• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,027 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Dreams and Jobs

As Celestia and Luna led Corrin to the dining room he just allowed them to guide him as he just smiled as he thought about the events that had transpired during the day.

He was suddenly brought back to his senses as Luna asked “Corrin…. Is something wrong?”

“No… Nothing's wrong Luna don’t worry, just thinking about everything.”

“By everything,” Celestia interrupted, “Do you mean the events that transpired and brought you here? Are you still nervous about the dinner?” She asked with a small (cute) tilt of her head.

“Well… yeah I won’t lie it’s a bit of both… my main thoughts are if there are others like me out there.”

“I see.” Celestia said. “Well, according to our history books, we’ve never encountered someone like you before. Unless…” She trailed off.

“Unless what?” Corrin asked back curiously.

“Well, if there WERE some incidents similar to yours, they'd be in the Restricted Section of the library,” Celestia replied.

“This is starting to sound a lot like a book back home.” Corrin chuckled as he thought back to a certain series of books back home.

Celestia giggled as well. “It does sound like a book cliché doesn't it? Anyway, I can ask mother and father to let us into research about it if you want?” She asked. “Maybe Mirror can help too!” She added as an afterthought.

“It’s possible… but if my kind had been here before… wouldn’t they be aware of it?”

Celestia thought about it for a moment then replied. “You know...I don't honestly know.” She then grinned sheepishly. “Sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it, if they did know they would have said something… right?” Corrin suggested.

“That's true,” Luna said trying to get back in the conversation too. “Mom and dad have never lied to us before, not unless it was absolutely necessary.”

“Which is still a rare case entirely,” Celestia added.

“If they did hide it, what would they hide?”

“Well, it would usually be darker secrets about the kingdom that some of our ancestors wanted best left untold,” Celestia said. “We weren't always a peaceful kingdom...or so I've heard.”

“Aww!” Luna pouted. “Can't we talk about something else?”

“That’s probably a good idea, actually are there any other kingdoms around Equestria?”

“Yeah!” Luna piped in. “There's the Griffin Kingdom which is filled with bullies in my opinion, then the Changeling Kingdom, and there WAS the Crystal Empire…”

“Celestia then said, “But it disappeared a long time ago much to everyone’s curiosity. It isn't known on how it disappeared.”

“Well… maybe we’ll find out eventually.”

“That reminds me…” Luna said. “Do you want to hear about the Two Legendary Kingdoms?”

“Legendary Kingdoms?”

Celestia sighed. “Yes. It's a fairytale, but my sister believe it's true. They're the Kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido.”

“Sorry… Did you say Nohr and Hoshido,” Corrin asked in surprise.

“Uh huh!” Luna said with a smile. “Legend says that they were once great Kingdoms founded by all types of races. They all lived in harmony until a great shadow fell upon them, bringing them to war. I wish I could’ve seen what they were like.” She then sighed in thought.

“...If they went to war I don’t think it would have been a good idea.”

“What Luna means to say, is that she wishes that we could live in peaceful times like they did. That is...before that ‘shadow’ appeared in the fairy tale. It doesn't help that we're at odds with a couple Kingdoms at the moment too…” Her ears drooped at this.

“Has anything been destroyed without anyone seeming to do it?”

Luna put a hand to her chin in a thinking pose. “Well, back in the fairytale, they always mentioned that a ‘shadow fell upon the Kingdoms’. They never said anything about them falling apart on their own. Do you possibly know something Corrin?” She asked.

“Umm… nothing solid, just a theory at most.” Corrin said calmly.

“What kind?” Celestia asked. “It'd be kinda neat if you had a theory that was made sense.”

“...nah, it’s nothing… to be fair it makes no sense anyway now that I think about it… maybe if I ever refine the theory, I’ll tell you.”

“That sounds awesome!” Luna shouted in glee. “Maybe you could make your own fairytale!”

“I may be in one of my own right now… saving two Princess from creatures that wanted to eat them,” Corrin chuckled.

Both sisters giggled at that. “See?” Celestia said. “You're off to a good start then!”

“Yeah!” Luna nodded. It was then that she noticed something. “Oh! Looks like we’re here at the Dining Hall!”

“Okay then, let’s see your parents.” Corrin said with a smile.

The trio entered the Dining Room. It was very similar to the Throne Room, but different as well. There were of course decorations, the windows covered in murals, two long dining tables with comfy chairs, and finally, a kitchen that could last a family of five for a week!

At the front of the table, King Eclipse and Queen Eternity awaited them. “Why hello my little treasures!” Eternity said. “Come join us. The food will be ready in a moment.”

The trio complied as Luna and Celestia sat down next to their parents and Corrin sat next to Luna.

“Thank you for having me,” Corrin said with a smile.

“It's our pleasure dear.” Eternity said while Eclipse gave a nod. It appeared he had mellowed out a bit to Corrin.

After a couple more minutes, Mirror Image arrived and announced, “My King and Queen, miladies and honoured guest Corrin? Dinner is ready!” At that, the kitchen doors opened up and in came many waiters filled to the brim with trays of food. There were salads, fish, and other delectable delights.

Mirror Image then asked, “Would any of you like anything to drink before you eat?”

“I'll take a small lemonade.” Eternity and Eclipse both said.

“Hot chocolate!” Luna shouted gleefully.

“Herbal tea please.” Celestia said.

“And you Master Corrin?” Mirror asked.

“I’ll take a lemonade as well if possible.” Corrin replied.

Mirror wrote everyone’s drinks down and then instructed a nearby waiter to get the desired drinks. “There we go, everyone. Please enjoy your food while we prepare the drinks. And also,” he added, “Here's some music as well.”

Mirror then began to head to the corner and began to play the piano for everyone. It was something he greatly excelled at and simply loved to share it with the Royal Family.

The waiter then came with a tray of drinks. “Your drinks everyone!” He then passed each one to their respective drinkers.

“Well then.” Eclipse started. “Shall we begin eating?”

“Yes let’s!” Celestia, Luna, and Eternity replied in unison. They then passed some food down for each of them, including Corrin of course.

Corrin just smiled as he brought his hands together in front of him and lowered his head before he began to whisper something to himself that nobody else could hear.

“Hm… Might I ask what you're doing lad?” Eclipse asked politely to Corrin, never seeing such a thing done before dinner before.

“Oh… I’m so sorry, it’s habit from around my family… it’s part of the religion my mother followed,” Corrin explained.

“Very interesting.” Eternity complimented. “Your race sounds quite unique where you come from.”

“Thank you… in fact that's something I wanted to ask you about, have you ever come across anyone like my kind before?”

The King and Queen paused for a moment as all eyes were on them. The King then said, “Hmm...not that I can remember. Darling?”

“Well…” Eternity thought.

“It’s Nohr and Hoshido… wasn’t it.” Corrin said calmly.

At this, all was silent. That is until Eternity dropped her glass in shock. The King then got up from his chair and beckoned to Corrin. “Come with me.” He said calmly, but demandingly.

“Of course,” Corrin replied nervously.

The King then turned to Mirror. “Mirror, I'd like you to watch over my wife and the children while I...deal with this myself.”

“But dear…” Eternity was about to say.

“NO!” The King said harshly. “Let me handle this.” At this, Eternity could only nod.

“Leave everything to me sir.” Mirror said with a serious expression.

“Good.” The King then motioned for Corrin to follow him to his chambers as Corrin followed in tow.

The two walked in unnerving silence until they arrived. The King grabbed a key from out of his pocket and opened the door, signalling Corrin to enter first, which he calmly did as requested.

The King then closed the door behind as he followed. Once they were in complete privacy, the King spoke. “Where did you hear those names?” He asked calmly.

“I asked your daughters about the surrounding kingdoms… they mentioned them as Two Legendary Kingdoms,” Corrin admitted.

The King scoffed. “Legends indeed…” He muttered. “Lad, have you ever known that all legends hold a grain of truth to them?” He asked.

“Indeed, it was something my kind believed, we had many that faded into just stories.”

The King sighed and pinched the temple of his nose. “You couldn't has been further from the truth about those kingdoms boy. Yes, we have encountered one of your kind in the past, but it's something my wife and I don't speak of very often.” Corrin could tell there was an air of depression around the King.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

Eclipse held up a hand for silence before sighing. “It’s fine.” He said, “It simply brings up…memories. You see, Celestia and Luna aren't truly our daughters.” He began. “At least...not by blood.”

“Let me guess… they’re Nohrian… aren't they.”

“Ha ha ha!” Eclipse laughed. “No, yet yes. Allow me to explain. You see, me and Eternity are both Nohrian and Hoshidan respectively. As are the girls. Both were treated badly in their youths and we couldn't stand to see them in such pain. Eventually, each of us took them away from the Kingdoms and fled. I met Eternity and we became a family. But…” He paused.

“Your respective nations followed you, i’m guessing.”

“Yes. They each sent one warrior from another world that they summoned. The two were assigned to kill us and bring back the Princesses of Hoshido and Nohr. It was then me and Eternity prayed for a miracle, and in a way, it happened. The Great Shadow fell upon the two Kingdoms causing chaos and mistrust. This allowed us to escape our pursuers, but our respective homes were destroyed by these...things. We eventually came here and dubbed this land Equestria and settled. We also locked away our daughters’ memories, so they would not have to remember their pain from the past and live knowing the truth about their once great homes. After all...why would daughters of Nohr and Hoshido be sisters when the very idea is ludicrous to most?” The King sighed once more.

“We believed that we were safe. That Celestia and Luna would only think of Nohr and Hoshido as Fairy Tales. Nonetheless, some of the memories weren't all repressed. To add to that, they began to question us. We proclaimed we knew nothing much to our heart’s dismay.” Eclipse then turned to Corrin. “You just know we simply did all this to protect them. But I fear that protection will all be for nought. With you here, I believe those ‘things’ will be back. The servants of the ‘Great Shadow’. After all, you're the proof that the barriers are weakening.”

“Barriers… what barriers?”

“You see, the barriers I speak of are the outskirts of Equestria. From the Everfree, to the Badlands. Equestria is known as the Invisible Kingdom to outsiders. Eternity and I stumbled across here by accident and formed a halidom. Those barriers prevent any enemies from entering or leaving this place. And to keep the enemy from summoning anymore of your kind. But with you here, those barriers are weakening! That's why I was hesitant to let you be with my daughters and family.”

“I’m sorry if I had known… I wouldn’t have took your daughter's offer…”

“Stop Corrin.” Eclipse commanded. “You make my daughters happy. Something I haven't seen for a long time. They've always believed they were alone in this world due to...being outcasts to most. Just do us all a favor please…” The King fell to his knees in pleading.

“Never reveal what you told me about them… you have my word… and if you require, I will stand by your side to protect them when your enemies come.”

Eclipse could no longer hold in his tears and sobbed while hugging the young man. “Thank you my boy. Nonetheless...if they do come across the truth one day...I want you to explain our reasons for everything. Do I have your word?”

“You have allowed me to stay even knowing the danger I possess… It would be wrong for me to refuse… you have my word… as a… well the person who sent me here kept calling me a ‘little prince’’”

“A little prince you say?” The King asked. “Hmm...perhaps...that could be it…” He muttered to himself.

“What are you thinking?” Corrin asked curiously.

Eclipse turned to Corrin with a serious look on his face. “There is a prophecy of sorts.” He began. “It mentions a tale of a young prince that comes from a distant world that will save us in our hour of need. After connecting some dots, I just might believe that YOU are what the prophecy speaks of.” He explained.

“Wait… why would you think I could fit this prophecy… I barely know anything about my own skills.”

Eclipse simply shook his head in bemusement. He then put a hand on Corrin’s shoulder. He then said, “My young lad, not all heroes start out as mighty warriors. I believe you can do it.”

“Sounds like something I heard a long time ago… you don’t need to be great to start, but you need to start to be great.” Corrin recited from memory.

“Indeed.” The king agreed. “Whoever said that must be very wise. Nonetheless, will you think over what I said? Perhaps after this possible prophecy is fulfilled, you may find true peace?”

“Do you remember anything else about this tale?” Corrin asked.

“I believe so…” Eclipse said. He then put a finger to his chin in thought. He then remembered a VERY important detail. “The only way to defeat the Shadowed One, is through a ‘Seal of Flames’. It will light the way to a new dawn.” He recited.

“Seal of Flames… that sounds familiar.”

“How so Corrin?” Eclipse asked.

“I… I’m afraid I can’t remember where I heard it… it was most definitely not from your daughters, that's for sure.”

Eclipse could tell that Corrin was possibly hiding something, but let it go for now. “I see.” He said. “Very well. Let us return to the Dining Room for now. I believe we’ll need some food to help ponder all this. Not to mention the family must be worried.” He then opened the door beckoning Corrin to come with. “Are you coming?” He asked.

“Of course… I wouldn’t want them to become suspicious about what we were talking about… we don’t need Celestia and Luna asking questions.” Corrin admitted as they made their way back to the Dining Room.

“Right you are.” Eclipse said, agreeing. He and Corrin then headed back to the Dining Room. Outside, Eternity waited for them.

“Eclipse, Corrin.” She said. “Is-is everything okay now?” She managed to get out.

“Everything is fine now,” Eclipse said. “We were just coming back to have a bite to eat. Where are the girls?”

“I put them to sleep as they were a little curious as to what happened earlier.” She replied.

“I completely understand… thank you for doing that… I don’t think I would easily have been able to stay completely quiet about everything today without time to think up a story to tell them that makes sense.”

“I see…” Eternity sighed. “I just wished we didn't have to hide everything. Nonetheless, I'm grateful to you Corrin for keeping this a secret.”

“I also need to ask you to do something for me… tell Mirror to not look into getting me home,” Corrin said calmly.

Both Eternity and Eclipse were shocked at this request, but it did make sense in a way.

“My family may be important… but if I have indeed caused the barrier to break down… I will need to stay to protect you all, even if it means never going home.”

“That is truly honorable Corrin.” Eternity said. She then gave a small hug to the young man. “Thank you.”

“But we will need to not tell Celestia and Luna about this… we need to maintain the guise that we are looking to get me home… if they found out they would piece everything together and your story may fall apart.”

“Agreed lad.” Eclipse said while nodding his head. “But for now, let us eat for now to clear our minds. Are we all in agreement?” He asked.

“Agreed.” Corrin replied.

“Of course dear.” Eternity calmly replied.

Shortly after, the trio then had their dinner and Corrin is now seen walking to his room with his head lowered slightly as to not obscure his view from others walking nearby him as he began to piece together a story for what happened during his meeting with the king.

As he reached his room he then stopped as he opened the door to see Mirror Image standing inside his room before he asked, “Umm Mirror what are you doing in here?”

Mirror was startled at first, not expecting Corrin to arrive so soon, so he turned around and replied, “Ah! Master Corrin. I was simply dusting a few things.” He calmly said, lying.

“Mirror, do two things for me… drop the Master on my name first of all and second… don’t lie to my face.”

Mirror blushed at getting caught. Then again, he wasn't a good liar in the first place… “My apologies Sir Corrin. But I simply can't call you anything less of Master. I'm afraid it was how I was raised.”

“Did you or did you not refer to me as your friend before… if that is the case I see no problem with us being informal when we’re alone.”

Mirror sighed. He guessed this was as good as he was gonna get. “Very well...Corrin.” He managed out. “As for why I'm here, I actually heard that you got into an...argument with the King. Is everything alright?” He asked.

“If it wasn’t I doubt i’d be here to talk to you.”

Mirror chucked at that. “I do believe you have a good point there.” He admitted. “Nonetheless, my other reason for being here is simply because your room reminds me of my own when I was a child.”

“Does it… well if that's the case drop in whenever i’m not around, also… I need you to do something for me.”

“Why thank you.” Mirror said. “But may I ask what you need me to do?”

“I need you to stop looking into getting me home,” Corrin replied seriously.

“I see… Is it possible to know why? Or is it simply royal matters?”

“Sadly it’s royal matters… however you can’t let Celestia or Luna know you are no longer looking into it… no matter how much they ask… I need you to promise me this.”

Mirror looked practically aghast at Corrin’s request. “Are you asking me to LIE to the two young sisters?”

“Not lie… just twist the truth… bend it to fit what we need… basicly tell them that it’s getting me home is taking longer than anticipated… hopefully they won’t ask, but we need you to do this… not just for me but the king and queen as well.”

Mirror looked down for a bit, then gave out a long sigh. “If you so wish it, I will try my best to meet your requirements.” He responded.

“That is all I ask… just be careful not to overwork yourself, they all trust you more than I expect they let on.”

“Heh.” Mirror chuckled. “I guess you're right.” Mirror then looked to the ground. “Makes me wish my parents could be more like them…”

“I’m sure they are amazing in their own way… and I’m sure they care for you just as much if not more than that of the king and queen to their daughters.”

Mirror sighed and shook his head. “If only it were as true as you say. Not once in my life have I ever been praised for my efforts; I'm basically just a tool to get into the higher ranks…”

“Then they do not know you as well as they should… take it from me, if they really cared about you, they would be proud of you for just being here, you have done more than I bet millions of others your age could have done.”

“That is true, but still...you really think that they truly care?” He pondered.

“Every parent cares for their child… some just don’t know how to show it.”

“I see…” Mirror said. “You've given me a bit to think about. Thank you, Corrin.”

“It’s no problem, Mirror. I’m just glad I can trust you to help me.”

“And I you Corrin. You're the first friend I've actually ever had.” Mirror smiled.

“You really haven’t looked around you if you think that,” Corrin admitted with a smile.

“Then I guess I should broaden my horizons no?” Mirror chuckled.

“I will give you a hint: all of these you have stood by through it all and you would follow to the end.”

“Do you mean…?” Mirror asked.

Corrin just smiled and nodded.

Mirror smiled back and nodded his head feeling as if a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. “I thank you again Corrin. Well then...I should get going for now, time is ticking and the library won't dust itself!”

“Of course, I’ll see you around buddy, have a good night.”

“You too Corrin. Pleasant dreams.”

(((((Corrin and Mirror have reached Support Rank C!)))))

The Next Morning...

Corrin suddenly woke up in shock, sweating profusely and his hands shaking uncontrollably. He then looked around as he took slow, shallow breaths to see Luna and Celestia looking at him in worry.

“Are you alright Corrin?” Celestia asked. “We heard you mumbling in your sleep!”

“I… I’m fine… Don’t worry.” Corrin muttered as he kept shaking.

Luna looked at him with a worried look. “Are you sure Corrin? I'm very good at healing! Maybe I can help with your dreams?”

“What’s worrying me isn’t a physical injury and… I’d prefer it if for now if you don’t look into my dreams Luna.” Corrin replied calmly.

“O-oh.” Luna murmured dejectedly. “Sorry.”

“Is it possible you had a nightmare or something worse?” Celestia asked.

“Most likely… at least… I hope it was a nightmare.”

“Well,” Celestia started, “If you ever DO need help, let us know. But I digress… Breakfast is going to be ready soon. Are you hungry at all?” Celestia asked with a smile.

“I guess I am… I’m sorry if I worried you both.” Corrin replied as he turned to sit up.

“It's alright!” Luna said, now happy again. “We do care for you after all Corrin!”

“Luna’s right. We will always be here to help!” Celestia chirped in.

“I suppose you will… well for as long as I am here,” Corrin chuckled.

“Well?” Luna said impatiently. “Let's go! I want waffles!”

“Heh, sorry… I’ll catch up, just need to get ready.”

“Alright,” Celestia said. She then took Luna’s hand. “Let's go and leave him to get ready Lulu.” Luna nodded in agreement.

“Thank you, I shouldn’t be long.” Corrin replied with a smile

As Celestia and Luna left, Corrin got ready. It was then that a knock was heard on his door. “Are you there Corrin?” A familiar voice asked.

“Yes I’m here, just give me a moment,” Corrin replied as he quickly finished getting dressed before he said “Please come in

“Very well.” The voice said. In stepped Mirror Image and he had a strange,y happy grin on his face. “Hello Corrin! Good day to you. Am I interrupting anything at all?” He asked.

“No just… had a meeting with Celestia and Luna as I woke up from a nightmare.”

“I see.” Mirror’s smile then faded to a small frown. “Perhaps I can get you some sleeping pills later tonight so another nightmare won't occur?” He then shook his head and then said, “Ugh. Never mind. I was here to gift you something for that nice... talk we had last night.” He then smiled again.

“What were you thinking of? I wouldn’t want you to feel like you had to,” Corrin replied curiously.

“To be honest, I just wanted to gift you something as friends are meant to do.” Mirror said. “It was when I saw your Tome, that I thought of a nice gift.” Mirror then pulled out another Tome, only it was yellow and had a lightning bolt with a hammer. “I wanted to give you this. I call it Mjolnir.”

“Mjolnir,” Corrin muttered before he said “Mirror, thank you I really think it will help in the future… I just wish I had something to give you in return.”

“Well,” Mirror started, “I'm glad you like it. But if you would like to give me something in return, I can give you a small tip. I tend to like...umm daggers…” He then blushed in slight embarrassment.

“Daggers… I will try to find a way to get one for you… may struggle due to the fact I am regrettably…penniless though.”

“Very much appreciated. It's one of my favorite kind of weapon. I've been taking combat classes to better protect milord and milady along with the princesses. Anyway, might I recommend a possible job?” Mirror said.

“Of course I’m willing to take anything to help this place out.”

“Well...the Royal Library is short of employees these days due to...circumstances. The last employee nearly burned it to the ground!” Mirror practically shouted. “One of my relatives works there though. Be sure not to upset them. They take things too seriously…” Mirror advised.

“I’ll make sure to be careful.” Corrin chuckled.

“That's all I ask. Shall I lead you back to the dining room? Or do you remember how to get there?” Mirror asked.

“I think I’ll be fine, but thank you for the offer.”

Mirror chuckled. “Anything for a friend. Now if you'll excuse me...I have to go see to a few things.” Mirror then mumbled to himself. “I just hope the chef’s substitute for the day didn't burn anything or I swear…” He then walked off muttering, leaving Corrin there with a small sweatdrop.

“That was a thing,” Corrin muttered as he rubbed the sweatdrop away before he made his way towards the dining room.

After a few wrong turns and a couple of mistakes, Corrin managed to make it to the dining room where everyone awaited him. Eternity stood up and gestured for him to sit down in the seat next to her.

“Greetings Corrin.” She said. “Did you sleep well?”

“Mostly… just one weird nightmare, but i’m fine.” Corrin replied as he smiled.

“I see.” Eternity said. “Well then, I believe it's time to eat!” She then snapped her fingers and some servants brought in the morning breakfast. There were pancakes, waffles, toast, and even bacon!

“I’m actually surprised by what you actually have,” Corrin admitted.

“Why is that?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah!” Luna shouted. “Dig in, it's good!”

“I’ll explain later,” Corrin chuckled before he began to collect multiple pieces of food before he began to eat.

As Corrin ate, the others shortly followed his example and began to eat. Luna has waffles and hash browns, Celestia had pancakes with a few pieces of toast, and as for the King and Queen, they had a small bit of everything.

It was then that Celestia asked Corrin, “So what are you gonna do today Corrin?”

“Well Mirror asked if I’d be willing to help in the library and I accepted, so i’ll be down there today.”

“Really?” Celestia asked intrigued. “Sounds good. Hopefully, you'll get paid well. After all Bookmark Quill can be quite...stern regarding the books along with rules and payment.”

“I think he's just a meanie at times,” Luna mumbled.

“I’ll be fine, what's the worst he can do, bore me to death?” Corrin asked as he chuckled.

Everyone else couldn't help but chuckle at that as well. It was then that Eclipse stood up and said, “Well then, I believe as we haven't bonded as much as you have with everyone else, I can escort you to the library. Is that acceptable Corrin?” The king asked.

“I wouldn’t mind at all my king.”

Eclipse smiled and nodded. “Very well. Once we are done eating, I'll take you there.”

“Thank you,” Corrin replied with a smile.

“Of course. It's our pleasure.” Eternity smiled to Corrin. After awhile, everyone continued to eat in silence and shortly after, all the food was finished. The king stood up and then gestured for Corrin to follow him to the library.

Corrin then smiled in agreement before he stood up and followed Eclipse.

After a moment of silent walking, both were at the doors of the library. Before Corrin could enter, King Eclipse put a hand on his shoulder. “Now remember Corrin, as I'm sure you know, Bookmark Quill, our librarian is quite...eccentric and a little over the top. Make sure to put on a good impression.” He advised wisely.

“I have no doubt that I will be able to… hopefully.” Corrin admitted.

The king smiled and nodded. “Very well, shall we then?” He then opened the door and what greeted them was some loud shouting between a young glasses-wearing man and a volunteer?

“No, you fool! It goes over there in fiction! Not nonfiction!” The assumed Bookmark said as he suddenly took a sip of something and immediately dashed like the roadrunner to the volunteer, bonking him on the head. He then dashed again and was seen as a blur, putting the right book in its place.

At this sight, the king could only sigh while Corrin sweatdropped. “A bit more than eccentric I think.”

The king nodded and before he could speak, Bookmark was in front of Corrin! “Well, well!” He said with a slightly creepy smile. “What have we here?” He then blurred again while examining Corrin, freaking him out a bit.

“Bookmark please stop…” The king gritted out, losing patience.

“Whoop! Sorry.” Bookmark apologised. “Why are you here your highness? And what about this young lad? Is he looking for a book?” He then blurred out of sight-grabbing another one of his drinks and bringing a library ad. He then gave it to Corrin with a smile.

“Well? Chop, chop! Look it over!” He said excitingly.

“Bookmark.” The king said sternly. Bookmark frowned, now noticing that Eclipse was serious.

“Ok…” He muttered. “Welcome to Equestria’s Royal Library, how may I help you?” He said dully to Corrin. King Eclipse then motioned for Corrin to speak.

“Okay, Bookmark… I wish to help assist you in looking after the library, I was directed here by your grandson Mirror Image.” Corrin said calmly.

At first, Bookmark said nothing. Then he suddenly shook Corrin’s hand like crazy, almost taking it off (that's what Corrin was thinking anyway)!

“YOU’RE CORRIN?!” Bookmark shouted excitingly. “My grandson has told me SO much about you!!” He then took a sip of his drink again and dragged Corrin to the table, bringing out a notebook. “I'd LOVE to ask what you are and what you know! I-”

“Bookmark! Snap out of it! You're in a sugar rush again!” Eclipse shouted, unable to hold it in anymore.

Bookmark immediately registered what his king said and immediately got a stress ball, squishing it over and over to calm down. After a minute or two, he stopped and sighed.

“Sorry about that Corrin.” He apologized.

“Don’t worry, I know what it’s like getting a sugar rush.”

“Ha!” Bookmark laughed. “I like ya already!” He said. “Well then, you said you were interested in working here?”

As Bookmark finally asked that, Eclipse took his leave, seeing that they were finally getting somewhere. “I'll see you later Corrin.” He said. “Celestia and Luna will pick you up later if you want.” He then left muttering about coffee addicts.

“Okay then, I will take them up on that offer… I may need them to get me to come back to the real world if I’m too focused on this job.”

The king laughed at that. “I agree. Very well, I'll let them know to get you around 6PM. It's only 10AM right now. With that, I'll take my leave.” With a swish of his cape, Eclipse was gone and left Corrin with Bookmark.

“Now then.” Bookmark said. “What were you saying?” He asked somewhat impatiently to Corrin.

“Oh right I’m sorry, I said I wish to help you here… that is if you’ll have me.”

“Why of course I’ll have ya!” Bookmark said happily, shaking Corrin’s hand again. “Just let me refill my cup of coffee and get you your job name tag.” He was then gone in a flash. A short minute after, he was back with a name tag in a hand and a fresh cup of coffee on his mug.

“This name tag signifies you work here and to show who you are in case others get confused. Just clip it on.”

“I feel like it will be hard to not know who I am… who else looks like me here.” Corrin chuckled before he realised there was nowhere he could clip the tag to on his armour.

Bookmark could see his little dilemma and so, with a slight roll of his eyes, quickly flashed around looking for something to help. He then brought a pin of sorts and told Corrin to stay still.

“This is a magnet pin. Just gimme a sec and-” Click! Went the tag, which was now officially on Corrin's upper left torso of his armour. “There we go! What do you think? Bookmark asked.

“I think it works better than a clip,” Corrin chuckled “So what do you want me to do?”

Bookmark laughed. He then wiped a small tear from his eye and then grabbed out a schedule from his desk. “Well, for the first half hour, I'd like you to dust the shelves, then after that, spend at least an hour shelving the checked in books over there on my desk, and finally, you can help out any customers that come by for the rest of the day. Just to get you some experience.” Bookmark listed out.

“Okay then, I’ll be glad to sir,” Corrin said before grabbing a duster and began doing as he was asked.

Bookmark nodded in approval. “Quick and efficient!” He noted. “I like it!” He then sipped his coffee and headed to his desk. “I'll be over here if you need anything ok?” He said to Corrin.

“No worries, just shout if you need me,” Corrin responded with a smile.

“Of course Corrin, of course!” Bookmark nodded happily. He then grabbed a book from a cupboard and began reading, while watching Corrin every now and then. After half an hour, Bookmark shouted to Corrin.

“Ok Corrin! Time to shelve the books!” He said.

“Got it!” Corrin shouted as he made his way to the front of the room and asked “Which shelf is for what?”

“A good question!” Bookmark said as he wrote down something in his notebook. He then pointed to the left saying, “First three rows of the left side are for Nonfiction, while the right’s first three are for Fiction. The final rows on the left are for Children's Nonfiction; same goes for the last few rows on the right.” He instructed. “Make sure to put them in alphabetical order as well!”

“Okay then,” Corrin replied with a smile as he grabbed a few books and began to do as he was told.

Another few hours passed by and Corrin was on a roll. Practically all books were in their proper places. Bookmark was very impressed. He then turned to a somewhat tired Corrin and nodded in approval. He said, “Alright. Take a small break for now and then we’ll see what we can do with some customer experience.” Bookmark instructed calmly.

Before Corrin could leave, Bookmark added, “Also, for your hard work, feel free to take a book to read while taking a half hour off. After all, you've worked hard!” Bookmark then left to do his own thing, promising to come back in half an

“Okay then,” Corrin replied as he began to look along at the books that still needed organising before he saw a book that read The Legends of Nohr and Hoshido which he quickly grabbed before opening it and began to read through it.

It was when he came across something interesting that caught his eyes…

“In the time before many, there were two legendary kingdoms known as Nohr and Hoshido. Both were well-known and very grand kingdoms. What truly brought them happiness, was when two respective princesses were born. One that represented the Sun in Hoshido, and the other the Moon in Nohr. All was well for a time, but power corrupts, and with that power, both Kingdoms wanted the other princess for themselves. This began to spark a deep hatred for one another, thus creating a being of chaos. This being of chaos basked in the hatred and negativity of the kingdoms. But it wanted more of it. Henceforth, it created an army of undead creatures to attack each kingdom. Only, they were invisible as to create suspicion. Needless to say, it worked and the kingdoms went to war. The creature now known as the Shadowed One, watched it all unfold much to its delight. However, a great wizard received a vision of the Shadowed One and knew that the creature was responsible. Unfortunately, the kingdoms were too blinded by their hatred, that they did not listen to the wise wizard. After a few years, the wizard delved deeper into his studies to find a way to banish or defeat the Shadowed One. He eventually succeeded and the Shadowed One along with his servants were temporarily sealed.

It was only temporary, though. Eventually, the wizard proclaimed that one day, the creature would be free once more, and cause both kingdoms to fall. The only way to ever restore these two kingdoms was to unite Sun and Moon and with these two next to the Knighted Dragon, would successfully banish the Shadowed One…

Corrin then read over the text a few more extra times before he said “I’ll need to ask the King and Queen about this later… I need to check if they know more… and am I this Knighted Dragon it’s referring to?”

A voice snapped Corrin out of his thoughts. “Corrin? It's me Bookmark! Where are you? Break’s over!” He shouted.

“Over here!” Corrin shouted back as he was snapped out of his thought before he picked the book up before walking back towards Bookmark.

Bookmark noticed him and waved him over. “There you are, Corrin. Glad to see that you enjoyed your small break. Anyway, I digress. As there's no customers at the moment, we are going to go over what to do when one DOES come. Then we’ll speak about your payment after. Sound good?” He asked.

“Okay… also… would it be possible for me to borrow this book?” Corrin asked as he showed Bookmark the book he had been reading before.

“Ah! That book. Of course, you may.” Bookmark said happily. “Just be sure to return it as Celestia and Luna (mainly Luna) love to read it.”

“I can imagine they do… it explains how they knew about the kingdoms yesterday.”

“Indeed. It's quite popular. Ha ha! Anyhoo...let me ring that up for you. Take this too.” Bookmark said giving Corrin a library card. After doing so, Corrin took the book back once Bookmark was done. Bookmark then instructed Corrin to follow him to the front.

“Of course,” Corrin replied as he followed him.

Bookmark then stopped in front of his desk. “Alright, what you need to do is simple when a customer comes in.” He said. “Firstly, you greet them with a wave and smile. Then you ask how you can help them. Once that's done, simply provide to their needs and done! You got all that?” He asked.

“Yep, I got it. Greet, and help them to the best of my abilities.” Corrin replied calmly

“Precisely my boy!” Bookmark nodded in approval. “Now then...let's get down to your payment. According to library rules, you get paid 3 bits per hour which is roughly about $5. Since you've worked so hard today, though, I'll give you a total of...20 bits. That amount should at least be $23. Is that ok?” Bookmark asked.

“... wait how did you know about a currency from back where I came from.” Corrin asked in surprise.

“I didn't.” He admitted. “Your culture must be similar to the Minotaurs as they have the same currency and all. I merely compared you to using their currency as a guess.” Bookmark said grinning sheepishly.

“Well, that really is a coincidence… oh well, and yes that will be fine.”

“Very well, let me get the required bits and...here you go!” Bookmark then handed the coins to Corrin and said, I am sure I will see you tomorrow at 10AM - 6PM, Monday through Thursday?

“Of course… I’d be lying if I said today wasn’t fun.” Corrin replied with a smile.

“Excellent.” Bookmark smiled. “You should probably head out now, Celestia might already be here to pick you up.”

“You make her sound like I'm her son and she’s picking me up from school,” Corrin chuckled before he remembered his mother back home and stopped.

Bookmark laughed as well but stopped when he saw Corrin's facial expression. “Are you alright Corrin?” He asked in concern.

“Yeah… just, old memories from before I got here… of my family.”

“I see,” Bookmark said. “I hope you'll be ok nonetheless. Anyway, if you see my grandson, tell him I said hi. Now I must get back to work.” Bookmark said as he began to fill in his notebook with notes.

“No worries boss, I’ll make sure to pass your message on,” Corrin replied as he made his way towards the library door as he was greeted by both Celestia and Luna.

“Heya Corrin!” Luna shouted while greeting her friend. “Didja enjoy the library?” She asked.

“Yeah… it was actually not as boring as I expected… Bookmark makes it quite enjoyable.” Corrin admitted.

“I see you have a book,” Celestia noted. “Find something interesting?” She smiled.

“Just some legends I wanted to learn more about them relating to Equestria,” Corrin admitted.

“Sounds great!” Luna said. “Maybe you'll learn about Hoshido and Nohr eventually!”

“Luna…” Celestia sighed with a small smile.

“Who knows… maybe,” Corrin replied before he said “Celestia… is something wrong?”

“It's fine Corrin.” She said although it seemed forced out.

“Celestia… I know you're lying… older brother over here… I know when someone younger than me is hiding something.”

“I said I'm fine!” Celestia shouted, suddenly angry. She then quickly shut her mouth in apology and then quickly left to her room.

“I'm sorry Corrin,” Luna said. “She's been like that all day.”

“No… I shouldn’t have pushed her like I did… that one’s on me… you have any idea what’s bugging her?”

“Well…” Luna started. “Apparently she's been having headaches and keeps mumbling in her sleep. I don't know why, though. Her words I don't understand. All I do know is that she says something about ‘they're coming for me’.” She said.

Corrin then stopped before he said, “Tell her that if they ever do I will protect her.” His voice sounding completely serious, his kind tone gone.

“Ok!” Luna smiled. “Anything for Celly to get better!” Luna then began to skip back home. “You coming?” She asked.

“Yeah… right behind you.” Corrin replied as he followed her completely lost in thought.