• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,773 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

  • ...

End of the line

Badlands, Changeling Hive.

Abigail POV

The two things ran through my mind I looked at the thing on the ceiling. One is how ugly this thing was. Two, that piece of shit is the queen.

'That thing's the fucking changeling queen?!' It was much larger then the others I'd seen. If I had to guess, it/she must be as tall as a boomer if I had to make a guess the queen's size. She also had dark aqua mane draped in different directions, like someone had just gotten out of a shower or something. Her eyes were also different. While the others she had seen were a solid blue her's had silted pupils, and her horn looked like a jiggered twisted sharp rock. She was the queen of the changelings, Chrysalis.

I snapped out of my thoughts many sounds of hissing from multiple changelings came from out the woodworks pored out and surrounded Starlight in an instant. I choose stealth over immediate action at the moment. Going out there now would be tacitly suicide for her and for everyone else. Where I was now holding a tactical advantage over everything and one move could be decided But still not liking it anyway.

When the bugs backed away from Starlight, I was stuck to the floor as Starlight helplessly tried to move. The queen started to hover away from the pods and down to the throne while the queen addressed her friend. "Well, well, well. The 'Princess of Friendships' sole pupal. Honestly, I didn't think you were worth replacing with one of my drones."

Starlight continued to struggle from the gunk that was on the floor. "You won't get away with this!" Starlight yelled at the Queen, which seemed only to inflate the Queen's ego more before she razed a hoof and pointed up at her captives above.

"I already have. No pony is coming to save you. Your little squad was it, and now there was just you." The queen said with glee.

"Wrong bitch, go back to school and learn to count why don't ya," I muttered before switching out the Lancer out for my Longshot. Setting my unloaded sniper to the side I reached inside in her pocket for more string. All the while I listened to the conversion going on below me. What she heard next made the smug on the Queens face vanished.

"Thorax is still out there!" Starlight answered in a comeback.

"Don't mention that traitor name in my kingdom!" The queen then flew off her throne fast at Starlight. "He was a fool to me and an even bigger fool to return. When I find him, I'll do to him like his former partner and teach him what happens to those who betrayed the hive." The queen raged before looking down at Starlight. I needed to hurry but trying to thread a string with hooves was not easy. 'How can these ponies make shit like blankets with these fucking hooves!!' I screamed in my mind. The next thing the queen said made me pause to see what she was talking about.

"And it seems I don't have far to look now do I?" The queen then reared back and fired a green magic beam at Starlight.

My heart nearly stopped before a flash of green fire engulfed her quickly before revealing the bright wing changeling, Thorax underneath. "Thorax!" The Queen hissed followed by even more hissing noises from every changeling in the room.

Ok, I had to give credit where credit was due; Thorax just played everyone with his act. He fooled everyone, even me! When all this was over and were safe from being not being held prisoners for life from emotion sucking bugs, I was going to buy that guy a drink. If he can drink alcohol that is.

All the bugs hissing came to a stop when the sound of a rock banged on another rock echoing the room. Bringing everyone's attention to the throne, there the real Starlight Glimmer was pounding away at the base of the throne with a big rock in her hooves. 'She's dedicated I'll give her that.' I thought of her friend. I watched as Chrysalis fired a beam of magic at her friend making her duck inside a hole in the floor.

"Very clever, and clearly Thorax revealed to you the secret to my throne. I can't have any powerful ponies using their abilities against me. Even with your rather embarrassing little rescue attempt. Everything is going according to my plan " The queen of the bugs mused.

"I'm going to enjoy taking you down, just for saying that," I muttered, while still trying to tie the knot on the trigger.

'That's right, just keep her focus on talking, Starlight. I'm almost ready for her.' She thought of Starlight wishing I cou...' I stopped thinking and had to suppress putting a hoof to my face. Starlight still had her radio I'd given her earlier. What a rookie mistake. Putting a hoof to my ear, I spoke softly into the mike.

"Psst, Starlight, it's Abby. I'm across the room in the wall, keep Chrysalis talking a bit longer and don't mention me, I don't think the queen knows about me, so let's keep it that way. I'm almost finished prepping to take this bitch down so don't worry you're not alone in this fight."

I saw a shadow move from inside the throne before my friend spoke again. "What plan? Why did you do all of this?" With her question asked, the Queens' head stuck in the hole where I saw Starlights shadow shift.

"So I can feed of course," The queen's head then went out and looked at her drones. "By replacing the most beloved figures in Equestria, my drones will be able to store all the love meant for them and return it here to me!" She explained in an almost comical fashion. Chrysalis then sat back down on her throne. "Everypony will do as I command and my subjects, and I will feed on their love for generations!" She up roared followed by some more evil like style laughter that soon the rest of the drones mimic.

The situation wasn't looking too good, at the way the odds were stacked against Starlight and me. For more drones popped out of the wall and surrounded the throne. Good thing I just finished her trigger pulley system.

"What if you didn't have to?" Starlight suggested

"Ridiculous!" The changeling roared before grabbing Starlight by her tail and flinging her like a ragdoll over to her drones.

Seeing her friend being tossed around like that made me simmer with anger. Whether it was the right time or not.' A quick kill with a headshot would be sufficient to shock the drones into submission, or into a killing frenzy in which we may all die... Let's find out.' She thought to herself as she loaded the Longshot.

"You know nothing! the hunger of changelings can never be satisfied." Chrysalis said as she stood over starlight before turning to face Thorax. Starlight then tried to explain to the changelings.

"Thorax left the hive and made a friend! Now he shared love, and now he doesn't need to feed." Her voice then rose up so everyone could hear her. "You don't have to live your lives starving all the time!"

Even in the face of defeat and death, Starlight finds a way to fight. I couldn't help but admire in my friend's courage. Something that her world seemed to be lacking nowadays. But there it was also something there I hadn't seen in quite a long time, hope. As plain as the Moons of Sera in its night sky, their shining light was in the eyes of her friend down there.

I couldn't help but to take my mask-guard helmet and watch my friend from afar. For some reason; at that moment, the mare I called a friend down there was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

All of that changed when she was pulled off the ground with a green light.

"You know nothing of the changelings nor what it takes to be their Queen! Nore the sacrifice I do for my subject. In fact, now that I have Thorax here with us how about we reunite him with his partner." Chrysalis said to her friends face before being thrown hard to a wall. One that was on the far side of where I was.

All eyes were then drawn to one of the holes in the room, a team of four changelings carried another holding pod over and sat it next to Crysalis. Inside was another changeling this one was slightly bigger then most but only slightly, and way more skinny. Like it has been starved for weeks maybe months without food. Wait a sec; Chrysalis said reunite. Is that?

"CAZADOR!" Thorax yelled from his spot as he struggled profusely against is sticky bindings.

'Shit.' Was the first thing that came to mind as looked at the new pod below me.

The queen didn't kill Thorax's girlfriend, but she looked damn close. From what I could tell just by looking at it, that pod must be keeping Cazador alive, if only bearly. But the situation hasn't changed in my book; the only difference is that we have one more pony to save. Also, I was about to put the hurt on down on Chrysalis, and I wasn't abuot to be gentle about it.

"I was going to use you as an example to show the place of all the drones in the hive, under me!" Chrysalis then pinned Starlight to the ground next to Thorax while she stood over them.

"I decided what is best for my subjects mulling grub!"

"Like you!!!"

Every set of eyes save one, in the room that wasn't in a pod went straight to me, that last pair couldn't see me because of the flying helmet that I chucked at her and impacting the Queen's muzzle. "You ain't no leader. What you are is a traitor to your own kind!" I roared at the Queen making everyone in the room look at me with mixed expressions of shock. "A true leader doesn't lead by fear, intimidation, and anger, who would sacrifice others to saticfied for their own greed." I sneered at the changeling queen, before leveling out my Longshot and prepared to finish the bitch that caused so much pain to the ponies and changelings. Centering the crosshairs on Chrysalis face, ready to pull the trigger. "Starlight there understands this. A real leader leads from the front, listens to those under them, to represent the best of them, to show the once that follow they could put their trust in..

Now do us all a favor and die." Pulling the trigger and letting my shot flew out.

And missed the queens head.

Thou, the queen, did scream in pain as we all watch her blood spray out as her side, right at the base of one of her wings. "Damn it" I cursed. I pulled the trigger to quickly and jerked the shot. I saw the queens looked at me with rage filled eyes. "Get her! Bring her to me!!" Chrysalis screamed.

"Fuck.." I quickly threw the longshot down and swung my Lancers chainsaw to the first changeling guard that came close. Nothing but bits he was after. My forced scare tactics continued to work for me as those close to me were put back at the sight of a shredded changeling.

I didn't give them a chance to snap out of their stupor before I leveled my Lancer to the nearest changeling guard group. "Eat shit grubs!" I shouted at them before unleashed hell on them. I had no time for aiming at them one at a time, so spraying and praying for my shots to connect with their targets was my best bet. When my gun clicked empty, stopped to reload my Lancer as quickly as I could with my stubbed hooves could let me. Which wasn't quick enough as I was suddenly getting surrounded by guards, but I wasn't about to go down that easily, so I jumped. And tackled hard on the changeling guard below me and used him as a sled to slid down the wall onto the main floor. When coming to a stop, I successfully finished reloading my Lancer and shot the guard under me. I then aimed at the armored group that was following me down. They were firing green magic blasts at me in the hopes that I will go down quickly. Their magic bounced and scorched my armor, but none got through.

Emptying my Lancer for the second time, one changeling guard had a few brain cells to target my Lancer with his magic. I almost didn't see it coming when he at me came on my left but was to slow as his shot hit my weapon and flying off away to the side. With my weapon out of my hooves' another guard charge at me, probably thinking me as an easy capture without my gun.

I pulled my retro bayonet from its sheath from my chest plate and held it in a reverse hand grip style position and slashed across the guard's face before embedding it in his neck. The next one that came from behind him received a hoof to the with a right hook. Pulling her bayonet from the first guard, I jumped the second and stabbed him through the eye to his brain, killing him instantly.

Getting up and looking around I was surrounded by changeling guard. "This idea went a lot better in my head," I muttered before I spotted my Lancer a few feet away. Sticking my Bayonet between my teeth, I charged at the guard nearest my Lancer. I pushed him away in a desperate tackle before I made a mad dash for my lancer. With it, in hand/hoof, I pulled its handle, and the chainsaw revved up before killing the drone with its blades. Turning around, I saw Chrysalis looking at me rage with a hint of fear at the sight of me taking down her guards.

Some more guards actually used their brains started attacking me from a distance with more green blasts of magic. Two green bolts impacted my side making me stumble off balance. I knew my armor could stand up to the magic like before in the castle, but still, it knocked me back. I threw my weight around to another and thrash ball charged the next guard I saw. I put everything I had on my left shoulder into the changeling's jaw getting a heavy bone snapping sound from it.

This fight didn't even wind me yet; I felt so pumped up I could probably do this all day if I had the ammo. It was kind of nice to fight an enemy that-


My whole right side felt like it was struck with a hot iron. Looking to my right, one guard had charged my blind spot and impaled his horn in between two of her armor plates. I found the eyes of the guard and locked with them with mine. Giving the bug a pained grin "My turn."

Against my better judgment, I grabbed the changelings head, tightened up my muscles and broke its horn between my armor plates. It flopped back on its ass as it grabbed its head screaming his head off. For me, I wanted to do the same thing. Instead, I lifted my Lancer again and began charging at the nearest changeling. Only for more searing pain to abrupt on my other side. Another changeling guard had done the same thing as the last and impaled me with his horn. I never felt so much pain before now and wanted to get rid of it fast. All soldiers were taught how to deal with pain, and now I was going past that. Pulling charging handle for my Lancer's chainsaw with adrenaline fueling my body tossed it to my right side and as quickly as I could sawed off the changelings head off his body, making it an accessory on my body before gravity tugged it off and landed on next to my leg. Looking up at my surroundings, I saw looks of disgusts on the closest changelings faces and looks of fear on others. I took my foreleg and unprofessionally kicked the severed head away to the nearest changeling. "Is that all you guys got? I ant dead yet!" I challenged.

"Who's next?!"

None moved, no one spoke as they just looked at me with mixed expressions. I was about to walk but could not find the energy to do so. I felt like I was losing more stragth the longer I kept standing but if I moved then, I'd fall and wouldn't get up.

'Guess being stabbed twice would do that to ya.' I thought to myself. My body was feeling heavy as if my armor was now fifty pounds heavier on each of my legs. My vision also began to blur wasn't helping matters.

Suddenly, my world suddenly went up in a green light. The force that followed felt like my whole body was getting hit by a truck. I felt my body getting flung into the air and land hard against one of the walls. When my body hit the floor, I collapsed under my own weight, making me nearly pass out from the flaring pain at the sides. Even with all this armor on and the smell of burnt hair and flesh in the air, I was starting to feel cold. Trying to get my eyes to open was tough, but my eyelids made me feel like I was forcing up a pair of steel shutters from the way how heavy they felt. I was only vaguely seeing and hearing the big black shelled changeling queen in front of her.

"I will admit, pony. You are to be rewarded by your daring assassination attempt on me. And taking on so many of my guards by yourself and killing them with your pitiful toys was rather impressive and amusing. Never before had someone had gotten so close to killing me and wounding me as you did and within my hive for that matter. But like the rest, you still failed." The queen turned her back on the wounded Gear. I could see Starlight being held back by a pair of drones that were preventing her from running to me. My hearing felt slightly muffled but could hear Starlight shouting my name. Focusing again on the queen, Chrysalis made her way towards Thorax.

"Now then, let me show you ponies how we deal with traitors who betray the Hive!" The queen then launched Thorax into the air with her magic. The pleas from Starlight fell on deaf ears.

"Just as soon as I drain every ounce of love to heal my injuries and show my subjects what real leader is," Chrysalis said. That last part getting directed at me. Chrysalis opened her maw and sucked in a visible pink mist coming out of Thorax's body. Thorax was starting to shake from energy being drained from him visibly.

"I could feel the love inside me slipping away. I can't hold onto it for much longer."

If I had heard someone say something like that a week ago I would have laughed at how stupid that sounded, and call them a drama queen. But this wasn't a laughing matter, and she was in too much pain to anything but bleed a pool of blood on the floor.

"Then, Don't!" Starlight shouted, bring my focus to Starlight. "Shearing love is what made you different, to begin with, you should share yours with Chrysalis!" I then saw Starlight give Thorax the best shit-eating grin I've ever seen on a pony. "Give her all of it!"

Thorax curled up for a sec before unleashing what looked like to be a small Hammer of Dawn blast from his chest at the Queen sending Chrysalis flying back and landing on her throne putting several cracks in it from the impact. A ribbon of light then curled around Thorax, putting him in a cocoon of shining light. When the light stetted, I saw Starlight was free from the changelings and walking up to the pod. Starlight then began to poke it a bit before another light blinded her and revealed a new creature.

"Thorax?" I looked on in wonder. Gone was his black outer shell and blue eyes. There instead was mulita green fur and shell middle and violet-red colored eyes. His wings were a bright purple with a wing-like tail sticking out in like a tail. He also had three horns on his head, two of which looked more like a deer antlers more than anything. Starlight then proceeded to call out to the changelings. "This is what happens when you give love freely instead of taking it!"

One by one, I saw the changelings around her get cocoon in ribbons of light. Looking back at Chrysalis throne the cracks along were spreading faster and fas-"


The blast numb my senses. My vision was a blur, a ring took hold of my ears, and I felt numb all over. Blinking my eyes rapidly I saw an aqua blue shield was over me along with Starlight and the new Thorax by her side. I saw Starlight's horn was glowing, meaning that the throne destroyed and we were free to use magic again. Now their mission became a lot more easy to deal with. A warm feeling quickly spread over my body, looking up, I saw my purple-haired friend point her magic horn at my injuries.

"I'm not very versed in medicine or medical magic, but this should help seal your wound's till we get you to a hospital with proper medical care. As to how you're not passed out from shock from just having a changeling horn inside your body, I'll never know." Starlight assured her. I didn't care about that. Some of the pain had dulled over to a more manageable tolerance, and it felt like I wasn't going be bleeding anymore. Looking up I caught her friend staring at me with a worried look; I smiled at her to show that I was okay.

"Help me up.." Putting my leg under me, I pushed myself with the support of both Starlight and Thorax into a sitting position.

"You need to rest. You just finished a major fight."

"I'll be fine. Just need to stay awake and not overtax myself, promise. I'm pretty much done for the day."

Scanning the area she saw all of the changelings at changed just like Thorax. Abet they didn't have antlers like him, some didn't even have horns. They were all colorful like ponies and were all smiling at their new appearances.

Looking around I soon saw the ponies they had held captive were at. "Starlight look!" I pointed with a leg. Turning her head as to where I was pointing, she saw the others and became excited. Starlight dragged me to the side and sat me next to one of the few remaining walls. "Stay here; I'll be back with Twilight and Discord. Maybe they can fix you up better than I can." I motioned her with a 'Go right ahead' gesture, and off she went. Then my attention went to Thorax.

"Shouldn't you have someone you need to help out," I said as I point at the pod containing a thin changeling inside. His eyes widen in realization as his magic grabs hold of the pod before it cracking it open, revealing the goo-covered changeling. Bringing her over, Thorax laid Cazador down next me and began feeding magic into her. When the spell hit her, Cazador's eyes opened at the energy being supplied into her system, showing a softer cyan color eye set than the usual blue. Cazador blinked a few times as she looked at me, I decided to strike up a conversation, "Hey, you don't look so good."

Cazador blinked a few more times before looking me over, "Look who's talking, you try fighting the queens royal guard and see how long you last."

"I did fight the Chrysalis guard. That's how I end up like this."

"Oh, well you look good. Love the armor by the way."

"Thanks, it was a gift. Names Abigail." I introduced.


"I know.'

"You do?" She said looking confused.

"Thorax told me about you," I told her. Which Cazador became frantic and started to rapid-fire questions at me.

"Thorax! He's alive?! He made it to the ponies, did he make friends and-" I stopped her by placing a hoof to the changeling's shoulder.

"Why don't you ask him your self," I said as I jerked my head up. Cazador gazed up to look at the new Thorax that stood above her. Her eyes widen at his new form; then tears started to form up in both their eyes. It was Cazador that spoke first of the two.

"Thorax? Is that really you?" She whispered.

"It's me, my love."

"You, what happened to you?" Cazador asked as she took in Thorax's new form.

"I learned to give love freely, to share instead of taking it. Now I no longer need to feed off of others just like all the other changelings. Now please Cazador pay attention. Focus on my love for you and let it flow freely through you and into others. Be free of restrictions that we have been chained down with and truly live." He instructed before he took a few steps back. Cazador's eyes blinked a few times before closing them. Soon a ribbon of light covered her body before she floated up a foot above the ground. A moment later she was changed like the rest, only more so than the others.

I was shocked at what Cazador became. Her black shell was now silver; her single horn had tripled in length. She now had a mane like a pony, and long natural dark cyan blue hair flowed down. Looking over at Thorax, I saw his eyes getting wider by second as he looked at her in awe. "Cazador?"

Cazador opened her eye's; they revealed a crystal blue silted eyes similar to Chrysalis. The two then closed the distance, and I got an eye full changeling romance.

Right there I decided that it was time I had enough of all this drama and rested my back against the hard surface and allowed my muscles to relax, damn I feel like crap. Felt so drained like I just got done marching all day and night and fought a troublesome ten-hour firefight at the end of it followed by another day marching.

With a small headache, charred skin, two stab wounds and the workout from hell. Overall this was fun. Not even a week in a new world as a different species she couldn't get rapt up on some crazy journey. Sure I'd made some friends, fought some shapeshifting grubs and help save the day. Also got Thorax his girlfriend back and by the looks of things, things may start to get interesting here in a little bit. All that's left now is for me was to how and break the news to Twilight that her home looks like a war zone, dead bodies, shell casings and what not. Starting to feel sorry for the guy that gets to do that. he he

Looking to were Starlight was, I saw her trying to catch Twilight and them up on current events. A tall midnight blue Alicorn looked to be thanking. Starlight thou was interrupted when a big pile of rubble started to catch everyone's attention. A moment later, Chrysalis pops out like a daisy looking beat up and bloody, hissing and snarling at everyone, preparing to attack again.

"Oh my god, are kidding me?! How the hell did she shrug off that?!" I shouted to no one, annoyed that the queen survived to what felt like an extra strength demo changed going off under her ass.

Chrysalis now seemed to notice how outnumbered and outgunned she was. All the ponies, Discord along with the new colored Changelings stood together behind Starlight, like soldiers following their commander into battle. 'All I need now is a camera, that be one for the history books. Not bad for someone who's still wet behind the ears.' My ears perked up when Starlight confronted Chrysalis again.

"When Twilight and her friends defeated me I chose to run away and seek revenge. You don't have to; you can be the leader your subjects deserve." Starlight then brought a hoof to the queen to help her up.

I was shocked. Like someone threw a concussion grenade at me. Starlight was willing to risk life and limb to save her friends from that very being that was laid out in front of her. Now Starlight was showing the down Queen forgiveness for everything she brought upon them and to help atone for her past mistakes for something. I wondered if I could do the same thing to a down enemy? A stranded maybe but a Locust? Never, too much bad blood towards them to be anything but death. That's probably why I been feeling towards Starlight, the way she handles things.

The Queen looked down at the offered hoof provided by Starlight then back up to her face. Abby watched as Chrysalis lifted
a hoof only to slap it aside like she was being offended. 'Well, she tried.'

"There is no revenge that you could ever conceive of that would even come close to what I will exact on you upon you one day! Starlight Glimmer!!"

Chrysalis jumps then jumps into the air to fly away only for her to lose control after a few flaps. "Guess my shot from earlier wasn't so bad after all," I said as I watched the coming spectacle.

We all watch the bug queen try to control herself with only one working wing. After a few moments trying to center herself a strong gust blew her off course sending to a hard crash into the wall I was leaning against and slide to the ground next to me. I couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic and comical escape attempt. "Nice job your magisty. An 'A,' for the takeoff, 'D' for the arrival performance and an 'F' the landing." I joked at the angry queen who then looked back at the wounded Gear.



The queen launched herself at me with rage-filled eyes before I could react. Tackling me that sent both of us into a short tumble till Chrysalis was on top with a leg around my neck. I then was picked up facing everyone and while being dragged backward by Chrysalis. I could hear my name being called by those that knew me. The pain I felt earlier was back again after that little tumble reopened the hole in my side again letting my blood run freely down my body. Opening up my eyes I saw all degrees of worry on the ponies and changeling. Only one of them meant anything to me though, looking at Starlight, our eyes locked onto one another. Panic and fear had dominated them pretty eyes she got.

"Anypony so much as attempt to do anything to save this worthless mare and I'll snap her neck!" The queen threatened.

The effect was instant all the ones with horns stopped glowing, and the wing ponies landed beside the others. I ignored the queen while she continued to make threats to the ponies, I had other things in mind. My eyes were still on her friends as if they were silent messages with their minds. I could tell that Starlight didn't have a plan and I was running over everything she could do on what borrowed time I had left before I bleed out. I didn't know where my Lancer went after it got tossed during the fight. The longshot wouldn't help me in this situation as that was also missing. Glancing over at Trixie revealed to me that her Snub pistol was also MIA. ' My bayonet is also gone. Come on Sargent, think!' I was slowly being dragged back as the queen took steps backward away from the others. The bug leg that held me was beginning to get tighter as they backtracked away from everyone. I needed to think of something quick, or I would black out soon. The only things that could count as a weapon was the horn still embedded in my right side, and the smoke grenade in my webbing. Wait a sec, my smoke grenade! I still had it, feeling around in my pouch. A stupid idea popped up came to mind. It was crazy that she would admit, but I wasn't going to do nothing, what do I get to lose right now?

Locking eyes with Starlight once more I gave my friend a one-sided cheeky grin before pulling out the last smoke grenade in my possession. Starlight's eyes drifted down to what she was holding then back up to her with her eyes showing a hint of confusion. I gave her a wink before breaking eye contact and pretending not to notice the scared look in my friend's eyes. Seeing herself under Chrysalis chin, I proceeded to begin step one of her plan.

"Hey?" I said catching the queens attention. "If you're going to kill me, at least own up to it and look me in the eye before you do it." I told the fallen queen. Shouts of dismay and objection were heard but ignored as I dared the queen.

Chrysalis looked a bit taken back at her request. "Who are you to demand such as this to me?" Hissed the former changeling queen. Chrysalis eyes were glaring into the prideful eyes of the Onyx guards, getting a small giggled.

"Who am I, you say? That's easy. A soldier of the COG, an Onyx Guard and a Gear for its rotating war machine!" I said into Chrysalis's face. "I've faced and killed more bad guys and monsters then this world will never know. I've lost more things in this life then anyone has the right to lose!" My voice suddenly raised, slowly starting to scream like a crazy person at this point. "I have witness atrocities that should never have been committed!" I had gathered all the pent-up hatred and anger and put it all into a stare, making the queen flinch away. "I who have walked the burning fields of hundreds of battlefields, stood in the ashes of millions of the dead that scattered my home!" Now my voice had risen to the point where I could be mistaken for a madwoman. The queen opened her mouth to try speaking again, but her voice was starting to shake under my glare.

"You think-"


I roared at Chrysalis, making the grub lose her grip on me and back away only to stop when my armor hoof caught ahold of her dark aqua hair. "You asked who I am? I'll tell you just who the hell I am?!"

Chrysalis let out a yelp of pain as her head was brought down to my eye level, with eyes ablaze with anger and sorrow that I been collecting for over a decade. "I am Sargent Abigail Terrell of the Coalition!" I primed my grenade for use. "And you will remember me when death comes and claims your soul." I then surprised the queen when I opened her mouth and shoved the grenade into it and held it there as she started choking.

"You will tell him I sent you and you will remember me!" I screamed into the grub queens face as she tried to back away. A duo of beeps could be heard if anyone paid attention.

The sight of my enemy's eyes was filled with shock and fear. The grenade detonated with a gush of smoke inside Chrysalis maw. Her cheeks filled puff out as the smoke filled her mouth, she started coughing up white smoke as she watches it quickly fill the queen lungs and jets of smoke flew out her nose and mouth. It came out so fast that it that my vision became white within seconds. The sound of Starlight and the others calling out my name again made me smile.

It felt good to have people that care for me again, even if it was for a little while. Darkness was creeping up on her vision as it burned from the smoke and holding her own breath wasn't helping her any better. The sound of the smoke stopping told it to me grenade was finished and with it Chrysalis, I had stopped struggling against her hold. The wind from the high altitudes we were in had blown away the smoke and saw the queen still as water before falling backward, and over the edge of her former hive. I watched Chrysalis disappear into the ground below, and that was the end of that.

"You tell him that..."

Darkness had threatened my sight as I began to sway with the wind, a big blue sky now filled my vision as I fell back. By this point the pain I had been feeling had gone away, replaced with a cold sensation all throughout her body. A pair of hooves then stopped my body, the panicking faces of her friend Starlight and that of the real Princess Twilight filled my what was left of my darkened vision. Even if I felt cold all over, the thought of being alone at my last moments somehow scared me, seeing how I wasn't made me smile despite everything I went through.

Another face came into view one that she hasn't seen in years. Familiar copper red hair and emerald eyes stood over her on two legs, a kind smile that told her that everything would be alright. And she wasn't alone anymore.

Author's Note:

The ending, you do not see here. :raritywink: