• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,420 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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Luna closed her eyes as the cool water washed over her. In her private sanctuary, the alicorn bathed in the lake under the moon’s light. No need to worry about royal duties or evil villains. All she sought do was relax in her haven. As she swam towards the middle of the lake, she noticed something off. The lights of the large flowers and mushrooms on the surrounding hills were flickering. Taking flight, Luna investigated the large flowers over the small center island and when she touched it, she was surprised when it suddenly wilted and became dust. She backed away and then noticed it was becoming darker. Her sanctuary was disappearing before her eyes, fading into darkness until nothing was left but the night sky. One by one, the stars went out and soon, only the moon remained. When it disappeared, Luna was left alone in the darkness and fell into nothingness.

The princess slammed onto the floor next to her bed, eyes heavy and angry. One in the afternoon was too early for Luna to be awake, but it was hard to sleep with the loud shouting outside. Putting on her slippers, Luna walked to the open window and stuck her head out to see what had dared disturb her slumber. She looked down into the garden, finding Celestia, Nymph, and the three sirens in the middle of a spectacular scene. The princess leapt out of her window and landed nearby, but none had noticed her given what was happening.

“Say it again!” roared Adagio, clinging onto Aria’s back as the siren tried to knock her off. “I dare you!”

Aria threw herself against a tree, but it wasn’t enough to remove her assailant. “It’s hard to concentrate with me carrying a heavy load on my back!”

Somehow, the purple siren could still remain standing as Adagio began strangling her. “I am not fat! You’re just jealous of my figure!”

“Yeah!” agreed Sonata. “If it weren’t for your hair, everyone in other world would totally think you’re a guy, Aria!” She laughed loudly until she was torpedoed by Aria.

Celestia had a hoof over her mouth, looking concerned, while Nymph had her face buried in her hooves, completely defeated. The noise of the Dazzlings try to rip each other’s throats out was too much for the tired alicorn to bear, so Luna filled the area with her light. “ENOUGH!” The sirens finally stopped with Aria ready to punch Sonata and having hind legs holding Adagio in a chokehold, Sonata biting on the hoof holding her down, and Adagio reaching for a large tree branch. “Could somepony tell what in the world is going on!?”

Celestia magically separated the three sirens and set them apart on the ground. “I am terribly sorry, Lulu. We were just in the middle of a friendship lesson.”

“Friendship lesson!?” Luna stomped the grass and pointed to the trio. “It looked to me you were trying to teach them professional wrestling! How did this even happen!?”

“I tried teaching them a lesson about sharing their feelings with one another so that they may connect with each other on a deeper level,” answered Celestia. “They had trouble saying what they liked about each other, so I asked them to tell each other something they didn’t like so that they could work through these problems together. However…”

“Aria called me fat!” screamed Adagio.

“I said you were getting fat from sitting around the house!” Aria shot back. “I seem to recall doing most of the work while you two just sat around and sulked in the other world! We would have been on the streets a lot sooner if it weren’t for me!”

“I’m the leader! Why should I do the work? Besides, I didn’t see you ever try to keep Sonata quiet when she started whining!”

“What’s that supposed to mean!?” snapped Sonata. “You two argued all the time!”

Their endless shouting caused an intense rise in Luna’s blood pressure. “Dazzlings!” They thankfully became quiet instantly, but that was probably because she was magically holding their mouths shut. “I want you to each apologize to each other and move on. Understand?” The Dazzlings glanced at each other before crossing their forelegs and turning away, harrumphing. Luna’s glare amplified, causing them to quickly nod. Luna undid her magically and they reluctantly apologized to one another. “There. Isn’t that better?”

“I guess that depends on who you ask.” Nymph stood up and walked away with a hoof on her head. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I have grown a painful headache and need to lie down. I’ll see you both at supper.”

Celestia sighed once Nymph was out of sight. “So do you girls now understand the point I was making? You all have so much tension with each other and look what happened. Is that how you want to live? Always arguing until you come to blows?” For once, none of them had some sort of come back and actually looked ashamed. “The lesson is concluded. I hope you three will spend the rest of the day reflecting on what happened by your own hooves. Now I want to speak with each of you individually before letting you go, but first I need a word with my sister.” Celestia walked to the nearby pond and sat down with Luna joining her. “I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I thought at least one of them would improve by now.”

“It’s not your fault. These three have been stuck with each other for years and clearly that had an effect on them.” Celestia didn’t seem to hear her, glumly looking at her own reflection in the water. Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Remember, Chrysalis took months to come around, no matter how much of a friend Pinkie and I tried to be.”

The older alicorn nodded as a small smile appeared “You make a good point. With your experience, perhaps you should be the one teaching them instead of me.”

The two princesses chuckled, but then something popped into Luna’s head. “Sister, that’s a brilliant idea! I could try teaching them myself in their dreams!”

“Their dreams?” Celestia asked in surprise. “Not a bad idea since you would have complete control. However, wouldn’t you be unable to watch over the dreams of ponies if you are focused on them?”

“I would be, that is true. Perhaps it would be best if I only did it tonight.”

“Tonight? Isn’t that too soon?”

“Nonsense. I think after their little incident, I should strike while the iron is hot! They showed their weakness to us and I wish to follow up on it. With a little work, I promise they will be easier to deal with tomorrow.” Celestia looked to the side, her face clearly reflecting her concern. “Celestia, I think it would be the perfect idea. In the dream realm, there wouldn’t be any risks.” Luna glanced behind her to the three sirens, who remained sitting on the grass while staring back at them. “Besides, I think their dreams will be insightful. Who knows what vile thoughts they harbor at this very moment?”

“Ugh, why are we still here!? I need to take a bath and fix my mane after being thrown around by that barbarian! Barb-Aria-n. I should remember that one. Anyway, you would think these princesses of all ponies would understand that beauty requires constant maintenance.”

“I wonder what’s for dinner tonight? All these lessons make me hungry. Oh! What’s for dessert tonight!? Brownies? Pie? Brownie pie!? I’m so excited!”

“Wow. Celestia seriously has a big butt.”

Barely able to contain her excitement, Luna turned to her sister. “So? Do I have your approval?”

Celestia looked back to the sirens and then to Luna. “You do. I trust you will do wonderfully.”

Luna clapped her hooves as another bolt of inspiration struck her. “Oh! Perhaps I could bring Chrysalis along? I think she might be the perfect changeling to relate with them.”

This time, the older princess appeared uncertain. “Nothing personal against her, but I do not think she has the patience required for something like this. It would only be a matter of time until she would become upset with them and lash out.” Luna pouted and her ears fell against her head, causing Celestia to take a deep breath. “However, if you truly believe it is a worthwhile idea, then take her with you.” The Princess of the Night’s energy was restored. “Just remember, Luna, that these girls have been through a lot over the years and I truly believe kindness and love is what will help them change.”

“Agreed.” Luna let out a yawn. “I’m afraid I must return to bed and rest up for tonight. Enjoy your day, Tia.” Luna flew into the air and entered her window. Kicking her slippers off, the princess returned to her bed and closed her eyes, kicking her hooves excitedly as so many ideas swam in her heads of how she would turn those sirens around.

She just only hoped Chrysalis would be up for it.

“For the last time,” Chrysalis said, her voice muffled from her head being pressed against her desk, “no, Cupid’s Arrow will not help you write a love song. I am one hundred percent certain that is something clearly explained on the application.”

“But you don’t understand!” the stallion pleaded in the exact same way many others did before. It was one of the most common requests she had received over the course of her career as a matchmaker and she placed it on the list of things Cupid Arrow would not do along with making love potions, breaking up other couples, and calling Princess Cadance. “My muse-”

“Save it.” Chrysalis lifted her head, frowning immensely at the earth pony sitting before her. “Love is not about flashy displays or pouring your heart and soul into a song you might sing only once in your life. Let’s say we try it your way, it works, and you both get married. Imagine some years from now when somepony asks your wife ‘So how did you know he was the one?’ and she answers ‘He wrote me a really nice song’. Do you see how shallow and boring that sounds? Love isn’t about impressing someone. It’s about commitment, understanding, and working together.”

“Just like you and Luna!” Pinkie added happily while bouncing in her chair.

Chrysalis shot her a look, prompting the party pony to stop. The next chair Pinkie broke from jumping on it would be coming straight out of her paycheck. “Exactly. Do you understand now?” The client nodded and she already felt her tension going away.

“So what about a love poem? Those have been around for hundreds of years and mares love those!” Chrysalis slammed her head on her wooden desk.

“Dear Trixie,” Chrysalis huffed as Pinkie wrote on some paper, “this is the fourth and last time I will be replying to one of your letters, so I will get straight to the point. No, Twilight has not grown romantic longing for you since you left. No, I will not help you woo her. And finally, no, I haven’t found a mare who strongly resembles Twilight. I know you two bonded during your stay at her old library, but I feel that you are unable to let go. I am telling you right now that you need to get over her. She is your friend and nothing beyond that. With your current fame, I’m sure you will run into plenty of lovely mares who will fill the void. It’s not like there’s a pony who is just like Twilight out there in Equestria. If you’re that desperate, I’m sure you can find a changeling to satisfy your needs. With love, Chrysalis.”

Pinkie finished the letter and looked up with a look of concern. “Isn’t that a little harsh? I mean, she just wants to find love.”

Pouring herself a glass of hard cider that she kept in her desk, Chrysalis replied, “She has an obsession with Twilight. I understand being madly in love, but sometimes things aren’t meant to be. Trixie needs to accept reality before she turns into a crazed stalker.” After throwing back her liquid medicine, she noticed Pinkie frowning at her. “Okay. We’ll write a nicer letter. I’m doing this out of love, mind you. She needs to get over her already. The sad truth is that mare is going to never find her special somepony.”

Gasping, Pinkie leaned over her desk with her mouth hanging open. “What!? How could you say that, Chrysie!?

“Years of experience. I cannot count the number of changelings who revolved their lives around me, Nymph, and even Mother.” Chrysalis used her hoof to close Pinkie’s mouth and gently push her back into her chair. “She’s so focused on Twilight that when she finally realizes it’s hopeless, that she will give up love forever and most likely devolve into a crazy cat mare. Such is the tragedy of love.”

Pinkie jumped on top of her desk, rattling the bowl of hard candy she devoured on a daily basis. “Well I think you’re wrong! Trixie will find somepony someday and they will love each other and get married!”

It was almost impossible for Chrysalis to keep a straight face. “Yeah. I’m so sure there’s some unicorn out in Equestria almost as smart and skilled like Twilight who would seriously take Trixie as a friend. Do you know any ponies who remind you of Twilight? Because I sure can’t think of any. I bet you ten bits no such mare exists.”

“Well maybe we need to look harder! Equestria is a super big kingdom, so there’s bound to be a pony that will love Trixie! We just gotta look for her!”

It amused Chrysalis greatly that Pinkie believed there was any hope for Trixie. The magician was an egotist, had an annoying way of speaking, and she didn’t even want to get started on that voice of hers. Who would be crazy enough to date Trixie? Even if they did find a mare, she doubted she would be anything like Twilight. However, she was never comfortable with making Pinkie upset, so she would play along. “Tell you what. We’ll keep an eye out for such a mare, even if we have to travel to the edges of Equestria. And if by some miracle we do find such a mare that will love Trixie, I will gladly wed them myself free of charge in my castle. If I’m still not banished at that time.”

Giggling, Pinkie went up to Chrysalis and hugged her. “I’ll hold you to it!” Chrysalis smiled while rubbing the top of the pony’s head, thinking about how this was the easiest bet she ever won.

“OH NO!” Pinkie was in tears when she threw herself on the carpet in front of the next clients that stepped through the office door. “I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE HAVING PROBLEMS! WHY DID IT HAVE TO COME TO THIS!?”

“No, no, dear!” Mrs. Cake picked up Pinkie and gave her a comforting hug. “It’s nothing like that. Everything is fine. We just wanted to see Cherub for some personal advice.”

“Oh!” Pinkie sprung into the air and landed in her chair. “But what about me? I’m also a certified matchmaker! I even have a degree!” The Cakes and Chrysalis looked at the wall behind her to see the framed degree that was written in crayon, covered with stickers, and somehow signed by Princess Cadance.

The couple looked at each other as their body temperature rose. “Well...we think Cherub is more suited for our...needs.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow upon sensing both of their high levels of worry. She noticed how they were looking at their employee and it wasn’t long until she had it pieced together. “Pinkie, I think they would be more comfortable if we spoke in private. Why don’t you go prepare something for our lunch break later?” As expected, Pinkie was perplexed with the request. “Okay, fine. They wanna talk about boring stuff like in-laws during the holidays, schooling for their children, saving for college, and toilet seat troubles.”

“Okie-dokie! I’ll go whip something up for everypony in the meantime!” Pinkie bounced over to the entrance of the office. “Good luck, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!”

The two bakers waved slowly at her and once the door was closed, Chrysalis immediately asked, “It’s about sex, isn’t it?”

They both exhaled relief. “How did you know?” questioned Cup Cake as her cheeks grew as pink as her mane.

“I knew you were anxious around Pinkie, so if I had to made a guess, it would have to be something you not want her to know or go public with.” The changeling held her hoof out. “Have a seat.” Chrysalis smiled as warmly as she could as the nervous couple sat down. “There’s no need to be embarrassed. I happen to be a specialist when comes to passionate love. Tell all me all about what’s going on.”

The Cakes made gestures at one another, urging their spouse to be vocal until the stallion caved in. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but the main problem is...Pinkie.”

Chrysalis nearly choked. “Come again?”

“She has good hearing and that weird...sense she has,” said Carrot Cake before looking nervously at the door behind them. “It’s hard to...get to it when there’s a good chance she could hear us or just randomly barge in for whatever reason. We just want some privacy, which has been made a little harder since we have children of our own.”

“I see.” Chrysalis leaned back in her chair, tapping her hooves together. “You were wise to come to me with this. You two indeed have a problem which will only be made worse when those children of yours get older. They tend to barge in at the worst possible times. I should know.” The former queen shuddered when she recalled one special night as a young princess when she snuck out to the royal garden to look at the stars.

“We need a real solution.” Cup Cake held her husband’s hoof. “There’s so many nights where we have to fight off our urges and if we do decide to go through, we have to be very quiet. And sometimes, we have to stop because one of the kids woke up for some reason and we need to get them back to bed. It’s frustrating.”

“You’re not the first couple with this problem and you will not be the last. I happen to know a spell for repressing the sound coming from a room. I could place the enchantment in your bedroom later this week. I just need to remember how to correctly cast it. Keep in mind that it does not fully repress sound, so don’t go screaming your heads off.”

“Oh, thank you! You are a lifesaver.” Cup Cake rapidly shook one of Chrysalis’s hooves and Carrot Cake shook the other. “We should have come to you sooner.”

“It’s no trouble.” Chrysalis pulled back both her hooves when she noticed they were stopping. “Is there anything else I could assist you with?”

“Well...can we give some dirty details?” requested the stallion in a whisper.

Chrysalis quietly chuckled at embarrassed couple. “We’re all adults here. You can tell me anything you need to get off your chest. I am a professional, after all.”

“Back when it was just Pinkie, it wasn’t so bad since she frequently went over to one her friend’s house for a slumber party, so we’d use the night just to get wild. But now, we’re just not feeling that same spark we used to from those special nights. It’s even worse since most of our nights together have to be slow and quiet so we don’t wake anypony up. Every now and then we can get Pinkie and even the kids out of the house, but we both agreed it’s time to be more…” Carrot Cake gulped, “experimental.”

“We’ve tried a few things to liven up the night.” Cup Cake looked ready to pass out just from how red she had become. “It’s been fun, but we’re not sure if we’re going too far and think it’s time for a professional opinion.”

“I will admit I have tried a few things myself to satisfy my own curiosity and I think I can safely say I am a professional is this field. Luna was practically a virgin when we first made love. While it was just standard sex for me with a bit of spice sprinkled in, Luna was howling in her royal Canterlot voice!” Chrysalis cracked up as she recalled Luna’s many expressions before noticing the expressions on her clients. The matchmaker quickly cleared her throat and tried to look professional. “Anyway, what have you tried so far?”

“We found this one book with all these crazy positions, like one where you…”

“And when Pinkie noticed the mess and the lower supply count of whipped cream and chocolate syrup…”

“When our neighbors at the store found us buying the leash and collar...”

“At this store in the shadier parts of Manehattan, we bought…”

“Don’t tell anypony, but in the kitchen…”

“And that about covers it.” The Cakes were could not keep themselves from laughing. The more they told Chrysalis about their experiences, the most excited they felt. Beginning with quiet, hesitant whispers, it was difficult to keep either of them from talking about their crazier nights together. Faces burning and bodies sweaty, the couple held hooves and laid against each other while Cup Cake fanned herself “I’m just getting flustered from talking about what we did!”

“Me too. Maybe we’re already on the right track the whole and just need the opportunity to have more fun.” Carrot Cake looked at Chrysalis. “So what’s the earliest you can come by to put in that enchantment?” To their confusion, Chrysalis did not reply. “C-Cherub?”

The door behind them opened and they almost hit the ceiling when Pinkie happily trotted in. “Hey, Cherub! I just made us all some paninis! Get ‘em while they’re hot!” The lack of any form of a response confused the pony. “Cherub? Yoohoo!” She gave her a tap and Chrysalis in her office chair fell backwards onto the floor, stiff as a board. The matchmaker’s lifeless eyes looked ready to pop out of her skull and her jaw was impossible to shut. “Huh. I guess she must be super hungry!” Pinkie took her by the tail and dragged her unconscious body to the kitchen. “Bye, you two! Hope Cherub helped you work out all the kinks!”

“Will you marry me?”

Everyone in the building held their breath as they looked up the scene of the changeling mare getting down on one knee in front of the watermelon colored unicorn. Chrysalis and Pinkie were already drenched in sweat as they waited for the outcome they had worked so hard for. It had been nearly a month since they first met this client and it had been an uphill battle trying to keep things afloat. Chrysalis was almost entirely certain if this mare didn’t accept the proposal, she was going to have a heart attack and drop dead.

With tears in her eyes, the unicorn replied, “Yes! I will marry you!” The changeling and pony came together for a hug as everyone else in Cupid’s Arrow applauded save for Chrysalis and Pinkie, who collapsed with relief. Getting onto her hooves, Chrysalis couldn’t stop smiling as she watched the new couple embrace and kiss. It was one of the few things that kept her going in this demanding job.

She stepped out of the crowd and shook both of their hooves before turning her attention to all her other customers. “I believe this is the perfect way to end the day. Come back tomorrow so that you too may pop the question!” She, Pinkie, Rarity, Spike, and Applejack waved as everyone exited the building. Once they were in the clear, Chrysalis closed all the curtains and shedded herself of her disguise. “I can’t remember the last time my heart pounded so fast.”

“It was so beautiful.” Rarity used a piece of tissue to wipe her eyes. “I don’t think I will ever tire of watching true love come to life.”

They could hear Applejack chuckling from the kitchen as the mare helped herself to a bottle of cider. “From Ah remember, ya see true love as somethin’ from those trashy romance with all the sappy talk.”

“Love takes so many forms, Applejack. I just have a preference.” Rarity patted Spike on the head. “Like what’s wrong with a cute name like Spikey-Wikey?”

“I think it’s great, especially when you say it!” Rarity giggled and Spike looked up at Chrysalis as she snickered mockingly. “At least it’s better than ‘cutie cupid’ and ‘wove bug’.”

Everypony’s laughter quickly caused the former queen to blush. “First of all, I have no control of what Luna calls me! Second, what Luna and I do in private is not your business!”

“Technically it’s not private if she does it in front of us all the time!” Chrysalis glared at Pinkie, who innocently shrugged. “Sorry.”

“I just let her do it because I love her and would do anything to make her happy.” The changeling walked around the room to magically discard any litter her customers had left behind. “We may be different, but I think that’s what makes us a great couple. Luna has opened me up to so many experiences and cherished memories. She may have her silly ways of displaying her affection for me, but I am far more sophisticated and far above such ridiculous notions.”

“Oh yeah?” Spike crossed his arms with a smirk on his face. “So what puppy name do you give her?”

Trained at a young age for the role of a queen, Chrysalis showed no reaction to his question. “I call her common things like my precious pony or my lovely Luna. I am of royalty and do not resort to using such grubish names.”

“She’s lyin’.” Chrysalis whirled around to see Applejack standing at the doorway with half a bottle of cider. “Ah may not be a changelin’, but Ah can spot a lie like a wormhole on an apple.”

“Oh really?” Pinkie and the others turned to Chrysalis, who backed up at the sight of their mischievous grins. “So what do you call Luna in private?”

At first, Chrysalis attempted to sidestep the question by continuing cleaning her home, but she could feel their feelings directed at her. It wasn’t long until the pressure was too much and she looked at her employees, green as a lime. “I don’t have to answer to any of you!” She turned her attention to Spike’s desk, which was a scattered mess of papers and folders that often made her want to drag Twilight back here by force. However, focusing on organizing the mess was impossible with them staring at her. Scowling, she once more looked at them. “I like to call her...my wittle wuvly awicorn of magical dweams.” She could barely keep a straight face as they burst out laughing and she glared harshly at Applejack. “I hope you choke on that cider.” The earth pony happily shrugged in return.

“Well any minute you will be able to call her that right in person!” Pinkie slipped behind Chrysalis to rub her shoulders in attempt to soothe her. “I bet you’ve been missing her all day.”

“You have no idea.” Chrysalis laid on her couch with Pinkie still sitting on her back. “To wait through the entire day just to see her again is maddening. I would give up my life in the daytime if I could spend entire nights with her, but that would get in the way of my own duties. I actually envy those accursed sirens since they get to live in Canterlot with her.” In her head, Chrysalis pictured herself in a maid outfit as she did some...cleaning for Luna.

“Are they still totally evil?” Spike nervously chewed on his claws. “Celestia must be crazy to let them be so close to her and Luna!”

Chrysalis smiled at him. “You’re right. Celestia, Luna, and Nymph are far too valuable to be left near those monsters. I think Celestia should transfer them to Twilight’s castle for Equestria’s safety. Spike, can you take a letter?” Spike made a dash for the door before Chrysalis magically dragged him back. “Dear, you really need to learn to take a joke.”

“Nymph told me they’ve been quite problematic,” said Rarity as she placed Spike on the couch next to her. “Maybe Luna is the lucky one since she can sleep through most of the trouble they cause.”

Chrysalis rested her head on the armrest. “How did my sister and even Thorax get stuck with them? I hope Celestia figures out something soon because just being around those three gives me a headache. Thank the stars I will never be stuck with those fiends or else I may lose my mind. Spike has told me enough about those horrible girls and I think Celestia needs to be a lot harsher with them.” Repressing any thoughts about Tirek, she took a deep breath. “But enough about them. Luna will be coming here tonight and that’s all I need right now. Just a nice and quiet night with only the two of us.”

Pinkie bounced off her back and landed near the door. “Well we better get going before it gets dark. Goodnight, Chrysie!” The matchmaker waved to her friends as they exited while saying their goodbyes to her. Once the door closed, she fell limp on the couch and sighed with relief. Her stomach growled, demanding she get up and satisfy it, and she forced herself up to go into the kitchen. In her fridge, there was plenty of food, but she did not feel for anything fancy. Opening the freezer, she grabbed the opened box of chicken nuggets, dumped them on a plate, and tossed them into the microwave, one of her most cherished possessions.

The kitchen was filled with the hum of the microwave and the sound of Chrysalis boredly tapping her hoof on the table. It wasn’t uncommon for Luna to run late whether due to a long night of watching over dreams or some royal matter needing her attention and all she could do was wait. After about two minutes, the ding of her microwave rang out and she magically set the hot plate of nuggets in front of herself. She squirted some ketchup on the side and then helped herself to her dinner. Cheap food, but quality satisfaction.

A blue light came from the other room and Luna stepped into the kitchen. Merely looking upon her glorious form made the changeling’s heart race a little. “Good evening, Chrysalis.” She magically took a nugget, dipped it in ketchup, and tossed it into her mouth. “How was your day?”

“Same as usual. Sometimes I think I need a vacation.” Chrysalis put her hoof on Luna’s. “Maybe the two of us could go somewhere private and have some fun with anypony to bother us.”

Luna moved closer. “As it just so happens, I do have something fun in mind for tonight. For only the two of us.”

Chrysalis pulled her in, putting her other hoof on Luna’s lower back. “Me too. It’s been on my mind all day.”

“I doubt that. My idea is a surprise that you will not see coming.”

The changeling purred while rubbing her head against Luna’s neck. “A surprise? For me? I’m all ears.”

Luna formed a sly smile. “Later tonight, the two of us are going to go upstairs in the bedroom.”


Whatever she had in mind, the alicorn looked to be very excited. “Get nice and comfy together.”

“Mmm, Luna.” Chrysalis move her hooves up to the princess’s cheeks and brought their faces only inches apart. “Go on. Don’t keep a lady waiting.”

“And go into the dreams of the Dazzlings to teach them friendship!”

As Luna grinned at her, Chrysalis decided to pinch herself, but it seemed they were not standing within Luna’s realm. She next suspected her be joking, but her senses showed that Luna was completely serious about this. “That’s...that’s your surprise?”

“Yep!” The princess snickered at her. “Just by your reaction, I can say that the surprise was a success!” She picked up another nugget. “Victory is mine!”

Chrysalis slumped in her seat as her marefriend happily ate her dinner. She should have known better. Clearly Luna was not ready for another night of passion after how intense Chrysalis got in attempt to make their first night of love making, but she thought Luna wasn’t that mad about the special “enhancement” spell Chrysalis used on the alicorn. It wasn’t a stretch that Luna was still sore from that first night.

Figuratively and literally.

A hoof knocking into hers made her realize Luna was greedily eating all her dinner. Before the princess could grab another, Chrysalis took the whole plate away. “You know just because I go to your place to help myself to your food stock doesn’t mean you can do the same to me.”

“Come on!” Luna reached for it like she was a grubling hungry for nectar and despite being much smaller than Chrysalis, the changeling had trouble holding her back. “That’s the good brand! They don’t sell it in Canterlot!” A surge of strength made itself known as Luna’s efforts doubled and Chrysalis had not felt herself struggle this hard since the royal wedding. What kind of world did Luna grow up in a thousand years ago? Talking about sex left her flustered and wanting to run out of the room, even after bedding her, but she was willing to try eating meat after watching Chrysalis do it so often.

Chrysalis at last realized that the obvious solution was to use magic to create distance between them. “Well perhaps you should go have your servants make you some. I’m a big girl who has had a long day and I need to eat.” Turning her back to Luna, Chrysalis ate like an animal as she stuffed her hoof holes with nuggets before filling her mouth with their tender goodness. She loudly moaned with delight as continued eating as they gave her much needed relief and as a way to get back at Luna.

“Wait!” Chrysalis glanced back at the desperate alicorn. “What if you give me what’s left and I make you dinner in return? Wouldn’t you like a nice meal rather just a fattening snack?”

Ignoring the irony, the matchmaker asked, “Oh? Lulu wants to make a trade?” Luna eagerly nodded. “How about some buttered lobster?”

“Be serious.”

“Fine. Let me see what I have.” Chrysalis went to her refrigerator and looked at what was in her lower drawers. “How about you make some steamed mushrooms, green beans, and garlic bread?”

“I can do that. Now follow through on your end of the deal!” Chrysalis returned the plate to the table and Luna wasted no time to take most of what was left as she prepared to make dinner. A homemade meal by Luna was better than anything else in Chrysalis’s opinion. Not only was she a good cook, but it was the only time they could eat alone and with Chrysalis not needing her disguise. She wished Luna would consider staying over in Cupid’s Arrow more often rather than have Luna take her to Canterlot, but such was the price of her royal status.

The changeling happily sighed as she watched Luna work at the stove. She couldn’t help but think of a moment like this, only in the future where they would have the additional company of their children. Chrysalis had long pondered what sort of home would be best suited for their little ones. There were certainly benefits to life in a palace, but nothing could beat the feeling of a home. Despite spending most of her life in a castle, Chrysalis was unsure if she could return to that sort of life. Cupid’s Arrow allowed true freedom, privacy, and comfort. Rather than be locked to one room, Chrysalis was free to be herself and be with Luna in the whole building.

Chrysalis’s stomach rumbled as her nose caught the scent of her dinner heating up. Getting off the chair, she slowly walked over Luna and then stood directly above her while resting her head on top of hers. “Chrysalis, what are you doing?”

“Making myself comfortable.”

Underneath, Luna began to fidget. “Could you not stand so close? You’re distracting me.”

“Aw. Are you suddenly feel conscious about your height, my little pony?”

Chrysalis felt the intense heat of Luna’s embarrassment and lowered her whole body onto her in response. “C-cease this at once! I am trying to uphold my end of the bargain!”

The matchmaker nuzzled her face against Luna’s mane, which made her muzzle tingle. “Sorry, but I couldn’t stop missing you, especially during such a busy day. Having you here makes me happy in ways you can’t imagine. You’re the only pony who meets my exquisite…” her forked tongue quickly ran up Luna’s horn, “tastes.”

Luna nearly shrieked as the wooden spoon fell into the pan. “C-C-C-C-C-Chrysalis! The kitchen is supposed to a place of cleanliness!”

Turning her head to the kitchen table, Chrysalis grinned as her imagination ran wild. “Forgive me, but I want to make the most of our time together. I want to unwind before we have to deal with those sirens.” She wrapped her forelegs around Luna’s chest and kissed up and down her neck. This time, the princess seemed to enjoy Chrysalis’s teasing and quietly moaned. She stirred the green beans and mushrooms around in their pans for a moment before finally turning her attention to the royal changeling and giving her a tender kiss on the lips. “So what shall we do after dinner? Maybe have some...dessert?”

The alicorn's blood rushed to her face. “Not tonight. How about we instead share a nice bath together, I give you a massage on the bed while you tell me about your day, we make some hot chocolate, and you show me how your study of astronomy has been coming a long?”

“It’s a date.” After another kiss, Luna turned her attention back to the stove and Chrysalis returned to her chair. The smell of her dinner was filling the kitchen and Chrysalis took another nugget to fight off her hunger. She reached for another, but she decided against it to make sure Luna wouldn’t get upset with her. To distract herself, Chrysalis ranted about some of the more difficult clients she dealt with earlier today and Luna in return told her about some of the more interesting dreams she had encountered during her patrol over dreams. Eventually, Luna finished and set the dishes on the table. “It’s so nice to have a princess at my beck and call.”

She couldn’t resist giggling at the alicorn’s blush. “Silence, Chrysalis. Give me what is mine.” Chrysalis slid the nuggets to her, which she kept warm with her magic, and Luna immediately chowed down while the changeling ate in a more sophisticated manner.

When she was almost halfway done with her meal, Chrysalis caught Luna reaching for a piece of garlic bread. “Did you even eat your breakfast before coming here?”

“No, I was just so excited to give you the news that I came here right after waking up. Besides, you have all the good food here.” Luna looked around the kitchen. “Chrysie, where do you keep your jelly?”

“I keep the barrels upstairs, but I can help you with that here.” She took the bread out of Luna’s hooves and spewed a thick glob of slime onto it. “It’s always better fresh.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Taking a big bite out of it caused Luna to loudly moan and shiver with delight. “Changeling honey goes great on anything, but royal honey is just divine.”

“If you love it that much, then perhaps we should sleep in a cocoon one night.” She batted her eyelashes. “It’s an experience you’d have to try at least once.” Luna nodded, although she blushed. Once they both finished eating, Chrysalis leaned onto her and the princess was more than happy to hold her. Chrysalis then sat on her lap with her legs wrapped around her waist. “Since you have prepared such a lovely meal just for me, I think it is only fair that I give you something in return. How about some more honey straight from the tap?”

In response, Luna closed her eyes and opened her mouth, prompting Chrysalis to bring her lips around the pony’s. After a bit of tonguing, Chrysalis began filling Luna’s mouth with her jelly and the alicorn moaned. The matchmaker found it a bit hard to keep up as Luna was swallowing her slime faster than she could make it, but she managed. Opening one eye, she could sees Luna’s eyes being completely crossed as she gorged herself. If she was getting this much enjoyment out of it, Chrysalis could only imagine how much love she would generate if she was stuck in a cocoon.

It was only when Chrysalis found herself running dry that she decided to end the magic moment. “How was that?”

Luna swallowed the last bit of jelly and quietly burped much to her own embarrassment. “It was delicious.” She gave Chrysalis a little nudge to let her know to get up so that she could get out of her seat. “Why don’t you clean up the dishes while I get the bath ready?”

“As you wish.” As Luna went upstairs, Chrysalis happily hummed as she scrubbed each dish and pan before placing them in the dishwasher. She was still very bitter about getting stuck with the sirens for the night as she felt like it was an extra workshift for her to endure, but if she was with Luna, then she would find the strength to carry on. Once the kitchen was clean, Chrysalis flew up the second story of Cupid’s Arrow and into her bedroom, catching Luna stripping herself. She didn’t have much to remove and was barely covered in the first place, but the sight was still stimulating.

They entered the bathroom and Luna turned off the running water. She pointed at the bath and Chrysalis laid down in it before Luna rested on top of her. With her forelegs wrapped around Luna’s chest, Chrysalis softly rubbed her face into Luna’s mane. “So why are you teaching them friendship? Is that not your sister’s job?”

“It is, but I decided to lend a hoof after catching the three of them trying to beat each other’s brains out today. As one princess of Equestria, I feel that Celestia should not be alone in dealing with them and will do whatever I can to help her.” Luna looked up at her with pleading eyes. “So do you want to come help me tonight in their dreams? I would be so happy to have your company.”

She knew the question was going to come up and was tempted to turn her down as she felt sleeping was for helping her rest for the next day as opposed to essentially giving her another work shift. Chrysalis was almost mad that Luna was using that look to win her over to her side, but she had already decided. Even in dreams, she did not feel comfortable leaving Luna alone with those three. “Okay. I’ll do it for you, Lulu.”

“Thank you!” She pecked the changeling on the cheek. “We will make an excellent team!”

“I don’t doubt that.” Taking hold of one of Luna’s wings, Chrysalis poured some water on it before rubbing it and checking for any loose feathers. “Luna, I think for our next date, we should go somewhere new.”

“Like where?”

“I hear Changelingville is a lovely little town.”

Luna lifted her head. “But Chrysalis, you’re still banished from your kingdom.”

“No one needs to know. The two of us could pose as ponies, take the train, and spend the day exploring the town. I want to see how my subjects have been fairing. Besides, its the first village the Changeling Kingdom has ever created above ground.”

“I think it’s a lovely idea.” The princess crawled up her lover and pressed her cheek against hers as they laid together. “I have an idea as well. Celestia has suggested to me that we could use her private beach house for a little vacation.”

“The beach? I haven’t been to one for many years. I don’t exactly see the appeal though.”

“My sister has told me all sorts of fun things we could do on the beach like making sand castles and flying kites. I know want it to be a romantic getaway, but I would like so additional company. Not once since my return had we taken a family vacation, so maybe we and Nymph, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight could go together and have fun.” Chrysalis unconsciously tightened her hold on her. “Chrysalis?”

“Oh, forgive me. I was just thinking about something.” She relaxed and used one of her hooves to stroke Luna’s side. “I feel silly for not realizing this sooner, but I have not realized how large of a family I have now. It’s so strange to think it was only me and Nymph for so long. Stranger to think that I may end up being related to Cadance and Shining Armor after what I did to them.” Once more, her hold on Luna grew tighter. “I think about seeing them on my own sometimes. It’s just...what would I say? What would we do?” She sighed. “Perhaps I should worry about that another time. I do not think the people would be happy to know I was around them and their unborn child.”

“It’s no worse than you being in a relationship with me.” Luna’s face brightened and she traced her hoof across Chrysalis’s chest. “An intimate relationship.”

The former queen picked up the princess’s hoof and kissed it. “I suppose that’s true. I don’t think they can hate me any more than they do now.”

A sudden feeling of dread grew within her. Her own joke had backfired and it only took seconds for Luna to notice. “It’s going to be okay, Chrysalis. We’ll get through this together. As a team.” She ran her hooves through her marefriend’s mane and kissed her on the lips. “I love you.”

Chrysalis kissed her back, smiling. “I love you too, my dweamy wittle pwincess.”