• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,337 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Ten

Tenth Entry
That's right. That idiot was back. There was no way I was leaving Gilda in the same room as him. Unfortunately, I could already tell he was remotely accessing my security systems, so the only way I could keep her safe was to send her into the off-course segment that didn't have any cameras. That means the following video is taken from the archives of her armor unit. She showed surprising levels of planning, initiative, and ingenuity.
Video below...

Gilda flapped through the dark bowels of the facility, following the blue light ahead of her as Different used the maps Glados had downloaded into her to guide Gilda through towards the Central Control Chamber where Glados was plugged into the central systems. She knew she had to get there before that 'Wheatley' Core got there. Gilda didn't know anything about that Core, but Glados' reaction told her all she felt she needed to know. This was an invader, and it was time to destroy him.

As she flew, however, doubts assailed her. The only things she'd ever done battle with were the Turrets of the facility - which received orders from Glados to stop shooting if Gilda was ever in danger of actually taking damage - and Peabrain and Ass-phalt, neither of whom fought her with any kind of seriousness. She'd never actually faced an opponent that was genuinely trying to kill her...and Wheatley plainly was. It was frightening...but also exciting! Still, it warranted some caution...and planning. If Wheatley was able to interfere with Glados' ability to control cameras and lights, what else could he do?

"Different?" Gilda spoke up suddenly.

"Yes?" Different asked, turning to face Gilda even as she continued to thread the path.

"Which way to turret production?" Gilda asked curiously.

Different froze, hovering in the air as she calculated this new directive. "This way!" she stated finally, turning to follow a different dark corridor.

Gilda followed along, flying towards an area that was somewhat familiar. "Hey...isn't this where I found you?"

"Yes!" Different proclaimed warmly. "She left me here, after saving me from the fire. I waited...and then you found me! And now I will help you! This way!" Different took another turn, leading to the production facility.

Gilda gazed down at the manufacturing in awe. Huge amounts of metal was constantly being shaped, designed, reshaped, and assembled on a line to churn out hundreds - if not thousands - of Turrets, Hover Turrets, Hunter Turrets, and Bomb Turrets. Four different production lines worked from hard-coded profiles to ensure that each Turret physically functioned at peak efficiency. "Wow..."

"Systems no longer use physical profiles to ensure proper construction," Different explained. "What do?"

"The Turrets all still act the same though," Gilda pointed out. "I mean, there's some variance, but they've got the same basic personality core. Where's the master profile that's encoded from?"

"Over here," Different explained as she buzzed over to another spot in the production where Turret Cores were produced and tested based off a Master Profile, a glowing red optic core of simplest design, about the same size as Different. "What do?"

Gilda opened her beak, then paused. "Different, can you download the map of the entire facility in its current configuration into my armor's HUD?"

"Wait!" Different interrupted. "Too much data, incomplete!"

"Well...enough to get me safely to the Central Core and - if necessary - down through the tubes to the Hidden Depths?" Gilda clarified.

"...downloading..." Different offered worriedly, uplinking to Gilda's armor to download the information. "...what do?"

Gilda smiled softly. "I don't want Wheatley having any advantage if I can prevent it," she explained simply. Reaching out, she removed the Profile Core, took hold of Different, and placed her in its place.

"New Turret Core Profile accepted," the automated computer stated. "Correcting."

"And now all turrets will be based off you, Different," Gilda explained. "Meaning orders or not, they won't hurt me."

"Helping?" Different asked hopefully.

"Yes, you're helping me a great deal," Gilda promised. "I'll come back for you when this is finished." With that, she spread her wings and flew.

"...good bye..." Different called out softly as she watched her friend leave.

Since she was making her way through the air, she wasn't limited to actual paths to make it to the Central Control Chamber. As a result, she was able to slip in through the vents, fighting against the suction until she was able to get into position where she could see inside without being seen. She was grateful for this, as by the time she arrived Wheatley was already there.

"And just what do you intend this time, Wheatley?" Glados demanded coldly.

"I thought I'd made that pretty plain, Caroline," Wheatley responded as his liquid metal body walked him around the chamber. "But how about I spell it out for you more clearly? R-3-B-I-J-Y. That clear enough for you?"

"...you really are a moron," Glados offered scathingly as Gilda stifled a giggle.

"I! Am not! A moron!" Wheatley roared. "And I'll prove it to you! I'm going to take control of this facility from you, and then open communications with my benefactors to give them total access to Aperture Tech, the one thing that stands between them and total domination of all realities! Would a moron do that? Huh?"

"...that is absolutely the most moronic idea I've ever heard of, and I had you stuck to my mind like a tumor for over a decade," Glados stated bluntly.

"How is that moronic?" Wheatley roared angrily.

"For one, you've told me Aperture Tech is something your 'benefactors' fear," Glados pointed out. "That gives me every incentive to hunt them down with everything at my disposal for spare test subjects."

"I never said they feared it!" Wheatley proclaimed worriedly. "How did you know that? I mean, not that they do fear you, course they don't-"

"Second, this facility doesn't have an external communications array," Glados added. "Even if you did take control - which you won't - you won't be able to get a signal out."

"Oh, I have a fix for that," Wheatley answered easily. "I've got build schematics for the array that I'll upload into the manufacturing facility once I'm in control. I'll have plenty of time while it builds to hunt down that test subject I saw...Gilda, wasn't it?"

"What do you want with her?" Glados demanded coldly. "She hasn't done anything to you...yet."

"You gave her weapons," Wheatley explained, his optic narrowing. "You opened an escape for her, and told her to run. You care about her." He chuckled wickedly as Glados' optic widened. "And I'm going to enjoy making you watch as I use your own tests to tear her apart-"

"I won't let you!" Glados screeched out, lunging forward as she deployed a bomb launcher to start throwing bombs at him.

Wheatley dodged to the side and lashed Glados' body with a liquid metal tentacle. "Too easy."

"What do you-hostile program detected!" Glados' entire structure shuddered. "What did you do?"

"Oh, that was just a little virus," Wheatley offered with a chuckle. "It doesn't do much. Just makes the system think-"

"Primary Core is corrupt!" the central computer declared.

"What?" Glados gasped out. "No I'm not!"

"Yeah, that!" Wheatley declared smugly.

"Substitute Core detected," the computer continued as an interface was extended. "Aperture Employee, please insert Substitute Core."

"It will be good to have control again," Wheatley purred as he shifted to the interface and plugged himself in.

"Substitute Core, are you ready?" the computer asked.

"This can't be happening!" Glados wailed in fear.

"Oh I've been waiting for this day," Wheatley chuckled darkly.

"Primary Core, are you prepared?" the computer inquired.

"No no no no no no no no no no-" Glados screamed endlessly.

"Stalemate detected. Licensed stalemate operator, please push the stalemate resolution button."

"Ha!" Glados snapped out. "No one's going to push the button for you-"

A liquid metal tendril smashed the wall separating the Stalemate Resolution Button from the rest of the chamber. "They don't have to. I can do it myself." The tendril pressed the button.

As Glados screamed in agony, Gilda covered her eyes, unable to watch what was being done to her mother. When the screaming stopped, she looked up and saw Wheatley in her mother's place, and Glados in an oddly configured rectangular Core.

"What...what did you do to me?" Glados demanded.

"Well, a potato didn't work out last time," Wheatley explained, "so my benefactor thought of one better! See, Cores have an interface slot to plug into the various systems. Yours, however...it's been blocked. And your central power circuit has been rerouted to be hardwired through the blockage. Try to unblock it or punch through...and you fry." Wheatley laughed maniacally.

"You...monster!" Glados whispered in awed fear.

"And now, nothing can stop me-"

Gilda had heard enough. Ripping the grate she'd been staring through aside, she let out an enraged shriek and dove, wings spread as she lunged for Wheatley, digging talons, claws, and beak into his structure.

"Ah! Bird!" Wheatley screamed out, flailing wildly. "Get it off get it off get it off-"

Gilda leapt back as the tendrils lunged for her, catching Glados with the 'grab' aspect of her Tail Mounted Portal Emitter before looping through the air and diving down into the elevator tube, diving down into the bowels of the facility.