• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,769 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 8

I opened my eyes and scrambled out of bed, rolling onto my hooves, almost landing on a sleeping Amber, “What the ever-loving fuck was that!?”

Amber burst into action, slamming me down against the floor beneath her before she was properly awake, scanning the room.


Note to self, do not scare changelings when they are asleep. If it didn't involve getting a close look on the grain in the wooden floor, then I would have been a lot more impressed.

“Amber, get off me!” I grumbled and struggled out from beneath the changeling.

“But sir, there might be...”

“Yes, but it's not here.” I said and lit up my horn, lifting her off me as I got back onto my hooves. Damn it, that got my feathers in a mess again.

I flapped my wings a couple of times which got most of them into order just as the door slammed open to reveal Sunset, “Page?” she asked, her horn lit up by a spell, the energies of a second spell shimmering along it as she kept her magic ready to either attack or defend, “What's going on?”

Amber struggled in my magic and I slowly set her down, forcing myself to slow down and think. “Something... bad,” I finally said, “but not here so you can drop your magic,” I explained and looked at Amber. “That goes for you too.”

The Changeling didn't look overly happy about it, but she settled down, her wings against her back, “Sir? What is going on?”

I shook my head and then shrugged my wings, “Something... strange... in the dream realm. Ponies dreaming blank dreams. I may be freaking out over nothing, but I need to contact Luna at once,” I said and got up, moving past Sunset and heading for Twilight's room.

Kinda amazing she and Spike was asleep for it all.

Glancing back revealed that both Sunset and Amber followed along, looking worried. Well, Sunset did. Amber looked mostly alert, her eyes scanning the dark hallway.

“Twilight? Spike?” I asked as I knocked on the door, “Twilight, I need to borrow your PDA for a moment.”

There was a moment before a sleepy looking Twilight opened the door, “...My what?”

“Personal Dragon Assistant.” I clarified, “I need to get a message to Luna now. I can't wait until our next nap update.”

“He can't have sent to Princess Luna, only to Princess Celestia.”

“But Celestia can relay it.”

There have to be a easier way of doing this. There must be spells or something.

Twilight frowned at me, “What's going on?”

I just sighed, “I have no idea. I might be panicking about nothing, but when I find ponies dreaming about... nothing. Nothing at all... then I'm going to freak. I need to know if this is something I need to be panicking about.”

She nodded, “We'll meet you down in the kitchen, I need to wake Spike.”

...He is seriously not up yet? How the hell, not even I would sleep through this.

Nodding, I turned and headed past Sunset, “I'll get some tea put on.” I said and rubbed my eyes, stretching my wings again on the way down the stairs, “...What time is it anyway?”

“Around one or so.” Sunset supplied and ran her magic through her mane, spinning it into a braid so she didn't need to deal with it.

“...That explains why it feels like I have been asleep for two hours. I have.” I sighed and moved to light up the stove and put the kettle on. Time for some quadruple strength of what passed for the local earl grey.

I then looked back at my guard and student/pain in my flank/sparring partner, “You two don't need to be up, go back to sleep.”

“No offense, but if someone is going around turning ponies’ dreams into nothing, I'll stay awake.” Sunset answered as she settled down by the table.

By the time the water was done Twilight was walking down the stairs with a sleepy looking dragon laying on her back.

“Give me a second and I'll write a note.” I said and moved to get a quill and paper, “Sunset, you are on tea duty.”

Finding something to write with and on, I scribbled down a quick note to Celestia to give it to Luna asap as well as an explanation about what I found... and an apology for waking her if it turned out to be something normal.

I would feel very silly if it did turn out to be normal, but I had never seen it before and it didn't... it didn't feel right. Better safe than sorry.

I rolled it up and tied some string around it before returning and handing it over to Spike, “Here. Sorry for waking you.”

He just grumbled and blew green fire at it, causing it to literally go up in smoke. With that I settled down by the table, taking the steaming hot cup of tea that Sunset offered me, “Thanks.”

She just nodded and poured some for everyone at the table before getting a cup for herself as she settled down next to Twilight.

Everything settled down to silence as I floated my cup before me, simply taking in the scent of the tea for now. Everyone else looked some degree of drowsy. Spike had gone back to sleep against the table while Amber looked alert, constantly turning her head.

I'm going to feel like such a idiot if this turns out to be false alarm.

There were maybe fifteen minutes with very little conversation before Spike suddenly jerked awake and burped out a flame of green flame that made a rolled up scroll to form in midair. I snagged it from midair and quickly read it before I looked at the rest, “Stay awake whatever you do. Do not go asleep. I'm going to return to the dreaming, Luna needs to talk to me.”

This was bad.

Discord? Could it be Discord?