• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,337 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Five

Fifth Entry
Gilda's tenacity came out in unexpected ways. Much to my surprise, her killing machine build concealed a surprisingly compassionate heart. At first, I thought this would prove a liability that would have to be purged for her sake, both for survival and combat effectiveness. However, when that compassion combined with her tenacity...
Video below...

As Gilda continued through the tests, she was introduced to a new concept...Edgeless Weighted Cubes. In truth, these were metallic spheres, but they changed up the tests somewhat as they would roll when left alone...especially since the test rooms were designed with a very slight slant, just enough to ensure that an Edgeless Cube left to its own devices would not stay put. Gilda's solution to this was to use both portal emitter and talons to hold the spheres to move them around. She also discovered a great way to use the spheres against turrets when Different couldn't get a good angle. Different commented the first time she used the tactic that she'd be good at bowling.

Of course, the Edgeless Weighted Cubes had their own specially designed slot to put them in for activating various systems for progression. This added new wrinkles to test solving, which pushed Gilda's development as she advanced. But the biggest Test Chamber that awaited came as a complete surprise.

"This is the Edgeless Companion Cube," Glados intoned as a sphere with six hearts emblazoned on it at the six axis points rolled to Gilda's side. "It will be your friend as you progress through this next extended test chamber. Please take care of it."

With a happy squeal, Gilda grasped the sphere with both eagle legs and pulled it into a tight cuddle. She then used it in the proper receptacles to activate elevator platforms one at a time to progress up levels, reaching down with her portal emitter to pull the sphere back out to come with to each level. She then paused as she saw that a narrow passage had one of the charged particle emitters blocking the path. In previous instances, she'd used a cube to deflect such blasts if she couldn't use portals...but she spent longer than usual examining the corridor.

To Glados' surprise, Gilda held the sphere high with the emitter, her tail pressed against one side of the wall, crouched low to the floor as she walked along. The charged particles went between Gilda's body and the sphere, almost grazing her tail each time until she was out of the corridor, quickly pulling the sphere down out of danger. This so startled Glados that she remained silent through the rest of that part of the chamber as Gilda used sphere and charged particles to open a new path forward. It didn't look like she needed to do more to personalize the Edgeless Cube to Gilda.

However, the more significant point arrived soon enough as Gilda opened the last door. "You did it!" Glados intoned calmly, making Gilda pump her clenched claw into the air. "The Edgeless Companion Cube certainly brought you good luck."

"Yup yup!" Gilda crowed happily.

"However, it cannot accompany you for the rest of the tests and, unfortunately, must be euthanized," Glados continued.

Gilda's jaw dropped, eyes wide. "W...what?"

"Please escort your companion cube to the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator," Glados instructed firmly.

Slumped in on herself, Gilda walked through the door to activate the switch to open the incineration shaft. She then walked back and collected the sphere. She walked back to the shaft...and paused.

Glados spoke up to ease the pain. "Rest assured that an independent panel of ethicists has absolved the Enrichment Center, Aperture Science Employees, and all test subjects of any moral responsibility for the Companion Cube euthanizing process." When this received no response, Glados added, "That includes you."

Gilda frowned. While everything she was hearing now said this was okay...Glados had told her to take care of the sphere. How could she take care of it if she destroyed it, or left it behind?

She turned towards the closed door keeping her from the elevator, the gears in her brain ticking away.

Glados spoke up again. "While it has been a faithful companion-"

Spinning, Gilda slammed the Edgeless Companion Cube as hard as she could into the exact center of the door, hitting hard enough to dent. Seizing it again, she hurled it this time, denting the door further.

"...this abuse of the faithful Edgeless Companion Cube is hardly good form," Glados began to chide.

Lunging forward, Gilda dug her talons into the dent in the door and pulled. The metal screeched as it bent, forced open into a spherical hole in the center of the door. Gilda started to reach for the sphere, but saw a material emancipation grid on the other side. Crawling through herself, she dug at the wall edge surrounding the field until she was able to get at the emitters, tearing them apart with sheer ferocity until they ceased to function. Reaching back through the hole, she carried the sphere through to the elevator chamber before turning to the nearest camera.

Glados stared at Gilda as she gave what had come to be defined as the "Did I do good?" look. On one servo, Glados had wanted to test Gilda for how she dealt with having to destroy something precious, or facing its destruction. On the other servo, Gilda had demonstrated incredible strength for her small frame, creativity, and sheer nerve that shamed...her. Taking the Edgeless Companion Cube away maliciously now would only push Gilda into repeating her antics, which was the last thing Glados wanted. At the same time, she couldn't let Gilda bring it along...

A compromise was reached. "Well done. You have passed the secret test, and protected your companion. It will await you at the end of the tests. For now, place it in the Vital Apparatus Retrieval Unit to your left."

Feeling the suction, Gilda placed the sphere there, only for it to close around it as the sphere was sucked away. She stared longingly after it.

"It will await you at the end of the tests. There will be friends and cake."

Squealing eagerly, Gilda bounced into the elevator.