• Published 5th Sep 2017
  • 4,420 Views, 225 Comments

The Heart of The Queen - Pumpernickel Rye

Sequel to The Queen of Hearts. Queen Nymph is willing to go any length to have her sister Chrysalis forgiven by the ponies for her past mistake.

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Bore on the Homefront

Bore on the Homefront

The throne room of Bugartha’s castle was truly a sight to behold. The room was long with a scarlet carpet on top of the white tile floor that stretched from the entrance all the way to the throne of the queen herself. Standing along the walls were the finest of the Changeling Kingdom’s guards, each equipped with the most advanced armor available to the changelings. With the help of Equestria, they developed a strong set of body armor for the guards, coming in the form of green plating with some hints of blue that covered most of their bodies and magically adjusted its shape when a changeling underwent transformation. Their eyes were covered with orange visors that allowed illumination within the deeper tunnels and protection for those who had not fully adapted to the sunlight. These elite changelings carried out their important duty on this day with most sleeping on their hooves as others struggled to keep their eyes open.

On top of the throne sat the graceful changeling queen herself. The obsidian throne had been part of the changelings’ royalty as far back as their earliest recorded history. Not much was known of its origin, but it was a symbol of authority and power, especially when the queen rested her eyes upon it. Behind the throne was a brightly-colored stained glass window that depicted an image of the current queen, crafted during the first days of her reign. The image was one of Nymph standing upright, holding a scroll in one hoof and a rose in the other, a perfect picture of the queen who currently slept with her head resting on her hoof and drool dripping out from her mouth.

The ongoing lack of activity had taken its toll on those in the throne room. No changeling had come to the queen in need of something, no dire situation threatened the Changeling Kingdom, and there wasn’t even a birthday to at least bring some excitement. With the food crisis finally resolved, the kingdom was very stable. Too stable. The guards were shocked when they saw their grand ruler sleeping on her own throne, but none dared to bother her, mostly because they wished to follow her example as there were still several hours left in the day.

All of a sudden, a loud clatter disturbed their slumber. The soldiers quickly looked around the room and the surprise nearly caused Nymph to fall off her throne. She hastily wiped the spit hanging from her lip and charged her horn. “What happened? Are we under attack!?”

“N-no,” one guard stated nervously as she picked up something off the floor, “I just fell asleep and lost my grip of my spear. My apologies.”

The entire room was filled with groaning as Nymph facehoofed. “Splendid. The most exciting thing to have happened today was someone dropping something.” She let out a loud, drawn out sigh. “Is there anything exciting going on anywhere in our kingdom that I could get involved in?”

The guards turned to each other, murmuring and shrugging. “Uh…they recently built a waterpark on the surface. Does that count?”

Ignoring him, Nymph got up from her throne. “This is ridiculous and, without a doubt, pointless. Given how it seems nothing will happen today, just like the many days before, I’m retiring early and I order you all to do the same.”

“But my queen!” another guard cried. “You cannot simply leave your duties! I know the days have been uneventful, but I think it would be critical for you to-”

“You will all still get a full day’s pay.”

“Enjoy your day off!” he said as he and all of the other soldiers rushed out the door, cheering. Nymph walked down the short flight of stairs from her throne, taking a moment to stretch when she got to the bottom. She then made her way to the lower section of her castle, praying that something interesting was going on there while traversing the white colored hallways.

Peace for her kingdom was a blessing and a curse. It was what she and her ancestors had been striving for and she had at last found it, but now her role as queen became far less engaging. Rather than rallying the people together through their struggles and making tough decisions to keep the people fed and content, all she did now was approve laws and make public appearances at events she mostly did not care for. It astounded her that Chrysalis, living the life of a commoner, often found herself in far more interesting situations from her job as a matchmaker. Nymph couldn’t even think of five things that lesser citizens did to amuse themselves.

Towards the bottom of her castle was a pair of metal double doors guarded by two soldiers that saluted her as she passed through, leading her into a hall with more doors covering both sides. She couldn’t imagine this area being boring in the slightest as there was always work being done. She could hear someone speaking through one door left ajar and slowed her pace, not wishing to disturb their work. When she reached the door, she peeked inside to see four changelings in a dark room wearing white coats looking through a window. Behind them were for small wooden desks littered with papers, bags from fast food restaurants, and rings made from coffee cups coating their work space. These changelings could easily organize experiments, but certainly not their belongings.

“The test will now commence to observe the reaction of the two substances,” spoke Cleora, a female changeling with a short blue mane and glasses that served as the head of Nymph’s research department. “Deploy the tablet.” It was difficult for Nymph to keep quiet with her metal shoes hitting the floor, but she managed to creep to the back of the room. She held back her excitement as she watched whatever wondrous display would take place before her eyes.

Inside the test chamber, she saw a small white tablet held by a metallic claw over a large bottle of brown liquid. The claw released the tablet and when it fell into the bottle, it slightly shook as suds erupted out briefly, making quite a mess on the floor. Nymph thought it was all rather strange, but perhaps the genius minds before her saw something she couldn’t. When it finished, the entire room was left in dead silence. “That’s…that’s it?” one of the two stallions stammered. “That’s our experiment?”

Cleora hastily flipped through her clipboard. “No! This can’t be right! This cannot be our entire experiment! Where’s the rest of it!? Where are our groundbreaking discoveries!?”

“Uh...” started the other stallion, snickering, “you really think this was a real experiment?”

The head researcher grabbed him and shook him. “Of course it was! It was in the list of proposed experiments approved by the queen! What else could it have possibly been!?”

“Cleora,” the other mare said, also giggling, “it was a joke.”

Cleora dropped her victim. “A…a joke?”

The two changelings cracked up. “Of course it was!” replied the stallion. “Haven’t you heard of what happens when you mix mints and soda? We knew what would happen since the start!”

“Looks like we were right all along. You really don’t have a life outside of work, do you?” teased the other mare. “Wow. It’s pretty sad you couldn’t figure out something little kids do all the time. Some head researcher, huh?”

In an instant, Cleora wrapped a hoof around each of their necks. “Zizina! Mosquito! Do you realize what you two have done!? The queen is going to have us arrested and our names will be tarnished! If my career is going down the toilet, then I am taking you both with me!”

“Arrested? You’re…overacting,” Zizina gasped as she tried to pry her throat free.

“No, I am not! This experiment was fully funded and we have nothing to show to our queen but your stupidity!”

Mosquito broke free and backed away from her, gasping for air. “F-funded!? We submitted it as a joke! How much money could they have possibly given you?” His eyes suddenly grew large. “Don’t tell me.”

“Oh yes, Mosquito!” Cleora ripped a piece of paper from her clipboard and held it out to him. “We were given two hundred thousand bits as part of our grant!”

“Two hundred thousand!?” replied the other three changelings.

“Oh Celestia, we’re screwed!” cried Zizina. “It was just a prank! A silly, obvious prank! I don’t want to go to jail!”

“Wait!” yelled the other stallion. “I got an idea! We just need to make up some of the details of the experiment to cover our flanks!”

“Make up? We’re royal scientists, Scorpion! We’re about facts!” scolded Cleora as she tossed a pen at him.

“Just hear me out! We’ll just say the reason for this experiment was due to…er…changelings exploding when consuming both mints and soda! Queen Nymph does not know as much about the day-to-day life of regular changelings, so we’ll tell her that this is a story that is spreading panic throughout the kingdom! We’ll tell her the rumor turned out to be false and return all the grant money. Nobody ever has to know.”

“Now that’s something I would love to see you try.” The four scientists froze before slowly turning their heads to watch the queen approach the window. “That little mint caused quite a mess. Can’t imagine how this could have went if you used all the money given to you. It’s a funny yet frightening thought.”

“Y-y-y-y-y-your Highness!” Cleora stuttered as she bowed. “Please forgive me for hiring these incompetent changelings! I will fire them and correct this mistake personally!”

“Oh, calm yourself, Cleora. I don’t blame any of you for this little oversight.” Nymph picked up the paper from the floor. “Personally, I think this was a good thing. This tells me I still have to do some maintenance around here for such a silly thing to happen without anyone batting an eye. Just come up with a new experiment and we’ll put the money into that.”

“Of course!” Cleora turned toward her colleagues. “You three clean up this mess and come up with something before I get back or you’re all fired!” Nymph followed her back into the hallway. “Aside from that little…incident, what brings you down here, Your Majesty?”

“I’m merely checking up on things. My current duties are dull, so I decided to visit here and see something of interest.”

“I guess you got what you came for.” The smaller mare laughed timidly. “I’m afraid that’s all you’re going to see today. The experiment was scheduled for the entire day. I…need to figure out what we can do for the next few hours.”

“You can start by giving me the latest results of our defense research.”

“Yes, of course. Let’s speak in my office.” Nymph followed Cleora into a room where the tile floor was replaced with dark green carpet. On her left and right were two large wooden shelves filled to the brim with all sorts of books. Behind the head scientist’s desk was a large fish tank which carried a colorful assortment of fish. The sight made Nymph feel a pang of hunger, but she resisted. She sat at the desk opposite of Cleora, taking note of the stacks of paper that cluttered it and wondered how anything was ever found in there. Cleora pulled out a file from one of her drawers and opened it up. “I’m afraid the results are not what we wanted.”

“Tell me anyway.”

She skimmed through some of the papers, murmuring to herself until she found what she was looking for. “Defense crystals are still incapable of controlling the minds of more than ten at once. Further tests show that this can be resolved using more crystals, but this comes with an expense.”

“Only I can charge them.”

Cleora nodded as she continued. “Along with this, with the establishment of our outdoor settlements, optimal positioning has been difficult to calculate when using a small amount of crystals. I’m afraid they would be best left at the underground entrances to get the most benefit out of them.”

The queen slouched in her seat. “Would continuing to fund studies on my magic be a waste of time?”

Cleora cleared her throat. “Months of research conclude that might be the case if we continued studying here. Comparing your magic to those of the alicorns is quite surprising. You are a powerful magic user, but they easily surpass you. Even some unicorns with enough study and training could take you on if you were not fully powered. I’m beginning to suspect that Chrysalis’s victory over Celestia was a stroke of luck.”

“That’s something I do not want to hear.” Nymph got up from her seat and approached the window, watching her guards patrol the wall surrounding the palace. “How can I be a good ruler if I cannot protect my people? If Tirek had set his sights here for any reason, we would have been powerless and it would be all my fault for being so weak.”

“I don’t think Tirek is a fair comparison, My Queen. Even Celestia herself found him to be a threat and put all her eggs in one basket. A very risky move, if you ask me.”

Nymph smirked. “It’s what she does, but who can argue with the results?” She turned toward Cleora. “We are not blessed like Equestria or the Crystal Empire. We do not have Elements of Harmony or a Crystal Heart to protect us. All we have is us. Tirek was very powerful, but so were Discord and Nightmare Moon. We need to be prepared for the worst because I fear more foes will come.” She returned to her seat and rested her head on her hoof after removing the shoe. “With Equestrian borders open to us, I thought defense would be the perfect use of my mind control magic now that deceit is no longer needed, but I see that I was wrong. A once powerful gift wielded by royal changelings to guide their kind has been made useless by the changing times.”

“I’m afraid I may have misled you.” The queen looked at her, curious. “I said it would be a waste of time if we were to continue researching it, so I sent the data and some materials to Canterlot. We changelings barely wield magic and thus have a poor understanding of it, but unicorns are exposed to it all their lives. I am confident that they will see something we couldn’t given that they’ve already discovered a wide variety of spells. Actually, that reminds me.” Cleora stood up and flew to the top of one of her shelves, pulling out a large textbook and opened it to the bookmarked page. “Somepony from Canterlot gave me something very interesting to look at.”

Nymph picked it up and realized it was a history book. It detailed an incident from about a thousand years ago of creatures called sirens using songs to unleash chaos until they were banished. It suddenly clicked in her head that Twilight had an encounter with these exact sirens in the other world a couple of weeks ago. However, information about the mirror and the other world were best left in secret. “Sirens? I have never heard of them.”

“Neither have I. They told me that sirens are an extremely rare kind of pony and that this is the most detailed account regarding them. They live far from land in the deep sea, so it’s no surprise we’ve never seen one.”

Taking another look at the picture in the book, Nymph replied, “These things are supposed to be ponies?”

“It’s a theory, but there hasn’t really been any proof. Finding one in the first place would be a miracle.”

“So how does this relate to us?” Nymph questioned as she passed back the book.

“If sirens really are genetically related to ponies, then they are somehow related to us, possibly as a close relative. They too have the power to control minds and feed off of strife to gain power. However, in contrast to royal changelings, they are able to control the minds of many with ease by using song and the effects appear to be long term.”

“In other words, they’re like the opposite of us.”

“Exactly.” Cleora closed the textbook. “The ponies at Canterlot University possess an enormous well of knowledge and I am positive that they will provide us with something useful in researching your magic. Apparently they have some research notes from a siren that unicorns encountered hundreds of years ago as well as several notes from Starswirl’s encounter, so perhaps they can use those to help make the most of your magic. They will find something to keep the kingdom safe, I assure you.”

Nymph smiled. “Splendid. Inform me of the results as soon as you get them.” They both stood up and headed for the door. “For now, focus the research on some anti-magic weaponry. About every attack on Equestria involves some sort of magic, so tell your underlings to stop fooling around and get back to work.”

“Not to worry. What happened was a small incident. I assure you nothing like that will happen again under my watch.” Upon exiting the room, they witnessed many other researchers flooding toward the lab they were in earlier, where it sounded like someone was spewing out their insides. Without hesitating, Cleora flew over to the room and Nymph could hear her voice boom over the commotion. “What in the world did you do!?”

“We did a dare where he would eat a box of mints and then drink the soda! It just keeps coming out!” cried Scorpion.

“Oh, for the love of…someone call the janitorial staff!” Wanting to keep her eyes away from the messy scene, Nymph exited the research hall. She couldn’t help but laugh a little at how even her brightest changelings could act like children. Suddenly Luna and Celestia’s behavior seemed less surprising to her. She couldn’t imagine anywhere else in the palace being as entertaining so she went to her chambers. It was a long walk through the hallways to get there, but she couldn’t always teleport somewhere as her guards needed to always know where she was. A missing queen would set the kingdom in turmoil in a matter of minutes.

One of the rooms ahead had the door left open and she could hear quite a bit of talking within. Curiosity directed Nymph to see what was going on. Apparently her slacking the last few days was quite contagious. Many maids, guards, cooks, and other servants had made themselves too comfortable in one of the libraries, perhaps because it was not frequently visited and came with comfy seats. Just because the queen took the day off didn’t mean every other changeling had that luxury. She raised her hoof up and brought it down, the deafening clang of her shoe against the tile echoing across the halls. Nymph walked away as the swarm erupted from the library and dispersed down both directions of the halls. It only a matter of seconds until it was silent once more.

Such was the power of the Changeling Queen.

Her chambers were guarded by her four personal soldiers that saluted her upon arrival and stepped aside to allow her entrance. Inside, Nymph removed all of her attire and placed them on the giant bed, which carried a bedspread decorated in patterns of vines, flowers, and butterflies. Each corner of the bed possessed a pillar of the finest wood that held her transparent blue curtains. Many pillows aligned the head of the bed, but her personal favorite contained feathers she collected from the alicorns over the course of months during her numerous visits to Equestria. It’s comfort was beyond words.

On one side of the bed was a night stand with a clear crystal acting as light source and a drawer containing magazines and other reading materials. Her horn instantly ignited the stone fireplace placed across from her bed as she walked by. The rug between her bed and fireplace held an image of the map of the world, or at least what was explored. She was even pleased that her kingdom was printed onto it. To the left and right of her bed were two shelves on each side carrying so many books, most of which she read, and windows looking down upon the glorious capital city. Many stone buildings aligned the street below with changelings filling coming and going. Above, a ray of sunlight came down from the ceiling of the mountain, giving enough light for her subjects. Every night, they were gifted with the sight of the stars and the soothing glow of the fungi that aligned the walls. Once a pleasure given to only changelings of the highest wealth or nobility, the sight of the day or night sky was something all her subjects could now enjoy.

Across from the door stood Nymph’s desk, made from enchanted wood from a forest far from her kingdom. It was hundreds of years old and was passed down to her by her mother, looking the same as it did the day she received it, which was good since it saw much use on nearly a daily basis.

Above it on the wall rested a self portrait of herself, looking beautiful as always while holding a rose against her breast and carrying a maternal smile. Changelings always begged her to allow it to be viewed in a gallery, but she couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to it if any changeling was not careful. Beside it was another painting done by her of Princess Celestia, who was in the small pond up in the nearby royal garden, naked. The alicorn’s lower half bathed in the cool water while her forelegs held her up over the grass. She held her head high and allowed the light of her own sun to shine upon her, her wet mane glistening. She was no doubt the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria and Nymph wanted to capture her radiance, even if the princess seemed timid about posing. The painting allowed the queen to always see the pony who helped her through her toughest times and acted as an inspiration for all changelings, herself included.

Next to the desk washer walk in closet, carrying a wide variety of dresses, some of which she made herself. Sometimes she liked to wear one just to change things up, but her cloak was often the only thing she wore. Rarity had come all the way to her castle several times already just to study her dresses, eager to study changeling fashion, especially the queen’s. Nymph even offered to give her a pet arcane spider, which was nearly as big as a small dog and glowed purple, to help provide her with free silk as materials from the kingdom were very expensive, but Rarity fainted instantly.

With nothing else to do, Nymph decided to do what she always did when she was bored. The bottom left side of her desk contained a lock that only her magic could open and inside was a crystal ball placed neatly on a red pillow. The queen placed the shimmering orb on its pedestal on her desk before channeling some of her magic into it. It glowed for a brief moment before revealing an image of the council chamber within her palace. The five changelings seemed to have been encountering the same problem as she was as they were spending their time arguing over what to order from one of the restaurants nearby while playing a game of poker. With Bumble retired, maybe the others would finally have a chance at winning.

The image flickered as it shifted to one of the barracks of her guards. This was usually the best place to hear something interesting or to learn their opinions about particular issues, but today did not bring her much luck. Hardly any guards were present and the ones that were either minded their own business or talked about topics that did not interest her.

“Surely Equestria can offer me something.” As usual, the first place she checked was Cupid’s Arrow. Since Chrysalis’s crystal ball was locked away, all she could see was pitch black, but that did not mean there was no sound.


Nymph slammed her hooves over her ears, clenching her teeth.

“You know how I feel about weddings,” Nymph heard Chrysalis remark calmly. “Even then, I don’t really know this…Spanky?”

“Cranky!” Pinkie corrected, followed by a giggle.

“Regardless, as happy as I am for him and his bride, I do not think I shall partake in the ceremony.”

“But you showed up to Photo Finish and Fancy’s wedding,” said the pony, sounding slightly hurt.

“And that’s because I helped them get together and couldn’t say no with that lunatic of a mare barging down my door. I do not personally know either of these two mules and my presence alone may attract too much attention away from them. Just imagine either of the princesses showing up for two commoners’ wedding. It would be a very particular scene.”

“You may have a point, but I think they’d still like to see you there,” Pinkie replied.

Chrysalis let out a chuckle. “I doubt they would appreciate a secret changeling at their wedding.”

“But Chrysie, weddings can be so much fun! Isn’t it always nice to see two ponies who love each other very much-”

Nymph released a dejected sigh as she cut off the connection, returning the orb to its original state. She pitied Chrysalis for her inability to escape the conversation, but chose to keep the thought out of her mind. She had other potential ponies to check, so she started with Equestria’s newest princess. With Twilight’s new status, she had left her employment at Cupid’s Arrow, so Spike had to cover her days. The idea of her being on the same level as Celestia and Luna never quite sat right with the royal changeling. She truly respected Twilight as a friend and for her heroic deeds, but she did not look or act the part. The pony lacked some elegance, her attire was absent, and her dancing...needed work. How the ponies could tolerate someone of the highest authority acting like a commoner so frequently was beyond her. Ponies were strange indeed.

She looked into Twilight’s bedroom, finding the alicorn on the bed doing something that caused Nymph to sigh. “So you have been given the highest authority in the land, your own castle, have all the time in the world, and this is what you do!?” Twilight turned the page of her book and then scratched her flank. “Perhaps on my next visit, I should make it a priority to try to help Twilight into becoming a more proper princess.”

She thought about checking on her other friends, but most were in Cupid’s Arrow and probably doing nothing too exciting. Celestia was likely enduring the same trivial tasks she always did and Luna was still asleep. Defeated, the queen returned her crystal ball back into its place of storage. She tapped the top of her desk out of boredom before another idea came to her. It was an idea that made her slightly nervous, but she had nothing else to do, so she had no reason to avoid it. Under the cabinet where the crystal ball was kept was a secret compartment. She touched the wooden bottom and pulled it up as her most secret possession was revealed. If anyone were to learn of this, it could spell disaster for the entire Changeling Kingdom and history would never forget, ruining her reputation forever.

She set the typewriter down and then took out the stack of papers given to her a while back in the Crystal Empire. She looked over the her current draft written in pink ink around the text, skimming to the last page to review the princess’s suggestions. The rewrite was a difficult task, but she felt it would be well worth the effort. “Oh, I have an idea of something heroic, Cadance.”

Nymph breathed in deeply before she could muster up the courage to proceed. She got comfortable in her seat and then the keys of her typewriter glowed.

“Glistening Hauberk,” the gorgeous changeling Cicada exclaimed with worry, “you must let me help you! The poison in that dart is slowing your heart and in a few moments, you will be dead!”

Despite his powerful muscles, Glistening could not pick himself off the dirt. “I…I can’t!” he gasped. “My strength has faded and my armor is crushing me!” As he continued his efforts, he could feel the changeling grabbing him. “What are you doing!?”

“Taking your armor off!” Cicada struggled as she removed his plates as she had never personally handled armor before. Eventually, she stripped the unicorn stallion fully and placed his heavy armor aside. As she dragged the pony onto the soft grass, she caught a glimpse of his naked body. The bright gray soldier was very built and rather well equipped, more than any stallion she had ever seen. She could feel her heart flutter, but she had to act fast. “You’re too weak to do anything, so I will have to take things into my own hooves. Do you trust me?” Glistening Hauberk, struggling to breathe, nodded. “Good. I cannot move somepony of your size alone, so there’s only one thing I can do to get your heart racing.” Cicada hastily removed her expensive dress, letting it fall onto the grass.

“Oh yes, this is getting good,” she said dirtily as the keys kept clicking in sin. None could know of the Changeling Queen’s hobby until she had written a masterpiece. Many times she had written books of this exact nature under false names, but all were laughed at and mocked. Critics had said all sorts of things about her work such as it being crude, vulgar, uninteresting, and just unrealistic, but she would show them.

Eventually, the pace of her typing slowed down to a crawl and Nymph pulled away from her work. She picked up one of the framed pictures on her desk and looked at it. It was her first picture done with a photographic camera, worn with time and lacking any color. It was her sitting in the royal garden along with Chrysalis and Rhopa Locera. While the sisters didn’t have anything on, the queen wore similar attire to what Nymph possessed now. Nymph moved her hoof over the picture, covering her family and only leaving herself.

Nymph, you will be the one who will lead the people when I am no longer fit to rule. Promise me you will help Chrysalis understand my choice. I love you both with all my heart, but this is my decision. Rule this kingdom together and bring an age of prosperity to your subjects. Together, you and Chrysalis will forge your own destiny and become legends. Make your reign more glorious than my own!

She placed the picture down along with her crown and carried herself to her large bed, lying face down. Nymph hated herself for not keeping her promise. Chrysalis was gone and Nymph’s own deeds were nothing she was proud of. Chrysalis was the one with vision and wit and all Nymph did was build her own accomplishments over her sister’s failure. She didn’t deserve what the history books would say about her years from now. She didn’t feel worthy of replacing Chrysalis after all the good she had brought to their people. And now, because of Celestia’s help, her people’s timeless struggle was over, but she hardly called that an accomplishment. Everyone, even Chrysalis, exalted her for bringing this problem to an end, but what had she really done worthy of praise? She went to the ponies, demonized her sister to no end, and let Celestia convince them for her.

Her mind wandered back to what Chrysalis was up to. She could easily give up her business and spend her time with Luna, but she dedicated her time to help ponies and changelings find love. Nymph could not help but chuckle at the idea of the outcast performing much more important duties than the queen herself.

Do you know what this is, Nymph? This is something we call progress, which you clearly do not understand. Unlike you, I am using the most of every day as queen to make something happen that will better the kingdom. Does it make sense why it was so easy to turn the people against you? Perhaps I should take this moment to get you off your lazy flank and teach you something. I order you to polish the hallway floors and if they’re not spotless when I get back, there will be consequences. Remember, Nymph, queens take action and peasants wait for someone to act for them.

Nymph flipped over and sat up, panting as she looked around. She slowly got back down with a hoof over her chest. “Curse it all.” Hopping off the bed, the changeling paced back and forth. There was no point in waiting anymore. Despite what Celestia had said, Nymph wanted to get Chrysalis back home as soon as possible and was willing to do anything to make that happen. The difficult part was coming up with a plan.

She rubbed her chin, going over many possible ideas in her head. She had some plans already in mind, but nothing worth following through. Nymph sat at her desk and over the next half hour, she slowly pieced together an idea. With something that seemed like a good idea in mind, she took out parchment and a fountain pen to write down more details for review. Now and then, she would take a moment to go over possible problems, but she managed to find ways around them. When her idea was completely thought out, she could feel spirits soar. Wasting no time, Nymph threw the door open, ignoring her startled guards and trotted down the hall.

Near her empty throne room was the council chamber and she greeted the changelings inside with a mighty kick against the double doors. The abrupt noise of her entrance caused cards to erupt into the air and poker chips to scatter onto the floor around the large stone table set in the center with a crystal ball set on top. The council tried grabbing a few before their attention fell upon the queen herself. “Y-your highness!” Moth gasped. “Is something the matter? Your sudden appearance was rather…”

“Extreme,” finished Termite as he continued picking up chips.

“I apologize for interrupting your ‘business’,” Nymph spoke, closing the doors behind her, “but I have come to an important decision that I must tell you all right away.” The changelings seated themselves as their leader stood before them. “Let’s us be perfectly honest: our workload has dropped to almost nothing ever since we’ve been welcomed to Equestria. Day in and day out, I sit on my throne, waiting for someone to come to me about anything. I am more useful helping prepare lunch with the other chefs than acting as queen right now. Because of the ongoing stability of our grand kingdom, I have decided that I shall be going to Equestria to make better use of my time.”

“You barged in here to tell us you want to do something you have already done many times before?” questioned Mantis, peeking at her neighbor’s cards.

“Yes, but it will be an extended stay. I have decided that I will be staying within Equestria for several months.”

“Months!?” screamed all of the changelings, causing their chips and cards to once again scatter.

“But your highness!” pleaded Spinnerette, the newest member. “You must reconsider! Your kingdom cannot withstand losing you for so long! We would be lost without your unmatched leadership!”

“Unmatched leadership?” Nymph replied with snark. “You need my ‘great’ leadership for what? Approving construction of a statue? Reviewing taxes? Sitting on my throne for hours on end without anything to keep my hooves busy? In all of my life, my kingdom has never been so uneventful and I think it will remain as such while I take some time off.”

“But why do you wish to go to Equestria?” asked Locust. “Wait. There’s only one thing in this world that would make you leave your own kingdom for so long.”

“Shining Armor?” Mantis deadpanned. Nymph gave her a dirty look, causing the feeble little changeling to shrink.

“Not a pony.” Locust gulped and slowly slid under the table. “A changeling.”

Nymph released a sigh of annoyance as the other four changelings sank in their seats. “That will be the unofficial reason for my visit. Officially, I am taking time off from my duties and paying my distant subjects an extended visit to help them feel more comfortable in their new homes and explore the new, flourishing lives of my subjects.”

“Technically, they are now Celestia and Luna’s subjects,” commented Termite, his voice shaking.

Chuckling, Nymph replied, “A changeling is always a subject of the Changeling Queen, no matter where they are. They will no doubt appreciate a visit. However, I will be doing more than just visiting my dear sister.”

The changelings all sank lower, exposing only the top of their heads. “Celestia help us all,” whimpered Locust.

“I will be campaigning in Equestria to help better the name of Chrysalis so that she will once again walk among us as a free changeling and become your princess once more!” Nymph maintained her smile as she waited for a response, but she was given nothing. “You don’t seem too thrilled.” She could hear faint murmuring and tapped her hoof impatiently.

“Oh, we think it’s a…uh…great idea!” answered Moth, remaining out of sight. “But, could you perhaps do it another time?”

“Another time? How long exactly?”

“Far past our lifetimes,” she muttered.

“Oh, for the love of Celestia, all of you get up and act like real changelings.” The council slowly rose up and took their seats. “Honestly, you should know that Chrysalis is no threat. My darling sister has realized the errors of her ways and simply wishes to return to her normal life. She’s coming back whether you all like it or not. Now then, are there any objections to me leaving for Equestria?”

Termite slowly raised his hoof. “Are you sure you really want to bring Chrysalis back? We all know how much suffering you endured at her-”

He ducked down as a powerful green bolt shot past his head, blowing off part of the stone wall. Nymph took a moment to cease her heavy breathing and stood up straight, regaining her look of elegance and composure. “Are there any objections?” she repeated in the same friendly tone as before. This time, there were none. “I am so glad you could all see things my way. I’ll go and make the arrangements with Celestia.” The queen exited their chambers, happily trotting, leaving behind five quivering changelings.

The following week brought excitement to the Changeling Kingdom with the news of the queen’s impending departure. Many changelings were surprised that she would do such a thing, but Nymph laid their fears to rest as the council could make contact with her using their own crystal ball if she was ever needed back in the kingdom. Celestia was happy Nymph had chosen to spend so much time with her sister and had promised her she would keep her visit a surprise for Chrysalis. However, Nymph held her tongue on what she was really planning, knowing that Celestia wouldn’t approve. She couldn’t imagine how the alicorn would react upon learning the truth, so she would have to be very convincing.

The day came at last and the citizens of Changelingville gathered outside their town to bid their queen farewell. It was the first outdoor changeling settlement and its name was cleverly based on the town where Princess Twilight resided. Unlike her usual method of transportation, Nymph had decided she would be traveling in a much more fitting way than before. She had been investing in technology and private magic research for many months and her prized creation was finally completed. Floating above them was a medium-sized wooden airship named The Emerald Butterfly, carrying two gas bags that bore the national emblem: a royal changeling’s jagged horn with the crown above it and two wings by its sides. Nymph felt very eager to send it off on its first voyage as she herself would be piloting it. Her airship license served as a powerful reminder of her great accomplishment and to one day destroy the DAV.

As guards finished packing her numerous belongings on board, she stood with the engineer as he made a quick inspection of the ship. When he finished, he gave Nymph a nod of approval, and she thanked him for his services. She stepped outside and fluttered gently down toward the ground where her guards stood as the crowd cheered. She waved to them as she felt a sudden pang of reluctance to leave her own home for so long, but she knew this had to be done.

“Thank you. Thank you.” The noise died down. “It touches me that so many of you here to come see your lovely queen off. I know that some of you are still devastated by the news of my departure, but know that I will always keep you all in my thoughts. Your queen will continue to do her best to ensure that her subjects are happy while she is away.”

From under her green cloak, Nymph pulled out an expensive bottle of champagne that only those of noble status could even dream of acquiring. She took off into the air beside her airship. “And now, I will complete this ceremony and send this royal vessel on its grand voyage. Let us pray that she will fly many more in the future. Goodbye, my subjects, and keep our kingdom thriving!” The cheering resumed once more in greater volume as she smashed the bottle against the boat. The ship slowly moved forward as many spectators watched in awe. Even Nymph was impressed by the sight of it gracefully floating through the air. She hovered there with her guards, feeling a sense of pride swell within her as they watched it begin its journey.

Nymph suddenly felt a tug on her tail, snapping her back to reality. She sneered at the guard that looked up at her. “You are lucky that I am in a very good mood today. Pulling on royalty’s tail is an act that is heavily frowned upon.”

“I-I-I am so sorry, Your Highness!” whimpered the guard. “It’s just that I had a very worrisome thought.”


“Well, if this is your ship and you are the pilot and you’re down here, then who is piloting the ship as it is leaving right now?”

The queen opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out as her eyes grew in horror. The cheering had shifted to cries of panic as she realized The Emerald Butterfly was beginning to turn toward the mountain. Her guards had already begun flying to take control of the runaway vessel. Wasting no time, Nymph teleported herself to the cabin and immediately took hold of the steering wheel. She grunted as she turned the wheel as far as it could go, heart pounding as the front just missed the rocky edges. With disaster averted, she fell to her knees, releasing an exhausted sigh. Her guards soon entered the bridge, trying to catch their breath.

“I’m afraid I made a drastic oversight when I prepared this ceremony,” Nymph admitted shamefully. “No doubt the papers will be talking about this for months. Years, if I am unlucky.”

“How long until we reach Canterlot?” questioned a guard.

“I would say a little less than two hours. These airships go quite fast and no longer will my poor guards have to personally take me all the way there themselves. Make yourselves comfortable.” They exited the bridge and she watched them through the window as they went into the lower decks. There wasn’t too much down there as the ship was small, but she was sure they would be able to keep themselves entertained for the journey. She took out a map and compass from a drawer and placed it on a table by the steering wheel. She wasn’t too worried about getting lost as looking for the giant mountain with the city built on was very hard to miss, but these simple acts made her feel like a real pilot.

Setting the airship to auto-pilot, she stepped outside onto the deck, wind rushing past her and lifting her long mane with it. She turned back toward her kingdom, the mountain that stood over the capital gradually appearing farther and farther away. As she watched, she could feel a void growing within her. Perhaps this was how Chrysalis felt when she was banished. Nymph could only hope that the next time she saw her kingdom, it would be with Chrysalis at her side.

Within the afternoon, the crew of The Emerald Butterfly found themselves high above the city of Canterlot. Airships were not uncommon to spot within the city, but Nymph was sure that one bearing the insignia of the Changeling Queen would draw plenty of attention. They arrived in the airship dock of the palace, which was small deck outside at the back, and the queen’s guards assisted in helping tie down the vessel before joining her. Only a small number of airships were present and Nymph couldn’t recall ever seeing any of them used. There were small ones used by guards in the case soldiers were needed to be deployed somewhere and a much larger one meant for the princesses, which looked like it never saw much use. Once every guard was carrying a piece of her luggage, they entered the palace through a large door.

Right inside was Princess Celestia herself, basking her guests with her radiance. “An airship? You are certainly full of surprises, Nymph.”

“I’ve got plenty more surprises left, but I’ll be saving them for later.” She let out a soft chuckle, trying her best to hide it from Celestia.

“Your chambers have been prepared for your long stay. I will escort you there now if you wish.”

“That would be wonderful.” Celestia led them through numerous hallways as the guards struggled with their heavy loads. Close to Celestia’s personal bedroom was a collection of guest rooms for whenever any pony or other race of high status stayed in Canterlot. From her numerous visits, Nymph had grown attached to one of the rooms, providing her with a view of the people out on the city streets. This was where Celestia had chosen for the queen’s temporary residency.

Stepping inside, Nymph was satisfied to see it was exactly as she remembered it. Most of the tile floor was covered by a massive rug that had a white outer ring and a purple center, which was right under the bed. The bed itself had sheets with what looked like wind patterns on top and the bedposts held pink curtains. Several wooden dressers lined against the walls, which the changelings took their time filling as they emptied her luggage. There was also a small table with a chair behind it, where Nymph liked to work whenever she had time. All of her bags were unloaded save for one, which she kept a magical lock on. She thanked her guards for their work and they exited the room, leaving the two rulers alone. “I hope none of you have spoiled the surprise.”

Celestia seated herself on the edge of the bed. “Chrysalis still doesn’t know. I hope the news of your stay will not overwhelm her.”

“Of course it will.” Nymph pressed hooves against her own cheeks, gushing with delight. “She will be so overjoyed to know that I have chosen to leave the kingdom just for her that she won’t be able to contain herself!”

“That’s...certainly a possibility.” Celestia quickly cleared her throat. “I made sure Luna did not say anything and even used some magical intervention. You know how Chrysalis can read her like an open book. Luna also wanted to see you as soon as you arrived, but she needs her sleep.”

“Can we go see Chrysalis right now?” Nymph asked eagerly.

To her dismay, the alicorn shook her head. “She is working right now in her dating service, so it would be best to let her do her job. Besides, I have dinner planned at Twilight’s palace and you can surprise your sister there.”

The queen pouted. “Very well. How is she, by the way?”

“You’re asking me? Don’t you two talk through your crystal ball?”

“Er, sometimes.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Sometimes?”

“Nevermind. Just tell me how she is.”

“She’s just the same as ever. However, I’m starting to think she’s being a negative influence on my sister. Luna has been neglecting some of her duties to spend some time with her.”

“You’re just jealous she’s having more fun with her than you.”

Celestia scrunched her face, which tinted pink. “Anyway, it’s going to be some hours until you can see her and I have work to do, so I must be going. You should probably get some rest after such a long flight.” She stood up and headed for the door, but then turned around. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


“As happy as I am that you came all this way to visit Chrysalis, how will you explain suddenly spending more time with Cherub over the course of your stay? That might make some ponies suspicious after a while.”

“Oh, don’t you worry. I got it all figured out.” Nymph flashed a big grin at her. No doubt Celestia would be less than amused when she told her the truth of her intentions, but she was sure she can make her understand.

She sensed Celestia’s doubt, but the princess seemed to have chosen to let the subject drop. “If you say so. I’ll see you soon, Nymph.”

“Bye, Tia.” Nymph waved a hoof as she left the room. When the door was closed, Nymph took her sealed bag and opened it. Inside was her typewriter and some paper, which she carefully put on the table and sat down in front of. “Who has time for rest?” she asked happily to no one in particular. “There’s always something to be done. After all, a queen always takes action.” She just needed a few pages more to complete her newest chapter before she could hoof them over to Rarity for feedback. All she needed now was a good scene of dirty loving and her last night with her concubines had given her inspiration for juicy dialogue and stimulating details. She happily hummed as the keys magically clicked before her, plotting the perfect way to surprise her sister.

When evening arrived, Nymph took her book and typewriter to lock away and placed them under her bed. Leaving the room, she made her way to the dining hall, coming across many changelings who were overjoyed to see her. She then sat waiting at the grand table with Celestia and Luna, who was drinking coffee. Nymph never once until now thought about how strange of a pony Luna was, eating dinner food for breakfast and vice versa. Ponies occasionally came out from the kitchen to set platters of food on the table. When the last of the food arrived, Celestia thanked her cooks and took the food in her magic with the help of her companions before using teleportation.

They arrived outside the palace in Ponyville and Celestia knocked on the door. It was about a minute until the door was opened by Twilight. “Good evening, Princesses and Queen Nymph. I’m glad you could all come by for dinner.” She leaned to the side to look at the platters of food they carried behind them. “What exactly did you bring?”

“A little this and that. Just the typical meals Luna and I get to eat on just about a daily basis.”

“It’s probably my favorite benefit of being royalty,” Luna chimed as they entered the castle.

“That’s one of the reasons I miss living with you, Princess,” said Twilight and Celestia craned her neck around her affectionately.

“But Twilight, you’re royalty as well. What do you even eat if it’s not this?” quarried Nymph.

“Oh, just stuff like pancakes, pasta, cake, sandwiches, hay burgers, cereal, and salads,” she answered while leading them. “Just whatever Spike can make.”

Nymph instantly whipped her head to Celestia. However, it appeared Celestia had already expected a similar reaction from the changeling as she carried an amused look. “Celestia, how can you allow Twilight only simple meals when she is your equal? It’s just so wrong!”

“Being a princess is much more than spoiling yourself,” Celestia answered casually. “She’s already had some trouble settling in her new home, so I do not want to overwhelm her with more drastic changes like her diet.”

“I wouldn’t call it drastic, but rather well deserved. Should an Equestrian princess be eating garbage after all her accomplishments? She deserves only the finest meals every day, no exceptions.”

Feeling suddenly self-conscious of her eating habits, Twilight muttered, “But...but I like eating that stuff.”

“Ignore her, Twilight,” said Luna. “She doesn’t have much of a life outside her palace and cannot fathom how those beneath her like to live.”

“T-that’s not true!” They expected Nymph to follow up with something, but nothing happened other than her grumbling to herself.

From across the main entrance was a pair of double doors covered in green glass. Nymph could sense the various emotions of the ponies on the other side, prompting her to fly past the princesses, blowing the door open to make a spectacular entrance. In the room was everypony seated in chairs around a golden colored with plates, silverware, and glasses already set in place and the walls were aligned with more glass windows and crystal columns. She twirled in the air and gave a pose, using her magic to give herself a bit of a glow to enhance the effect. “Surprise, Chrysalis! Your one and only sister is here for you!” Her eyes darted around the room, only to realize that she was absent from the other ponies. “Chrysie?”

“She’s with Spike in his room,” Fluttershy answered as she peaked out from behind the table. “Sorry she wasn’t here to see that.”

“It was still pretty great, though!” Pinkie held up a sign with an eight printed on it.

The queen landed on the floor. “Phooey.”

When the princesses entered, the ponies’ hungry eyes locked onto the platters that were set before them. Rainbow Dash reached for one, but Celestia loudly cleared her throat. “It is not polite to take the food when not everypony is present.” The pegasus retracted her hoof with a sheepish grin on her face. “Nymph, would you be a dear and fetch Chrysalis and Spike? Perhaps you can give a proper surprise this time.”

“Of course.” She stepped out of the dining room, but then turned back around. “I don’t know where it is. I’ve only been here once a long time ago and I don’t believe I have ever seen Spike’s room.”

“I’ll show you,” Luna said as she stood up. “Follow me.” They exited the room and walked down one of the long hallways with more doors covering the walls, somehow looking more confusing than Canterlot palace. How Twilight managed to get around this place was a mystery to Nymph. Perhaps she and Spike should consider making signs to help visitors not get lost.

They located the room and upon discovering that the door was ajar, they slowly peeked inside and found Chrysalis lying on the floor of Spike’s room, reading a comic book with the dragon curled up in her forelegs. “Isn’t this issue just awesome?” asked Spike. “It’s got so much action!”

“Action is fine, but I’m still waiting for the High Heel plotline to continue. She interests me because her concept is so ridiculous and pathetic, yet they keep trying to make her interesting. She’s at least better than Humdrum.”

“Humdrum’s not that bad,” the dragon grumbled quietly.

“Regardless, this new changeling member feels so forced. She just shows up out of nowhere and they take her in as a new member in a single issue. If that’s not pandering, I just don’t know what is.”

Chrysalis turned the page and they continued reading before Spike looked up at her. “Hey, Chrysalis?”


“You kinda seem down lately.”

Nymph and Luna glanced at each other while Chrysalis looked down at him. “What makes you think that? I am fine.”

“Yeah, but you haven’t really hanged out with us lately.”

“That’s because I like spending my time with Lulu. She’s my favorite pony, you know.”

Her response caused Luna to beam with delight. “Is that all?” Chrysalis mumbled and averted her gaze. “You know our motto.”

“Outcasts look after outcasts,” the changeling replied dejectedly. “Fine, but don’t tell any of our friends or Discord. Especially Discord. I want nothing to do with that...thing anymore.”

“So what’s up?”

The two eavesdroppers leaned closer to the door, clearly visible to anypony in the room if they weren’t facing away from them. Chrysalis closed the comic book before dropping it on the floor. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess it feels like my life has hit a roadblock. Every day just feels the same and it isn’t going anywhere.”

“But I thought you liked being a matchmaker.”

“I do, but back then it was more exciting because it felt like my work was adding up to something. It still does in a way, but it doesn’t feel the same. I guess I am getting tired of my life being so…routine. I like being Cherub and being with you all, but I still feel trapped. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I think so. You miss home.” Chrysalis glumly nodded. “But hanging out with us is still fun, right? Maybe you should do that more.”

“I suppose you have a point. Perhaps I need to just do that and maybe it will turn my mood around.”

“Maybe Twilight and the others will have another adventure and we can hang out while they’re gone.”

The former queen rubbed her hoof against the top of his head. “Spike, the only reason you like having me watch you is because I let you watch R-rated movies.”

“But it’s still fun, right?”

“For me at least. You’re still not afraid of closet ninjas or slasher mailmares, are you?”

“N-no way! That never scared me!”

“Whatever you say.” Chrysalis licked her lips. “When are those princesses coming? I’m starving to death over here.”

Nymph couldn’t believe that her timing was more than perfect, which made her more excited to greet her sister. She leaned towards Luna and whispered her plan into her ear. The alicorn happily nodded and moved away from the door as Nymph got into position. “Chrysalis, I brought dinner!” Luna called.

“Speak of the alicorn!”

Chrysalis hopped onto her hooves and dashed out the room, but was caught by the queen in a tight embrace. “Surprise sister hug!”

“Nymph!? What are you doing here!?”

“Surprise!” Luna walked over to join in them. “Nymph’s been planning a visit for a while just to see you. Bet you didn’t see this coming.”

“No, I certainly didn’t.” Chrysalis gently hugged the queen. “How are you, Nymphie?”

“I’ve been just fine, Chrysie. You have no idea how happy I am to be here right now.”

“Hey, are you all coming?” they heard Dash call. “The food’s starting to get cold!”

“Rainbow Dash, they’re sharing a tender moment!” Rarity loudly whispered. “Don’t interrupt them!”

Luna was the first to pull away and look down the hall, briefly catching two figures moving out of sight. “We can talk after dinner. I bet you must be hungry, Chrysalis.”

“Very. I cannot wait to see what my lovely Luna brought me.” Chrysalis grinned at Nymph. “She likes to spoil me.” They returned to the dining room with Spike following them and once everyone sat down around the large golden table covered in silver platters, their lids were removed. For their meal, the princesses had brought an assortment of baked potatoes, spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, peas, grilled salmon and love crystals for Nymph and Chrysalis, and gems for Spike.

“Enjoy,” said Celestia. Everyone began taking food to fill their plates.

“Twilight, I keep telling you that you need to put signs in this place,” said Rainbow Dash. “It all looks the same and it’s so confusing. It took me ten minutes to find the bathroom.”

Twilight swallowed some salad, shrugging. “I don’t really see the point. I have all the rooms memorized, so I never get lost.”

“But we do!” Pinkie cried. “This place is like that maze Discord made except with more doors! Trust me, one of these days, somepony is going to be walking down these halls and never be seen until years later, barely alive as they lurk in the halls and survive by eating the walls and drinking out of the bathroom sink!”

“Pinkie, the castle isn’t nearly as big as the one in Canterlot, so there’s no need for such a morbid imagination,” said Rarity.

“Don’t you feel lonely living in such a big place, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

“Not really. I always have Spike here, although it’s different with us sleeping in separate rooms. It reminds me of living in Canterlot kind of, just without any of the servants or Celestia.”

“So Spike is still your only servant?” asked Nymph. “Surely you could use some more ponies around here such as guards or a cleaning staff.”

“Spike’s not a servant!” Twilight stated defensively. “He’s been my closest friend for years!”

“I prefer the title royal dragon butler,” Spike said in joking manner. “It makes me sound fancy. I just do all that stuff because it’s fun and I like to see Twilight happy. It’s nice to be helpful.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Spikey.” Rarity winked at him, causing the dragon to blush.

Nymph helped herself to some more fish as she fed off some of the fresh love in the air. “How has the matchmaking business been, Chrysalis? You always seem to be so busy.”

“It’s backbreaking labor, but I feel that someone has to do it.” Chrysalis poured herself wine and relished in the scent it gave off. “It’s always interesting when I have to pair a pony and a changeling. People still consider it to be a bit of taboo, but love is love and I’m all for it.”

Pinkie all of a sudden squealed. “I can’t wait to see all the hybrids get born! I thought a dragon-pony baby would be cool, but a ton of bug-pony-grubby-hybrids is even better!”

It suddenly felt as if the room went ablaze for Nymph. She turned to Rarity, sensing how utterly embarrassed she was as the unicorn had buried her face into her hooves and took several deep breaths. Applejack also took notice of her and patted her shoulder, although she did seem to enjoy her reaction. “Pinkie, for the last time, that is not what happens,” Chrysalis stated, amused. “The offspring is whatever the mother is.”

“Ah think baby changelin’s are cute enough as they are.” Applejack turned to the pegasus next to her. “Don’t ya agree, Rainbow?”

“I’m never talking about that again,” Rainbow Dash muttered before stabbing some lettuce with her fork.

Pinkie scratched her head. “But what about if an alicorn and a royal changeling have a baby? What kind of baby does that make?”

Luna was the next to blush, although her reaction was not as severe. “That is a good question.” Chrysalis glanced at her marefriend, bouncing her eyebrows. “Wanna find out? There’s plenty of beds here to choose from.”

Applejack raised her fork and pointed it at Chrysalis. “This is why Ah never invite ya to family dinner. If Apple Bloom’s ears caught any of that, Granny would make ya into an apple pie and feed ya to the fruit bats. Besides, we got a certain innocent somepony ya need to consider, so ya best behave.”

Nymph looked over at Spike, the obvious choice given his age, although he seemed unfazed as he finished the rest of his gems. She returned to her meal, failing to notice how sweaty Fluttershy was all of a sudden. “So Nymph, for exactly what reason did you have everypony keep your visit a secret from me?” Chrysalis asked as she buttered her potato. “It’s very unlike you.”

“What? You don’t like my surprise?” Nymph asked in a teasing manner as she took some peas. “I thought you would have been used to surprises after spending so much time with Pinkie.”

“I just don’t like being caught off guard. I prefer being able to prepare for such important events and you should know that I consider this the most important event of all. I need time for me to plan something for us to do together because of my busy schedule.” Chrysalis paused. “Wait. Is that why all my newspapers have been disappearing?” She immediately shot a glare at Pinkie, who nervously shrugged.

“You don’t need to worry about being prepared anymore.” The queen clapped her hooves together. “I’m going to be here in Equestria with you for the next few months!”

The next sound that filled the room was the clatter of Chrysalis’s knife falling onto her plate. “M…m…months!?”

“You okay, Chrysie?” asked Pinkie. “You seemed a little…uh…”

“Shaken up,” finished Fluttershy.

The changeling noticed how everypony was looking at her and she cleared her throat. “I didn’t mean for it to look like that. I am just merely overwhelmed by the news. But Nymph, what about the kingdom? That’s a long time for it to go without a queen. How can it possibly function without you to take charge?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s been a bore for so long and if something important does occur, the council will inform me, which means we will have a lot more time for each other. On top of it all, I haven’t gotten to the best part!”

“What could be more exciting than seeing your own sister!?” Pinkie asked in immense anticipation.

“The real reason I’m visiting.”

Celestia halted before lowering her fork. “Real reason?”

“Of course. Did you think I would just be sitting around and spoiling myself all this time? A queen’s duty is never done!”

“Isn’t that what you have been doing back in the kingdom?” asked Spike.

“Spike, if you weren’t so adorable, I would end you.” The dragon slowly moved behind Rarity, peeking out at the queen fearfully. “The real reason for my visit is to help get my sister her life back by convincing the people that she is no longer a threat! Chrysalis shall soon once more reign over her changelings by my side!”

Everypony seemed to have received her news rather well save for two princesses. “Nymph,” Celestia began calmly, “we have been over this. Chrysalis’s predicament is something that requires patience.”

Nymph rolled her eyes, much to the princess’s annoyance. “And what has patience gotten us? Nothing. I want you to hear me out because I have thought long and hard on this. Do you know what we’re doing wrong?” She pointed at her sister. “We have made Chrysalis essentially disappear entirely. Nopony needs to think about her anymore. All they know is that she’s locked away somewhere and they never have to worry about her again. The last time they have heard from her is back when we lied to everyone about her arrest and only need to think about her during the royal anniversary.”

“And what do you propose to do about it?” asked Luna, curious.

“We simply just need to remind the people that she exists and give them a glimpse of the new her. What I propose is to allow Chrysalis some minor public appearances.” Nymph immediately raised a hoof. “I know how dangerous that sounds, but I plan on having these appearances being very controlled and well-guarded, so she will not be in harm’s way. I have also thought on how to re-introduce her to the public safely without causing massive panic to the public.”

“You really are full of surprises,” Celestia huffed as she tapped her hooves together.

“She does bring up a good point,” addressed Luna. “It has been a long time since we announced to everypony that we arrested Chrysalis. Waiting any longer may not bring us anymore good at this point. Maybe Chrysalis coming back wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

“I just want to make sure she remains safe,” spoke Celestia. “A sudden appearance would definitely rattle the people. Are you willing to make this risk?”

Luna extended a wing around her lover. “I’ll do all in my power to protect her. Besides, the people feared me and yet you allowed me to go out on my own.”

“That’s because the Elements purified you, so many ponies no longer thought about you as evil. What are we supposed to say about Chrysalis? Besides, with her power, I strongly believe everyone in Equestria will think that we are under her control.” Celestia rubbed her temples, sighing. “I am sorry, but I cannot allow this.”

Luna stood up from her seat. “But Celestia! I think we should try something new. I’d like Chrysalis to go back to living a normal life rather than living a lie for who knows how long.”

Celestia was next to rise. “No. I have to do what is for the best. I cannot risk something that could undo months of progress. If you truly want what’s best for her, then you will do as I say.”

The two princesses stared silently at each other, neither blinking or moving. It was rare to see them ever argue, but when they did, a cold air of tension followed. “Ahem.” Everyone turned to Applejack. “Ah think we should ask Chrysalis what she wants. It’s her life we’re talkin’ about and Ah think it should be her choice before we do somethin’ crazy.”

All eyes fell upon Chrysalis, who gulped in response. She kept looking at Nymph and Celestia, both looking back at her with great anticipation. Nymph’s heart thundered in her chest, knowing that her entire scheme could make or break at this very moment. She could only hope that despite their history, Chrysalis would trust her enough to actually take her side over Celestia’s. “I want to hear out the rest of Nymph’s plan,” Chrysalis answered at last. “I’m sure my sister has thought of something brilliant and I would love to get my life back as soon as possible.”

“Thank you so much!” cheered Nymph, giddly clapping her hooves together. “I promise you that you will not be disappointed.”

“It is your decision and I will respect it,” spoke Celestia, although Nymph could hear a little bitterness in her voice. “Nymph, since we will be going through with your plan, I would like to help you coordinate appearances so nothing gets out of hoof.”

“Of course, of course. We can go over the finer details later.” Nymph took a bite of some of the garlic bread, savoring the thick layer of cheese left on it. She could sense Celestia’s lingering frustration, so she would have to polish her silver tongue and maybe give her something as an apology later. Around her, she felt everypony else’s unease from the alicorns standing off and realized her reveal and even attitude toward Celestia could have been handled far better. For now, Nymph felt the best course of action was to lighten up the mood, even if it was to be at the princess’s expense. “Although, there is an alternative I have also poured some thought into.”

“Like what?” asked Rarity.

“To be honest, I’ve been feeling a little reluctant with dropping this on you all so suddenly. It might be that following Celestia’s example would prove to be the best course of action after all.”

Celestia’s face became relaxed. “I see. So what would you do from following my example?”

“It’s simple, really.” Nymph cleared her throat. “Twilight, you handle it.”

The newest princess coughed out her soda, splattering it on the table. “H-huh!?”

“I want you to fix this problem right away. As I have seen through Celestia’s actions, the best way to approach a serious situation is to let you do the work, so get to it, you brilliant little princess.” Nymph loudly clapped her hooves twice.

Twilight was too deep in her panic attack to notice the laughter around here from everypony in the room save for Celestia, whose face had brightened up with pink color. “She does have a point, sister,” said Luna. “You rely on Twilight perhaps a little too much. I still remember the days of old where we did all the work ourselves in protecting Equestria.” She let out a happy sigh. “Those were good times.”

“I must admit, my sister does make a good case,” Chrysalis added deviously, also taking pleasure in the alicorn’s embarrassment. “After all, the evidence is pretty clear of your lack of activity by just seeing how much your big butt has adjusted to sitting on a throne all the time.”

All but Luna, Nymph, and Chrysalis fell completely silent, horrified that she would make such a joke of a pony of her authority. It didn’t help that Celestia’s face expressed just how stunned she was by Chrysalis’s statement. Nymph liked to bring up her rear size with the princess time to time merely to tease her (and certainly not because she was madly jealous of it or anything), but she had never seen Celestia act like this. “Wow, Chrysalis,” Pinkie said suddenly as she still tried to hold back her giggling. “You should really not say that kind of stuff with Luna sitting right next to you. She’s gonna get super jealous.”

Chrysalis eyed her lover evilly and Nymph could sense the overwhelming fear emanating coming from Luna. “Oh, she knows that I’m only for her. Besides, I tell her much dirtier things when we’re alone.”

“A-as fun as this all is,” Rarity quickly stammered, “shouldn’t we be discussing what we are going to do with Chrysalis?”

At last, Celestia took in a deep breath. “Yes, we must not get sidetracked by pointless antics.” She shot a look at Nymph, who smiled in return. “Nymph, I want you to elaborate on this idea of yours. How do you propose on reintroducing Chrysalis to Equestria?”

“It won’t be such a big deal. In fact, I have an idea for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!?” Chrysalis repeated in surprise. “That really doesn’t give me a lot of time to get ready!”

“You won’t need time. All you will do tomorrow is have tea with me and the princesses.”

“Tea? That’s it?” questioned Rainbow Dash, sounding rather disappointed. “That sounds pretty boring and I doubt anypony is going to care about Chrysalis having tea.”

“Which is exactly what we want,” answered the queen. “We need Chrysalis’s return to be as calm and uneventful as possible to prevent any sort of panic. When they see us all having tea and discussing matters like civilized people, there will be nothing for them to worry about. There will be talk about it obviously, but what can they really say about a normal tea visit?”

Celestia stared at her for a bit and then gave her a nod of approval. “I suppose you are right about that. Perhaps this would be a good idea to go through with after all. I apologize for doubting you earlier, but please do not spring such important matters onto me so suddenly.”

“But what about after?” asked Twilight. “One visit isn’t going to sway a lot of opinions.”

“It’s going to take time, but it will work out. After some visits, we’ll have her escorted by me safely around Canterlot or perhaps Ponyville, going about on a normal day. She can say hello to the people and I’m certain there will be plenty that will want to get to know her. Over time, the people will be used to seeing her and their opinions are going to sway.”

“Unless they think she’s got you all under mind control,” countered Spike. “We all thought about that when Pinkie first said that she was her friend.”

“I still have that magic blocking ring from back then,” spoke Luna. “We can use that to have the people believe she has been completely cut off from her magic. If they believe she is powerless, then there really isn’t a reason for them to overreact.”

Nymph looked at the outcast, hopeful. “It’s a great plan, wouldn’t you say, Chrysie?”

“I had my doubts, but you seemed to have laid them to rest,” Chrysalis replied. She got up from her seat and walked around the table, seating herself next to Nymph before putting a foreleg around her. “So what time will be tea?”

Dinner soon came to an end and the next hour and a half was spent by them sitting around and talking. After going over the details of tomorrow’s plan, they began talking about other things of interest, mostly for laughs. One topic everypony loved to talk about, save for a certain purple pony, regarded the newest daily ritual of her life since becoming a princess: marriage proposals from changelings. Twilight was fully aware that this was common for Nymph and Chrysalis prior to her banishment, but to have it suddenly directed toward her really threw her in a loop. Most of them came in the form of letters, while some sent gifts or even directly showed up at her doorstep, but none were successful. Twilight went as far as making a statement to the press to cease all proposals as she was not interested, but it only reduced the amount she received by a certain degree and resulted in her receiving a very angry letter from Trixie, her old housemate. Her friends still teased her about her “fling” with the magician, but Twilight was stoic as ever on the issue.

Night fell and the gathering came to a close. Nymph’s friends left the castle while saying their goodbyes and Twilight and Spike thanked the princesses for treating them. After wishing them a good night, Celestia teleported her sister and the changelings to her palace. Celestia took the dishes to the kitchen and Luna had to prepare for her duties, leaving only Nymph and Chrysalis, who was in disguise. Nymph took her to the room that was prepared for her. They entered and Nymph closed the curtains with her magic before looking toward the nightstand. On it was a fruit basket with a card attached. Inside it read, “We hope you enjoy your stay!” She saw that it was simply signed by several of her loyal subjects.

“Think I will get a similar greeting?” Chrysalis jested as she took a peach from the basket.

“One can only hope.” Nymph looked over her options before settling on the banana. She laid on top of her bed and was joined by Chrysalis. As she peeled her snack, she said, “Chrysalis, I do apologize for dropping this on you. I was just so excited by the idea of you coming home that I didn’t consider how it would make you feel to put you through this.”

“It’s fine,” Chrysalis replied casually before biting into the peach. “I must admit the idea of going around in public as my true self is an odd one. I’ve been using this disguise for so long that it’s becoming hard to imagine going around without it. It makes feel a little...naked.”

“Are you worried about your safety?” asked Nymph.

“I should be fine with you protecting me.” Chrysalis gave her a little grin. “Let’s be honest. These ponies don’t have the spine to take me on. The mere mention of my name makes them shiver. Besides, if any harm come to one little hair on my head, I think your wrath will convince everypony to think twice. I feel safe just having you around.” Nymph leaned on top of her, giving her a passionate hug. “H-hey, knock off the sappy stuff! Only Luna gets to do that!”

“Aw, what’s wrong? Don’t want to show your sister some love?” she cooed playfully.

“Don’t say it like that!” Chrysalis attempted to push her off, but Nymph was resilient. “You better hope nopony walks in with us like this on the bed. The press has been after me for months and I dread to think of what they would come up with.”

“Oh, that would be an interesting story. I wonder how much attention it would get after they find out the lovely Cherub is my own sister?”

“That sounds like my worst nightmare come to life.”

“Or Luna’s fantasy come true.”

“Luna’s not that kind of pony,” Chrysalis sneered. “She’s too sweet and old fashioned to be a pervert.”

“Are you sure you haven’t been a bad influence on her? I know how you loved to take nervous changelings and make their dreams come true.” She leaned toward her ear and whispered, “Have hers come true yet?”

Chrysalis managed to bump her away, although it did nothing to change the queen’s expression. “You really are prying into this, you know that?”

“How can I not? You’ve never been this happy with any changeling before and I know you and her are meant to be. I’m sure you two would have already married if you had the chance.”

“You need to get your mind out of those awful books you love so much,” Chrysalis said as she discarded the peach into the wastebasket. “Maybe if you actually dated more often, you could get a realistic idea of relationships. Even Pinkie has a better grasp on romance than you.”

“It’s not my fault no changeling has managed to successfully court me,” the queen retorted. “You’d think being this young and with so many changelings eager for my hoof, I would have found my king ages ago.”

“That’s because you have two problems.” Chrysalis sat up and raised her hoof. “The first one is that your standards are too high. I know this is from being born a princess, but those horrible books you like to read and even write are also a problem in how you perceive love.”

“There’s no such thing as too high standards. I have all the time in the world and marriage is very sacred for a royal changeling. Of course I have to be careful who I marry. I can’t just wed a simple commoner, now can I? That would ruin my reign!”

“Celestia has married a bard, a baker, a miner, and even a street performer, all of whom have made her very happy.” Chrysalis poked a hoof into the queen’s chest. “If she can deal with it, so can you.”

“I’ll give it some thought,” Nymph said in a tone that clearly stated that she wouldn’t. “And what about you and your perfect princess? Kind of hypocritical of you to judge me while you are involved with an alicorn.”

Chrysalis gave out a quick, taunting laugh. “Luna? Perfect? Are you kidding me? She works the graveyard shift, meaning less time for us to be together, can be very bossy when I don’t do what she wants, and still tries to have me enjoy that ridiculous Game Colt she’s addicted to. She’s not perfect by any means, Nymph, but I still love her.” She gave her sister a good pat on the back. “You just have to take a chance. Perfection is a lie and you will be a happier mare knowing that.”

“If you say so. So what was the other thing?”

The way Chrysalis grinned at her made her have second thoughts about asking. “Don’t picture your true love as being some knight in shining armor.” Nymph loudly huffed in frustration and it was only made worse by her sister’s laughter. “You have to let go at some point since you and Cadance are good friends. Do you make the concubines transform into him and roleplay?” Another loud wail of embarrassment erupted from the younger changeling and she could feel Chrysalis’s sinister grin burning into her. “There, there. Maybe he’s still single in that other world Twilight has gone to. Well, that depends on if you find yourself attracted to weird interdimensional creatures, but I’ve lost track of your kinks.”

Pressing her face harder into the mattress did nothing to help Nymph escape her torment. “Just stop. I can’t take anymore.”

“Twilight’s not here, so who else can I torment about being single? And lusting after a married stallion? I thought you were raised better than that.” There was a pause before Chrysalis quickly tussled Nymph’s mane. “There’s no rush. I have no doubt you will find the love of your life and you two will have many happy years together. Don’t fret about it so much before you get a grey hair.”

To hear such comforting words from her own sister, although she still took jabs at her, relieved Nymph. “Thank you, Chrysie.” The older changeling then got off of the bed. “Where are you going?”

“I’m calling it a night. It’s been a long day for me and I think extra sleep will help calm my nerves for tomorrow.” Nymph gave her a pouted look, expressing her protest. “Cheer up, Sister. Tomorrow, we will have all day to spend time together.”

“I know, but I just like being with you so much.”

Chrysalis gently ran her hoof through Nymph’s long, green mane. “It’s not like I’m leaving. I will just be sleeping in another room. Just get some rest and we’ll focus on tomorrow.”

“Okay. Have a good night, Chrysalis.”

“You too, Nymph.” Chrysalis then left the room and closed the door behind her. Nymph didn’t feel entirely tired, although she felt a little drained, so she reached for the magically sealed luggage bag. Upon opening it, she pulled out her typewriter and crystal ball. She set the crystal ball on its pillow on the desk and the typewriter beside it. She sat down and immediately had the key clicking away via magic, already having an idea of what the next scene would be. Taking influence from her conversation with Chrysalis, she wrote about Cicada and Glistening Plate talking about true love as the stallion had worked tirelessly to impress a wealthy maiden he knew little of and the mare mocked him for it, although she did it because she cared for him deep down.

Time flew by as Nymph wrote it out and skimmed through the pages when she was finished, feeling rather proud of herself. She thought about asking Chrysalis for more love advice, but she couldn’t risk her sister finding out that she had once again attempted writing a romance novel. She was sure her big sister remembered vividly the horrid, burning smell when the they stood before the bonfire of books. Perhaps she could use her crystal ball to take peeks at Luna’s bedroom to see Chrysalis and Luna be romantic with each other for more inspiration, but that came with an extreme risk. Then again, Luna was the equivalent of Fluttershy when it came to the topic of intercourse, so she could conclude that there was no chance they had reached that point in the relationship.

Nymph turned off the lamp on her desk and let out a yawn. Stripping herself naked, she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over herself. She felt excited as she was sure tomorrow would surely go well. There would be some snags no doubt, but they would be mere obstacles they could easily overcome. If Chrysalis had made it this far on her own, realizing the errors of her ways and finding forgiveness from her friends, then this would be trivial. Just a few visits and the people would understand that she did not need to be feared. Nymph giggled to herself, kicking her hooves a little. Before falling asleep, she had the warming thought of having a family again.