• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,420 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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Community Service

Community Service

“It sounds to me like you got quite a bit of work on your hooves,” Nymph commented as she slowly stirred her coffee to mix in the cream. Coffee was not her favorite drink in the world, but she was still willing to try it since Chrysalis and Luna had an obsession with the stuff. Then again, she thought about how coffee shops were everywhere in every Equestrian city or town she had visited, so maybe it was everypony who was obsessed. “Much more than I anticipated, but this is still good for us.”

“It’s been a real struggle, but I’m doing my best.” Twilight huffed in the crystal ball, looking back at her through a handheld mirror while lying on her bed. “I really owe you for coming to help me, but are you really sure Chrysalis should be here as well? Some ponies still feel uneasy around regular changelings and given what happened in Canterlot, this might actually be a terrible idea.”

“Perhaps their fear of her will unite them,” the queen jested before taking a sip of her drink and then adding more cream. “Don’t tell her I said that, but in all seriousness, it would be good for her. It’s one thing to just walk around, but how about her helping out the citizens of Equestria? Besides, it was safe in Canterlot, so no doubt she will be fine in humble Ponyville. The people of your town were the first to accept Luna and have dealt with countless monsters and other such matters for quite a while. Would Chrysalis walking around really be that much different for them?”

“That is a good point. Chrysalis is looking forward to it, at least.”

“As am I, Young Twilight. As am I.” The bitter drink was much easier for her to handle, but she doubted she would be returning to it in the future. “Well then. Let’s not be letting the day waste away. I will be there shortly.”

“Okay. See you soon, Queen Nymph.” Twilight’s image fizzled out and Nymph took the time to finish her drink. Warping the mug into the kitchen, she magically fetched her cloak and looked in the mirror, ensuring that everything was in place. With perfection looking back at her, she was ready to go.

Nymph stood in the middle of her room, concentrating intensely as she channeled her spell. She had been practicing her magic now and then, mostly the teleportation spell, but she never needed to go so far away and the thought of trying it made her uneasy. She did some practice over the last few days so she could visit Chrysalis if she wanted to and it was time to put it to the test. She pictured Twilight’s room in her mind and unleashed her spell. Green flames swirled around her and when they parted, she was now in her intended destination. “I did it! I-” She didn’t catch that she was above the floor, more specifically right above Twilight, and dropped onto the pony with a loud thud. Nymph’s head spun for a moment before she got on her hooves.

“I see you’ve been practicing teleportation,” Twilight complimented as she picked herself up, groaning under her breath.

“Sorry, Twilight. I guess I have to be more specific on where I want to go.” Nymph laughed nervously as she took a look around. “Is Chrysalis here yet? Please tell me she didn’t see that.”

“Not yet. I was waiting for you to arrive before bringing her. We need to get Spike also before we go.” Twilight was the first to leave the room, mumbling something while pressing a hoof on her back, and Nymph thought about what book she could send her as an apology gift. “So how has Canterlot been?”

“With the news of Chrysalis dying down, I’d say just as dull as back home, but at least the change of scenery is pleasant. I used to complain about having so many duties as queen, but it was something that kept my hooves busy. Celestia and Luna would make lovely company if Celestia wasn’t so busy and Luna…well, I think that’s a little obvious. But I didn’t come all this way just to see them, but to be with my precious sister, no matter how infrequent our visits are.”

“You two haven’t been spending any time together?” questioned Twilight, now walking on all fours.

Nymph faintly flinched, but while Twilight was good at reading books, she was not as talented with faces. “I am afraid not. When she’s not working her job, she’s either too tired or has plans with Luna. I keep telling her that she should just take some time off from her matchmaking business, but Chrysalis is so adamant about it.” She involuntarily gulped. “It is possible she is avoiding me?”

“No, I don’t think that’s it at all. She’s been helping so many ponies find love for quite a while now and I’m sure she realizes how crucial it is to maintain high levels of love for changelings to feed off of.” Twilight let out a soft giggle, catching Nymph’s attention. “Don’t tell Cadance, but I think Chrysalis has been spreading a lot more love than she has. At least in the romantic sense.”

“Oh, that is rich indeed,” Nymph commented and the both of them laughed. A devious smile then crept onto the queen’s lips. “It’s nice that you think that Chrysalis is such a great cupid. Perhaps you should consider-”


Nymph was taken aback by the sudden response. “No? But Twilight, love is-”

“No,” the alicorn repeated in the exact same voice and Nymph could sense several negative emotions beginning to bubble. “Last time I tried her dating advice, she tried to destroy my friendship with Trixie and even though we became friends again, she and all of my friends still think that we are meant to be, despite my obvious protests, and it will never go away. Sometimes when I visit Rarity, she suddenly asks me if I have heard from Trixie, and even though she denies it, I know she’s trying to make us a couple.” The look in Twilight’s eyes slowly became more intense. “Do you have any idea how horrible it is to constantly have your friends pressure you into getting into a relationship that you have no interest in?”


“And then after that first incident with the other world, my friends and even Cadance keep telling me I should be dating Flash, even though I only got to meet him for a little bit, and he’s not even the Flash of this world! I mean, he’s a nice guy and kinda charming, but then Spike had to open his big mouth to my friends about what we almost did during my second visit! Pinkie in this world has already written fanfiction about us, which she forced me to read! I mean, slow down for a second! That’s a little too much! Who even writes that stuff about their friends anyway!? That’s too weird for even Pinkie Pie! Suddenly Cadance sending me pictures of stallions in the mail looks normal!”


“And now I have all these changelings hitting on me and sending me marriage proposals in the mail! My parents somehow found out and now keep asking me about why I never date anypony, like as if it’s a real problem! If anypony found out I was going to a dating service, then it would be all over the newspaper and then everypony would be knocking down my door because they’d think I’m looking for a coltfriend and then I’ll never be left alone!” She grabbed Nymph, shaking her and making the world around her a total blur. “Why can’t everypony just mind their own business and let me do things at my own pace!? WHAT IS SO WRONG ABOUT BEING SINGLE!?”

Twilight at last fell silent, save for her panting that sounded as if she just finished a marathon. Nymph, eyes wide with shock, slowly pressed her hoof against the pony to push her away “Well, Twilight, you have me completely convinced. I agree that ponies should mind their own business and not bother the mare who is a totally normal and sane princess.”

Realizing what she had just done, Twilight quickly backed away and used her wings to hide her face. “Uh…what were we talking about again? Something about magic physics?”

“Let’s just forget about it.”

Neither of them said a word as they continued toward the entrance of the castle and soon found Spike in one of the hallways, sweeping the crystal floors. The thought of a dragon servant was something that always brought amusement to Nymph given what she had read about the terrifying beasts back when she was far younger. “Next time we get a new home, I hope it only has one room,” he muttered to himself, sweating as he continued his chore. “Why does Twilight have to be so stingy to not buy a cleaning staff? I’m too young to have two jobs.”

“Because I don’t know if I want strangers constantly in my house.” Spike quickly turned to Twilight and she set his broom aside. “You can finish that later. I need you to go get those letters I have been saving for today. You know, the important ones?”

Spike scratched his head. “But I thought you threw out all the marriage proposals. Isn’t that what you do after you read them?”

Twilight immediately stammered and her reaction was made worse when Nymph leaned toward her, giving her a smug look. “N-not those! The other letters I have been saving! The ones about the ponies and changelings having problems!”

“Oh, right! I’m on it!” Spike ran off down the hall.

Right as he vanished, Nymph leaned in closer to the alicorn, clearing her throat to get her attention. Twilight turned to her, but instantly became uncomfortable when the changeling gave her another playful grin. “I-I-I’m going to go fetch Chrysalis, so just wait here and stop getting the wrong idea! NONE OF THIS MEANS ANYTHING!” The princess disappeared from the room in a burst of light, leaving the queen alone to her laughter. Soon, both residents of the castle returned with Spike carrying a stack of letters in a bag hanging over his shoulder and Twilight accompanied by Chrysalis, who wore the disabled magic blocking ring given to her by Luna. Seeing Chrysalis appear brought a sense of joy to Nymph, but some anxiety as well. The alicorn straightened her posture and looked toward Chrysalis, giving no attention to Nymph. “Now that we’re all here, are we ready?”

“I think it’s Ponyville who needs to be ready,” Chrysalis joked. “But there’s no point in delaying the inevitable. Let’s go and give ponies nightmares.”

“It will be fine,” Nymph said optimistically, giving her a friendly bump on the shoulder. “Like anyone here is going to try anything against you. If Spike could go a rampage through the town and still live here without problems, then I don’t see how it could go badly for you.” She couldn’t help but notice how Twilight was glaring at her suddenly.

“I have already announced that Chrysalis would be visiting,” Twilight said rather bitterly. “It went a little better than I expected, but people are still on edge, both ponies and changelings. Unlike your visit in Canterlot, today we’ll be actively helping the people with some problems they have to ensure they get along.”

“It seems rather odd that somepony of your authority would meddle in such trivial matters like bickering between neighbors,” addressed Chrysalis as she took out the stack of letters. “Aren’t there more important duties for you to attend to? With your title as the Princess of Friendship, you should be doing things like…like…oh. Wow, no wonder you don’t do much as princess.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Twilight said bluntly, ignoring the snickering from her friends. “Ponyville’s residents are still trying to keep the peace, but this and that keeps coming up to cause tension. Even if they don’t end up being friends, at least solving problems should keep them from becoming enemies.”

“Already this is an improvement over last time,” Nymph chimed. “What are we waiting for? Spike, show us one of the letters so we can improve the lives of Ponyville’s fine citizens!”

Spike took back the letters as they stepped out of the palace and walked into town. As he randomly took a letter out, Nymph took notice the people once they had entered Ponyville. All they did was just pass by while giving them odd looks or simply turn the other direction. The lack of screams was already a good sign. Spike tore an envelope open with his claw and quickly skimmed through the letter. “This one says that they are having trouble with a changeling neighbor who is endangering their life by keeping bees and requests that Twilight forces him to remove them.”

Nymph peeked over his shoulder, taking a quick look at the letter. “Bees? Really? This is what ponies write to a royal princess about?”

“It doesn’t matter what the situation is. I’ll do whatever I can to help. Even the smallest problems can grow into a big one if left unchecked.” Twilight took the envelope and put Spike onto her back. “I recognize the street, so follow me.” The princess took off into the air and the two changelings followed.

A short moment later, Twilight managed to locate the street and they landed. Citizens in the area all had their eyes on the group, but none of them fled in terror. Chrysalis looked at all the attention she was getting and nervously waved at them, causing them to go back to their regular routine or to just walk away. Twilight led them down the street, checking the addresses until they found the one written on the envelope. They walked up to the door of one of the many similar houses found in Ponyville and Twilight knocked. Shortly after, a green earth pony mare with a short, curly orange mane and tail answered. “Princess Twilight! I’m so glad you finally came!” She looked at her company before her eyes landed on Chrysalis. “And now I have to ask you to leave! FOREVER!” The door slammed right in front of them and they could hear her hollering from the other side.

“Odd. I got exactly what I was expecting,” Chrysalis shrugged at them. “That usually doesn’t happen to me.”

“Perhaps the neighbor will be more calm towards seeing you, being one of us,” suggested Nymph. They walked over to the other house and Nymph knocked this time. A changeling stallion with a long brown mane and tail opened the door, stunned by who came to visit. “Good morning, my subject! I understand that you and your neighbor have been having difficulties as of lately and we have come to help resolve this matter.”

He merely stared at them before realizing that he was spoken to. “Uh…yes! My pain in the flank neighbor has been on my case about…about…why is she here again?”

“Don’t mind me,” said Chrysalis. “I’m just here to help. You were saying?”

“It might be better if I show you.” He exited and they stepped around into the backyard, discovering a tree with a very large beehive hanging off one of the branches. Although they were a good distance away, the sound of buzzing rang in their ears. Over the wooden fence surrounding the entire yard, Nymph could see ponies keeping a large distance from the house while changelings were unaffected. “Ever since I moved here, my neighbor has gone on and on about how my bees are a menace. Every day she complains about how they’re so dangerous and I gotta think about the health of ponies. It’s driving me crazy and I just to want her to leave me and my bees alone.”

Twilight held out the letter. “She wrote to me about it, pleading that I had your bees evicted and-”

“Evicted!?” he shouted, startling them. “You can’t do this to me! I am a good Equestrian citizen! I have every right to keep them here on my property! If you take them away, how am I supposed to make a living? Look. I’ll show you how friendly they are!” He trotted over to the hive and waved to them. “Come and see for yourself!”

Nymph stepped over to him along with Chrysalis, but she realized that her other companions remained put. “Is something the matter?”

Twilight took a step back. “Uh…I don’t think I want to get too close. I kind of have a fear of being stung.”

The queen huffed. She could never understand what it was with ponies and bugs. How could they be possibly so afraid of creatures much smaller than them? Whether it was bees, spiders, or even ants, ponies seemed to act so helpless against something they could easily squish or outrun. Perhaps it was their soft, feeble flesh that made them feel so defenseless. “Twilight, they’re just bees, not mindless feral animals.” The pony stepped back once more, shaking her head.

“Do any of you get the feeling that we’re being watched?” Chrysalis looked at the mare’s house, catching a pair of eyes watching them that quickly hid when looked upon. “Would you kindly step outside?” she called. “We’re here about the bee problem!”

The back door opened as the mare stepped outside, slowly approaching the fence between herself and Chrysalis. However, the beekeeper changeling stormed over in front of the former queen. “I can’t believe you called the princess and queen on me! You’ve gone too far!”

“What else was I supposed to do!?” the pony shouted back. “You insist on keeping those dreadful things right there and I’m allergic to them! This is a life or death situation for me!”

“My bees are highly domesticated! They will not sting anypony unless they are provoked or if I use the command to have them attack someone like I trained them to.”

“You can’t train bees!”

As the two of them continued arguing, Nymph motioned Chrysalis over to Twilight. “So what is the verdict, Princess Twilight? You’re more familiar with the laws here than I am.”

“It’s tricky. On one hoof, she has every reason to be afraid of those bees since she is allergic. I’m honestly on her side because anything could provoke them into a frenzy and become very dangerous. On the other hoof, unless they attack somepony, we cannot forcibly remove them because he has ownership. The changeling needs them to make a living and I don’t think the pony would want to move away, so I need to think about this..”

“Move away?” repeated Nymph while staring at the hive. “Maybe there’s a way to satisfy both parties” She whispered into Chrysalis’s ear her plan and then nudged her in the direction of the arguing neighbors.

The two were in the middle of arguing over something along the lines of how bees differed from wasps before Chrysalis loudly cleared her throat, silencing them. “Having studying the bees in question, I conclude that they are in fact domesticated. You may not believe it, young mare, but we changelings do have a special connection with bugs. Bees are common for changelings to keep for their delicious honey and they can be easily trained as he claims.”

“See? I told you there was nothing to worry about.” The changeling stuck his tongue out, causing the mare to growl and shake her hoof.

“But I’m afraid they will still have to be removed.”

He whirled around. “But you said they were safe!”

“I said they were tamed, not safe.” Chrysalis motioned a hoof around her. “In my opinion, this area is too heavily populated to keep around a large hive. There is a great chance that one pony may accidently do something to disturb the hive and were they to be harmed, the legal system would rain down on your head since you claim ownership of them, meaning you yourself are responsible for their actions. Besides, would you really risk the health of your neighbor or any other pony?”

He kept looking to his neighbor. “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

“Don’t sound so glum, my former subject. What we are going to do is relocate them to another tree elsewhere outside of town.”

The changeling’s face beamed with hope. “Really? That’s all?”

“Of course. You get to keep your bees and your neighbor can sleep easier. Does that sound like a good deal?”

“I can’t argue with that!” Chrysalis held out her hoof and he happily shook it. “Thank you, Chrysalis!”

Chrysalis then held it to the mare. Nymph eyes grew in anticipation and leaned forward. This simple gesture from a simple pony was all she wanted. Her body convulsed more and more with every passing second. The mare lifted up her hoof and shook Chrysalis’s. “Thank you, Chrysalis. You have done me a huge favor.”

The queen hopped in place, laughing to herself. At last, real progress was made. A pony outside her circle of friends had accepted Chrysalis as somebody else instead of the dreadful invader many remembered her as. If it was this easy just at the start, she couldn’t imagine how Chrysalis would be perceived in Ponyville at the end of the day and she was unable to wait any longer. “And we would be delighted to help you relocate them right away!” Nymph magically yanked the hive off the branch. “So where do you think would be a good place to put this? There are some many lovely places here that I can’t decide!” She noticed that they were all staring at her with wide eyes and dropped jaws. “What?” She quickly figured out the problem when the buzzing next to her amplified tenfold.

“How could this have happened!?” Rarity cried while pulling her mane in absolute frustration. “I am a talented pony! A pony with vision! A pioneer in fashion, even! How could I possibly be completely dry of new ideas!?” She loudly moaned as she fell backwards, landing safely on the couch she pulled up behind her. “I’ve always been able to adapt to the ever changing demands of fashion, but how is this any different? Has something changed about me? Oh, what am I to do?” She placed the back of her hoof against her forehead. “If I don’t come up with a new clothing line for the Gala, it will all go downhill from here! My career is going to reach its end!”

The unicorn whimpered and took a bucket of ice cream. After devouring several comforting bites, she tossed it aside. “No! I must not give in! You have to be strong, Rarity. You have been in ruts before and you’ve always come out on top.” She stood up and walked in front of one of her mirrors. “You designed dresses for your friends for the Gala last year and you will do it again this year! What you need is inspiration!” She closed her eyes, thinking intensely of possible themes. She thought of flowers, crystals, rainbows, ice cream, alicorns, and changelings, but her efforts were fruitless.

Desperate, Rarity fell onto her knees and reached for the sky. “Oh, heavens above! Aid me in my time of need! Show me something that will inspire me into creating something beyond imagination!” Suddenly, she heard some noises coming from outside her home. She gasped happily and galloped to her window. “My prayers have been answered!” She pressed her face against the glass, eager to witness what blessing was bestowed upon her.

Outside was a frenzy of ponies, screaming and scattering as an uncountable number of bees swarmed them. The buzzing was so loud that she couldn’t possibly hear what anypony was saying amongst the madness. All of a sudden, a pegasus covered with swollen bruises slammed against her window. “CALL AN EXTERMINATOR! TARTARUS HAS BEEN UNLEASHED!” She slowly slid down the glass, disappearing from sight.

Rarity slowly closed the curtains, smiling funnily as her eye twitched and her mane became an even bigger mess. “A dreeeeeeeeam!” she suddenly said loudly. “Now it all makes complete sense why I can’t come up with anything! None of this madness is real! I must have tired myself out while working on a design that will surely take Equestria by storm! I’ll just go lie down and when I wake up, everything will be back to normal!” She trotted up the stairs, humming loud enough to block the screams from outside, and entered her bedroom.

Over an hour was spent to overcome the swarm’s wrath that plagued the town. Twilight captured any bee she could find with bubbles while the beekeeper did his best to calm them and return them to the hive. Once that was taken care of, Nymph and Chrysalis used their slime to tend to the injured, soothing the pain and reducing the swelling. The entire time during this ordeal, Nymph felt her face burn just from thinking about how she made such an terrible error. Once the hive was set on a tree at the edge of town, they bid farewell to the changeling and made their way back to town by flying.

“On the bright side, maybe the newspaper won’t be about Chrysalis tomorrow?” Spike said in attempt to comfort Nymph.

“One of you take him before he suddenly falls,” Nymph muttered as she stared at the ground below them.

Chrysalis took the dragon and threw him onto her back. “Don’t beat yourself up too much. It’s only a matter of time until a new disaster comes around and this incident will be long forgotten. Time heals all wounds, including bee stings. Just try to be a little more careful.”

“Just get the next letter,” Nymph sighed.

Spike complied and dug through his satchel. Right as he pulled one out, a pegasus in a mail pony uniform with a saddlebag flew up to them. “Princess Twilight Sparkle?”


He held out a letter to her. “You have an emergency request from Mayor Mare herself, most likely regarding the panic spread through Ponyville.

“Panic?” queried Twilight as she took it. “We just took care of the bees, so everything is under control.”

“No, not that. Something else that has been going on for nearly a week and has the citizens scared. However, we have full confidence in you, Queen Nymph, and Queen Chrysalis. Have a nice day.” The pegasus turned around, but then did a double take. “QUEEN CHRYSALIS!? THAT’S GOING TO MAKE THINGS WORSE!” He bolted into the horizon, screaming hysterically until he was out of sight.

“Oh dear. Should we do something about that?” asked Chrysalis, looking down to find many pairs of eyes looking back.

“Later.” Twilight held the letter to her assistant. “Right now, we have this to worry about.”

Spike snatched the letter from her hoof. “Allow me.” He tore open the envelope and Nymph and Twilight gathered around him. “Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle. We have received word of a deranged changeling ambushing ponies at the edge of the Everfree Forest for the last few days, claiming to want to be friends with them before going berserk and trying to feed forcefully from...from...them…” Nymph noticed Spike staring straight ahead, pupils almost invisible.

Chrysalis blinked as she stared directly back at him. “Spike, why are you looking at me like that? It’s not me!”

“Uh...are you okay, Chrysalis?”

“Yes, why?” Twilight looked to Chrysalis, suddenly putting a hoof over her own mouth to muffle a gasp and a urge to vomit. “You two are starting to make me feel self conscious. Is there something on my face?”

“C-Chrysalis,” the alicorn stammered, “does...your neck hurt?”

Chrysalis rotated her head all the way around. “Not a single kink. Now would you two stop stalling and read the rest of that letter?”

Spike slowly nodded as his eyes moved down back to the parchment in his claws, shivering. “We need this handled before ponies take matters into their own hooves and possibly lashing out at our new neighbors. You’re the only pony I trust in handling this matter peacefully and discreetly. Signed, Mayor Mare.” Spike rolled it back up before gulping. “There’s a crazy changeling attacking ponies!? What are we going to do!?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight answered, pacing around in the air. “Do either of you know what could cause this?”

Chrysalis casually shrugged. “Hard to say. I’d have to see this changeling for myself before I could tell you with certainty. First, we need a plan to catch this maniac.”

Along the way to the Everfree Forest, Twilight and Chrysalis discussed various tactics to take down the local menace with some strategies far too brutal for the pony’s taste. Nymph was more focused on figuring out on what could cause this strange behavior. Love wasn’t certainly a problem for changelings anymore, so what could this sicko be after? She could only hope they would end this problem before things get out of hoof. With further thought, her expression began beaming as she thought of how she could turn this incident into making Chrysalis looking like Ponyville’s hero by keeping the people safe.

They landed on the ground outside the Everfree Forest and Twilight took a moment to survey the area. It looked as normal as any forest, but knowing what lurked within gave it a foreboding aura. “Alright, let’s go over it one more time. This changeling only attacks ponies, so we need the two of you to be in disguise.”

“Not a problem!” Nymph transformed and then noticed how they were looking at her. “What?”

“Any reason you want to be disguised as...Rarity?” asked Twilight.

Nymph flicked her new mane. “Is there something wrong with this?”

“I’m not complaining,” Spike replied, grinning.

“I think it’s perfect. There’s no better damsel in distress that can bring this changeling out of hiding,” teased Chrysalis before turning into Trixie. She moved closer to the princess, bouncing her eyebrows. “Twilight, have you ever seen those horror movies where two ponies are making out outside of town before getting attacked by a creature or crazy pony?”

“No, but I bet you can imitate their screams when I tell Luna what you proposed to do.” Chrysalis jumped away and the queen gave Twilight an approving smile. To see Twilight demonstrate such sass was unexpected, but it was without question satisfying. “Don’t forget to use emotion spells to fool him. We’ll split up to cover more ground and if you see them, just calmly talk them down and send a spell to signal us. Any questions?”

“Can I go with Rar...I mean Nymph?” the dragon quickly asked.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight replied, “Just don’t get too distracted. Let’s meet back here in half an hour.” Twilight entered the forest with Chrysalis beside her toward the right side and Nymph entered along with Spike further to the left.

For about five minutes, they crossed through heavy bushes and some vines coating their path. Nymph was easily able to dispose of these obstacles by summoning a magic sword to cut them down. Why a changeling chose to stay here was a mystery indeed, but she would have her answer as soon as they tracked him down. “So do you think we’re going to be okay?” asked Spike, constantly looking around. “I’m actually freaking out a little.”

Nymph caught sight of a snake slithering toward her. Laughing, she zapped the ground in front of it, prompting it to flee. “Oh, Spike. To be so young. We are some of the strongest mares alive. What can one little changeling do to us?” She placed a hoof on her chest. “We royal changelings are also one of the most deadly predators and I myself am a master huntress.”

“Huntress? Like as in chasing cute little animals until you…” Spike gulped.

“Nothing like bunnies or squirrels, Spike. I find excitement in hunting bigger and more dangerous game. My aim is true with a bow, which is what you would expect from over three hundred and fifty years of experience. I’ve taken down manticores and other beasts with a single arrow countless times.” She glanced down at the dragon, who didn’t look at her and leaked conflicting emotions. “You don’t approve.”

“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to do that to animals. Fluttershy has shown me that just about any animal can be made your friend.”

The queen knelt down and patted his head. “Spike, I know the lifestyles of changelings don’t make entire sense to you or your pony friends, but surely Fluttershy has explained to you the cycle of nature.”

“Yeah. Animals need to eat animals to survive.”

“Exactly. And I don’t just randomly murder animals for sport. I’m not a monster. Changelings have endured starvation for as long as we existed and we know how important it is to use every piece of an animal we slay. Nothing goes to waste.”

“I understand.”

“Good.” Nymph continued descending into the dark forest with her companion trailing behind her. “After all, do you think I can afford to treat myself or my guests with anything less than the finest manticore steaks? And I must remain as the most fashionable changeling in the entire kingdom, so it helps to have a variety of fur clothing ready to impress my subjects. Oh, have I ever shown any of you my trophy room? I should have shown you and the girls my hydra tooth necklace the first time you all visited. And of course, the bones-”

Nymph was cut off by Spike leaping onto her and shaking her. “Wipe my memory!”

“Spike, what’s the matter!?”

His shaking became more intense. “Make me forget! I don’t want to live with the memory of Rarity telling me of how she kills animals to eat them and make clothes from them! Please just do it!”

“Alright, alright! Just settle down.” He released and Nymph began channeling her spell, sighing as she wondered if ponies had similar reactions toward her subjects. She sent a wave of magic directed at his head and his eyes glowed with intense emerald light. When the light faded, she called, “Spike.”

Still in a daze, he grabbed his head and looked at her. “Huh...what? What happened?”

Making a soft giggle, the queen pulled on Spike’s cheek. “A certain dragon was thinking way too hard about a certain pony he likes.”

He pulled back, blushing. “I...didn’t say something embarrassing, did I?”

“Unless you saying how much you love her is, I don’t think so. Now come on. We have a changeling to find.” As they went deeper into the infamous forest, Nymph thought how she could find this subject of hers as if he was one of the animals she often hunted. She took a look at her surroundings, search for signs of anyone passing back recently through the grass or twigs, before noticing the way Spike was looking her over. “I think the real Rarity would not appreciate what you are doing.”

He quickly turned away. “S-sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve been able to see her in person.”

“She mentioned being busy, but it must be serious for her to hide away from even you.”

“It’s because the Gala’s coming up in a few months and she wants to get way ahead on her designs, so she’s locked herself in her house for several days to focus until she has some ideas.” Spike slumped his shoulders. “I’ve seen how she gets when she has artist’s block and I can’t help but feel worried. Do you think she’s okay?”

“Of course. I talk with her on a regular basis.”

“Really? About what?”

Nymph nearly choked. “Uh...just girl stuff. Nothing secret at all! Sometimes we like talking about...uh...you! Yes. She talks about you all the time.”

“Rarity always talks about me!?” Nymph could have sworn he was floating off the ground, but she was too focused on his lovestruck eyes that were so close to her face. “Really!?”

The love coming from this small dragon was overwhelming. Did his kind normally carry around this much love? No doubt he alone could feed a banquet himself with his powerful feelings for Rarity. Nymph couldn’t help but feed off some of his radiating love, feeling certain that Rarity wouldn’t mind. They were lucky to be so far from town, otherwise this could potentially unleash a feeding frenzy. The thought of such of an event suddenly brought a smile from the queen’s lips. “Oh, she just goes on and on about how much she loves her little Spikey-Wikey. She says no pony she has ever met comes close to being as brave or handsome as you and will be so happy when you grow into a big, dashing dragon.” The hearts in his eyes grew even larger. “Why, I’m sure that someday, you two will get married and start a nice family together. Doesn’t that sound lovely?” Spike practically drooled on the ground and Nymph took a step back to keep her hooves clean. With the bait set, it wouldn’t be long until…

“S-s-s-s-s-s-s-so m-m-m-much love!” Nymph whirled around, finding a skinny changeling staggering toward them, slobbering. She bumped Spike with her hoof, quickly removing any feelings of love he had with fear when he noticed the newcomer. The changeling suddenly halted in his path. “Oh! Uh...s-sorry for scaring you like that. I just couldn’t resist all that food I just felt.” He looked at Spike, gasping. “Oh my gosh! Is that a real dragon!? He looks so cool!”

Spike, feeling a boost of confidence, approached the stranger. “You better believe it!” He motioned a claw across himself. “Check out these tough scales.”


The dragon next flexed his arms. “These big biceps.”


“And look at this.” He looked upward and belched out a long stream of flame.

The changeling applauded him. “Wow! Equestria really does have everything!”

“Such as changelings wandering around the edge of the dangerous Everfree Forest,” spoke Nymph as she walked up to him, keeping a careful gaze on him. “What are you doing out here?

“N-nothing. I’m just...admiring nature.” He laughed nervously before pointing a hoof at them. “But what are you doing out here? Awfully suspicious for a pony and dragon to be alone in the forest.” His confidence suddenly dropped. “That is suspicious, right? I haven’t been in Equestria for very long.”

“We’re looking for a craz-” Spike said no more when his mouth was kept shut by a green glow.

“We were on way to take a look at the old castle of the Royal Sisters,” Nymph answered calmly. “It’s a fascinating piece of history, but getting there can be rather troublesome with all the dangerous inhabitants lurking around.”

“The Royal Sisters? You mean the alicorn princesses!? Can I come!?” he asked eagerly.

“Oh...no. We can’t because it...turns out to be manticore mating season!” Nymph lied. “We just suddenly realized this and were about to head back. But let’s talk about you. What are you really doing out here? I know you are not telling us the truth.” His ears pinned against his head as he whimpered. “What’s your name?”


Nymph maintained her gaze as she waited for more. Reverting to her real form would no doubt make him feel even more uneasy, so remaining as Rarity would have to suffice. He seemed normal, if not a little timid, but how was this one little changeling causing so much trouble? Eventually, Spike broke the ice. “So...why do you look so sad?”

“No reason…” he murmured.

“Come on. You can talk to us. We’re all friends here, right?”

Thorax suddenly gasped with his jaw hanging open. “We’re friends!? Really!?”

Unsure of how to answer him, Spike looked up to Nymph. The queen did not feel that Thorax was a threat and this whole incident was no doubt ponies simply jumping to conclusions about changelings, just like the ponies in Canterlot did with Chrysalis. She gave a nod in return and Spike said, “Yeah! We’re pals!”

To their surprise, Thorax suddenly teared up. “Oh, thank you!” He shook Spike’s claw. “This is the greatest day of my...my...gah!” He suddenly stepped back, placing his hooves over his head.

“Thorax, are you alright!?” Nymph cried.

“S-s-so much kindness! I can’t...can’t…” Without any warning Thorax jumped right in front of them, hissing threateningly, and Nymph and Spike backed up into a tree and held each other. “F-f-forgive me!”

“Thorax, wait!” Spike’s cries were unheard as Thorax slowly came closer with threatening hisses and eyes filled with ill intent. “Do something!” Nymph couldn’t process what he had just said to her, still stunned by his sudden monstrous transformation. Her trance was only broken when Spike yanked her mane “Nymph, please!”

The Changeling Queen stood up as her body grew taller, her true form revealed through a flash of green. “STAND DOWN AT ONCE, SUBJECT!” Thorax trembled before her, falling onto the grass and crying softly. Nymph stood over him until she heard the bushes rustling nearby. She ignited her horn and waited for the new company, only for it to be Twilight and Chrysalis. “Behold! I have successfully subdued our lunatic!”

“I am impressed, Nymph. I think you scared off all of the animals in the whole forest.” Nymph blushed as Chrysalis stood over Thorax, pressing a hoof down his chest. “And that settles that. Let’s take him to town and let the guards handle him.”

“Wait! Please! I’m sorry!” He frantically struggled, but Chrysalis was far too strong for him. “I can’t help myself! All of this food is driving me crazy!”

Twilight walked past them to Nymph and Spike. “What exactly happened?”

Spike clung to the princess’s leg. “I don’t know! One minute he was all nervous and stuff and the next he tried to eat us!”

“It’s not my fault! There’s just so many positive emotions in Equestria. I can’t handle it!”

“That’s no excuse for attacking my friends!” Twilight snapped. She conjured purple magical shackles and placed them over his hooves. “As Princess, I-”

“Twilight, release him.”

They all gasped. “But why, Chrysalis?”

“Just do it.” Unwillingly, Twilight released her prisoner. Chrysalis lifted up the feeble changeling magically, who whimpered without being able to look her in the eyes. “Awfully skinny, aren’t you? Lower colony, I presume?”

“How did you know?”

"Most changelings from there don’t eat as much as they should.” She glanced at his stomach and legs, poking and rubbing them as if she was a doctor performing a physical. “You seemed to be rather malnourished.”

“I’ve been soooo hungry,” he whined, clutching his stomach.

“And all those happy ponies must really make your mouth drool.” He weakly nodded. “And when you try to eat, your head feels funny. Almost if you’re not really awake.” Thorax nodded again. ”I know what’s wrong with you.”

“Really? Tell me!”

Chrysalis gently set him down. “Like many of my subjects, you have lived most of your life hungry for love. Being from the lower colonies, you couldn’t afford to pay for as much love as you wanted and were forced to ration it, no matter how hungry you felt. You must have gone on for long period of time without feeling fully sated, but how are you struggling this much here in Equestria?”

Thorax faced the ground, sighing. “I saved up all my money to move here. I really wanted to get to know ponies, but when they started to act friendly to me, I suddenly went crazy. I haven’t been here for even a week and all I’ve done was scare ponies. They said there was so much love in the air in Equestria, but it’s all gone because all the other changelings. I can barely afford to buy any and when I try to secretly drain it from somepony, I get in so much trouble.”

Chrysalis knelt down beside him, rubbing his back “There, there. It’s not your fault.” She stood up and looked at her sister. “Nymph, this is one of the reasons Mother always urged you to go visit all your subjects, including the lowest colonies. You should have known what was wrong the moment you laid eyes on him.”

“Just get to the point,” Nymph groaned. “What exactly is going on with Thorax?”

“When a changeling runs low on love to feed off of, they become rather sluggish and irritable, sort of like regular hunger. However, there is an instinct driven reaction for those who do not sustain themselves properly for too long. When they come across a pony or any creature giving off a large amount of positive emotions, they turn a little feral and feed by force in order to satisfy themselves.”

“So how do we cure him?” asked Twilight.

“He just needs to eat a healthy diet of love and he should be just fine.” Chrysalis magically summoned one of her personal love crystals and held it to Thorax. “Eat as much as you need to. And if you ever need a good meal, I hear that Cupid’s Arrow is a hot spot of love in Ponyville.”

“For me!? Thank you, Queen Chrysalis! It’s just so...hurk...delicious!” He lunged at the crystal and made animalistic noises as he fed off the pure love within.

“I guess that’s case closed.” Twilight watched him feed and looked slightly disturbed. “We should go and tell the mayor that everything is under control now.”

Right as they turned around, Thorax called, “Wait!” He got onto his hooves and ran up to Spike. “Do you still want to be friends? I’ve never been friends with a dragon before! You’re so amazing and I want to learn everything about you!”

Surprisingly, Spike seemed pretty calm this time. “Well I do have so many fans already, so one more couldn’t hurt.” The three mares rolled their eyes as Thorax giddily clapped his hooves. “You’re going to love it here in Ponyville. There’s so much fun stuff to do like stargazing, riding in a hot air balloon, and reading comic books.”

Thorax excitedly ran in place before slowing into a halt. “What are comic books?”

The dragon chuckled as he put an arm around his new friend, leading him towards Ponyville. “You and I are going to have a lot to talk about.”

“We should meet up later so I can take notes for my book! A dragon would be so interesting to write about!”

“Book?” asked Twilight, her ears perking up. “What kind of book are you writing?”

In one of the large holes in his hind legs, Thorax took out a crumpled ball of paper wedged within. “I wanted to make a traveler’s guide to Equestria for any changeling who wanted to live here to help them settle in and learn about this kingdom. Ponyville was the first town I was going to write about, but...it hasn’t gone very well.”

“What have you gotten so far?” Thorax gave Twilight the wrinkled parchment and she opened it. “First day in Equestria and there are so many colorful ponies. I can’t wait to feed on all the love and not feel so hungry anymore. Second day, feeling hungry and strange. Need to find love.” She bit her lip. “This last entry doesn’t even have a date on it. All you wrote were ‘feel funny’ and ‘love tasty’.”

“Love tasty…” he drooled. The remaining light within the crystal dimmed out and Thorax looked up. “I don’t want to be a bother, Your Highness, but do you have any more?”

“Not if I get my crystals back like this.” Chrysalis held the crystal away from her, shivering from the utter amount of saliva coating it. “Nymph, would you mind?”

From under her majestic cloak, Nymph carried several bright green crystals kept as a defensive measure in case she needed enormous amounts of magic to protect herself. Taking one, she knelt down before Thorax. “Here, my subject. Eat as much as you can.” Strangely, Thorax remained still, only looking back at her with big, blue eyes. “Please, I insist you eat! You’re still drooling!”

“O-oh! T-thank you, N-N...Your Majesty.” He acquired it and turned away as he fed. She watched him as he devoured every little drop of love within the crystal, making rather unpleasant noises. Was this what her subjects had been reduced to? She felt like a fool for never knowing this could happen to a changeling, even as she pleaded to the ponies to help feed her kingdom. Deep down, Nymph believed that her ignorance of such things was how Chrysalis turned the people against her in the past.

“Speaking of food,” said Chrysalis, magically lifting Thorax as she walked away, “let’s explain everything about his condition to the mayor quickly and get some lunch. I am simply famished.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Twilight replied as she and Spike followed.

Nymph walked aside the princess and assistant, looking down at them. “You two must take good care of him. I shudder to think what would have happened had we not intervened. He could have been thrown in jail or worse!”

“I think that might be more of Chrysalis’s area,” Twilight replied. “She’s been the one who has been aiding the changelings the most in helping them settle here in Ponyville. A quick visit to Cupid’s Arrow may be all he needs to stop those urges.”

“But you can help him make friends. The poor thing will certainly have trouble after this whole incident.” Her eyes suddenly focused on Spike. “You.”


“Yes. I want you to help Thorax feel as comfortable as possible living here. He’s already drawn to you for your ‘heroic’ qualities, so you better follow up on that friendship offer.”

“Already planning on it! I could always use another member for my fanclub. Speaking of which, I need to tell him about all my heroic deeds!” Spike ran ahead and hopped onto Chrysalis’s back, facing Thorax to run his mouth on his adventure in the Crystal Empire. Thorax seemed to have been hanging onto his every word and Nymph couldn’t help but feel proud about herself. Although she couldn’t use this incident as a way to improve Chrysalis in the eyes of the people, she was nonetheless satisfied with the outcome.

It was a long, agonizing process to simply get hold of the town’s mayor. Upon arriving at the town hall, they had to wait for her to finish with a meeting for nearly an hour. Nymph was appalled that they would dare make royalty wait for some trivial meeting, but Twilight insisted that they do as asked. Finally, they met with Mayor Mare and explained everything to her. She chose to excuse Thorax for the trouble he caused due to his condition and would make a statement later to tell everypony about the supposed maniac. However, Thorax would have to fill out a lot of paperwork, so they said their goodbyes as they left him to his task. Outside, Chrysalis once again suggested lunch and Nymph believed this would be the perfect time to celebrate their recent success.

They flew across town to Sugarcube Corner, which Nymph recalled as Pinkie’s residence and it was fitting too given how it looked on the outside. Stepping inside, Nymph’s nose met with the very pleasant aroma of baked goods fresh from the oven. Some areas of the building were decorated with balloons and banners of cakes, but the real eye catcher was the many treats laid about, including the massive collection behind the counter as well as a familiar face. “Yay! My friends came for a visit! I bet you must be hungry from all the friends you’re making, Chrysalis!”

Before any of them could say anything, a cacophony of pans, silverware, and dishes hitting the floor erupted from the kitchen in the back. Nymph already had a feeling of what was wrong as two earth ponies burst out into the main room. “Honey, grab Pinkie and the children! I’ll buy you some time!” The stout mare did not hesitate to swipe Pinkie and sprint up the stairs.

“Bye!” they heard Pinkie call happily as she disappeared.

Bewildered by the sight, they almost didn’t notice Mr. Cake, at least that what Nymph remembered his name being, hold up a can of bug spray to Chrysalis’s face. “S-stay back! Don’t make me use this!”

“Uh…didn’t they change the formula to keep it from hurting changelings?” questioned Spike.

Nymph realized that he was right when she saw on the label of the can a picture of a smiling changeling with the words “Now changeling approved!” written under it. The frightened pony looked at it, also seeing the problem. “W-well I can still throw it really hard! I’m sure it would hurt a lot!”

“I’m just frozen with fear,” Chrysalis deadpanned. “Please don’t hurt me you big, strong pony.”

“Chrysalis, stop being a smartflank,” scolded Twilight, only to receive a smirk in return. “Mr. Cake, don’t worry about Chrysalis. She’s under my watch and I assure you she won’t try anything. We just came by to purchase some pastries.”

He steadily lowered the bug spray and backed away, although Nymph could sense he was not entirely convinced. Perhaps he only conceded because he stood no choice against all of them. “If you say so, Princess.” The stallion walked over to the stairs and called, “Honey Buns! False alarm! They just want to buy something!”

Mrs. Cake slowly appeared from the upper floor, carrying her children in straps tied to her and Pinkie on her back. She said something to Pinkie and headed down the stairs as her children were returned to their room by the party pony. Her eyes never pulled away from Chrysalis as she went to go stand beside her husband. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Chrysalis offered politely.

“Touch my family and I’ll crack a rolling pin over your skull.”

Nymph rolled her eyes, but to her surprise, Chrysalis looked like she was taken off guard. “I assure you she will do no such thing, pony. Even Pinkie can vouch for her.”

Pinkie popped up from behind the counter, startling everypony. “I sure can!” She leaned over and took the former queen’s head to nuzzle her cheek lovingly. “Chrysie’s one of my bestest friends!”

“Pinkie, you say that about almost everypony,” Mr. Cake stated, looking rather disturbed at the display. “You’re even trying to be pen pals with Tirek.”

“My sister has had a lot of time to bond with your employee and she seems to have a rather positive influence on her,” the queen said warmly. “Besides, we’re only here for a short visit. Could you perhaps provide us with your services?”

The couple looked at each other before turning to Chrysalis, who Pinkie still clung to. “Well...what would you like?” asked the mare.

Chrysalis freed herself from Pinkie’s affection and studied the menu. “I will have some frosted brownies and a large hot chocolate.”

The queen gasped, “Chrysie, good heavens! How could you do that to yourself!? No wonder you have...er…”

Chrysalis glared at Nymph. “I have what, exactly?”

“She thinks you’re getting fat!” Pinkie answered, followed by giggles from her and Spike.

Chrysalis harrumphed and turned back to the counter. “It’s true I’ve put on some pounds living in Equestria, but I think it’s an improvement. You may not believe it, Nymph, but some people do like mares with curves.”

“Oh Celestia yes,” Mr. Cake replied a little too excitedly. Everyone stared at him silently before he slowly got back to filling out the order.

“Do any of you want anything?” asked Mrs. Cake, still keeping careful watch of the older changeling.

“I’ll take two gem cupcakes,” answered Spike.

“I’ll have a chocolate malt with a glazed doughnut,” said Twilight. Cup Cake took out a doughnut from a box while Pinkie zipped into the kitchen, coming out a moment later with the malt and cupcake prepared.

“I’ll pass,” Nymph stated firmly.

“Come on, live a little,” suggested Spike before taking a bite out of his treat. “This tastes sooooo good! You have to try it.”

Looking at the treat caused Nymph’s mouth to water slightly, but she turned away. “I will not give in to temptation.” Spike raised a cupcake closer to her face and she backed away. “It’s becoming clear that you have had an influence on Twilight since she left the palace, but you cannot sway me!”

Twilight choked on her milkshake and quickly looked at herself, pressing a hoof against her stomach. “W-what do you mean by that!?”

“You’re just as uptight as ever,” Chrysalis snarked. “Always so self conscious of your body and worrying of how people see you. I guess some things never change.”

“You really need to try something!” urged Pinkie. “One bite won’t hurt. Even Celestia likes to eat cake and she’s one of our biggest customers!”

“Pinkie, I really hope you meant in a business sense.” The earth pony took a moment to think her words over as Nymph turned to the couple. “Fine. If I absolutely must have something, I will have your freshest sugar-free, fat-free, gluten-free, no calorie treat in stock.”

The couple turned to each other, both emanating confusion. “Uh...whatever you say, Your Highness.” The stallion made his way to the back with his spouse in tow. “We’ll have exactly what you want in just a moment.”

Once they exited into the kitchen, Pinkie hopped over the counter to the two changelings. “So are you making a ton of friends, Chrysie!? I bet everypony is so excited to meet you! It’ll be just like when we had to introduce Discord to everypony except with less fish and maracas.” Pinkie suddenly gasped and covered her mouth. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to say his name!”

“It’s not that exciting, but I can say that things are looking up,” answered Chrysalis, although she practically hissed her words.

“But exciting is always good! We should have thrown a party to welcome you to Ponyville!”

“Pinkie, that’s a sweet idea,” said Nymph, “but we can’t be reckless. Could you imagine what would happen when you throw a bunch of ponies together, get them full of sugar, have them run wild, and to suddenly have Chrysalis appear? The town wouldn’t survive it!”

“Wow. That sounds like one heck of a party!” Seeing the harsh looks she was getting, Pinkie said, “Well, a bad one, but still pretty crazy! Besides a party, is there anything I can do to help?”

“I think convincing the Cakes that Chrysalis isn’t a threat would be good,” answered Twilight, putting down the empty glass. “Every pony counts in this.”

“Can do!” Pinkie gave her a salute. “I think a song would be the perfect way to help soothe them into accepting her!” She ducked down and pulled out a large stereo, cranking the volume to max.

Right before pressing the power button, Nymph magically pulled Pinkie away. “Perhaps it would be better if I were to do it myself. After all, who better knows Chrysalis than her own sister?”

“Good thinking!” Pinkie stashed away the stereo. “I didn’t even have a song ready anyway. I was just kinda going to wing it.”

Rather than ask, Nymph headed for the kitchen. She stopped right outside the double doors, catching the couple in the middle of a conversation. “I think Princess Twilight has things under control,” said Mr. Cake. “We used to be afraid of Princess Luna and Discord, but she helped turn them around. I guess that what it means to be the Princess of Friendship.”

“It still doesn’t make it any easier,” Mrs. Cake commented as she dug around in the pantries. “Why does Pinkie have to always bring the weirdest people here? Queen Nymph I feel fine around, but Chrysalis? We have children to think of!”

The stallion placed a hoof on her back. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll just fill out this order and she will be out of here. I trust Twilight and I trust Pinkie.” He then held his wife in a hug. “It’s going to be okay.”

The mare nuzzled against his chest. “Thanks, sweety. I feel a little better.” Nymph couldn’t help but smile, tasting so of the delicious love suddenly in the air. “It’s funny,” Mrs. Cake said suddenly, “but Chrysalis does kind of remind me of somepony I know. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.”

Her husband looked up. “Now that you mention it, she really does seem...familiar. Have we met her before?”

They broke the hug, each deep in thought. “The way she talks, the way she acts. It rings a bell, but where have we seen this before?”

Nymph hurried away from the door and back to her friends, who were laughing to whatever joke Pinkie was telling them. “We have a problem! They’re catching on that Chrysalis could be Cherub!”

Gasping for almost ten seconds straight, Pinkie shouted, “How did they figure out!? Her disguise is like the best I have ever seen!”

“I think I haven’t separated my real personality enough from my false identity, so of course they would figure it out.” Chrysalis groaned and banged her head against the counter. “We need to think of something before they find out!”

“Everyone remain calm!” Twilight dug into Spike’s bag, pulling out a small scroll, which she handed to Chrysalis. “I had a feeling this could happen, so I made a backup plan!”

A few minutes later, the Cakes returned carrying Chrysalis’s brownie and hot chocolate. For Nymph, the wife gave her a danish. “Here you are, Your Highness. It’s exactly what you wanted.”

Nymph picked up the pastry, looking at it closely. “This looks like a regular danish.”

“I-it’s part of the design,” Mrs. Cake quickly said. “It’s to help ponies on a diet not feel like they’re missing out. It even tastes like a real danish, too!”

The changeling’s eyes bounced between the danish and the couple, who were both grinning for some reason. Why were they so afraid? Perhaps they merely wanted the approval of a changeling of her status. That must have been the only reason. “My, you ponies sure have an interesting way to make food.” She took a bite, finding it to be very satisfying. “I must say, this is excellent!” Right as she turned away, they both sighed with relief.

“How’s the hot chocolate?” Pinkie asked Chrysalis. She leaned closer toward the brownie in the changeling’s hoof, licking her lips, but Chrysalis pulled it away.

“Tis most satisfying,” she answered loudly. “It is a drink suited for a royal changeling such as myself for I, Chrysalis, would not stoop to drinking anything vulgar.” She took a sip. “As much I would love to stay longer to dine on more delicacies, I’m afraid I must make haste and depart from you.”

“Princess, why is she talking like that?” Mr. Cake whispered to the alicorn.

“That’s just Chrysalis for you. She likes to mix it up now and then.” Twilight leaned closer to them to whisper, “I think living so long as a pony has affected her mind a little.”

“Come, fellow companions. We must make the most of the remaining daylight. I, Chrysalis, cannot let my subjects down!” She then trotted out the door, no doubt embarrassed and wishing to flee as swiftly as possible.

“Thank you for your services,” said Nymph as she gave them their payment. “Have a nice day.”

“You too!” said Mrs. Cake as she and her husband waved to them as they exited.

Once they were gone, Pinkie slid across the counter, grinning at them. “So? Isn’t Chrysalis great and totally not like what you were thinking?”

“Uh...sure. Whatever you say, Pinkie.” Carrot took his wife and headed for the kitchen. “Hey, Cup Cake. I need you to help me with that thing that I need help with.” They entered the other room with Pinkie looking at them oddly. With nopony else around, she crept toward the door and peeked inside. “Well there’s our proof. It’s just so much to take in.”

“I can’t believe it. We were completely right about her.” Pinkie backed away from the door, biting her hooves as sweat came pouring down. “Who would have thought Chrysalis was really Trixie the whole time!?” Pinkie froze, perplexed, then zipped right beside the door. “Wait, does that mean it was Chrysalis trying to seduce Twilight? Was Trixie ever real in the first place? This is so confusing!” With the threat averted, Pinkie wiped the sweat off her forehead and bounced to the cash register, giggling to herself.

“Twilight, please don’t ever make me do that again,” said Chrysalis before taking the last sip of her drink and tossing it into a trash can. “I sounded as ridiculous as your friend Trixie.”

“Sorry, but it was the only plan I had prepared. At least there’s no way they’ll think you’re Cherub now.”

“As fine as that all is, shouldn’t we be getting around to another letter?” asked Nymph, savoring another bite of her treat. She would be sure to drop by Sugarcube Corner more often to purchase more of their healthy desserts. “I feel that we’ve been getting sidetracked.”

“I’ll get right on it,” Spike answered as he went to grab one.

Down the road of the residential area they were passing through was a little changeling filly playing with a ball near her house. She happily bounced it in her hooves, giggling as she chased after it. Suddenly, when she threw it into the air, a young, white pegasus colt leapt out and snagged it. “Hey!” She ran to grab it from him, but he threw it over her head to a blue pegasus colt. “Give it back!”

“Why don’t you make us?” They both laughed as the changeling attempted to retrieve her stolen toy. She even tried to fly for it, but they too took into the air. When she realized how futile is was, she landed onto the group and erupted into a crying fit.

“Aw, are we bugging you?” the white pegasus teased as he stood in front of her.

“Come on, ugly bugling! I…uh…uh…”

“What are you waiting for? Throw me the ball!” His friend slowly raised his hoof to point behind him and only now did the alabaster pony realize there was a shadow cast over him. Turning around, he saw a pair of hooves from a very big changeling. He shivered as he looked up, at last seeing who stood before him.

Chrysalis lowered her head to his level, grinning menacingly. “Hello.” The colt’s brain was unable to form a response. “I couldn’t help but notice there’s this poor little girl crying while you two are laughing. Is this what you like to do for fun?” She leaned in closer. “You know, I don’t think that’s very good behavior for such a little pony. You could use a little...discipline.” She exposed her fangs, slowly running her tongue across them.

The ponies screamed and scurried off down the road, leaving behind a thick cloud of dust. “You know, this goes against what we’re trying to do,” addressed Twilight, taking note of the citizens around them watching.

“Children need to learn early that there are consequences for bad behavior. It was how I was raised.” Chrysalis took the abandoned ball and held it up to the sobbing filly. “There, there. It’s okay now. They’re gone.”

The filly looked up from her hooves, sniffling. Seeing the ball caused her to gasp happily and take it. She looked up at Chrysalis. “Thank you, Queen Nymph!”

Nymph held back a laugh as Chrysalis quickly looked around in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I’m Queen Nymph,” she corrected as they approached the filly. “That’s my sister Chrysalis.”

The little filly looked back up at the older sibling, taking a moment to compare the two. “Are you the evil queen?”

“Not anymore,” Chrysalis muttered, flinching. “Ponies and changelings still think of me as that, but I’m trying my hardest to make up for my misdeeds.”

The little changeling, to everyone’s surprise, hugged her leg. “Thank you, Queen Ch…Chry…uh…Chrys.” When she released her, the child ran up to Nymph. “Hi, Queen Nymph! I can’t believe you wanna see me again! Do you wanna play!?”

“Again? Have we met before?”

“I’m Millie!” she answered while bouncing. “You were here with me when me and my mommy and my daddy moved here! We all flew with you and then we sat down to eat and then there was Princess Luna and then I played with her tail and then my mommy and daddy got mad and then I got to play with you! Remember?”

“Oh, Millie! How silly of me to forget!” Nymph didn’t remember that day entirely, but decided to play along to avoid hurting her feelings. “Well, it is lovely to see you again, but I’m afraid I do not have time to play today. I have a lot duties to attend to as the Changeling Queen, but I am glad we could help you with your problem.”

Millie dropped the ball and it slowly rolled away. “You don’t…wanna play with me?”

Nymph was completely caught in her gaze. Millie’s moistened eyes grew enormous and her bottom lip stuck up, visibly quivering. It was a face that no living being with a soul could resist. “You know what? I think we will play with you, Millie. It sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Yay!” Millie ran a short distance from them before turning around. The hatchling tossed the ball toward Nymph, which bounced gently against the dirt as she could not muster much force. Nymph picked up the ball when it rolled up to her to see that it was white with pictures of Celestia’s face and cutiemark all over it. She casually bounced it back to Millie and watched as she rolled it to Twilight, doing her best to ignore the many stares they were getting.

After nearly five minutes of playing, the door to the changeling’s house opened and her mother called, “Millie! It’s time for…lunch?” The mother, Centie, rubbed her eyes several times and took another look. “Millie, what’s going on? What are they all doing here?”

Millie happily ran over to her. “I’m playing with the queens and princess!” She tugged on her mother’s leg and pointed at her playmates. “Can they stay over for lunch!? Please!? Pretty please!?”

Centie looked up at her queen, who nodded in return. “Of course they can come over.”

“Thanks, Mom!” Millie ran into the house as they followed her in. Nymph could sense some stress from Twilight, most likely because they were deviating from their task for so long, but she didn’t see how they could leave without upsetting Millie. The house had wooden floors in just about every room save for the kitchen, which had traditional white tiles. The marble counter looked to have been recently clean, shining from the sunlight that struck it. In the center of the kitchen was a small wooden table with only three chairs. However, Centie brought some more chairs from her living room and the guests took their seats.

Once everyone was comfortable, Centie took a plate with a small peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk and placed it in front of her daughter, who sat on top of a small pillow. “So what brings you all to our home?” Centie asked as her daughter consumed her meal. “It’s strange to receive a visit from royalty.”

“We were passing by and saw that Millie was being picked on by other children,” Twilight answered. “Chrysalis scared them off and then Millie asked us to play with her for a bit.”

The mother scowled. “Was it two pegasus boys?”

“Have they been a problem before?” asked Spike.

“They’re her classmates and they’ve picked on her before just because she’s a changeling. I forget how cruel little children can be sometimes.” She stroked Millie’s head as she finished up her sandwich. “I can’t believe they came here without me knowing. I only stepped inside for a few minutes. Thank you for taking care of them, Chrysalis.”

“And thank you for the warm hospitality,” Chrysalis replied. “Most other people have been less than friendly.” She eyed the little filly, who finished drinking her milk and looked back at her, curious. “Come to think of it, you seemed really calm to see me around your daughter. Most ponies would have reached for a weapon.”

“It was surprising for sure, but seeing Queen Nymph and Princess Twilight there made me realize that there wasn’t anything to worry about. I don’t see you as the type to hurt little fillies, anyway. You always did care for your own subjects.”

“I still do. Nymph has brought me here to help resolve issues between our kind and the ponies, but I’m mostly here to see how my people are living.” Chrysalis looked around the kitchen and peered into the other rooms. “Your home alone feels so very foreign to me.”

“Equestria is a wonderful place.” Centie looked toward the small window over the sink. “I never thought I could ever wake up everyday to the morning sun, but here I am. We used to live in the lower colonies, so it was too much of a hassle to even go to the surface. The ponies here have been very welcoming, but there are still some who treat us differently because of what we are. It’s nice we have ponies like Princess Twilight and Cherub to listen to our problems and help out whenever they can.” She reached over to her child, kissing the top of her head. “To be honest, I’d rather deal with prejudice than go back to living a life where I have to wonder every day if there is going to be enough love on the table to keep us fed. Besides, I think I love living outside and Millie does, too.” Centie took Nymph’s hoof, kissing it. “You’ve done a wonderful thing for us all, Your Highness.”

“I do what I can for my kind as it is my duty. I wish ponies could understand what drove Chrysalis into her invasion.”

“Some changelings still talk about how they are so happy that Chrysalis is no longer around, but they just don’t want to admit they wanted her to conquer Equestria back then just to appease the ponies. When you ask someone like me who lived in a time where there wasn’t always enough food, I’d say that I was just glad somepony was doing something. Maybe it wasn’t the best thing to do, but it was better than nothing.”

“I still regret what I did back then,” spoke Chrysalis, morose. “Everything I did that day was wrong.”

“Maybe, but what is also wrong is how every changeling turned their backs on you. They wanted to look good in front of the princesses and pretend that they never once believed in your plan. There were so many of us starving and none of us trusted the ponies, so it only made sense at the time to take over. I mean, I’m a lot happier with this outcome than what the invasion would have brought, but it’s wrong for them to lock you away and make you carry that burden alone.”

“I don’t think I’ve met a lot of changelings who share your point of view,” said Nymph. “A lot of them seem to shun her away, but I was sure some would be more welcoming toward her because they know her better. They considered her to be such a beloved queen before I was forced to banish her.”

“Because nobody wants everypony to see them as a Chrysalis supporter. All ponies remember is how she kidnapped a princess and invaded, so how do you think they will look at a changeling who defends her? It’s hard enough trying to fit in, but having that label would spell trouble from both ponies and changelings.” Centie looked at Twilight. “I have to admit that I’m rather surprised that you of all ponies would be so willing to give Chrysalis another chance.”

“I never thought I would either, but things change. Trust me, she’s a good person now.”

“If Queen Nymph believes it, then I can, too.” She turned to Nymph. “It’s wonderful to see you working together with Chrysalis, even after everything I had heard that happened between you two.”

“It’s in the past,” Nymph quickly replied. She brought her attention to Millie, who looked tired and uninterested. No doubt the conversation was too complex for her young mind to handle, only interested in playing some more rather than sit still for a long period of time. She then looked at the clock and realized how much time had past since their last letter. “Thank you again for inviting us over, but I’m afraid we must be on our way now.”

In an instant, Millie snapped back into focus. “You’re leaving?”

“I’m afraid I must. We have a lot of people to help here.” Nymph gently placed a hoof under the sad child’s chin to lift her head up. “It was very nice to meet you again, Millie. Try not to let those ponies bother you too much, okay? You’re a very sweet girl and do not let anyone ever tell you otherwise. If they do, tell them I’ll send Chrysalis to their house.” Millie giggled and hugged the bigger changeling’s neck tightly.

“And I’ll go there, too. No one should act so cruel to a changeling that’s cute as button.” Chrysalis gently pressed her hoof against Millie’s nose.

“You are all welcomed to visit any time.” Centie scooped up her child and placed her onto her back before leading her guests to the door. “Now say goodbye, Millie.”

“Bye bye!” The family waved to them as they exited the house.

Once they were outside and the door closed, Chrysalis said, “Nymph, I know exactly what you’re going to say.”

The younger changeling shook her head. “No, I think that was well worth our time.” As they walked back onto the road, she turned back toward the house. Millie stood at the window, waving to them. The queen waved back, smiling, as the child continued waving until they were out of sight.

With difficulty, they managed to complete every request written to the princess. Nymph thought a lot of these issues were not serious enough to warrant a visit from Twilight, from changelings secretly feeding off some ponies to changelings causing trouble via disguises, but the title of Princess of Friendship was unlike any other she had heard of. As for Chrysalis, her appearance continued to strike fear into the hearts of many, which didn’t help as some ponies believed they were being forced into giving into any changeling’s demand. Only a small amount of changelings would be calm toward Chrysalis and actually speak to her like she was a person, but it was still better than none.

Spike slumped over Twilight, sighing with relief. “I never thought helping people would be so much work. We need to start charging by the hour.”

Twilight looked at him, smirking. “You realize that you spent about half the time riding one of us, right?”

Chrysalis looked up at the setting sun. “I actually found today to be rather fun. Back when I was queen, all I did to help solve certain disputes was sit on the throne, but usually it was for upper class changelings who could get into the palace and their problems were more complicated in a legal sense.”

“I do believe this has been my best idea yet,” Nymph stated proudly. “You’re going to be back in Bugartha before you know it, Chrysie.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Ponyville is just a tiny part of Equestria. We still have an entire kingdom to sway.”

“Thank you for helping me with this,” said Twilight as she walked up to the door of her castle. “I’ve been sitting on all these letters for a while and it’s a relief to get them done.”

“At least we finally found something for you to do instead of sit around and read, Twilight,” Nymph chimed, earning a grunt in return. “Although, perhaps next time you should wear something regal? Even Cadance wears a crown.” The changeling motioned her hoof around Twilight. “And maybe you could use some guards. Perhaps a royal scepter? Oh! I could even redesign your bedroom! We need to give you something fit for royalty!”

Chrysalis playfully nudged her. “Last I checked, you’re not her mother. Now would you kindly take me home?”

“Very well. Goodbye, Twilight and Spike.” Nymph and Chrysalis waved goodbye as they warped inside Cupid’s Arrow.

Chrysalis magically closed all the curtains in her home and stretched. “It’s going to be strange to see some of those people again when I’m pretending to be Cherub. At least I don’t have to worry about anyone watching me behind my back.”

“Unless they want to stare at your flank.” They both shared a brief laugh and Nymph laid on one of the couches, hanging one of her hind legs over the back. A very inappropriate way to sit for a queen, but behind closed doors, she felt it was acceptable. For about a minute, neither of them said anything as Chrysalis grabbed something from her kitchen. When she returned, Nymph managed to ask with enough effort, “So how about we do something fun tonight, Chrysie? Something to celebrate our efforts?”

“I already got plans tonight, I’m afraid,” Chrysalis answered casually as she went up the stairs. “Perhaps we could do something next time.”

“Oh.” Nymph, saddened and yet relieved, followed her up into the bedroom, seeing Chrysalis dig through her closet. “Perhaps I could come along?”

Unexpectedly, Chrysalis laughed. “I’m afraid not. It’s a private date with Luna.” She pulled out a thin green dress and placed it on the bed.

“Another one? But you had one last night and three nights ago!”

Placing her favorite ruby earrings given to her by her employees on the dresser, Chrysalis replied, “What can I say? She knows how to make the night fun.”

“But…but I wanted to spend time with you.”

Chrysalis looked at her, head cocked. “What are you talking about? We just spent the whole day together.”

“That’s not what I meant. I mean us doing something fun together as sisters. I have been here for over a week and we have barely spent any time together. You don’t even call me.” Nymph sat beside her and pushed thought of her own hypocrisy out of her mind. “Am I not important to you anymore?”

Immediately, Chrysalis wrapped her in a hug. “Hey, hey. Don’t think I’m neglecting you or anything. My little sister is always number one in my book.”

Nymph leaned onto her. “It doesn’t feel like that. Can’t you just call off this one date for me?”

Chrysalis pulled back and held her sister’s hoof. “Nymph, I really love Luna. She just makes me feel so...amazing. I worked so hard to get us back together after Hearts and Hooves Day and I can’t stand the feeling of being away from her. Things are starting to become serious between us and I want to spend as much of my time with her. When you do find true love one day, you will understand how I feel.” Nymph could only slightly nod in response. “Tell you what. How about a free day to make up for this? You just set the date and I’ll be with you, no matter what.”

Smiling, the queen asked, “Do you promise?”

“I promise.” Right before her eyes, Chrysalis did a strange set of gestures. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

They merely looked at each other before the younger changeling broke out in hysterics. “What was that supposed to be?”

Chrysalis blushed. “A Pinkie Promise. It’s much more important than a regular one.”

“Then I’ll be sure to hold you to it.” Chrysalis transformed into Cherub and slipped on her dress. While looking over herself in the mirror, Nymph picked up a brush to help her sister and asked, “So do you have anything really special planned with Luna?”

“Just a night out on the town like normal.”

“Is that all? I seem to remember you being someone who likes to go straight for dessert.”

“Things change. I don’t mind taking my time. It makes me feel that it will be more rewarding.” Chrysalis shot her sister a dirty look. “I also value her far more than just for her body.”

Nymph remained unwavered. “Don’t keep her waiting too long. A thousand years of waiting would drive anypony mad.”

“She doesn’t seem to mind. But then again, she seems so preoccupied with that loathsome gamecolt.” In the reflection of the mirror, Nymph could see Chrysalis’s true eyes glow and her fangs appear. “I swear to Celestia if she brings that along one more time, I’m smashing it with my bare hooves.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, is that the same thing as Playcolt?”

Chrysalis’s face somehow became even redder than her disguise. “What? No! If that were the case, I would have put my hoof down months ago!” She cleared her throat, calming herself down. “It’s an infernal little device that Luna carries around with her everywhere, even when I’m with her. I suppose I should confess something so you will understand.” Nymph leaned in, grinning as she was always exciting for such juicy gossip and secrets. “A little while ago, I decided to push things a little with her, stripping in front of her to show off some red underwear I bought, but she didn’t even glance at me! I even expanded my assets right next to her and she still kept playing with that stupid toy, shouting about leveling up or something!” Chrysalis crossed her forelegs, huffing. “She should know I also have buttons she can play with.”

“How cute. You’re jealous of a toy.”

Chrysalis’s cheeks once again lit up. “Enough about my love life. How about you? You love all that romance sap. Haven’t you found yourself another boy toy by now?”

Falling back onto the bed, Nymph answered, “Truthfully, I haven’t given it a lot of thought as of late. As much as I want a king, I have other priorities and until then, the concubines can keep me satisfied. At least they can when I get home. I miss them.”

“Maybe mail them to Twilight. Spike said to get her more servants, right?”

The changelings shared a quick giggle. “Well then. I shall leave you to your private time while I go talk with Celestia. Have fun on your date, Chrysalis.”

“I plan on it. Oh, and one thing before you go.”


Chrysalis rubbed the back of her own head, staring at the floor. “Look, I know I’m not really the greatest changeling in the world, but…” She trailed off, leaving Nymph to wait painfully in silence before she finished. “Thanks for being such a helpful sister.”

“I would do anything for you, Chrysalis. Family matters more than anything in the entire world to me.” Nymph gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Chrysalis squirmed as she expected, but Nymph giggled at her. “See you tomorrow.” Nymph casted her teleportation spell, sending her back to her room in Canterlot Palace.

She laid on the bed, savoring in its comfort. Her shoes were tossed off the bed and she stretched her aching legs. Today had been a true success for sure. There were still some bumps here and there, but for once, she felt like she actually accomplished something. With Chrysalis occupied, she needed to celebrate in her own way. Normally she would have requested a concubine or two, but there were none to be found here, even if Celestia required their services on several of the visits she made to Bugartha after she finally gave in to the queen’s initial offer. Even if Celestia liked to indulge herself now and then, no doubt she was far too embarrassed to have any around because of ponies and their standards. Nymph had an idea of going around the palace later in disguise as a random mare to see if she could still pull off her charm.

Her stomach growled and slowly got off the bed. Putting back on her regalia, she made her way to the dining room so she could report to Celestia her big success. She could already picture all the praise she would receive for her brilliant idea and hard effort. Her body felt lighter as she thought about how the princess would go on and on about how she was truly a great queen and how proud she was.

And after supper, Nymph would begin her hunt.

The bed was rather cramped when Nymph awoke and she tiredly pushed against the occupants in a fight for space. Eventually, she forced herself to get up and rubbed her eyes. Looking at who was with her made her recall what happened last night, giving her a tingle of excitement. The first changeling was a guard she stumbled across in one of the halls. A difficult challenge to pry one from their sworn duty while posing as a random pony mare, but she was experienced. The other was one of the changelings who cleaned the palace at night. Or was he one of the cooks? It didn’t matter. Both were excited when she revealed herself and invited them into her bedroom. She only hoped none of them would be clingy all of a sudden, which was natural for someone to do after a night of passion with the most beautiful changeling in all of the world.

However, Nymph’s euphoria suddenly faded when she saw the newspaper near the door. Carefully, she got out of the bed without disturbing either of her one night stands. Picking up the paper, Nymph inhaled deeply. “Mother, give me strength.” She reluctantly read the front page.

Chrysalis Makes her Point Clear: Get Along with Changelings or Else!

Once again, Chrysalis has appeared in Equestria, this time in the town of Ponyville. With the company of Queen Nymph and Princess Twilight Sparkle, Chrysalis was allowed to interact with innocent civilians, supposedly trying to help both get along with one another. What at first seems like an innocent attempt at bettering the community is actually a sinister plot lead by the wicked queen.

Eye witness reports claimed that when Chrysalis spotted two pony children playing with their changeling friend, she threatened the poor ponies and scared them away. If she truly believes in friendship, then why would she do this? Perhaps she believes that ponies are better seen as prey than friends for her kind, which was clearly her belief when she invaded the wedding of sweet, innocent Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Are not even our children safe from her hatred and ignorance?

Another moment of trauma occurred during her visit, this time affecting multiple citizens. Ponies were casually going about their day until an angry swarm of bees were unleashed, injuring many. While Chrysalis did help heal the injured, it is important to know that she was also present when the swarm began. Could Chrysalis have attacked the public using bugs in order to make herself look better by helping those she herself caused pain to? How much lower could this fallen changeling go from rock bottom?

Unable to read anymore, Nymph roared with fury and warped into Celestia’s room. The alicorn was nowhere to be found, but she could hear Celestia humming to herself in the bathroom, so she stormed inside. “It happened again!”

“Nymph!” Celestia immediately covered herself with soap bubbles. “Could you have at least knocked!?”

The queen held the paper right in front of her. “This is the second time my work has been undermined by ignorant, paranoid ponies! They just twisted everything we did yesterday to make Chrysalis look even more like some sort of spawn from Tartarus! Why allow freedom of the press if they will just spread more and more lies!?”

The alicorn took the newspaper and read over the article, calming herself down to focus at the matter at hoof. “This is very unfortunate, but Nymph, as I said, ponies are entitled to their own beliefs. What kind of princess would I be if I were to force them to believe what I say?” Celestia’s heart jumped when the paper exploded into green cinders.

“But this is beyond ridiculous! Yesterday went so well without being anything like Canterlot and yet it’s somehow almost the same!” Nymph stomped the floor, almost hard enough to crack the tile. “We need to put an end to this or else this will all just be a waste of our time!”

“If that is what you wish to do, then you need to think of what would happen.” The princess stood up and pulled the plug in her tub. She got out and dried herself with a white towel that had an image of her cutie mark. “Tell me exactly how it would go if you were to do storm in the press company and rave like a mad mare, telling them what to write?”

“I would tell them that they need to stop writing manure and to start writing the truth about Chrysalis. Problem solved.”

“Perhaps in your kingdom,” Celestia countered, exiting into the bedroom. “But things work a lot differently in Equestria. For one, you do not truly have any authority here, so your demands could be completely ignored. They could also retaliate against you and write a story about how you, the sister of Chrysalis, threatened them to write positive things about her. They would actually be writing the truth this time as you wished. Can you see what I’m trying to say?”

“But...but…I still can’t understand how this happened. There were clearly people who could refute any of these lies. They were probably left out on purpose.”

“Media is a tricky business,” Celestia said brushing her large mane. “Try looking at things from their perspective. They run a business where the goal is to sell as many papers as possible and to do that, they need to write a story that ponies want to read about. Chrysalis coming back to unleash havoc is far more interesting and believable than her being nice. I don’t think it’s hard to imagine how their business would suffer if they gave Chrysalis support while other papers would be providing something customers want to read about. Things are often much more complicated than they appear. That is why it’s important to take the time to think things through.”

The queen grumbled, but then suddenly recalled her conversation yesterday with Centie. At this moment, something in Nymph’s brain clicked. “Celestia, you are brilliant!”


“Yes! I finally know what to do!” She paced in front of the princess. “Let’s take this situation and apply it to some pony and changeling. They live day to day, going about their business and spending time with friends and family, until Chrysalis suddenly arrives. While everyone else hates her, suppose a pony says that they think she should be forgiven. This pony would be alienated by society for having such an outrageous opinion. Now obviously to prevent this, they would just say that they are against Chrysalis, too afraid to speak their minds. Nothing will change unless we somehow change public opinion in mass, so I will need to make another plan.”

Celestia nodded. It was more than enough to show the changeling how proud she was of her. “You are becoming wiser, Nymph.”

“It’s only because I have you to guide me.” Gulping, Nymph said, “I...I would have made a fool of myself had I not spoken with you. Thank you for your wisdom once again, Celestia.”

“Don’t worry about it. Luna too has a habit of acting rash. The important thing is that you learn.” Celestia at last was dressed, although she was rather nude in comparison with the queen. “So what do you plan on doing now?”

“I’m not sure. I’m going to need to think out this problem before coming up with anything. I need to do something big. Take Equestria by storm! It may be hours, days even, before I can come up with something.” Nymph suddenly felt her stomach loudly growl. “Perhaps breakfast would help me think of something.”

Celestia laughed. “I can’t argue with that idea.” The princess stepped out of her room and Nymph followed.

With Chrysalis working for the day, Nymph would have plenty of time to come up with something. She could already guess how her sister was reacting to the paper and prayed her insurance covered anything that was destroyed in a rampage. Her stomach growled once more, distracting her. It appeared that she was due for a full meal of love as well, perhaps burning more than she realized from the night before. She was a bit lightheaded, wondering if this was similar to how Thorax felt during his crisis.

The sudden thought of Thorax brought an uncomfortable shiver down Nymph’s spine. Was it possible other changelings were out there suffering like he did? Ponyville was one of the best towns to find love, and yet he starved for days. How would a changeling get by in less loving areas like the bigger cities? Part of her didn’t even want her to think about it, but as the queen, she had her duty. “Celestia, I believe I shall join you in court today.”

“Really? I was going to stick a dummy dressed up like you next to me and see if anyone noticed.”

“Yes, yes. I have been neglecting court lately, but after the months of court back home, I’d love to see you look forward to doing any more. I was going to try to come up with the next step in helping Chrysie, but today, I think I shall come to help ensure my changelings strive. I’ve been putting my sister too far ahead and must remember my role as the Changeling Queen. I hope Chrysalis will understand.”

“I have a feeling she will.”

In the dining room, they found Luna already chowing down on a stack of pancakes. “Good morning, sister. How was your date?” Luna turned to them, loudly making noises as chunks of her breakfast splattered the floor. Nymph immediately threw up a barrier and stepped away to check her clean shoes. “Swallow first, Luna.”

The princess complied and said, “It was very romantic. Chrysalis took me to a small art gallery after dinner and then we laid by the fire in her home to pass the time talking. She really knows how to make a mare feel special.” She happily sighed as red crept onto her cheeks. “Chrysalis is just so unique and always has a way to keep things interesting. She’s much different from any pony I have dated before.”

“How’s that?” asked Celestia, carefully watching Luna. No doubt her big sister instincts were alert and ready to enact retribution.

“More spice,” answered Nymph, causing Luna to blush even deeper. Despite Celestia’s calm composure, her emotions indicated she was ready to warp to Cupid’s Arrow at any moment.

“She was certainly sour today,” said Luna. “The newspaper said terrible lies about her.”

“We are aware.” Celestia poured syrup onto her stack. “Try to not let it get you down. We will get through this in time.”

“I hope you are right,” said Nymph as she took a banana.

“I cannot stand leaving Chrysie alone to let her deal with this. I just...want to do something for her after everything she did for me. I want her to feel my love for her stand out from the fear and anger directed toward her.” Luna seemed to be deep in thought, battling a multitude of emotions within. “Nymph, what’s Chrysalis’s favorite color?”

“Purple. I thought you knew that since you’re dating her.”

“I-I-I just wanted to be sure.” Nymph stared at her and Luna quickly looked down at her plate.

“What are you planning?” asked Celestia. “Flowers perhaps? Changelings love those, especially her. Maybe a nice little dress?”

“Get her cherries,” suggested Nymph. “She’s developed quite a taste for them. Maybe a cherry pie will cheer her up. Even better, give her some cherry scented perfume.”

“I’ll think about it.” Nymph stared at Luna until she realized she was being ignored. Shrugging, the queen continued cutting into her stack of pancakes as the weight of the situation slowly fell back upon her shoulders.

Taking notice of their mood, Celestia magically reached for a little white radio planted in the middle of the table. “How about a little music to help cheer us all up and feel ready for the day?” Her magic pushed the power button.

“Do you have any comments to this claim?”

“HOW DARE YOU!” The three mares nearly jumped from their seats and all turned to the radio.

“Was that-” Celestia cut off her sister by holding up her hoof in front of her.

“Trixie will not stoop low enough to answer for such outrageous accusations! Begone from my sight before I make you disappear.”

“So you don’t deny that you may be Chrysalis?”

“Why in the world would you think that The Great and Powerful Trixie would be her!? Are you all insane!?”

“Well we all know that you were not present for the Royal Wedding, have enslaved a town, and act as a performer, where you have hundreds of fans giving you their love. You have also spent quite some time with Princess Twilight Sparkle, who helped foiled her plot. Shortly after the changelings were accepted into Equestria, you left to pursue your career. This is more than a coincidence. Perhaps you used magic to convince Princess Twilight into letting them in?”

“Ludicrous lies! Trixie does not have time for your stupid claims based on nothing! Trixie has a show to perform and will waste no more time speaking to any of you!” An eruption of voices and camera flashes followed.

“Well I’m more convinced than ever,” spoke a stallion. “I guess you would have to hypnotize your audience to like you with an attitude like that.” A bunch of ponies suddenly broke out into laughter.


“Oh manure!”


“No, no, no, no-”

A loud explosion shook the radio followed by static. The two princess and queen simply stared in silence before Celestia turned it off. They each sat unmoving for a moment before slowly returning to their meals, saying nothing more.

Author's Note:

Oh boy. We're half way there. No, not to the end of the fic. We're half way to chapter 8, the BIG chapter that I am excited for.