• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,766 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 28

“Really? You actually took her out on a date?” Sunset asked as she slowly came to a stop, catching her breath with a grin. “Seriously?”

Stretching, I glared at her. “Not a date.”

“Sounded like one to me,” Swift commented from the side with a smile as he watched Sunset stretch. “I heard there was dancing and everything.”

“Quiet you.” I snorted and shook my head. “Seriously.”

Sunset just smirked at me and then shook her mane back. “If you say so.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed at her antics before I let my breath out. “Are you done?”

“Oh, I can keep going all night.”

“…Oh Luna, you can really tell that you were Celestia's student,” I groaned, lighting my horn up and floating my water bottle over as Swift was busy watching Sunset.

Seriously? Minuette would kill you, dude.

Not to mention that Sunset would break him in half.

…Thought I had to admit that she was way too damn good at being distracting when she stretched like that. I have a marefriend, I’m not dead.

I notice these things.

“Why? Can she do that too?” Sunset teased before she giggled. “We done for today? I have some stuff to do before it gets dark.”

I nodded and sat down in the shade by the wall, looking out at the otherwise empty training ground. Today we just did some spell casting at targets and running. “Yeah. Sounds good. See you tomorrow?”

She nodded, “Yep,” and then looked down at herself. “Celestia, I need a bath. See you guys later,” she then added before trotting to the exit.

Swift looked after her for a moment before sinking down next to me, “…Dude.”

“Minuette would kill you.”

He considered that for a moment before he sighed. “Yeah. Sunset isn’t her type.”

“I think Sunset is everyone’s type,” I commented idly while glancing in the direction she left in, before I frowned at him. “Wait, what?”

Swift floated his water bottle over and took a long drink before he frowned at me. “What, what?”

“…Sunset is not Minuette's type?”

He shook his head. “She is more into pegasi,” he said before he grinned. “I’m just too awesome to ignore.”

I looked at him for a long moment. “…One of us is confused and I’m having the horrible feeling that it’s me.”

Swift frowned at me and quickly glanced around. “Is this a human thing?”

“Well…” I started before I frowned in thought. “Multi-pony relationships are more common than I thought?”

Swift shrugged. “Temporary ones are pretty common for foals, a couple of years long or so. Permanent ones less so, but not exactly rare. My uncle live with three mares. Dad and mom had Ruby Rose living with us for a couple of years while she tried to get pregnant. She is the mother of my half sister.”


“It’s not that way with humans?”

I shook my head. “Very rare. Illegal is most places actually when it comes to marriage.”

“…Weird,” Swift said with a shrug.

“Comes with having more or less balanced amounts of males and females.” I said and idly poked the grass by my right hoof.

Honestly, I had not really considered the implications of it since I read about it before. But I had seen couples before… well, not couples really. But you get the gist.

I mean, not like I didn’t know about it. I just didn’t think about it.

Mostly because I stayed the hell out of any dream with a pink hint to them after the first time I stumbled into one. That had been rather embarrassing. I just hope I never run into the mare in real life.

“…So…” Swift asked. “About that date with Princess Twi…”

“Not a date!” I groaned, dropped my head onto the ground. “Damn it, Swift!”

He just grinned. “Just saying. If Princess Luna was against the idea, she wouldn’t have encouraged you.”

“…Wasn’t a date. Wasn’t meant to be one. Luna knew that.”

“Did she?”

I paused at that and then just closed my eyes and relaxed. Screw you, Swift.

I would just need to talk to Luna about it just to be able to make him shut up if nothing else.

“So, what else planned for today?” Swift asked after a moment. “Writing?”

“Editing. But that’s for tonight,” I answered and opened my eyes again, looking around. “Not sure what to do now to be honest.”

“Raid the kitchens?”

My stomach agreed with that idea, but I had other things on my mind. “Actually… let’s head to the markets. I need to pick up some stuff first. I’ll make us some pizzas.”

Swift raised his eyebrows, “Pizzas? Why not just go to a restaurant?”

“Because they don’t have pizzas!”

Swift shook his head. “Page, I had pizza two days ago, trust me, there are pizzas.”

“Those are not pizzas!” I exclaimed and got up, glancing around and stretching my wings before folding them and reapplying the illusion. “Those are strange abominations with hay in the dough and the wrong cheese, the wrong way of using tomatoes and… wrong!”

He looked amused as he got up. “And I suppose you can do better?”

“Damn right I can!” I said and picked up my bag, sliding it around myself. “Get ready to be amazed!”

“Lead the way boss.”