• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,773 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

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Hollow Run [Rewrite]

Sera, fourteen years after E-Day

'Sometimes it makes me wonder.' Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta

'What would I have become? If not for this war.' Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta

'Would I have been an artist? Like Uncle Steven did.' Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta

'A mechanic and master welder like Uncle Byron?' 'Cleek!' BOOM!!

'A deadbeat loser like my father.' RA-ta-pew-pew-pew' 'clonk' 'slide' 'swish' 'clock'

'Or maybe a loving teacher like mom.' I thought. Before dashing over a small row of rocks before running around the nearest corridor. Breaking the Locusts line of sight they had on me. When I made my turn, I'd shifted over to the nearest wall and popped up onto one knee all the while doing a sweep across from my ten to two o'clock with my Lancer. Accomplishing it all this in less than three seconds. 'Uncle William and Grandpa David would be proud.' Seeing no enemies in front of me, I went back into a double time out of there away from the locust that was behind her. Putting as much distance as she could between myself and them.
My breath was heavy, and my heart was pounding in my chest. Who wouldn't after running for nearly an hour underground in this wet imulsion stinking hole in the ground? Also with all the ammo for my Lancer, sub pistol and a longshot. Plus I was in my full Onyx combat armor along with some regular COG combat gear that I strap onto it for a personal touch. A little going away present I took after serving just one year in that shit storm of a unit. Out of serving for fourteen years with the COG that one year was the worst. Sure I was all safe away from the front lines, mostly. Received the best training, the best education, the top available equipment and the best set of custom fitted armor the COG can gave me. 'Hence why I kept it.' The food was also the best. Also, the amount of eye candy she saw wasn't bad either. 'Wow, when was the last time I got laid?' a random thought crossed my mind.

No, I couldn't stand about it was being around the GOG's top leaders. Especially 'Chairman Prescott,' the noble, yet near-dictatorial traitor/leader of COG. If it didn't go his way, he would rant and complain like the spoiled rich kid that he is. In reality, Colonel Hoffman was the only senior officer that could stand up to his bickering and how to act like a proper officer in any current hostile situation. Plus he didn't act like his head was up his ass for the warmth when things went tits up. Not like the others I met over the coming years.

As I ran, a few bullets whistled past by me and embedded into the rock ahead of her, following quickly by the familiar sound of grubby gunfire. Jumping to the nearest cover, I hid from the incoming fire; took a quick peek from my spot, I could see a pair of drones armed with the Locust sinecure weapon, the Hammerbursts. Switching from the Lancer to the longshot, I quickly leveled it up to the nearest drones.

Its head did an excellent demonstration of an exploding watermelon. The other drone seeing his brother getting taken out let out a war cry before recklessly charging the gear. After firing the one shot, I quickly reloaded the longshot to take aim at the next drone only to see it sprinting my way from twenty feet and closing. Its face looked mad and wanted blood. When it got to ten feet away from me, I let loose another round from my longshot letting the round fly. I meant for the bullet to go to the drones head instead it embedded itself just above the drone's sternum, knocking it on its back as its legs flopping up in the air as the streams of blood rushed out of its lower neck. Then again I wasn't looking down her sights when she fired that shot.

My breathing was hard from the quick, one-sided firefight, and with no small amount of adrenaline going through my system. "No scope..." I said under her breath.

A small smile crept up my face. Not hearing any more Locusts coming down the tunnel, I started walking backward for a moment and continue along the underground trail I was on. Switching back to the Lancer, I continued through the never-ending caves that make up the death trap, known as the Hollow. I did not have a clue of where she was going. It was only by bad luck she was down here in the first place?

Sears surface, Thirty miles east of East Barricade Academy, abandon town near the Jacinto Plateau. Two hours earlier

"APC is busted Lt." called out PFC Smalling.

It was supposed to be two hours of traveling from Jacinto to the mining town, and already they were having problems with the Locusts. The platoon had successfully repelled a Locust force. Just took out a pair of Boomers along with their drone support just a few moments ago. Out of the twenty-five Gears platoon had they lost only two in the fight with one having critical injuries and another five with minor wounds.

"That boom shot round destroyed the rear suspension on this truck sarge. We may still be able to drive it, but it's not going to be getting us back to Jacinto the way it is now." The PFC explained.

"That complicates things, sir." Sargent Simmons said. " With losing one of these we won't have the room to get everyone back to the city, not without having to throw the injured and dead to the side and leaving them here to rot."

"In which were not going to do." Lieutenant Stock said sternly to the Sargent. "Nor are you going to suggest that again, Sergeant ."

"Sir, I have an idea," I said. Stopping the conversation

They both look over at me. Now for you who are reading this can now ask who am I? Well, I'll tell you I'm Sergeant Abigale Terrell, Former special forces now just a regular grunt. Decked out in my old Onyx armor from the time in the guard. It was well worn, like any other ordinary armor that belonged to a veteran of the war. The armor also had some additions to it for protection, with some being personal touches to it, the most notable being the old Retro bayonet on the left side collarbone. "You have something sergeant then let's hear it." The LT asked.

"Not all of us needs to go, sir. It's only about four miles to our objective from here. We can make our way over there on foot while another team takes the wounded in the APC's to the nearby field hospital that we passed by, the one about twenty miles back. By the time you guys drop them off, we would be waiting for you guys at the front of the town." I explained.

The Lt looked thoughtful about the plan for a moment and found it was a sound idea. Plus he and the men needed to stretch their legs from those cramp tin cans.

"Sargent Simmons take your team and the ACP's back with our casualties. Then when you're finished come back out and meet us at the front of the town, we'll wait for you there till you get back. You move in five." The LT ordered.

"Yes, sir." Sargent Simmons said before leaving to direct his men.

"Terrell, you and your squad do an ammo check and prepare to move out."

"You got it, sir," I replied. That said turned to my Gears.

Walking straight over to the men that were providing security over the area. I only had seven guys left my squad of the nine Gears that went out with her. Lucky for me the two guys I lost were just injured and not dead. So I will see them again when we get back.

"Second squad form it up! Team leaders gear and ammo check your guys within the next three mikes were moving out to the objective. We're walking the rest of the way." I ordered/announced.

That got some groans from a few Gears, mainly the fresh boot. "Lock it up." Corporal Lane shouted out loud to the tiny heart soldiers. Giving them a moment to silence them all out I continued my orders for them to stock up on any additional arms and ammo they need before moving. They all took turns going to the ACPs for what they needed before they were ready. When they finished, the LT came over and was ready to go. With that first squad and the two working APC's left. Second, left and moved on with their LT in tow towards their adjective. The town of Larkstin, a mining town from back in the Pendulum Wars, the briefing I got said they mined mainly iron and cobalt for a nearly thirty years. Town itself wasn't very significant due to how abundant iron and other metals that were in the COG territories, so it wasn't big in the industry but had a decent investment that kept the town going. There was also a report for bringing in an Imulsion refinery here from some records of the stuff turning up. Till about four years ago when the locust threat got to close the town. Most left with the COG mainly women and children, while some stayed and became stranded. The last report control has on this place was from seven months ago from the previous patrol that went there. They found the stranded dead and no sign of Locust while they were there.

After an hour of marching and no locust to be seen they reached the mining town front with no problems arising. I didn't like it. One of the things Uncle William told her is that 'the silence of battle is both a blessing and a curse.' When your being razed to fight dirty by an old Gear in a time of war you to tend to get paranoid about some things. Especially for an enemy that has a habit of popping up from the ground. The town's front entrance was quiet, with the permission from the LT I split up the squad to occupy the first two building on opposite sides of the street that was at the entrance of the town. The first house I cleared was quick and bloodless. No hostiles of any kind to discover. After securing the house, we soon heard the sound of Lancers going off in other building that the LT's team was going through followed by the sound of multiple small explosions.

Placing a finger on my radio, I quickly called them up. "LT you guys alright? Heard some noise from your direction."

After a quick moment, her LT replied back. "One of the rooms had a few Tickers inside, no casualties over here. You set over there?"

"In position now. We've got good overwatch of the road leading into town and to the northwest and east of my position. If something comes from the town, we'll see it coming."

"Good. Simmons should be back with the APCs soon, hold your position till he gets here."


After about five minutes of waiting, I felt tremor through the floor and started rocking the house. "Does anyone else feeling this?" One Gear asked. "Yea and I don't like it." said another before reading his weapon. Keying in her radio, I went to call it in.

"LT are you feeling these seismic shifts?"

"I'm feeling them too sergeant, be ready for anything if this isn't a natural quake," LT ordered.

That's all I needed to hear, taking to the nearest window and leveling the Lancer down the street. The tremors lasted a few more seconds before stopping altogether. Right before the unexplainable happened to them, the ground collapsed beneath them along with part of the house I was in.

Everything was happening so fast from my whole point of view as the two-story window crumbled. The building then split apart. I could only watch as I fell along with everything else down to the ground. But didn't stop on the ground. I continued to decline deep underground bouncing off of the rock wall's as I went till darkness enveloped my eyes.

I came to quickly when the nose from my radio snapped her out of her stupor. The pain was the next thing that woke me from my stupor. I really did feel like shit, to put it bluntly, must have landed on my back wrong from the way it felt. From the lights from her FFL on her armor she could, she crash-landed hard on her back. Taking note of her surroundings, it looked like she was underground. Sections of the building and the large sections of rock meant she got caught in a sinkhole. Terrific. From my HUD in her helmet, she still had her Lancer and Snub pistol but lost the Gnasher shotgun in the fall.

Putting everything in perspective, I placed a finger on my headset and tried to radio topside, "Lieutenant Stock? This is Sargent Terrell are you receiving me?"


"LT are you there?"


"That ant good."

Sitting up I saw that I took a look around from her spot; I quickly spot my shotgun by my side. Only it was as useful as a club, the barrel was bent out of shape, and saw I wasn't alone down here either. A few feet away I caught sight of a pair of COG issue boots sticking out. Getting on my feet, I walked over to the downed Gear. Hoping that I wouldn't be down here alone by myself was crushed as fast as I saw the Gears head. His head was mashed under the big rock that held him down; not even his helmet protected him in the end. Reaching down, I relieved him of his COG tags which said PVT A. SMITH, along with his one grenade and ammo. I also took his undamaged longshot rifle that was by his side and placed it in the second magnetic holster on my back. I also relieved him of his extra Lancer fuel for the chainsaw bayonet, ammo, and the batteries from his combat armors FFL system, sure these things last for a long time but with the way the war is going its better to have them for later on when she couldn't get any more. To me, Smith was new to her team, one of the fresh boots that she got not even a week ago. Didn't even know much about the guy other then I was told he was the best shot in his training company. Proved it too with him taking out one of the Boomers that attack earlier with a headshot along with killing five other drones with his longshot of his that now rested on her back. All that from his first engagement with the grubs. The kid showed some talent there; now it's wasted.

With scavenging from the dead done, I said a quiet word for the fallen Gear before moving over to the hole that was nearby. Looking through the hole, I can see there was maybe a ten-foot drop, jumping down and landing on soft soil. I spot some glowing fungi spared along the walls illuminating the cave I traveled. I needed to get back above ground to let my squad know I was alive or at the very least get within com range.

"Ground Walker!" said a loud raspy voice.

Turing to the voice with my Lancer leveled, I saw a large patrol of seven drones with a fat Grinder headed towards me. Lining up a shot on the nearest drone, I began to let lose several streams of rounds that killed it instantly. With the sight of there, now dead comrade the drones let loose their streams of fire. Taking cover, they missed her and hit the rocks around. Seeing me, their pray down behind cover must have got under their skin. I then hear one of them grow bold and charge right at me. Regarding the one Drone assaulting me made the others cease there fire as the one got in closer. Looking out I spot the one coming after her she started up her Lancer bayonet. The Drone got in close and went with jumping over her cover hoping to push me to the ground. Only to be met haft way over with a row of my spinning chainsaw blades to is right leg. Its body flips over me and lands in a bloody mess. Raising the Lancer again, I proceeded to finish it off with its chainsaw slice across its back.

Seeing the lonely human kill two of their comrades sent the rest to mad frenzy throwing more fire to the lone human.

Seeing herself outnumber and outgun from the forces in front of me, I needed to get out of there and fast. Like my Uncle once told her, 'There ant no shame in running from a fight that you can't win. Dying to win ant no victory and running to live ant no loss.'

Looking back to her surroundings I counted three ways out; the way she came in, the way the Locust came in and a ramp that looked like it led straight down. With the way I came from being a dead end and the way the grubs came from isn't an option, door number three it was. Taking one of her grenades, I ran through the open cave and plants it around the corner out of the grubs sight. I couldn't take them all on by myself, so she I to cut them down to size.

With that thought, another thing she remembers her uncle taught her came to mind. 'If you're at a disadvantage and fighting on the enemies high point, pull back and bait the enemy. Make them come to you and make them pay for every inch that comes with it.'


And that's what I did for the last hour. With all the noise me and the grubs been making down here, another grub patrol came and supported the first. Now here I stand with me leaving behind a literal trail of dead bodies behind. "That was for Smith you shit for worms." I declared. Seeing ahead of me was a fork in the cave, I decided to take a right passage and which came to a sad site.

A dead end with five dead Gears with it. They have been here for awhile according to the site of the dried blood that pooled on the ground. From the way the skin looked on the one guy that didn't have his helmet on, they have been here for a few years. The air here was dry and hot which mummified the corpses to look the way they do now. 'Maybe these guys were some scouting party that ended up here for some unknown reason.' If I didn't have my helmet filters on, I would have been gagging from the stench. Before I doubled back the way I came from, I filled up my pockets with their spare ammo; also pockets their COG tags and saying another quick word before leaving to try finding another path up top. I was once again, fully loaded with ammo for all my weapons and carried an additional three smoke grenades and one frag grenade.

Turning the corner, I began to see spots of a yellow glow in the distance of the tunnel I was in, causing me to quicken her pace. Making my way over to the light hoping that it was the sun. My hopes went up I saw that glow of light grew the closer I got. I then met with not the sight of fresh air and blue sky I wanted to see, but of a large cavern below that was a sight to behold. Maybe forty feet below me was perhaps the largest lake of money I'd ever seen. Below me with a bright yellow glow of Imulsion right there. There was so much of the stinking liquid gold right there to support the COG's current military for years. The Mining towns brief did say there were traces of Imulsion in the area and equipment was about to be sent here for a refinery. If the COG knew about this place here, they wouldn't have left so fast, and the town might still have been occupied for a bit longer.

The amount of Imulsion that was there was an eyesore. It was seeping in through the cracks in the walls. Lots of future money investment here if we ever pull through this war.

Before taking in more of the sight a massive tremor rocked the cavern I was in being close to the edge, I nearly lost my footing and took a swim. Forcing myself down on one knee I looked around at what was happening. The whole place was shaking itself apart. Just then my radio went off, and some male voice talk over with a bunch of static over but two words was clear enough that I could hear clearly over the noise.

Hollow and Lightmass.

'Not Good.'

With the transmission finished, the tunnel I came from caved in from some trimmers. Now trapped, I couldn't see another way out. The situation just went from bad to worse as the platform started shaking violently before finally giving way under me, throwing me off balance and into free fall towards the Imulsion below.

Imulsion is a thick substance to swim in, and with me being waited down from my weapons and armor the odds were not in my favor, and I was most certainly going to die.

'Die? What a common word nowadays' I pondered.

At that moment my mind slowed down to a near standstill as all around me. Rock and stone fell around me, and a clarity washed over myself as she could make out every detail around her. Below me was the pale yellow glow of Imulsion waiting for her to drown and die in. Above me, was a bright blinding white light that slowly inched its way towards her. That must be the Lightmass bomb's energy blast wave. 'It's so pretty.' I thought in wonder.

'Is this my fate? To drown in a lake of Imulsion while being simultaneously vaporized by a Lightmass bomb? Talk about a way to go out with a bang.'

I never thought this was a way things ended for me, going out like this. I had hoped to see the end of this war. Find a place to settle down and start a family. Guess it was time to fold her cards and antie up her portion of the pot then. I then took note time was slowly beginning to speed up for her which meant her time was up. The Lightmass wave was now just in front of her at the moment she splashes into the warm fuel many have died in the past for. With that, she let out one last thought.

'I'll see you soon mom.'

When the Lightmass energy met the fuel, something happened in that one moment to that doomed gear. Something spontaneous.

Equestria, Ponyville's Castle of Friendship

In the castles map room a were seven friends, six ponies and one dragon all sat observing a strange black and blue armored human fighting monster, fight a bunch of glowing water before plummet to her death was cut short with a flash of light blinded them. When they looked back the spell that allowed them to view other worlds was gone. But there on the map was a black and blue armored pony. Just then a light purple pony with a dark purple and teal mane walks in with a look of alarm on her face.

"What did you guys do?!" Starlight said looking at the armored pony.

Author's Note:

More to come later in the week

Some links to help those that don't know anything about Gears of War

Onxy Guard
Locust War
Mark 2 Lancer