• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,765 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

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Chapter 18

Emerald eyes glared at me for a long moment before the insectoid owner finally spoke up, her voice somewhere just north of liquid helium. “Sir.”

“Evening, Skitter,” I said carefully, shifting my wings slightly. I had let the illusion over my wings drop as we were in Luna's and my rooms. Everyone with access already knew. “What did I do?”

“You sent Amber away,” she said with a frown. “Page, she was with you for a reason.”

I frowned right back at her as I put the box with my Chakram in a bigger trunk along with my other things I was going to bring.

“Skitter, I figured the safety of the world was worth slightly higher risk for me. I was with the Elements and Princess Twilight. I was fine.”

“You were not fine! You got hit!”

“…Okay, sure. But not seriously. Wasn’t even hurt, not really,” I admitted. “Honestly… And the message needed to be delivered. What if something had happened and it was worse than I originally thought? What if Princess Celestia had had her special talent stolen?”

Skitter stared at me for a long moment before she sighed. “…Fine.”

“Amber didn’t get into trouble, did she?”

“No, it was a legitimate order. The safety of the hive supersedes yours,” Skitter admitted, her wings buzzing for a second in annoyance. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“I didn’t like getting smacked down either so I guess we are even then,” I commented and walked up, wrapping my wing around the changeling, leaning against her larger side.

It’s funny really, they were softer than they looked. Their ‘shell’ had quite a lot of spring in it.

“And what is this I heard about the griffons?” she asked, as she turned her head. “You are leaving?”

I shook my head. “No. No way to catch up with the airship, not over open water.”

“Amber and Leaf will be waiting for you tomorrow then,” she said with a nod.

Pulling back, I frowned at the slightly taller changeling. “Two? Seriously?”

“You seem to need it! That way, one can be sent for a threat against the hive and the second can stay and keep you safe.”

“I… No, Skitter. One, okay. Two? You can’t have half your hive following me around!” I exclaimed, spreading my wings. “Chrysalis can’t order you around anymore, you don’t need to keep protecting me anymore.”

“No. But I want to.”

“Skitter… I can’t have two changelings following me around, we are in Canterlot, I don’t need one guard, yet alone two!”

She glared at me before she nodded. “…Very well. Amber and one of the ponies.”


“One of the warriors. The guards. Sunset Shimmer will be too busy protecting herself when she is around to be able to protect you if you get in danger,” she said and shook her head. “So it has to be an actual guard. One sworn to protect you.”

“Skitter, that’s really no….” I trailed off when I saw her expression. It was the one that told me I had already lost and there was really no use arguing anymore. Nothing I said could possibly change her mind.

I shook my head and sighed. “…Fine,” I finally said. “I’ll ask the Night Guard for a volunteer.”

“Thank you.”

“How have you been then?” I asked as I returned to my unpacking, scowling at the new formal suit Rarity made for me. I was thankful and all, but… suit. Not really my thing.

Skitter smiled and settled down, jumping onto one of the chairs, lying down with her front legs hooked over the armrest. Why they were called that here, I had no idea.

“Good. But very busy,” she admitted and her wings buzzed for a second. “Princess Celestia keeps me… very busy. Her lessons are thorough and very, very…”

“Boring?” I suggested with a smile.

She frowned. “Experienced.”

Oh, I had to remember that one next time I talked to Celestia. “Well… thousands of years of ruling.”

Skitter nodded. “I know. It’s just… so much I need to learn and I keep feeling like I will never be able to learn everything I need.”

“You will be able to handle it,” I said with a smile. “You are already good at handling your mini-hive. Just do what you think is right.”

“…But what if the right thing turns out to be the wrong thing?”

I shook my head. “You never know that. All you or anyone can do is their best, use their best judgement. But I do know you, Skitter. You will make the right call… and if you make a mistake, you will learn from it.”

Skitter frowned to herself. “… I hope so, sir.”

Walking over to her, I poked her with my wing, focusing on love to give her a burst of it. “I know you will. And you can always ask someone with experience. You are not alone in this.”

Skitter smiled slightly and leaned against my side.