• Published 2nd Jan 2017
  • 13,337 Views, 1,308 Comments

My Little Killing Machine - Tatsurou

Glados raises Gilda to be the perfect killing machine...and discovers that there was more humanity in her than Caroline alone.

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Program Seventeen

Entry Seventeen
It looks like you've survived this far. Bravo. *slow clap* Gilda will be there soon. Don't disappoint.

Chell slowed her breath as she read this last message. She'd watched all the video messages - including the one that showed her own arrival - as she'd reached each Test chamber. The only one that had left her with questions had been the Twelfth one, which had been redacted. Still, she had seen enough.

Glados now had Gilda, and would have no place for Chell. Glados plainly was treating Gilda not as a test subject or as a resource, but as a daughter. The preening video had laid that out definitively. Gilda had replaced her, completely and absolutely. Chell didn't know where the Core called Cave had come from - she assumed it was in the redacted video - but the way it talked and acted indicated it either was Cave Johnson or a manufactured replacement...who was also treating Gilda like a daughter.

Chell sighed to herself as she braced herself for combat. This test chamber was wide open, with only a few disabled lasers and turrets waiting to be activated. The other test chambers had pushed her to her limits. Wind tunnels, odd gravity, flying turrets that hunted her down, odd shaped cubes that behaved strangely, rotating platforms... And all the while, she could hear the sound of wings in pursuit as Gilda hunted her down. She considered herself lucky that she'd found a Portal Gun to use alongside her Gravity Gun, and that her old longfall boots were still functional. She did her best to calm her mind, knowing she wouldn't have long before-

A panel on the roof burst open, and Gilda dropped down to hit the floor on all fours heavily, wings mantled. Her silver armor glinted in the light of the room as the glowing blue navigation core - Different - hovered over her shoulder. Chell knew she had to be wary of that as well; she'd seen the laser Gilda had given it. She'd also seen the laser hunter turrets that had been based off that chasing her around the test chambers. As Gilda lifted her head to lock eyes, Chell braced herself.

Gilda's beak opened and she let loose a shockingly loud hunting shriek before launching herself into the air. Chell rolled back out of the way of the charge, seizing a cube nearby with her gravity gun and chucking it at Gilda. The griffon responded by activating portals, diving through the wall and out the ceiling before spraying blue gel directly beneath her, bounding faster back up into the ceiling portal to gain more speed before rocketing out another portal straight at Chell.

Desperately, Chell leapt over the charge, spinning in an attempt at delivering a kick...only for her strike to slide off Gilda's orange gel coated armored wing. Chell managed to twist so she didn't sprain anything as she landed, then raced along the orange path Gilda had left behind to catch up to her.

Gilda glanced over her shoulder with a wide grin...then dug talons and claws into the floor and spread her wings. Unable to stop herself in time, Chell went tumbling head over heels before landing somewhat dazedly on the flat ground in front of Gilda...only to fall back on her rear as Gilda spun to slam her tail - weighted with her portal emitter - into Chell's gut.

As Chell fell flat, she gasped for breath...then instinctively rolled over just in time to avoid Gilda's talons slashing at her throat. Lunging away, Chell leapt up and swung her Gravity Gun at Gilda, attempting to strike either the griffon or her assistant that hadn't acted yet. She winced at the clang of metal on metal that ran up her arm as she hit the floor, Gilda having taken to the skies.

Chell spun quickly to counter the assault...but her breath caught as she felt the line of pain across her throat, and saw the spray of blood as Gilda's talon slashed past her. This was it...she was dead...she just didn't know it yet...

As she fell backward, Gilda pulled something out of the chest of her armor and shoved it into Chell's throat. "Now Different!" Gilda barked out.

Different's laser lashed out across Chell's throat, sealing the wound.

Chell fell to the floor, clutching at her throat as she coughed and gagged, unsure if she could even breathe properly. Reflexively, she tried to shout out an imprecation, but her silent voice- "What the hell?" Chell's eyes widened in shock at the sound of her own voice coming from her mouth. "What...how?" She put her hand to her throat. It had a somewhat synthesized aspect to it, but it was definitely her own voice...but-

"Your records said that your vocal chords atrophied during your extended cryo-sleep, likely because you refused to use them before you were sealed in," Gilda explained. "So I used the voice synthesizer chips in the cores, smacked that code around in the computer until it became an artificial voice box, and manufactured one attuned to your voice. After that, I just had to install it." She glanced at the spray of blood. "Didn't realize it'd be this messy..."

"I thought you were trying to kill me!" Chell gasped out in terror.

"I know! It was tons of fun!" Gilda proclaimed happily. "I thought for sure that some of those tests would have tripped you up, but even without wings you're nearly as good as me!" Flapping up, she punched Chell on the arm. "Not bad, sis! We should do this again!"

"...sis?" Chell asked, stunned.

"Uh, duh!" Gilda replied. "We might have come from different nests, but we've got the same parents. That means we're siblings. Siblings roughhouse, but we don't kill each other!"

Chell stared in disbelief. "But...shared parents? But Glados...deleted Caroline-"

"Playing Entry Twelve!" Different piped up helpfully, turning to the nearest wall and broadcasting the video file from that entry.

Chell stood there, slackjawed, as she watched Glados - no, Caroline - pour her heart out as she threw her rage and pain over Chell herself at Cave Johnson. Tears poured from Chell's eyes. Unable to do anything else, as the video ended Chell sunk to her knees and threw her arms around Gilda, clinging to her as she wailed like a brokenhearted child.

"Geeze, sis..." Gilda murmured, patting Chell gently on the back. "What the hell happened to you out there?"