A cold feeling gripped Twilight’s heart as they approached the wreck, both mares approached one of the guards and checked him over. Sunset removed his chest armor and placed her ear against his chest, when she heard his beating heart she sighed in relief. “I think they’re knocked out, but they’re pretty banged up,” said Sunset. “That’s not the only problem here…I can’t sense their magical energies, any of them,” said Twilight. Sunset looked back at the Earth Crystal Pony, and sure enough, she could sense no magical energy coming off of him. Sunset and Twilight continued to search through several cars, pulling guards out who were pinned and getting them to safety. Those guards who were able to move aided the mares in their rescue efforts, but as expected, they were very weak from having their magic drained from them so they proceeded with caution. Thankfully, Twilight made it to the royal suite car, and practically pried it open with her magic like a giant can opener. But nopony was inside, fear began to grip at Twilight’s heart a little tighter as she took the skies and called out, “CADANCE, SHINING ARMOR!” Twilight waited for reply, and called out once more, “CADANCE, SHINING ARMOR!!!” Twilight kept her eyes open, surveying the area as her gaze darted from one spot to the next, but it wasn’t until a magical flare was sent up that Twilight turned her head in that direction. The alicorn mare flew to where the flare was released, and spotted Sunset Shimmer standing next to two ponies, specifically, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Twilight landed on the ground, her legs nearly giving way as she saw the motionless bodies of her big brother and sister-in-law. “A-Are…Are they…?” Twilight dared to ask. “They’re alright, I checked. It’s the same as the guards, drained of magic, but it looks like they were in the thick of a battle,” said Sunset. Twilight took this time to glance about their surroundings, the area was littered with scorch marks, upheaved earth, and chunks of sediment and rock blasted from ground. “Tirek…” Sunset’s ear twitched at the mention of that name. “There’s no way, he was in Tartarus! We both saw him rotting in that cell!” “The last time we were there, yes. Now…with Shocker…anything could be possible,” said Twilight. Sunset snorted in agitation of Shocker’s actions thus far. “Let’s get them to the castle, and see about getting this wreckage cleared or else we’ll have another disaster to on our hooves.” Suddenly, a sea-green light flashed a couple of feet behind the mares. Twilight and Sunset spun around and prepared to attack only to find Starlight Glimmer waving her hooves in front of her. “Don’t attack, friendly, friendly!” “Starlight, what the heck?! We could’ve blasted you!” Sunset scolded. “I’m sorry, but we have an emergency and – Holy Celestia what happened to everypony?!” Starlight exclaimed upon seeing the wreckage. “Focus, Starlight, what’s the emergency?!” Twilight asked. Starlight shook her head. “Oh, right, Equestria’s under attack!” “Where?!” Sunset asked. “Everywhere!” ***____________ X [D] ____________*** Thankfully the Royal Guard that had accompanied Princess Celestia had gone to the sight of the wreckage and began to help the injured back to town to Ponyville General Hospital. Twilight, Sunset, and Starlight used their magic to teleport Shining Armor and Cadance to the throne room, where a sad Flurry Heart flew out of Celestia’s forelegs and to her unconscious parents. She whimpered sadly as she went to nudge her father and mother awake, but to no avail. Twilight stood behind her niece and stroked her mane. “They’re alright Flurry, they just need some time to rest. They fought hard to protect you.” At that moment Hondo Flanks and Bow Hothoof went to Shining Armor and carefully lifted him onto their backs, Cookie, Windy, as well as Lofty and Holiday, helped in lifting Cadance. “There are spare bedrooms down the hall, please take them there and watch over them please.” The older ponies nodded and went to deliver the royals to their beds. Meanwhile, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, Starlight, Spike, and Celestia were staring at the Cutie Map. Twilight joined them and watched as dark spots appeared over Canterlot, Baltimare, and Los Pegasus, all three were under attack. “This is…I…” Starlight stammered. Everypony was stunned, a large scale attack on three fronts, against creatures from another world with powers that were beyond their magical abilities; it was overwhelming, fear inducing, and soul crushing. Sunset couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going, the closest is Canterlot! I’ll start there!” Sunset stated. The fiery maned mare turned to leave and summoned the Unicorn Memory. Twilight stepped forward and stopped her friend. “I won’t let you, Sunset!” “Twilight, move, I’m the only one who can stop them!” Sunset stated. “There’s only one of you, Sunset! Against an army of monsters! I almost lost Shiny and Cadance, I don’t want to lose you, too!” Tears began to fall from Twilight’s eyes, making Sunset pause in her actions. “You’re a Kamen Rider, and I understand that you have the power to fight them, but that makes you their worst enemy! They’re not like the villains we’ve faced, they won’t hesitate to kill you! I don’t want that to happen…!” Sunset held the Unicorn Memory aloft in the air, but walked over to her. The sun-yellow mare hugged her friend close, offering what comfort she could. There was no getting around this, Sunset had to go and fight, but she also understood Twilight’s fear. “I know, neither do I. But if I don’t, all those ponies will die, and the girls are still in danger. Don’t get me wrong, Twilight, I am scared of all this, but I’m more scared for what will happen to them and other ponies if I don’t act.” “Spoken like a true Kamen Rider.” Everypony looked about the room, hearing the familiar disembodied voice. Across the room the Silver Veil appeared and from its rippling surface emerged Tsukasa, wearing his nonchalant smug expression. Twilight and Sunset parted as the latter quickly stood before the veteran Rider. “Where have you been?! Shocker’s on the move, they’re attacking three different cities! We need to move!” Tsukasa raised his hoof as if to stop that train of thought. “I figured they would, Shocker employs several monster, and raising them from the hell of their previous defeat and having them fight again. So I figured we needed our own army to fight back with. It’s not much, but it’s more than enough.” The light-red unicorn glanced over his shoulder. “Oi, c’mon on over already, it’s a pain keeping it open this long.” The surface of the Veil rippled again, and from the dimensional gateway appeared four beings. The first was a tall pegasus stallion coming just a few inches below Celestia’s chin, and who looked to be around his early twenties. His black mane was stylized into a pompadour, he also wore baggy black pants, and similarly colored jacket with a white shirt underneath, his coat was a sky-blue, and eyes of deep purple. The second to exit was a…a dragon. He stood about the same height as Tsukasa, with a black leather jacket. His scales were deep red color, with hazel green eyes, and yellow spines that ran down from his back to the tip of his tail. The dragon’s muzzle was short, with two white fangs protruding from his upper lip, and yellow frills on the sides of his head. The third was an Earth pony stallion. His coat was a vibrant orange color, with a dark brown mane, and blue eyes. He wore a blue hoody and denim jeans, and the white shirt beneath it had the word “GAIM” written above a strange symbol. The fourth was also an Earth pony stallion, but he was dressed in a rather nomadic fashion. A white scarf wrapped around his neck, with a long stripped sweater of multiple warm brown and red hues. His mane was shaggy dark brown, and his coat was dark yellow with silver eyes. “Sun-chan, meet your senpais, fellow Kamen Riders,” said Tsukasa. The pegasus stallion stepped forward and glanced about the room, his gaze locked with that of Twilight and he immediately walked towards her. Sunset got on edge for a moment, but Tsukasa held out his hoof and shook his, as if saying it was alright. When the stallion reached Twilight, he looked her at her and then tilted his head to the side. “So you’re Twilight Sparkle?” “Yes, I am,” said Twilight. “The ‘Princess of Friendship’?” he asked. “Yes.” The stallion smiled wide. “Ha, ha, so you really weren’t kiddin’ Tsukasa-senpai! A princess of friendship itself, and a kingdom of friendship, I like that!” The stallion raised his right hoof and pounded against his chest twice before sticking out towards Twilight. “My name’s Gentaro, and my goal to make friends with everyone, even in other universes!” Twilight, as well as everypony else, were a little taken aback by his proclamation. Not because they thought it was strange, it was actually a nice thing to hear, but because they didn’t expect someone from another world to be so straightforward in wanting to create friendships. The orange Earth pony stallion quickly darted from the group and gently reeled Gentaro back. “Gentaro, please, she’s a princess, a royal, show a little respect!” The stallion bowed to Twilight, and subsequently made Gentaro do the same. “Sorry about that, he’s just a little excited. My name’s Kouta, and thank you for having us in your world.” Spike broke away from the others and went up to the tall dragon, finding the long leather jacket, and air of cool he generated to be awesome. “H-Hey, my name’s Spike, official Friendship Ambassador to the Dragons,” said Spike as he held out his claw. The taller dragon smirked and took the young drake’s claw to shake. “Nice to meet you little guy, my name’s Haruto.” Rarity seemed to eye the stallion with the shaggy mane, regarding his choice of wardrobe as she approached him. The stallion looked upon the unicorn and was about to say something before Rarity’s horn glowed, from seemingly out nowhere, Rarity began tidying up the stallion’s wardrobe, sewing up the scratches in his clothes and getting the dust and dirt that had collected off it. When she was done, Rarity looked upon her work and nodded. “Thank you, Miss…?” “Rarity, and whom might you be?” “Eiji, just a wandering nomad,” said Eiji with a smile. Rainbow Dash hovered over them and looked about the four newcomers, “So all of these guys are Kamen Riders? Like Sunset?” “Pretty much, yeah,” said Tsukasa. “Forgive my doubts, but even with six Riders, how will you stop so big force on three fronts?” Celestia asked. “Who said I only brought four?” ***____________ X [D] ____________*** ~Las Pegasus~ Ponies were running through the streets of the bustling metropolis as explosions went off in every direction. Several creatures were marching down the streets, some were Combatmen, but a vast majority were Kaijin. Leading the charge were three Kaijin, each one from the world known as Helheim. They were the strongest of them all, and directed the other Inves to attack and destroy everything in sight, clearing the way for their arrival. Behind them, several Combatmen and Inves were pulling a large metal tower, jagged in appearance, and colored a menacing, purple, red, and black. The lead Inves, who looked like he was made of bandages wraps, directed a red Inves and a spear wielder to strike the sides. Both did as commanded hitting the nearby buildings and causing them to break apart as if they were made of cardboard. Suddenly, a loud, war trumpet sound echoed in the distance. Followed by a loud battle cry of “HENSHIN!” \| Hai! Boudou Arms: Ryu, Hou, Ha-Ha-Ha! |/ \| Soiya! Melon Arms: Tenka Gomen! |/ \| Come On! Donguri Arms: Never Give Up! |/ \| Durian Arms: Mr. Dangerous! |/ \| Kurumi Arms: Mr. Knuckleman! |/ In the distance and explosion went off, followed by the flashing of several lights that made the Kaijin stop in their tracks. From the smoke of the explosion emerged five Kamen Riders. The first was an Earth pony stallion, with armor colored green, gold, and purple. His chest plate resembled that of round grapes, and upon his hip was blasting weapon with grape a motif on it, and a helmet that resembled that of a dragonfly. This was Kamen Rider Ryugen. The second was another Earth pony stallion, clade in white, lime green, and gold armor. This stallion carried a large shield upon his back, and a sword on his hip, carrying himself with an air of superiority. His name was Kamen Rider Zangetsu. The third was a pegasus stallion in armor of brown, gold, and silver, with a hammer strapped to his waist. One could see a kind of acorn motif for this warrior’s armor, and his name was Kamen Rider Grindon. The fourth was a minotaur, the under armor was a neon green, with violet armor plates on his legs, thighs, and forearms. His upper half had dark green heavy armor, which was covered in protruding spikes, this also carried to his helmet, which had his natural horns that were barbed with smaller spikes. In both hands the minotaur wielded swords, the flat and edges lined with serrated spikes making them into saw-swords. He was Kamen Rider Bravo. The fifth Rider was another pegasus stallion, wearing black, light-brown, and silver armor. His upper body armor had square shaped studs coming out of the chest and shoulder pauldrons, but his hooves had giant metal fists which he bumped together a few times as he hovered in the air. This was Kamen Rider Kurumi. Bravo raised his sword towards the Inves and Combatmen, as he stated, “Attention to all Shocker baddies, we will not let you inflict harm upon this beautiful, and adorable world full of cuteness!” The other Armored Riders groaned, with Ryugen and Zangetsu sighing. “Everyone! Prêt, prêt, attaque!” Grindon and Knuckle took flight, with Grindon taking up his hammer. Kurumi dove in, cocking back his right hoof and delivering a punch straight to the first Inves that was in his sights. Grindon began swinging away with this hammer, knocking away one Inves and Combatman after the other. Several Combatmen broke away and pointed their swords at them, which also doubled as blaster weapons. They took aim at Zangetsu and Ryugen and opened fire on them. Several energy bullets flew through the air and headed straight for the Armored Riders. But Zangetsu quickly stood on his hind legs and took his shield, and had Ryugen stay behind him. The shield emitted a field of power that blocked every shot, exploding against the barrier’s surface and shrouding them in smoke. “Are you ready, Mitsuzane?!” Zangetsu asked. “Whenever you are, Onii-san!” Ryugen stated. Ryugen stood on his hind legs and took up his blaster, at the same time, Zangetsu took hold of his Musou Saber and pointed the gun barrel guard forward. In less than a second, both Riders unleashed their own barrage of energy bullets, barraging the Combatmen that dared to attack them. Several explosions went off where the Combatmen stood as each one was wiped out. Some pegasus Combatmen flew down from the sky and tried to fire at them from the air, but Ryugen was a better shot, focusing his firepower on the skies as he shot down one after the other. Some Combatmen tried to bum rush the duo, Ryugen only had a blaster weapon, and Zangetsu was the only one with close range weaponry, surely he couldn’t defend himself and his partner. They thought wrong. As soon as the first Combatman Earth stallion tried to punch his brother, Zangetsu brought up his mighty shield, blocking the attack. Ryugen responded by firing several shots in the face of the henchman. Another tried to attack from the left, but Ryugen fired two shots at its legs, and Zangetsu came with a sword slash, ending the Combatmen then and there. Meanwhile, Bravo was walking slowly towards a group made entirely of different Inves. Durian chuckled and stated, “Everyone, please make this a beautiful battle! Despite your repulsive appearances.” Some of the Inves did not take kindly to that and began their assault. Bravo swung his saw-swords in a perfect pirouette, causing sparks to fly from all the enemies that dared to enter his circle of death. Taking advantage of the disorientation, Durian charged into a group of Inves and delivered a spinning kick, sending one flying into the side of building. Another two met their end from his saw-swords, and three more after that. Durian was no ordinary Rider, he was one with years of combat experience, not only battling Inves, but as well as a soldier in the French army. “How disappointing, that wasn’t very beautiful.” ***____________ X [D] ____________*** ~Baltimare~ Animal-like Kaijin and multiple Combatmen field into the city and began a wide spread spree of destruction, the once scenic landmarks now being reduced to piles of rubble before their onslaught. Like in Los Pegasus, this group pulled with them a large metal spire, it began shifting and making noises, as if powering up for something. This group of Kaijin were known as Yummies, creatures created by their masters the Greeed. One of the Yummies, which looked like a praying mantis, slashed at the air with its sickles and sent crescent shaped energy waves at one of the buildings, making it explode and sent large chunks of debris falling to the ground. Down below was a group of fillies and colts, too frightened out of their minds to move. [=*=] Breast Cannon! [=*=] However, at the last second a beam of light energy roared over the heads of the children, and vaporized the debris before it even hit. The children managed to follow the origin of the beam attack to just a few feet behind them. There they saw three armored warrior Earth ponies. Two of them wore the same kind of armor, it was black and silver, with the right chest plate colored a jade green, and on the left was a green orb. The helmets had a visor that went up and created a U that acted like antenna or horns, and at the center was a green orb. In fact, on the shoulder pads, bracers, thighs, and boots, each one had a green orb. The only difference between them was that the one on the left had bright red lines around the chest orb, boots, shoulder pads, thigh armor, and bracers. They were Kamen Riders Birth and Proto Birth. The third was different. He was bathed in different hues of blue, giving him an ocean look, his helmet was silver and blue, with bright yellow eyes that shined. This Rider was a future warrior, known in his time as Kamen Rider Aqua. “Good thing Old Man Kougami had a cache of Cell Medals, else we wouldn’t be able to help at all,” said Proto Birth. “Knowing the President, he more than likely anticipated the need for Birth to be used again,” said Birth. “Um, guys, the kids!” Aqua warned. Another Kaijin, a lion Yummy, roared as it charged for the children. Proto and Birth materialized their Birth Buster weapons and fired a barrage of weaponized Cell Medals at the Yummy, sending the beast flying back into its comrades. Aqua hurried to the kids and began leading them away as Proto and Birth continued their barrage. Four Yummies broke away during the barrage, two of which were heading straight for Aqua, while the other two stayed to fight the Births. Aqua was confronted by two bird type Yummies, with the kids shaking in fear behind him. The future Kamen Rider stood on his hind legs, he widened his stance, and brought his right hoof up, while keeping his left extended. “I, Kamen Rider Aqua, protect the future of my world! So too shall I protect the future of these children!” The bird Yummies squawked and flew for Aqua, but the future Rider was calm. When the first Yummy, a blue feathered one, entered his zone of control, Aqua jumped up as the creature took a swipe at him. His movements were fluid, even while in midair as he came down with an ax kick to the Kaijin’s head, sending it straight to ground with a savage boom. The second bird Yummy, with yellow feathers, tried to kick Aqua while he was still recovering. But Aqua’s movements hadn’t stopped, and once again he flowed with the Yummy’s attack, using his hooves to redirect it so that it flew past him and straight into the side of a building. The foals watched all this unfold and stared in awe of Kamen Rider Aqua, shouting “So cool!” ***____________ X [D] ____________*** ~Canterlot~ Princess Luna and the Royal Guard fought valiantly against the oncoming monster army. The Kaijin made of Zodiarts and Phantoms, astral and magical powers coming to conquer the capital of Equestria. Princess Luna took to the skies and summoned form streams of magical energy, blasting the Kaijin one after the other. Luna’s alicorn magic was strong, and managed to push back some of the weaker Phantoms and Zodiarts, but not against the stronger ones. Two warrior Zodiarts, Orion and Perseus, jumped into the air and swung their mighty blades. Luna quickly erected a barrier, just in time to block the mighty blows of the two warrior constellations. The Princess of the Night found this battle to be vexing, she was the Keeper of the Stars. She painted the night sky with the stars and knew of the Constellation Beasts, but these creatures, although also constellations, were nothing like the stars she knew. Orion and Perseus focused their power into their swing and both Zodiarts sent Luna flying until she crash landed into the street. Her barrier, thankfully, took the majority of the impact, but it did leave her a bit dazed. The Royal Guard charged in to protect their fallen Princess, but barred from assisting by three Phantoms, Hellhound, Gargoyle, and Caitsith. Orion and Perseus dragged their blades against the cobblestone road, sparks flinging from the metal to rock contact as they approached Princess Luna and prepared to deal the Diarch a finishing blow. However, high above, a blue star formed. This star started to steadily grow bigger and bigger with each passing second, gaining the attention the two warrior constellations. That same blue star broke from the sky and began a rapid descent, flying down like a blue flaming meteor right for both Zodiarts. The two Kaijin had little time to retreat as the blue fireball struck them, sending Orion and Perseus flying back until they landed in a heap against the Combatmen. The blue fireball evaporated, revealing a pegasus stallion emerged from the small smoldering crater, his armor was jet black, like the night sky. With dozens upon dozens of dots littering it as if the night sky itself was his armor. His right chest had a second piece of armor that was blue, and started on his belt, went up the right side of his chest, and looped around his shoulder to continue on the back. His helmet was silver around the bottom jaw, but the upper head portion was blue with horn-like protrusions coming out, as if mimicking the tail of a meteor. The stallion raised his wings, which also had the night sky armor wrapped onto them, and flew over to the alicorn mare, looking down at her with his red eyes. “Are you alright?” Luna’s face suddenly felt warm as she reached out and took the stallion’s hoof, helping her back to her hooves. “Y-Yes, I am, but who are you?” “Kamen Rider Meteor, we’re here to help,” said the stallion. “‘We’?” Luna asked. Meteor turned Luna’s attention to the Phantoms that were engaged with her troops. Her keen eyes picked up on a strange being. He was a feline, standing upright on his hind legs. His fur was a golden brown, and hair of sandy-blonde, and he wore faux leather jacket. Around his waist was a belt, with the buckle resembling that of closed gates, and on his left paw he was wearing a ring, golden at the center, with two emerald eyes at the center. The Phantoms ceased their assault on the ponies and began to back away upon seeing this strange, yet familiar being. The unicorn and pegasus Royal Guards weren’t sure if this cat being was friend or foe, but he ignored them and continued walking forward until he was between them and the Phantoms. His green cat eyes looked the Phantoms up and down and smiled toothily. “Alright then!” The cat raised his left paw into the air, widened his stance, and performed a series of movements as he said aloud, “Henshin!” The cat placed the ring into a slot on the side of the buckle. [**] Set! [**] The cat turned the ring and the buckle opened up, revealing golden plates inside. On the right plate was the image of a dolphin and falcon, on the left was a buffalo and chameleon, and at the center was a lion’s head. [**] Open! L-I-O-N, Lion! [**] An arcane, golden magic circle appeared before the cat and passed over him, donning him in gold and black armor. On his left shoulder was pauldron in the shape of a lion’s head, with the golden mane continuing onto his left chest plate. His tail was also coated in black armor, with a golden spike tip to it, the helmet had a golden mane, with big, emerald colored eyes. One of the Royal Guards got up and asked, “Who are you?” “Kamen Rider Beast. Say, what time is it?” Beast asked. “Um…Noon, I think.” Beast rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Alright, then it’s Lunch Time!” The golden Kamen Rider charged for the Phantoms, striking Hellhound with a fierce punch that made the Phantom skid on its heels. The Caitsith Phantom lunched forward to attack with its claws, but Beast nimbly jumped up, and used the Phantom’s head as springboard to get behind it, on the backflip, Beast used the spike end of his tail to slash at Caitsith’s back, sending it flying forward into Gargoyle. Beast selected a ring from the loop on his left hip, and placed it on his ring finger on the right hand. The golden Rider placed the ring into a slot on the right side of the buckle and the lion face sparked red. [**] Buffa, Go: Bu-Bu-Bububu-Buffa! [**] A red magic circle appeared on Beast’s right side, he held out his right arm and the circle passed over it, adorning that arm in a mantle. The shoulder had a buffalo head upon it, and a crimson red cape. The Guards were confounded by this addition to the warrior’s armor, what use did a cape with a buffalo head have? The answer came quickly as Gargoyle threw Caitsith off of itself and charged for Beast, the Phantom threw a punch, but Beast caught it. The force of the blow was distributed through the air in a shockwave, and yet Beast remained unmoving. Gargoyle seemed to have a difficult time following through with the punch, and even tried to pull back, but Beast’s iron grip was not letting that happen. Beast went on the offensive, cocking back his right fist and slamming it Gargoyle’s chest, sparks flew as the Phantom flew into a building, causing rubble to fall on it and bury the Kaijin. Luna watched all this in awe as the golden Kamen Rider wielded some kind of ancient magical power that she had never seen before. Compared to the energy Meteor had around him, the stallion before her had energy that was more cosmic in origin. Orion and Perseus didn’t take kindly to being blown away like that, and charged straight for Meteor. Luna took an aggressive stance, but Meteor held out his hoof, “Allow me, Princess.” Meteor flew at the two Zodiarts, utilizing his new form to grant him air superiority, Meteor spun in midair, and delivered a kick to Perseus’ chest, with Meteor letting a loud “Wah!” sound. Meteor, while still in midair, unleashed a flurry of energy laced punches and kicks, the blows appearing as streaks of lights as Meteor shouted, “Wah, huwa! Sho!” Meteor performed a backflip kick, hitting Orion in the chin, the Zodiart stumbled back and tried to slash at Meteor. The pegasus had already dropped to the ground, and swept Orion’s legs from under him, causing the warrior to fall. Before he hit the ground, Meteor tucked his legs in and bucked him in the stomach, sending Orion crashing into a lamppost, and then into the stoop of a residence. Meteor regained his hoofing, standing upon his hind legs as he entered a defensive stance, watching the enemies before him, and ones who had yet to engage. Luna found the display of combat prowess to be quite, strangely, exhilarating to witness. ***____________ X [D] ____________*** ~Ponyville~ The Cutie Map displayed the happenings in the three affected areas, signs of resistance from the Kamen Riders that Tsukasa had brought with him were keeping Shocker’s troops at bay. Sunset watched all this with amazement, seeing other Kamen Riders battling, veteran Riders at that, was getting her fired up, and brimming with confidence that they would be able to beat Shocker. She turned to thank Tsukasa, but the unicorn stallion swayed a bit, and nearly fell to the ground if it weren’t Haruto. “What’s wrong, is he hurt?!” Sunset asked. “No, he’s just exhausted,” said Eiji. “Traveling from world to world to gather us didn’t tax him, it was the other thing he did that did it,” said Haruto. “What did he do?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He gave us part of his ability of Omni-Knowledge. When Tsukasa enters a new world, he automatically knows how that world works, and in this case, he bestowed that ability to us for the time being so that we wouldn’t be hindered with getting used to a new body and trying to figure it out,” said Kouta. Twilight looked upon the Cutie Map, watching the Riders fight the monsters so easily, as if they had always been Equestrians. “That explains it, when I went to Earth, I had no idea how to properly walk or use my new body, but with that ability you’ve eliminated the problem of adaption. That’s quite the amazing ability Mr. Tsukasa!” Tsukasa chuckled. “Just, Tsukasa. Still, this is just the opening act. They’re moving those towers into the cities for a reason.” “Whatever these Shocker meanies are doing, we definitely know it’s happening around here somewhere,” said Pinkie Pie. The room all looked at the mare with confusion. “Well, duh, Canterlot, Baltimare, Los Pegasus, they all form a perfect triangle with Ponyville and the Everfree Forest right in the middle.” The others took a look at the map again, and sure enough, Ponyville and Everfree were at the center of this triangle. Still that left the mystery of the towers, why was Shocker implanting them, how did this tie into the Miracle Magic and Tirek? > Day 5 (part 2): RIDERS ATTACK! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambassador Hell stood upon the command deck, looking down at the vast colorful pony world below. It sickened him, such abundant power sleeping beneath the land, and it was squandered by these simple creatures whose only use for it was for trivial matters. The power of the Miracle Magic, once shifted, could make anything happen. Years of planning and scheming had brought this to fruition, Ambassador Hell knew that striking the Riders in their home worlds would draw their attention quickly, it was the fatal flaw of their plans. One way or another, a Kamen Rider would sniff out their actions and instead of one, many would come to stop them. Yet again, history repeats itself before Ambassador Hell’s eyes, as each of the three locations for the towers was now showing resistance in the form of Kamen Riders. Decade, he was supposed to be Shocker’s greatest weapon against them, a Rider to beat all Riders, but somehow that backfired in the most terrible way imaginable, and now he leads the other Kamen Riders in a crusade to defeat Shocker and the evils that spring up for other new Riders. Even in another universe, a Kamen Rider appeared, but her arrival was not going to deter this plan. The Miracle Magic would grant Nega-Shocker’s greatest wish, and finally bring all heroes to their knees before them, and its leader, Ambassador Hell. The doors to the command deck opened and Shadow Moon entered, prompting the reptilian leader to turn around. “How goes the placement of the towers?” “The Riders are slowing the progress, but the towers are almost in position,” said Shadow Moon. “Then it is time, have Carbuncle begin the ritual, and…tell Tirek to feast.” Shadow Moon bowed and sent the orders to the Combatmen. On the main monitor, Ambassador Hell watched as all three fillies were placed in cages, an arcane circle formed beneath the cages and the screen shifted to a dense forest down below, showing Carbuncle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were rising up on pillars of stone growing from the ground itself. “Decade, you, and the Riders, die here.” ***___________ X [D] ___________*** Canterlot’s siege was still ongoing, but with the addition of Kamen Riders Beast and Meteor, ensured the tide was turning in the Equestrian’s favor. However, the towers were still getting further in. Luna, Beast, and Meteor didn’t know what to make of them, they tried assaulting the tower, but the Combatmen, Zodiarts, and Phantoms made sure to defend the tower to the death, going so far as to target civilians to distract the heroes. And even in getting past them, the tower still had a shield protect it and the transport it was on. “There’s something not quite right about that tower, we must keep it at bay!” Luna stated. Beast used his Dice Saber to slash down several Combatmen, and two Phantoms before answering, “They’re definitely gung ho about getting that thing here! Let’s try another attack!” Meteor balanced on his forelegs and performed a windmill kick that sent several Zoidarts flying off, he then pushed off with his forelegs and came down with an ax kick to the head of a Phantom making it reel back before he delivered an double forehoof strike to its chest, making sparks fly and the Phantom fly at the same time. “We tried that, they won’t let us damage it!” “Perhaps we are thinking too big, destroying can come after. Hindering however…” Luna left that open, and it seemed that Beast and Meteor caught her hint. The tower was being carried in on a tank-like contraption, with metal treads that made the ground shudder and crushed anything that dared to get in its path. Around the carrier were four shield generators, positioned at each point of the transport, and of course, the shield even protected the generators. However, the treads were unguarded, either Shocker believed the metal unbreakable or they did not account for Riders to attack them, or they just simply believed they’d focus more on the tower than the thing carrying it. “Can you two take out its wheels?” Luna asked. Meteor and Beast stood on either side of the Moon Princess, and after a moment to analyze the transport, they grinned under their helmets and nodded a “yes”. “On three then…one…two…THREE!” Luna shot into the sky, her horn flared with her lunar magical power, causing a storm cloud to form overhead. Lightning flashed in the skies above Canterlot, the arcs surging right to her horn as she gathered magical energy. “Can’t fall behind that Princess, right?” Beast asked. “Indeed we cannot!” Meteor answered. Beast reached for the loop of rings on his left hip, taking one ring that was blue, with a golden lion face on it. Beast placed the ring on his right hand and fitted it into the slot, making the Beast Driver shine. [**] Hyper, Go: Hy-Hy-Hy-Hyper! [**] From the Driver a large monster made of gold and red sparkling energy sprang forth, and at the same time, a golden magic circle appeared behind Beast. The large monster ran around Beast, until it ran into the circle, releasing the particles and merging them with that of Beast himself. Azure flames erupted around the bipedal feline’s armor, and after a couple of seconds the flames burst away revealing a new transformation. Beast’s armor had changed to bright blue, with golden boots and bracers, a golden chest plate covered his upper torso, looping over to cover his shoulders and back, on the chest piece were two red eyes, and below that a red line of armor, making it appear as if a lion’s face was on his chest. Beast’s helmet changed as well, the eyes now red, with two golden horns and a gold face plate, the helmet itself was now the same bright blue. A magic circle appeared around Beast’s right hand, and from it he pulled out a blaster, blue in color, with the picture of a lion on either side. This was the Mirage Magnum, the weapon of Beast Hyper. Meteor took out the Meteor Switch in his belt and replaced it with a new Switch. It was colored a sapphire blue, with golden fan blades, it almost resembled that of a child’s pinwheel toy. Meteor placed the Switch into the slot where the previous switch was and pressed the button on top of it. }M{ Meteor Storm! Meteor On, Ready? }M{ Meteor spun the pinwheel and swirling energy gathered to it, his body became blurry as the energy morphed his body, achieving a new form of power much like that of Beast Hyper. Once the wheel stopped, Meteor’s outfit was a completely different color. The armor was all blue, as if a nebula had become his armor. The armor plate that covered his right side had turned golden, and looped around to cover his left shoulder and chest. The top half of the helmet was golden, and had another set of horns coming out of the left right side, and had a silver mouth plate. This was Meteor’s final form of power, Meteor Storm. To his right hoof, Meteor Storm summoned his weapon. It was a bow staff, with a silver ball at the top, wrapped in silver-white for a couple of feet, and transitioned into blue until it met with a device at the end. This was the Meteor Storm Shaft. Luna, while still gathering power, had watched the transformation of her allies and became even more impressed by their increase in power, for some reason she found herself staring at Meteor more than Beast. But that was a question for after the battle was over, now she had to act. Luna finished her charging and fired a colossal beam of midnight blue magic and white lightning straight at the tower. As predicted, the shield activated and protected the tower of the onslaught of the alicorn’s power. However, Luna’s second object with her attack was made known. Thanks to the beam, the shield showed exactly how much of the transport was protected, allowing Beast and Meteor to see the weak points. The shield covered all but the a few inches near the treads, narrow, but not too narrow that a well-placed attack couldn’t penetrate. “I’ll take care of this,” said Meteor. Meteor took out the Meteor Storm Switch and inserted it at the blue end of the bow staff. The pegasus stallion pulled out a yellow ripcord and inserted it into the Switch. }M{ Limit Break! }M{ Meteor placed the bow staff into position and pulled on the ripcord, causing the pinwheel to spin at an incredible speed, and then released it from the Meteor Storm Shaft and fly towards the transport. }M{ Meteor Storm Punisher! }M{ The spinning blade cut a path of destruction towards the transport, striking at the gap in the shielding. The Meteor Strom Punisher glowed red as it sliced through the treads, tearing them apart as if they were wet paper. Once it was done with the right side, the left side was next, and it too was shredded into nothing. Both sides of the treads exploded, grounding the transport. “Alright, my turn!” Beast shouted. Kamen Rider Beast pressed a button on his ring and the lion mouth opened on the ring. Beast inserted it into the ring slot on the Mirage Magnum, and immediately after the blaster weapon began to charge up, gathering magical energy to the barrel of the blaster. [**] Hyper, Magnum Strike! [**] Beast Hyper pulled the trigger and from the barrel the inner Phantom of the Driver, known as Chimera, flew out of the Mirage Magnum in the form of pure energy. The great beast roared as it slammed against the barrier and transformed into a ball of pure magical might. The dual attacks of Beast Hyper, and Princess Luna, started to make the shield show cracks, as well as the shield generators showings signs of sparking. Meteor’s Strom Topper returned to the staff, but just as quickly, he re-released the top, using the Meteor Storm Punisher again to strike at the shield. The combined cosmic and magical forces proved to be too much for the barrier, and made it shatter like brittle glass, with the generators exploding as they shorted out. Luna lowered her altitude to where she was in earshot of the two Kamen Riders and exclaimed, “We have crippled that carrier, and brought down its defenses! Let us hit it with everything we’ve got!” The Phantoms, Zodiarts, and Combatmen formed a protective perimeter around the tower, ready to defend it to the last. It was almost admirable, if they weren’t all monsters. However, their agitation for the current situation faded as they relaxed a bit. The Riders and Princess were confused by this change in demeanor, but the reason made itself clear as beam of black and orange light blasted through one of the residency buildings, and struck against the Royal Guards that were coming to assist. The heroes turned around and watched as a large centaur stomped his way towards the Guards, opening his maw, and inhaling. Magical energy rose from the Royal Guard ponies, making his body glow and increasing his height and muscles along with it. Once he was done feasting on the Guards, he turned his sights onto Luna and the Riders. “TIREK!” Luna shouted with spite. “Heh, heh, good to see you again, Princess Luna. This time you won’t deny me the pleasure of taking your magic!” Tirek threatened. Meteor and Beast glanced to each other and nodded. Meteor Storm flew up and twirled his staff around, taking a defensive stance. Meanwhile, Beast Hyper chuckled and dashed towards Tirek. The Ancient Wizard fired several shots from the Mirage Magnum, each bolt of mystic energy exploded against Tirek’s hulking form. With his feline body, Beast was easily able to leap from one building to the next. Tirek tried to swipe at Beast, but thanks to his new increased reflexes and agility, he was nimble enough to dodge the centaur. Beast landed on a roof top, and gave a shout of excitement. “This world may be filled with pastel colored ponies, but I’m loving what this body is doing for my powers!” Beast exclaimed. Tirek roared in anger as he fired a magic beam of energy towards Beast, the Kamen Rider jumped up again, and prepared to deliver another volley to Tirek, but the dark centaur merely smirked. What Beast hadn’t realized was that same beam had collected into a sphere of energy, and homed in on the Kamen Rider. Before he knew it, Beast was struck from behind by a powerful explosion, sending him straight for Tirek. The dark centaur dashed forward, holding out his right arm, and clothes lined Beast, sending him straight to the ground in a heap. “Nitoh-san!” Meteor shouted. Tirek turned his sights on Meteor and Luna, the pegasus stallion twirled his staff around, preparing to attack. “Princess please retreat, this creature is after you, and I’d rather not see you hurt!” Luna’s brow furrowed. “I will not flee from this vile being, he has hurt my subjects and threatens our home, for that I will see him returned to the depths! Together we can defeat him, Meteor!” Meteor glanced over his shoulder to Luna, and then back to Tirek who was moving in closer. With little options, and with Beast knocked out on the ground, Meteor had to no choice. “You remind me a certain friend I know, Princess. I assume you have a plan?” “I do, and please, it’s Luna.” The Moon Princess winked at the Rider before her expression grew serious. “We combine our power. Yours and mine, I have command over the moon and stars, and your power is cosmic in origin, I can feel it. If I use my magic to boost one of your attacks, we can at the very least wound Tirek enough that he may retreat.” “Retreat?” “I hold no illusions that we can defeat him easily, we will need the Elements of Harmony to finish him, and they are in Ponyville,” said Luna. “Our best option is to make him retreat, and if we are able to do so, maybe it will damage the morale of the monsters.” Meteor glanced back at the Shocker Kaijin, sure enough they looked to be in high spirits due to Tireks arrival. If he was their big gun then it made sense to take him out first. The duo took to the skies, flying up in a helix spiral formation. While they were doing this, Meteor replaced the Storm Switch with his Meteor Switch, and pressed the button. }M{ Limit Break! }M{ Meteor spun the globe on the center of his driver and gathered his cosmic energy. At the same time, Luna’s horn glowed as she summoned the power of the stars. Meteor broke away from their formation and began his descent for Tirek, flipping around so his right hind hoof was pointed at the center, blazing with blue flames. For a moment the stars that where hidden in the noon blue sky made themselves known, and by her command, Luna summoned them to fire straight for Meteor. A circle of white light formed a few feet ahead of him, and the starry blasts merged with the tail of his flames, turning him into a true flaming meteor. The Kamen Rider shattered through the makeshift moon, and dragging the shards of energy with him, creating a sparkling radiance of power and magic that was hurdling towards Tirek, a sight that even made the centaur take a cautious step back. “METEOR STORM! HEAVEN’S FALL!” Tirek quickly fired another power beam straight for Meteor, but the combined cosmic and magical power cut through his beam, and in the end the meteor landed. Kamen Rider Meteor Storm struck Tirek, resulting in a massive explosion that shook Canterlot. Meteor flew out of the explosion, eyes glowing red as the last vestiges of the power up ended. The pegasus stallion panted from the effort of handling his own power and Luna’s, but the result was well worth it. Luna descended from her position in the sky and hovered next to Meteor. “You did it!” Meteor shook his head. “No we did it.” The Princess of the Night once again felt the odd warmth in her muzzle again, and this time in her chest. However, the pleasant, victorious feeling, was snuffed out like a candle in a harsh wind. Tirek emerged from the flames, his giant hand reached out and grabbed Meteor, bringing the Kamen Rider to meet his eyes as he snorted in anger, “Okay, that actually hurt.” Tirek raised Meteor into the air and slammed him down into the road, the impact created a body sized crater, upon which Tirek fired a beam of magic straight down for good measure, setting off an explosion. Luna’s eyes widened and then narrowed in anger. But before she could act, Tirek trapped her in his telekinetic magic, his eyes glowed as he smiled at the alicorn mare. “I’ve been waiting to do this for centuries,” said Tirek. “Do it you monster!” Luna dared. The dark centaur smirked as he opened his maw, Luna tried to fight it, tried to hang onto her magic to the last bit. But Tirek managed to absorb all of her alicorn magic, leaving the Moon Princess weakened, and pushed further into exhaustion from the constant fighting. Tirek’s body began to enlarge even more, he was about three stories tall to begin with, now he stood almost five. “I made the mistake of choosing irony over destruction when I came back from Tartarus the first time, I will not make that same mistake twice. Goodnight, Princess Luna!” The horns of Tirek gathered his magical energy as he prepared to end Luna’s life. But at the last second, a series of explosions struck Tirek in the back, forcing him to release Luna as he turned around and spotted Beast Hyper on his feet. As Luna fell from his grasp, Meteor shot out from the crater and caught the Princess of the Night in his hooves. Meteor Storm flew her over to where Beast Hyper was, and tried to wake her. “Princess, can you hear me?! Princess?! LUNA?!” Meteor shouted. Luna’s eyes groggily opened, she gave a weak smile, seeing that Meteor and Beast were okay. “I’m sorry, I tried to hold onto my magic…” “Don’t worry, at least we stopped that tower from getting anywhere,” said Beast. That silver lining was soon denied as Tirek made his way towards the tower and transport. The dark centaur used his newfound magical strength to left the tower off the transport. The contraption hovered in the air for a few feet before Tirek slammed it down upon the ground, creating a mini earthquake throughout the city. Once planted, the tower came to life, the jagged metal opened outwards, as if a flower of pure evil was blossoming before their eyes. The jagged petals of the tower raised a pole and at the tip was a scarlet stone. The stone flared up, and fired a pillar of red light straight into the sky. Tirek smiled at this development. “Well, one down, two to go. I’ll be seeing Princess Twilight and Celestia soon.” With those words, Tirek enveloped himself in his black and orange magical energy, and teleported away. The remaining Phantoms, Zodiarts, and Combatmen swarmed the tower, holding a defensive position around it. The good and part about this meant that they weren’t going to initiate anymore attacks while the tower was active and doing, well, whatever it was doing. “Ryusei-kun, we should fall back for now, and get the Princess out of here. We also need to warn Haruto and the others,” said Beast. Meteor looked back at the tower, and then to Luna. Although reluctant, Luna agreed with Beast’s plan. This is going to get worse before it gets better. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** “I’m sorry, Sister…we allowed them to get their machine up and running,” said Luna. Back at Ponyville, Luna had contacted them via a scraying spell, and relayed the details of the battle. All in attendance were understandably worried, especially since they did not yet know what the towers’ purpose was. Gentaro stepped forward from the group and nodded to the two Riders standing beside Luna. “Ryusei, Nitoh-san, don’t give up, we’ll figure out something,” said Gentaro. “Or we’ll just fly by luck as we normally do,” said Meteor. With that the spell cut out, and others were left to ponder. “We need to find Shocker’s base, the longer we let this continue the more danger the Crusaders are in,” said Sunset. “But we still don’t know where they took ‘em.” Applejack stated. “Um, everypony…?” “They’ve gotta be in this triangle they’re setting up, I can get the Wonberbolts to switch their search within the area, with all of us it’ll be a lot faster,” said Rainbow Dash. “Um, excuse me, but, there’s something –” “I could use my magic to create a locater spell, if this is truly magic related, then no doubt Phantoms are going to be at the forefront of this, I’ll be able to search for them easily,” said Haruto. Fluttershy began tapping at the shoulders of a few ponies, trying to get their attention. “There’s, um, something on the map, it’s flying and –” “That can work, if Starlight and I assist, and of course, if you’re willing to as well, Princess, we can double our range and –!” “EVERYPONY!!!” Fluttershy shouted. All ponies and dragons in attendance turned to face the normally shy pegasus mare, who was huffing and had a most irritated look on her face. After a moment to calm herself, Fluttershy pointed to the Cutie Map. “There’s something floating in the skies, just above the Everfree Forest.” Everypony gathered around the map, and indeed there was a ship hovering there. It looked like the skeleton of a monstrous creature had been mechanized, with rips and a head with glowing eyes. “That’s them alright,” said Tsukasa. “That horrid, gaudy thing is their ship?” Rarity asked. “I’ll admit, as far as ships go, it could be better,” said Eiji. But then, if they’re there, then where are the girls? Dammit, can we get a break here, thought Sunset. Suddenly, the Cutie Map glowed, and at the same time, all eyes shifted to Sunset Shimmer. The unicorn mare looked to everypony, wondering why they were staring at her. It was eventually Starlight who spoke, “Oh my Celestia, Sunset, your cutie mark!” Sunset Shimmer turned her head, and immediately gasped at how it was glowing and flashing. “Gah! W-W-What’s happening?! Why is my cutie mark glowing?!” “It can’t be…” Twilight whispered. “I think it is,” said Pinkie in a singsong-y voice. A copy of Sunset’s cutie mark flew off and towards the Map, settling just below the ship, it then took on another symbol, that of the Unicorn “U” symbol that was on her Gaia Memory. “The Map, it’s calling you there, then that must mean that the girls are there too!” Twilight shouted in excitement. Tsukasa nodded at this revelation. “Well, now we know where to go. Better we hurry now before Shocker gets its way.” The Elements of Harmony stepped forward, along with the parents. “We’re coming too, you’ll need our help,” said Twilight. “Honestly, Princesses, this is best handled by us,” said Tsukasa. “With Tirek around, you’ll be easy targets out in the open. Besides, we don’t know if that’s also Shocker’s objective, to get rid of the other power that might be able to stop them.” Twilight had a pensive look on her face, she understood Tsukasa’s logic, but still, thinking about the Crusaders at the mercy of those monsters filled her with dread, and because, she feared for somepony else in the group. “I…I…understand.” Tsukasa nodded, and with a wave of his hoof another Silver Veil appeared. The Kamen Riders stood ready, prepared to cross the divide and into battle, but before they did, Sunset found herself getting hugged from behind, a familiar warmth that she was not opposed to feeling. “I’m scared for you,” said Twilight. “I know, I am too,” said Sunset. “But…I know you have to go, the map chose you, and the girls need you.” “It’s part of my duty as a Rider, as a hero.” Sunset turned around and looked into the watery eyes of Twilight Sparkle, her mind briefly flashed and overlaid the likeness of the Twilight from the other world, an image that made Sunset’s heart hurt more. “We’ll come back, all of us,” said Sunset with affirmation. The veteran Riders nodded in agreement and soon she joined them, crossing the Veil and leaving the safety of the castle. “Good luck…” Twilight whispered. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** The Silver Veil appeared around the Ghastly Gorge, and deposited the six Riders. As expected, Shocker had prepared for any intervention and had several Combatmen standing by to take them down. Tsukasa chuckled at the throngs of henchmen before them. “I don’t know whether to feel insulted, or sorry for them,” said Tsukasa. “Venturing on both,” said Sunset. “Alright, let’s rumble,” said Gentaro. Eiji, Haruto, Kouta, Gentaro, Tsukasa, and Sunset all summoned their Drivers and placed them at their waists. Haruto placed a ring with a ruby on his left claw. Kouta took out a lock that was in the shape of an orange. Gentaro flipped all four switches on his belt, and Eiji placed three medals, colored red, yellow, and green, into the three slots on the belt. [**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**] }F{  3… }F{ \| Lock On! |/ }F{  2… }F{ }F{  1… !}F{ “HENSHIN!!!” -) Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba! (- [**] Flame, Please: Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! [**] \| Soiya! Orange Arms: Hanamichi on Stage! |/ > UNICORN! < [Kamen Ride: Decade!] The gathered Combatmen brought out their weapons and magic, firing a barrage of laser and explosive rounds towards the assembled Riders. A powerful explosion erupted around the heroes, shaking the Ghastly Gorge down its core, even the Quarray Eels stayed in their holes for fear of what was to come. Several more explosions and laser fire from the Combatmen went off as they continued their onslaught. “Kee!” The Combatmen halted the attack, as the multiple explosions caused a large dust cloud to be kicked up and obscured their view of their targets. Several seconds past, with nothing but the howling of the wind as it blew through the winding chasms of the Gorge. Suddenly, a figure walked out of the dust cloud, clad in turquoise armor and sporting a crystal horn, and second was a red armor clad unicorn stallion, Kamen Riders Unicorn and Decade. Emerging on Unicorn’s right was another, an Armored Rider. Upon his shoulders and chest was orange colored, samurai-like armor, with circular studs on it. The under armor was a navy blue, around his forelegs were plated bracers, and on his hind legs were boots with gold plates running up the front. Kouta’s helmet had gold panels coming out the side, upon his head was a crest that resembled a crescent moon, and the visor was in the shape of an orange slice and colored orange as well. This was Kamen Rider Gaim. On Decade’s right, a white armored pegasus stallion appeared. His helmet looked similar to a rocket, with two gray wings poking out the sides. A black oval was at the center of the face, along with two orange eyes and two silver antenna that gave the warrior a narrowed eye look. His suit was mostly all white, with silver shoulder pads, the upper torso had an armor plate, with orange lines that ran down the chest and continued towards the hind  legs. On his front forehooves were gauntlets, the right had a red circle, and the left had a black square. The right hind leg had a blue “X” and the left had a yellow triangle. This was the space hero, Kamen Rider Fourze. To Gaim’s left, the fifth Rider made his presence known. He stood upright, with a black coat, and three ruby jewels on both sides of the coat, with silver trimming, and red lining inside of it. The chest was ruby plated, and the helmet looked like a ruby had been affixed to it, with square lines on either side that acted as the outline for eyes. Around his wrists the cuffs of the coat were red, along with the boots, which also sported the same red lining around the ankle. The sorcerer of hope, Kamen Rider Wizard. Lastly, from Fourze’s right, the final team member fell in line. Eiji’s helmet was red and black, with wing fins coming out of the side, and eyes colored green. The arms and shoulder pauldrons were a yellow-gold, with the gauntlets sporting three razor sharp claws. The lower half of the suit was black and green, with Eiji’s hind legs covered in green armor. Upon the chest was a large circle, and upon it where three pictures of a hawk, tiger, and grasshopper. The self-less warrior, Kamen Rider OOOs. “They look scared,” said Sunset. “Yeah, they know what’s coming,” said Kouta. “Alright guys, it’s FIGHT TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!” Gentaro shouted as he thrust his forelegs into the air. Eiji nodded. “Everyone let’s go!” The six heroes shouted in unison as they charged for the horde of Combatmen. The Combatmen, whether out of fear, or compulsion of their programing, charged for the Kamen Riders, continuously firing in hopes of either slowing them down or damaging them. But despite the numerous explosions that went off around them, nothing would deter the heroes from their goal, bellowing a loud battle cry as they entered the fray. Unicorn made the first move, summoning several spheres of mana and firing them into the oncoming army. Several Combatmen were sent flying into the air as explosion after explosion went off around them, Unicorn followed up by jumping into the air, and diving down for a flying kick to one Combatman Earth pony, spring boarding off him, and punching a pegasus Combatman out of the sky before landing back on the ground. OOOs entered next, extending the claws on his gauntlets. Combatmen Earth stallion’s encroached on him, but numbers and muscle would not prevent their demise. The self-less Rider, slashed at the first stallion, causing sparks to erupt from the impact. The second and third tried to bum rush him, but the jumping power of the TaToBa combo allowed him to leap over them, spin once, and deliver a donkey kick to the back of their heads, toppling them in an instant. Before OOOs hit the ground, the fifth tried to close in, but OOOs extended his forelegs out and windmill slashed the fifth Combatman and sent it reeling back from the multiple blows. Fourze flew through the air, aided by his wings and jet back, he was practically flying circles around the pegasi Combatmen. Many of them tried to fire their quills and hit Fourze, but their exploding quills missed every time. Despite all of them being pegasi, Fourze’s space configuration allowed him to fly faster in the air, and pegasi already have an instinctual ability to maneuver in the air, so overall Fourze has vast air superiority. Fourze brought out two switches. He placed one on the left side that was connected to his right hind leg, and on another slot that was connected to his left foreleg. }F{ Radar On! }F{ }F{ Launcher On! }F{ Fourze’s left foreleg gained a device with a radar dish on it, and on his right hind leg a missile pod appeared. The space hero shot straight up into the air, keeping the pegasi Combatmen staring up right at him. Fourze pointed the radar dish at the Combatmen, the screen showed all eight targets were locked on, and in the next moment the pod on his left leg released eight missiles. The Combatmen flew like mad to try and escape the missiles, but it was no use, the missiles had their targets and would dog them until they were taken down. And find them they did as all eight of the Combatmen pegasi were obliterated in eight different explosions. Gaim calmly walked into the horde of henchmen, he stopped and stood on his hind legs as he drew the Musou Saber, which appeared as a half-sword, half-gun, and the Daidaimaru, a sword with a blade that looked like an orange slice. The Combatmen unicorns fired multiple spells at the Armored Rider, but Gaim merely deflected their attacks with his blades, several more fired as well, trying to barrage the warrior from all sides. Gaim however was not about to be overwhelmed so easily. The Armored Rider took aim and fired four energy rounds into the crowd. Four Combatmen fell, and another four after second volley. Gaim jumped out up out of the barrage and tossed the Daidaimaru into the horde, the blade spun around as it cut down one Combatman after the other. When Gaim landed, it continuously fired from the Musou Saber, cocking back to reload, and firing again. Their numbers lessened and Gaim was gaining breathing room. When the other saber returned, Gaim focused his energy into the blades and slashed, spinning in place and sending waves of cutting energy outwards towards all the Combatmen, exploding them on the spot. Wizard was getting surrounded as well, but he wasn’t without options. The sorcerer took up one of the rings and placed it on his left claw, and switched on the driver. [**] Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupachi Magic Touch Go! [**] [**] Defend, Please! [**] A dome of fire formed around Wizard as the Combatmen fired magic bolts, lasers, and exploding quills all over the shield. But none of them were able to get through the barrier. But after a minute the barrier disappeared. [**] Big, Please! [**] Suddenly, the ground rumbled beneath the henchmen, and a giant arm thrusted forth from the ground. [**] Copy, Please! [**] [**] Copy, Please! [**] Two more giant arms rose up from the ground, clutching at several Combatmen and throwing them towards the stone walls of the Gorge. Three Wizards sprang out of the ground, the crystals on the suit were now a yellow topaz, signifying the Land Style change. The three Wizards pulled out their WizarSwordGuns and began firing at the remaining Combatmen. The six Kamen Riders continued to fight through several more of the Combatmen, their numbers dwindling at a rapid rate. Before they knew it, the Riders were almost halfway towards the middle of the Ghastly Gorge, further ahead they could see the glow of magic, something was happening, and whether it was due to their experience as Kamen Riders or because they were ponies and a dragon, they could feel negative energy being gathered to that spot. “Let’s keep moving!” Tsukasa ordered. The Riders continued on, but were blocked once again, this time Fangire, Mirror, Monsters, Inves, Yummies, and Phantoms blocked their path. “Ugh, we don’t have time for this!” Sunset shouted in aggravation. “At this rate whatever they’re doing will be done before we get there!” “Then I guess we’d better pull out all the stops, right guys?”  Fourze asked. There was a collective nod amongst them, making Sunset wonder what they were talking about. OOOs brought up three purple medals as he stood and prepared himself. Tsukasa placed a hoof on Eiji’s shoulder as if to stop him. “You know what happens when you use those, right?” “Don’t worry, Tsukasa-san, I don’t know why, but here, I think I can control them better,” said OOOs. Decade sighed, but nodded. OOOs took out the TaToBa combo medals, and replaced them with three matching purple medals. The Rider took up a circular device on his right hip and swiped it over the three medals. -) Ptera, Tricera, Tyranno: Pu-To-Tyrannosaurus! (- Three energy manifestations of the medals appeared before OOOs, one had a Pterosaur. The second had the image of a Triceratops, and the last a Tyrannosaurus. The three medals overlaid atop each other and merged to OOOs, changing his armor completely. The black coloring of the suit was changed to white, the color predominately purple. Upon both forelegs where gauntlets that had triceratops heads on them, the shoulder pauldrons were enlarged and had gold, talon like protrusions coming from them. On his back were two glider wings, and the boots had a three clawed, reptilian look. OOOs’ helmet still had the green eyes, but it also had the head of pterosaur, with wings coming out of either side. “GrrrrrraAAAAAARRRRAAHHHH!!!”  OOOs shouted as a wave of frost covered the ground before shattering to pieces. Sunset could feel a great amount of power coming from Eiji. It was savage, primal, and destructive. “What…What happened to Eiji?!” Eiji growled as he slowly turned his head to Sunset and nodded to her. “It’s alright, Sunset-san, I am in control, I can help clear the path for you all to continue, I’ll be fine! GRRRAAAAAAAAGGHH!” The wings of PuToTrya rose up and in the next second, OOOs was flying off into the horde of monsters and Combatmen. OOOs caught a Fangire with a hook punch to the gut, took one step forward, and followed through to send the monster spiraling into its comrades. Two Mirror Monsters tried to attack him from behind, but the External Fins rose up and unleashed a blizzard attack that froze the two creatures mid-attack. The thigh armor – or flank in this case – moved back to form a tyrannosaurus tail, the now Tail Divider swiped behind OOOs and shattered the Mirror Monsters like glass. OOOs summoned his most powerful weapon, the Medagabryu. The weapon was black, purple, and gray, with a t-rex head at the top which was open and had an ax blade. OOOs closed the mouth and converted the weapon into its terrifying Bazooka Mode. The primal warrior took aim, and fired a massive ball of destructive energy right down the line, several Mirror Monsters, Fangire, and Combatmen were caught in the path of destruction, until the ball finally exploded and obliterated a good majority of their forces. But the added bonus was the now cleared path. “GO! NOW!” OOOs ordered. Fourze, Gaim, Decade, and Wizard began running down the path that OOOs created, but Unicorn was hesitant, she didn’t want to leave a comrade alone to fight so many foes. “Eiji…” “Sunset-san, you have to save them, they’re waiting for you, and so are their parents! No more children will suffer and be made to cry, I won’t let it happen – YOU don’t let happen!” Unicorn understood his words and dashed down the line to join the team. OOOs smiled under his helmet before jumping up into the air and flying to where his friends were, putting himself between them and the monster horde. “YOU’RE FIGHTING ME! GRRRAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” ***___________ X [D] ___________*** The Kamen Riders continued on, now having reached the center of the Ghastly Gorege. The whole time though, Sunset couldn’t help but worry for Eiji, his power was incredible, but it changed his demeanor, made him somewhat primal. With every distant explosion she was afraid it was their friend, until she saw the purple glow and it eased her worries. Sunset just had to remember that all of them were veteran Kamen Riders, having faced most of these creatures more than once in their lifetimes. “You alright, Sunset?” Gentaro asked as he flew overhead. “Y-Yeah, just worried about Eiji, a little,” she admitted. “Don’t be, one thing I know, Eiji’s tough, even tougher when he’s like that! No monsters are going to take him down!” Sunset smiled at the pegasus stallion, although he couldn’t see it, she had a feeling he knew she was. As they continued their gallop, Gentaro looked up and spotted several arrows of light raining down on them. Sunset and Haruto summoned a barrier spell, one of fire and another of mana, both overlaid and formed a dual protective layer as the bolts rained down and exploded on the shield and the area around it. Sunset and Haruto lowered the shield once the attack had ceased, and watched as two monsters walked towards them. One was an Inves Overlord, one that Kouta recognized. His armor was black, red, and gold, with two black horns, blue-green eyes, and a large sword in his right hand. This was a Kouta’s, Kamen Rider Gaim’s, friend, rival, and in the end, enemy. His name was Kaito Kumon, but now he was Overlord Baron. The other was someone Gentaro knew. The creature before them was black, with an orange flame mantle on his left shoulder pauldron. Its right forearm had two blades sticking out, like a bow, and had a helmet with a crest upon it. This was the Zodiart known as Sagittarius. “These guys are bad news,” said Tsukasa. Foruze and Gaim stepped forward, their demeanor growing more serious as they stared down their respective foes. “Sunset, Tsukasa, Haruto, you all keep going and get to that spot,” said Fourze. “We’ll handle this.” Kouta added. Unicorn stood before the two stallions and looked to both of them. “No, there’s only two of them, if we fight together we can win!” “Sunset,” said Haruto. “Trust me when I say, this is personal as well as necessary. They’re strong opponents, and they know how best to fight them. We’re in the way here.” “But…” Sunset was still hesitant, she didn’t want to leave more friends behind to fight alone. Gentaro held out his hoof. “Don’t worry, we’re all heading back together, that’s a promise between friends!” Kouta held out his hoof as well. “And we keep those promises.” Sunset felt a warmth in her heart from the comradery of these two Riders, she brought up her hoof and performed a hoof bump with both them. With a reluctant sigh, Sunset stepped away and allowed her newest friends to confront their old foes. During their walk towards their opponents, Sunset watched them take out two devices, one was a large Switch and the other looked like a bigger version of Kouta’s Orange Lockseed. \| Lock On! Soiya! Kachidoki Arms: Iza Shutsujin! Ei, Ei, Oh! |/ }F{ Cosmic On! }F{ Suddenly, the ghostly images of many Astro Switches flew towards Fourze, and all were then absorbed by Cosmic Switch on his belt. An aurora of lights and energy swirled and shined around Fourze until, in a bright flash, his entire suit changed form. The suit went from white to bright blue, however the gauntlets, and boots remained the same white color, although the shapes were still there, they had all changed to a light-blue color. The upper chest had multiple multicolored squares, each with a number that represented an Astro Switch, and coming out from the sides of the chest plate were two silver rocket wings. The helmet had a more profound rocket shape to it, with silver wing fins coming out of the sides of the helmet. In Fourze’s right hoof was a sword-like weapon, the hilt was the same blue color, but the blade part had a rocket ship attached to it. This was Kamen Rider Fourze’s most powerful form, Cosmic State. For Gaim, a giant, metal orange fruit descended from a hole in space. The metal fruit released and fitted over Gaim’s armor, and in a flash of light, the Kamen Rider had entered his super form. The orange plating had extended, covering his chest and creating a medallion with the crest symbol from his earlier helmet. The shoulder pauldrons came down to cover most of his forelegs, and around his waist was an armor-plated skirt, with silver studs running up and down each plate. The helmet had changed as well, instead of a crescent crest, the crest had become two horns that rose into a U shape, and around the face plate was a silver blade edge that gave a sort of mustache look, and upon his back were two staffs with flags that bared the Gaim emblem. This shogun style armor and power was Gaim’s super form, Kachidoki Arms. Sunset stood in awe of both Riders, just like Eiji, she could sense a great amount of power radiating from them. Gentaro was emitting cosmic energy, it was distinctly different from magic, and was overflowing from him. Kouta’s energy was high as well, but tempered and honed like a sharpened blade, but no less intimidating. Each of them was a veteran Kamen Rider, and seeing these six with this kind of power, made Sunset wonder what kind of hardships they faced to have to ascend to such a level in order to protect those they cared about? Fourze pulled on a lever on his sword, making the rocket ship split apart and reveal an actual sword blade underneath it. Gaim reached behind his back and took up the two flag staffs as weapons, holding them in a fighting stance with his hooves as they glared down their opponents. The wind in the Ghastly Gorge kicked up, howling as it echoed against the cavernous walls, but, after a few seconds, all went silent. Sagittarius made the first move and fired a volley of laser arrows at Fourze, but Fourze parried the arrows with well-placed sword strikes, knocking the arrows away and against the rock walls. Fourze pressed the number two square on his chest, and into his left hoof an Astro Switch appeared. Fourze placed it into his belt and pressed the button. }F{ Launcher On! }F{ Fourze pressed the number ten on his chest plate, and fired the missiles. Each missile was laced with lightning energy, appearing as bolts of condensed electrical energy flying through the air. Sagittarius jumped back and fired more arrows at the incoming missiles, trying to shoot them out of the sky. The Zodiart managed to destroy several of them, but missed two. The last two managed to strike him, creating an explosion of electrical fury that tossed the Zodiart into the air. Fourze dismissed the Launcher Switch, ignited his rocket pack, spread his wings, and flew straight for Sagittarius. Gaim charged for Baron, and Baron obliged by doing the same. Both warriors met at the center, sword clashing with flag staff in a concussive impact of power that rang out through the Gorge. Baron twirled his sword around and charged in, coming down with an overhead slash, but Gaim recovered and caught the attack with the flag staffs, forming an X and catching it between them. The ground began to shake and fissure from the pressure and power of the Overlord and Kamen Rider. The visor of Gaim’s helmet glowed, at the same time, the banners hanging from the staffs flared up. Gaim pushed Baron off and began swiping at him, a trail of flames followed each stroke as the first blow struck Baron in the chest, and the second tripped him up. In that split second he was still in the air, Gaim drew back on both staffs and thrusted forward, slamming them both into Baron’s midsection and sending him flying away. The attack didn’t stop there, Gaim took a runner’s stance and shot off after Baron. The Overlord corrected himself in midair and immediately went to guard against Gaim’s overhead strike. Sunset, Haruto, and Tsukasa watched this melee between the Riders and their enemies, and after a minute the spotted their opening and galloped for it. As they ran, for a brief moment, Sunset glanced to Kouta and Gentaro. The two Riders nodded to the rookie Rider for that split second and returned to their battles. Sunset, again, felt apprehension at leaving her friends behind, but she had to press on, had to believe in their strength and the promise to come out of this alive. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** The two unicorns and one dragon continued their run until the hit the edge of the Everfree Forest. So far, besides the bigger melee they were in during the start, they had managed to keep their energy reserves high for the fight to come. While they were stopped for a breather, Haruto glanced about the area. The sorcerer of hope sighed and began walking forward, puzzling Sunset. “Guess it’s my turn now,” said Haruto. [**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**] Tsukasa and Sunset heard the activation jingle of the WizarDriver, but Haruto hadn’t touched it at all. From the shade of the Everfree Forest, a Phantom walked forth. This Kaijin was covered in golden armor from head to toe, but the most striking feature of this Phantom, was the fact that he had a WizarDriver similar to Haruto’s. The Phantom had a ring on his left finger, with a black stone at the center, with his other hand he flipped down the visor on ring. “Henshin,” said the Phantom as he placed the ring over the Driver. [**] Change, Now! [**] A golden magic circle appeared before the Phantom, passing over him, and transforming the monster into a Kamen Rider. He had a yellow-gold vest on, with black shoulder pads that had a black cape attached it. Held in place by his WizarDriver was a plated skirt, colored black and yellow-gold. In his right hand he held his Dis Halberd, a black staff with an ax blade at the top, and at the center was a black magic stone held in place by five claw-like pincers. This was Kamen Rider Sorcerer. Haruto took another ring from his belt loop, one with a sky-blue crystal at its center, and switched the WizarDriver to the transformation side. [**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**] “Save those fillies, you are their last hope, Sunset-chan,” said Haruto. [**] Infinity, Please: Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon! [**] A blinding flash of light went off, and from it arose Haruto’s inner Phantom, WizarDragon. The WizarDragon appeared clear as crystal energy, and flew around Haurto before ascending into the air and flying down, passing over Haruto. A magic circle appeared under Wizard’s feet and slowly rose up, coating his body in crystal. After about a few seconds the circle coated him completely, and in the next moment, shattered into many dazzlingly, sparkling shards. And once the transformation was over, Haruto had achieved his final form. His suit had become silver, with a chest plate that covered much of the upper torso and shoulders, and the plate itself was embedded with sky-blue crystal right into the armor. Haruto’s tail had changed as well, gaining sky-blue crystal spines, and a crystal spear tip at the end of the tail. This was true form of Haruto’s magic, Infinity Style. Sunset was blown away before by the other veterans’ transformations, but this one, she could feel an insane amount of magical energy pouring out of Haruto. A light magic that shined against the equally overwhelming magic of the dark Rider before them. Kamen Rider Sorcerer stepped to the side and pointed with his Dis Halberd towards the forest. “Go.” Sunset and Tsukasa gave each other a glance, as if not sure if they should trust this dark Rider. “Tsukasa, Sun-chan, hurry before he changes his mind.” Haruto urged. Once again, they left another friend behind as they continued on, Sunset and Tsukasa cautiously ran passed Sorcerer and entered the Everfree Forest. The whole time they had done so, Wizard had his signature weapon, AxCalibur, at the ready in case of foul play. “That was generous of you, surprised you didn’t attack them,” said Haruto. “It matters not if they make it to the ritual site. They won’t be able to stop it, this battle was won the moment the first tower went up,” said Sorcerer. “What?! ” Sorcerer slashed his Dis Halberd at Wizard, but Wizard raised his AxCalibur and blocked the cutting energy crescent with the blade of his weapon. Wizard swatted the crescent away, his body began to shimmer and sparkle as he built up energy, and at that same time, Sorcerer did the same. The two mages disappeared in the blink of an eye. The entire area was echoing with the clash of blade against blade, shimmering explosions would go off from time to time around the area, followed by the smashing of a boulder, the slashing of the ground, or shift in the wind from a powerful blow. After about a few seconds, both Wizard and Sorcerer exited their accelerated states and squared off. The whole time, Haruto couldn’t get what Sorcerer had said earlier out of his head. “What do you mean we’ve lost, and what is the meaning of those towers?!” “Humph, I guess there’s no harm is saying now…” ***___________ X [D] ___________*** Sunset and Tsukasa continued through the forest, finally coming upon a clearing. It was here they saw the Phantom, Carbuncle, muttering his spell as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were placed at the top of three columns, each were carved with ancient runic markings, and glowing brightly to match the magic circle beneath them. Out of the three, only two were conscious, Apple Bloom’s cage and pedestal was glowing a dark red, the young Apple filly had fallen to the floor of her cage, completely still, save for the steady rhythm of her rising chest. Sunset growled in anger as she shouted at Carbuncle, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!” The Phantom exited his trance, and ceased his spell to turn around and greet the two Riders. “Decade and Unicorn, somehow I figured you’d be the ones to make it here.” “Cut the crap, you’re going to let them go!” Unicorn stated as she rose on her hind legs and assumed an aggressive fighting stance. Decade did the same, getting up on his hind legs and taking out his Ride Booker, and then shifting it into sword mode. “It’s either that or we’re ending you, and then taking them back. Personally, I vote for the latter.” Carbuncle chuckled at the bravado of the two Kamen Riders. “Did you not think that this was not part of the plan? Have you not figured out one crucial fact about your fighting to get to these three?” “And that is?” Tsukasa asked. “That you have left unguarded those whom you should be defending.” The new voice caught them off guard, from behind one of the columns, appeared Ambassador Hell, his draconic form had gotten…bigger. He stood on par with the columns, and the columns themselves were already seven feet high. From another column, Shadow Moon appeared, Unicorn glared at the dark Rider, the memories of their fight still fresh in her mind. “If you are here, who is guarding your Princesses?” Ambassador Hell asked. Carbuncle snapped his fingers, and before them a portal opened. Sunset recognized this as a scraying spell, and within the portal they were shown the Castle of Friendship, with the front doors blown off. Sunset’s heart began to beat quicker as fear gripped her, the portal shifted and showed the inside of the castle, where several Royal Guards were turned to stone. Tsukasa and Sunset recognized Windy and Bow, Lofty and Holiday, indeed all the parents were turned to stone. The portal again shifted, and showed all six Elements of Harmony bearers were frozen mid shock, even Princess Celestia was caught. Coming into view now was Medusa and Tirek, the dark centaur took his time as he opened his mouth and feasted upon the magical powers of all the ponies in the room. When the last vestiges of the magic was drained from all in the room, Tirek grew bigger and bigger until his hulking form threatened to break the entire castle. With a quick spell, Carbuncle created a magic portal, teleporting Medusa and Tirek to the ritual site. Tirek landed a few feet away in the dense forest, but his great size and height made such a thing a trivial matter, within two steps he was now towering over the ritual site, and looking down upon everyone, his horns glowed with dark magic as he smiled menacingly at Kamen Riders Unicorn and Decade. “No…No it-it can’t be!” Unicorn exclaimed. “It is, and now, I have all the alicorn magic once again!” Tirek stated. “Let us begin the final stage of the plan,” said Carbuncle. Tsukasa took out a new item, a red and black device that had the words “K-Touch” on it. He quickly removed the buckle of his DecaDriver and placed it on his left hip, leaving the front vacant, and proceeded to touch the nine different symbols. [Kuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva!] *Ring, ring, ring!* [Final Kamen Ride: Decade!] Decade placed the K-Touch in empty space where his buckle once was, and in a matter of seconds, his body underwent a new transformation. His body glowed as the transformation took hold, his armor had changed to black and silver, with the chest plate sporting a row of cards. It started on the right shoulder pauldron, displaying three cards of with Kamen Riders Hibiki, Kabuto, and Den-O. The chest had Kiva, Kuuga, and Agito. And the left shoulder pauldron had Ryuki, Faiz, and Blade. Decade’s helmet changed as well, also black and silver, with red eyes instead of green, and two red lines going down the helmet and turning into horns which had Decade’s final form card displayed between them. This was Decade’s greatest form, the power of nine Kamen Rider final forms for his to wield, plus his own, this was Decade Complete Form. Decade opened his Ride Booker with his magic and took out another blank card. The card shined until it became a green and black Gaia Memory. The Destroyer of Worlds tossed the item to Unicorn, which she quickly taken and looked upon, there was a symbol of a black circle with a ring of fire around it, and at the center of the circle were golden letters that were weaved together strangely, Unicorn believed they were “RX”. Unicorn already knew what this was, and quickly pushed the button on the side with her magic. < BLACK RX! > {< BLACK RX! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} The moment Sunset placed it into the slot, a fiery energy overtook her, surrounding her in its immense power. When the fires faded, Sunset broke free from the last embers and had once again incorporated the power of another Kamen Rider, thanks to Tsukasa. Her shoulder pauldrons had turned black, along with half of her foreleg and hind leg armor. Dark green armor panels layered atop turquoise, on her upper hind legs and forelegs, and chest. Upon the left side of the chest plate was the same strange “RX” symbol. Her helmet had changed too, the eyes shifting to red, with two antenna sprouting from either side of her horn, giving her a more bug like appearance. This was the power of the legendary Kamen Rider Black RX. “Unicorn and RX, together as one! Kamen Rider Unicorn Last Sun!” Unicorn shouted. The time was nigh, the towers were almost up, the bearers of Harmony were turned to stone, and their magic had been siphoned. OOOs, Gaim, Fourze, and Wizard were engaged with their own individual foes, and the rest of the Riders were too busy trying to stop Nega-Shocker’s troops from setting up the towers. And the last hope of the foalnapped fillies, and indeed the multiverse, rested upon Unicorn and Decade. The final battle is now upon us… > Day 5 (part 3): Nega-Shocker's Comeback?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unicorn and Decade squared off with their individual opponents, both having achieved their powered-up forms. Decade in his Complete Form, and Unicorn, with the aid of Decade, merged her power with another Kamen Rider, becoming Last Sun. Unicorn stared down Shadow Moon, and Decade Ambassador Hell, all the while, they watched as the day rapidly turned to night as Tirek used his newfound magical power to move the sun and moon. Sunset was disgusted with seeing the spectacle, there was no majesty, no art in the way he played with the sun and moon. When Celestia moved the sun, it was with a graceful, commanding, and yet comforting will that she moved the celestial body. Tirek, he only bent it to his will. Carbuncle and Medusa were getting into position as they started the spell, making Apple Bloom’s column glow even brighter. Unicorn couldn’t take it anymore and pushed down on the left hip port. \ REVOLCANE! / A bright glow was emitted from the Memory, and from it a sword hilt with a revolving fan blade at the center of the guard materialized. Unicorn gripped the hilt with her right hoof and drew forward until the weapon was loosed, a saber with a glowing blue and white blade. Unicorn dashed for Carbuncle, ignoring Shadow Moon in an effort to stop the ritual. However, Shadow Moon was just as quick, summoning his Satan Saber and clashing blades with Unicorn. Sparks flew from their weapons as Shadow Moon and Unicorn traded blows, sword for sword. “Argh! Get out of my way!” “I will not allow you to stop this. That form does irritate me immensely though,” said Shadow Moon. “Good!” Sunset’s horn shined brightly, creating a blinding light that caught Shadow Moon off guard. Unicorn moved in and slashed Shadow Moon once across the chest, spun, and struck again with a horizontal slash to his midsection. Sparks flew from Shadow Moon’s armor as the Earth pony stallion skidded to a halt, and regarded the mare before him. The retched power of Black RX, he remembered that power well, and the Rider who wielded it, but the power of a ghost from his past would not fell him this day. Meanwhile, Tsukasa was busy with Ambassador Hell, who had taken a shine to his new draconic power. The leader of Nega-Shocker inhaled and bellowed out a stream of black flames that scorched the ground and engulfed the trees. Decade dodged the flames by jumping into the air, he quickly took up his Ride Booker, and switched it to blaster mode. Using his magic, Decade took out a card and placed into the original buckle. [Attack Ride: Blast!] Five light constructs of the blaster appeared around the original, and each of the constructs fired as they revolved around the main blaster like a Gatling gun. Ambassador Hell covered his face from the rain of energy with his left hook claw, growling angrily as he tried to look at Decade to attack. As Decade neared his target, he quickly placed a new card into his belt and switched the Ride Booker to sword mode. [Attack Ride: Slash!] Five construct blades formed behind the original as Decade came down, slashing against Ambassador Hell’s chest, each strike of the construct blades caused a succession of sparks to fly from his body, doubling the damage. Once Decade landed, the unicorn stallion jumped up and slashed again, this time across Ambassador Hell’s right chest, forming a perfect X pattern. But Decade was not ready to stop yet, the unicorn detached the K-Touch and had it float before him, he then processed a symbol of a circle with a line through it. [Faiz! Kamen Ride: Blaster!] All nine cards on Decade’s chest changed to the image of Kamen Rider Faiz. Red lines formed next to Decade, taking on the form of a pony, the lines filled and shined, forming another Kamen Rider. This Rider had silver and orange-red armor, with a silver helmet and two wide yellow eyes. The final form of Kamen Rider Faiz, Blaster. In the construct Rider’s forelegs he carried a large cannon weapon, and mimicked Decade’s movements as he summoned another card from the Ride Booker and inserted it. [Final Attack Ride: F-F-Faiz!] Decade held the Ride Booker like a blaster weapon while still in sword mode. The tip of the sword, and the barrel of Faiz’s cannon glowed with great intensity. In a matter of seconds, both Decade and Faiz Blaster fired twin beams of red and yellow straight at Ambassador Hell, both struck the dragon beast right in the chest, making Ambassador Hell dig his talons into the earth to stop himself from flying off from the power of the twin beams. “I WILL NOT BE FELLED BY YOU! MY GREATEST MISTAKE, I SHALL CORRECT THIS DAY!” Ambassador Hell declared. A gold and black aura rose from the draconic leader, his eyes shined red as he bellowed forth a powerful roar, expanding his aura and pushing back against Decade’s attack. With a great roar, the beams were broken, dispelled by Ambassador Hell’s power. Faiz Blaster faded away, and Decade hissed in dejection of how his foe was able to counter that attack. On the other end, Unicorn and Shadow Moon continued to trade blows with their sabers, and thanks to Sunset’s Last Sun form, she was able to bridge the gap of power between herself and Shadow Moon. During a sword clash, Shadow Moon reached back with his left hoof and punched Unicorn, but the empowered Rider blocked the blow with her left hoof. Shadow Moon tried to trip her up, sweeping his hind legs in an effort to trip up his opponent, however, Unicorn was able to side step him every time. Shadow Moon was growing irritated with Unicorn, a wet nosed Kamen Rider was standing on par with him, but only because of that device. Both Kamen Riders fell back, panting from their battles with their foes, but all the while, the two Phantoms were still at work. Unicorn growled in frustration. “We have to stop them before that ritual is completed!” “Unfortunately, easier said than done, Ambassador Hell’s gotten stronger. Guess your world’s transformation magic gave him a perfect body to fight with, kinda unfair,” said Decade. “Hey, if I knew how that worked, I would still be a pony back on Earth,” said Unicorn. “I don’t know, somehow I can’t see a pony you walking around a high school. Possibly an anthropomorphic version of you, y’know, humanoid, bipedal, but with your pony traits and unicorn horn.” For a brief moment, Sunset imagined such a form, while she liked the idea of keeping her hands and fingers – those things were really useful – she wasn’t sure how everybody would react to a version of Sunset with fur, and a unicorn horn. Sunset shook her head and returned to the task at hoof. “In any case, we have to smash those pillars. They’re connected to the ritual somehow, and once we have, we get the girls out of here!” “And I think I have a plan,” said Decade. The Destroyer of Worlds used his magic to pull another card from the Ride Booker and inserted it into the DecaDriver. [Attack Ride: Illusion!] From Decade, three copies of himself separated and appeared before him. All the copies and Unicorn jumped back as the latter slashed the ground with her Revolcane, kicking up a dust cloud that made the Nega-Shocker leader and his right hand warrior enter into defensive positions. [Hibiki! Kamen Ride: Armed!] [Blade! Kamen Ride: King!] [Kiva! Kamen Ride: Emperor!] From the smoke, two Decades emerged, one was aiming for Ambassador Hell. At his side was another Kamen Rider, his armor was gold and black, with red eyes, brandishing a golden saber. This was Kamen Rider Blade King form. The other that charged for Shadow Moon had a different Rider, it was a bat pony, and he was covered in golden armor. The eyes of his helmet were bat wing shaped, with a red flowing cape, and wielding a saber weapon, this was Kamen Rider Kiva Emperor form. Both Decades wasted little time, taking out a card and inserting it. [Final Attack Ride: K-K-Kiva!] [Final Attack Ride: B-B-Blade!] The blade of all four Riders glowed at the same time, and all at once, the four slashed forward. Blade and Decade slashed the ground and created dual roaring, energy crescents that tore up the ground as they sailed towards their target. Kiva and Decade slashed horizontally, creating dual crescents that sailed parallel to each other. Shadow Moon brought up his Satan Saber and slashed at the incoming attack, the blade of his sword grinded against the intense energy attack of the two Kamen Riders. At the same time, Ambassador Hell reignited his aura and used it as a shield to brace against the attack. [Final Attack Ride: H-H-Hibiki!] From the dust cloud arose two giant, fiery blades that almost rivaled Tirek’s height. The Rider next to Decade was an Earth pony, his body was covered in red, almost demonic-like armor, and in his hooves he held a silver curved sword. This was the demon song warrior, Kamen Rider Hibiki Armed form. The two Kamen Riders slashed at the same time, bringing down two giant blades of fiery power on top of Shadow Moon and Ambassador Hell. Ambassador Hell enlarged his aura to block the overhead attack, but was finding the combined attack a little more difficult to defend against. Shadow Moon saw the blade come down, combining with the double energy blade attack of the first duo, and forcing Shadow Moon back as they protected the columns and the Phantoms. “These attacks are futile!” Ambassador Hell stated. >} BLACK RX! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< [Final Attack Ride: D-D-Decade!] What the others were too busy to realize was that Sunset and Tsukasa fell back into the woods and ran parallel to each while the Decade clones distracted Hell and Moon with their attacks. Unicorn and Decade jumped out of the trees, Unicorn’s right and left hind legs were blazing with turquoise, orange, and red flames, while ten hard-light cards appeared before Decade. “Solar Flare Finisher!” Unicorn aimed herself at the column holding up Scootaloo, and Decade, after passing through all ten hard-light cards and wrapping his right hoof in energy, aimed for the column holding up Sweetie Belle. But before the two could make contact, Tirek twisted around and fired a large beam of orange and black energy that struck Decade and forced him into the ground, the beam continued for several feet before it exploded in the thicket of the trees, leaving behind a long scorch mark upon the earth. Sunset was worried for Tsukasa, but she need to finish this. However, her attack was thwarted when Medusa jumped up and intercepted the attack, with her own body. The act surprised Sunset as her hind hooves struck Medusa right in the gut, sending a blast of fiery, magical energy straight through her, causing Medusa’s body to light up with dozens of sparks before finally exploding and throwing Sunset back until she landed a few feet from the tree line. Unicorn readied to attack again, but at the last second saw Tirek firing another column sized beam of magic straight at her. The mare Kamen Rider cartwheeled away from the attack and jumped into the air, and back flipped until she was unfortunately at the same place she started. Growling in frustration, Unicorn decided to take out at least one of the other threats, Shadow Moon. The dark Rider was still trying to fend off the attacks from the Decades, and one more good strike would finish it. \ REVOLCANE! / Sunset drew her saber and teleported until she was behind the dark Rider. However, before she could execute her attack, something happened. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle released screams that drew Unicorn’s attention to them, the columns they were placed upon began to glow as the runes shined brighter to match that of Apple Bloom’s. Within a couple of seconds, both fillies fell unconscious to the floor of their cages, and at the same time, three bright lights shined into the sky from far away. “SWEETIE BELLE, SCOOTALOO!!!” Unicorn returned her attention back to Shadow Moon and prepared to take down the evil Kamen Rider. But, Shadow Moon’s eyes glowed bright, black and green energy funneled into his Satan Saber, and rose from his body. The Earth stallion gave a mighty roar as he pushed back the attacks of the Decades, the backlash made the clones shatter into nothingness. In that same split second, Shadow Moon turned around and began unleashing a flurry of sword slashes at Unicorn. Both the mare and stallion traded blows, but somehow Shadow Moon was faster, and stronger than before, his attacks actually landing and causing sparks to fly from Unicorn’s armor. Both warriors moved about the battlefield, until Shadow Moon parried the Revolcane and slapped it out of Unicorn’s hooves. On the riposte, Shadow Moon came down with a slash from his right, his aim was low, right at her hip. Sunset could only watch as the Satan Saber’s blade struck against her Mimetic Drive port, resulting in an explosion that sent Unicorn flying and spinning into the trees, she smashed against a few trunks and snapped many branches before stopping not but a few feet from where Decade landed. Unicorn’s Last Sun form faded away, returning her to default form. Sunset groaned in pain as she looked at herself and then felt the absence of the power of Black RX. She quickly looked to her left side and saw that the Mimetic Drive port had been completely destroyed, along with the Gaia Memory that Tsukasa had granted her. From their new position, the duo was able to watch as Ambassador Hell gave a mighty roar and bellowed out jet black flames that pushed back against the attacks and shattered the remaining Decade clones. “I…I don’t understand…? How did they…How did they get so much stronger?” Sunset asked. “Not a genius like you or Princess Twilight, but it may be due to the fact that the sky is turning a dark violet color.” Indeed, the sky over the Everfree Forest had changed colors, no longer the dark navy blue of a normal night sky, but now an ominous dark violet. Black lightning arced in the sky from nowhere, striking down at the ground below. “The last towers have been activated, the ritual begins, and your friends fall,” said Ambassador Hell. ***_________ X [D] _________*** Wizard looked up and saw the change in the skies, as well as feeling the increase in negative energy around him. “So, just like you said, the towers created a Negative Zone. ” Kamen Rider Sorcerer twirled his Dis Halberd around and chuckled. “That is correct. The towers serve two purposes. The first is to create a Negative Zone, a place where beings of Nega-Shocker can draw forth the purest power of our hate and rage for you Kamen Riders, and increase our powers beyond what you can wield!” Wizard brought AxCalibur up and at the ready. “And the second?” “You’ll see soon enough.” Wizard took his left claw and slapped it against the hand symbol at the center of the weapon. [**] High Touch! Shining Strike! [**] Kamen Rider Wizard twirled AxCalibur around, the whole time he did so, the weapon sparkled brilliantly, and increased in size with each passing second. Wizard jumped into the air and behind him formed a silver magic circle. WizarDragon appeared again, winding around Haruto before becoming one with the ax blade and empowering it further. Sorcerer took a ring from the loop on his belt, a purple ring with a large shield with a prism on it. [**] Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! [**] [**] Reflect, Now! [**] A diamond shield appeared around Sorcerer, just as Wizard’s Shining Strike fell. The sparkling ax blade clashed against the prism barrier, Haruto could feel the effects of the Reflect spell trying to throw his power back at him, but the mage of hope wouldn’t be deterred, he needed to defeat Sorcerer, he needed to help Tsukasa and the newbie Rider, Sunset, before it was too late. [**] Yes! Final Strike! Understand? [**] Haruto quickly released the AxCalibur, and in the process, the gigantic weapon took the full brunt of the reflective force and shattered his special weapon. Wizard growled at the loss of his weapon, but hurriedly took up a new ring from his belt loop, and placed it on his right claw. [**] Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! [**] [**] Very Nice! Kick Strike! Fabulous! [**] A silver magic circle appeared before Wizard as he extended his right leg forward, diving through the portal and lacing his entire foot and leg with its energy. At the same time, AxCalibur exploded, Sorcerer jumped straight out of his barrier, his own right leg blazing with a golden magical circle laced upon it. The energy and glow from his attack was greater than that of Wizard’s, but this did not deter Wizard from continuing his attack. Both Kamen Riders sailed on and met at the middle, their feet connected, creating a massive explosion of silver and gold light that swirled around in a tornadic display of raw magical power. At the center of the tornado was a sphere of light where the two Riders clashed. The sphere grew bigger, and bigger, until the tornado and sphere both exploded, covering the area in blinding light. When the light faded, only one Kamen Rider stood, and his armor was golden. Sorcerer’s body was on fire with magical power, his eyes roved over the area, seeing a giant crater had formed from their clash. Eventually, he spotted the silver glint of his foe’s armor and chuckled. “See, Kamen Rider Wizard, see as your hope is crushed – how this entire world’s hope will be crushed!” ***_________ X [D] _________*** Fourze and Gaim was getting pushed back, Baron and Sagittarius had gotten much stronger since the sky changed colors. Both the Overlord and Horoscope glowed with dark energy, practically overflowing, and growing stronger by the second. “Gentaro, something bad is coming, we need to finish this,” said Kouta. “Yeah, I feel it too, and it’s coming from where Sunset-chan and Tsukasa-senpai are. Then we’re all in!” Gentaro flew into the sky, and Sagittarius jumped up after him. Fourze pushed the lever of the sword up, making the rocket halves form back onto the blade, he then took out the Cosmic Switch and placed it into the butt of the sword’s hilt. }F{ Limit Break! }F{ Suddenly, a portal opened a few feet behind Sagittarius, and Fourze ignited his rocket pack. The space warrior charged straight for Sagittarius, ignoring the constant barrage of light arrows that were fired by the Zodiart. Once he was in range, Fourze thrust his rocket sword forward, hitting Sagittarius right in his gut, sending sparks flying from the blow. From there, Fourze sped up, flying faster and faster to reach the warp portal on the other side. However, both Fourze and Sagittarius halted in midair, just mere inches from the warp portal. Gentaro looked back at the Zodiart, and watched as his body began to glow. More power was gathered to his body, until, a bright red explosion pushed Fourze away, and closed the portal. Fourze was sent into a tailspin from the shockwave of power, but eventually Gentaro was able to right himself and find out what had happened. Sagittarius had changed into his Nova Form, now an angry orange-red color, with black armored boots, and white chest armor. Gentaro had faced this form once before, and knew the power it wielded, but he was not afraid, for his friends, and this world, he would beat the enemy before him. Fourze pulled on the lever and once again revealed the sword blade, afterwards he took out the Cosmic Switch and then placed it back into the sword hilt. “Pull out and insert!” }F{ Limit Break! }F{ The sword blade glowed with cosmic might, and in a loud cry, Fourze shouted, “RIDER SUPER GALAXY FINISH!” Fourze’s sword blade charged up with cosmic energy until it was blazing, the Kamen Rider spun in air and slashed directly at Sagittarius, creating a crescent of raging cosmic power and might to fly in the Zodiart’s direction. Sagittarius didn’t flinch from the incoming attack, instead he released even more power and flew to meet the attack head on. The Horoscope Zodiart channeled its Nova power into its right fist, and punched the Super Galaxy attack. An explosion took place upon the contact, pushing Fourze back as he flapped his wings to regain balance. From the fires of the explosion, Sagittarius shot out, and struck Fourze in the barrel before he could defend. A burst wave of energy shot out from behind Fourze as sparks flew off from his armor, and sent the pegasus stallion into free fall. Gaim saw this occur and wanted to go and help, but Baron was not allowing it. Kouta had summoned his signature weapon, the DJ Gun, and combined it with the Musou Saber, to use it in Taiken Mode. The two rivals clashed blade to blade in a high speed battle for most of the fight, but it was becoming clear that Baron was stronger thanks to the Negative Zone. Kouta knew that he had to end this fight and help Gentaro, so no more holding back. Kamen Rider Gaim, charged some of his energy into the DJ Gun, and slashed at the Earth, kicking up a dust cloud. Baron wasn’t deterred as he charged forward and slashed at the dust cloud, the air pressure generated from the swing cleared the cloud in a matter of seconds, but to Baron’s surprise Gaim was gone. \| Lock On! |/ \| Kachidoki Charge! |/ Overlord Baron heard the sounds and looked up, but it was too late as large ball of condensed energy flew down straight for him. Baron quickly raised his sword, pointing the flat of the blade at the ball to act as a shield. The ball of power was relentless as it continued to push against Baron’s sword, below his feet the ground was cratering with each passing second. Up above though, Gaim was descending rapidly as he took out the Kachidoki Lockseed and placed it back on the DJ Gun. \| Lock On |/ \| 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000,000, 1,000,000,000,000, Immeasurable! |/ The blade of the DJ Gun flared up, blazing with a great intensity with each passing moment that Gaim drew closer and closer to Baron, and came down with a super empowered slash. The blade of the DJ Gun met with the energy ball, mixing the two energies together and doubling the destructive power of the attack. A field of aggressive energy erupted around Gaim and Baron as the earth beneath the former’s feet began to fissure, but Baron was not done. With a great and powerful war cry, the Overlord doubled his power, sending it into the blade of his sword and forced Gaim back. Baron took all the energy that was around them from Gaim’s attack, combined it with his own, and threw it all back at Gaim in one massive blow of power. Kouta couldn’t defend against it as he was struck with the attack, creating a thunderous explosion that sent the shogun Kamen Rider flying until he smashed against the side of the canyon wall, leaving a body sized crater with him in it. Not too long after, Fourze fell back to terra firma, also creating a crater from the impact. ***_________ X [D] _________*** OOOs PuToTyra surveyed the battle field, seeing nothing but smoldering craters and fires that had broken out around his section of the Gorge. Eiji gave a low growl as he calmed himself, in the distance behind him he heard the sounds of battle raging, and from his position he could see a large being standing above the trees, no doubt his fellow Riders followed his example, taking on the other Kaijin and allowing Sunset and Tsukasa to break through towards the epicenter. “Don’t worry, I’m on my way,” said Eiji. “You’re not done yet, Eiji-san.” OOOs turned around and gave an angry growl as phantoms of his past came back to fight him. The first Greeed was an insect creature, green in color, with large compound eyes, antenna, and a sickle blade on his right forearm. His body was a combination of a stag beetle, praying mantis, and grasshopper, this was Uva. The second Greed was feline, with a golden mane, black armor with silver metal studs. This Kaijin was formed of the lion, tiger, and cheetah, and his name was Kazari. The third was large, hulking beast, a bit slowwitted, but what he lacked in smarts he made up for in raw power. He was covered head to toe in heavy armor of varying hues of gray. His body was made up of the rhino, gorilla, and elephant. His name was Gamel. The fourth was a female Greeed, hanging around her shoulders was a blue cape with tendrils coming out of the ends of it, her body was gray and black, and her head had a mantle of a killer whale with dorsal fins shooting out like wings. She was made of a killer whale, electric eel, and octopus, and her name was Mezool. The last Greeed was one that Eiji didn’t think he’d see again, he was a scientist who helped in the study of the Greeed, his name as Kiyoto Maki. But that was when he was human, having given into the power and evolution of the Greeed, and becoming one with the purple core medals, he had transformed himself into a Greeed. His body was a blue-gray, with purple claw tipped fingers, and a purple visor for eyes. This was Maki’s Kyoryu form. OOOs growled and lowered into attack position, it was five on one, and he had no time to waste on them. Suddenly, the sky began to roar with thunder. “What in the world is happening?!” Eiji asked. “The end!” Maki announced. Uva dashed towards OOOs and in the span of a few seconds the insect Greed multiplied exponentially, creating an army of Uva that surrounded OOOs from all sides. The stag beetle horns on Uva’s head began to spark as green lightning shot out from their horns. OOOs took flight, dodging the numerous bolts of emerald lightning as they tried to shoot him down. He was glad Ankh was on his side, else he’d had to deal with an aerial assault. OOOs summoned the Medagabryu, and switched it to Bazooka Mode. The cannon charged up and fired a ball of destructive power straight at the army of Uva’s. The ball struck the ground, sending many of the copies into the air and burned into nothingness. However, this did not deter them from still firing their green lightning at OOOs, the self-less warrior switched the Medagabryu to Ax Mode and came in swinging at the Uva’s, each strike landed and erased the copy into nothingness. At that moment, Kazari leapt into the battle, coming in swiping with his claws at breakneck speeds. OOOs growled as he switched to defense, countering Kazari’s blows with quick slashes of his ax. Purple and gold light sparked from each contact of their strikes, ringing out through the Gorge. Kazari thrust forward with his right claw, but a quick flap of PuToTyra’s wings allowed OOOs to swiftly evade the attack, leaving Kazari open. The power of the PuToTyra combo granted Eiji great destructive power, in this case, the power to destroy the core medals of the Greeed, for without them, they would be reduced to nothing. The Medagabryu’s blade shined as OOOs channeled that destructive power and quickly slashed at him. But, at the last second, Maki flew in between OOOs and Kazari, catching the blade before it could connect with Kazari. Unfortunately, Maki’s Kyoryu form derived its power from the same source Eiji’s PuToTyra combo, and so was able to nullify his own attacks. “You shan’t stop this from happening, Nega-Shocker will rise, and give birth to a new and glorious evolution! An evolution we will take with us back to our worlds!” Maki stated. “Corrupting something good and turning it into something vile and dark! Sacrificing millions in this world to conquer others! I won’t allow ANY of it! ”Eiji proclaimed. Maki swiped with his right claw, striking OOOs in the chest and making sparks fly from his armor. The Kamen Rider flew back until he ran into Gamel, catching him and making the heavy Greeed skid back as his heels dug into the earth. Gamel began tightening his hold on OOOs, tighter and tighter, making OOOs release a roar of pain as he felt his body being crushed by the raw power of Gamel. OOOs had had enough, his eyes shined green and in the next moment a burst wave of icy energy roared around them for a good two meters. Gamel shivered as his body was frozen almost to the core, but just enough to weaken the tank of a Greeed as OOOs wrenched himself free of Gamel’s iron grip. For good measure, OOOs created the Tyranno Tail Divider and swatted Gamel with it, sending the lumbering Greeed into the wall of the Gorge. Mezool came in next, to her hands she created electric whips which twirled around herself, each lash cutting grooves into the rocky earth under their hooves and feet. OOOs stood on his hind legs and brandished the Medagabryu. Mezool struck first, sending her lightning whip forward, OOOs flared his wings and jumped to the right, at the same time the second whip was released. OOOs countered the second whip with the blade of the ax, electrical sparks flew from the contact of the two weapons, but OOOs felt a surge run up his arm that tingled a little. Can’t let those hit me too many times or I might end up numb, Eiji thought. OOOs switched the Medagabryu into Bazooka Mode and fired a power blast at the ground before Mezool. The resulting explosion kicked up a dust cloud that made the sea Greeed back up. At that moment, OOOs released a freezing wave that spread over the ground, and the moment Mezool’s foot made contact, her entire body up to her neck was encased in ice. OOOs burst through the dust cloud and prepared to bring down the blade of his weapon to shatter her core medals and reduce the number of foes. However, Maki once again intercepted the attack, catching the blade between both of his claws. The two destructive energies clashed in that moment as OOOs poured his power into the blade and tried to follow through with the attack to cut down Kyoryu while he was standing there. The shockwaves of power shattered the ice and sent Mezool flying, at least until Gamel appeared and caught her princess style. “I get it, you want to be first then!” “Dear boy, you don’t seem to understand how utterly futile your efforts are,” said Maki. OOOs roared and broke away from Kyoryu flying up and landing a few feet away from the five. The self-less Kamen Rider reached behind his back and pulled out three Cell Medals, Eiji quickly inserted them into the Medagabryu, and flipped it into a Bazooka Mode. -) Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! PuToTryanno Hissatsu! (- “GRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” The barrel of the Medagabryu energized with destructive power, calling upon the nihilistic power of the purple core medals to erase the Greeed before OOOs. The Kamen Rider pulled the trigger, firing his Strain Doom attack straight at the five, a beam of purple energy tore the earth beneath it from the sheer force and power of the attack, practically reducing anything in its wake into nothingness. Kyoryu stepped to the head of the group, his body glowing with the same intense destructive energy. Maki thrusted his hands forward and produced his own Strain Doom blast. The two attacks roared towards each other until they slammed at the center, a beam struggle took place as Eiji and Maki tried to overpower the other. OOOs’ beam would gain ground one second, but then Maki’s would take it back and then some a second later. It was one step forward and two steps back as the beams fought, but then something unexpected happened. Gamel, Kazari, Uva, and Mezool stood beside Maki and placed their hands on him. Gray, green, blue, and yellow energy poured from the Greeed and into Kyoryu, and from him into the beam. The beam was now an aura of blue, yellow, green, gray, and purple lights, coupled with the dark energy already pouring through them, the beam more than tripled in size as it quickly swallowed OOOs’ Strain Doom, and eventually so was OOOs. The Greeed beam engulfed OOOs, causing the Kamen Rider to yell out in pain as the power of destruction tried to tear him apart. With a mighty cry, Eiji unleashed all the power of the PuToTyra combo, generating a field of destructive power to counter the effects of the energy trying to destroy him. The field grew bigger and bigger within the beam, but as it did, cracks began to form on the three medals in the Driver. With one great roar, the beam was cancelled out, leaving behind particles of the five lights it was made from, but at the same time, the Ptera, Tricera, and Tyranno Core Medals shattered into pieces. Eiji landed on all four hooves just as the transformation ended. The Earth stallion panted from the effort, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his body was in a great deal of pain from the combo. However, his fight was not over yet, the Greeed were closing in, and were looking to kill. Eiji stood back on his hind hooves, wobbly, but he stood. He quickly took out the three red, yellow, and green medals and placed them into the belt. Taking up the scan device, Eiji quickly passed it over the three medals. “Hen…shin…!” -) Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba! (- The three symbols of the Hawk, Tiger, and Grasshopper appeared before Eiji and donned him tin the TaToBa combo armor. This brought a chuckle to the Greeed as they watched Kamen Rider OOOs take a defensive stance. “You lost your most powerful form, and yet you still wish to fight?” Maki asked in disbelief. “I won’t stop, not when there are children still in danger!” ***_________ X [D] _________*** Decade and Unicorn managed to pick themselves up, their bodies still reeling from the vicious counterattack of Tirek and Ambassador Hell. Carbuncle was finishing his incantation as the arcane circle began to ignite, changing from purple to golden. “Something’s coming,” said Sunset. “Yeah, I feel it too,” said Tsukasa. From the center of the circle, a column of golden light shot into the sky, but was halted when it hit the sky barrier of the Negative Zone. From the center of the pillar of light rose a sphere of light, it was white as snow, with ancient runic markings floating around it like the electrons of an atom. Even from this distance, Sunset could sense the immense magical power from that sphere, it was no bigger than a basketball, but that belied the true size of the power, this was the fabled hidden magic, the Miracle Magic. “Now, Nega-Shocker’s dominion will begin!” Carbuncle exclaimed. “Wrong.” The titanic centaur reached out with his hand and took hold of the Miracle Magic, stunning Carbuncle, Decade, and Unicorn. “Now begins my dominion.” “Tirek, you dare go against our leader, against Nega-Shocker –!” “Silence, Carbuncle,” said Ambassador Hell as he turned to look up at the dark centaur. “So, you show your true colors.” “Of course, consuming the alicorn magic has made me near unto a god, but with this Miracle Magic. A power older than that blasted power of Harmony, I’ll stand above all things, and remake this realm into my own image, and spread out from there. Carbuncle, I suggest you and Shadow Moon consider to whom you are truly loyal to, a god?” Tirek turned his glowing yellow eyes to Ambassador Hell. “Or an old man who’s gone past his prime?” Decade and Unicorn were in trouble, if Tirek absorbed the power of the Miracle Magic, then he really would be like a god and nothing would be able to stop him. At this point, Nega-Shocker was second priority, and they were sure that Ambassador Hell felt the same way. That was until they heard the black dragon chuckle. “Tirek, I applaud you, but…I smelled the stench of betrayal upon you the moment I saw you in Tartarus,” said Ambassador Hell. “WHAT?!” Tirek shouted. Suddenly, a new magic circle appeared under the centaur, and from it chains of dark magic wrapped around his wrists, hooves, and barrel, bringing the mighty centaur to his knees and making him drop the Miracle Magic back into its resting spot inside the first circle. “Did you think I did not see this coming? We are much alike, Tirek, and I have learned from past mistakes.” Ambassador Hell pointed his hook claw at Decade. “That one taught me that even an instrument of your own forging can one day turn against you, and not for the reasons you would have hoped. So I had Carbuncle whip up a little surprise, I figured you’d make your move when the Miracle Magic was unearthed, and now we can move into the final phase of the plan.” Tirek’s eyes widened. “‘Final phase’?!” Carbuncle began to work his magic, the circle that trapped Tirek turned blood red, and the giant centaur cried out in pain. Light began to rise up from his body condensing into a sphere above his head. As the seconds ticked by, Tirek’s body began to shrink in size as the syphoning continued. “I needed you, because I realized this body can become more. So I needed the power of this land’s inhabitants, its strongest, and you’ve done the good work I knew you would,” Ambassador Hell explained as he approached the shrinking Tirek. The ball of magic now swirled about in an aurora of colors, but soon a dark and orange energy was syphoned with it, the remnants of Tirek’s own dark power.  The now scrawny, emaciated centaur looked up at the dragon, his eyes still defiant. “I will not…let you…do this to me!” “It has already been done.” Suddenly, Hell thrust his hook claw straight into Tirek’s heart, making the centaur’s eyes widened with as he gasped. Tirek was stunned, mouth hanging open as he looked down at the wound and back up to Hell, still in disbelief that this was happening. Soon, the glow of his eyes faded, and Tirek slumped to the ground, dead. The syphoning had not stopped as even the last of his life force and body was taken away, broken down, and combined with the ball of mana above. Unicorn felt sick, she had never seen anyone killed in front of her like that. Yes she knew it was Tirek, but even so, he was weak, too weak to even do any real harm any more, and to see that happen with such cold intent, it was all Sunset could do to not throw up in her helmet right now. Decade seemed less effected, no doubt used to Ambassador Hell’s cutthroat, turncoat ways, having seen the leader of Nega-Shocker on multiple occasions display such acts of cruelty. Once the last bits of Tirek were absorbed, Carbuncle changed the color the of circle and moved it under Ambassador Hell. The dark dragon roared as the ball of magic descended and merged with his body. The leader of Nega-Shocker began to grow and mutate as his body merged with the power of Tirek, becoming half dragon, and half centaur. A column of light shot into the sky, wrapping Ambassador Hell inside of it, and when it faded, a new creature towered over them. His upper half was humanoid, with a muscular, scaly chest. Hell’s arms were also ripped, but his left hand had four, long, hook claws that flexed like fingers, and each claw was purple in color and glowing. Hell’s lower half was equine-like, covered still in the black scales. His hooves were golden, and his tail was reptilian, with a sharp arrow head point at the end. Golden exoskeletal armor covered his chest, engraved with the emblem of Nega-Shocker, the armor covered his shoulders, forearms, barrel, and the lower halves of his forelegs and hind legs. The top half of Hell’s face was covered in the exoskeleton armor, with four sets of horns. The first two curved behind his head into a “C” shape, while the ones on the sides of his head came up in a “U” shape. Hell’s eyes were pools of darkness, until two red dots appeared, shining as bright as stars. “I am…Kaizer Hell!” Kaizer Hell reached out for the Miracle Magic, and clenched it in his right claw. Black lightning shot down from the Negative Zone and right into his hand, the Miracle Magic was resisting, but the columns which held the Cutie Mark Crusaders shined and fired three beams at the sphere, a corrupted stream of magical energy was wrapped around the Miracle Magic, converting its power from positive into negative. “Soon, this world will perish, and Nega-Shocker will begin its reign in our worlds. Kamen Riders, Super Sentai, all heroes will fall, and be regarded as fond memory of a forgotten era!” Unicorn couldn’t take this anymore and looked to Tsukasa. “I know I said I would never do that again, but now is the exception! Use it!” Decade knew what she spoke of, but even now, he wasn’t sure if they had enough power to fight back. “Still, we won’t know unless we try!” [Final Kamen Ride: U-U-Unicorn!] Sunset stood upright as Tsukasa placed his hooves against her back and pulled away. In less than a second Unicorn’s body morphed until she was once again Mecha Unicorn, braying wildly as her horn and eyes shined with power. Decade jumped up and landed on Unicorn’s back, taking out his Ride Booker again, and switching it gun mode. “Let’s go!” ***_________ X [D] _________*** All was quiet in the Castle of Friendship, the main hall had statues of Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof, the latter trying to protect the former, only to show that the effort was in vain. Same was seen from Lofty as she attempted to protect her wife, but both were frozen, only mere inches apart from reaching the other, close but always out of reach. Further inside, heading towards the throne room, many Royal Guards were either turned into statues mid-attack or mid-scream. It was further down in the hallway and up one flight of stairs, something stirred. The door to a spare bedroom slowly opened, a green, slit eye glanced about the surroundings, checking for safety before closing up. Inside that room, Spike had hidden, with baby Flurry Heart hiding under the bed under a blanket. The brave little foal hadn’t made a sound during the commotion, or else they’d have surely been spotted and turned to stone. Spike remembered it all, remembered the sound of the main entrance hall doors getting rammed violently, and watching from the Cutie Map as Tirek tried to enter the castle. Twilight had ordered the young drake to take Flurry Heart and hide, Tirek was coming for her and Princess Celestia’s magic, getting that magic and adding it to Cadance and Luna’s was bad enough, but adding the power of a newborn alicorn, that would be beyond bad. So, with a lot of yelling and shoving, Spike finally took Flurry and ran into the back of the castle in one of the upstairs rooms. Mostly everypony was downstairs and so Tirek would have no need to go to the second level. A plan that paid off in end it seemed. Spike hadn’t heard a thing for several minutes now, and was getting anxious. The sky outside was not its usual color, and not to mention the accelerated transition from day to night in under a minute. Then there was the black lightning and the really bad feeling he was getting, as if every bad thing that could happen had been ushered into the world and was just waiting to come out and make themselves known. Spike sighed, he knew they couldn’t hide in here forever, not with the Kamen Riders still fighting. Spike walked over to the bed and lifted the lip of the bed sheet up so that he could see Flurry. “Hey little Flurry, I don’t think the bad guys are here anymore, let’s go see if Twilight and your mom and dad are alright.” Flurry peeked from under her improvised security blanket, she looked reluctant. She had seen the nasty big horse thing and was afraid of him, but after adjusting her ears she could also tell that there were no other sounds other than the thunder outside. Flurry shuffled out from under the bed, and immediately jumped into Spike’s arms. Spike gently patted Flurry’s back, reassuring her that she was safe with him. The duo exited the room, slowly but surely making their way downstairs. Once they entered the hallway, Spike gulped upon seeing the numerous stone statues of the Royal Guards. Spike wanted to hurry to the throne room, but didn’t want to scare her any more than what she already was. Flurry shut her eyes and jumped when she saw a new pony statue, but once they entered the throne room, Spike froze. Princess Celestia was frozen in stone, standing proudly, no doubt she was preparing to either cast a spell or act as a shield for them. The next to freeze was Cadance, right next to her aunt as if coming to aid her. Near Twilight was Shining Armor, his brotherly instincts showing as he tried to protect his little sister from Tirek and Medusa, but that too was futile. Rarity was frozen mid-scream, Applejack was posed as if she was about to leap at their attackers, Fluttershy was cowering with Pinkie Pie comforting her, frozen in that position. Lastly, Rainbow Dash was frozen lopsided on the floor, possibly frozen midflight and fell to the floor afterwards. Starlight looked like she was about to attack, but Medusa got to her before she could release a spell. Sunburst was frozen in place he ran towards Starlight, and same could be said for Trixie. Flurry flew out of Spike’s arms and to her mother, she tapped her hooves against Cadance’s stone body, whimpering as she tried to get a response from her mother. She moved over to her father, and tried the same method, but again there was no response. Spike walked up to Twilight’s statue, placing a claw against the cold stone surface of the pony who was both like a mother and big sister to him. He was a dragon, a race of formidable beasts that were feared, he should’ve been here. He should’ve helped in the fight. At least that’s what the angry side of him said, but in reality, Spike knew he was no match for Shocker’s troops. The dark Rider dispatched him like he was nothing at all, compared to that, he’d probably have been…killed…if he tried to fight back. “Uh, Uh!” Flurry sounded. Spike turned around and looked at the Cutie Map and gasped. The darkness of the sky was spreading throughout Equestria, for a moment it was just inside the triangle, but now it was creeping outwards, spreading out to all corners of the land. Portals sprang up around the areas where the Riders were fighting. Canterlot was under siege again, but Kamen Riders Beast and Meteor in their Storm and Hyper forms were still valiantly fighting back, although it was apparent that for every inch of ground they got, Nega-Shocker took a foot. Las Pegasus wasn’t any better, the Armored Riders, while having the numbers, were at the mercy of the Overlords, just barely able to hang on much less take out that tower. Lastly, Baltimare, Proto-Birth, Birth, and Aqua were surrounded by Yummies, and trying to protect some of the citizens who hadn’t managed to escape in time. All and all, it was a dismal situation all around. Right around where Sunset’s cutie mark was, more portals opened and showed Spike even worse scenes. The other Kamen Riders that the Decade guy had brought with him were also in a tight spot, each of them were beaten or on the verge of being destroyed. However, the worst scene was watching Decade and Sunset fighting a giant, dragon-centaur monster, Spike had no words for what he was looking it, the word “monster” didn’t taste right, it was like a demon from the deepest pits of Tartarus. “This…This really can’t be how it all ends right…?” Spike whispered. The young drake glanced over to Flurry, who was hovering in the air as she watched the goings on in the portals. The worst thing of all of this was that Flurry was barely even a year old and she was about to bare witness to the end of the world. “I’m sorry Flurry Heart.” Flurry sniffled as she as approached the map, but as soon as her foreleg touched the map, the young alicorn’s eyes shined along with her horn. The map released a pillar of light that made the entire castle glow. “What the heck his happening?!” Spike shouted. His first instinct was to grab Flurry Heart and yank her away from the map. He knew the castle was made from the power of the Elements of Harmony, but still, Flurry was just a foal, an alicorn foal yes. However, this couldn’t be something her mind and body could handle at such a young age, right? Flurry Heart turned to Spike and smiled at him, she made some baby noises that – at least to her – were words. Spike wasn’t sure what to make of it really. “Flurry, are you trying to say that you can help them?” Flurry made a couple of noises and then nodded her head. “Okay…be careful though…” Just then, Flurry extended her hoof to Spike, as if saying, “Can you please hold my hoof, Spike? I want to know you’re there.” Spike walked up to the foal and gently gripped her left hoof with his right claw, he smiled at her, assuring Flurry that he’d be here with her through it all. With that reassurance Flurry focused her magic into the map, and the castle once again shined. Within the young foal’s mind, she traveled through a long crystal tunnel of light, she could feel that this tunnel was connected to different parts of Equestria and was very old. After a few seconds she arrived at a tree made of crystal, it had branches that went in different directions, and in some of the branches were gemstones that looked oddly similar to the ones of the ponies who were there for her Crystalling, but the one that stood out amongst them was the one at the center of the tree’s trunk, a six-pointed star that looked exactly like her Aunt Twilight’s mark. From there she touched the mark and was again whisked away to another spot, this time it was a dark space, but inside this dark space were three lights, one purple, one red, and one orange. Flurry flew to these lights and nudged them each in turn. The little filly’s horn glowed, she could not speak with her voice, but with her mind, she could. “Wake up! Wake up!” The fillies began to stir, hearing a voice after hearing nothing in the void. Apple Bloom was the first to open her eyes, seeing Flurry floating before her in an orb of yellow light. “Huh…Flurry Heart…What in Appaloosa are ya doin’ – hold up – where are we?!” Apple Bloom looked around and remembered all that had occurred. “SCOOTALOO, SWEETIE BELLE, WAKE UP!” The white unicorn filly awoke next, rubbing her eyes as she looked about and gasped. Scootaloo woke up next, but with a start as she remembered exactly what had occurred before she knocked out. “What happened, where are we?!” Scootaloo asked. “Are we…Are we…you know?” Sweetie Belle asked with dread. “You’re asleep…bad stuff’s happening…mommy and daddy…aunty Twilight, need help!” “Flurry’s talkin’, Ah mean Ah hear her, but her lips aren’t movin’,” said Apple Bloom. “Wait, what bad stuff?!” Sweetie Belle asked. A sphere of light appeared before them, and like a crystal ball it showed Decade and Unicorn in the heat of battle against Kaizer Hell. Scootaloo recognized mechanized Saddle Arabian as Kamen Rider Unicorn when Decade used a card to change her, but they didn’t look so good. “What’s happened to everypony?” The ball shifted back to the castle, showing the stone statues of the fillies’ parents and sisters. Sweetie Belle gasped upon seeing Rarity’s statue, Apple Bloom’s mouth hung open, and Scootaloo just scrunched her eyes as she tried to cry. “They do need help, but from who? Discord has no power, the Princesses too, and those Kamen Riders are about to get beat! Who else can help?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Miracle, and the Tree. The tree can help bring out the Miracle from you,” said Flurry as she reached out with her little hooves. “Wish hard." The Crusaders had a skeptical look on their faces, but right now, a miracle was the only that was going to save everypony. So, locked hooves into a circle. Each on concentrating on the pony who said that she would save them, and protect them. Sunset Shimmer, please save us, but more importantly, save our families, thought Apple Bloom. Please Ms. Shimmer, I know you can do it, you’re a superhero, and bad guys never win against heroes, my sister and her friends show me that every day, Sweetie Belle thought. Rainbow Dash is the coolest and bravest mare I’ve ever known, and always will be. But Sunset Shimmer, you’re just as brave and strong, so I know you won’t lose, Scootaloo’s thoughts echoed. At the center of their circle a white light appeared, surrounded by rune markings, it wasn’t as big as the actual Miracle Magic, perhaps a sliver, but soon, six other lights appeared around it, ones of rose, orange, red, blue, pink, and purple. These lights shot towards the Miracle Magic fragment and in a matter of seconds shot straight into the void and disappeared as a twinkling star. > Day 5 (part 4): The Miracle! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Final Attack Ride: U-U-Unicorn!] Tsukasa jumped off of Unicorn’s back and high into the air, at the same time, Unicorn transformed into her leg and foot form, with the crystal horn energizing. Unicorn rose up into the air to meet Decade as he attached himself to Unicorn and came down with a kick slash of magical power straight for Kaizer Hell’s neck. The dragon-centaur didn’t even flinch as the blade of energy struck his neck, sparks flew from the point of contact, but it was like a saw blade cutting into solid rock, as no damage could be seen. “Heh, heh, that tickles a bit.” Kaizer Hell opened his mouth and unleashed a torrent of magical black and gold flames as they washed over both Decade and Unicorn, the flames quickly morphed into a full beam attack as both Riders were sent straight to the ground before another explosion took them further away from the ritual site. Carbuncle and Shadow Moon merely watched as their leader made short work of the last remaining obstacles in their way, there was no need to interfere,  it would be insulting to their leader if they did. Unicorn rose back to her hooves, back in her pony form. She stumbled twice in the attempt, but soon managed to stand. Her body was in great pain, her energy was low, and she was sure there was a broken bone or two. Sunset’s legs were wobbly, feeling like toothpicks that were ready snap with just the slightest of movements. The unicorn mare glanced to Decade who hadn’t gotten back up, she feared he had died until his body moved slightly. He was not dead, at least not yet, but was clear that the veteran Kamen Rider was just as beat up as she was. Steeling herself, Sunset made the slow walk towards Kaizer Hell. It was a stupid thing to do, she could barely focus her sight at this point, and Kaizer Hell was so powerful, like truly fighting a god. Part of her wanted to just give up now, she had fought hard, given all she had, dying with honor in the blaze of glory was not a bad way to go all things considering. ‘Save those fillies, you are their last hope, Sunset-chan!’ ‘No more children will suffer and be made to cry, I won’t let that happen – YOU don’t let that happen!’ ‘Don’t worry, we’re all heading back together, that’s a promise between friends!’ ‘And we keep those promises.’ Images of back home flashed before her eyes, images of Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and…Twilight. No, she couldn’t die now, dying would mean their world would suffer at the hands of Nega-Shocker, and not just their world, all worlds. Another image appeared in her mind, that of Twilight Sparkle, the adorkable girl from CPA who had never known true friendship, the girl who looked up and admired Sunset, the one who saved her and brought her out of the darkness like somepony else did for Sunset. If she died, out of all her friends, that girl would be devastated beyond repair. Sunset’s eyes began to refocus as she caught her second wind, but that still did nothing for her weakened body. Kaizer Hell looked down upon the approaching unicorn and sneered in distaste. “Pitiful, even at the end, you Kamen Riders fight to the last breath, admirable, but foolish. Nega-Shocker’s rise is now cemented with our acquisition of the Miracle Magic, and in mere moments its energy will be corrupted and will bend to my will. What hope do you have?” “Heh…funny you should say that…another Kamen Rider told me I was those three’s last hope. But I guess I’m the last hope of my entire world…honestly, it feels as if I’m going to be crushed by that weight…and yet, I don’t mind it.” Sunset looked up at Kaizer Hell glaring at him from behind her helmet. “It lets me know how many are counting on me to stop you! To stop this abomination unto all things good in this or any world!” Sunset managed to rise onto her hind legs, her balance was even more unstable, but she didn’t care as she entered a fighting stance. “No matter what…I will not stop…if you take away our miracle, then I’ll make one happen!” Just then, high above the Negative Zone, a single star shined brightly enough to cut through the dark haze of the sky. After a moment, that star descended like a blazing meteor, crashing through the Negative Zone as it punched a hole in the field and let the full moonlight shine down through that spot. The meteor fell further and further until it struck Sunset Shimmer, engulfing her in its radiant light. Within the light, Sunset felt her injuries and fatigue vanish as if they never existed. There was power in this light, and a comforting, yet familiar warmth. Before a new Gaia Memory appeared, it was golden and sparkled in the light. The Memory’s emblem had a holographic, almost shimmering effect. The emblem itself was an “S” and like a sun, it had rays coming out of it. Sunset went to reach for it, but remembered her Mimetic Drive was broken. However, the Gaia Memory released a ray of light that shined upon the broken slot, repairing the damage and making it just like new again. Sunset Shimmer took hold of the item in her magical grasp, just doing so allowed her to feel the power behind this Gaia Memory, but even more so, she could feel and hear the wishes that were put into it. “Thank you.” < SHINING! > Unicorn quickly placed the Shining Memory into the slot. {< SHINING! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} Sunset’s entire body glowed with a brilliant light as the power of Memory coursed through her body. With a burst of power, a pillar of light shot up into the hole created by the Shining Memory, and chased away the corruption for a good ten-mile radius. Decade finally awoke and when he did, the veteran Rider beheld Unicorn’s super form. Sunset’s armor had changed to all gold, turquoise lines drew whimsical patterns and some cursive runic markings, these were more prominent on her lower foreleg armor, the front of her boots, and around her chest. The shoulder pauldrons had a slight crescent curve to them, and had silver lining around the bottom edge. Unicorn’s helmet changed as well, now instead of aquamarine eyes, the eyes themselves were turquoise, and on the sides of the helmet were wing-like fins, the crystal horn remained, but instead of a silver metal edge around it, it now matched the gold. Attached to the armor, right around Unicorn’s shoulders, were two long flowing clothes, about five feet in length, they undulated up and down, and gave off an aurora as if the fabric was made from a rainbow. “Unicorn: Shining Day!” Kaizer Hell, Carbuncle, and Shadow Moon looked upon this transformation with surprise, even they could feel the power emanating from this Kamen Rider. Shadow Moon broke off from the others, summoning his Satan Saber, “Regardless of your power, you’re still no match for us!” Unicorn took a fighting stance, her eyes flashed with power as she spoke, “Let’s find out.” Shadow Moon charged forward, coming down with an overhead strike. However, the moment he did, Unicorn raised her left hoof, blocking the sword blade with only the flat of her left hoof, the force generated by that attack made the very ground shake. Unicorn’s right hoof blazed with golden light as she thrust it forward, hitting Shadow Moon right in the chest and made the dark Rider skid back on his hooves, sparks flying from his chest the whole way there. Shadow staggered the moment he stopped, surprising him that this mare could actually damage him enough to make him stagger at all. But the fight wasn’t over, Unicorn dashed across the field, faster than ever before, closing the distance between herself and Shadow Moon, the dark Rider noticed and immediately went into full assault mode. Shadow Moon came in with a slash from his right, but Unicorn blocked it with her right foreleg, but Shadow Moon used the same momentum to abandon his sword and spin around for a roundhouse kick to the right side of Unicorn’s head. Unicorn saw this coming and ducked back to avoid the hoof from connecting, but now off balance, Unicorn engaged. A flurry of punches was thrown at Shadow Moon, appearing as streaks of golden light that rained upon the dark Rider. Sparks flew from every point on his body, making Shadow Moon realize just how big a gap there was in his power compared to Sunset’s. Shadow Moon released a burst wave from his aura, making Unicorn back off from him. The emerald jewel at his belt glowed bright with intense dark green and black energy, gathering it all towards his right hind leg. Unicorn skidded to a halt and watched this, normally this would’ve been where she’d worry, but not now. Shadow Moon leaped into the air, did a somersault, and shot down towards her with a flying kick. “RIDER KICK!!!” Unicorn raised her left hoof and pressed the button on the left hip port once. \ HONEST! / Unicorn’s forehooves and hind hooves ignited with an orange aura about them. The Kamen Rider mare widened her stance as she cocked back her right hoof. “Bunker Buster!” The other hooves ceased glowing as the right hoof shined even brighter. Shadow Moon was about to make contact, assured that his skill and prowess was far superior to this whelp of a Kamen Rider. However, at the last second, Unicorn pivoted to her left, allowing Shadow Moon to pass her and miss entirely. In that brief, split second before the dark Rider realized what had happened, Unicorn drove her right hoof home into the middle of his back. The impact was like the sound of heavenly thunder being ushered as blast of orange light shot through Shadow Moon. Unicorn continued to drive her hoof upwards, resulting in an uppercut that sent Shadow Moon into the air. The energy didn’t stop as it continued to eat his body, the pure energy breaking down his corrupted power, and thus his very being. Shadow Moon met his end in the sky as his body exploded in a shower of dark green light, but that was quickly washed away by the orange light of Unicorn’s attack. Sunset turned her sights onto Carbuncle, and just doing so made the Phantom take a fearful step back. Anticipating a battle, Carbuncle erected a barrier made of several layered magical circles, creating a magical fortress around himself and the pillars. “You will never reach them!” “Not like this, no.” Sunset hit the button on her left hip port three times. \\\ GENEROUS! /// Sunset jumped into the air, the two clothes flapped in air and released sparkles, once she was high enough. Those same clothes grew out and formed a halo behind her. “Radiant Gift!” From the halo, a wave of golden light pulsed through the air, spreading out through the entire area. Unicorn’s eyes and horn shined even brighter as she spoke loudly. “Hear me, Kamen Riders from other worlds! This is Unicorn! Take this power, and use it! Show me the power of the legacy I now share with you all, show me the resolve that comes with being a Kamen Rider!” ***_________ X [D] _________*** Proto-Birth, Birth, and Aqua had managed to get the last of the citizens away, but unfortunately, they were on their last legs. However, something occurred, a wave of golden light pulsed through the sky. This golden light resonated with the three Riders, and carrying with it Sunset Shimmer’s message. Proto chuckled upon hearing the message, and said, “Well then we definitely can’t disappoint the little lady, can we?” “It would look bad if her seniors couldn’t show some effort,” said Birth. “I don’t think I count in that conversation, I am from the future. But, all the same, I don’t want to let her down!” Aqua added. Birth and Proto-Birth took all the Cell Medals they had left, six in total to each of them, and placed them into the Driver belt. In less than a few seconds, machine parts appeared around the Births, and then attached themselves to the armor. When the outfitting was complete, Birth had called upon all his CLAWs, weaponry. The Crane Arm, Leg Caterpillars, Drill Arm, Shovel Arm, Crane Arm, and Cutter Wing. This was his full assault power, Kamen Rider Birth Day. “I’m even more glad that old man Kougami upgraded the Proto-Birth for this! Remind me to thank him when we get back!” Proto-Birth stated. “Let’s put this power Unicorn gave us to good use!” Aqua shouted. The Births charged into the army of Yummies, the Leg Caterpillars squealed as they carried the Births through the streets, their drills revved up as they thrust them into the crowd of incoming Yummies. Every one of them that crossed their path had sparks flying from their bodies the moment they came into contact with their drills. Meanwhile, Aqua was gathering energy, they were close to water in Baltimare, and Aqua was using it, calling on the elemental power of water as a swirling water spout formed around him. The Births used their Cutter Wings to plow through the rest of the Yummies and float into the air, once high above, the Births charged their Breast Cannons, and in the next second, unleashed a dual Cell Bash blast attack. The dual beams sailed towards the Yummies and Combatmen, hitting the center of the enemy forces and exploding grandly, taking all of their forces in one fell swoop. “AQUA, DO IT NOW!” The Births shouted. “OCEANIC FINISH!” Aqua took all the water he had gathered and channeled it into pure power, charging down the cleared path towards the tower. He slid across the ground as a tidal wave carried him to the tower, and once in range, that tidal wave followed his kick as he struck the side of the tower, sending all that energy and torrential power straight through it. The power and force of the water acted as a blade, cutting through the tower and toppling it one fell swoop. ***_________ X [D] _________*** The Armored Riders also heard the message, and were determined to end this, now. Zangetsu and Ryugen struck the katana arm on their Sengoku Drivers once. \| Budou Squash! |/ \| Melon Squash! |/ Zangetsu drew his Musou Saber and dashed towards the Inves Overlords, all three readied to take him down, but they weren’t prepared for Zangetsu jumping into the air. The Inves followed his movements, which was what he wanted as Ryugen powered up his gun for its attack. The grapes on the side of the weapon began to glow and gather at the barrel of the gun. After cocking back on the hammer, a dragon head formed, and Ryugen pulled the trigger. The gun unleashed a rapid-fire barrage of energy blasts that pummeled the Inves Overlords. Once softened up, Zangetsu landed between the three Inves, and slashed at them with his saber as green streaks of light sliced through them, and then exploded. \| Durian Au Lait! |/ \| Donguri Au Lait! |/ \| Kurumi Sparkling! |/ Kamen Riders Grindon, Bravo, and Knuckle charged up their weapons. Knuckle punched in the direction of the tower, releasing energy blasts in the shape of walnuts. Bravo slashed with his swords, with each one firing off durian shaped spheres of light. Grindon raised his hammer and struck the ground, sending a focused energy shockwave towards the tower. All three attacks converged and with their combined might, the tower exploded magnificently. ***_________ X [D] _________*** Beast and Meteor also felt the power up, and nodded towards each other. Meteor Storm prepared to launch the pinwheel, and Beast Hyper placed the ring into the slot of his Mirage Magnum. [**] Hyper, Magnum Strike! [**] }M{ Meteor Storm Punisher }M{ Meteor pulled the ripcord and launched the Punisher top, at the same time, Beast fired and conjured the form of Chimera. But the two attacks merged at the last second, forming a swirling tornado of magical and cosmic power that roared towards the Tower. “BEAST-METEOR, DYNAMIC FINISH!!!” Beast and Meteor shouted at the same time. The tornado, at the head of it, took on the shape of Chimera as it opened its mouth and rammed into the tower, all the Phantoms and Zodiarts, even the Combatmen, where swept up in the vortex of power that the two attacks created together. The blast bore through the center of the tower, and in a matter of seconds, broke through, causing the tall structure to explode violently, taking the Kaijin with it, but, thanks to the power of Meteor Storm, the kinetic energy of the explosion was absorbed, negating any damage to the surrounding area. Both Kamen Riders released a sigh of relief at that moment, thankful that it had worked. “We did it, Nitoh-san,” said Meteor. “We did, now you can go back to the castle and start flirting with that moon princess,” said Beast. “What?! I-I don’t harbor any affections for her, she’s nice, but I don’t –!” “Hey, she may be a pony, but here, so are you. So, it’s totally legit.” Thanks to his helmet, Beast was spared the inquisitive look Meteor was giving him. “I’m not certain if I should be offended by that remark or insulted by what you're implying of me.” ***_________ X [D] _________*** Eiji was on his last legs, the Greeed were closing in, and he could barely maintain TaToBa form. But then, a miracle happened. The skies cleared, and the sparkling night sky made its reappearance, along with the full moon. The Greeed looked up in confusion as to why the Negative Zone had vanished, as well as the power boost they had gained from it, but it was no matter, Kamen Rider OOO was almost dead, even at their current power levels, they were more than powerful enough to end him. However, that proved to be false. A golden pulse shined over the area, and from this pulse three objects shot down towards Eiji. The self-less warrior gazed upon the objects, recognizing them as the Hawk, Tiger, and Grasshopper medals, however, these were different, the animal symbols at the centers were etched in gold, these were the Super Medals. The normal medals self-ejected from the Driver, and the Super Medals entered the belt. Eiji took up his scanner and passed over the new medals. -)  Super Taka, Super Tora, Super Batta: Su~per Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba! Super! (- The Super Medals formed over the original suit, and Kamen Rider OOOs entered his true final form. The colors were inverted from the original TaToBa combo, where the black was the more dominant color and the other colors accented it, the red, yellow, and green colors were the dominant of this, and black accented. The wing frills on the side of the Taka helmet were fully flared, and instead of green eyes, they were now red. The Tora part of the suit’s claws were longer and sharper, and the Batta lower half now had curved fins coming out of the sides of the hind legs.  This was the Super TaToBa combo. OOOs extended the claws and crouched low as he focused his energy into the legs and jumped forward, crossing several feet in less than a second. The first to fall was their tank, Gamel. OOOs slashed at the heavy armored Greeed in rapid succession, too fast for the heavy Greeed to follow or counter. The claws flared up, and with one slash of the right claw, OOOs cut through Gamel, slicing the Core Medals within his very being. Once he was done, OOOs backed away and allowed Gamel to explode into nothing. Uva multiplied himself, surrounding OOOs. The insect Greeed leapt into the air and channeled his emerald lightning into his stag beetle horns. However, OOOs wasn’t afraid, channeling power back into his legs, OOOs jumped and began to pinball around, taking out all the Uva’s at once. Before Uva could counterattack, OOOs appeared before the original and slashed at him several times, cutting right down into his medals and shattering them. OOOs landed back on the ground just as Uva exploded in midair. Kazari sped towards him, thinking he could match his speed with his own and catch OOOs off guard. He was mistaken. OOOs perception was already enhanced thanks to the Taka helmet, but with the Super Taka medal, he was even more aware of his surroundings, so by the time Kazari was in his striking distance, OOOs jumped away. Kazari was stunned as he saw how OOOs was there, but then not there. OOOs had jumped over him, and while in the air, channeled his energy into both hind hooves and came down on Kazari, striking him in his back and slamming him into the ground. The moment he hit the ground was when OOOs sent a burst of energy through his hooves and through Kazari in a concentrated blast that shattered the Core Medals inside him. Once Kazari exploded, OOOs moved on to Mezool. The marine Greeed had already called on her electric whips, and began spinning them around her body, creating a zone upon which OOOs could not enter without getting damaged. Again, an assumption that OOOs was about to prove wrong. OOOs dashed towards Mezool, with the perception of the Super Taka medal, and the Super Batta medal, OOOs was able weave through all the gaps in the attacks between her lashes, drawing closer by the second. OOOs thrust both of his claws forward, piercing Mezool, he then pulled out to the right and left, slashing through the Core Medals inside her, and felling the fourth Greeed. Maki now seemed worried, the bearer of the destructive medals was now afraid. Eiji took the scanning device and passed it over the three medals once again. --) Scanning Charge! (-- OOOs jumped into the air, red wings made of pure energy flared out from his back as he extended his right and left hind hooves out, and before him, three rings of red, yellow, and green formed. OOOs passed through all three right before striking Kyoryu, Kiyoto Maki, down. Eiji appeared behind Kyoryu, right before he exploded as three rings of red, yellow, and green formed his namesake. ***_________ X [D] _________*** Gaim awoke from the attack that Baron had dealt him and watched as he approached to deliver the final blow. Until the Negative Zone vanished from sight. Gaim saw the golden pulse wave, and from it appeared his most powerful Lockseed, the one that held his true power. Gaim wrenched himself free from the crater and took the device, pressing the button on the side of the Lockseed. \| Fruits Basket! |/ Above Kouta, a portal opened, releasing from it all the fruit arms that had been created. Kouta placed the Lockseed into the side slot of the Sengoku Driver, connecting it to the Kachidoki Arms. With a slight twist, Kouta released the lock on the device. \| Lock Open! Kiwami Arms: Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai, Dai Shogun! |/ The fruit armors coalesced to Gaim’s body, in a splash of power and light, the Kachidoki Arms were jettisoned from his body, and Kouta had achieved his godlike power once again. The armor was a sterling silver, the chest plate was black and gold, with the many colorful images of different fruits. Upon his back flowed a red and black cape, his helmet visor was a rainbow of colors to match the fruit on his chest plate, and at his left and right hips were assembled all the Lockseeds that this form allowed him to access. This was Kamen Rider Gaim Kiwami Arms. Baron nodded at the appearance of this form, even without the power of the Negative Zone, nothing would stop him from having his great battle with his rival. The Inves Overlord dashed for Gaim, but before he reached him, Gaim turned the switch on the Kiwami Arms. \| Melon Defender! |/ To Kouta’s left foreleg, Zangetsu’s shield appeared, and with it, Gaim blocked Baron’s attack. Using that same momentum, Gaim threw Baron back and turned the switch once again. \| Banana Spear! |/ A spear weapon appeared, the handle was black, but the spear itself was white, with four yellow guards coming out from around it like a banana peel. Gaim took this spear in hoof and charged for Baron, thrusting forward and hitting him in the chest, making sparks fly from his body. Baron countered with a horizontal slash, but the Melon Defender blocked it, but then Baron used a front kick and struck Gaim in the chest, making him skid back. Gaim counterattacked by jumping up and throwing the spear at Baron, and after he flipped the switch again. Baron dodged the spear, but almost missed the Melon Defender spinning towards him. The Inves Overlord cut down the shield in one stroke of the blade. \| Sonic Arrow! |/ Gaim had summoned a new weapon, this one was a bow, the arms of the bow had blade edges to them, and there was a crystal arrowhead at the draw. Gaim pulled back on the draw lever and released, firing a barrage of light arrows down on Baron. The Overlord was distracted by the previous move, and therefore was unable to block the onslaught that rained down upon him. \| Kurumi Bombers! |/ \| Budou Ryuhou! |/ Descending from the air were giant fists of energy that fell upon Baron, at the same time, a green blaster weapon appeared in his left hoof. Gaim pulled the trigger and fired down along the with bomber attacks, igniting the area in multiple explosions. The Overload dashed backwards to get away from the bombs, but from the ensuing dust cloud, Gaim dashed out after him. \| Ichigo Kunai |/ Gaim summoned dozens of kunai knives, each with a strawberry design on them, and commanded them to fly towards their target. Baron used his sword to block, swiping away as he deflected as many as he could. \| Suika Sojinto! |/ Another weapon was summoned, a double-blade weapon, with the blades having a watermelon design. Gaim twirled the giant weapon around and threw it at Baron, sailing as if it was a giant buzz saw. Baron barely had time to dodge the weapon as it nicked him in the side, causing sparks to shoot off from that spot. The weapon continued until hit the ground and stuck itself there. \| Donkachi! |/ Gaim jumped up as a hammer weapon appeared in his hooves, the shogun Kamen Rider brought down the mighty hammer, just as Baron found his footing. The Inves raised his sword and met the attack, creating a shockwave that rang throughout the area. \| Duri Noko! |/ Gaim released the hammer, and dropped to the ground as the next weapon appeared. A pair of spiked swords that he quickly used to slash at Baron’s midsection, causing him to retreat. \| Mango Punisher! |/ A large, long-handled flanged mace appeared, with the business end shaped like a mango fruit. Gaim took hold of the heavy weapon, planted his hind hooves into the dirt, and swung the weapon with all his might. Baron once again blocked the blow from hitting his body, but the force it generated was significant enough to throw the Overlord all the way into the rock wall. \| Kiwi Genkirin! |/ \| Kagematsu! |/ Two chakram-like weapons appeared into both of his hooves, the blades were fitted around a lime-green, kiwi-like fruit slice. Gaim tossed the two weapons at the spot where Baron sailed. At the same time, a second weapon appeared, a black spear, with the blade held in place by eight metal pine cones. Along with the Kiwi Genkirin, Gaim hurled this spear right for Baron. Baron managed to tear himself out of the rock face, just in time to dodge the chakram weapons, and the spear, as he escaped into the air. \| Pine Iron! |/ A pineapple morning star weapon appeared next, Gaim swung the pineapple part around and tossed it at Baron, the heavy weapon struck the Overlord in the chest, stopping his momentum, and with a second swing, Gaim brought it down like a hammer, forcing the Overlord to return to the ground. \| Daidaimaru! |/ Gaim summoned his Orange Arms’ signature weapon and dashed once again for Baron. The red Overlord picked himself up, roared and dashed towards Gaim. The two warriors met in the middle as a flash of light went off with both of them ending up on opposite ends of their opponents. After a moment, it was revealed that Baron’s sword was cut in half, with the top half flying up in the air. Baron turned around and caught the other half in his left hand and prepared for one final assault. \| Hinawadaidai! DJ Gun! |/ \| Musou Saber! |/ Gaim summoned another signature from his Kachidoki Arms. The shogun Kamen Rider combined the two weapons, activating the Gun’s Taiken mode, Gaim took the Fruits Basket Lockseed and placed it into the DJ Gun. \| Soiya! Kiwami Au Lait! |/ The blade of the DJ Gun blazed up with energy, within those flames were the silhouettes of the several fruits that made up the power of Kiwami Arms. Gaim stood his ground as the Inves Overlord rushed in, brandishing the broken halves of his sword as he infused energy into them. The split second before Baron could land the blow, Gaim dashed ahead of him, and slashed at Baron. There was a brief moment before the explosion when Baron looked back on Gaim and chuckled. “Well done…Kouta…” A massive explosion erupted from behind Gaim, and with a sad sigh, he whispered, “Thank you, Kaito-san…” Sagittarius watched his comrade get destroyed, and readied to go and defeat Gaim while he was still distracted from the battle. However, at the last second, a white armored hoof punched the Zodiart in the face, the punch had more power than expected, as it threw the Kaijin several feet back before he was able to sop himself. When he looked to see who had struck him, to his surprise, it was Fourze. He was back in his default form, but was still standing. “Where are you lookin’? We’re not done yet!” Fourze declared as he raised an Astro Switch. This Astro Switch was different from its brethren, it was colored purple at the base, but the top of the switch was a globe. “Now I’m gonna show you the power of friendship!” Gentaro inserted the switch into the belt, and immediately the belt shined. }F{ Fusion On! }F{ The image of Kamen Rider Meteor appeared, broke down, and overlaid with his own form. The Meteor Switch appeared in the right arm slot of the Driver, and at the same time, Fourze was wrapped in a swirling tornado of purple and gold light. Once the tornado died down, Fourze had entered his most powerful form. The suit was purple, with star specks all around it, as if a galaxy had made up the suit itself. A mantle armor plate covered Fourze’s upper chest, which folded over to cover his back and wings.  Foruze’s helmet now had a purple oval on the face where it once was black, and the orange eyes were now a bright yellow. This was Fourze’s Fusion State. Fourze tucked in his forelegs and then yelled with all his might, “Space…KITAAAAAAAA!!!” as he thrust both forelegs into the air. “Now, let’s do this man-to-man!” Sagittarius growled in anger and dashed straight for the annoying Rider. Fourze entered a fighting stance, with his left hoof, Fourze blocked Sagittarius’ punch, and in response, Fourze unleashed a flurry of punches at his chest and gut at blinding speeds. Several sparks flew off from Sagittarius as the Zodiart was forced back. Fourze dashed after him, appearing and disappearing at rapid speeds, making Sagittarius confused as to where Fourze was going to attack. His answer came sooner than he would’ve liked, as Fourze landed a solid kick to the back of Sagittarius’ head, in less than a second, Fourze reappeared beneath him, striking him with an uppercut that sent him flying into the air. The space Kamen Rider flared his wings and flew after him. Fourze sped past Sagittarius and appeared above him, Gentaro brought up both hooves and slammed them down on the Zodiart’s head in a sledgehammer blow that sent Sagittarius back down to terra firma. Sagittarius dragged himself out of the crater he created and jumped up, channeling his Nova power into right foot and coming at Fourze with a flying energy kick. Fourze saw this and pressed a button on the device that had formed on his right foreleg. }F{ Jupiter Ready? Ok Jupiter! }F{ On Fourze’s right hoof formed an energy construct of the planet Jupiter. Once Sagittarius was in range, Gentaro met his foot with his hoof, striking at the same time and causing a whirlwind of lightning and cosmic energy to roar forth against Sagittarius’ attack. The Zodiart was caught off guard by this attack from Fourze, and was even more surprised by how powerful it was. An explosion erupted from the point of contact and threw Sagittarius back. Fourze deactivated the Jupiter function and pressed another button. }F{ Saturn Ready? Ok Saturn! }F{ An energy construct of planet Saturn appeared on his right hoof, and with a swipe of that hoof, the rings of Saturn flew off as purple energy blades that slashed at Sagittarius from all sides. Fourze deactivated the Saturn button, Gentaro placed the Drill Switch into the left leg port of the Driver, and at the same time, activated the Meteor Switch. }F{ Meteor On! }F{ }F{ Drill On! }F{ “Together, we’ll defend friendship through all worlds!” Fourze flew into the air, and at his left hind leg formed a module with a drill at the end. The drill bit spun faster and faster as Fourze descended upon Sagittarius, and at that same time, a construct image of himself in default form appeared on his right, and on his left a construct of Kamen Rider Meteor. The two constructs merged with Fusion State and made Fourze glow with purple and gold energy. “RIDER FUSION DRILL KICK!!!” Sagittarius looked up at the last second as the kick landed, setting off an explosion that shook the Gorge and the surrounding area. Fourze appeared behind the explosion, the drill landed in the dirt and spun him around for a few seconds before finally stopping, and allowing Gentaro a moment to pump his hoof in victory. ***_________ X [D] _________*** Sorcerer stood there in disbelief at what he saw, the Negative Zone was gone, and not only that, he sensed the rise of a great magical power right where the ritual was taking place. And to make matters worse, Sorcerer felt the disappearing energies of the Nega-Shocker troops that were fighting the other Riders before him. “This can’t be happening…!” Sorcerer stated. “Oh, but it is.” Wizard was standing once again; his magical aura was shimmering brightly as he glared down his foe. “Hope will never fade, not now, not ever!” Haruto summoned new ring to his left claw, and placed it on his right middle claw. [**] Lupachi Magic To Go! Lupachi Magic To Go! [**] [**] Very Nice! Finish Strike! Fabulous! [**] Wizard widened his stance as a silver magic circle appeared beneath him. From the circle arose WizarDragon in crystal form, flying around Haruto before flying into his back. A golden light shined at the center of his chest, changing the power into its strongest form. When the light faded, Wizard was donned in parts of his WizarDragon. The Gold Infinity Wings were on his back, the Gold Infinity Hell Claws were attached to both of his arms, the Gold Infinity Tail wrapped around his actual dragon tail, and lastly, the Gold Infinity Skull, the head of WizarDragon, protruded from his chest. Wizard flew into the air, a magic circle appeared as Wizard flipped around and pointed his right leg out. The magic circle shined brightly as the image of WizarDragon appeared and roared as Wizard flew towards Sorcerer. Sorcerer wielded his Dis Halbred, charged it with mana and unleashed a slashing energy arc at Wizard. The attack was in vain as Wizard smashed through the crescent and impacted against Sorcerer, the dark Rider exploded in a column of mystical energy as Wizard came to a halt, floating for a few moments before touching back down on the ground. “Hope lives on in all of us, and shines the brightest in the dark, remember that!” ***_________ X [D] _________*** Sunset watched as the Negative Zone fell, and the pillars of light that made it stopped shining their light. The unicorn mare looked back down at Carbuncle, noticing his shield had weakened considerably since the fall of the Zone. Now was the time to free the fillies. Unicorn pressed the button on the Mimetic slot six times. \\\\\\ MAGIC! ////// Unicorn’s horn flared up with rosy light as she channeled the Harmonic Magical energy. She thrusted both forehooves forward, coating them in that energy, and bringing them together. At the center of those hooves formed a sphere of rosy light with magical circles forming around it like rings. Unicorn descended to the barrier, taking that sphere into one hoof and thrusting it forward onto the barrier. “Curse Reverser!” The rosy light ignited, creating a vortex of magical energy that lashed out at Carbuncle’s shield, tearing it apart like cheap tissue paper. Within seconds the barrier shattered like glass, leaving the Phantom completely exposed. Unicorn took that same energy, and released it in a wave of rosy light that struck the columns holding up the Crusaders. The columns fell apart, but not before Sunset used her magic to teleport them away to Decade. “DAMN YOOOOU!!!” Carbuncle roared as he fired a beam of pure mana straight at her. “Magnificent Rebound!” Unicorn used her forelegs to draw a circle in the air, the circle filled itself in with rune marks and a symbol of the Unicorn Memory. When the beam struck the circle, the energy was quickly absorbed into it, after about ten seconds, Carbuncle stopped the attack and looked on in horror as he realized what he had just done. Unicorn took all that energy, and fired right back at Carbuncle, doubling its size and power as it sailed towards its target. Carbuncle could do nothing as he was engulfed by the beam, and wiped away from existence. Kamen Rider Unicorn looked up at Kaizer Hell, her eyes shining as she glared at the leader of Nega-Shocker. The dragon-centaur roared in anger as he moved his hoof to stomp on the unicorn mare. But Unicorn was faster than him, dodging to the left before his hoof made landfall. Unicorn jumped up and began running along the body of the giant monster, Kaizer Hell swatted at his body like someone would do if trying to swat a bug off of themselves. However, Unicorn was too nimble and quick for the behemoth, so it took no time at all for her to reach his chest. Once she was there, she jumped straight up, cocking back her right hoof and delivering an uppercut to Kaizer’s jaw, making Nega-Shocker’s leader stumble backwards. Meanwhile, Decade used his Ride Booker to slash the cages apart, releasing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It didn’t take too long after for them to finally awaken. Groggily they stood on their hooves and looked up at Unicorn, who was now golden colored. The three fillies knew that was thanks to their wish that they were able to grant Sunset Shimmer this power. “Oh no, Mister ya gotta go up to that flying thing!” Apple Bloom stated. “Why exactly?” Decade asked. “A friend of ours is trapped up there,” said Sweetie Belle. Decade looked up at the flying Nega-Shocker base and nodded. The Silver Veil appeared and Decade disappeared into it. Meanwhile, Sunset was giving Kaizer a run for his money, the giant continued to hold onto the Miracle Magic, which was still wrapped in a cocoon of negative energy, but it was quickly starting to fade. Sunset noticed this and fired several mana spheres at Kaizer’s right claw. The spheres exploded thunderously against his claw, making the giant roar in pain, but it seemed that he was adamant about not letting it go. “Kaizer Hell, you foalnapped three fillies, and sought to use them to corrupt a power that is all the pure and good in this world! These crimes, indeed your very nature, is a threat to all things good in this – and every universe! It’s time to restore harmony!” “I will not be judged by the likes of you! I AM KAIZER HELL, LEADER OF NEGA-SHOCKER, AND CONQUEROR OF ALL WORLDS!!!” Kaizer Hell flapped his large draconic wings and flew into the sky, higher and higher until everything, even Unicorn looked like a speck. The dragon-centaur gathered all the energy he had absorbed and opened his mouth. Black flames began to form in his mouth, along with strands of magical energy. Unicorn saw this, and moved the Shining Memory into the right hip port, and pressed the button. >} SHINING! MAXIMUM DRIVE! {< A whirlwind of golden light surrounded Sunset as she crouched low and gazed up at the dragon-centaur. Focusing that power into her legs, Sunset jumped into the air, appearing as a golden shooting star. Kaizer Hell fired all of his power in a massive flaming beam of black and multicolored energy that roared towards Unicorn, the sheer size of the beam was enough to cover the whole Everfree Forest and then some, but no doubt strong enough to wipe out everything for miles upon miles when it hit. Unicorn, despite seeing this, continued on, flipping around and thrusting her right hind leg forward. A construct horn formed, and along side it were flaming wings. “DAWN BREAKER!!!” The two attacks met each other in the air, and to Kaizer Hell’s surprise, his beam was being blocked by Unicorn’s attack. The clash of power could be seen for miles all around, the Kamen Riders, and those ponies who knew who was fighting for them, all cried out in their hearts, a cry that Unicorn could hear in her heart as well. “GO UNICORN!!!!” Unicorn’s eyes and horn shined even brighter as she gave a fierce battle cry, her aura and light glowed like an inferno as she pushed forward with her attack. The beam began to part down the middle and disperse, fading to noting as Unicorn ascended higher and higher. Kamen Rider Unicorn finally struck her target right at the center of his chest, the impact was like resounding thunder that echoed throughout all of Equestria, and the power of that same attack carried Kaizer Hell higher and higher into the air as he screamed in pain and defiance of this situation. “Damn you Kamen Rider…! DAMN ALL YOU RIDERS TO HEEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!!” Unicorn flew Kaizer Hell all the way up until they crashed into the flying fortress ship that remined stationed up above the forest. Upon impact, the ship exploded brilliantly in the night sky in giant aurora of colors, and from that explosion, hundreds of thousands of lights shot out and spread all over the land, appearing as fireworks to all who looked. The Cutie Mark Crusaders all had looks of horror at the fact that Discord was aboard that ship. However, at the last second, The Silver Veil appeared behind the fillies and from it walked out Discord and Decade, the draconequss looking particularly chipper, and livelier than when they last saw him. “Guess who’s got their magic back?” Discord asked before snapping his fingers and making multiple signs appear that read “This guy!” on them. “Where’s Sunset?” Decade asked. The three fillies looked up, still wondering themselves, but their answer arrived when Sunset Shimmer descended from the explosion and in her hooves she held the Miracle Magic, purified of the corruption that had surrounded it.  Upon landing, Sunset released the Miracle Magic and allowed it to sink back into the earth, to slumber once more until it was truly needed. Sunset’s Shining Day form dispersed, returning her to her normal pony form. All three fillies ran to her and hugged Sunset, practically tackling the unicorn mare. Sunset smiled and hugged the fillies close her, thanking them for their help in granting her the power she needed to finish this fight and save them. It didn’t take long before OOOs, Gaim, Fourze, and Wizard appeared now standing next to Decade. Sunset felt a wave of relief pass over her, her fellow Kamen Riders were safe, and…and… “I feel really tired now…” The unicorn mare suddenly lost all feeling in her legs and dropped, thankfully the Crusaders were right there, keeping her from hitting the ground and gently bringing her down. The fillies worried about Sunset, apparently the others were too as the other Riders ran towards her, changing back to normal form as they stood in a circle around Sunset Shimmer. “Is she…?” Scootaloo dared ask. Kouta knelt and placed his ear against the mare’s chest. The steady rhythmic thumping of her heart eased his worry. “No, she’s breathing, and her heart is beating. I think she’s just exhausted from the battle.” “Let’s get her back to the castle, she’s earned some rest,” said Eiji. “Please allow me, the least I can do for the ponies who saved not only me, but these three little ones,” said Discord. The others nodded and waited for Discord to do his thing. While they did, Tsukasa walked over to the unicorn mare and patted her on the head while he smiled. “Well done, rookie,” said Tsukasa. “Well done.” > Day 6: Celebrate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a flash of light, the Riders, Crusaders, and Discord arrived in the throne room of the Castle of Friendship. When they did, they were horrified to find that everypony were turned into stone statues. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ran to their loved ones, completely shocked at seeing happen to them. Suddenly, a clinking noise caught their attention. “Who’s there?!” Tsukasa asked. The familiar green spines of Spike poked up, and along with him was Flurry Heart, held in his arms. “Discord! Girls! You’re all alright! So, you guys won!” “Of course we did,” said Gentaro as he rubbed his hoof against his chest. “But why is everypony still like…like this!” Scootaloo asked. Haruto waved his hoof over Starlight, a magic circle appeared as it began to analyze their conditions. “Well, they’re alive, but it’s unusual that they’re still like this after Medusa was destroyed. The Negative Zone might have amplified the stone magic’s power to keep the trapped even after the casters destruction.” “Can you get them out then?” Sweetie Belle asked. Haruto shook his head. “Not without studying this a little more.” “Discord, what about you? Can ya use yer chaos magic to just free ‘em?!” Apple Bloom asked. The draconequss lowered his head in dismay. “I wish I could, otherwise I would’ve freed myself when I was first captured. This type of magic is nothing like what I am familiar with.” “So, what can we do?!” Sweetie asked. < UNICORN! > “Henshin…” > UNICORN! < The others stood back as Sunset transformed into her Unicorn form again. Kouta quickly went to the young mare’s side, “Sunset-chan, you really shouldn’t transform after you just passed out!” “I know…Kouta, but everypony is like this…and I can’t let this stand!” Before Sunset appeared the Shining Memory, and with all due haste, she placed it into her left hip port. < SHINING! > {< SHINING! MIMETIC DRIVE! >} A pillar of golden light shot up from around Sunset, transforming her into her Super Form, Unicorn: Shining Day. Unicorn’s turquoise eyes and horn shined as she stood up on her hind legs. Using her left hoof, Unicorn hit the left hip button six times. \\\\\\ MAGIC! ////// Sunset’s hooves were coated in rosy light, and she slammed both of those hooves against the floor. “CURSE REVERSER!” A magic circle appeared under Sunset, but after a few seconds the circle grew bigger and bigger, growing beyond the throne room walls and encompassing the entire Castle of Friendship. Cracks began to form on the stone statues, the fissures themselves glowing with the same rosy light. After a minute, the stone that encased all of the ponies in the castle had shattered apart, turning into dust and allowing the captured ponies to finally taken air and move again. Many of them gasped and panted, their minds still reeling from the fact that they had been turned to stone and were trapped in that state for so long. However, their fears were assuaged when they saw the brilliant light of Unicorn Shining Day. The light faded as the circle grew smaller, and in no time, it was gone. Sunset’s armor shifted back to default form, and then deactivated, returning her to her normal form. Sunset looked around the room and smiled happily at the ponies who looked upon her and their team, but most of all, she was happy by the elated crying the she heard from the families of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom who were now surrounded by their loved ones and crying tears of joy at their safe return. Princess Celestia broke through the lot and quickly lowered herself to gently hug her adopted daughter in her forelegs. And, after a long battle like they just had, Celestia’s embrace was so gentle and comforting that Sunset felt as if she was going to just fall asleep there in her embrace. “Sunset Shimmer, my little pony, welcome back.” “It’s great to be back…Mom,” said Sunset. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** Thankfully Tirek’s acceleration of day to night hadn’t messed with the internal clocks of either Princess Celestia or Luna, so they were able to reset the positions of the sun and moon back to where it was originally before the battles started. The Kaijin and Combatmen had all been defeated, the remnants of the towers were dismantled and destroyed, and at midday there would be a grand celebration for Equestria to show its appreciation for the heroic Kamen Riders who saved their world. Many ponies had gathered to Canterlot, all to look upon and see the faces of those who fought to protect them. The fanfare of the horns went off as the multitudes of ponies all went silent around the palace. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight stood tall before their subjects, ushering in quiet among them all. The Princess of the Sun stepped forward and spoke, “Yesterday, our world had come under siege by an enemy that was not from our world. Invaders from another dimension, whose only goal was to take the magic of our world and use it to subjugate or destroy worlds that did not bow to them.” “In the wake of this, a former pupil of mine fought to protect our world, but to her side, the heroes who had once before defeated these monsters answered the call to fight them again!” Many eyes shifted towards Twilight Sparkle, and one couldn’t blame them, after all, Twilight Sparkle was the most noteworthy student under Princess Celestia, having ascended to an alicorn because of her deeds. However, Celestia was quick to dismiss this. “As much as you all may believe, no, it was not Princess Twilight Sparkle. Indeed, I had another student before, no less gifted, and after many years has returned. So, without further ado, I welcome our heroes!” A Silver Veil opened at the far end of the path, prompting everypony to watch as the first to exit was Sunset Shimmer. She carried herself with grace and humility, gone was the arrogant, power craven mare from years before. This was a new Sunset Shimmer, one who had fallen into a dark pit, and had risen into the light of redemption. Celestia felt pride as she saw her former protégé/adopted daughter walk towards her, feeling as if this was the culmination of all she had wanted for her. The next to exit was Tsukasa, the Destroyer of World’s didn’t see much of a point to dress up, still in his leather attire. However, he was assured by Princess Celestia that whatever attire was comfortable for them was alright. Four ripples in the Veil appeared and from them came out Haruto the dragon, Kouta the Earth pony, Gentaro the pegasus, and Eiji the Earth pony. Coming up behind them were five ripples. The first to exit was an Earth pony stallion, his coat was lime green, and he wore a black business suit. His mane was black, and his eyes were a sandy yellow. His name was Takatora, but otherwise known as Kamen Rider Zangetsu. On his left emerged his younger brother, his coat was a light purple, with a black mane and the same colored eyes, his outfit was similar to that of Kouta’s, bearing the colors of their old dance team Gaim. Kamen Rider Ryugen, also known as Mitsuzane. The third was a pegasus stallion, brown coat, a light-brown mane, and blue eyes. Upon his muzzle he wore a pair of glasses, and around his upper body he wore a white shirt, and around his neck a hot-pink and white ascot. He was Kamen Rider Grindon, otherwise known as Hideyasu. A large ripple accompanied the next hero, that of a slim, yet bulky minotaur. His coat was a light-green, in contrast to the darker green fur around his lower half. Around his head was a black head wrap, the minotaur had a floral shirt on, with a stylish black jacket. This hulking, if not stylish being was Kamen Rider Bravo, his real name was Oren Pierre Alfonzo. The last was a pegasus stallion, he wore a coat of black and red, his actual fur coat was orange-brown, and his eyes were light-green. This was the leader of the dance team Baron, rival to Gaim, Kamen Rider Knuckle, but his real name was Zack. Three ripples appeared after the Armored Riders. All three were Earth ponies. The first was a scruffy looking older pony, with a light brown bomber jacket, sandy coat, and a black mane and beard with brown eyes. The other was a younger stallion, dressed in a black business suit, his coat was grass green, with a black mane, and powder blue eyes. The older stallion was Akira the soldier doctor, the younger was Shintaro, both were Kamen Riders Birth and Proto Birth. The third was a young pony as well, his coat was ocean blue to match his white jacket, a black mane with a single streak of blue in it, and icy blue eyes. The nervous looking stallion was called Michal, or Kamen Rider Aqua. The last two to walk out of the Veil were no strangers to those who were in Canterlot. The first was Nitoh, known as Kamen Rider Beast. The second was a sky-blue pegasus, wearing a black eastern style master’s robe, his name was Ryusei. The assembled heroes stood before the four Princesses, and bowed to the rulers of the land. Twilight used her magic to bring up several medals, each one had a heart shaped pink sapphire, encased in gold with wings coming from them. “For your bravery, in the defense of a world that is not your own, and all its citizens, I am pleased to present you first, with Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage!” Twilight placed the medals around the necks of all the assembled warriors, in the case of Oren, she had to teleport it around his neck, taking a page from Luna’s effort to try and fit the strap around Thorax’s horns. The next set of medals were shaped like a shield, with a blue sapphire at the center. “Tsukasa, Kouta, Gentaro, Haruto, Tsukasa, and Sunset Shimmer, for putting your lives on the line to not only directly face the evil that had come to end our world, but to also save the lives of three fillies, we award you six with the Equestrian Blue Shield of Strength!” The six mentioned ponies bowed their heads and allowed Princess Twilight to place them over their necks. The purple alicorn brought up one last medal, this was a sword do with wings coming out of the cross guard, it was made of gold, and encased at the center was a ruby. “Sunset Shimmer, it was thanks to you, in the end, who was able to defeat the leader of the army, and provided strength to your comrades in arms. Facing a foe so powerful, without fear, and without hesitation, it is my privilege and honor to present you with Equestria’s highest honor. The Equestrian Red Sword of Heroism!” Sunset lowered her head once again, and felt the last medal hang on her neck. When she raised her head, Sunset briefly glanced down at the three medals she had earned. These were honors she had earned, not taken, no, these were earned, and not earned alone. “Thank you, Princess Twilight, thank you all.” Luna stepped up and spoke to the crowd. “Behold now, the saviors of our land, and let us commence a most glorious celebration in their honor!” ***__________ X [D] __________*** All of Canterlot had erupted into one large party, fireworks went off in the sky. Large tables were brought out, filled with many foods, at the table, Oren was partaking of the delicious pastry treats. The Armored Rider was a renowned Pâtissier and was absolutely loving the different flavors, textures, and subtle traits of all the cupcakes, cakes, crème brulee, eclairs, and pies. “Oh my! Ce sont des choses divines! Who is responsible for these?! I must know!” Oren demanded. In less than a second a pink blur appeared before the tall minotaur. “That would be me!” Oren took a bite of one of Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes and hummed in delight. “Petit poney rosé, you are quite the marvelous chef! We simply must exchange recipes, and I’ll even feature these in my restaurant!” “Sure thing, I’d love to see what you can make!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with her normal level of giddy excitement. “Then we haven’t a moment to lose! Make way, we are heading to the kitchen! Nous partons!” Oren shouted. The other Armored Riders shook their heads, knowing Oren’s love of baking was too strong to resist, especially in a world that had an ace pastry chef like Pinkie Pie. “HIDE! COME!” Oren ordered. The brown pegasus stallion jumped at the mention of his name, his wings fluttering about as he turned around and flew after the duo yelling, “AT ONCE SENSI!” The remaining Armored Riders now laughed at Hide’s situation, being the apprentice to Oren could not be easy. As they reminisced on the battles that had just won, as well as what else was going on with Kouta as they did not get see him as much. “Surprised you haven’t shown them your god form,” said Takatora. “Yeah, well, they practically have a sun goddess, a moon goddess, a goddess of love, and a goddess of magic. I don’t know if they can handle knowing that I’m technically one,” said Kouta. “On that note, how come you weren’t as strong when got here? Usually you can change straight into that final form of yours and clean house pretty quick,” said Zack. Kouta rubbed his chin for a second as he thought about that, even now, he wasn’t in his Man of the Beginning form, where he’d be normally attired in silver and white armor, almost akin to his Kiwami Arms. “I think it may have something to do with the magic of this world, maybe it was trying to keep everything balanced? I felt that I lost a bit of my power when we got here, which was why I was only able to use the Kachidoki Arms, but after Sunset-chan used her power, I was able to access it again.” “Fascinating, there’s a lot more to this pony world than we thought. By the way, how’s Mai?” Mitsuzane asked. Kouta went wide eyed. “Oh crap, Tsukasa rounded us up so quick, I didn’t have time to tell her where I was going!” “You got that right.” The Armored Riders glanced about, hearing a familiar voice. Soon a ghostly image of a pegasus mare appeared, she had white fur, with golden brown hair, and had one eye that was red in color, in contrast to the other which was green. The ghost girl’s form solidified after a few seconds, and soon she was standing before them physically. “Do you have any idea how many worlds I had to traverse before I finally found the one you guys were in?! You all just upped and vanished on me so quickly I figured it was Kamen Rider related,” said the Woman of the Beginning. The other Riders chuckled nervously, prompting Mitsuzane to step forward, “Sorry Mai, it was an emergency.” Mai sighed as she sat down and crossed her forelegs over her chest. “I figured it was something like that, but geez, I’d like a little heads up! I know you all probably went to go and save a world, but I don’t like to find out later that something happened to you all somewhere far off and that I had no idea!” Kouta and Mitzuzane lowered their heads and spoke at the same time, “Sorry.” Mai shook her head and a smile began to creep onto her face. With a flap of her wings she managed to get behind both stallions and get them into a playful headlock, giggling the entire time. “I’m just happy you guys – all of you – are alright! And you look so cute, is this a world of ponies?!” “Yep,” Kouta confirmed, “but don’t pet them, they may find it offensive.” “I’m not rude like that!” Mai countered. Elsewhere in the party, Luna was eyeing Ryusei from across the party, during the battle at Canterlot, Luna had gained a bit of a crush on the pegasus stallion. She knew it was preposterous to feel infatuation after a battle, especially for a pony she just met, and who saved her life, not once but twice. The lunar princess groaned, she was a grown mare for moon’s sake, how could she be feeling like a school filly trying to confess to colt. “He is rather handsome.” “GAH!” Luna yelped as she jumped into the air and landed in a tree. The midnight blue alicorn looked back down and growled in annoyance. “Sister!” Celestia chuckled at her sister’s reaction, even more so when she floated back down and glared at her indignantly. “I’m sorry Luna, really, but you were looking a little tense. And I couldn’t help but notice you fancying that stallion over there.” Luna’s cheeks tinted red. “It’s…It’s nothing.” “Come now, we both agreed no more secrets between us. I would not like to have the map send Starlight Glimmer after us again,” said Celestia. Luna shuddered, knowing full well what happened last time. “Alright, alright…yes, I do fancy him. But I can’t just simply say that to him! I know nothing about his life! For all I know he has a marefriend back in his home world.” “You won’t know unless you ask!” Celestia bumped her sister’s shoulder with her own, making the younger alicorn stumble forward. “And if nothing else, it’s always nice to have a friend that shares your interest in the stars.” Luna sighed and decided to mare up and ask the stallion in question. There was no point tiphoofing around the subject, better to get it over with, like ripping off a band aid. As Luna approached, she watched as Gentaro was chatting with Ryusei, the two stallions seemed to be having a fun time. Despite Gentaro’s bad colt look, he was actually quite friendly. “So, how are things going with you and Tomoko?” Gentaro asked. Luna paused midstride. “We keep in touch, but with me being an Interpol Agent, and her a best-selling novelist, our schedules are a bit hectic,” said Ryusei. “Mostly we either call or video chat, or occasionally I see a raven perched somewhere nearby and somehow I know it’s her watching me.” Gentaro could see Tomoko doing just that, her pseudo witch abilities did grant her some peculiar – if not interesting – abilities. “Just make sure you don’t lose her, she’s a keeper.” “I know, but one of these days we’re going to have to get you and Nadeshiko back together,” said Ryusei. “One day, when we she comes back.” Luna’s head lowered a bit, her ears pressed against her skull. As she suspected, Ryusei had a marefriend already, and besides, how was it going to work out? He was a Kamen Rider, a defender of his world, how could she court him and expect him to stay here when had a duty to protect the innocent in his world. “I’m such a fool…” “Princess Luna?” Ryusei called out. “Are you alright?” The midnight blue alicorn gave a small yelp as she was drawn out of her reverie by the sound of Ryusei’s voice. The Pegasus stallions had walked over to Luna without her realizing it, now feeling rather embarrassed to be talking to them after what she had planned on doing. “Oh yes, I’m quite alright. I just…just wanted to come and see if you two were adjusting well, being transformed into an unfamiliar body must be a bit jarring.” Gentaro flapped his wings and began to hover in the air. “You’d think so, but this fun! Flying without having to transform is cool!” Luna and Ryusei watched as Gentaro shot up into the air and began doing some fancy aerial tricks. Ryusei shook his head and chuckled at the sight. “He may be a teacher back home, but he’s still a kid a heart, one the reasons why his students like him I guess.” The lunar princess glanced at Ryusei. “Gentaro, that stallion, is a teacher?” “Indeed, he is, and quite the popular one too.” Luna could hardly believe it, but teachers came in all shapes and sizes, having Star Swirl as a measuring stick tended to skew Luna’s perception a bit. “I’m sorry, I had come over with ulterior motives. I overheard you speaking to your friend about your life back in your home world. I was hoping to…ahem…if possible, spend some time getting to know you.” Ryusei smiled as he turned to Luna. “That sounds fun actually.” “I’m sorry for troubling you – wait what?” ***__________ X [D] __________*** While the festivities were going on, Sunset was off in a more secluded area, looking at the three medals that hung below her neck. She could hardly believe they were real, at any moment Sunset thought that they would disappear, and she’d wake up and find it all to have been a dream. However, it wasn’t a dream, Sunset and the other veteran Kamen Riders fought together, and saved Equestria. Sunset herself took down the leader of Nega-Shocker, and unlocked a new power. In a way, Sunset didn’t believe she was worthy of those medals, not after what she had done beforehand. “There you are.” Sunset turned around and saw Twilight walking towards her. “Kind of bad if one of the guests of honor is not even at her own party.” “Heh, sorry, I just needed some time to think by myself,” said Sunset. Twilight walked up next to Sunset and looked at her with a curious gaze. “About what?” “These,” Sunset used her magic to bring the three medals up. “Courage, strength, and heroism, three things that did not describe me years ago. I was a coward for turning my back on friendship, I had no strength to resist the darkness inside me, and the last thing that should describe me is ‘hero’.” Twilight sighed and whacked Sunset upside the head with her large wing. “Sunset, please stop saying that about yourself. Yes, you made mistakes in the past, but that’s just it, they’re in the past. You have shown courage to rise above who you once were, you definitely showed strength when you spoke up and got me and our Canterlot High friends to realize that the Sirens were feeding off our negative energy. And I can think of no better word to describe you other than hero, for not only saving the other me, but also as a Kamen Rider. It’s time you finally let go of your past Sunset, acknowledge you made mistakes, learn from them, and become a better mare. Which shouldn’t be hard for somepony like you.” Sunset blushed and teared up from hearing that, so much so that she could barely see through her tears. Twilight used her wing to bring Sunset close for a hug, offering the mare comfort and security. After a moment, Sunset stopped crying and looked up at Twilight. Her eyes were full of kindness and warmth, and in the light of the moon, her eyes sparkled like starlight. Something tugged at both of them, an urge to move closer, the distance began to shrink between them, and Sunset’s eyes began to slowly close. But once shut, an image appeared in her mind’s eye, that of a human girl, with the same beautiful eyes. The sun-yellow mare paused and slowly tilted her head down as she bit her bottom lip. Twilight had kept her eyes open, watching Sunset’s actions. With a sad smile she placed her chin on Sunset’s head, allowing the other mare to rest in the crook of her neck. “Sunset, you have feelings for me, don’t you?” Sunset flinched. “But, it’s not me, is it?” Sunset bit her lip, as if she wanted to deny it and say she did feel something for Princess Twilight, but the ache in her heart told her otherwise. “I…I’m sorry…I…I don’t understand why? You…I felt something for you, but ever since the Friendship Games, I felt that same something for her…I just didn’t know what it was, and even now I’m still confused.” Twilight sighed wistfully. “Sunset, I won’t lie to you. I feel something for you too, I’ve had a bit of a crush on you for a while now, going back to the Battle of the Bands. Answer me this, Sunset, when you look at me, how do feel, here,” the alicorn mare placed her hoof against Sunset’s chest. Sunset looked up at Princess Twilight, her heart fluttered a bit. “Now, picture the other me. How do feel now?” Sunset did as Princess Twilight said, it wasn’t that hard to visualize the Princess as Earth’s Twilight, and doing so made Sunset’s heart flutter faster, even her cheeks seemed to tint a little redder than earlier. Twilight smiled and nuzzled Sunset’s cheek. “There you go, you shouldn’t deny what you feel, Sunset,” said Twilight. “But…after everything she’s been through, I don’t want to burden her with my possible feelings towards her! She’s still in a fragile state, she was overwhelmed with magical power, and transformed into a demon – a fallen angel-like demon – but still a demon, and now she has access to this Infinite Library that resides in her mind. I don’t want to add onto everything by laying my feelings down on her like that…” Twilight brought her hooves to Sunset’s face and made her look the Princess in the eyes. “If she feels the same way I do, then your feelings won’t be a burden. And try to give her a little credit, the other Twilight is stronger than she looks. If she’s anything like me, when push comes to shove, she’ll find the strength inside of her. And she has somepony as amazing as you at her side, so it’s even better.” Sunset smiled and hugged Twilight, and whispered to her, “Sorry…” “Don’t be, part of love and friendship is being happy for your friends, even if they feel for somepony else. I’ll always be here for you Sunset Shimmer, as a friend, a mentor, and…ahem…a mistress if you’ll have me?” Sunset smirked at that comment. “Oh-ho-oh, so you’re saying it’s okay to cheat so long as it’s with the same pony?” “Well we’re technically the same pony, so technically it wouldn’t be cheating,” said Twilight. “You’re so wrong, but thanks for the offer.” Sunset released Twilight, noticing the pink tent to her cheeks. “C’mon, let’s go and party!” ***__________ X [D] __________*** The party continued with most of the ponies and Riders entering into various states revelry. Gentaro and Rainbow Dash had decided to race each other around the palace, prompting many to take bets. Eiji had currently become the center of Rarity’s attention, having seen the stallion in raggedy, vagabond clothes made her both cringe and feel sorry of the stallion for not having a proper wardrobe. “It’s really no problem, Miss Rarity, I travel a lot and I don’t really need much, well, except a clean pair of underwear,” said Eiji with all due pride. Akira and Shintaro face hoofed themselves, remembering Eiji’s underwear banner that he carried around with him, and thanking whatever deities were in charge that he had left it behind wherever he was before coming here. Michal was just as embarrassed, his senpai was an odd one, but kind. “Hmm, well, I suppose that it is a bit a problem with your nomadic lifestyle, excess baggage would hinder you. However, I will insist on some proper maintenance on your current wardrobe, you don’t want it all to fall apart – oh I did learn the most delightful of spells that should keep any manner of clothing impervious to wear and tear! If you wish I could fix up your clothing and cast the spell afterwards?” Eiji seemed like he wanted to refuse, but this mare was very generous and honestly didn’t want to see him in tattered clothing. In the end, Eiji relented. “Okay, Miss Rarity, that sounds good to me.” “Wonderful!” With a flash of Rarity’s horn, Eiji’s outfit was removed and left the stallion bare. “I’ll get started, it won’t take but a moment~” Eiji’s face went pink as he suddenly felt very exposed, he tried to cross his hind legs, and front legs, only to fall on his side. The self-less stallion hurried behind Michal, Akira, and Shintaro, trying to hide his naked form. “Um, Eiji, don’t really think it’s that big a deal,” said Akira. “B-But I’m naked, at a party!” “Normally that would be bad, but considering where we’re at, clothing is more of a fashion statement than a necessity,” said Shintaro. “He does have a point Eiji-senpai, the Princesses aren’t wearing anything, and neither is Sunset-san. Being pony, they all have fur and so do you,” said Michal. Eiji took notice of the various ponies, and noted that some did wear formal clothing and others did not. His nervousness having subsided when nopony seemed to pay his clothes-less state any mind. “Being a pony is a fun and strange experience in social norms.” While that was going on Trixie was busy setting up the fireworks, but there were still so many of them. It was then that Haruto wandered over to the azure unicorn, curious as to what she was doing. “Seems you’re having trouble there.” Trixie scoffed at the notion. “The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t need help, but with one spark of my horn, all these rockets will light up the night!” Trixie released an arc of fuchsia lightning that ran through all the collected rockets, but unfortunately, none of them ignited. Haruto watched as the unicorn mare tried again and again to make the rockets ignite, but it seemed as if the magic rockets were as cooperative as with Trixie. The red dragon decided to give the mare a claw; reaching behind him, Haruto pulled out a ring with that the image of a happy dragon on it. The Legend Rider summoned his Driver and switched it so that the palm faced to the left. [ **] Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! Lupachi Magic Touch To Go! [**] [**] Celebration! Please! [**] Trixie stood back as she watched Haruto place his claw over the belt. A bright red magic circle appeared and washed over all the rockets. Within seconds the rockets sprang to life, shooting off with a whistle as they reached higher into the sky and exploded in a magnificent display, setting the sky ablaze with neon colors, and each one taking on the individual insignia of the different Riders who helped save Equestria. Trixie gawked at the fireworks, and then looked back at Haruto. “That…was…AMAZING!” Trixie gushed. “Just one wizard helping another,” said Haruto. The party lasted for hours on end, with the heroes downing copious amounts of sweets, punch, and some even dancing along to wild music, and some techno courtesy of DJ-PON3, of course when that started, Kouta, Mai, and Mitsuzane all glanced to each other, and shrugged, deciding that a reunion of Team Gaim wasn’t out of the question. Mai floated over to Vinyl and whispered a request into her ear, after a few seconds, a new techno song was played. Kouta took the left side and Mitsuzane the right, Mai, in a flash of light, changed her form back to her old Gaim uniform, but still kept her fur, mane, and eye color. It didn’t take them long to find the beat, and soon the three members of Team Gaim went into a splendid dance, with Mai at the center, the dance floor was cleared to allow the three ponies free movement as they twirled, back flipped, slid, and waved their hooves to the beat of the song. Mai spotted Zack and with a flare, motioned for him to join the dance, she also saw Hide and did the same. The two dancers couldn’t resist a call to dance and so entered the dance floor, showing of their moves, the Beat Riders dancing once again. Despite being in pony bodies, the old Beat Riders were able to move smoothly, Sunset, who was watching all this, attributed it to Tsukasa’s omni-knowledge. Speaking of which, she spotted the stallion taking pictures of the festivities. Sunset broke from the group of and walked over to the veteran Rider. “Haven’t seen much of you, enjoying the party?” Sunset asked. “Never really liked crowds too much, but a crowd made up of friends is different,” said Tsukasa. Sunset smiled and sat next to the unicorn stallion. “Thank you, for everything. There’s no way I would’ve been able to save everypony if you hadn’t been there.” Tsukasa chuckled. “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, rookie. True I helped, but without you pulling your own weight, my help would’ve been meaningless. And don’t forget, it was you who defeated Kaizer Hell.” “Not without some help,” said Sunset as she peered over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and chuckling as she watched them dance along with the Beat Riders. “True, but again, it was all of you. They wished for you to save the world, and with that power, you defeated a great evil. Every Rider goes through this, and so have you, your predecessors would be proud of you, too,” said Tsukasa. Sunset turned her muzzle to hide the pink blush. “So…ahem…where are you going after here?” Tsukasa shrugged. “Not sure, I go wherever I feel like, or wherever I’m needed, you know, whichever comes first.” The red unicorn stallion placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “I’m glad to see that even beyond our human worlds, the power of the Kamen Riders can pop up just about anywhere where evil rises. Glad it chose someone like you.” “Thanks…I mean, I never thought of myself as the superhero type.” “Same here, Shocker raised me to be their weapon. I didn’t earn the title ‘Destroyer of Worlds’ because it sounded cool. Guess we have a bit in common.” Tsukasa removed his hoof and held it out to Sunset. “I may need your help in the future, and don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us. Kamen Riders stick together.” Sunset smiled, feeling a sense of pride well up inside her at being included in this group of masked heroes. She reached out her hoof and bumped it against Tsukasa’s. Sunset looked back at the party, at all the happy faces, and jubilant dancing and laughter, and felt overwhelming happiness that she was able to protect those smiles, her home, everypony. Now would mark the start of a new chapter of her life, both here and in the human world, no longer would she let her past define her, although Sunset was sure that she wouldn’t completely get over her less than admirable actions of the past, and most likely still blame herself. So long as she had ponies and people around her to remind her of the good, the bad memories of her past would remain just that, in the past. > Day 7: Two Homes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party lasted late into the night, with most of the Riders crashing at Canterlot Castle. During the wee hours of the night, Sunset had managed to snag Starlight and Sunburst away. The stallion had a feeling that they would need to talk, and now would be as good a time as any. The three ponies sat in one of the private towers, with Sunset sitting across from Starlight and Sunburst. “Thanks for meeting with me,” said Sunset. “No problem, after everything you and your friends have done, it’s the least I can do,” said Sunburst. Sunset nodded and hummed in contemplation. There was no easy way to go about this, no subtlety was needed, Sunset just needed to say it. “Sunburst…I’m sure you’ve noticed the similarities between us, right?” Sunburst pushed his glasses back up his muzzle and sighed. “Yes…I noticed the same time you did back at Princess Twilight’s castle, it feels like I know you, despite the fact that we only met just yesterday.” “So, you figured that we’re siblings as well?” Sunset asked. Starlight glanced between her old friend and her new friend, when Starlight had saw their initial reaction to each other back at the castle, she had just assumed that it may have been a matter of attraction. As Starlight stated before she did find Sunset Shimmer physically attractive, she is a hot mare, and no doubt Sunburst had picked up on that. However, now that she actually took the time to look over both of them, they did seem pretty close in appearance. They had the same colored eyes, their coats were just a few shades apart, and their manes both had a fiery look about them. “Wait…I don’t understand, I’ve known Sunburst since we were foals! How could you be siblings?” Starlight asked. “I’m curious myself, we’re practically the same age, and unless we’re twins I don’t see how that’s possible.” Sunset sighed. “I few years ago I stepped through a portal that sent me to another world. On that side I was put into the body of a fourteen-year-old, and spent the last three years or so there, but before that I was in the Canterlot Orphanage for most of my life until I was eight, and that’s when Princess Celestia took me in. After that I grew up in Canterlot for all that time, for all I know my parents could either be dead or have had another foal…which, it appears that it was the latter.” Sunburst ran his hoof through his mane, and Starlight just stared at the table as she tried to grasp the situation. All the years Starlight had known Sunburst’s family, she never knew that they had given one of their foals up for adoption. Sunburst didn’t seem to take that well either, his mind still coming to grips with the fact that he had a big sister that he had no idea about. “Well…W-We’re not exactly sure that you two are siblings, right? I mean, you two do have some uncanny similarities, but that doesn’t constitute that you are in fact related,” said Starlight. Sunburst stroked his goatee in contemplation, “It’s certainly possible, but we’d have to do a DNA test to show if it is true.” Sunset raised her hooves as if to stop the train of thought, “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause you guys grief or worry. For all we know it is a coincidence that we’re similar in appearance. Believe me, the last thing I want to do is make you dislike your parents. But…if you want to, I will.” “We’ll need some DNA from you, a strand of your mane will do. I’ll see about…ugh…visiting our village and obtaining a strand of my Mom’s mane, too,” said Sunburst with a bit of reluctance. Starlight snickered at the prospect of Sunburst returning to their village and speaking to his mother, knowing how she could get. Sunburst heard his friend’s snickering and stated, “Oh, you’re coming with me, I’m sure your dad would like to see you, too.” The lilac mare’s left eye twitched as she groaned loudly. Sunset chuckled at Starlight’s reaction, “Probably a story I’d like to hear another day.” She then turned back to Sunburst and asked, “How long will the results take?” Sunburst adjusted his glasses as he spoke, “Well, it shouldn’t take no more than twenty-four hours…but it will take a few days, after everything that’s happened I think it best to let everypony settle.” The sun-yellow mare waved her hoof. “It’s no problem. I’m not in any big rush to know, strangely enough. I guess, since Princess Celestia has been like a – scratch that – has been my Mom for so long, I never really felt like I was missing a parent. However, I’d still like to know, y’know?” Sunburst and Starlight nodded, they were happy that Sunset was content, but that she still at least wanted some answers, and truth be told, so did they. Starlight sidled close to Sunset and gave her a mischievous smirk. “Soooooo, any chance I could come back with you?” “Wait, what?” Sunset asked in confusion. “Pleeeeeeease, I want to see what that otherworld is like!” Starlight begged as she put her hooves together in a pleading fashion. “Do you honestly think that Princess Twilight would be okay with that?” “I don't know for sure that she wouldn’t be okay with it,” said Starlight with an impish grin. Sunset raised an eyebrow. “That’s not a particularly compelling argument. Besides, I need to make sure that you don’t have a double in that world, it could get hairy if there’s suddenly two of you running around.” Starlight pouted. “But Princess Twilight has a double, and she can still crossover.” “That’s because most of the school knows that there’s two Twilights, and if anyone outside of school asks, we can play it off as a Twilight having a twin sister, but it only works if both are in on it, if we run into another you, she’ll most likely freak out,” Sunset explained. “And that would lead to a whole lot of explanations that I don’t really need to get into with law enforcement or anybody else higher.” Starlight frowned, but relented, seeing the trouble it would cause to her new friend if she did. “Alright, but promise I can come over at least once?” “Sure, I may need to come back soon. The pages in my journal are running low and I might have a need to come back for a new one,” said Sunset with a smirk. Starlight smirked as well, bumping her shoulder against the other mare’s. Sunburst couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction, they barely interacted that much and already Sunset and Starlight were practically best friends, or partners in crime depending on the situation. The stallion glanced back at the strand of Sunset’s mane, his mind still wondering what was to come if this really did reveal a link between them. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** By the next morning, the day had come to say goodbye. The Riders all gathered together within the throne room of Canterlot Castle, the Princesses, Sunset, and all their friends exchanged goodbyes with each Rider. “Now do try and take better care of yourself and your appearance, Eiji. Just because you are a traveling nomad, doesn’t mean you have to look like a vagabond,” said Rarity. Eiji chuckled as he spoke, “I’ll try, Miss Rarity, with the spells you put on my clothes that shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” Pinkie Pie and Oren were exchanging bear hugs, with the pink party pony lifting the minotaur off the ground, and then seesawing with Oren doing the same. Oren looked at Pinkie and gushed, “Oh little Rosé, I wish I could take you back with me!” “Oh, I know, but don’t worry, I’ll be sure to make all the pastries that you shared with me!” Pinkie stated. “And so shall I!” Oren replied. The rest of the Armored Riders chuckled at the display. “If you guys ever have another wild party like that, let us know, it’s been a while since we danced like that,” said Mai with fondness. “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing that again,” said Kouta. Mitsuzane nodded his response, missing the days when they were all just regular kids competing in dance competitions, but that was then, this is now. And, honestly, they’ve all grown into better people because of it. Gentaro and Rainbow Dash were busy doing a hoof version of Gentaro’s handshake. Rainbow Dash smirked at the stallion and said, “Next time, y’know, when the world isn’t ending, you and I gotta race. I wanna see who’s faster. Me, or you in that fancy armor.” The pompadour stallion grinned eagerly. “Now that sounds like fun, next time for sure.” Luna nervously stood before Ryusei, rubbing her right foreleg. “Um, Ryusei, if you ever wish to return – just you or you and your marefriend – we’d be happy to have you at the palace. It’s been a long while since I met someone with an affinity for the stars as you have.” Ryusei smiled at Luna and bowed respectively. “Thank you, Princess –” “Just Luna, please,” she interrupted. “Luna, I’ll definitely run that by her when I see her, we’ll most likely come back, with Tsukasa’s help.” Trixie was lingering around Haruto as she eyed his many rings, a look that Haruto could tell was one of wanting. “No, you can’t have any of them.” “B-But any one of these would make my shows even greater than they already are,” said Trixie with a pleading tone. The red dragon crouched and looked Trixie right in the eyes. “These rings aren’t the real magic, Trixie. They’re conduits, for my magic to flow out and wield. They’re not all fun rings, they’re rings I use to help protect people. That is what my magic is for. Your magic is to entertain and make ponies smile, to give hope. You have all the magic you need here.” Haruto pointed to her horn, and then placed his claw at her chest. “And in here.” Trixie’s muzzle burned crimson from hearing that. Nopony had ever said anything like that to her before, not about her magic. “Um…W-Well…Since you put it that way, the Great and Powerful Trixie won’t rely on your trinkets, since Trixie’s above such things.” Haruto chuckled as he said, “Glad to hear it.” Nitoh shook his head, “First that Ryusei, now you.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Haruto asked. “Oh, nothing.” Tsukasa and Sunset shook their heads at their fellow Riders as the laughed. Sunset turned to the veteran Rider and said, “Still wish you could stick around, I could learn a lot from you, and them.” “I’m just a passing through Kamen Rider, remember that. And you’ve learned a lot already, besides, most Riders learn by doing, but I’ll be around.” The Silver Veil appeared, five of them, each one leading to the world where each Kamen Rider hailed from. Gentaro flew up to Sunset and held out his hoof. Sunset figured it out and shook his hoof, she then bumped hooves with Gentaro three times in Gentaro’s friendship handshake – or rather hoofshake. “Don’t forget, you’re not alone, we got your back anytime.” “I know, thanks Gentaro,” said Sunset. The Riders all said their goodbyes as they passed through Veils, disappearing back to their individual worlds. Tsukasa was the last one, he turned to the ponies and gave them a salute, and afterwards he took a picture of the group. Tsukasa smiled at the new group of friends and entered the Veil. Although the Riders had left their world, what had transpired her in Equestria would not be forgotten. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** The train ride back to Ponyville was a steady one, which was fine by most of them. After two days ago, a little bit of nice and easy was in order. Discord had offered to teleport them back to Ponyville, but they weren’t in a hurry, unfortunately, today was the last day for Sunset, and she would need to return back to Earth before Monday rolled around. So, they decided drag it out as long as possible, especially since she hadn’t spent any real time with the pony counterparts of her human friends. I really need to think of a way to thank Ms. Harshwhinny when I see her again, she really went out a limb to let me get of school for a week, Sunset thought. “Twilight told us about the other us’ back in that other world, but since you’ve been there longer, you gotta tell me what the other me is like!” Rainbow stated. Sunset chuckled as she could already tell the similarities between both Rainbow Dashs. “Well, she’s definitely younger than you – pretty much all your doubles are teenage girls – so she’s still got a lot of growing to do. I can definitely tell that you’re more mature than her.” Rarity coughed loudly. “That’s relative, considering her insistent need to pull pranks, and especially that twenty-eight-day long streak of pranks.” Rainbow sighed. “Okay, okay, I remember, and I learned my lesson. Sheesh. But anyway, what’s she like?” “A lot like you, she’s athletic, the captain of every sports team at the school, and most loyal friend you’ll ever have. She’s also my partner,” said Sunset. Rainbow raised an eyebrow as a strange grin appeared on her muzzle. “Oh, you’re ‘partner’, huh? I guess I could see us together, you are pretty hot.” Twilight and Sunset’s cheeks tinted red, and at the same time, Twilight’s wings floofed. “Rainbow, Sunset means your double is her partner in crime fighting, she’s a Kamen Rider too!” Twilight clarified. Rainbow shook her head and stared at Sunset in shock. “What?! No way, I’m – I mean – she’s a Kamen Rider!” Deciding to just focus on the non-embarrassing portion of the conversation, Sunset answered, “Yes, she’s called Nasca, and she’s crazy fast, and can fly with her powers. We had a bit of a rough start, but we worked it out and now we make a pretty bada – I mean – we kick a lot of monster butt.” Sunset remembered the company she was in. “Oh I so gotta go there and meet me!” Rainbow tapped her hoof against her chin. “Also, I’m curious about how I look, Twilight described, and even drew out what she looked like, but I’d like to get to know my other self…personally.” Sunset could practically see the lewd undertones of that statement. One thing apparenly universal, no matter what universe, Rainbow Dash was a bit of pervert. Not that Sunset had room to call her out on it, being a bit of one herself. “Onto something a little less…ahem…rude, tell me about myself? Does she also design clothes as well?” Rarity asked. “Yep, she works in a pretty fashionable clothing store, and creates the bands’ outfits for our special performances. Otherwise, she’s aspiring to be a fashion designer, and considering the success you’ve had here, I don’t doubt that that same drive is in her as well,” said Sunset. Rarity giggled happily. “It’s to be expected I suppose, the other me is a teenager, and I really didn’t start Carousel Boutique until I was just a tad bit older and started to live on my own.” The rest of the train ride was spent with Sunset Shimmer regaling them with the tales of Canterlot High, all their ups and downs, their recent confrontations with the Dopants, as well as the people they helped along the way. Applejack could’ve sworn she saw a tear fall from Applejack’s face when she told them about the Puppeteer Dopant Incident, which involved her fillyhood friend Coloratura. Apparently, they had a similar incident a while back, but she did find it a bit surprising when Sunset told her that that Coloratura had a crush on Applejack. Making the farm mare wonder if their Coloratura felt the same. “I wouldn’t stress it, Applejack. If that’s how your Coloratura feels, she’ll tell you, it took a bit for the one on Earth to final admit it to your double,” said Sunset. “Yeah, probably best Ah let it happen naturally, heck, for all Ah know, my Rara don’t swing that way,” said Applejack. Sunset might’ve been imagining it, but she swore she heard just the tiniest bit of sadness. Did Applejack have a crush on this pony version of the popstar? Best to keep that under wraps from my AJ for now. Eventually, the train pulled into Ponyville Station, and the group disembarked, all happy to be home. The ponies of Ponyville cheered for the hero who saved their world, Kamen Rider Unicorn, or rather Sunset Shimmer. The sun-yellow mare blushed at the attention, it felt nice to have people – ponies – appreciate all she had done. The girls went their separate ways, some went back to doing their normal routines, while some decided that after the battles and the partying, that it might be best to just sit at home and relax. Starlight, Spike, Twilight, and Sunset returned to the castle. Sunset had gone to her room and gathered her things into her saddlebags, sighing as she prepared herself, mentally, to return back to Earth. Sunset admitted it, she was going to miss Equestria, especially the magic, using it was like second nature, but every instance that she could use it was exhilarating. However, if she was honest with herself, she also missed her home on Earth, more specifically, she missed her friends. Even though their doubles were right here in Ponyville, they didn’t share the same experiences, those same experiences that made them unique in comparison. “Still wondering if you want to go back?” Sunset turned around and saw Starlight standing in the doorway. “Kind of.” “You don’t have to sound ashamed, Equestria’s your home. Plus, considering that you and Princess Celestia are on better terms again, and the fact that you’re a hero, you could stay.” Sunset smiled at Starlight. “Yeah, I could. But after a while, that world is also home to me. Even with the minimal amount of Equestrian magic seeping through, it’s where my friends are. It’s also where I turned my life around for the better. I feel like I can do more good there, too. Not just as a Kamen Rider, but as just me. I know it sounds egotistical to think that I can make that big a change on my own…” “I don’t,” said Starlight. “Anything big starts small, and it starts from somepony wanting to help others.” The fiery maned mare smiled at Starlight. “Spoken like a student of Princess Twilight.” Starlight escorted Sunset to the library, where Twilight and Spike awaited. The journal was floating in Twilight’s magic, waiting until Sunset arrived to place it into the portal machine. “I wish your vacation wasn’t so hectic and stress inducing, maybe next time you visit you can have a proper vacation.” Sunset couldn’t help but laugh, in retrospect, this whole week was absurd. Fighting villains from other dimensions, meeting other Kamen Riders, and in the end obtaining a new power that was sure to come in handy in the future. “It was a crazy vacation, and yet, I don’t feel like it was a total mess. I kind of feel refreshed, in a different way though. But I’m more than likely going to go back to my loft and sleep until the Monday morning.” “You definitely earned it,” said Spike. Sunset nodded to the young drake. “Thanks, Spike. Twilight, I’m ready.” The alicorn mare placed the book into its designated spot atop the portal machine, and immediately the contraption whirred to life, transferring the magic properties of the book straight to the mirror, and opening the portal to Earth. Sunset hugged Spike, and then hugged Starlight. When it was time for Twilight, the mare sighed and wrapped her forelegs around Sunset. “Don’t forget, you’ll always have friends and family here, Equestria will always be with you,” said Twilight. Sunset let a stray tear fall, but smiled nonetheless. “Thank you, Twilight.” The fiery maned mare separated from the Princess of Friendship and strode up to the portal. She gave on last glance over her shoulder to Spike, Starlight, and Twilight, smiled at them, and turned her head forward and made the plunge. ***___________ X [D] ___________*** “And that’s pretty much all that happened,” said Sunset as she reclined in her sofa. The girls all stared at Sunset, their mouths hanging open, eyes wide as saucer plates, and every now and again they would make a noise that could be construed as an attempt at speaking. Once Sunset had returned from Equestria, she and the girls headed back to her loft, where she regaled them with the tale of her seven days of fighting Nega-Shocker and meeting other Kamen Riders. Needless to say, for the most part, they were practically hanging on every word, even Pinkie Pie sat still in disbelief and sheer awe at the tale she told. After a minute, Rainbow Dash shook her head, snapping herself out of her surprised state, and said, “No way that all happened right? I mean – that’s just – no way!” Sunset reached into her saddle bag and pulled out the three medals she had been awarded for her actions in defending Equestria. And to top it all off, Sunset removed the Shining Memory and placed on the coffee table alongside the medals. The girls stared at the objects, still mesmerized by the fact that Sunset had done all that, and became a national hero for it, and acquired a powerful Gaia Memory to boot. “Wow…you…uh…wow,” Applejack managed to say. “Dear, it doesn’t sound like you had the chance to relax at all,” said Rarity. Sunset couldn’t help but laugh. “Ha, ha, you’re right, you’re right. I had some moments, but overall, yeah I was in full hero mode the whole time.” “Jeez, and I thought the monsters we’ve fought were bad. Magic monsters, cosmic monsters, a dark Kamen Rider, and a giant dragon-centaur! I need to sit down,” said Rainbow Dash as she plopped onto Sunset’s lazyboy chair. “Sunny, you need a vacation, from your vacation,” said Pinkie, finally uttering a word after all that. “The pony you would definitely agree. But, still, it’s good to be back. I missed Equestria, but, I can’t deny I didn’t miss this world either. Even with the lack of magic permeating everything, Equestria doesn’t have you guys,” said Sunset. “So, what happened with you guys? I didn’t get any messages, so I assume it was a quiet week?” The others shifted nervously, a sign that Sunset took as a no. In the end it was Pinkie Pie who sat next to Sunset and draped an arm over her shoulders as she spoke. “Well in a nutshell. The city got attacked by three Dopants, Dashie went and fought them, but they kinda kicked her butt. After that we started to go into investigation mode, and Rainbow went rogue to try and find out more, but ended up in the hospital.” At this Sunset’s eyes went wide as she stared at Rainbow Dash with concern, but she withheld barraging Rainbow until Pinkie Pie was done. “After that, she told her parents she’s a Kamen Rider –” “Rainbow Dash –!” Sunset interrupted. “I-I-I didn’t tell them who you were! I just told them that I was a Kamen Rider! I Pinkie Promise!” Rainbow Dash quickly went into the gestures of the solemn oath that was the Pinkie Promise. Sunset looked around the room, a quick round of nods confirmed Rainbow Dash’s story. “Continue.” “And after that she admitted how she was kinda trying to be you and step up, but neglected to think things through. Afterwards she fought them again, and used that Gaia Memory she won off of Lightning Dust to be them, saving two who were innocent and one who wasn’t.” Sunset blinked as she looked to Rainbow Dash again. “You manage to get Accel under control?” Rainbow nodded with pride. Twilight adjusted her glasses and smiled sheepishly. “I’m just glad that you’re safe now, and we’re all glad to have you back, Sunset.” “It just doesn’t feel the same without you,” Fluttershy added. The former unicorn felt her heart swell, despite all she had done in the past. These girls, her friends, would always have her in their hearts, whether she was gone for a little while or…longer. Sunset dismissed that thought, she made her choice long ago, this was her home now, and she  would defend it with all she had. From threats both magical and – Suddenly, a loud explosion ripped the girls from their reunion. Rainbow grabbed the TV remote and switched the channels to the news. {Breaking news from downtown Canterlot City. Moments ago, another mysterious creature appeared and started to attack the city and nearby civilians. We now go live to the situation from our reporter Namby Pamby, Namby, what’s happening?} The image switched to a woman in her mid twenties, she had mint green skin, and long flowing hair that was colored a bright pink, like rosé. Her blue eyes darted from the cameraman and back to the action below as she held the microphone in her hand. {We’re currently over the skies of the city, where a monster is just…shooting off lightning from its body, and seems to be attacking indiscriminately at anyone in its path. The police Special Crimes Unit is currently en route to the scene, but quite possibly, everyone is waiting to see if the city’s masked heroes, Kamen Riders Unicorn and Nasca, are going to appear.} Rainbow Dash scoffed, “Like we’re not going show up – oh. Um, you can hang back Sunset, you already saved a whole world, let me deal with this punk.” Sunset sighed as she stood up, grinning at the girls. “After all that, fighting some lowlife with a Gaia Memory is going to be relaxing. Let’s ride!” Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer ran out of the loft and mounted their bikes, their friends yelling out “Good luck” as they drove away. As they approached the city, Sunset and Rainbow summoned their Drivers and activated their Gaia Memories. < UNICORN! > < NASCA! > “HENSHIN!” they cried as one. > UNICORN! < > NASCA! < A field of electrical energy, colored blue and turquoise, surrounded both girls, donning them in the armor of their heroic personas, Kamen Rider Unicorn and Kamen Rider Nasca. Their bikes had shifted into their supped-up Rider forms, granting them a burst of speed as they tore through the streets, weaving around all the incoming cop cars and emergency service vehicles. Some of the civilian cars parted ways for the two heroes, and some even gave a thumbs up. Unicorn passed by one of the squad cars, and saw Twilight’s big brother, Shining Armor all suited up and ready to combat the Dopant. Their eyes met for a moment, and Unicorn gave the officer a salute before peeling away. The two Riders came a screeching halt as they approached the Dopant. The monster was made of pure lightning energy, with white armor that clasped around his forearms, legs, chest, and face, as if to maintain his physical appearance. The Dopant’s yellow eyes, met the gazes of the two Kamen Riders and growled at them. Equestria was Sunset’s home, it always will be. But she had a second home, here on Earth, where her friends lived, where she changed for the better, and where she can ensure that no one else makes the same mistakes as she once did. Sunset would always call both worlds her home, and just like Equestria, she would defend both with all she had. “It’s good to be back home,” said Unicorn. “Ready, Nasca?!” “Ready, partner,” Nasca replied. “Delivering justice at sonic speeds! Kamen Rider Nasca!” “The Magic of Friendship unleashed! Kamen Rider Unicorn!”