• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,619 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

  • ...

Epilogue: A Hopeful Future.

Final Chapter: A Hopeful Future.

~Crystal Empire, Sombra POV~

"My friends," Sombra began, looking over the herd of Crystal Ponies that had gathered for Amore's funeral. Thousands of mourners had come, though only a select few really remembered her in her prime. Because there was no body left behind, they were burying an empty casket before the crystal altar. Before giving their fallen princess a proper sendoff, Sombra saw fit to give a speech. Before the dais stood Hope, the element bearers, the royal sisters, Flurry and even his mirror counterpart - all in black.

"We are gathered here to bid goodbye to Amore, the lost Crystal Princess. Thousands of years ago, she saw the potential in others... in me, to do better. To be better than what I was. And she was right." He looked down at his wife, who had begun to tear up. "Though she had such a brief period to return, Amore continued to believe in the good in me. In all of us. To the very end, she expressed nothing but love and goodness for all. Gratitude to those that aided her; forgiveness for those that did her wrong. Myself included. She ennobled all of us - and so she will never be forgotten."

With that, Shining Armor stepped forward and signaled. A squad of unicorns beside the casket raised their horns and fired into the air; once, twice, three times in salute. The casket was slowly lowered into the grave - and Sombra was the first to lay a flower. Hope followed him, and then the princesses - and dozens of others, until the lid was covered with flowers - a sign of the mourners that came to pay homage to the one pony that gave her life that they might be free.

When all that was done, only Sombra, his mirror-self, Hope, Shard, Flurry and Celestia remained, standing vigil over the grave.

"We spent so many years looking for her pieces..." Hope said sadly. Beside her, Sombra put a hoof on her shoulder. Below them, Shard nuzzled his mother's chest.

"Amore did not perish needlessly." Celestia said, looking down at her former student. "She was in many ways the most loving, self-sacrificing princess of us all." Hope looked back, gladdened a bit at those words. "And you, Hope - you proved her right in the end."

"Indeed." Said Mirror-Sombra. "Without you, Hope, none of this would have been possible." He looked down a moment, as if lost in memory, then his gaze turned to Celestia. "Without the Umbrum essence clouding my vision, I am all that I was and more. For that, I am truly thankful."

"But you still must return." She said. It was not a question. "Our worlds were never meant to be linked as they are."

Mirror Sombra slowly shook his head. "No. My world needs me. The reconstruction is far from done. And there is much to be done now that the balance between our worlds has been upset - and..." his voice trailed off, as they all understood the implication of what had happened. "I am sorry. It is my fault that she died, slaying those cursed shadows."

"Fear not." Said the true Sombra. "Amore told me in her final moments that she would find her place among the other worlds that are out there." He looked up at the sky. "And who knows? Someday, perhaps, we will all meet again."

"Perhaps." Mirror-Sombra said quietly. "May you one day forgive me."

"I already have." The true Sombra said. "I know what you're going through. The guilt - the rage, the pain you feel." He put a hoof on his counterpart's shoulder. "In time, try to forgive yourself. But in the meantime, recognize that while we - you and I, have both done terrible things - we can atone. In time, we might find a measure of peace."

Mirror-Sombra allowed himself a small smile as he looked at his counterpart and his family.

"It's strange: Our worlds are in many ways so similar, you could spend a lifetime trying to find any difference. She loved me too. I believe, had things been different... I might have loved her as well."

His gaze turned to Flurry and Shard. "But I suppose, in some ways, our worlds are radically different. Paths intersect - and as always, there are roads not taken: What might have been."

"You're saying that I don't have a mirror counterpart like everypony else." Flurry said, nodding. "And neither does Shard. We are unique."

"Indeed. I told you that we would meet again." Mirror-Sombra closed his eyes, briefly lost in memory. "Now that we have, under better circumstances... I had hoped I would be able to see what kind of pony you were. I wish that I could stay and see where your paths lead. See what awaits. However, I am afraid I must leave you now. But before I do..." He opened his eyes. "I will say, it was an honor to meet all of you."


~Mount Everhoof~

It was with heavy heart that a king returned to his world, free at last - but still feeling very much a prisoner. His thoughts turned back to Celestia. He had lingered for only a short while longer before the door between worlds was closed forever. They shared one final kiss - said their final goodbyes and shared a long, intense final gaze as he stepped through the portal, wishing things could have been different.

“I am truly sorry to have to do this once more, Tia.” He had said tearfully. “But at least this time, we might get a proper goodbye.”

“You are sure there is no way to stabilize the link between our worlds?” She had asked once more, clearly hoping against hope. “If Sunset Shimmer can live in the human world... and Starswirl’s work...” He silenced her with a hoof to her lip, then shook his head slowly.

“I am afraid not. There’s simply no more time.” He had replied. “There are many worlds, but ours are as these mirrors; parallel to each other - never meant to intersect. The longer I remain, the more likely they merge once again. Only this time, the damage would be irreversible.”

“Then... this...”

“Is goodbye... forever.” He finished for her. Tears welled in her eyes. “But know that no matter how many years pass - my heart will always belong to you.”

“And mine will be yours. Always... and never.”

He bit his lip, and with a longing look - he stepped through. On both sides of the portal, they lowered their horns and let loose a blast of magic.

“Goodbye my love.” Both whispered in unison, both unheard over the shattering of glass.


~Sixteen years later~

The time of the Grand Galloping Gala had finally arrived - an event Shard's parents had described as "the biggest shindig in Canterlot" and Flurry had been the one to ask him to it. Naturally, this meant that Shard had to visit Rarity's newest (and largest) boutique in the capital city yet. As he passed through the doors and into the establishment, passing by the various ponies trying on outfits he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

He paused in his tracks and looked at his reflection, studying the stallion he had become.

He had grown much taller and more muscular - lean but powerful from years of digging and excavating artifacts. And it wasn't just his body that had changed either - his coat had steadily grown darker, to the point where he resembled his father even more. His eyes however remained a shade of brilliant blue, like his mother. Hope often said they were the handsomest part of him - as they reflected his strong will and innocent nature. Sombra had agreed, saying that was what brought the mares running, though Shard wondered what that meant. About the only mare he really hung out with was Flurry - though he supposed he liked hanging with the element-bearer's kids too. They were, after all, nearly of an age with him and Flurry, if off by a few years.

Much had changed in all the time that passed since he met his father's counterpart. Equestria had been at peace - and of course, he'd grown up. Before leaving, Mirror-Sombra had bid both him and Flurry goodbye, though he did so separately.

A part of Shard still wondered why.

With a shrug, Shard moved through the boutique, oblivious to the winks and grins of the mares that watched him trot by. He stopped in front of the counter where Rarity was sitting - her tiny red glasses framed her eyes as she worked on a design. When he approached, she looked up and her face lit up with a smile in a way that pleasantly reminded Shard of Flurry. The years had been kind to her; Rarity was still good looking despite nearing forty and having two children with Spike.

"Hello there, young Shard. What brings you to my boutique today?" She asked, her soprano voice carrying over the din of other conversations.

"Hello, Miss Rarity." Shard replied, nodding his head. "I'm here because I need a suit for the gala. Mother says I need something that will 'bring out the color of my eyes', as she put it."

Rarity clapped her hooves together and grinned. "Oh, yes, the gala!" She squeaked. "And I'm sure she also wants this ensemble to be well fitted to a ballroom dance?"

Shard nodded. He had been told the gala was primarily a formal dance, something that his parents had said he had a talent for, aside from locating artifacts.

"Very well, darling." Rarity said as she rose from her chair and sauntered over to him, giving a brief but affectionate, almost motherly hug. "Let's go and get you fitted! I'm sure we'll find something that will make those mares swoon."

Shard did not notice the last part of her sentence, as he was too busy looking out over the mannequins that littered the store. A few were his size, but none were his type. Most of them consisted of coats with long tails and spats. He figured that was a little too formal. According to Twilight, the gala had a nasty habit of descending into chaos, especially since Discord himself started to frequent it, so it was probably best to try for something a little more practical.

"Do you have anything in light greens?" Shard asked, turning back to Rarity. "Something simple?"

She waved a hoof. "Nonsense! Green is so... last season. I think perhaps a shade of dark blue, or maybe grays!" She started to direct him towards a rack of said colors. None of them looked very appealing, truth be told, but he was too polite to mention that.

"Um, I'm not very good at this sort of thing - but isn't gray a fall color?"

Again, she waved a hoof, accenting it with a dainty laugh. "Oh, yes, but we want something that will accent those pretty blue eyes. Something that will set your dance partner's heart aflutter!"

"And you think that I can do that with a stuffed shirt and pairs of those fancy boots?" Shard asked only half sarcastically; curse his good nature.

"Well, yes, something like that - but not too stuffy. You are, if I may be so bold, nothing less than an absolute stud!" She turned back to him and grinned impishly. She seemed to take his words to heart, however as she led him to another section - one filled with a variety of lighter colors: Greys, whites and even a few yellow suits here or there.

"Um, Miss Rarity, I think I can choose my own..." Shard started to protest weakly.

She shushed him with a hoof to his mouth. "Not another word. You just leave everything to me, young Shard."



The years just seemed to fly by for the young princess. Now fully twenty two years old and her powers fully unlocked - many said that she had truly come into her own. At least, that was what they thought. Truth was, Flurry had been spending the last few years learning how to control her awesome magic, which had grown to rival Celestia. Thanks to Sunburst, Starlight and her Aunt Twilight, that was easy - but it meant she had less time to spend with Shard - which was what she wanted most of all.

At first, Flurry had tried to figure out what that meant. Sure, they were best friends - which was what Aunt Twilight often told her was the greatest magic of all, but this was different. This kind of friendship felt, well, kind of like those stories she read as a foal - but it was different than that as well. This wasn't as simple as looking at Shard and falling for him on the spot for his looks - though a few fillies had done that in the past (much to Flurry's unspoken annoyance). This was something else.

Flurry had known Shard nearly all her life - she had laughed with him, cried with him, they had trained, studied and had a number of adventures together, not unlike what her family had gone through in the years before she was born - but a part of her wanted more than just his friendship. That childish crush she had on him as a filly had grown into something else. When she put it forward to her mother, Cadance smiled and replied with three simple words:

"You love him."

That was the moment that broke the dam. Could what she felt for Shard truly be called love? But then, her mother was the Princess of that emotion - and so she might just have it right. The world seemed so much brighter when he was around. She noticed how handsome he had become, she valued his friendship and enjoyed his company - she had shared all of her personal secrets with him... heck, he remained her best friend for Celestia’s sake!

It was in that moment that Flurry understood her mother was right. It was love.

Flurry spent a long time alone in her room after that conversation, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what it might mean for their relationship. Shard had never once shown any kind of romantic interest in her, or in any other pony for that matter. A part of her wondered if he was aromantic - though that struck her as unlikely. He had definitely noticed the element-bearers relationships develop with their husbands - and he'd attended their weddings - most often as an usher. She recalled seeing him in a tux for the first time - all grown up and handsome, making her look at him in a whole new light.

That thought reminded her that the gala was tonight. The biggest party in Equestria was just a few hours away and she was just lying there!

At that, she rose from her bed and trotted to her closet to pick out what she would wear. As she opened the closet doors - a flood of old memorabilia came spilling out; her stuffed snail, Whammy - the bears that Auntie Twilight had given her - and an old photograph of her and Shard when they were still foals - at his tenth birthday with his muzzle smeared with cake. Flurry herself had thrown it at him as part a joke suggested by Pinkie Pie. Looking at the photo and seeing herself in the mirror now, she could see that time had changed both of them.

Over the years, Flurry had grown in height - and her frame had filled out - still slender and curvy, though not to the same extent as her mother or her great-aunts. Her eyes scanned her closet, deciding that it was time to unveil her secret weapon - a little something that Rarity had made for her as her twentieth birthday gift.

Her eyes settled on the dress - and Flurry grinned impishly. If this wouldn't get Shard's attention, then nothing would!


~The Gala~

Shard knew the Gala was going to be a raucous affair even before he stepped off the escort coach and looked up at the brilliant skyline. The royal palace was open - and the sisters stood in front of the entrance - waving and greeting their guests, both looking just as regal and lovely as they were when he last saw them. Sixteen years and nothing had changed. A part of Shard wondered if Flurry was ageless like her great-aunts, but he decided it didn't matter.

He dismounted the coach and trotted slowly up the long red carpet - making sure his parents were keeping up. Unlike the sisters, both his parents showed clear signs of age - a side effect of Sombra becoming a mortal, ordinary pony. Yet, what didn't change was their love for each other - as was evident from their grins and how Hope rubbed under her husband's muzzle as they walked.

Up ahead, a familiar herd of ponies was standing next to the royal sisters, waiting for him and his family. Shard blinked, then grinned as he recognized them as the element-bearers and their families: Rarity with Spike, probably tonight's most unusual couple. Over there was the second, Fluttershy and Discord - with the spirit of chaos grinning mischievously. Past the pegasus and draconnequs was Applejack and Trenderhoof - with the farm-pony tipping her hat as Shard passed by.

Suddenly Shard found himself bombarded with confetti - and he sheepishly grinned as Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich burst out from... somewhere, holding miniature party cannons. He watched with amusement as they aimed and fired at random - each shot hitting some poor upper-class pony in the crowd.

Further along, Twilight beamed as she saw him, but her legs got caught in her dress - sending her stumbling - nearly falling over her husband, Flash Sentry -in a way that mirrored how they had first met, according to the Princess of Friendship herself.

"Shard!" She called over the din of the crowd. "So good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, Twilight." Shard replied happily. "How have you been?"

"Great!" She replied cheerily. Suddenly her expression turned to surprise. "Look out for...-!"

Before she could finish, Shard found himself swept off his hooves by a rainbow blur. In midair he was held aloft by the Wonderbolts' Captain, Rainbow Dash. She greeted him with the biggest, devil-may-care grin he had ever seen. They came grinding to a halt - just as another blur intercepted the speeding Pegasi.

"Come on, Crash." Came another voice. "You really shouldn't be Rainbooming the guests."

"It's just a bit of fun, Clipper." Rainbow Dash replied in that usual cocky tone. "Shard doesn't mind, do ya' buddy?"

Shard looked up, just as Dash started to give him a noogie and beheld Soarin - former second-in-command of the Wonderbolts - standing above them, looking down at his wife reprovingly.

"Come on, babe, that's enough fun for one night." Soarin said. "It's the Gala, remember?"

"I remember." Rainbow said as she stood up and helped Shard back to his hooves. "But if it's not supposed to be fun, then why is Discord here?"

Shard turned and saw that Rainbow Dash was correct: Evidently, marrying Fluttershy wasn't quite enough to tame the spirit of chaos - as with a snap of his claw, he made all the coaches turn into parsnips - and the guard ponies that tried to stop him suddenly found themselves turned into mice.

Fluttershy only had to look at him with a raised eyebrow - and the Draconnequs sighed. "You're still no fun, honey." Shard heard him mutter.

In an instant, he turned everything back to normal.

"Time to go on inside!" Twilight announced, flashing a nod at Fluttershy. "Let's go and have the best night ever!"


A half an hour later and Shard found that Twilight had spoken too soon. The affair turned out to be deathly dull; a herd of nobility eating tiny portions of food and putting on obviously fake smiles. Things only became more interesting when Discord and his daughter charmed the punch into spraying itself onto Rarity and her family - ruining the fashionista's dress in one stroke. Then in came Fluttershy to diffuse the situation, and of course the spirit of chaos again put a stop to it.

Overall, it was the kind of fancy party that Shard disliked.

At least until Flurry appeared.

She came in as befit the heir to the Crystal Throne; announced by the royal guard and accompanied by her parents, Shining Armor and Cadance. All three were dressed as befit royalty, but it was Flurry that really caught his eye. Her mane was tied into an elegant braid that hung down her back, but allowed just enough of her curls around her head - while her tail was tied at the end with a jeweled band. She had chosen a white and light purple dress that not only captured the lights - but positively reflected and radiated it. Holes had been cut into the sides in such a way that allowed her to spread her wings without being too airy - and the ensemble was completed with the blue crystal shoes that both accented the shape of her hooves and drew attention to her long, shapely legs.

Suddenly Shard felt his heart beating a few tics faster as she approached, letting him get a better look. From the gleam above her eyes, he could tell she had put on makeup - though not too much that it covered her. Quite the opposite, in fact. It somehow was just enough to compliment her natural good looks - and she clearly enjoyed the attention she was garnering.

Several young stallions turned heads as she passed by - but her eyes were focused only on him. He tried to speak, but found his mouth wasn't working. When she was just within hooves' reach, she stopped and gave him a polite bow.

"Hello Shard." Said Flurry, batting her eyelashes. "You look dashing tonight."

He suddenly found his voice. "S-so do you." He almost sputtered. "Er-, I mean, you look beautiful." He mentally slapped himself. "I mean..."

She silenced him with a hoof to his mouth and an airy laugh.

"Come on Shard, it's me, Flurry, remember?" She said. "I'm not one of those high-society ladies you need to impress. Unless you want to offer me a... dance?" She winked.

"Uh, yeah!" Shard said, nodding happily. Then he realized how stupid he must look before he bent one knee and returned the bow. "Your highness, may I have this dance?"

Flurry laughed again, then outstretched a hoof. "Of course, my young gentlecolt."

He took it gladly and led her to the dance floor, just as a slow song began. He started by putting his hoof around her waist, gently but firmly. Slowly, he took the lead and together, they practically glided across the floor. The other partygoers occasionally stopped and stared as they waltzed.

Further away, the element bearers and their husbands exchanged knowing smiles. Just a bit down the way, standing next to the buffet table, Sombra and Hope watched their son sway to and fro with his best friend into a tango.

"Reminds me of our first dance at our wedding." Hope remarked. "For somepony that never danced in his life, you did surprisingly well."

"Well, I had a thousand years in the ice." Sombra joked. "I found a few polar bears that were more than willing to help me practice."

Hope laughed, then caressed her husband's muzzle with her hoof. "All these years and you've never changed."

"And I never will." Sombra promised as he leaned down and embraced his wife.

Back with Shard and Flurry, the music slowed until it stilled - and with a flourish, he brought Flurry down into a dip, their faces dewed with sweat - just a few inches from each other. Shard felt his heart race as he stared into Flurry's eyes - and after a moment, he hurriedly allowed her to stand properly, his face turning a shade of red as he realized the other partygoers were applauding.

"Shard, that was lovely." Flurry said happily. "You're one heck of a ballroom dancer!"

"So are you." He observed. "Where in Equestria did you learn to waltz like that?"

"All part of being a princess." Flurry said with a slight chuckle. "But I think you're better than my instructor. You just might be able to give him lessons. Ever think of taking up ballroom dance in case this whole archaeology thing doesn't work out?"

"Oh, I've considered it." Shard returned, grinning. "And I think I just may have found my first student. I'll make you a deal..." He leaned forward. "I'll show you my moves if you'll show me yours."

"You're on." Flurry said. "For your first lesson..." With that she leaned in, closed her eyes and gently kissed him on the lips, much to his surprise, but also to his delight. "Never dance with a princess without expecting a kiss."

From far away, Shard's parents watched as their son shared his first kiss.

"Heck, it's about time." Sombra said quietly, holding Hope close. "Well done, my son."

"How long do you think it'll be before Shard figures it out?" Hope asked, looking up, then back at the pair.

"Not long, I'd think." Sombra said, nodding as they started another dance. "After all, that son of ours is a smart one."

Just before they could begin a second round, there came a tapping of a spoon on glass. All eyes were directed towards Celestia and Luna. When she had everypony's attention, the Sun-Princess cleared her throat and magically amplified her voice.

"My little ponies. Your attention, please." She announced. "I'd like to dedicate tonight's festivities to our friends, the element-bearers - and to Sombra and his family."

With that, spotlights appeared from the rafters and aimed at the couples - both Shard's parents and the colt himself - standing awkwardly with the princess in his hooves. They parted, both their faces bright red, to the amusement of a few ponies in the crowd.

"It is thanks to them that we are here to celebrate now. Without them, all this would surely have been lost. On behalf of all Equestria, I would like to thank them for their actions: Sixteen years ago, Sombra's son, Midnight Shard - guided us to destroy a great source of evil. The Umbrum."

With that, she raised a hoof - and her horn glowed - and behind her a new stained glass window was unveiled. The jaws of virtually everpony at the gala dropped. Depicted in the crystalline facets of the window was Shard, his parents and Starswirl's mirror - surrounded by rainbow light. Beneath the mirror was the imagery of the Umbrum, fallen and defeated.

With that, Luna stood up to her full height.

"On our behalf, I too would like to thank you for your actions. You saved the very pony you had first hurt - our cousin, Princess Amore. And though she may no longer be with us, her actions shall resound throughout eternity."

And with that, Luna's horn glowed - and another window was revealed: This one depicting Amore, in her prime, restored, with Sombra and Hope standing on either side of her - gentle smiles on all their faces.

"We ponies now have another two tales to weave into our grand history: The redemption of Sombra, the Shadow Pony - and likewise, The tale of Midnight Shard, Son of Shadows."


After all the festivities had died down, the gala had ended in a grand affair - and with Sombra and his family watching the fireworks display.

And amidst the din of sparklers and multicolored lights, there stood a colt and his best friend, holding hooves.



In a place forgotten by time and by all ponykind, a figure lounged on a stone throne - watching these events with a mix of great interest and dark amusement. All that had transpired had done so according to designs even the princesses could not fathom. The unsuspecting fools knew not what awaited.

Enjoy your victory, little ponies. The figure thought with a wicked grin. This is just the beginning.


~The End.~

Author's Note:

After months of hard work, planning and promises - (interspersed with a lot of training in Muay Thai) here we are. The last chapter of my first FIM-fic. It's been an amazing ride.

Who is this mysterious figure? What connection does it have with these events? What does this bode for our heroes?

I plan to continue this universe I've started - but as the saying goes, that is a story for another time.

Thank you for reading Son of Shadows!

Comments ( 22 )

I enjoyed this story.

A very good ending. Let me know when the sequel comes out.

I most certainly will. The sequel won't be out for a while, but I guarantee you - I'll try to make it even better than this!

And so the story ends... But the adventures... are only just beginning....

I put up a new cover art, thanks to Eevee!

If Rabia was voiced, what would she sound like?

Like this. Beware - lower your volume beforehand.

I really hope you enjoy it! I very much appreciate the comment. And yes, you may make fan art if you wish. I request that if you do, you also give credit to my friend Eevee, who was the one to give me the idea and the character, and the cover art.

I'd laugh if that pony within the forgotten place of time itself was Sour all along lul

But dam. Gud job. Must admit.

Thanks! But actually, the figure is not a Pony at all.

We meet him in the sequel.

Okay before I read this I’d like to know what led to all of this like what is the umbrum and how they defeated it and when in the show does this take place?

The Umbrum are a race of shadow ponies that were before the Crystal Empire’s founding. They created Sombra as a spy to infiltrate the Empire and eventually take it over.

All this was actually featured in the MLP comics, specifically Fiendship is Magic and IDW issues 34-37, Siege of the Crystal Empire.

This also takes some liberties and some of my head canons, along with a few OC’s from my friend Eevee.

This is gonna contain spoilers than since I have not seen the comics

Yeah, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Thanks for the favorite and the comments!

WOO! Good story, though the end is rather sad (with Amore and Mirror Sombra).
But there is one thing you didn't explain; Amore saw Sombra having to face a difficult decision, and as far as I have noticed; that didn't happen. Either I missed it, or it happens in the sequel.
I will happily be reading more :twilightsmile:

It happens in the sequel. You’re very observant to notice. And thanks for the favorite, and your kind words! I greatly appreciate it!

I stayed up past twelve, reading the entire story in a span of two hours. I was so exhausted afterwards I didn't even have the energy to write a comment, but let me tell you, THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE FANFIC EVER. Out of every fanfiction I've ever read, even beyond FiMfictions. Thank you for writing this amazing story, and keep up the great work!! :derpytongue2: :raritywink: :heart:

Thank you very much for all the wonderful comments! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. But I can't claim all the credit. My friend, Eevee is the one who gave me the idea.

And hey, believe in yourself, and you'll find there's very little you cannot do. ;)

Thank you for the comment! I agree, there's too few. I found the pairing to be a captivating one. My old friend Eevee agreed, and so we created this.

I very much hope you enjoy it.

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