• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,772 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

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A Preformer, an Ex-Mayor and a Gear walk into a bar [Rewrite]

Equestria, Western plane.

Abigail POV

Yesterday morning I woke up from the best sleep I had in a long while, even if I'm stuck in a body of a pony and with still had no answer on how to get home. Let me catch up on things for you after I woke up.

Putting on my armor, 'minus the helmet' with my newfound magical powers had been a small challenge, but managed it in the end. I also wondered what else I could do with magic now that I have access to it? Looking over my weapons, I took a rag I'd found in one of the desks and started wiping off some of the old blood, powder residue, and dirt that was on my guns. Especially the Lancer given how dirty it gets at how often she uses it. Getting blood in the gears could seep through the cracks and cause a jam in the inner workings. After cleaning her weapons, I'd returned them to the hip and magnetic holsters before walking downstairs for breakfast and meeting up with everyone.

There I'd met the most big-headed pony I'd met thus far in this world. The great and powerful Trixie.

The light blue coated mare with a white mane and tail, wearing a wizard's outfit was very strange. This pony kept switching between taking in first person and third person. It was funny at first, but now it was getting old. From what I could gather, Trixie was a traveling street performer that does magic shows. It was kind of shameful to hear her call herself the 'great and powerful' Trixie, no creativity. The little bit of boasting she did was also annoying but luckily for the performer not to the extent of demonstrating what a mark two Lancer can do to a pony. She wasn't any threat to anyone as far as I could tell. If it weren't for her narrating herself in every other sentence when talking to others, we could probably get along fine. The mare also 'wanted' to know why I was coming and if I was some kind of special royal guard.

I noticed that the others didn't know how to explain me and were looking at each other on whether or not to disclose who I am. Before they said anything, I thought up a quick backstory and told the show mare of how I'd used to be in the guard, but turned to inventing afterword's then being asked back in as a guard. I also told her about herself being new to the area and not knowing anyone around, I'd befriended the Princess, and later met and befriended Starlight. Who then told me of this trip and asked her if I could tag along with them; we'd also swap a few ideas on how to run things in the Twilights castle. Now that Twilight was starting to think about commencing her very own royal guard soon. Why the princess didn't already baffle me. Trixie believed my story and asked about the armor she wore, Abigail answered it was experimental combat armor that was going to be what future soldiers will want to wear and that she was testing it. I also told her it's the only set of armor there that they are testing right now, so she won't see any other like it.

Trixie looked a little skeptical at the explanation. Especially when she commented on how strange my weapons had on my back, I just told her there were some more experiments that I'd be working and testing on while they were away and won't have to worry about anything. It was a good thing too because I didn't want to tell her they were weapons that could tear a pony in haft.

The others looked surprise at my explanation but went along with it. Not wanting to push there luck with the show pony.

The three of them left Ponyville with a lovely heart filled farewell from the only others they new around here. I also saw Twilight had that look of irritation that she didn't get invited to go with her student but excepted it as part of Starlight's 'friendship lesion' whatever the hell that meant. E also heard Pinkie yell out she would have my 'Welcome to Equestria/Ponyville party' ready for when they get back. That lifted my spirits up a bit.

Trixie had a pretty decent mobile home that she herself pulled around along with all our supplies. Despite her quirks, I was generally impressed at the strength, Trixie displayed with how she pulled it all day and looking like she barely broke a sweat. That alone in itself is impressive. She would get along great with any heavy weapons unit with that strength and endurance back in the COG.

Trixie and Starlight mostly talked to each other about what's been happening in their daily lives. While I just trotted with them and stayed quiet for most of the trip just looking out at the wild unaffected landscape as they passed by, it was surreal. For most of my adult life, I was stuck wandering ruined cities and desserts filled with burnt trees.

When night time came, Starlight slept with Trixie inside her mobile home for the first night while the gear volunteered to sleep outside. Starlight tried to protest the idea of me sleeping outside and asked Trixie if I can sleep inside too. Trixie looked annoyed at her being offered her home to a stranger but kept quiet about it with an 'hmm.' I again declined the offer sincerely and asked only for the spare blanket and pillow from their supplies. It took a little convincing to get Starlight to leave her alone for when night settled over. I'd chose a small patch of grass that was under a healthy green tree.

Positioning myself up against the tree with my head pulped up on the pillow to where I had a breathtaking view of the stars above. For myself along with every other soldier, we hated the night due to the Krell swarms that harbored it some nights. But there were no Krell here, so I got the chance not to fear for the first time in many days and relax under the night sky. Seeing the bright stars shining brightly in the heavens kept me awake awhile longer to admire the sight. Soon to my confusion, the star's themselves all suddenly dimmed. And I mean ALL of them. It was really strange. Like as if a switch just flipped and they all just lowered in brightness. I just shook my head and decided to ignore that moment and went to bed getting herself another dreamless sleep. And reminder herself that this was a new world, so it had new rules at play. 'So new world, new rules' is what I'm going to pass it off till I learn them.

When I woke up, I and my traveling companions had a simple morning breakfast of scrambled eggs before going on our way. It wasn't before long the scenery dimmed to the point of where the area seemed 'bland.'

Reaching up and over the hill we see their destination come into view.

"There it is, the town where you-"

"Stole eveypony's cutie mark replace them with equal signs and force them all to hide their natural talents... Yes" Starlight said abruptly. Interrupting Trixie and bringing a lot of confusion to me at what was said. 'What? When did this happen?'. Guess she wasn't told me of everything that goes' s around here. Trixie then decided to continue what she was going to say.

"I was going to say 'where you came from, but yours is a more emotionally traumatic answer," Trixie said with a wave of her hoof. Starlight visibly 'sigh' while I gave Trixie a look that easily said 'really.'

"I just want to blend in, just be another pony in the crowd and join the Sunset festival with my friends." Starlight said sadly. I was taken back a little at the attitude that Starlight was emitting. She only knew her for two days, and Starlight considered me a friend already? I didn't have much in the ways of friends because of the war nowadays. But felt a bit good none the less at the jester. As for the blending in comment.

"Oh yeah, the town's former leader, a street performer and an onyx black-armored soldier, we blend," I said sarcastically. But it looked like it easily went over both of the native ponies heads before Trixie continued.

"Sounds good to me and if things get weird for you just let me know. I got your flank." Trixie proclaimed. Starlight relaxed at that.

"Is that a promise?" Starlight asked kindly to the show mare.

"Not just any promise," Trixie said before rearing up on her back legs with her left hoof while holding something into the air and as she went all show performer in front of us. "A great and powerful promise!" Trixie declared before throwing whatever she had down unto-.


Smoke filled everyone's vision as we hacked and cough to get the smoke out of our lungs. When I was finished hacking up a lung, I turned to the Performer with an iterated look.

"Don't do that."

"'Cough.''Cough.' Well, I couldn't ask more than that, if we're gonna to do this let's do it" Starlight said in a shaky voice. Trixie unhitched herself from the mobile home. And together, the three of us trot into town.

The closer they got to town the more I saw of the town. The town design was very simple. Just a single road down with two string of buildings. Decorations and banners hung over the walls and streets by Pegasus. Other ponies were milling around tables set up food for everyone. All the colors and happiness was all but foreign to the gear. Such a sight was a rare thing to back on Sera nowadays, and I couldn't help but take it all in with a smile. I hadn't been to a party in ages and was getting into this trip.

"I hope the food is as great as this place looks" I commented. Wondering what other foods they have here.

The three of us entered the town and stopped in front of two stallions. For me, this was the first time seeing the male end of the pony gene pool. One was white earth pony with both a white coat and mane and the other was a unicorn with a puffy blue mane with an aqua coat. They looked more muscular in stature and their faces more longer and narrow like a regular horse. They were hanging up a banner that displayed three ponies smiling at a sunset. They stopped what the were doing and noticed us as we walked up. They instantly brighten up when their eye's landed on Starlight. "Oh Starlight you came!" The snow white one happily shouted. Before moving up to the group. They seem to ignore both Trixie and me completely.

Starlight gave out a quiet whimper as she gave them a forced smile and a hearted wave. The other pony was equally excited to see the purple mare. "We were worried you wouldn't be able to make it are you staying the whole week? We have different events. Each day! "

Another pony came up from behind the three and joined in on the conversation. "How's it living in a castle?" said a dark pink unicorn with an abraded dark purple mane.

"It's so good to see you." Said the snow white pony.

"Oh yeah, these ponies aren't terrifying," Trixie said in a sarcastic muck to Starlight followed by a playful giggle. I gave the showmare disapproved look at that but kept silent as I watch everything unfold. This wasn't the time for any of that. I then looked at Starlight while ignoring her friend's banter as I gaze out at the rest of the growing crowd.

"Its good to see all of you too." said in a somewhat relaxed voice.
The aqua unicorn in front of them was the next one to talk. "You got here just in time. We were having a debate about these banners." Gesturing to the two banners being held up by few flying Ponies. "Which do you feels more sunsetie?" He finished with a smile that creeps me out a little.

Starlight visibly shook at his question before forcing a smile and backing away from the stallion. "A-Oh, you don't need me to decide that. Whatever you think is probably best."

Then the white stallion again charmed in next to his friend and put in his question to her. "Oh well, helping us with the routes for the relay races tomorrow? Can you take a look?" He asked with a big smile. 'Alright at this point those smiles are getting creepy.'

Starlight looked like she was showing signs of panic at the attention she was getting. I recognized it from her time back at the academy, peer pressure. "Oh, I shouldn't, you all go ahead I just want to enjoy the festival." Starlight said sincerely before the dark pink unicorn got closer to Starlight's face.

"But you will a judge for the backing competition right?" She yelled excitedly into her face. Follow by the Snow white pony doing the same.

"We had a few questions about the order of the acts for the talent show."

'Ah oh, This does not look good' I thought worriedly. I'd needed to do something now! Making her way over to her new friend's side with Trixie following suit on taking the other, they were quickly stranded in the middle by the townsfolks bombardment.

One by one more and more ponies began to crowd around the poor Starlight. As each question was thrown at the poor mare, Starlight started to shake under presser. Trixie and I caught each exchanged looks of worry knowing this wasn't going to end well. Starlight's eyes darted back in forth to all the ponies. Her mind was now cracking under to much pressure.

"NO!" yelled starlight with a blast of magic that sent everyone minis Trixie and me back. Looking down Starlight was on the ground shaking like a leaf on a tree with her forelegs over her face. Slowly the local villagers got up off the ground wondering what just happened. I had to give Trixie credit for what she did next as she pulled out another smoke bomb from her cape while addressing the crowd.

"The 'great and powerful' Trixie would like to thank you all for being such amazing audience; sadly it is time for us to depart. Good night fillies and genital colts!" She cried out before throwing down a smoke bomb to cover them as the three mares made their retreat out of town with haste.

"Move, move, MOVE!!" I ordered as we retreated.

Reaching Trixie little mobile home, they stopped there retreat for Trixie to hook herself back up before moving again. Once the village was out of sight, Starlight was the first to break the silence that fell upon them. "I was horrible when I led that town. I was ready for them not to trust me but I wasn't ready for them put me in charge again. With my past, I should never be in charge of anything." She said sadly.

"I think that went rather well if that's what you were hoping for," I said my two cents to the pony.

"So you messed up, big deal," Trixie said before stopping her home to look left and right then at me before putting her attention on Starlight and whisper something into her ear quietly so I couldn't hear any of it. Starlight gave Trixie a small smile. "I feel like that's almost good advice." I didn't know what the performer said, but it must have helped.

"I don't know what you did in the past that made you feel like this way Star. But owning up and taking responsibility for your actions whether they be good or bad is a trait for future leaders. Just because you did something doesn't mean it controls you now. Only if you let it, will it control you." I said trying to sprinkle a little wisdom on her head. Something her old drill sergeant had taught back in the academy. Starlight looked a little saddened by my words but got its meaning. "So pick up that chin and move on already. You got friends right now who's with you to help you. If you're not yet ready to fast your past yet, then that's no problem. Only ask them for when your ready and they'll be there for you. That is what they do." I finished before hugging the pony to brighten her up. "And if you ever need a little more motivation, just ask or give me a call. Will talk it over dinner." I whispered into Starlight's ear before breaking off and giving her a wink before walking along ahead of two. Seeing the red blush on Starlight's face.

I heard Trixie moved up beside Starlight and asked what I say to her, but ignored her moved on to follow in my wake.

As for me, I didn't know why I offered myself up like that. Sure Starlight is a pony, and I'm a human in a pony's body so that shouldn't work out. Then again, I've has always been bi-sexual in my adult life. Having experimented with both genders in the past and if I'm stuck here, then I would need to find new ways keep my life from becoming dull. Having only been here for nearly three days things might change for her. 'Especially if Starlight keeps looking at my ass like that.' I thought with a bit of pride. I may have to give her a day in court if she is into girls, if not no harm no foul. They could stay friends or friends with benefits.

And so the three continued as they made their move on back to Ponyville. Unknowably unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.

Ponyville, Everfree Forest

As the day begins to close into the night, on the outskirts of Ponyville a group of cloaked individuals gathered around a set of four pods. "That's the fourth one, where's the rest of them?" said one of them.

"They will be here, they had the two toughest jobs to do out of all of us here, but they will get it done." said another.

As soon as he finished saying that a low buzz of insect wings brought about the groups attention. The sight of seven more cloak wearing creatures fairing three pods made the other cloak bearers smile wickedly. They dropped the three pods in front of them to observe its contents. Inside the were the free-floating forms of there targets. Pink party planner and element of laughter Pinkie Pie. The next contained a much smaller occupant of a baby purple dragon, Spike. The last one got everyone giggling with glee as it was the unmistaken alicorn, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The second most hated enemy of their queen.

"Excellent. With all of our targets captured, we can proceed according to our queen's plan. Did you do what our queen suggested?"

"We did, once we got ahold of the baby dragon they both surrendered to us with no trouble, pathetic." Said one of the creatures hovering in the air.

"... Wait there is only three here. Did you not find the student of Twilight Sparkle?" Question one of the cloaked figures.

"We searched the castle and found she is away and won't be back until next week." Explained the other cloaked figure.

"No matter, remember. She wasn't even worth our time or the queens time to replace her anyway."

"Right let's get these back to the hive. Our Queen will be pleased. All hail Queen Chrysalis."

"All hail Queen Chrysalis!" Repeated the cloaked changelings before splitting up with one making their way back to the badlands and the other as the elements of harmony, plus one dragon.