• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,617 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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Into Winter

Chapter 3: Into Winter.
~Hope POV~

The hardest thing that came with being a parent, Hope decided, was giving bad news. Hope had a reputation for being a dreamer - a natural optimist that always saw the better side to any situation. There was truth to that, she supposed, but then there were times where even she felt it difficult to see the brighter side. If there was one to this, it was like Sombra had said - that Shard would get to see more of the world outside the Crystal Empire's walls. Even so, separating a colt from his best friend would be difficult - especially when she made him smile and laugh as much as Flurry did.

Watching him now, aged four and at play with the princess in the crystal altar just made it that much harder.

Hope couldn't help but stop and stare as the two played at their little game of tag. Shard was trying (and failing) to keep up with Flurry as she flew around the room. Every so often he would stop and teleport directly in front of her - though she would simply return the favor directly behind him - and the game continued. Even if he was losing, Shard was laughing the whole way.

The last few years had changed them both - and for the better. Shard had grown to nearly rival Hope in height - and likely to grow even taller with time. Flurry had grown as well - and her mane was longer and her little frame was starting to fill out in a way that made her resemble Cadance even more. What was most interesting was how her wings had grown with her - to the point where she could almost wrap them around her entire body. This made her an exceptional flier, but it also meant she had to spend extra time practicing with Rainbow Dash to control her speed. Then there was her other abilities as well - they had also increased as she grew. Her Earth Pony strength meant she had to learn muscle control from Applejack - and her Unicorn Magic from her aunt Twilight.

Come to think of it, Flurry had grown close to all the Element-Bearers, but was closest to her aunt and to Pinkie Pie. The former because of their magic training - and the fact that Flurry loved to read on the side - and the latter because of their shared high energy and eternally optimistic attitude.

Yet, of all the ponies in the world - her very best friend was Shard. As Sombra had pointed out, the two were nearly inseparable.

"Shard, dear." Hope called as the two started a new bout of teleport-leap-frogging. "Come here, please."

"Yes, mother?" He asked as he abruptly stopped and turned to face her with a quizzical tilt.

"I've got something to tell you." Hope turned to Flurry as the filly approached as well. She gave the little Alicorn a smile. "Princess, can I speak to Shard alone for a minute?"

"But Miss Hope." Flurry protested with a voice and a look that Hope found almost impossible to resist. "We're playing - and we're having so much fun."

"I know, sweetie." Hope said gently. "But this is important."

"Okay." Flurry said. "Just don't take too long."

As she trotted away into the other room, Hope turned back to her son and took a deep breath. Now came the hardest part of all.


~Shard POV~

It came less as a shock, more as a surprise when Mother told him that they were leaving. To any other colt, it would have been terribly upsetting - but Shard had already figured this wasn't going to be permanent. His parents might try to hide it, but they had often discussed something important when they thought he wasn't listening. Whenever he lay abed at night, his sharp ears could pick out individual sounds of conversation coming from the next room. Usually they were about his future or his magic training, but lately they were about somepony named "A More" or something. He had wondered who that might be for the longest time, even asked about it from Flurry, who asked her parents - as she had no clue. They remained oddly silent about it and told her they would explain when she was older.

Shard noted that was usually the excuse that grownup ponies had whenever something was really important, but to his young mind it just made it all the more fascinating. Exploring the unknown and uncovering hidden knowledge was what really drew him. That was why his favorite game to play with Flurry was "Archaeologist" - in which they'd try to find buried treasures or uncover the city's mysterious sites. Often they'd find Bits or pieces of junk that the Crystal Ponies left over or dropped, but those were boring finds. Occasionally they'd find something really interesting like rare gems or even one time a secret place beneath the palace that the Crystal Ponies claimed was haunted.

(It turned out later to be nothing more than a boring old wooden door, which Father sternly warned him never to open).

He figured that was why they had decided now of all times to leave with him. Because he was so good at archaeology and exploration, he might help them find whatever they were looking for. Clearly this "A More" had something that his parents wanted badly, so he figured it was only right he try to help them. Shard kept silent throughout her explanation - and she even filled in the blanks where they had left off during his eavesdropping - and by the time she was finished, Shard only had one question.

"Will we be back in time for the Crystal Faire?"

She nodded. "Yes, we will. Your father and I love the faire. It's the most beautiful sight in the world."

Shard smiled. That sounded awesome! The only way it could get better was if his best friend was there to enjoy it too.

"So will Flurry be there too?"

"Of course, dear. She's the next Crystal Princess after all." Hope gave him a wry grin. "Don't get too eager, Shard. You're still young."

Shard blinked, confused. "What does that mean?"

She kissed his forehead. "I'll tell you when you're older." (That old excuse again. - thought Shard) "But for now, go and get your things. We're leaving tomorrow."

"Yes, mother."

Some time later, Shard was in his room of the crystal castle, gathering his few belongings when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to find a tearful Flurry standing behind it. As soon as the door was opened, she rushed inside and embraced him, nearly knocking him off his hooves in the process. In between sobs she was blubbering questions in rapid succession.

"Why are you going away?" She asked, tightening her grip around his neck, threatening to choke the life out of him. "When are you coming back? Are you going away forever? Why are your parents so mean? Who is this 'Amore' person?"

"Flurry..." he managed in between choked gasps. "I...can't - breath!"

Embarrassed, she loosened her grip and stared at him. "Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"Don't be." He rubbed the back of his neck with one hoof. "Calm down, Flurry. It's going to be alright. My mother explained everything; we're going to look for this 'Amore's' pieces - and we'll be back home as soon as we have the last one."

"But you're my best friend ever!" She blurted out. "I don't want to lose my best friend. What if something happens to you while you're away?" Her eyes started to well up for a renewed bout of tears.

"You're my best friend too, Flurry." Shard replied, suddenly feeling guilty. "But I'll be okay. Remember? It's me. I'm Shard, the Midnight Rider, the greatest archaeologist who ever lived!" He mimicked the pose he had made during their little play-pretend games - that of the brave stallion, the Midnight Rider - the hero that fought dragons and bug-bears and windigos and explored dangerous places. "I can use magic too, even if Father doesn't think I'm ready for more advanced stuff."

"I know." Flurry said, wiping away the tears with her hoof. "I guess you're right. Just remember to come back soon. The Crystal Faire is coming up - and I'd hate to be eating all that crystal corn alone." She nudged him with her knee. "I know it's your favorite!"

"Save some for me, would you?" He shot back. "I know you eat enough for three stallions!"

Both laughed despite their earlier sadness. Just like her self-proclaimed Auntie Pinkie, she was quick to get over her bouts of crying and returned to her usual happy self in no time at all. She was a little bit of a chatterbox, (like Pinkie) but that was what made her such a great friend. That and she always understood the games they'd play - even make up a few new rules for them on the spot that made it more interesting. But, just like Pinkie - she had a bit of difficulty being patient. Whenever her mind was made up about something she wanted, she usually got it.

"Like I said," Shard declared, "we'll be home in time for the Crystal Faire. Just wait for me, okay? I know how you get, but this time it's real important. Mother and Father said so. I'm sure your parents will say the same thing. Be patient - and what you want will be much more satisfying when you do eventually get it. That's what Mother always tells me."

He thought of all the times that his parents told each other about how they had to be patient - as they only waited for him to be born for a thousand years, whatever that meant. They laughed about it every time - especially Father - like it was some kind of odd joke. What didn't make sense was that a thousand years was a really, really long time - and Shard was only four.

But then, that was funny for grownups - and for all that they said he was "wise beyond his years" he thought he'd never understand their humor.


A full month of searching passed - and Shard knew they wouldn't be home in time for the faire. The problem wasn't knowing where the final piece was - (it was in the frozen north outside the Crystal Empire's borders) but that no matter how hard they tried, his parents couldn't retrieve it. According to Father, this one had lingering traces of something called "Dark Magic" that kept it from being found. Not that, that would be a problem anyway, even if there wasn't a spell on it - as the cold kept most ponies away.

The wind began to pick up around them, and Shard shivered despite the heavy winter coat his parents made him wear. Mother wrapped her foreleg around him and pulled him closer. Their shared body heat kept the worst of the cold at bay. Strangely though, his father kept on pushing forward - as if the weather didn't bother him at all. Even without any additional protection, he simply kept trudging through the thick snow with only his magic to guide their path.

"Sombra!" Hope called, raising her voice over the gusting wind. "See anything yet?"

"Nothing yet!" He called back. "Are you two alright?"

"We're alright, Father." Shard answered. He put a brave face on despite the cold. It wouldn't do any good to show his parents he was weak. Being the son of two powerful Unicorns - he figured that he had to be strong too. And then it would make a great story to tell Flurry when they got home. "A little cold won't stop us."

"That's my boy." Sombra said with a grin. "Come on, not much farther now."

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Good news and not good news. Good news is - this story's about to come to the climax. The point at which everything starts to get real good.

Not good news. I'm going to be unavailable for another post for the next few days. Busy, busy, busy.

In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. And the comments - keep 'em coming! They really help me out.

As always - don't forget to rate, comment and stay awesome.