• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,420 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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The Gift of Gratitude

The Gift of Gratitude

Luna came barreling through the doorway and slid across the the balcony, lightly bumping her flank against the guardrail. “Am I late!?”

“The show is just starting,” Celestia answered, holding onto the table as she expected the other princess to make a full collision with it. Luna took her seat between her and Chrysalis, who was in disguise.

The younger alicorn set down a platter of cupcakes in the middle of the table, something to go with the tea Celestia had prepared. Nymph took one and bit into it, savoring it as it brought some comfort while the screeching and banging coming from the radio assaulted her ears. She then noticed Luna bobbing her head in a rather peculiar manner. “Luna, what are you doing? Are you feeling unwell?”

“I’m just rocking out to the music. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“You call this music!?”

“Perhaps you need to take my sister to a rock concert.” Chrysalis laughed quietly as she stirred sugar into her tea. “She needs a taste of the real world.” Nymph harrumphed at her, which only added to Chrysalis’s amusement.

When the loosest definition of music thankfully came to an end, a voice spoke. “And now, here is your host! The horn of scorn, a minotaur who gives no bull, Iron Will!”

“Hello, Equestria!” a gruff voice greeted before a brief applause followed. “Welcome to Iron Will’s Power Hour and today, we’ve got not a quite as exciting show, but I don’t think anything will be more exciting than when famous magician Trixie herself nearly turned me into a steak dinner on the air during one of her famous tricks!”

The sound of effect of a roaring fire and a quick scream nearly caused Nymph to drop her teacup. “How barbaric!” Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis shushed her.

“Now since my doctor has told me to watch my blood pressure since then, we will have a nice, calm episode with our guests with minimal screaming and suplexing. Who are they? I have no idea! They were strongly recommended to me by Cherub, famous matchmaker and most likely the whip cracker in the bedroom with Princess Luna.” He played a wolf whistle sound effect.

“Oh, he’s giving me ideas.” Chrysalis slowly ran her hoof across Luna’s.

“Don’t you dare! You were almost too much the first time!” Luna immediately blushed and quietly sipped her tea, no doubt feeling the disturbed look Celestia was giving them.

“But as an appreciator of music, I have decided to accept her request to bring today’s guests on the air. Please welcome the singing band known as The Dazzlings, comprised of three earth pony singers who, from what I have been told, have voices beyond anything I have ever heard. Why don’t you introduce yourselves, girls?”

“I’m Adagio Dazzle,” she proudly proclaimed. “I am the founder and lead singer of our band.”

“Aria Blaze.”

“And I’m the cute one!”

“It says your name is Sonata Dusk.”

“That too!”

“I still cannot believe you did this for them,” said Celestia, laughing as she usually did during one of Sonata’s less than smart antics. “Has your opinion of them changed that much?”

“While I don’t trust them exactly, I feel they need to be rewarded for their recent milestone.” Chrysalis used her real tongue to wipe off the top of a cupcake. “It’s the least I could do for Aria opening up to me.”

“Right. So tell us all about yourselves. Cherub said you three were a big deal, so I’ve just got to know what’s your story.”

“Well the truth is that we’re really sirens and we ah!”

“What was that? Sirens?”

“She means we like to think ourselves as sirens,” Adagio answered nervously. In the background, they could hear Sonata struggling, likely because Aria was holding her mouth shut. “You know, those mythical sea creatures that sang songs to lure sailors and steal their treasure?”

“Now I get it. Why not simply call your band The Sirens?”

“Because I’m the leader and I decide what it’s called,” she answered harshly. “Besides, sirens has a negative feel to it because of they were seen as thieves and other nasty things. The Dazzlings simply reflects what we are: dazzling.”

“I also think that dazzling is the right word. When I first saw you three, do you know what was my first thought?”

“How amazing we looked?” Sonata asked sweetly.

“How much hair product Adagio uses to keep her mane looking like that!” Nymph and the other royals cracked up and she was almost certain she could hear Aria holding back her laughter. “Audience, you have to this see mane! I actually feel bad for anypony who doesn’t get to see what I’m seeing! It’s almost as big as her and looks to be softer than than a cute little bunny! So how much shampoo do you use every day for all that fluff?”

“Two whole bottles,” answered Aria. “Three when it’s dry.”

Iron Will blew up into laughter and Luna grinned. “Oh my. Did Aria just make a joke?”

“I knew there was a reason I liked her,” commented Chrysalis.

“I do not, you liar! And stop touching my hair, Sonata!”

“But it’s fluffy like a bunny, Dagi! Come on, let me feel it!”

“Not now! We’re on the air and you two are embarrassing me!”

Iron Wall laughed over them for almost a minute before he managed to catch his breath. “Okay, so let’s stop talking about her hair and get to the mane event. So how did you three get your start?”

“Homeless,” Adagio answered, trying to sound dramatic. “I was a poor girl all alone in the streets, struggling to survive. I spent everything I could trying to make it big in Manehatten, but I just wasn’t good enough for that talentless music agent. Every night, I laid on the cold, hard ground, shivering and all I could keep thinking about how much of a failure I was.” Adagio let out a little sniffle. “I was forced to shave my own precious hair to sell it to wig makers, but it was never enough money to feed myself for long. No pony knows what it’s like to be desperate unless they’ve been through what I have.”

Nymph rolled her eyes. “Oh please! You call that acting? She’s as sympathetic as a rabid hydra! Little changelings were taught how to act better than this in the old days!” To her shock, she could hear Celestia sniff. “Don’t tell me you’re buying this!”

“But Nymph,” said Luna, who was at the verge of tears, “they really did live on the streets! We don’t know any of the horrible things they went through!” Nymph opened her mouth to argue further, but Chrysalis took her hoof and shook her head. Reluctantly, the younger changeling complied and looked back to the radio. Her thoughts flashed back to when she first met the Dazzlings and the familiar sense of pity arose from when she saw of how filthy and weak they were.

“While I was digging through dumpsters for food, I bumped into Aria and Sonata, who each had their own stories. We united to survive and after a while, I taught them to sing almost as well as I can.” Adagio faked a teary sniff. “If it weren’t for me, who knows what horrible things would have happened to them?”

“That’s a load of oof!” Aria loudly grumbled. “A load of harsh truth.”

“Long story short, we made it to Canterlot and miraculously found work in the palace as maids. We liked to sing now and then and even held some shows on the streets for the public to see. Cherub just happened to catch one of our shows and loved our voices so much, she wanted to help kickstart our careers. You know we must be good at singing if we impressed somepony dating royalty.”

“Adagio is the best singer ever!” proclaimed Sonata. “Anypony listening will fall under her spell in an instant.”

“That’ quite a bold statement,” said Iron Will. “Perhaps you could give us a sample of your music?”

“Anything for a fan,” said Adagio. “Ready, girls?”

“Ready,” they both replied.

The sirens began singing one of their more favorite songs, which they had called Welcome to the Show. It was the one that always sent a shiver down Nymph’s spine as it was far more sinister than their other catchy songs. She was thankful that Twilight’s necklaces could still withhold the powerful magic the sirens contained within them as the Dazzlings singing over the radio would be catastrophic if they were allowed their full power.

It was something that filled the Changeling Queen with fear and a small amount of envy.

As Adagio continued to sing, Nymph noticed her sister slowly moving her head to the music, eyes closed and smiling. “You actually like this?”

“What? They’re great singers.”

“Only because they have their precious magic,” scoffed Nymph. “If they didn’t have that, half of Equestria’s ears would be bleeding right now. With magic, everypony is at risk.”

“As right as you are, it’s something we can manage easily,” addressed Luna, also finding enjoyment from the song. “After all, we have Chrysalis here walking around without anything withholding her magic.”

“She’s has more than proven herself that she has made herself into a better changeling,” countered Nymph, which caused to her sister to nuzzle her affectionately. “I’m not ready to say the same about them. Adagio might be pure evil.”

At last, the song came to an end and Iron Will played many sound clips of applause. “Holy mackerel! That was truly a performance! Ten stars! You three truly are dazzling!”

“Why thank you, Iron Will,” said Adagio, clearly smug. “So are you under our spell?”

“Oh I am! I will be sure to be first in line when you release your first record! Have you got a music agent?”

“Yeah,” said Aria. “The changeling behind the window there. Thorax heard us sing and wanted to help us hit the big times. He had to cry and beg to get us to take him, but he’s a pretty decent guy.”

“Oh great. Now they’re dragging Thorax through the mud, too.” Nymph sighed. “I need to repay him somehow for putting up with them.”

“Well congratulations to Thorax for finding himself three rising stars! However, I want to get back to that story you were telling me because something doesn't make sense. Are you really telling me that there was a pony who said you weren’t good enough, Adagio?”

“I still remember the name of that miserable pony who told me I could never be a true singer. Let’s just say this pony practically destroyed my perfect voice back then.” Adagio cackled slightly. “Oh how I would love to see the face of Sunset Shimmer right now.”

Their eyes went straight to Celestia, whose head slowly turned toward the little white radio at the edge of the table. The way she stared at the device had Nymph expecting her to blow it up in an inferno at any given second. “Well that’s music business for ya,” said Iron Will. “Sometimes they have bad taste and miss great opportunities. Nothing to get hung up about.”

“She also said that dying animals were better to listen to than any minotaur singing!” Sonata happily lied.


“Sister?” The alicorn did not respond. “Sister, are you alright?”

Princess Celestia, the shining beacon of Equestria, the pony who symbolized purity and harmony, wore a face of pure scorn. Nymph had never seen her look so enraged, even toward Chrysalis herself. As Luna and Nymph scooted closer to her, Chrysalis decided to take cover under the table. “Celestia?” asked the queen timidly. “Celestia, say something.”

Celestia took a deep breath and exhaled, now looking a little softer. “I’ll have to have a chat with those two when they get back.” She poured herself another cup of tea, no doubt plotting many ways she could unleash retribution upon those who dared soil the name of one of her old students.

“Let’s not talk about her,” said Aria, proving herself to be the smartest of the trio. “It’s all in the past. Despite what she thinks, we’re going to be the greatest singers in all of Equestria.”

“Well I wish you luck of you rise to fame, but after hearing you in person, there’s no doubt in my mind that you will make it all the way to the top. Now before we cut to commercial break, I would like to set the record straight on a minotaur’s ability to sing.” They heard rustling as he dug through what sounded like a cardboard box. “There’s my trusty fiddle! Say Dazzlings, would you like to give me your critique on my music skills?”

“How could we say no?” replied Adagio. “Let’s hear it!”

As the first note played, their reaction was immediate. Nymph suddenly flew up from her stool and slammed against the wall behind her. Luna had simply fallen backwards onto the ground, the stars in her mane suddenly burning out one by one. Chrysalis hacked up slime, pinned her ears shut, and sealed them with her jelly. Celestia protected herself with a golden bubble around her head, but she clearly looked to be in pain. Unable to withstand anymore, Celestia shut off the radio. “I think that’s enough of that.”

“Stars above, I think I have gone deaf!” Luna cried as she climbed back up onto her seat. “Was he playing with an instrument or a rusty chainsaw!? I think he is committing torture at this very instant!”

“At least people can shut off the radio,” said Chrysalis, magically cleaning off her ears. “I think the Dazzlings are the only ones stuck listening to him and they’re sitting right next to him!”

“An unfortunate consequence, but a fitting punishment,” spoke Celestia. “It’s a shame they cannot show Sunset some gratitude for what she had done for them.”

“I think they will come around,” said Luna. “Sonata truly likes Pinkie and Fluttershy, two ponies they consider to be their foes. It will only be a matter of time until Aria and Adagio learn to let go.” She turned to Chrysalis. “Has she come by to Ponyville or anything?”

“No she hasn’t and I haven’t heard her talking about going back or anything. Pinkie’s still down in the dumps about the whole thing and it hurts to see her hair lose some fluff now and then.”

“You haven’t told her the truth?” questioned Nymph. “I don’t think Pinkie will be very happy about you holding out on her. Why not just drop Sonata off with her and Fluttershy again? This could a great opportunity for Sonata by having her make friends with ponies!”

Chrysalis picked up another cupcake and stared disdainfully at the icing that coated it. “If she really wants to be their friend, then she needs to do it herself. I’m not playing the messenger for her.”

“Fine.” Gulping, Nymph turned to Celestia. “Princess, about what we talked about earlier. I am so sorry about what they said regarding Sunset Shimmer, but I still think we need to do this. They have gotten this far and after this interview, they should strike while the iron is hot! They would never forgive us if we didn’t give them this chance! Think of the good they could bring!”

“I’m not entirely certain about this,” Luna said cautiously. “You can tell how much malice they carry just from what we heard on the radio. We might be pushing things a little too fast and I fear what may they may do if we are not careful.”

“Maybe, but what’s the worse that can happen?” asked Chrysalis as she took Luna’s hoof. “Twilight has their magic taken care of and I don’t think they’re smart enough to find a way to get those pendants off. Take it from me. When your life feels stuck in a rut, you’re not exactly going out making friends and the idea of everybody around you feeling as miserable as you becomes extremely appealing. If we want them to come on our side, it would be a lot easier if they are happy and not thinking that we are oppressing them.”

“After what happened in the dream realm, I am stunned to hear you say that about them, but it’s sweet that you care.” Luna leaned forward and gave Chrysalis a kiss on the lips while both changelings quickly fed from her. “I approve of Nymph’s idea. What about you, Celestia?”

Celestia had been looking into her teacup that floated in front of her. Every now and then she would take a sip from it, but she still remained silent. Every passing moment made Nymph feel as if some invisible weight was crushing her more and more. Just one word and Nymph’s plan of the Grand Galloping Gala going well could be destroyed. She was so worried that she did not realize she was considering using magic to make the alicorn answer what she wanted.

After what felt like ages, Celestia set the teacup down, took a deep breath, and looked at them. “Very well.”

For the last few weeks, Nymph felt on edge walking around the streets of Canterlot without any disguise. Since the incident in the Crystal Empire, the air around her wasn’t quite pleasant as many ponies laid eyes on her. She could only speculate what they whispered about her, but it was obvious they felt she and Chrysalis were up to something. Even if she was hidden in disguise, an area mixed with ponies and changelings reeked of disdain and mistrust.

When Nymph walked unescorted to the train station today, she held her head high and relished in the pleasant air of Canterlot. Ponies and changelings happily going about their day and staring in awe whenever they became aware of the queen walking among them. She occasionally waved and smiled to the people and each gesture seemed to have brightened their day. Often there were children who had to be held back by their parents as they attempted to run over and greet her. Today reminded Nymph much of her home and as much as she missed it, there was more work to be done.

When she entered the train station, she found it to be bustling with citizens that didn’t even stop to look at her. The afternoon sun pierced the many windows on the building and was absolutely blinding when she stepped into the sunlight. Nymph exited the other side of the building and stood at the platform. Looking on the massive clock behind her, they would be returning at any minute if the train was on time.

Shortly after her arrival, she could hear the train coming in the distance. The pink train came in with the cupcake shaped car behind it (there was no doubt in Nymph’s mind that Celestia or Pinkie had something to do with it) followed by more cars with colorful tops. When it stopped, the doors opened and it wasn’t long until she spotted the Dazzlings and Thorax exiting. They walked by until Thorax noticed her, causing him to tug on Aria’s foreleg and point at the queen. He happily ran up to her with the sirens reluctantly following. “Hi, Nymph! Did you hear them on the radio? They were amazing!”

“We did.” She looked at Adagio and did her best to look friendly to her. “You three really stole the show.”

“Naturally,” boasted the golden menace. “All of Equestria will remember our voices from today onward.”

“We’re gonna be superstars!” Sonata cheered. Thorax held out his hoof and she high hoofed it and then he hoof bumped with Aria. “So why are you out here anyway? Did you want an autograph? We’re charging for those now!”

“Ten bits per Dazzling,” added Thorax. Digging into his bag, Thorax pulled on his book and opened it from the back. Near the end were three signatures, each under a sketch of the one who made it. “Glad I got mine earlier.”

“I was asked to bring you three back the palace and to Celestia’s room,” Nymph replied. “We have a little surprise for the three of you.”

“Should I be excited or worried?” Aria asked cautiously while watching Sonata grin and excitedly clap her hooves. “I can never tell with you.”

“Don’t worry. I think you will enjoy it.” Nymph turned around and walked through the station and back into Canterlot with her company following. “So other than your interview, how was your trip?”

“It was so great! We got to look around before and after the show!” Thorax flipped back many pages. “I managed to get a lot written down while we were in Fillydelphia. Have you ever been there?”

“I’m afraid not. May I?” Thorax nodded and gave her the book, which she flipped through with her magic. Pages were littered with bullet points on the history of the city or other little tidbits he found to be of interest. Thorax’s sketches have been getting better as his drawings of buildings and landmarks were better detailed. One sketch, however, stuck out to her. It was one of a minotaur, obviously Iron Will, wearing sunglasses and giving two thumbs up. Next to him was a speech bubble that read, “My advice stinks!” When she finished, she returned it to him. “Thorax, your book makes me wish I was there right now. Did you girls find it as fun as he did?”

“Not really. Cities like that existed all over the place in the other realm,” said Adagio as she eyed the changeling’s book. “I don’t get why you’re even writing that thing, Thorax. Don’t they already make travel pamphlets or something?” She moved closer, unaware of his angry grumbling. “You know, if you want to be an author, we could easily help you with that. How about writing our biography? It would be a best seller overnight and you would be set for life.”

Thorax slowly moved away from Adagio’s sultry grin, only to bump in Aria as she wore a similar expression. What made him even more nervous was Sonata getting on his back and giving him her own grin. “A-a-actually, you three are supposed to be a big secret for maybe forever so I can’t write it!”

“Don’t be such a shrimp,” replied the dazzling singer. “You could write it now and publish it later. I’ll get you started and tell you about my first singing competition in Chantlantis.”

At the moment, Nymph wished the palace was much closer as she was subjected to Adagio running her mouth about herself as usual. Maybe the siren was secretly deaf as Nymph could not fathom how anypony could not get sick of their own voice because when she got started, it was hard to stop her. While passing by the plaza where the Dazzlings often performed, a voice rang out. “Look! It’s The Dazzlings!”

They turned to see a crowd of ponies and changelings flock over to them, surrounding the sirens with faces of delight. “Are you going to perform again?”

“Give us an autograph!”

“Are any of you single!?”

Nymph couldn’t believe the attention they were getting all of a sudden. It had been a while since their big performance, but clearly they left quite an impression. While Sonata and Aria looked surprised, Adagio was cool and confident. “My adoring fans. I’m afraid we have been traveling a lot today and are simply too tired and unprepared to give a performance.” Voices of disappointment rang out. “Now now. I promise we will come back tomorrow with some brand new songs never before heard” She took her friends and broke from the crowd as they cheered. “Be sure to bring your friends! The bigger our audience, the happier we are!”

“I’ll bring my family!”

“I’ll bring my book club!”

“Cherub should come by and bring Princess Luna!”

“Speaking of royalty, why are you girls with Queen Nymph?” asked one changeling.

Only now did the crowd realize who was accompanying them and the queen could sense confusion rising among them. Before Adagio could answer, Nymph stepped forward. “I’ve heard about their amazing singing talent from Cherub and wanted to meet them for myself. To think such wonderful talent was right under my nose. It’s wonderful to hear ponies sing of unity in these trying times and I think they serve as an inspiration to us all. As much as we would love to stay, Princess Celestia wishes to see them.” They took their leave as they heard curious murmurs about the Dazzlings and Celestia. “Did you see that? I gave you girls a little boost by mentioning Celestia.”

“Aw, thanks!” said Sonata. “That means they’re going to give us more money tomorrow, right?”

“Not gonna lie. It’s a little weird to have a bunch of fans who aren’t under our spell,” admitted Aria. “Feels nice to have actually earned that adoring crowd. Can’t believe they love those songs about love and that kind of thing.”

“And it’s hate that gives us the power to sing those songs,” added Adagio. “We seem to be in a weird loop here.”

“You know speaking of that, we haven’t exactly fed ourselves in a while.” Aria looked down at her pendant. “If it weren’t for these stupid things, I wouldn’t worry about standing out. You ever plan on letting us feed again?”

“No, but we shouldn’t need to. My researchers back in my kingdom are still working on my new project,” said Nymph. “I had to spin quite a story to explain why I wanted crystals attuned so that they naturally collected hate and anger over time. Hopefully they will have something ready soon so we don’t have to repeat last time.”

It wasn’t long until they made it back to the palace and it felt different than earlier today. Ponies and changelings within took notice of the sirens walking with the queen and either waved to them or call out, asking for autographs or if they could sing them something. As expected, the trio was taking in every moment of this and Nymph had to keep magically pulling them whenever they tried approaching one of their fans. They soon arrived at their destination and Nymph knocked on Celestia’s door. “We’re here!” She opened the door to find Celestia, Luna, and Chrysalis laying by the lit fireplace.

“Welcome back.” Celestia was the first to stand and walk up to them. “How was Fillydelphia?”

“Why are we here?” Adagio asked rather rudely. “I just want this out of the way.”

“Of course.” Nymph stood beside her as Luna and Chrysalis got up. “About a week ago, we sent you girls to Ponyville to better learn about friendship. When you all failed with Twilight and her friends, I was at a loss of what to do with you three.” Her eyes drifted over to Aria, who shifted a bit in response. “However, you managed to discover friendship amongst yourselves and we couldn’t be prouder.”

“You sirens still have a long way to go,” continued Luna. “It is our hope that you will achieve a better understanding of friendship and be able to freely live your lives here in Equestria. Perhaps one day you will find it in your hearts to forgive Twilight and her friends for what they were forced to do.”

“To celebrate the progress you three have made, we wish to reward you.” Celestia magically held out their maid uniforms before making them vanish. “As of now, you three are relieved of your cleaning duties so that you can focus on singing.”

Adagio and Aria sighed with heavy relieved while Sonata shrieked happily. “Finally!” said Adagio. “No more work! No more wearing those dreadful uniforms!”

“Aren’t maid uniforms supposed to be sexy?” questioned Sonata.

“I think so.” Chrysalis bounced her eyebrows at Luna, who magically moved her away and rolled her eyes.

“Me too!” The whole room went silent as every mare turned their head toward Thorax, who shrunk and hid behind the dressing curtain.

“Thank you, Princess,” said Aria as she bowed her head. Even though she now did that regularly with Celestia, it still felt weird to Nymph to see her display such respect. “I’ve done enough cleaning for a lifetime.”

“You’re welcome, Aria. However, I must inform you that there are two conditions to this.”

Each of them went from excited to cautious. “Of course there’s a catch,” Adagio groaned. “Very well. What are your demands?”

“The first is that you still have to attend your friendship lessons,” answered Luna.

“No offense, but I think we’re way past that,” argued Aria. “You taught us cheering up sad friends, compromise, when to tell your friends they have a problem, and a lot of other stuff. I think technically us being friends with each other means we pass the class.”

“I know my lessons may seem dull and tedious, but I just want to ensure that you three stay as friends. Years of bad blood have a habit of coming up.” Aria glanced to the side. “It’s scary to think about, but it can happen. I just want to make sure things don’t go back to the way they were.”

Adagio looked at her friends and could read just how worried they were of such a possibility. “Fine. So what is the second condition?”

Nymph couldn’t help but smirk as she watched Celestia bring out the book. Luna and Chrysalis also seemed to be highly amused with the situation. Celestia was not one to be mean, but when she was, she had a good reason to do so. “I need you three to write a thank you letter.”

“A letter?” repeated Aria. “For you? Can’t we just say thanks and be done with it?”

“Oh, it’s not for any of us.” She held the book up to them so that they could see the familiar mark on the cover. “It’s for Sunset Shimmer.” The Dazzlings were left speechless. “After what you did to her back then, she could have easily said no when you came to her. She could have left you and be done with it. Instead, she chose to save you girls. Can you not appreciate the kindness she showed the three of you?” She opened up the book to the earliest blank page. “Do you know why am I doing this?”

“For kicks?” guessed Adagio.

“You’re kind of right,” taunted Chrysalis.

“It’s because you girls needs to learn to be grateful,” said Nymph while giving her sister a dirty look. "Can you three comprehend how much you have been given despite your past actions? Food, shelter, and even freedom has been provided to you and yet we’ve never seen any of you act grateful to her or Twilight.”

“And what of your friendship?” continued Luna. “Where would you be had it not been for them? No doubt you would be just as you were at the start. Your career and your growing bond with one another all starts with Sunset Shimmer. Had she left you as you were, none of this would be possible.”

“Actually it started with-” Nymph’s eyes glowed threateningly toward Sonata and she exposed her deadly fangs. “...with Dagi’s great leadership that we decided to ask for help!”

“Regardless, we just want you to write a brief of letter of appreciation to her.” Celestia set the book down in front of them along with a bottle of ink that had a feather sticking out. “You can practice what you want to say to her in this book. I know I have been very lenient in the past, but you need to take this seriously if you wish to claim your reward.” The princess’s smile grew slightly. “Why don’t you write the sweetest, nicest letter you can come up with here? I just want to keep it as a little personal memory. If you do that, we can work on the real letter whenever you feel ready.”

“Deal.” Aria took the quill and carefully wrote in the book. Her hoofwriting was decent enough, but they were still practicing writing without fingers so that they could sign autographs.

“That was awfully fast of you,” commented Adagio as she and Sonata laid down beside her. “Aren’t you aware of who exactly you are writing to?”

Aria glanced at her. “I hate working. Besides, I really don’t feel like dealing with Sunset right now, so let’s just make happy.” She finished writing and returned the quill to the ink. “Who's next?”

“Me!” Aria passed the book to her and Sonata happily added onto whatever Aria wrote. When her part was done, she slid it to Adagio, who looked at the book with disdain. “Come on, Dagi! You just write one little thing and we’re done!”

With a sigh, Adagio picked up the quill with her teeth and began. Ever curious of what the siren would write, Nymph walked over to them and tried peeking at the book. However, this proved to be impossible as she could not see past the utter amount of hair that engulfed Adagio’s head. She didn’t want to admit it, but the queen was a bit envious. While she did enjoy her long, smooth mane, Adagio’s was bright and simply stuck out from a crowd. With her curiosity getting the better of her, Nymph asked out loud, “So how much shampoo do you use?”

Ignoring everyone’s snickering, Adagio finished writing and slammed the book shut. “Done. Now may we please return to our room?”

“Not yet.” Nymph magically opened the book and flipped it to the page. “We’re going to have to grade you.” She cleared her throat and spoke using Aria’s voice. “‘Dear Sunset Shimmer, been a while, hasn’t it? I know this is out of nowhere, but we just wanted to say thanks for helping us out. Things have been getting better for us here in Equestria. Keep in mind that this doesn’t make us friends or anything. Just writing to you makes me want to break something.’”

“That’s how you wish to write your letter?” questioned Luna. “That doesn’t come across as friendly at all.”

Aria rolled her eyes in annoyance. “I’m never going to see Sunset again, so I don’t care what she thinks about it. And I did thank her, didn’t I? Besides, don’t you think it’s better for me to be honest about how I feel? Honesty is supposed to be an Element of whatever.”

“Sometimes it’s better to simply keep those honest thoughts to yourself.” Nymph circled Aria’s part of the letter and labeled it with the siren’s name before reading more in Sonata’s voice. “‘Coming back to Equestria has been the best thing ever. I can’t understand why you would ever want to leave it, but whatever. Me, Dagi, and Aria are now super great friends and are becoming super famous singers here. Too bad you’re going to miss out on our awesome shows.’”

“Sonata, do you understand what was the point of this?” asked Celestia. “You were supposed to thank her for what she has done for you.”

“But Aria already did that!” she argued. “It’d be kinda weird to just thank her again in the same letter!”

“So you chose to instead brag about yourself?” snapped Chrysalis. “Perhaps you should have wrote about how her mercy has allowed you this wonderful opportunity given to you or how friendship has changed you since coming back. You know, a way to tell her that she has made the right choice and that you three are capable of undergoing a critical change in character that will be beneficial to you and her?” The siren stared blankly at Chrysalis for a few seconds before grinning and nodding her head. However, it was clear to everyone that she didn’t entirely process what was said to her, causing Chrysalis to bang her head on the wall. “Just finish it, Nymph.”

The Changeling Queen braced herself for what was to come as she marked Sonata’s portion. In Adagio’s voice while trying to withhold any sarcasm the siren would no doubt use into writing to her enemy, Nymph read, “‘I suppose we have no choice but to be thankful to you. I’d rather not think where we would be now without your aid. Sometimes I wish I had a heart like yours. I suppose the preaches of friendship we have endured here carry some value. After all, they have brought the three of us together and we couldn’t be happier. Perhaps some day we will see each other again on better terms and you could forgive us for what we did. Until then, I hope for you the best. Signed, The Dazzlings.’” Bewildered, Nymph returned the book to Celestia after marking it. “Adagio, that was actually...lovely.”

“Indeed. I felt rather moved by your words.” Luna glared suspiciously at her. “Just what exactly are you up to now?”

“I’m just saving time. I could very easily tell her how exactly I feel about her, but then you’d just make me through another lecture and I have more important things to do with my time.” She got onto her hooves and her friends did the same. “Besides, it was only for practice. When you make us write the real thing, I’ll try to be a bit more honest like Aria. Could you imagine me actually saying something so disgustingly sappy to her of all ponies? I would never live down the humiliation. Now may we please leave?”

Celestia lightly chuckled. “You may go if you wish, but I was hoping you would wait for the reply.”

“Reply?” asked Sonata. “But we didn’t send any letter yet.”

“How exactly do you mail across dimensions anyway?” Aria questioned. “Do you just shove a letter through a portal or something?”

“With this.” Celestia held up the book and both Adagio and Aria went pale. “Twilight uses this book as a way to directly communicate with Sunset.” Sonata was the next to realize what she was implying and underwent a similar reaction. “I’m sure Sunset will just love hearing from you girls.”

With her face as red as her old gem, Adagio leapt for the book. “Give that back!” Right before she reached it, it suddenly glowed, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. “Oh no.”

“Open it! I have to see what Sunset said!” said Nymph as she, Chrysalis, and Luna gathered around her. Celestia flipped to the page and they saw the new message being written in. Magically binding the sirens in place as they tried to slip out of the room, Nymph read aloud, “‘Hi, girls! I’m glad to hear that everything is going great for you three. I wasn’t expecting you to suddenly write to me, so I guess things are going better than I thought. Aria, I’m sorry you still feel that way about me, but just know I still care about you and if you ever want to talk about anything, I’m here to listen.’”

“Somehow, I hate her even more,” Aria groaned. “Acting all nice like that after what I just said to her. I don’t think I will ever understand ponies.”

Nymph couldn’t help but grin as eyed Adagio. “‘Adagio, thank you so much for your message. I won’t lie when I say I had my doubts about letting you back into Equestria, but I clearly misjudged you. I wish I could see more of this gentle, caring, and friendly side of you. I think the two of us could be great friends! Maybe in the future you could come back here and show everyone at school the loving Adagio that you have become. Hope to hear more from you soon!’”

The laughter that filled the room caused an intense twitch in Adagio’s eye. “Who knew that deep inside, Adagio was loving soul who only wanted a friend to snuggle up with?” taunted Chrysalis. “I’m sure Sunset will gladly help you out there!”

“I’m sure Sunset is telling her friends right at this moment about the true side to Adagio. If there were here now, they would shower you with the love and support!” said Luna through laughter.

Adagio glared at the four royals before her. “If I could feed off my own hate, I would end each and every one of you here and now.”

“Aw, don’t feel bad, Dagi!” Sonata tenderly nuzzled her cheek. “Why is this such a bad thing? You are all those things at least to us!”

“Doesn’t mean the whole world needs to know about it. Ugh, I wish I thought more on what I was gonna write. I was being way too friendly with her.” Aria shot a dirty look at Thorax as he kept snickering, causing him to stop immediately, and then looked to the bigger alicorn. “You’re a jerk, Celestia.”

“Maybe in a way,” Celestia admitted in a friendly manner, “but I do feel this humiliation is very appropriate after what you three decided to do when you thought you could get away with it. What was Sunset to do since she wouldn’t know what was being said about her for all of Equestria to hear?”

“Well that’s exactly why we said it!” Adagio and Aria stared at Sonata. “What?”

“As amusing as this was, there was a point to this,” addressed Celestia in a more direct tone. “I’m worried you view of her and Twilight will continue to interfere with your understanding of friendship. I know you three wish to get back at Sunset for stopping you, but try not to look at her as an enemy. Instead, look at her as a caring soul who reached her hoof out to aid someone many who would have ignored. No matter what you think, she is your friend and cares about each of you. Just think of how happy she was to hear from you.”

“Fine. Whatever. May we please leave and be done with this torment?” asked Adagio in great annoyance.

Nymph laughed as she approached them. “Yes, yes. We’re done messing with you. Come on. Let’s get you back to your room.” Her magic filled the room and upon appearing in their bedroom, Nymph said, “You know, I think I deserve some gratitude as well. It was I who saved you and also just convinced Celestia to let you all leave Canterlot for future performances.”

“Thanks for making us tool at your disposal,” deadpanned Adagio. “Thanks for constantly interfering with our art and threatening mind control when we don’t do things your way. Are you so full of yourself that you actually expect us to thank you for turning us into your servants?”

“Nonsense. You’re just looking at it all wrong. This is atonement for your crimes and I am merely killing two birds with one stone by helping my people through it. It’s all done with noble intention.”

“Poor birdies!” cried Sonata.

“So noble that you haven’t told anypony what you’re really up to,” countered Aria.

Nymph brushed it off with a shrug. “My methods are simply different than what the princesses are used to. Besides, it’s all for the greater good and no pony is getting hurt, so I fail to see any problem. Just remember to play along and one day, you will be free do as you please.” Right as the Adagio opened her mouth, Nymph raised her hoof. “Enough. You each have had a long day and I’m sure you would much prefer to rest.” She opened the bedroom door and turned around. “You three really have come a long way. Before you know it, the four of us are going to be such close friends!” Quickly stepping out and closing the door before they could say anything response, Queen Nymph happily hummed to herself. Other than often butting heads with Adagio over what they sing, where they should go for their next performance, and whether or not they were allowed to charge their audiences, she grew a little fond of the Dazzlings.

Perhaps fond was too strong of a word.

Hopeful that they would improve.

That sounded better.

When she turned the corner, she was surprised to see Thorax down the hall. “Thorax!” she called. “What brings you here?”

“I was just going to visit them and try to pry the story of their banishment out of them,” he answered as he landed next to her. “I don’t want to write their biography, but writing about such an epic battle sounds great! I’ve already the story about them and Starswirl, but could you imagine it being told by the sirens themselves!? I’d be rich!”

“Don’t you mean it would be a great story to share with everypony?” Nymph teased.

“R-r-right! That’s what I meant!”

“I’m afraid your story will have to wait. They are getting cranky and need to get their rest. Besides, I don’t think you will have much luck getting them to talk about a sensitive subject so easily. Just look at how they see Sunset.”

He loudly sighed. “I guess, but I think I can get them to talk one day. Until then, maybe I should think about how I could spice it up a little.”

“Spice it up?” Nymph tilted her head. “I don’t follow. Didn’t you just say their story would be amazing to read about? You even described it as an epic battle.”

Thorax rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, but...well...reading about them sounded a lot more interesting than knowing them.”

“Beg pardon?”

“Well the story describes them as these merciless, terrifying monsters who would stop at nothing to get what they want and they could only be beaten by an all powerful unicorn.” He shifted into Sonata’s form. “Does that sound like Sonata?”

Nymph chuckled. “Not at all. In some ways, truth can be more interesting than fiction.”

“Doesn’t really fit Aria or Adagio either.” Thorax took off his disguise. “I’ve seen their softer side when they think I’m not looking. Aria isn’t so moody anymore and I can tell Adagio really cares about them.”

“Maybe you should see what they really look like. That would scare anyone who lays eyes upon them. Why you were terrified back when I simply described what they looked like.”

“I guess so, but I don’t know. After spending so much time with them, it’s hard to see them as anything but just regular girls.” Nymph suddenly found herself bursting into laughter, which made Thorax nervous. “What’s so funny?”

“You really are one of a kind, Thorax.” Nymph patted her hoof on his back. “Just regular girls. I don’t think anyone else would of have ever described them as such. Especially you.”

“I-is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all. I think it shows just how much you’ve changed.”

“I have?”

“Absolutely. Remember when we first met in the Everfree Forest? You were just a stuttering, nervous wreck who couldn’t control himself while feeding.” Nymph sighed happily as she looked out one of the large windows in the hall. “That felt like a lifetime ago and yet here I still am in Equestria. Now you’re this brave and charming changeling that grubsits magical beasts like it was a normal thing to do.”

“Brave?” Thorax repeated. “C-charming!?”

“Of course. Not only did you not let the sirens scare you off, but they seem to have taken a liking to you. I don’t know how you did it, but you impress me, Thorax.”

“It’s no big deal. I’m just doing what any good changeling would do to help their queen.” He turned his head the other way. “I just...kinda wish we saw each other more.”

“I understand how you feel. I would love to see Chrysalis more, but we both have our duties. I have no doubt Celestia and Luna feel the same way about each other.” They came by Nymph’s room and she broke away from him. “Have a good evening and thank you for the hard work you put in today.”

“I am glad to be of service.” Smiling, Nymph tried to close the door, but Thorax quickly put his hoof down in front of it. “Nymph!” She was startled by his sudden outburst, but she couldn’t help but feel curious. “Are you busy tonight?”

“Not really. Why?”

“I was wondering if we could go out and get some dinner. I’ve been in Canterlot for a while and haven’t gotten to try much of the cuisine outside of the palace.” He stared at the floor and tapped his front hooves together. “Wouldn’t it be a great excuse for us to get together?”

“And I suppose I will be picking up the bill?” Blushing, Thorax shrugged innocently at her and Nymph giggled. “I gladly accept your offer.” She let him into her room and opened the window inside. When they stepped in front out it, she extended her foreleg to him. “Shall we?” Thorax locked his leg around hers and they flew out to the city below.

Later in the night, Nymph sat alone in her room, finishing up any unfinished work given to her from Bugartha. She didn’t really feel like doing it tonight, but today had taken up too much of her time and she needed to be sure she didn’t end up falling behind. However, she was in a good mood after her evening with Thorax. How long had they sat in that seafood restaurant, talking about whatever came to mind in a darkened room illuminated by the blue lights from the many fish tanks aligning the walls? Thorax was very interested in learning about the long life of his beloved queen and she was more than happy to share many of experiences she had. For dinner, Nymph had ordered a wide variety of dishes to satisfy her large appetite and allowed Thorax try a bit of each to give him an experience. She still giggled at some of the reactions he had to ones he heavily disliked, especially if it was spicy.

While their night together didn’t end with them destroying property, it was still rather amusing to her. With some convincing, Nymph got Thorax to try saki and the changeling found it to be something he really enjoyed. Thorax practically went through a whole bottle in the span of one of her stories and she was surprised to see he let himself go. While not exactly smashed, Thorax was having trouble staying in his seat and slurred most of his speech. It was a clear sign that it was time for them to go home, so Nymph paid the bill and teleported themselves into Thorax’s bedroom. It was difficult to get him into bed as he kept begging for another story, but the alcohol soon got the better of him and he drifted into peaceful slumber on his bed. After tucking him in gently, Nymph kissed Thorax on the forehead and quietly made her exit.

Why had she not done this more often? She loved Canterlot city for its beauty, even if the citizens were sometimes less than ideal in her eyes, and yet she chose to lock herself in the castle almost every day. She would not be in Canterlot forever and Nymph felt she needed to treat herself more often. Next time she would take Thorax along with Celestia, Luna, and even Chrysalis to a restaurant for a night of fun and relaxation.

She was so lost in thought that she had stopped working and it was the sound of a knock on her door that snapped her out of it. It was almost ten in the evening, so she had trouble guessing who could possibly want to see her other than a guard or Luna. “Enter.” She looked up, smiling to whoever came to visit the changeling queen, and held her pleasant mask when the door opened. “Adagio. What brings you to my room at this hour?”

“Just wanted to see what you were up to,” Adagio teased deviously. With the door closed, she slowly approached the desk with a grin that held ill intentions. “I hope I’m not bothering the precious Changeling Queen so late in the evening.”

“Not at all,” Nymph lied. “For you to come me this late, I’m sure you have a good reason.” As she drafted a response to a letter written to her by one of the nobles, she couldn’t help but notice that Adagio was standing right across for her. Nymph waited for her to speak her purpose, but the siren seemed to enjoy stretching out the silence. “Yes?

“Working hard?”

“It’s required for my position.”

“Or are you just making up for the first time?” Nymph’s quill halted and her eyes slowly met Adagio. “Poor Queen Nymph couldn’t feed her poor people and they wanted her evil sister instead. That’s just embarrassing.

No longer could the changeling hold her calm and inviting expression. “I only failed once. You failed twice.”

Adagio, for once, look completely unbothered by the mention of her blunders. “Failure is bound to happen when someone meddles.” She strolled closer, grinning. “So whose fault was it for your failure?”

“What do you hope to accomplish here? Today you were just granted freedom from your job as well as the opportunity to go across Equestria to build your fame and yet you come in here to insult me. Why?”

“You still have me on a leash,” she spat. “I’m still your little tool for you to use.” Adagio lifted up her pendant. “You still see me as a threat.”

“You are a threat, Adagio. We all know it. It couldn’t be more obvious if you told everypony you were going to control them.” Sighing, Nymph got onto her hooves and walked over to her. “I don’t know what you want me to do. I have given you a chance to shine, something the three of you always wanted, and yet you keep expecting more out of me. Why can’t you just be happy with what you got?”

“You think being a star just like any other is going to make me feel better about what I have been through? I deserve more.” She once more held up her pendent. “My voice unrestrained is something these ponies and changelings have never been blessed with. I am not equal to these laughable singers they adore. I will go down in history as the most talented singer of all because I am supreme.”

“I think this is what you deserve after the suffering you caused.”

“And what do you deserve for going behind the alicorns’ backs?”

Nymph quickly raised her hoof halfway, caught herself, and slowly lowered it. “You want your freedom? Earn it. Even if our deal goes through and I get my sister back, Celestia still holds the key to your prison. It will be out of my hooves when I return to my kingdom, so I suggest you shape up if you want the full power of your precious voice.”

“That’s the other thing. Since Celestia is the one who decides our fate, why should we let you tell us what to do? I could very easily stop singing about friendship and the other repulsive things you force us to sing about and still get what I want.”

“But you must!” the queen pleaded. “Canterlot has vastly improved because of you! We still have much of Equestria to change before the Gala! My changelings need this dearly! Adagio, it is absolutely vital that you sing those songs given to you!”

Stepping closer, Adagio locked her sinister eyes with Nymph’s. “Well what are you going to do if we don’t?”

She cursed the siren in her mind. One perfect day absolutely ruined at the last moment all by her. The worst part of it all was that she did not have an answer to give her so,Nymph returned to her seat. “Anything else, Adagio?”

“No.” The siren turned around and walked to the door. “Good night.”

“Good night.” When the door closed, Nymph felt a large sense of relief and leaned back in her chair. Maybe Thorax wasn’t entirely accurate with his statement regarding these three. Adagio was a thorn in her side and showed no sign of making things easier. Was she always like this around Thorax? Nymph couldn’t help but wonder what Adagio’s original intention was for her visit. Did Adagio just enjoy tormenting her that much or did she have something else up her sleeve? Right now she didn’t feel Sonata and Aria were a big of a threat, so she would keep a close eye on the lead singer herself.

Eventually, she realized there was no point in worrying. Friendship would win in the end. Adagio may not have realized it, but she was fighting a losing battle. Aria and Sonata were slowly but surely coming around. Part of her was enthralled with the idea of rubbing this in Adagio’s face when the time came, but another part pitied the poor girl. What made that girl tick? Why couldn’t she just be happy? She once believed it was because she was a siren, but Aria and Sonata clearly disproved that. If worse came to worst, she could just leave the pendent on her forever and never worry about her getting revenge.

Nymph got back to work, but her pace was almost at a stop. Something from their conversation came up in her head and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t ignore it.

What did Nymph deserve for what she had done?

Frustrated, the queen shut off her lamp and got off her seat. Magically tucking away her clothing, she got into bed and closed her eyes, trying to focus on her time with Thorax rather than what just happened until she drifted asleep.

When Adagio exited into the hall after talking with the queen, she couldn’t stop chuckling.

She always did love playing the angler fish.

Author's Note:

Okay serious question. Something has been bothering me since writing this chapter.

How much shampoo does Adagio in fact use?

What does it take to tame that mane?