• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 25,723 Views, 1,964 Comments

Secret of Flying - Hiver

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn don’t make it any easier.

  • ...

Chapter 43

“You sure you got it?” I asked Swift and Cloud, adjusting my new cloak with my magic.

Swift nodded with a grin. “Don’t worry. We got it. Everything will go great, I promise.”

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I then nodded. “Okay, in positions. Won’t be long now.”

Cloud tapped my shoulder with his hoof. “Good luck.”


As they left to relieve the guards already standing there on each side of the airship dock, I just sat down and waited in the shade of a cargo box.

You would think I would be nervous, but not really.

I was just excited. Well, mostly excited. Also, a bit terrified.

But mostly excited.


Startled, I looked back to see Twilight approaching. “Oh… hi Sparks. What’s up?”

Twilight smiled and hesitated, one hoof slightly off the floor. “Hi… uhm… can we talk?”

I glanced back at the dock. “…I have a few moments.”


She seemed really nervous. I had a pretty good idea of why. I’m fairly sure none of them noticed when I opened the door, but…

Sparks flicked her ears nervously. “Page, I need to tell you something…”

I smiled at her. “Don’t worry about it. I already figured it out.”

She blinked at me. “You did?”

“Yeah,” I said and nodded. “I… kind of saw it,” I admitted with a small cringe. “Sorry. Didn’t mean too.”

Twilight looked nervous. “…And you are okay with it?”

“Of course! I’m happy for you!”

“You are?”

I nodded. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”

Twilight smiled. “Page, that’s such a relief. She was so afraid to let anyone know.”

“She has nothing to be nervous about. As long as she is happy…”

Twilight frowned. “Well… I wouldn’t say happy. But he hasn’t caused any trouble.”

My mind did what could only be described as a double take.

“Wait, what?” I asked. “He? What exactly are we talking about?”

Twilight looked unsure. “…Discord hiding with Fluttershy. What did you think we were talking about?”


I stared at her. “…Discord is what?”

Twilight cringed. “…He came to her after Tirek was defeated. He was terrified after seeing him get killed. He begged her to hide him and she just couldn’t say no. I found out a few days ago, and talked them into letting me talk to you, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about it. I… figured I would go to you first.”

I facehoofed. “…Twilight, you couldn’t have waited two hours? I really don’t need this shit right now. Okay, you say he has behaved?”

Twilight nodded. “Ponyville didn’t notice anything. Fluttershy says he even helped out around the house and kept it down to small pranks.”

I glanced back. That dot in the sky was an airship.

I turned back to Twilight. “Then he can wait. I’m not dealing with this right now, go tell Celestia or something. He can be her problem, I don’t want it.”

Twilight cringed. “I’m sorry, I should have told you when I found out.”

“…Don’t worry about it,” I sighed and glanced back at the quickly growing airship. “Just hurry out of here!”

She tilted her head. “I was thinking I would be saying hi to Luna.”

“Say hi to Luna later!” I said and guided her away. “Or at least stay behind the corner!”

“What’s going on?”

“You’ll see! Just stay quiet and hidden!” I said and pushed her behind the corner before rushing back into position.

I didn’t have time for some stupid chaos spirit right now! I had more important things to do.

The airship slowly slowed and pegasi jumped off to start dragging out lines to the dock to pull it close. I ignored them and focused on my magic. I needed to do this just perfectly. Luckily, I had had quite a bit of practice with illusions lately.

I glanced around the corner. The ramp was lowering.

It took a few moments before Luna exited, followed by a couple of ponies in her group, carrying items, mostly papers. The unicorn next to her was talking to her while floating a paper up for her to look at.


I rounded the corner and finished my illusion as I spread my wings, making dark smoke flow around me and down towards the ground as I laughed.


Everyone stopped and stared at me before Swift and Cloud sprung into action. “Protect the Princess!”

Lowering myself slightly, I lit my horn up with a red light and shot a red light at each of them. Swift threw himself back and rolled over, laying still.

Cloud reared up and clutched his chest. “Ah! I’m dying! Dying!” he exclaimed before he fell over, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, his right rear leg twitching.

Awesome job, Cloud. You missed your calling as an actor.

Fucking damn it.

The ponies around Luna cowered back and Luna raised her eyebrows. “…Page, what are you up to?”

“Ah ha!” I said, spreading my wings. “I am not Page! I am Lord Darth…” oh crap, didn’t think of something... “Darth Rune! The new EMPEROR OF EQUESTRIA!”

Nailed it!

Luna just smiled and shook her head. “My Page, you would hate being Emperor. But very well, I’ll play along. What are your plans, Darth Rune?”

I slowly approached. “My plan is quite simple, my dear Princess. I will cover the land in darkness, forcing the population to cower before me. I will kidnap their Princess to a faraway land, keeping her prisoner! In sweltering heat and bright sun…”

“That would be nice…” Luna admitted with a sigh, “but I can’t just…”

“…While forcing her to marry me,” I finished as I reached her so we were nose to nose.

Luna blinked. “Marry.”

I smiled and nodded, allowing the illusion of dark smoke flowing off me to stop as I looked up at her. “Marry me,” I said, folding my wings. “I… I didn’t know how to ask you. I wanted to make it memorable. I understand if you don’t wa…”

“Yes. Yes and yes!” Luna answered and captured my lips in a kiss as she pressed close.

When we broke the kiss, I smiled up at her, "Oh, good. Because I was a bit fuzzy on exactly how to take over Equestria."

Author's Note:

And that's the last part for now. We will be returning to Blank Page again at a future time though. Thank you everyone for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 191 )

Discord is at Fluttershy's and he finally proposed!

I can't wait to see how this goe-


You evil son of a...

End of Another Story. I'll wait with anticipation of the next part of the story.

Hurray! Blank Page and Princess Luna are getting married. YAY!

How to become Emperor: Offer Celestia a vacation and promise to cover the days she's gone. Work on the paperwork while she's out. Have her return to find out the nation is now yours. Profit.

But neat little proposal angle. Fun and amusing, bold and memorable. Nice story to tell to the foals too :rainbowlaugh:

How could you?!? How could you drop that and leave us! I was so happy until I read the author's note

Well....... that was______ my brain just fried.

Great story!
So when can we expect the next story to come out?

AHHHH! I was hoping for this! But wait does that mean this story is done?

know what... I can't even be mad at you...Good job


This seems rather abrupt. And kinda unsatisfying. Luna just got back, and we just heard Discord is still about. She isn't pregnant, alright, but...we need to...

Well, I guess I can't complain. It was a fun Journey and it lasted quite a while.

Thanks for the experience Hiver. As per the last renditions I leave my predictions and or Wishlist.

-We attend a Wedding, Page and Luna of course.

-Page must face Discord, non negotiable.

-We find out what the hell happened between Skitter, Sunset, and Twilight, and what it means.

-Starlight's fate, is she just gonna fade away?

Don't stay away too long homie, we gotta see this guy through.

Well, that certainly is one unique way to marry someone:rainbowlaugh:

Until we meet again! Bye! I'll be waiting eagerly for more!:pinkiehappy:

You couldn't have at least wrote the wedding?

Truly, you are the worst kind of evil.

*Sees complete tag*

*Finishes chapter*

*Stares at computer screen trying to find the right words*





This story is surprisingly good, I normally avoid HiE stories, but I read the entirety of the 4 Arcs in 3 days..... It's gonna drive me nuts waiting for the new chapters!

HIVER YOU... Wait... 99% of the comments have said it...


*shakes angry fist to the monitor*
after all this cliffhangars you create the mother of cliffhangars

Hahahahahahahaha....:rainbowlaugh: That ending, that ending man, twass glorious. ;D

Please send me the link to the next story...:pinkiesad2:

I can just picture Twilight standing there making a big "OH" and getting embarrassed at nearly screwing up his big proposal.

And it's about time! :pinkiehappy:

I was wondering when the idea of marriage was going to be mentioned, it is the obvious next step, I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't more in the story than just the proposal. I was hoping he would ask for celestias permission first, since it's tradition to ask the father (or in this case older sibling) ahead of time. Nothing wrong with the proposal itself, it's very much in page's style' teasingly dark, and and then very straightforward. Looking forward to how miserable he gets when he realizes how much goes into a "Royal Wedding", no way cadence is going to let them elope, no escape, fear the pink ones.

Noooooooo! That cliff hanger... he proposed and THEN you end it.

Great story as always and I look forward to the next one.

noooo it ended. very good. hope to see more soon.

that's... the end? :fluttercry:
Well, i hope i see the next one when it's ready.

Nicely done, I love how calm this 'season finale' is in comparison to the other three stories'. I was worried sick and waiting with baited breathe that Discord will be trying something.

If there's one thing I have to nitpick, I'd say it would be that this one is way too calm. Then again, it's kinda because the timeline it included didn't have that much trouble going around the place once you removed Starlight Glimmer from the picture.

Keep up with the good work, and may your ways be swift and endless! ^ ^

"Oh, good. Because I was a bit fuzzy on exactly how to take over Equestria."

That's easy, just ask Celestia and Luna if they want a vacation. :derpytongue2:

*Puts on ultra-evil voice*
BUT! A foooooooooolish warrior princess wielding a magic 'sword' stepped forth to oppose me!
Before she could strike me down, I tore open a portal to the realms of dreams, where my mind is LAAAAAAAW!
Now, she seeks to track me down and smoochen me back to reality and undo the power that is Paaaaage!"

"Don't look at me, sister. You're the one who agreed to marry him. And what 'magic sword? Are you alright, you're a shade I normally wear."

"I hate you all."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAA!" *Looks around.* "I need a scotspony."

I suppose that by marrying her he technically has taken over Equestria. I mean, the king AND queen ruled in the Middle
Ages, right? So prince Page would be a ruler of Equestria.

I Like how he mentioned a tropical island or someplace exotic like Saddle Arabia as the location of the honeymoon.

Twilight cringed. “…He came to her after Tirek was defeated. He was terrified after seeing him get killed. He begged her to hide him and she just couldn’t say no.

So this Discord reformed by learning about one of most important feelings that exist - fear. Fear of death and consequences.

and hear I was wondering about what was going on but I must say this is perfect.
not only a super chapter to end a grate story but over all a super good forth story in the story line.
and to hear their will be a fifth story I am just giddy.

8103345 I was thinking much the same thing, only more along:

How to become Emperor: Offer Celestia a vacation and promise to cover the days she's gone. Work on the paperwork while she's out.Sweettalk the new spouse (nighttime goddess) to do the paperwork for you while Celestia is away. Have her return to find out the nation is now yours. Profit.





So Discord's been hiding because no one told him death was apparently an option as a consequence.

And this volume has drawn to close, can't wait for the sequel.

Hiver, you're evil. Can you link us your next spacebattles story, please? It can be through PM if you don't want to post it... :fluttershysad:

8103742 This IS the fourth story.

8103802 You can get it now actually. It will be a sequel to another series. Here is the first one in the series. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/not-quite-shodan-st-si.286486/

8103839 back to not quite culture spaceships, then! Would like for you to go back to the original star, but I can recognize her story is kinda over :pinkiesad2:

I do read your other stories, just don't have a spacebattles account. Does it allow following? :rainbowhuh:

8103881 You can. In fact,, I just checked. I am the third most followed person on spacebattles. Up from sixth from last time I checked. :yay:

8103892 nice!
Still wanna see the Vulcan-Ship hybrid babies, though :derpytongue2:

great story. chapters are a bit short but overall a good story.

Kind off sad to see its over I really enjoyed Blank Pages adventures

I'm looking forward to the next story.


Peek at the Future?

War mage blues, Sunset is most definitely his Best Mare.

Congrats Page
You dog you!

Discord is hiding at Fluttershy's, for some reason I never thought that as a possibility and he finally proposed! Good to see(/read), though I have to agree that kinder puts him as king in law.
I look forward to seeing how this goe-
*notices Author's notes* oh...
*checks status on story* ah...
Well I look forward to the next story.
As I understand "Star Trek AI" is your next planned story. If so where would I find it? (First time I've viewed the spacebattles website).

8104567 Link ten posts below yours.:twilightsmile:

Another amazing ending my friend. I eagerly await your return to this series.


I need more fav buttons...



Stare slack-jawed for a few moments

AWWWWWW HELL YEAH!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Great, can't be mad about ending it, because I'm too happy with the way you ended it.

So, the next season/story gets us another royal wedding and a returned chaos spirit.
Looking forward to it. :)

hot dam that was good

Another great installment of Page's life has come to an end. My reaction when I saw the complete icon. :fluttercry: But, Hiver, you have made up for it my friend. Luna and Page finely tied the knot. Haha!!
But now it is time to send off a good story, May God have mercy on your soul.

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