• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,773 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

  • ...

Party all the way home.

Equestria, Castle of friendship.

Abigail POV

It has no has now been nearly three weeks since I had woken up from my near-fatal injuries, and another full week of being released from the hospital. I was still being watched over to see for any lasting damage to my body, but at least they left me alone so I could live out a social life. It was thanks to Starlight for making sure I didn't get bored on my bed. After our first night together, where I 'thanked.' her for taking care of me for all this time. We had a heart to heart conversation about each others feelings and where our friendship stood. We decided to hold off on being lovers for now till we knew where we stood in life. But nonetheless, we told each other the truth of why we were so interested in each other.

Starlight's reason was how I stood by her side where she needed me most and trusting her life to me when she was dealing with Chrysalis. She even told me how scary but awe-inspiring I was for charging into the swarm of changeling to save her and Thorax, and again right before she killed Chrysalis. Starlight also told me that when I was dying in her hooves was the same time when she didn't realize how much of an impact I've made on her in such a short of the amount of time. Starlight then started to cry when she remembered the images of that experience. I held my friend for a time when the tears began to appear.

When Starlight was done, I then confessed to her about my feelings while she held me close, that it was her determination that made me attractive to the purple mare. I explained how determined she was, knowing that doom could be around every corner and still press on. Telling her all the good things I thought of the unicorn. From how she demonstrated loyalty to her friends to how she offered redemption to someone who was wanting to kill them just moments before. Something I wouldn't have done.

With everything out on the table, we both agreed to wait for a little while longer before actually pursuing a more permanent relationship. Both were wanting to be sure about our feelings on the matter, and Starlight wanted to know more about where I was going to stay in Equestria if they couldn't find a way for me to get home. Allowing to send her friend back into the fight with the grubs to save humanity. I was of the same mind, as much as I hated to admit it she didn't belong here in Equestria. I had been made for conflict and been sharpened by it with years of war. Settling down was something I wasn't ready for yet if I could help it.

So it was determined if Princess Twilight couldn't find a way to send me home within a certain amount of time then they would bring back the topic of what to do with me, maybe start dating again.

Now don't get here wrong here, I couldn't be happier with Starlight, while I was bedridden, Starlight was putting me back into school. Starlight rarely left my side in those two weeks and became somewhat of a quick study of magic under her. My telekinesis was now stronger with some more guidance and learned a few new spells to put in my arsenal.

I also kept inquiring about my weapons and made frequent recommends to have my stuff returned from the Royals. All of them being denied by the princess. Saying she'll give them back when her engineers get done studying them. When she made that comment again, I called the two royal guards that were outside my room and asked if there was anyone above the law? They chose the right answer and said that no one was above it. Now, the image of their shocked faces will forever be in my mind when I told the guards I wanted to press charges on Princess Celesta for several counts of theft of personal property to a foreign nation. Only the return of her property in question will the charges be dropped and forgotten. My weapons were returned the following day.

Celesta wasn't very happy that I was using the laws of her kingdom against her as I was planning too. So to avoid any further conflict, all three of her weapons were given back to me along with any other objects that the changelings recovered, was handed over to her. All three of the weapons were all in different states of being disassembled, but with a little magic and a rag with some cheap oil, I cleaned and put them all back together again with no missing pieces. By then, all I needed to do was get my armor back from that prince, and everything would be good again.

When the day came for her release from the hospital, Starlight had got me on a train to Ponyville where I instantly received a 'Glad your out of the hospital/Welcome to Ponyville/Welcome to Equestria' party from Pinkie Pie. Pinkie invited everyone from the town to her party. There I met with the locals and got reacquainted with everyone. After about a week of catching up and relaxing with the others inside Twilights Castle. The princess sent out invites to the changelings for a celebration for a week in advance to celebrate their two kingdoms new alliance. With Thorax and Cazador being the new rulers of the changelings and the kingdom, they agreed to make peace with Equestria and the ponies. That's where we were now; the Princess hired Pinkie Pie to do set up a party and handle the decorations at the crystal castle. She did a great job in doing so, along with the refreshments. If anything I like this beverage called 'fruit punch' I been drinking is to go by, Pinkie did well in my book.

Rarity wanted to make everyone a dress and suits for all her friends. When I got the measurements for herself, I declined the dress and gave her instructions on making my old dress uniform from the COG, admit I had to think up ways to adjust it, so it looks right, like pants. Ponies didn't wear them. Or any clothing actually for that matter. Just on rare events that Rarity explained to me, like ballroom dances and nobility parties.

I had to admit; Rarity did a pretty good job at making it to my specs. I had to remember what the dress uniform for soldiers like mine was and had to make crude drawings of the patches, ranks, pins, and ribbons for the fashion mare fabricate. And now I was wearing a single button up shirt with a one-piece jacket covered in decorations from her military. More than a few ponies gave me some confused looks as to what I was wearing but kindly gave some space. Only those that recognized her got close. Like the big red stallion, I later learned to be Applejacks older brother, Big Macintosh and the local mail pony, Derpy Hooves. The first being to thank her for saving her sister and the later for the directions to the muffin table, to which she politely pointed out and was again thanked.

After another ten minutes into the party and two cups of punch later I along with starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord. The five of us now stood at attention in front of the Princess as we waited to receive our medals.

"Abigail(slightly annoyed she didn't use her rank), Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord were brave in the face of danger. Creative and resourceful when things got challenging and proved that the bonds of friendship, no matter how unlikely are stronger than any advisory.

By putting an end to Queen Chrysalis rule, they not only saved Equestria but also set the changelings free from her reign." Twilight announced to the crowd.

A flash of magic and a fan themed Discord pops up in the audience. "Go Discord! Wa who!"

I couldn't help but put a hoof to my head as a migraine slowly popping its way at a rate this guy admits off for her. Turning my attention back to the princesses, Princess Celestia continued with the ceremony.

"That's why we're proud and honored to give them the Equestrian pink hearts of courage!" Five heart-shaped red ruby medals were levitated up in the princess' magic and floated over to us. On cue, we all bowed our head as individually the ruby medals were placed around our necks.

Looking back up to face the princess they turned to address the crowd, with Twilight finishing them off. "We are so proud of you!"

The crowd cheered us on when they looked up at us. A sense of pride grew in my chest as I took in all the attention. After all the fighting I did over the years only hear others being thankful for the sacrifice nearly made a tear in my eye.

Then the princess dismissed us. As we walked off the stage, the five of us got swarmed by the mob of ponies and reformed changelings. Giving us their gratitude and praises. I had never been thanked so much for doing her job before, it was a simple thing but made a real difference in her opinion.

After the mob had left them and were able to breathe in their personal space again, so we split to mingle with the crowd, then music filled the room. Making some ponies and changelings dance. Looking over the dance floor, I saw Spike dancing with a small white kid with a two-tone purple and pink hair.

'Little lady killer right there' I thought playfully. Trixie was the easiest to pick out from her group, with that big pointy wizard hat of her's with a mouth about the same size. Boasting about her actions, Discord also popped up into play and chatted with her. Starlight, Thorax, and Cazador were also talking along with each other off to the side, smiles on all their faces. But I was searching the mob of partygoers for someone else.

'There they are,' I happily thought. There stood the pony I was looking for, for not may have a baby bundle playing on their backside. Making my way through the crowd, I soon stood right behind one of the few individuals that could help me. "Excuse me, princess?"

Catching her attention, I was now looking at the fourth alicorn princess of Equestria, Princess Cadence. "Oh. You are Abigail correct; it's so nice to finally meet you, I am Princess Cadence, princess of the crystal empire." She introduced herself with a smile. "I was hoping I could get a chance to thank you in person for saving my family and me from Chrysalis." I bowed my head in respect.

"It's my job to fight bad people, your highness." 'Fighting grubs more then people actually', I thought to herself. "Although this is the first time I had to save royalty from an evil villain in a creepy fortress. I wouldn't say this hasn't been fun, but if it's all the same with you, I prefer we don't make this a habit, princess?"

Cadence put a hoof up to her mouth to cover up her small laugh. "Oh absolutely, being ponynaped is not something I don't want to do a third time. And please, call me Cadence." She finished.

'I think I'm going to like this pony.' I happy thought. "Alright Cadence. Anyways I hate if I sound kind of demanding but, do you know when I can get my stuff back from you guys?" I asked.

Cadence's smile was then replaced with a confused frown, "What are you talking about?"

"I was informed by Starlight that when she and the hospital staff took my armor off for the surgery, Prince Shining Armor took it while I was under the knife. I believed you knew about it and I wanted to ask for it back?" I explained. The look from Cadence when I finished talking was not a happy one; then it went back up into a smile. Cadence then floated the baby that was on her back and into my arm.

"Would you be a dear and hold on to Furry Heart for a minute? I need to have a chat with her father for a moment." She said in a voice that made my neck hair stand as watched as Cadence walked off with smiling face, but the look in her eyes were ones that came with promise pain. When one doesn't get what she wants there is always the law and the wife. Like what they use to say, 'Justice is blind,' or in this case, 'never keep secrets from your wife.'

Looking downward, I looked at the white bundle of cuteness that is called Flurry Heart. With her big eye's looking up at mine, she let out a small giggle and smiled up at me. That little action hit me harder than the Light mass bomb's concussion blast. The cuteness this baby was admitting off of was as potent as W.M.D. Even veteran gears that seen only war would be sway by the sight of this child.

My defense crumbled as I couldn't help but coo at the babies adorableness. Wanting to keep the baby happy I made a few funny faces and noises for Furry. Which got silly little giggles from little Furry. The sight of this little child also got me thinking about the children back home. Making me think about the stranded camps and closed communities back in Jacinto.

The schools and civilian living housing for the middle class aren't that great, and in till the conflict with the grubs is finished, and the war being over will get things better. If the COG survives at the end that is...

My thoughts were broken when I felt something soft touch my face looking down she saw Furry Hearts hoof was touching my face with a frown on her face as she looked up at me.

"I guess it's true about baby's feeling the negative emotions of others," I said with a small smile, before appropriately giving the princess a raspberry on her royal tummy with an applauding farting sound worthy of the royal baby. Furry Heart started squealing with laughter within the first few seconds of the assault of inappropriate noises that was being produced.

I had never done this to a child before. I'd remembered her uncles would take turns doing this to her when they do at their family gatherings. The memories of how her three uncles would try to sneak up on me to give her a raspberry or a surprised hug brought mixed feelings of joy and pain. Deciding to bury those feelings, I went to focus more on making this princess laugh.

The fun was soon cut short when someone cleared their throat, looking in the direction of the noise I saw an amused Cadence with a white coated blue mane unicorn stallion, of whom could only be Prince Shining Armor. "I see you two getting along very well."

I just chuckled sheepishly before handling back the baby to its mother, "Please don't get the wrong idea, I noticed Furry here looking down, so I did something to make her laugh again." I explained.

"By blowing air on my Furry's belly?" Cadence said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's what my uncles did to me when I was a child. It was always to get a quick reaction out of me."

Cadence chuckled at that, "They sound like a lively bunch. But let's get to what you're here for." Turning her head, Cadence looked sternly at the white unicorn. "I believe you have something to say, Shinny dear?"

The unicorn known as Shining flinched under the alicorn's gaze. "I'm sorry for taking your armor." The prince said before giving a small bow to me.

'Wow, getting forcefully apologized from a real-life royal. That's something to put down on my bucket list to cross off.' I thought to myself.

"W-well um, at least you apologized. But why did you take my stuff while I was in surgery? Starlight said after I was getting worked on while you took my armor and ran." I said with a squint eye at the prince.

"I would like to know as well deary," Cadence said with her squint adding to the mixed. From our combined looks, Shining Armor started to visibly sweat, with his eye's going back and forth between his wife and me.

"Um, you see. When I saw that one of our saviors was wearing armor and being damaged, along with it covered in blood, I took it upon myself to get it cleaned and repaired for when she got out of the hospital," He finished with a smile while sweat was still pouring down his face.

I decided to humor the prince and his story. "Well that's very thoughtful of you, but I have to question. I have been out of the hospital in Cantrlot for nearly a full week now. Did Princess Celestia or Princess not mention my release to the either of you?" My question now got him dripping with sweat. Cadence was next to answer my question.

"We did get a letter from Anty Celestia, but now I'm wondering why Shining here didn't send back your armor and why I wasn't made aware of it? Care to explain, honey." Cadence asked, putting the quotes in on that last word she used.

"I-it's not finished. When I took it to the blacksmiths to get it looked over, they asked me if they could study it. I agreed and allowed them too, on the grounds that they get it repaired and cleaned first that is."

"Did you hear back from them?"

"Yea I did, said it was a marvel in body armor designs, they were confused as to why it didn't have any spells woven into it as most armor smiths do."

"That's because it and myself are from another dimension..."

Both Cadence and Shining Armor were looking at me in confusion, looking at her like she was crazy. Figuring that they didn't know much about me, I told them how Twilight's spell had teleported me away from a death-defying experience. At the end of my explanation to say they weren't flabbergasted was like saying a six-year-old could beat a charger in a fistfight. Thought it was Shinning that broke through the stupid first.

"Wow, that's a horrible way to go. Although, now that I think about it. It kinda makes sense on how you ended up here in Ponyville, it being somehow the capital of strange thanks to Twilight and her friends." Shining Armor commented Cadence nodded in agreement.

"From the letters that we exchanged from time to time, they always have an adventure written in them. Auntie Celestia has even told me a few that Twilight doesn't know I'm am aware of, " Cadence added with a small giggle.

I then decided to turn back at the topic of discussion. "Alright then, I hope you can send it back soon and complete. I wore that thing for a long time, and it has protected me from a lot of things over the years," I said. "And I'm hoping to add a few more years into the mix before retiring it." 'Or die in it.'

"It's still in the Empire with the forgers; I will get them to send it to you when there done remaking it."

"Thanks, I'll... Wait a sec," I paused, making sure I heard him correctly, "When you say 'remaking,' do you mean resemble or are they melting it down and making me a whole new set of armor?"

"They are taking your old armor and adding a few enchantments into it, from what I can tell it will look the same except it will be more durable due to the spells weaved in it, and can take multiple hits before ever collapsing. In the event, if it does break, it would fix it' self in just moments thanks to some magic runes placed within the plates. Also, it will deflect most magic blasts that directed at it too. Just like the elite royal guard's armor would. From what they tell me the materials used in your armor is a lot stronger then what we use in our soldiers." Shining happily explained.

I was taken back at some of the things the prince said. Especially the magic runes in the plates part. Something like that could help me out in a firefight. Now I can't wait for it to come and test it out. Something like that needs to be tested and witness.

'I wonder,' She thought to herself. "Well as long as it get's returned to me then there is no reason why we can't be friends, in the end, can we?"

"Of course! If Twilight can make so many wonderful friends then why can't we." Cadence said. "I've been cooped up with so much work and family that I don't have much time to make any new friends. This just what I needed."

Abby then looked at the prince, "Um, Shining Armor can I ask you something?" Getting a nod from the prince. She looked around to make sure no one was listening as she leaned in and whispered in a request in his ear making him look back at her in surprise.

"Really? You want that?" He asked.

"Yea, just in case. I'll send you the details and instructions later for some of the more complex stuff. Don't know if I need it but just a precaution is all." I told the prince.

"Alright, I'll let the blacksmiths know what your plans are. Just don't wait too long for you giving the specifics you have for them." Shining Armor asked.

"No problem, this is mostly a gift for a friend, so I'll give you the details later."


Hearing my name called, I turned her head to the direction of Trixie rushing over to her. "Abby, the Ponyville Chronicle wants to take a picture of all of us, get over here!"

"Alright Trixie, I'm coming." Turning back to the royal couple, "Excuse me; I apparently have some, 'duties' that require my attention. I hope you understand your highness?"

"Oh, we don't mind. I've been there before and probably will be there again. Have fun with the media." Princess Cadence said with a motion of her hoof, telling me to go on. Taking heed, I went over and followed to where Trixie was as she also gathered up Discord and Starlight. Soon the four of us grabbed Thorax, and now the five of us posed in front of a light blue earth pony with a pair of weird looking pink shades.

After like thirty or so photos later, and a few bad comments on her uniform later. Starlight and I went over and sat next to each other at a nearby table. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"Well, I guess we hang out till the next thing that pops up. Twilight would have something for us soon enough." Starlight pointed out.

"Here's hoping. So, what do you wanna do after the party?" I asked.

I watched as Starlight put a hoof to her chin before she replied. "I don't know. With us being heroes to all of Equestria we can do whatever as long as we don't break the law. Mmm, wanna head to the spa? Haven't been to one in awhile and it feels like I could use the trip."

"Sounds like a plan. Lord knows I could use a spa trip. Haven't been to one in a long time." I nodded in approval. A small rumble went off at the table that stopped any further conversation. Looking at the source, I grabbed her stomach when it let out another low grumble. "Well, I know what I'm doing for the next few minutes, getting me some real food. Wanna come with me to the buffet table with me?"


Walking over to where the food was at, I saw Discord over by the element bearers, chatting to them about something as Thorax was with Trixie and Cazador, talking to some random ponies. Reaching up to the table with the most food, I levitated up a muffin by the looks of it and started chowing down. The lovely taste of blueberries so spread out in her mouth. If the awesome taste of the food was one of the things that were keeping her from going back to the COG. It would be ranked number three on my top five.
Then again, it would also rank third on reasons to go back. As much as I enjoyed all the fruits veggies and sweets I could ever want. I'd also missed the taste of roasted meat, and these ponies don't eat meat.

Looking back at the first time when I asked the nurse at the hospital to for some grilled meats, she just left me with Starlight and brought the doctor instead and said that I was delusional. Good times.

"Say Star?" Getting the unicorn's attention. "I've got a 'what if' question for ya."

"Ok, what is it?"

"What if a pony or some other being living being from this world went to mine? Would they look the same as they were here, or would they transform into something like I was?"

"... That's a really good question. You probably would be turned back into your old self. Since you came from there, as for anyone that's going to your world, I have to say they to would turn into something similar to what you would look like. For example, if Trixie or Twilight came to your world. I know that Twilight transforms into a human when she goes to the Equestria parallel world to see her friends over there."

"Yea I'm still finding that hard to believe that she can travel to other worlds by magic mirror."

"We can always check it out if you want to later."
The sound of a pair of opening doors brought all conversation to a halt as both Princess Celesta and Twilight entered the room. Twilight walked up the stage was the ceremony resided and sat down a present she was holding up in her magic. Soon Twilight was bathed in a bright light and hit in the head with one of those microphones one would see at a TV or movie set. Discord was standing there with a new outfit like her was about to shoot a show, even got himself a camera. "I may have let it slip that you'd be unveiling your big plan for Starlight tonight. Silly me, but were all very excited to hear what you've cooked up."

Twilight looked a little hesitant after Discord said that. Oh boy, no hate to Twilight or anything but I always loved a good laugh when I watch someone messes up on a speech. "You weren't coming up with a plan just now were you? Oh dear, this could be pretty embarrassing for you."

"Gee thanks, Discord," Twilight said in a deadpan voice.

"Anytime, I really do love being helpful." Discord then disappeared with a flash.

Twilight then picked up a drinking glass and a spoon to tap with, gathering everyone's attention. "If I could have everypony's attention.'

"As you all know, Starlight Glimmer has been my pupil for a while now, and I'd hoped that she be my pupil for a long time yet to come. But it turns out it just not meant to be."

A choir of gasps from the audience filled the room. 'What's your game, Twilight?' I thought as I stared at the princess as she continued. "Starlight, you have proven yourself to be a kind, loyal, strong, honest and truly magical friend. Just looking around this room at all the new friendships you've made, I know there's nothing more I need to teach you."

"So we have a second reason to celebrate today, three cheers for Starlight Glimmer on her graduation day!" Twilight Announced to the room.

All the ponies and changeling that were in the room soon cheered and applauded for Starlight.

"Wow, I was not expecting this." Starlight said with a shocked face right before she got pulled into a bear hug by Thorax Trixie and me.

"Congrats girl, way to go hitting the top mark." I happily said as we ended the hug with the other two.

"How do you want to celebrate? Girls trip to Los Pegasus?!" Trixie offered.

"We could throw you Changeling gourd fest!" Thorax also offered to Starlight. The three of us just grimaced at what that was.
"Um. it's more fun than it sounds," Thorax said with a shy smile.
Discord came behind Starlight and offered his in as well, "Or we could go cause a little mischief. I know a trick that would turn Celesta's castle into cheese. Do you think it's a good idea?" He laughed at his suggestion. "That's only the first of many cheese jokes if we go down this path."

"Oh god I hope not, I like cheese as much as the next person, but that sounds like it could get really smelly real quick. Count me out." Abby said to the miss-matched being.

"Spoilsport." Discord replied.

"My point exactly."

Starlight was the next one to contribute to the conversation. "Oh well, all that sounds wonderful, but um give me a minute will you?" Before walking off towards the princess.

Ignoring the looks that the others were giving Starlight, I followed up behind my friend for moral support as she made her way up to her former teacher. Twilight turned around to meet her student in the eye. "Congratulations." The princess said with a smile. Starlight looked up at her with a hesitant smile, "Thanks..."

"So... How do you feel?"

"Happy, surprised, overwhelmed, I mean I'm not grateful but are you sure?"

"I thought long and hard about this."

"Of corse you did." Starlight said not sounding too sure of herself.

"Starlight, trust me you're ready," Twilight assured her.

"Yeah," Starlight said, still not sounding convinced as she turned away from the princess only to walk right into my face. "Abby?"

"I know that look."

"What are you talking about? What look?"

I looked into my friend's eyes with a firmness that made Starlight sit back on her rump. "You got the look that you did something that you didn't deserve but got awarded it anyway." I said making Starlight go wide-eyed.

"I know this look because I've seen this look on many others and myself before."

Starlight looked down at the ground with a small blush on her face. "Am I that much of an open book to you?"

"To those who've been in your position before, right now you are, yes. At least you got to graduate..."

"What do you talking about?" Said a familiar voice. Turning to the new arrival was Twilight. 'She must have heard us talking.'

"I was trying to make her feel better about something that was bothering her, Twilight."

"Like what?"

"Like she's afraid of what to do next. And I was going to tell her something important about myself that would benefit her. You can stick around too if you want." I offered. Taking a seat next to her former student and the two purple girls gave their attention to her.

"Well, you know about the war and how long it has been going on, along with me being in the Onyx guard for a time." They both nodded as they remembered her story. "Well after the first month of the war the Locust attacked Halvo Bay, where the Onyx Gaurd Academy was at. There I was gearing up for battle along with a few hundred other cadets." I explained.

"Only a few of us not counting the instructors, had ever seen combat let alone actual war. So when we barricaded ourselves in to meet the enemy, they cut us down like we were nothing." I told them getting shocked looks from the pair. "I was at the front of everything, Starlight. From the bridge that led into the school itself, to the underground labs that were under it, I fought. It was a bloodbath. I along with sixty others barely got out of the labs, most of them being civilians that worked in the R&D labs."

"W-why are you telling me this Abby?" Starlight asked looking directly at her she gave her a small smile.

"I was only a cadet at the time. I along with the rest of my class was only two months away from graduating. Cause of that, the COG didn't give me an officers rank and was brushed off and was given the rank of privet for my cowardly action of saving a bunch of civilians instead of continuing fighting at the school." I said sadly while looking at my friend. "You got the chance that I didn't, now what are going to do?"

All eyes were now on Starlight. She had tears running down her face. 'Opps, I think that' my thought went unfinished as I was tackled to the ground by the sad pony I was looking at and held in place by a bone-crushing hug. A second pony then joined in the hug. Soon another pair joined in; then more came in the hug. I lost track of how many were in the hug. The embrace was broken off a minute later. All around her were the ponies she had met during her time here. Starlight, the elements, Trixie, Thorax, Cazador and even Discord, were all giving me sad faces. I just looked at them in confusion before letting a small laugh.

"Ha, here I am trying to comfort Starlight, and I'm the one who gets the group hug."

"Abby this isn't a laughing matter, you've had so much bad stuff happen to you aren't you sad by what's happened to you?" Starlight said worriedly.

"Star, if I let trivial things like not being able to graduate some military academy get to me back then that I wouldn't be the person I would be today."


"But nothing," I said cutting her off. "It's true, a lot of bad happened in my life, and I wish I would change a lot of it, but I can't." Looking around I made sure I had everyone's attention,
"All I can do now is dust myself, get back up and keep moving. I've been hit many times over the years and got up each time." I then looked back at Starlight with a determined look. "So, are you going to lay down and watch the world fade away around you, or are you going to get up and move on?"

Everyone's was once again at Starlight as she looked deep in thought. After about a minute of thinking, she looked back at Abby with a confident, and determined look about her. "I'll move on."

"Good gir-" "With you."

"What?!" Everyone said shockingly, a few with blushes.

"I said, I'll move on with you. When we get that spell or portal or whatever it is, that will send you home. I'm going to come with you. That's my next mission. To help my friend save her home." Starlight declared. Shocking everyone in hearing range. Everyone then started murmuring.

Princess Celestia was the one speak, silencing all other conversation in the room. "Starlight Glimmer, think carefully about your decision my little pony. For something like this is not something to chose lightly." The princess said in a concerned voice.

"I do, Princess." Starlight answered with a confident tone. Which stunned me, I continued to be stunned by this girls actions. It was sexy. But kept that thought to herself as she got up in front of her face.

"Starlight," grabbing her attention. "That fight ant yours, and the locust are on a whole another level of evil compared to Chrysalis." I pointed out.
"I know, and I want to help." Starlight said as she leaned forward closer to me.

"... You not going to be convinced on I say are you?"

"The more you argue with me, the more you're stuck with me." She stated in a matter of fact voice. Starlight's face was just inches away from mine.

"So nothing I can do, other then say shooting you in the leg gonna stop you?"

"I prefer you did."

"As would I," Twilight said off to the side.


"Really?" Starlight asked in surprise. "Thought it would take more to convince you."

"It's your life, what can I do to stop you? Besides, I like to see what you look like on the other side." I said half seriously before going full serious on her. "But don't think I'm letting you go into the fight without some preparation."

"Like what?" Starlight asked. To which a small smile tugged the corners of my mouth. "You'll find that out tomorrow."

Looking back over at the group of princess that gathered next to them, she asked the next question that was on everyone's mind. "Alrighty then, so when is that spell home going to be finished?"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, had a bunch of things happen to me, moving three times in two months ant fun.