• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,327 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 6

If there was one thing that Ember had to say about Equestria, it was certainly the greenest place she had ever seen. She had seen plants, trees, flowers and such before in her life, but never in such quantity, as if the place was one giant garden. A part of her wondered if it was possible to turn the dragon lands into such, but dismissed this since the volcanoes and rocky like dirt would make it impossible. Not to mention how difficult maintaining flammable flora would be around firebreathers.

Escorted by both her Scale Guards and the Royal Guards from Princess Celestia, Ember soon glanced upon the distant village of Ponyville from the hill she was flying over. Her friends, Blitz and Aquafire, were flying right beside her as she took a notice of the crystal-like castle Spike told her about. She licked her lips, resisting temptation to nibble on its tasty looking walls.

“Dragon Lord Ember,” addressed one of the pegasus guards flying nearby. “Princess Twilight has already alerted the town of upcoming dragon presence. She wishes to greet you in person on town’s borders and escort to the castle though, a precaution to make it easier for citizens to get more at easy in your presence..”

“A wise idea,” answered Ember. “We shall follow your lead, Corporal.”

The pegasus guard nodded and made his way down to the rendezvous point. Ember gulped, hoping to leave the best first impression when meeting with ponies. She clutched both her Blood Scepter and the wrapped lance that Blitz presented to her this morning. Stay calm. Don’t be nervous. You are the Dragon Lord. Not a hatching.

The group landed not to far from the town, where upon closer inspection they could see balloons, streamers, and the sound of music being played. It was so... energetic and happy sounding, her nerves fade a bit by just listening to it.

Sensing her curiosity, the escorting guard said, “I’ve been in Ponyville a few times. All the parties there are made by the Element of Laughter, also known as one of the Councilmares of Friendship, Pinkie Pie. She’s never made a party one would dislike, or so I’ve heard.”

“Ah, yes,” answered Ember, nodding her head. “I’ve heard about her. Twilight said she poses quite unexplainable… abilities. So I should just nod my head and not question them.”

“I wonder what they’re cooking?” asked Blitz, sniffing his nose in the air. “Smells good. I don’t suppose they’re cooking meat?”

A few of the pony guard's eyes widened, which made Aquafire roll her eyes and smack him on the shoulder. “Cut it out. Meat or no meat, don’t scare them.”

“It was just a joke,” chuckled Blitz.

Ember ignored her dragons friends as she focused on what she was going to do for this party. Not only did she have to be at her best and most calm behaviour, but she also had to prove herself as a good friend to Spike and his friends. First impressions were everything after all, and she wanted to make sure this would be the first step to improving relations between ponies and dragons.

Soon enough, a familiar figure was flying towards the group along with another pony who seemed to be blue with the colors of the rainbow as part of her mane. Smiling, Ember stepped forward and shook hooves with Twilight upon landing in front of her.

“Ember! It’s so great to see you again! Thanks for coming!”

“Thanks for inviting me” replied Ember before she turned to the multi-colored pegasus. “Who's your friend?”

“Name’s Rainbow Dash. THE fastest pegasus in Equestria,” she said with a grin. “I’m pals with Twilight and the gang. Gotta say, been looking forward to meeting you since Rarity told me how you kicked Garble’s butt.”

“I take it you’ve met him?” asked Ember, already liking this pony’s attitude.

“Yeah, but I know not all dragons are like him and his bunch of bullies. Plus, Spike seems to like you so any friend of his is a friend of mine,” said Rainbow Dash, holding her hoof out.

Getting the message, Ember fist bumped and nodded. “I think he said you tried teaching him how to fly. If you want, we can fly in the air together and compare notes.”

“Sweet! Anytime and anyplace!” said Rainbow Dash with a competitive flare in her eyes.

“As much as I’m sure it would be interesting to see and compare the differences in flight between your races, we have a party to attend and it just started,” Twilight interrupted.

“Of course, lead the way, Twilight,” said Ember, motioning for her guards and friends to follow the princess.

“Yours bodyguards?” asked Rainbow Dash, motioning to the Scale Guards as they walked towards town.

“Yes, but don’t worry. I made sure to pick the most levelheaded and disciplined ones around my height. Any of the older and bigger ones might have caused a few panic attacks,” said Ember. She then pointed at her dragon friends. “These two are my friends though. Blitz of Clan Blackjaw and Aquafire of Oceanvale.”

“Hi there,” greeted Blitz.

“Sup?” asked Oceanvale.

“Welcome to Ponyville,” greeted Twilight as they walked down what looked to be the main street. “I hope you all will enjoy it here.”

Looking around, Ember was surprised by how many ponies made up the small town. There seemed to be at least a hundred if not more that could live in this small community. Make you wonder what their cities are like?

Naturally, there were a few stares directed at them, mostly out of fear, as they passed by. A few females were ushering their little ones inside their homes. Some of them eased up when they saw the guards and Twilight Sparkle walking beside them without worry, but this was few in number. Seeing this, the young alicorn gave Ember an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I warned everypony about this a week ago, but I guess some are still too nervous.”

“It’s okay. I kinda expected this,” answered Ember.

“Eh, it’s not so bad. At least they aren’t hurling spears at us,” said Blitz, waving to a little filly who stared at him with wide eyes.

“Has your assistant had to go through something similar?” asked Aquafire.

“Thankfully, no. At least not in Ponyville,” answered Twilight with a smile. “I think it had to do with the fact that Spike was no bigger than a colt when we first moved here. No offence, but you guys look like you can all take down Big Macintosh with one arm behind your back.”

“Yeah, I’m still amazed Fluttershy was able to befriend him despite her fear of dragons,” added Rainbow Dash.

“Another friend of yours?” asked Ember, trying to remember which one this was. Something about kindness and animals.

Nervously, Twilight nodded. “Y-yes. Fluttershy has a terrible fear of dragons. She’s currently hiding in her home right now. She does offer her apologies though.”

The group soon arrived at the gates of the castle. The dragons couldn’t help but be impressed by the sight of it up close, not to mention the large amount of party decorations that were added onto it. There had to be dozens of streamers, hundreds of balloons, and banners showing images of Spike. Interesting enough there was also a banner that said “Welcome Dragons To Ponyville!”

“Cool,” admitted Aquafire with a quick nod. “Remind me to hire this Pinkie Pie pony for my next 100th birthday if she’s still around by then.”

“Sure thing! I’ve never done a dragon party in the dragon lands before!” shouted Pinkie Pie from behind which made all the dragons flinch.

“H-how did she get past us?” asked one of the Scale Guards in confusion.

“Oh, I was always there. Here, there and everywhere really!” said Pinkie with a smile. She then pulled at a cannon, frightening the very dragon she was aiming as his legs started to share, but instead of firing cannonballs or gunpowder, it was confetti and balloons that flied out. “Welcome to Ponyville, Dragons! Come inside and have a good time!”

And just like that she skipped and hopped into the castle, leaving a stunned group of dragons with quite a few questions.

Twilight giggled and raised her hoof. “To answer what I know is going through your heads. Yes, she is like that all the time. No, we don’t know how she makes things appear and disappear without question. And finally, just think in your heads “It’s Pinkie Pie” and that will keep you sane.”

“Um, okay...” said Ember.

“Oh, and if Pinkie Pie says something about Pinkie Sense, listen to it. Like if your life depends on it,” pointed out Rainbow Dash before guiding the dragons to the castle.

“Pinkie Sense?” whispered Blitz.

“Just roll with it,” whispered Ember back.


After a brief introduction by a speaker, Ember found herself the center of attention when every pony in the main room looked at her. There was a few moments of silence before a familiar voice cried out her name. Rushing through the crowd, Spike, a few inches taller than the last time she saw him, nearly tackled her in a hug which made her blush and smile at the same time. “I’m so glad you made it!”

“O-Of course! Wouldn’t miss this for the world,” said Ember.

She then pointed to her other friends. “This is Blitz and Aquafire. Friends of mine that I’ve come to know.”

“Nice to finally meet the hatching that softened Ember’s cold exterior,” said Blitz with a smile when Ember glared at him.

“It’s an honor to meet you. Ember’s told us a lot about you,” said Aquafire.

They shook claws as soon the awkward moment faded and ponies went back to the party. “So what do you want to do first? Meet some other friends of mine? Go to the dancing room? Try some food and drinks? Play a few games?”

“Personally, I could use a bathroom,” answered Blitz. “I’ve been holding it in all flight.”

“And I wanna see if I can try this chocolate you ponies have,” said Aquafire.

Pinkie appear behind the two, scaring them once again, as she joyfully stated, “You’re in luck! Both happen to be next to each other! Follow me!” Without a word of protest, the two dragons were dragged off by the party pony.

Ember shook her head in amusement before remembering what she had in her one claw. “Oh, right. I have a gift for you.”

Spike took it into his claws and grinned. “Wow, I wonder what it is? Can’t wait to open it after the cake.” He then grabbed her claw and gave her a smile that made her heart flutter a bit. “Come on! We got so much to do and so little time! I wanna show you the best party ever!”

All Ember could do was smile as she was dragged away by the smaller dragon with smirks on Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s lips upon seeing such a sight.