• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,618 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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A Double Date

~Chapter 1: A Double Date~
Radiant Hope POV.

Not long after their wedding, Hope had felt the foal inside her growing slowly. Naturally, the process to having a baby was a long and complicated one - but Sombra had insisted at being at her side throughout it all. In light of Cadance's offer, they had moved into the Crystal Castle that they might have a safe place for their family, away from the stares and disdain of the Crystal Ponies. For Sombra, it had proven to be something of a real homecoming - as he had ruled from here a thousand years ago - it held many painful memories that often disturbed his sleep. But, each night when he awoke in a cold sweat from the nightmares, Hope lay next to him - nuzzled him and helped to soothe his troubled mind until he could sleep again.

During the day, when he was not checking her to ensure both her and the foal's safety, Sombra kept to himself around the castle - often spending hours watching the royal guards drilling in the courtyard below or staring down at the Crystal Ponies at play in the streets from his favorite balcony. In those times, his face became a mask - a carefully blank expression that even Hope found difficult to read. Ever since they were young, Sombra had been troubled, but since their wedding he had become even more withdrawn, as if in finally marrying her he had shut himself away fully. Or perhaps watching the Crystal Ponies being happy and free had reminded him of those times. Being like them, yet unalike them all at once. Separate from them but yearning for acceptance.

When she wasn't resting in bed or preparing meals for Sombra, Hope often spent her time talking with Cadance - and several times had even helped with taking care of little Flurry Heart. Hope found the Crystal Princess to be a warm, welcoming companion - and like Princess Amore, she had a way of seeing beyond a Pony's hard outer shell and into their hearts - and soon Hope came to respect Cadance for her kind, honest nature.

It was one day after a particularly awkward morning (mostly filled with questions answered by mutters and grunts) that Hope sought out Cadance in the library. Her whole family was there - Shining was reading to Flurry at one of the tables. Much to the filly's delight, he acted out each scene in a book titled: "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone". He even imitated what sounded like a mare's voice several times - which made little Flurry giggle and sputter as he struck very 'heroic' poses.

"Cadance." Hope said aloud, forgoing all formality. Immediately she perked up with a smile. The princess had said she preferred simply to be addressed as such anyway. "Can I speak to you about something?"

"Of course."

"It's about Sombra." Hope confessed, feeling more than a little nervous. "He's acting very strangely."

"What do you mean?" Cadance tilted her head. "He keeps to himself, but that's usually how I figured he always has been."

"Well, yes." Hope agreed. "But this time is different. Ever since the wedding, all he does is stare out at the Crystal Empire - and he shuts himself away a lot."

"If Sombra's having a problem, then why don't you talk to him about it?" Shining Armor asked, looking up from the book. "He's your husband. If ever Cadance and I have any disagreement, we talk through it."

"He says he's fine, but he's clearly not. I think he's still punishing himself over what happened with... well, you know, the Umbrum."

Prince and princess exchanged glances.

"Just give him time, Hope. I think he'll open up if you just let him have his space. The prospect of being a father is amazing - but also confusing!" Shining put his hoof around Flurry to emphasize his point. "I was in a tizzy after Cadance said we were going to have a baby."

"I don't think so, darling." Cadance replied, shaking her head. "I think you should take him around the city - take a personal day for the two of you. His journal says you two used to play all sorts of games - even had a made-up language. Maybe even..." she stomped her hoof. "I have an idea! How about a double-date? You, me, our husbands - a night on the town."

Shining Armor grinned. "That's a great idea!"

"That is a terrible idea." Sombra said glumly. The three of them had presented the offer to him while he was brooding on the balcony, as per usual. When they were finished, he had responded to it... rather poorly.

"What makes you say that, Sombra?" Cadance asked. "It'll be fun. You, Hope, Shining Armor and me - just enjoying ourselves."

"The problem is, is that you're forgetting that I'm the most hated Pony in the Crystal Empire." Sombra replied. "I imagine the Crystal Ponies might think I had you under a spell, or that you were a Changeling in disguise - trying to take over the Empire!"

"Well, actually, about that..." Shining Armor began hesitantly.

"Look, Sombra." Hope said, interjecting. "We're only thinking it might do you some good if you were to come out with us and have fun. You do remember how to have fun, right? Remember all those games we played? I was the brave Sir Lady Radiant Hope - and you were the good King, I mean, Prince Sombra!" She shook her hoof in a playful gesture - as if she carried the stick she pretended was a sword. "We fought all kinds of Dragons - and had all kinds of adventures!"

That brought a small smile to his face.

Taking that as a good sign, Hope put her foreleg around her husband's neck. "Come on, Sombra." She said happily, guiding him towards the door. "Since you sold your armor, you look just like every other pony out there. I'm sure the crystal ponies won't even know it's you!"


As the party settled in the booth of the restaurant - Hope had found she had spoken too soon. Everyone, from the host-pony to the waiters, even the cooks all stopped what they were doing and stared. Sombra shifted uncomfortably in his seat as their gaze settled on him. Hope occupied the spot next to him and instinctively put her foreleg around him once more. A whim struck her, and then she took his hoof and put it to her swelling abdomen. Despite his earlier gloominess and the stares, Sombra's expression lightened.

"It's almost time for our little foal to be born." She whispered. "It'll be either a handsome stallion like his father..."

"Or a beautiful mare like her mother." Sombra finished for her, giving her a nuzzle. He turned to the royal couple sitting opposite to them. "Shining Armor, Cadance - a question?"

"Of course." Cadance replied, utterly ignoring the stares around them.

"What were your first thoughts when your daughter was born?"

The royals looked at each other and grinned knowingly.

"We were happy." Shining Armor said. "And while she was quite a hoofful when she was born, Flurry has been a joy in both our lives. And like I said before - fatherhood is amazing. And I'm sure your little foal will be just as much a blessing."

"I agree." Said Cadance. "Little Flurry has brought our family closer than ever before."

Hope nodded, suddenly glad that the royals had invited them to do this. Even Sombra seemed to be gladdened by their words. Suddenly she felt a gentle tap inside her. Then another. With a grin, she put Sombra's hoof to her stomach once more.

"Did you feel that, Sombra? The baby is kicking!"

Cadance and Shining Armor both flashed winning grins. "I remember when Flurry first started kicking." The princess said. "Being an Alicorn, she was naturally strong. Like her father."

Hope nodded. As she'd seen before, newborn Unicorns were a hoof-ful, but an Alicorn? That was a recipe for disaster. "I understand that little Flurry Heart had crazy magic when she was born."

Both royals flushed. "Yes, unfortunately... she kind of... destroyed the Crystal Heart."

Sombra perked up and stared incredulously. "If that's so, then how is it we're all still here? The Crystal Heart is what keeps the frozen north from blanketing the Empire in ice and snow."

"Thanks to Sunburst, Twilight and the others, we were able to perform Flurry's Crystalling and prevent that very disaster from occurring." Cadance explained. "It happened while you and Hope were away."

"I see." Sombra said nodding. "The Crystal Heart is not an evil device, but it is dangerous. Take care. If it falls into the wrong hooves, it could very well be used against the Empire."

Hope stayed quiet throughout the discussion. She remembered the effect the heart had on Sombra - both in the distant past and just under two years ago. Even being in close proximity to it had very nearly destroyed him. Only through her and the help of the three Princesses was he saved. The very thought of it being used against the Crystal Empire made her shudder. But then, there was no way that could happen - not so long as Cadance and Shining Armor were there to protect it.

All would be well. She just needed to have faith.

Leaning back into her chair, Hope watched and listened as her husband and the royals talked the night away. His melancholy quite forgotten for the moment, Sombra finally seemed to be enjoying himself. When the food came, Hope surprised all by her appetite. Shining Armor and her husband both stared as she downed plate after plate of berries and corn. But then, Sombra added with a laugh, she was eating for two!

Later that night - after all had been said and done - while they were readying for bed, Sombra abruptly put his hoof on Hope's shoulder, pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead.

"What was that for?" She asked, surprised, but delighted at the gesture.

"That's my way of saying thank you - for cheering me up." He said with a tired smile. "And for being you."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thank you for the favorites and the likes. I'm happy that at least a few of you have liked my story so far.

I apologize if some of the characters are... well, out of character. It's a flaw of mine.

Still, don't forget to comment, rate and have a good day!