• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,027 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

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Chapter 5 - Torn Emotions and Terrible Schemes

As they all made their way out of the castle that used to be their home, they looked out to see the burning remains of the town that once thrived in front of their eyes. Bodies of many civilians that had been slain were scattered throughout the town littering the streets.

“This isn’t giving me much hope for any survivors from the attack,” Corrin admitted as he scoured the town for even a single sign of life.

“I agree,” Corrina said as she looked at all the death. “If only Gunter and I had made it in time to help you all…”

“Don’t beat yourselves up about that… as much as I hate this, your appearance gave us a better outcome than my visions ever had… I don’t think we would have had any better odds if you had arrived earlier… if anything, it would have been worse as you would have just been on the inside and in the same position as we were,” Corrin admitted.

Corrina gave a slight nod and then gave a small hug to Corrin. “Thanks, Corrin. That means a lot.” She said

“I don't know about you two, but don't you feel something nearby?” Gunter asked them.

“Well considering I’m still new to being Corrin, not really… although….” He then spotted a faint green glow in the corner of his vision before looking towards it before saying “Corrina… you see that right?”

Corrina looked toward where Corrin pointed and she gasped. “That's...a Dragon Vein!” She exclaimed.

“A Dragon Vein?” Mirror asked. “What is that?”

“It may be easier to show you one of the things they can do,” Corrin admitted as he walked towards what looked to almost everyone else as a random place in the smouldering wreckage.

Everyone then watched in shock (except Gunter and Corrina) as Corrin’s eyes suddenly began to glow a blinding white and called upon the Dragon Vein’s power. A symbol appeared on the ground and then the wreckage cleared!

Corrin then looked around the area he had cleared, before he saw a small hand twitching where some of the wreckage had been cleared. “Guys we have a survivor here!”

Hearing Corrin say ‘survivor’, both Luna and Mirror immediately took action and headed over to the two’s location, healing staffs ready to use.

“Heal!” Both Luna and Mirror said in unison.

The survivor’s eyes then slowly fluttered open before a quiet voice said “W...where am I?”

“Woah there… don’t move too quickly… you’re not exactly in the best state right now.” Corrin said as he supported the pony as he slowly moved some of the remaining wreckage around her.

Corrina inspected for any other remaining injuries and saw none except for some slight bruising which would heal in time. “What's your name miss?” She asked the pony.

“S... Snowdrop… who are you ponies?” She asked quivering in slight fear.

“Hi, there!” Luna greeted happily. “I'm Luna!”

“I'm Celestia.” Celestia simply said.

“Luna and Celestia … as in the Princesses… what are you doing here… and who were the others that were talking to me?”

Corrina gently walked up to her and introduced herself as well. “I'm Corrina. The one who helped you out of the wreckage is Corrin.”

“W...wreckage… what do you mean… isn’t this my families home your in?”

“Wait… umm… can't you see what's around you?”

“N...No… I’m completely blind.” Snowdrop replied sadly.

Corrina looked to Corrin wondering what exactly to tell Snowdrop.

“Snowdrop… what happened to your family… where are they?”

“Uhh...the last that I remember was that they went to the market...or so they said. But they haven't come back yet. Are they with you?” She asked hopefully.

“N..No… I’m afraid not… and…” Corrin then went quiet, not sure what to say to her.

Snowdrop could sense the tension in the room and began to sniffle with tears in her eyes. “A-are they...gone?” She whimpered.

“We don’t know that yet… but you are the first pony we have found as of yet.” Corrin said sadly

At this, Snowdrop could only nod sadly and hug the nearest person close to her; that being Corrin. “I-I want my mama and papa!” She cried.

“Don’t we both… I just got mine back before… well let’s just say I only have two sisters remaining to call my family now.” Corrin admitted as he returned the hug with the small mare.

Snowdrop gratefully accepted the embrace and slowly began to fall asleep, tired from the events. It was then that everyone heard Gunter enter a moment later.

“Milord.” He said. “I've found a few more survivors. They're waiting outside to see what you'll do now.” He reported.

“I guess I need to do this… Luna… could you look after Snowdrop for me… I need to hope her parents are part of the group outside.”

“You got it, big brother!” Luna said happily, trying to bring some cheer back.

“I'll go with you,” Corrina said to Corrin.

“W-wait...Corrin is your big brother?” Snowdrop interrupted even though she was half asleep. “But...the royal family have no other siblings besides you and Celestia...what's going on?”

“...You may want to listen to what I have to say outside… it may clear things up… both good… and very bad.”

“O-ok C-Corrin…” Snowdrop said hesitantly.

“Okay let's move,” Corrin replied as he began to walk out of the wreckage of the house with the others following behind him.

Once he got outside he looked towards the survivors Gunter had found before he saw a small group of ponies standing in the remains of the street; most covered in burns and with multiple injuries visible on their bodies.

He then slowly took a breath before he said “All of you, as you can plainly see… we were attacked… and I am sure you have no idea who I exactly am.” This got a few nods from the crowd.

“Firstly… I feel as if it is my duty to tell you this news first… both the King and Queen have passed on… murdered in cold blood by the creatures that attacked us.”

Shortly after that was said, many began to gasp and start to mutter to themselves in horror.

“The King’s last wish was for me to protect his daughters… but he also made me his heir as well.”

Everyone was then quiet before bursting in outrage. One asked, “How do we know you're even capable of leading us?!” Many seemed to agree at that question.

“...I myself will not even deny that fact… and I also will agree that I have done nothing to deserve the right to rule over you… but… maybe you will listen to the word of their daughters… let them tell you their opinions… I for one may have never appeared before you… and that is because I have remained in the palace for a month from when I arrived here… after I met both sisters in the Everfree.”

“Did you say the Everfree?” Someone asked.

“I did… they were attacked by the creatures living in there… if I hadn’t intervened that day, it is likely that they both would not have survived that night.”

At Corrin’s confession on this, many began to think back on what they thought earlier about him. “If you say the princesses are safe, please show them to us.” One pleaded.

“I have no quarrel doing that,” Corrin replied calmly as he gestured for Celestia and Luna to come forwards.

As the two princesses appeared in front of everyone, they all began to cheer, happy that the royal family still lived in some way. Celestia then held out a hand for people to stop for a moment.

She then said, “Yes, it is true as to what Corrin here has said. Our parents- your King and Queen are indeed dead,”

“But we promise to help you all!” Luna finished for Celestia. “So please believe in Corrin...for us.” At that, everyone applauded.

“The next thing I need to say is this… we can’t stay here,” Corrin said calmly. “The city is in ruins. Any chance of us surviving here is almost impossible, also the creatures that attacked know we are here… I know you have almost no reason to trust me on this but I need to know one thing… will you all follow me and help us start anew… find a new place to settle… a new place to live.”

At first, no one came up, but then, one voice stuttered. “I-I'll go.” Corrin and the others looked to see none other than Snowdrop who had spoken.

“Me too…” someone else said. Shortly after that, a few more began to do the same before all were ready to help in any way possible.

“I would like to thank you all… but there are some other people that I think you need to thank for our survival today.”

“Wh-who might that be Corrin?” Snowdrop asked.

“Corrina… Gunter… maybe you would like to explain this,” Corrin said calmly.

Corrina nodded. Both she and Gunter then walked up to the front and Corrina began to speak. “It's nice to meet you all. As you know, creatures of some sort attacked this place, but thankfully, with Gunter’s and my own help, we were all able to send the enemy away. I hope we can all put our differences aside and work together to accomplish the impossible. Together, we will triumph!”

“HOORAH!” Everyone shouted.

Corrin then smiled before he said “I can only say this… we may never return here… so if there's anything or anyone you know has survived… please find them and bring them here…. Be it supplies, seeds, tools, or even friends that have hidden themselves away… I urge you to help us find them… and help them leave with us… the chances of us being able to come back for them after we leave is almost none.”

“I will gladly help move any debris,” Gunter said.

“And we’ll heal anyone in need!” Mirror and Luna said.

“I'll also check to see if there's any leftover information in the town’s library,” Celestia said.

“And I'll help you, Corrin,” Corrina said smiling.

“Everyone… I am so thankful that you have decided to follow me, even in these dark times… and I swear to you on my own life, that we will fix this mess and save everyone we can from those who attacked us and ruined the peace we once held so dear.”

“YEAH!!” Everyone agreed, raising their fists high.

“Okay the everyone let's do this and then meet in front of the castle,” Corrin ordered calmly.

“RIGHT!” Everyone then began their duties and sped off.

Corrin then smiled before he looked back to the others before he said “Girls… if you have anything back at the castle you want to bring with you… collect it before we leave.”

“Ok!” Luna said happily.

“Alright. I was hoping you'd allow that as I want to see if there are any salvageable books left in the library.” Celestia said.

“Honestly… I expected that more from Mirror than you,” Corrin chuckled before he remembered what happened to Bookmark.

“Is something the matter?” Celestia asked concerned.

“No… well a bit… I’m worried for Mirror… his grandfather was captured after all.”

“Oh, my!” Luna gasped. “How's he taking it?”

“To be fair I don’t think it’s hit him yet… after what's happened today, I don’t know if he has realised it yet.”

“Oh…” Luna sighed out.

“I’ll find him and see if he’s okay… I’ve not really got much to salvage myself and I’ll just keep searching for survivors from the attack.”

“Alright. Just stay safe brother.” Celestia said.

“Like I’d risk that… after all, my life is now important to everyone here… I can’t just roll over and die now can I?”

“Hee hee! I agree!” Luna laughed. The two sisters then headed off to the leftover remains of the castle and were soon out of sight.

Corrin smiled and left off himself. A few minutes later, he found Mirror near some injured survivors, tending to them. Although he seemed fine, he also looked troubled.

“Hey Mirror, you feeling okay?” He asked as he approached the group.

“Hm?” Mirror said. “Oh Corrin! Ummm… you wouldn't happen to have seen my grandfather anywhere have you? I'm beginning to worry. The nearest coffee shop just re-opened and I know he'd be here in a heartbeat, yet he's not.” Mirror said in a slightly busy, yet slightly worried tone as well.

“...Mirror… he isn’t going to appear… we both know why… you just don’t want to admit it.”

At Corrin's small lecture, Mirror’s composure slightly broke and he soon had tears in his eyes. “You're right...it's just...he's the only family that ever cared for me. Please say at least we’ll try to find him!” He begged.

“Mirror… two things you need to remember, one I need to care for everyone who lives here… so I’m never not gonna get him back, and two… you have more family than you realised staring at you right in the face.”

Holding back his tears, Mirror gave a small sniffle then hugged Corrin gratefully. “Thank you, Corrin!” He said. “If you had never come here, I would never have met someone I consider a brother!”

“Then maybe stop just considering me as one… and see me as one… because that's how I see you.”

Mirror nodded and gave Corrin one last hug before continuing his work with the injured. Corrin then heard a small cough behind him, revealing to be Gunter.

“Oh, what's up Gunter?”

“My apologies for the interruption Corrin, but Lady Corrina would like to speak with you. Allow me to take you to her.” He said informatively.

“Of course, I have a feeling we have a lot to sort out… for both of you.”

Gunter nodded, “Indeed young prince. Well then, come with me.” He then walked with his hands behind his back and led Corrin to a small inn. “She's in the first room on the left.” Gunter informed. “Be considerate and knock first though.” He then left.

Corrin then smiled before he did as Gunter asked as he knocked on the door as he said “Corrina is it safe for me to come in?”

At first, there was no sound, but then there was a small thud, and soon, a voice was heard. “Whoop! Sorry Corrin. Fell asleep. C’mon in!”

Corrin then opened the door before making his way inside before he said “You wanted to see me, Corrina?”

Straightening herself out, Corrina regained her posture and looked to Corrin. “Yes. I was wondering if you're doing ok? Running a kingdom isn't easy after all.” She asked in concern.

“You realise I could really be sarcastic right now… but no… I'm completely out of my depth I have no idea how to lead these people.”

“I see.” She said. There was a small silence and then Corrina spoke again. “You're a good guy Corrin. You don't know how lucky these people are to have you. Perhaps you're even better than me…” she muttered the last part out.

“They may be lucky…. But nobody would have escaped today without yours and Gunter’s intervention?”

“Heh. That's true. Nonetheless, I'm just saddened that I couldn't do more...especially for my old realm.” She said with a sad smile.

“Wait… what do you mean by old realm?”

“You mean you don't know about the Displaced?” Corrina asked confusedly.

“The what now?”

Corrina giggled. “The Displaced I said. They are people who are tricked by this shady merchant and brought either here or to another version of Equestria. I was the same once, except I found myself here, where I received instructions to help you and had Gunter to help me.” She explained.

“Well, that makes more sense than I expected… this merchant… does he look like The Rainbow Sage?”

Corrina hummed in thought real quick and then gave her answer, “Well, I heard rumors there was a different Merchant, but when I arrived here, the Merchant I saw was similar in looks to the Rainbow Sage.” She then crossed her arms over her chest and asked, “Why do you ask? Was it the same with you?”

“He sold me all three Yato’s, the Dragonstone and my Tome,” Corrin explained.

“Huh. That's odd. Instead of giving me the Yato, I was given a simple Levin Sword and a Dragonstone. When I woke up, I then had the Nohr version of Yato with me.” She said.

“I can only assume there’s more than just us who fell for this trick… well, I hope that's the case.”

Corrina nodded. “I'm certain we’re the only exceptions as for when I was living back home, most Displaced were sent by a much different Merchant than ours. Also, if we are the only ones here, what could it all mean?” She wondered.

“Where did you even hear of this from… the term Displaced I mean?” Corrin asked.

Corrina gave out a long sigh. “It's a bit of a story I tell ya. You see, I was a simple girl living in New York, and heard these rumours of people vanishing at multiple Comic Cons and stuff like that. On the internet, people claimed them to be known as Displaced. Since they assumed they were no longer on their earth. As for me, I decided to investigate and went to a Comic Con myself. I was then told about other Displaced by the ‘Rainbow Merchant’, and was sent here with Gunter seemingly waiting for me and with instructions to help you. I don't know why I was picked, but I'll help to the best of my abilities!”

She then added, “There's also a way to traverse dimensions to see other Displaced too.”

“Wait… that sounds… well impossible… you sure it’s true and not a joke?”

“I can't confirm it as it's a mere rumor,” Corrina said as she pulled out something from under her bed, “But I was given this by the Rainbow Sage.” She then held up an Emblem referring to Nohr. “He said to simply utter a small phrase, and it would be possible to see other Displaced if you summon them, or they you. I haven't tested it yet though.” Corrina said.

“For now I say we ensure we have a place to go to before we try that, we need somewhere safe to work from and plan our moves… you mentioned the Astral Plane right?”

Corrina was surprised, but nodded. “Yea. It was something I discovered thanks to a friend of mine I rescued.”

“Who’d you rescue… wait… the only person I can think of that knew of it in the game was Lillith right?”

“Yup! That's her. She was on the run from those Invisible Soldiers and I helped her. She was looking for her Father. Although I had no luck finding him. So to repay me for what I did, she showed me the Astral Plane and granted me access with any others I deem okay. She said we might meet again soon. What else...oh! And she was the one who helped me with my Dragon Form.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense… actually, I was wondering something… If you only met Gunter a bit before making your way to me… how was you both in the care of that ‘master’ that ninja mentioned?”

“I honestly don't know. Gunter has been tight-lipped about it, and says he couldn't tell me as there's a seal of sorts blocking him from saying any info.” Corrina said.

“If the games are anything to go by, could their master be Anankos himself?”

“Wait. You may have a point! Lillith did say she was looking for her “father” and said we'd meet again…” Corrina said putting the puzzle pieces together.

“Anyway… for now, that's not important… what is, is what you're planning to do now?”

Corrina nodded. She agreed, but… “That's actually one of the things I wanted to talk about. The instructions I received only said for me to come here and help, but not what to do after. Could Gunter and I possibly...stay with you?” She shyly asked.

Corrin then smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder and said “Corrina… I can give you one better… if you’re willing to do it.”

Corrina looked at Corrin and asked, “What might that be?”

“What I need is to find people I can trust with my life… I am sure you're one of the ones I can; I was going to say that with everyone from the old army either dead or not trusting me I need some new captains… would you and Gunter be willing to take those roles?”

Corrina then teared up a little and hugged Corrin tightly. “Of course! I'll gladly take the role if it means helping out everyone else! And staying with you…” she whispered the last part, although Corrin didn't hear her thankfully.

“Well then… I’m glad to have you by my side” Corrin then smiled before he stood up and said “Corrina… please kneel.”

Corrina looked at Corrin confused but did as she was asked.

Corrin then drew his sword before he placed it on each of her shoulders one after each other before he said “I now grant you the title Dame Corrina, Knight of Equestria.” as he pulled away his blade and resheathed it before he continued to say “Please rise.”

Corrina nodded and stood up proudly. Confidence oozing from her very aura.

“Corrina… as King of Equestria, I welcome you as the first new Knight to the Equestrian Royal family… I trust you can promise to serve us to the best of your ability.”

“Of course King Corrin. I will dutifully serve you to the best of my abilities. I'm sure Gunter will as well!” Corrina said gratefully and with happiness in her eyes.

“Well, then I guess I now have two more people that need Knighting when we get the chance… although I need to sort all of us out with retainers sooner or later.”

“Right.” Corrina agreed. “I already know that Gunter could be a possible good retainer for me.” She suggested.

“Yeah… and then there’s Mirror to consider in the future… we need a group of us that can show the survivors there’s still hope… I think we could be the ones to do it.”

“It won't be easy of course,” Corrina said, “But I like it hard sometimes y’know?”

“Well, the most rewarding things never are, come on we better get back to work… I’ll knight Gunter and Mirror once we get everyone together.”

“Ha!” Corrina laughed. “Since when did you become so wise?” She teased good-heartedly as she nudged her elbow to Corrin’s side.

“Since I needed to be,” He replied with a smile.

Corrina simply smiled back.

“Well, then I say we get out of here to the others… actually… I want to check that cavern again before we leave.”

“You mean that cavern where you fought Xero?” Corrina asked.

“Yeah… I feel like we missed something… but I don’t know what.”

“Hmm… perhaps.” Corrina said. “Lead the way and I'll follow!”

“Okay, thank you… for everything,” Corrin replied with a smile as Corrina could only blush at that.

“You're welcome Corrin.” She replied back before they made their way back to the castle.

As they reached the area where the Tree of Harmony was earlier Corrin began to look around as he said “I feel like there was something we left behind before.”

Corrina, too, looked around as well but found nothing until she saw a glow behind some rocks. “Umm...Corrin? I think I found something.” She said gaining Corrin’s attention.

“What did you find?” Corrin asked curiously as he approached Corrina.

Corrina could only point to some strange glowing stones that were similar to they two’s Dragonstones. The only difference was that they seemed to possess even greater power. Each glowed brightly as if representing an element of nature.

“How did we miss this before?” Corrin asked actually surprised that something was here in the first place.

Corrina could only shrug in awe. “I honestly don't know. You think the Tree left them here for us after we left?”

“Who knows… I wouldn’t say it’s an impossibility,” Corrin admitted as he reached for one of the stones before the one he reached for one of the stones before it disappeared in a flash along with one of the others.

Once both Corrina and Corrin could see again, they noticed that in their place were three objects, two of them being golden gauntlets that looked to have a bright pink gemstone engraved into the top of them, the other stone had changed to look like a silver pendant, with one gem securely fastened into the center. It gleamed a dark crimson color, yet had a comforting feeling to it. The black lining hanging it to Corrina’s neck was embroidered with beautiful jewelry.

“A-amazing!” Corrina said excitedly.

“That’s… unexpected,” Corrin muttered as he picked up the gauntlets, removed his old ones and placed them on in their place before he muttered “I may need to change my color scheme of my armour… these look a bit out of place right now.”

Corrina could only giggle at Corrin’s antics. “Yea. I can agree with that.” She said in a teasing tone.

They then looked to the other four stone before Corrin asked “So… do we carry the others?”

“I guess we do,” Corrina said as she took out a small pouch to carry the stones in. “Help me out please.” She requested.

“On it,” Corrin replied as he reached for the other gems as his gauntlet began to glow for seemingly no reason at all. Corrina’s pendant did the same, although both didn't notice really as they deposited each stone into the bag.

“Right, let's get back to the others… we’ll need to move soon.”

“Agreed.” Corrina nodded. Both then headed out before she remembered something. “Wait, Corrin.” She said.

“What’s wrong?”

“Maybe we should take the King and Queen’s bodies to the Astral Plane for a proper burial. What do you think?” She asked.

“I think that they both deserve that much for what they’ve done… it’s the least I can do for them for what they did for me in the last month,” Corrin admitted sadly.

Corrina put a hand on his shoulder. “Don't worry Corrin,” she comforted, “We’ll stop whoever did this. For sure!”

“I’m glad you're so confident about this… one of us needs to be.” Corrin muttered as they left the room and made their ways to collect the King and Queen’s bodies.

A few minutes later, both had arrived outside the Throne Room. There, the two bodies of the King and Queen rested; untouched from any debris and anything else.

Corrina noticed Corrin’s sad expression. She could understand how he felt. He found a family thanks to these two and it was taken away in an instant. She then took in a deep breath and said, “I may not have known them as well as you Corrin, but I know they must've cared for you a lot. I think they'd be proud of the person you've become. But for now, we've a job to do. Shall we?” She then asked.

Corrin simply nodded silently and both lifted the bodies of the two and took them with them outside.

Corrin was silent, and it unnerved Corrina a bit. She never liked to see anyone sad for long. It wasn't in her nature. She decided to let it go for now though as his sadness was justified.

They then finally reached the outside where Luna, Celestia, Gunter, and Mirror awaited them.

As they approached them Mirror, Luna, and Celestia looked at them in surprise as they saw them holding the King and Queen’s bodies.

Gunter then broke the silence. “I assume you are going to bury the two Royals Corrin?” He asked.

Corrin then nodded his head before he said “But not here… I have somewhere better in mind.”

“Do you mean the Astral Plane Corrina mentioned?” Mirror asked.

“Yes… that's where we are going to make our new home… it’s safe and out of harm's way for everyone and best of all, the people who attacked us shouldn’t be able to get us there as easily.”

“Even if they do, we’ll be ready for them!” Corrina reassured. “Right?”

“Of course… if everything goes as planned we should be able to survive there for a long time to come… along with the other things about that place… but first… Corrina… do you want to give them their gifts?”

Corrina blinked and then said, “Oh yeah! The stones.” She then got all four out of the pouch and handed one to each of the others.

“What are these?” Mirror asked.

“Well, we’ll let you find out for yourselves… reach for them.” Corrin said gesturing to them with his hands showing them his new gauntlets.

The Princesses put faith in their brother, as did Gunter and Mirror. After they did so, the four gems glowed once more and each began to change.

Celestia’s became a beautiful ring over her left middle finger. It was gold in color and was bright like the sun. Luna’s became two black earrings with a diamond each in the shape of a moon. They gleamed prettily. Gunter’s gem became a brand new chestplate, showing black and white accents to it. And finally, Mirror gained a beautifully crafted knife with the gem in the center of the handle.

“Magnificent!” Gunter exclaimed in awe.

“So cute!” Luna said, admiring her earrings.

“I feel...whole somehow,” Celestia said.

“And this knife… such perfect balance!” Mirror complemented with an approving nod.

“I think these are related to what we had bestowed on us before,” Corrin admitted

“What did you get big brother?” Celestia asked. Luna nodded, wanting to know as well.

“I got these,” Corrin said as he showed them his gauntlets.

“Whoa!” Celestia and Luna said in unison.

“Not to ruin the mood, but what do we do now that we have these?” Mirror asked seriously.

“We wait on the civilians to get here.”

Corrina then offered a suggestion on her end. “Perhaps we can all socialize a bit in a nearby cafe while we wait?” She asked.

“If we can find one that’s not destroyed okay.” Corrin pointed out. Corrina could only blush sheepishly having forgotten that detail.

“Ha ha...my bad!” She said with a smile.

“Actually there’s two things I need to do.” Corrin said with a smile at Corrina. She nodded in understanding. He then looked to Mirror then Gunter and said “Gunter, Mirror Image could you please kneel.”

Giving Corrin and Corrina confused looks, Gunter and Mirror simply did as was told as they believed in Corrin. Both were then in a kneeling position.

Corrin then draw one of his swords before walking towards Gunter and began to lower it over both of his shoulder before moving onto Mirror and repeating the process, during which he said “Gunter and Mirror Image, by my right as the King of Equestria I bestow on you the titles of Sir Gunter and Sir Mirror Image, knights of Equestria, you two have shown great courage in what has occurred today; as such I wish for both you to become part of our royal circle, our most trusted allies… do you wish to take your places by the side of the royal family.”

Gunter nodded without any hesitation. “I will gladly serve you and Milady my Liege!” He said determinedly.

Mirror hesitated at first, but Corrin gave him a smile and he nodded back, giving Mirror courage. “I too, accept this new responsibility with all my heart and will!” Mirror said bravely.

“I thank you both, you may rise, along with your new titles and places by our sides, Dame Corrina, Sir Gunter and Sir Mirror Image, the new knights and most trusted allies of the kingdom of Equestria.”

Both Gunter and Mirror then rose and had smiles on their respective faces. They now awaited Corrin’s decision on what to do now.

Corrin then looked to Corrina with a smile before a sudden cheer was heard from behind of Mirror Image and Gunter.

Everyone began to turn around and see what was going on as they saw the civilians that they had helped applauding them on their new titles.

Corrina couldn't help but cheer along with them for Corrin choosing them to bear such prestigious titles. Gunter and Mirror both accepted the cheers with pride and some degree of embarrassment respectively.

Corrin then nodded to Corrina before he said “Let’s get out of here… are you able to take us all to the Astral Plane?”

Corrina nodded happily and said, “Of course. Just give me a moment to gather some draconic energy.”

“Of course,” Corrin replied before turning to the gathered crowd before he said “Once again I thank you for trusting me and willing to take this leap with me, we have already decided where we will be relocating our community, and it is thanks to two of our new knights that we are able to get there.”

“What place might this be?” A random civilian asked in curiosity.

“A location beyond the reach of those that attacked us, a place known as the Astral Plane.”

As Corrin finished explaining to a stunned crowd, Corrina’s voice reached out. “Okay, Corrin! I've enough energy now!” As Corrin and the crowd turned to her, she muttered, “Great First Dragons...I ask of thee, open safe passage to the Astral Realm, great Moro I beseech thee!” After the phrase was uttered, a blinding light shined in front of her and revealed a beautiful glowing portal.

“Okay then Corrina… let's get everyone to our new home… everyone it’s time to go through the portal it will lead us to safety…. Gunter, Luna… would you lead them through?”

“I'd be happy to support!” Gunter said, immediately getting to work.

Luna was happy as well. She always enjoyed socializing. “I'm on it big bro!” She happily said. She then joined Gunter in leading the townsfolk into the Astral Plane.

Corrin the looked to Celestia and Mirror Image before he asked “Are you both okay?”

Celestia and Mirror gave each other a quick look and Mirror said, “It's simply just that going to a new realm when we've lived here for so long will take some getting used to I guess.” He explained. Celestia nodded, agreeing.

“I know… but if you stay here… you know what will come again and we are in no state to repel it.”

“Right.” Celestia sighed. “I'm just nervous.” She said.

Corrin then knelt down to her before he embraced her in a hug and said “As am I sister.”

“What do you do when you're nervous brother?” Celestia asked. “How can you be so brave?”

“I’m not,” he simply replied.

Celestia and Mirror could only tilt their heads in confusion.

“I simply don’t show it, I put on a facade as King, I hide it as if I showed that I was worried it would only cause everyone else to worry as well.”

Celestia and Mirror nodded in understanding. They then mustered up their courage, and together with Corrin entered the Astral Plane.

Meanwhile in Nohr…

Xero is seen walking to a huge throne room where his general was waiting for him. ‘Blast!’ He thought to himself. ‘When HE hears of this, I'll be the laughing stock of the army! Not on my watch!’ He thought dangerously.

He entered and was halted by a voice. “Who goes there?!” It boomed.

Xero kneeled and said, “It is I Xero, King Garon…” he said.

“What news do you have to report Xero?” King Garon asks in a rough tone.

“I'm afraid it's bad news sir…” he said, flinching as Garon narrowed his eyes on Xero. He then hesitantly continued speaking. “The little Equestrian brat has managed to repel our forces successfully along with that one girl whose home we destroyed back then. The Tree of Harmony has also been...taken.”

At first there was silence. Too much silence at that. It unnerved Xero. Finally, there was laughter...maniacal laughter at that.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! I see…” King Garon said. “So the little Corrina has joined up with the little prince and repelled our forces eh? It is too good to be true!”

“My-my lord? What do you mean-”

“ENOUGH.” Garson stopped Xero from speaking. “Your punishment will be dealt with later. In the meantime, I will notify Lord Zerachiel of everything that he has foreseen. And then we shall plan our next action. Understood Xero?”

Xero gritted his teeth and uttered, “Yes my liege.” As he left, he couldn't help but pound the ground in frustration. A little prince bested him?! He’ll show that weakling soon enough who was better!

Back with King Garon, he outstretched his arms as if in prayer and spoke aloud, “Lord Zerachiel, everything has gone as planned...the princeling along with that little interference have done exactly as foretold. What is thy next orders…?”

There was silence for a moment, and then laughter filled the throne room once more. “Yes Lord Zerachiel! It shall be done. We will move our forces after the Rainbow Sage while you deal with the rebels lead by that weakling Anankos.”


“Of course. It shall be done Master! Let your power flow into us! For we shall be victorious in the end! Ha ha ha ha ha!” King Garon could only laugh. Laugh at his and his master’s soon-to-be victory...

Author's Note:

And with that, the plot thickens, Who is Lord Zerachiel? What is this plan of his? What makes the Rainbow Sage so important that they wish to kill him? And why Exactly is Anankos leading a group of Rebels against them?

Place your thoughts and opinions in the comments as we would love to hear them.