• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,030 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

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Chapter 1 - A One Way Trip

As I arrived at Insomnia58 at Birmingham in the United Kingdom I was surrounded by multiple booths that were crammed into every corner of the hall. Many of the booths held demo’s of new and upcoming games or consoles whilst others had special guests from the gaming community.

I had recently been playing the Fire Emblem Fates series and had decided to cosplay as the main protagonist from the game named Corrin and was wearing a set of handmade black and white armour that had been made from pieces of white clothes that I had sewn black fabric into where necessary. I had also dyed my hair white along with getting myself red contacts lenses for my eyes, I also wore a handmade cape that I had made into two colours the being black and white like the armour bit being separated vertically down the centre of the cloth. However, I had been unable to find or make a Yato or Dragonstone to match my costume.

As I continued to walk around I thought So up to yet I haven’t seen a single stall selling anything to complete my costume, all I need is some sort of sword from the series and I’d at least look close.

I then saw a small stall that had a man who was dressed to look like the Rainbow Sage from the game which left me to think that just maybe I could have just got lucky.

I then looked at the stalls wares before I saw not just one but three perfect replicas of Corrin’s sword the Yato.

“Ah so the young prince is looking at a sword only fit to be wielded by the one who will bring peace to the world,” said the vendor calmly.

“Yes… how much would all three of the Yato’s be?” I asked.

“Well, these are some of my best pieces… I suppose I could part with them for thirty pounds a piece and if you do I'll throw in a replica of the Dragonstone along with this replica tome for the spell Fire for one hundred and ten pounds all in all.”

“Deal!” I shouted with a smile as I quickly got out the money from my wallet and handed it over to him before he passed me each of the items I had brought along with a sheath for each sword and attached them to my right side and the Time on my left before he passed me the Dragonstone.

As soon as it was placed in my hand I then suddenly began to feel dizzy as my vision began to blur before I muttered “I don’t feel so great,” before I placed my left hand on the side of my near my eye and rubbed it thinking there was something in my eye.

“Have fun my little Prince,” the merchant said before I collapsed to the floor and fell into unconsciousness.

A few minutes later I began to open my eyes as I said “Ugh… what did I eat?” I then stopped as I noticed that my armour felt heavier was no longer made of normal clothes but instead was now made of metal.

I then looked to my sides as I slowly reached for the first of my three Yato’s as I realised that it was more than just a replica and that it actually had some weight to it.

I then looked up as I saw that I was in some sort of forest and not at the convention that I could have sworn I was at only seconds before. I then stood up before I said “Okay then, so where am I? I’m clearly not in Birmingham anymore… maybe if I find a road I can trace that path to the nearby town or city?”

I then looked over my body as I checked what I had on me which in the end came down to my three swords, one Tome and the Dragonstone and my armour before I began to walk forwards.

I then heard the sound of a nearby bush rustle as I quickly spun around to see two children appear from the bush.

The first had white skin and pink hair but seemed to have a horn and what looked to be wings poking out of a ripped yellow shirt and cream skirt whilst the second had dark blue skin with bright blue hair and like the first had both wings and a horn, she was also wearing and ripped black shirt and skirt.

The second child then collapsed as the first stopped and ran back to her before she said “Sister we can’t stop it’s not safe.”

“Sister just go, we’re not worth it,” the second said weakly.

I then quickly said, “Are you two okay?”

They then both looked at me before the first one said “Please, whoever you are please help…”

She was then cut off by the sound of growling before two wolf-like creatures that looked to be made from a mix of wood and leaves that looked to drooling what looked to be a thick orange liquid from their mouths.

I then quickly grabbed tome from my side and strangely felt like I already knew how to use it as I opened the book and pointed it forwards before a fireball struck the first creature causing it to burst into flames as it ran away.

The second wolf then looked to me before it growled in anger and changed targets and ignored the two children and instead began to leap towards me before almost as if it was a natural reflex I grabbed one of my Yato’s from my side before I brought I across my body as it parried the blow from the creature before I opened the tome for the second time as a second fireball struck the wolf as it burst into flames before it turned to ashes in front of me.

I then looked to the two children before I said “Are you both okay?”

They then looked to me before the first child replied “I think I am… but my sister is exhausted… could you help us get home?”

“Of course, as long as I won’t get accused of kidnapping you,” I admitted.

They then looked at me in confusion before the second said “What is kidnapping… is it like foalnapping?”

“I’m not gonna question that right now, can you both walk?”

“I’m afraid not,” The second one said before she asked, “Would you be able to carry us?”

“Yes I can carry one of you,” I replied as I sheathed my sword and reattached the tome to my side before I walked towards the second child and slowly picked her up and placed her on my back.

I then heard her whisper “Thank you.”

“Your welcome miss?”

“We are Princess Luna,” the second pony said.

“And I am Princess Celestia,” The first added.

I then stopped as I thought fuck me, I just saved royalty… and those are not names I recognise. I then looked to Princess Celestia before I said “Princess could you guide me to your home I’m afraid I have no idea where we actually are.”

“It’s no problem mr… what can we call you?”

That's a good question? I thought as I rubbed my eye before I realised my contact lens wasn’t there before I asked “Umm… I know this is a weird question but what colour are my eyes?”

“Red… why?” Celestia asked clearly confused about the question I had asked her.

Crap they ain’t fake anymore my eyes are actually red… does that mean I’m actually Corrin? I thought before I said “No reason… anyway for now you can just call me Corrin.”

“Well then Corrin, thank you for your help, We’ll lead the way just keep my sister safe,” Princess Celestia replied.

“Okay then lead the way,” I replied before I think This will end badly as I began to follow Princess Celestia as Luna began to wrap her arms around my neck.