• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,030 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 8 - Revelations and Hidden Truths

In the Astral Plane, Celestia was seen reading a book while munching on a sweet chocolate cake. Mirror meanwhile helped around the small house that they had created for themselves as a small meeting place of sorts.

I never thought that the Astral Plane could be so… what's the word...fascinating Celestia thought to herself. It was then that Mirror Image came running into the room almost out of breath if his panting was any indication.

“Princess! Corrin and some other guests are back!” He exclaimed. “Shall we get going and greet them?”

Celestia immediately brightened at hearing her brother’s name and said, “Yes!” With great enthusiasm, she bound off the bed and hurried off with Mirror close behind…

With Corrin and the others

As the group got back to the Astral Plane, Corrin looked around before he said “I guess this is your new home… I hope you can adjust to being around so many different species.” Corrin said to the group of Draconequus.

Most of the Draconequus were in awe at the sight before them. They had never seen such a beautiful place before. Not only that, it was filled to the brim with magic.

Salazar then turned to Corrin and kneeled saying, “Thank you again, King Corrin, for having us here. We are forever in your debt.”

“Think nothing of it, I only want to make sure we can save as many people as possible from Equestria,” Corrin admitted calmly.

“Nonetheless, we still thank you,” Salazar said with a smile. He then looked at the remaining survivors of his people and said, “I'm sure King Corrin will show us where our living spaces will be, so let us follow him.”

“I believe my sister will likely meet us soon… I bet she’ll be able to help you get all settled… I have someone I think we need to talk to before we head back out.”

“Understood,” Salazar said. Suddenly, a loud shout broke through.

“BIG BROOOOTHER!” And just like Corrin predicted, little Celestia was on her way with Mirror following.

“Called it,” Corrin chuckled before looking to Celestia as he said, “You been busy Celly?”

“Yes, brother I have been!” Celestia said. “Although it wasn't the same without you.”

“How are Discord and Chaoma doing after Corrina brought them back?” Corrin asked hopefully.

Celestia put on a small frown and said, “Discord is okay and all, but Chaoma was injured quite a bit, so she's going to be staying at the medic’s for a while.” She said sadly with her ears drooping.

“At least they both made it… that’s a good thing,” Corrin said before he looked to Salazar before saying “Salazar, this is my younger sister, Celestia, this is Salazar the mayor of the town we just saved.”

“A pleasure!” Salazar said while Celestia reciprocated with a curtsy.

“Nice to meet you sir.” She said. She then turned to Corrin and said, “Big brother, Mirror and I have finished making some more houses for everyone. Would you like us to take them to their homes while you do what you have to do? Luna could come with us too.”

“That may be a good idea… I think we need to talk to the ones who we captured earlier,” Corrin admitted as Akatsuki nodded to him.

“Alright brother,” Celestia said. “Be careful okay?” She then led everyone off along with Mirror and Luna.

“I plan to be… Corrina, Gunter you want to come along?”

“Yes, let's be on our way milord and lady.” Gunter nodded while Corrina nodded as well.

“Agreed my lord… I need to know what happened to that Changeling known as Krang… maybe we can get him to join our side.” Akatsuki suggested.

“It won't be easy, but he'd be a valuable asset.” Gunter nodded in agreement to Akatsuki’s suggestion.

“If he resists… how do you feel about torturing the information out of him?” Corrin asked curiously.

Gunter stepped forward and said, “Leave that to me. Although I hope it won't come to that.”

Corrina nodded as well due to having seen Gunter torturing in action before. ''Twas not a pretty sight.

“Okay let’s see what we can learn,” Corrin said as the group made their way towards the prison.

As they reached the Cells Corrin turned to Akatsuki before he asked “Which cell did you but him in?”

“The very last one my lord, he’s chained up and his legs should still be injured,” Akatsuki admitted.

“What did you do to the other two?”

“Once they got here they surrendered and requested to join us, I told them it wasn’t my call and to wait in a cell till you came to talk to them.”

“Which cell?”

“The one across from Krang’s, they willingly walked in themselves,” Akatsuki admitted.

“We’ll need to talk to them later,” Corrin admitted as they reached the cell.

The cell was your basic, slightly rundown prison building. It could only house a few prisoners, but thankfully, the Changelings that were captured sufficed the space limit.

Corrin and his group walked over to the farthest cell where Krang awaited them. After all, seeing as he was the most dangerous, it was only natural to put him in a cell further down.

Krang turned toward them and sneered at Akatsuki in slight disgust. “Well, well, well.” He said. “If it isn't her Majesty and friends...to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Krang… we want information about what happened to you to make you as strong as you were, the hive was starved you should have barely been able to stand never mind fight like that.” Akatsuki said calmly.

“Heh. I thought you'd ask that. But what would I get in return for such info?” Krang asked.

“I won’t send in someone to torture the information out of you,” Corrin interjected. “How does that sound?”

“So...the great king or should I say prince has a sadistic side? I wonder what his subjects would think?” Krang said, trying to goad Corrin.

“Well, considering you helped murder innocent people… I think they’d wish for more than torture for you right now.” Akatsuki pointed out “besides… he’s giving you a less painful way out of this… I’d take it if I was you.”

“Hmph. I'm quite tolerant to most forms of interrogation, but fine. I guess I'll enlighten you little traitor.” Krang smirked. “However, not even I know too much. It all started when a Hooded Figure came by the hive delivering a message about a better way to become stronger than merely absorbing and taking love.” Here, Krang paused while gathering his thoughts. “Eventually we saw a fraction of his power and it was enough for us to accept his offer. I assume you want to know what it was?”

“Oh of course not… we’re only doing this to waste your time,” Corrin said sarcastically.

“Silence little prince! I have the info! If you so dearly want it, then do not patronise me!”

“Do you want me to send someone into torture you within an inch of your life?”

“Heh….even if you did,” Krang paused and stuck out his tongue, revealing a seal of sorts, “I'd die. The only way to get information from me is for me willing to give it. I hold the cards here. So if you desperately want the info, let me finish!”

“And we hold your only hope of ever leaving here alive,” Akatsuki added.

“Get away from me traitor! I don't want to even hear you utter a word to me!” Krang snapped and sent out a quick burst of magic which intimidated her. “Wondering why I can still move and use magic?? It's because of the power HE gave us. The power of Negativity. We use that in replacement of absorbing love. It's proved to be quite fruitful. Especially since the more hate one thinks, the more power we get. And boy...do I sense SO MUCH of your negativity Akatsuki. Especially for your brother.”

“Krang… I need, to be honest with you. Hate is a weak emotion, it’s a sign of failure. If you keep letting hate consume you... you will lose all sense of who you are… you will lose the power to feel anything else… you will become a slave to the shadow that took Nohr and Hoshido.” Corrin said calmly.

Krang pondered on Corrin’s words and gave a sigh in slight defeat, but nonetheless said, “You have a way with words little king, but what makes you so sure that you'll even be able to beat HIM? Especially as you know nothing of my true past.”

“I will not lie… I don’t know if we can beat him… but I know if you really want to save your hive and your family you won’t let them become mindless slaves… we all need each other's help to save them, to free them from that master… right now you are the only one who has the power to help us save them.”

Krang looked hesitant at first but sighed; relenting. “Before I tell you more, I believe I should tell you a small bit of my past and why I don't exactly like her.” He said as he pointed to Akatsuki.

“What did she do to make you hate her with such passion?” Corrin asked.

“Hmph. Something that I could never forgive...she forgot the one who was there for her almost every single day. Back when she was young, she was a mere street rat and I found her. I helped her to survive and we became good friends. But then, Chrysalis came and took her from me. And not only that, she forgot who I was! I was always there for her! I helped her every single day when she was alone, crying because she chose Chrysalis over ME!”

“Krang… She told me you were dead… that you abandoned me and swore to kill me… in fact… she never let me know anyone was alive… even Thorax had to hide when she came close, she swore to kill anyone either me and Shiroe got close to.”

“THAT’S NO EXCUSE! You abandoned me regardless! Just...stop talking to me…” Krang began to shed small tears in his eyes.

“...Krang… I know how you feel to lose everything close to you… one month ago… I lost my entire family when I was kidnapped and forced here… I lost everyone… my brother, sister, mother, father everyone… all in an instant… I had nobody left.”

Krang was shedding more tears little by little, losing his composure. “J-just stop! I don't want to hear anymore. I'm tired and weak. Just kill me to end my suffering!”

“No… you're not weak… Someone who was would never have tried to help someone who had nothing… the fact you took care of Akatsuki when she was at her worst shows that you are like a brother to her…And you want to ask us to kill you… make her suffer all over again… she lost you once… I doubt she wants it to happen again.”

“Yes...she was like a little sister to me, but I severed all ties with her when I tried to kill her on Chrysalis’ orders! I'm no brother. I'm nothing.”

“Krang stop it!” Akatsuki shouted “Please… just, stop… I can never kill you… you said it yourself, you're like a brother to me… Shiroe was never even that close to me… he was only even referred to that by me being her damn princess… I never even wanted that… I wanted to be with you,” tears starting to form in her eyes.

Krang could hold back his emotions any longer and fell to his knees, sobbing and begging Akatsuki for forgiveness. “I'm sorry sister! I'm so, so sorry!” He then began to collapse from the emotional strain and was starting to black out.

“Krang… Please… let me go to him!” Akatsuki begged.

“Of course… go ahead,” Corrin said as he opened the door before Akatsuki rushed over to Krang and tried to wake him back up.

Krang slowly opened his eyes to see Akatsuki’s worried face crying over his. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. She was crying for him? After all he had done to her? He then reached up to wipe the tears from her face and uttered three soothing words to her, “Don't...cry sister…”

“Then don’t die on me a second time… deal,” Akatsuki begged.

Krang could only smile sadly and said, “Deal…”

“Thank you, Brother,” Akatsuki said as she embraced him in a hug.

Krang stiffened at this but then embraced her back slowly. Corrin and the group could only look on as some sort of seal on Krang’s neck began to melt off his skin and Krang somehow began to glow brightly.

“Krang… what’s happening to you?” Akatsuki asked as he noticed the glow.

Krang looked at his glowing form and felt a powerful rush of energy. Could this be what the hive really needed after all? Was love this strong to burn off the seal he was given by Him?

Krang then stopped glowing and when the glow faded, he was slightly different. He seemed to emanate an aura of power which was powerful yet gentle. He also had spotted wings as well.

“I...I feel...less hatred now…” he uttered. “Is this...love?” He murmured to himself in awe.

“Maybe… we’re more than just Brother and Sister,” Akatsuki said with a smile.

Krang could only smile back and kneeled to Corrin saying, “I pledge my loyalty to you King Corrin. I can only hope you can forgive my past actions…”

“There is nothing to forgive Krang… Hate brings out the worst in people… as does loss,” Corrin admitted as he thought about his past.

“You're right my liege. But if that power was so powerful on me before...no! Then that means….” Krang began to pace in horror.

“What do you mean Krang?” Corrina asked him.

“They gave me that Hatred Seal to directly draw power from Him. He is the embodiment of negativity and hate. So much so, that his name dare not be uttered for fear of bringing a lot of negativity on one another.” He explained. “The Hatred Seal is supposed to be unbreakable, but if it came off of me so easily due to love for my sister, that Seal could only have been a prototype of sorts!”

“If that is the case we could still save the others,” Akatsuki admitted.

Krang nodded but said, “Still, though... what could the power of the Complete Hatred Seal be capable of? Now I worry for our kind even more…”

“Krang… you saw what happened to the others he enslaved right… that's what his plan is for you… for all of your kind,”

Krang shuddered at that revelation. Him and his entire kind being enslaved by THAT thing?! No way...

“It’s what I tried to tell you when we captured you, I tried to warn the hive, but Chrysalis prevented me from doing so… she wants power… she no longer cares about love and our lives, she was lost to us a long time ago,” Akatsuki explained.

“I...see.” Krang murmured.

“That's why I left the hive… I couldn’t stand by and let her corrupt everyone I cared about.”

“And you did the right thing too,” Corrina interjected. “But what I'm curious about, is this ‘Complete Seal’ you spoke of.”

“As I said before, the Seal that I and my comrades were given must've been a prototype of sorts. In theory, if a ‘Complete’ version is possible...imagine what it could do to the minds of our entire hive! The Shadow would be able to even possibly insert his soul into us and have complete dominance!”

“How do you think he got Nohr and Hoshido… the seal must need to be modified for each race it infects,” Corrin suggested.

“It's possible…” Gunter agreed. “I've studied sealing back in the old days and sealing like this usually must be modified every now and then. But a Complete Version; I've never even theorised that that was possible.”

“With The Shadow...it just might be…” Krang said.

“Let’s not think about it for now… at the moment, we need to focus on getting this place working again… and we might finally have a shot at saving people… it’s no longer just six of us against both armies… we have a lot of people who want to make a difference now.” Corrin admitted calmly.

“True enough milord. We’re with you.” Gunter said, speaking for everyone.

“You gave me my brother back… for that I am eternally grateful,” Akatsuki admitted.

“And I was able to reunite with my sister and get rid of my hatred...thank you,” Krang said while bowing.

“And don't forget me!” Corrina said. “I swore to fight with you through thick and thin!”

“Corrina… how could I ever forget you… you are closer to me than most people I have encountered so far since I was sent here.”

Corrina could only blush and nod in agreement. “Heh. You're pretty much right on that part!”

Seconds later two voices shout “Sir… could we have a word with you.”

Corrin then turned around to see two Changelings, the first wore bright blue armour that had three white and yellow coloured diamonds emblazoned on the chestplate whilst the second wore a simple red and white miko costume.

Corrina was curious about the two Changelings as well and asked, “Who are you two?”

“I’m Minori, and this is, well, a friend of mine Tohya,” The second Changeling said nervously.

“I see. Sorry if my question and posture scared you.” Corrina said sheepishly.

“No… that's not the case at all, miss…” Tohya admitted

“Oh! My name is Corrina.” Corrina finished for Tohya.

“Miss Corrina, you see…”

“She was the personal student of… Shiroe… but he sent them both on a suicide mission a few weeks ago,” Akatsuki said from behind them.

Everyone was flabbergasted at this news. Gunter recovered first, saying, “What kind of black-hearted devil would do such a thing?!” The others could only nod in agreement.

“You say that, but he wasn’t always that way… he only changed recently, before he was kind and wanted to help… but then he changed and sent us off on a mission to kill someone in… I think he said the castle in the Everfree… what was her name… Celestia?” Minori admitted.

“Wait… does that mean Celestia is in danger?!” Corrina gasped.

“Well… no from what Shiroe knows, she was killed when we sent a group of Timberwolves after her and Princess Luna.” Tohya admitted.

“Wait… you were the ones who had them being hunted by them when I arrived!” Corrin shouted in anger.

Gunter placed a hand on Corrin’s shoulder while saying, “Relax young prince. Let's hear them out before we pass judgement eh?” Gunter then urged the two Changelings to continue or else.

“Well… you have seen the brutality that Shiroe shows towards anyone… needless to say, he found out and took our weapons before he sent us into the village… giving the Changeling leading us orders to kill us if we survived the battle… As Akatsuki said, our options were to kill ourselves or watch as we were killed in front of each other.”

Gunter nodded to himself, knowing what it's like to make such a tough sacrifice/decision.

“We weren't the only ones to have to make this choice… two others had to do the same… they were both killed during the attack.” Minori admitted sadly.

Everyone put their heads down in sadness as well. It must've been hard for these two Changelings having to suffer such a fate. Queen Chrysalis was merciless; no doubt about it.

“Actually… you're wrong about those two.” Akatsuki said as she smiled to Tohya and Minori.

“What… how?!”

“I saw them fleeing the town when I captured you… I believe I saw someone leading them away… not a Changeling I add.”

“Hmm...did you get a good look at who it might've been?” Gunter questioned.

“I’m afraid not… all I saw was some sort of blue cloak… I’m sorry I can’t be of more help… although…”

Gunter gasped slightly to himself. Thankfully, no one heard him. ‘Could it have been...him? The one who assigned me to Corrina?’

“I did see him running towards someone in a green coat in the distance… but I can’t be sure on that.”

“Interesting…” Gunter muttered.

“Do you have any idea who they could be Gunter?”

“I have my suspicions, yes. If my theory is correct, perhaps it was those two we encountered at The Tree of Harmony?” Gunter suggested.

“Possibly… Akatsuki, were either of them covered in shadows?”

“No… not that I saw my lord,” Akatsuki admitted.

Gunter pressed for more info. “You said one had a cloak? Were there white and blue accents on it?”

“No… if anything, they were more yellow than white… but I can have not seen it correctly.”

“Then it must've been him…” Gunter said to himself.

“Well, we’ll need to look into it and find out… If this person is helping people, he will be a target soon.” Corrin admitted.

“Agreed milord. I may actually know who it is, but I must be sure first.” Gunter said, nodding.

“Umm…” Minori said before going quiet.

“Is there something you wanted to say?” Corrin asked.

“Yes… sir… we were wondering… would you allow us to join your army… we can never go back to the hive… and I don’t know how we’d survive on our own.”

“I'm all for it. But what about you Corrin?” Corrina asked.

“...Do you regret what you did in the Everfree?” Corrin asked calmly.

“As in attacking the princesses… yes… in having to do so… no.”


“If we didn’t, we would have been killed before we even left the forest… it gave us a little more time to live,” Tohya admitted.

“Hmph. Back in my day, you would be killed on the spot for your cowardice.” Gunter said harshly.

“Well forgive me for not wanting to murder Royalty!” Tohya shouted, “My sister would never have done that even before…”

“Tohya don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Minori ordered.

“Nonetheless, what you did was cowardly in nature. King Corrin, what's your decision?” Gunter stated.

“Depends on your view Gunter… I would say that wasn’t cowardice… they knew it was a suicide mission… and they decided to lie to Shiroe… decided to keep Celestia and Luna away from his scope for a while… but…”

“Hm?” Gunter wondered. “But what?”

“I can’t just forgive the fact you tried to murder my sisters… even if you were left with little choice in the matter.”

“Then… please… free my sister… if you need to kill me for our crime,” Tohya requested.

“Milord?” Gunter questioned, ready to do as his King asked.



“No… I’m not killing either of one of you.”

“Why… you said...”

“I never said you were to be touched for what you did… however, you said it yourself. You can’t go back.”

“Then what will you do Corrin?” Corrina asked, slightly worried.

“Minori… what do you specialise in?”

“I’m a, well, Healer… and in a way, a Tactician I guess,” She admitted.

“And you?” Corrin asked Tohya

“A Samurai my lord…” Tohya admitted as he realised what he had said. “I mean.”

“I heard you… before I make my decision… what were you stopped from saying?” Corrin inquired.

“Well… we weren't always Changelings… I have memories from before I was… I remember buying something then… waking up as a larva in the hive.”

“You're a Displaced?!” Corrina gasped.

“A what now?”

“Someone who bought something from a creepy Merchant guy and ended up either here or on another version of Equestria,” Corrina explained.

“But… then… those memories… are of…”

“Our past life… but the others we were with… wasn’t one of them dressed as Soujiro?” Minori added.

“You know who Soujiro is?” Gunter asked.

“No… I don’t.”

“Actually he fits one of the descriptions you mentioned earlier… the blue cloak was part of his costume.”

“I knew it was him…” Gunter said. “I wonder, though…”

“But… could that mean we were all sent here… that would mean.”

“No way… that can’t be what you're thinking!”

“We had two friends… one was dressed as Akatsuki… the other Shiroe… they were brother and sister before we were sent here.”

“Wait! Are you saying you think I’m this Akatsuki you knew?!”

“I don’t know... I'm sorry.” Minori said sadly.

“Open their cell,” Corrin ordered.

“Of course,” Gunter said, doing so.

“Both of you… are you sure you want to follow us?”

“Yes,” Both agreed in unison.

“Well then… welcome to our village.” Corrin said with a smile.