• Published 3rd Aug 2016
  • 4,616 Views, 99 Comments

Son of Shadows - Sir Shining Armor

After Sombra and Radiant Hope set off to restore Princess Amore, they draw closer. Sombra discovers that the journey of redemption is never easy, but having those you love believing in you can be a great blessing.

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The Final Battle: Part 1 of 3.

Chapter: The Final Battle, Part 1 of 3.

~Sombra POV~

The outlook of the battle outside was just starting to turn again when Sombra and the others reached the cave. Their tactics had killed legions of enemy troops, yet they still continued to pour out of the mountain. A part of Sombra wanted to be back out in the thick of it, fighting beside the crystal ponies and showing them that he would give them his support in any endeavor, but he knew better. Shining Armor was out there too - so that counted for something.

Celestia and Twilight were leading the way with their magic light as they trotted through the ice caves beneath the mountain. Sombra walked directly behind them, along with Luna and the element-bearers. Thus far it was a silent trip; either no one wanted to speak of how the sounds of battle echoed through the caves, or they were too focused on their mission. Or maybe they were all fearful of what they would find waiting for them ahead. They had been friends with his mirror counterpart, however briefly. And Celestia had been his lover - once. That thought sent a plethora of emotions running through him, not the least of which was curiosity.

It made him feel embarrassed to know that they were the same being, but it also made him wonder just how different things were in that universe. Just what chain of events had been altered that he might be in a relationship with Celestia instead of Hope? How did this other Sombra become a King when he himself had usurped his throne? Most of all, though, just what was it that he intended to "set right"?

"Wondering about your other self?" Amore asked in a hushed voice. "It's disconcerting, I know. To know there is another you - and that somehow, they are still different."

"Did you know about him?" Sombra asked in turn. It was time to indulge his curiosity. "Me, I mean. The other me. When Celestia went through this mirror?"

Amore nodded. "I have the gift of sight. I can see what is in another's heart. And I saw that he too was a product of the evil you were born from." She looked at him. "But whereas you chose to embrace that evil, once, he rejected it from the very beginning."

"How? How did the Crystal Heart not destroy him?" It just didn't add up. If this other Sombra was also Umbrum, then surely the Heart would have had an effect. That meant that he and Hope were involved at one point.

Amore slowly shook her head. "I know not." She confessed. "I know only that it involves the other version of myself, somehow. But that is where my sight ends. I am afraid I cannot see my own destiny so clearly as others."

Ironic. He thought. She can see the future of others, but not herself.

"Can you see if we will succeed or fail?"

"I am afraid I cannot see that either, Sombra. I know only that at some point in the coming confrontation, you will have to make a choice that you do not understand. That choice will determine the success or failure of this mission."

Emotions warred within Sombra. Anger at this other version of him for threatening his loved ones and newfound friends. Then he felt a stab of pity, given just how much he - they, had suffered. And then above it all, he wondered just what this choice meant. Asking Amore any further would be pointless. It was futile to try and truly understand the future. She had told him once that it was impossible to see past the choices they did not understand. That meant that he would have to make a difficult decision. Given his previous track record with difficult decisions, he thought dryly, it might be better if somepony else had volunteered for this mission.

"You need not fear, Sombra." Amore said gently. Again, she looked at him - and this time, she smiled. "I believe in you. You have shown yourself to be truly changed. As I said before, in the Crystal Empire - you have redeemed yourself. The choice you make is yours alone, but know that I support you - to whatever end."

"We all do." Said Twilight. Abruptly, she had turned around. "I believe in you too, Sombra. We're your friends now, remember? All of us." Around him, the element-bearers and the royal sisters nodded, offering encouraging smiles.

"You brought our lost cousin back to us." Celestia said, gesturing to Amore, who beamed in response. "For that, we are grateful."

"You showed that no matter how far a pony has fallen, they may be redeemed." Luna offered as well. "I know how hard it is to forgive yourself for past transgressions, but 'tis time you did so."

"And just like we said before, we're gonna kick this other you's flank!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly, whooping through the air and shadowboxing.

"And when we're done, we can throw you a 'We-saved-Equestria-yet-again-and-kicked-a-bad-you's-flank party!" Pinkie said as she hopped up and down, the biggest grin on her face.

"Thank you, my friends." Sombra said. "It's good to know you all support me in this endeavor." His ears picked up a sound from up ahead. Something stirred in the edges of the light outside the field. He frowned and focused his own magical aura. "Did anyone hear that?"

"I did." Pinkie piped up, her expression suddenly turning serious. "My Pinkie sense is going crazy!"

"Pinkie sense?" Sombra wondered aloud - turning to Twilight. "What in Tartarus...?"

"You get used to it." Twilight replied. "Just focus. There's something up ahead. Everypony get ready."


~Shining Armor POV~

Outside, combat had started to subside as more and more of the shadow creatures went down and disappeared into black smoke. It seemed they had finally started to reach the limit of their numbers. No matter how many Mirror-Sombra might throw into the fight, the Crystal forces had their unity and discipline to fall back on. Mindless force could only avail so much before it took its toll. Besides that, Shining Armor suspected, his focus was probably directed elsewhere. Likely, the group inside had found him and taken the fight to him.

That meant the Crystal forces had some breathing space - and with Hope, Shard and Flurry healing them, the wounded were able to quickly rejoin the battle and keep the pressure on the enemy. Soon enough, their 'ranks' were crumbling - and it became more a matter of mopping up any stragglers. Any group larger than a company that remained was blasted into black ash by Unicorn magic or was ripped to shreds by Pegasi dive-bombers, leaving room for the Earth-squadrons to finish the job with their spears.

Shining Armor leaned wearily on his own spear as he watched the remaining individual combats still raging about the battlefield. Before him - Rapid-Fire was giving a sitrep.

"So far, there are no dead." He was saying. "Eighteen are wounded and awaiting treatment. Twenty are missing. Another thing, Captain, we were lucky: Thanks to Hope and the children, this battle has gone much better than expected."

"Good work, Sergeant." Shining Armor said, nodding in satisfaction. He was pleased to hear that so few had been hurt. Even better was they had done it without losing a single life. "What of the inside strike team?"

"There's been no word, sir." Rapid-Fire said grimly. "I think we should regroup our forces and send a detachment after them."

"That won't be necessary." Shining Armor said, shaking his head. "The element-bearers have the princesses with them. We've got to keep the enemy from surrounding them from behind." He gestured to the cave entrance with his hoof. "Set up blocking positions around the entrance; no one comes in, nothing gets out."

"Yes, sir." Rapid-Fire said with a salute. Before he could flutter off to fulfill his orders, Armor stopped him.

"And Sergeant?" Shining Armor began.


"Where are Shard and my daughter?"

"Inside the main encampment with Radiant Hope, sir, treating wounded." The sergeant gestured with his wing to the south, towards a small collection of tents the ponies had set up to cover the wounded.

"When you're done with your patrol, make sure you double the guard surrounding them. We wouldn't want anything to happen to them... or let them run off unexpectedly."

Rapid-Fire grinned. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" Armor nodded. "Are you sure that will be enough? The children are rather willful, from what I hear."

Armor suppressed a return grin. "You are dismissed, Sergeant Fire."

With that, Rapid-Fire saluted again and took off to fulfill his orders. Shining Armor looked about the battlefield and nodded his satisfaction.