• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,327 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 20 (End)

Ember couldn’t remember the last time her head hurt this bad. Well, other than that one time Blitz managed to get his claws on some Minotaur Ale. Groaning, she pressed her claw to her head and slowly got up from the hospital bed she found herself in. There wasn’t anyone else in the room except for Princess Twilight Sparkle who looked like she just answered before rushing over to the Dragon Lord’s side. “Ember, are you okay? Anything hurt?”

“My head... other then that I’m thirsty,” she answered. A glass of water appeared before her thanks to Twilight’s magic which the dragon nearly inhaled with vigor. Sighing, she wiped her mouth before remembering what happened. “Spike! Is he-”

“He’s fine, but... well...” Twilight rubbed the back of her head nervously. “There was kinda of a small problem...”

“How small?” Ember asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Are you good enough to walk?” Twilight asked, with Ember getting up and stretching her legs as her answer.

The two quickly exited her room before walking down the hall. Pony doctors and nurses gave them passage as they bowed to Twilight or looked at Ember with terror in their eyes. Raising an eyebrow, Ember asked why to which Twilight let out a sad sigh. “We're in Canterlot right now and... word of what happened has already reached the city. Rumors are spreading, but Princess Celestia and Luna are doing their best to make sure the truth is out that Spike didn’t gobble up every pony in Ponyville. So they’re kinda... scared of dragons at the moment.”

Ember didn’t find it in her to blame them. What happened to Ponville was horrible, and if Spike didn’t stop before reaching Canterlot who knows what kind of damage he could have done? This was going to set back the relationship she and Spike had been working on between the dragons and ponies big time. “If Lord Redskull was here I’d crush his bones to dust...”

“No need to worry about him,” Princess Twilight answered, shaking her head. “He’s dead. Queen Chrysalis too. The Princesses made sure of it.”

“Good,” Ember growled. “I’ll make sure the rest of his clan and allies get the same treatment.” Well, maybe not all of them. Garble did say he had a half-sister his father accidentally had despite having a life mate and kept a secret from the world out of shame. Who would have thought that such a stubborn traditionalist like him was a cheat?

A thought occurred to her. “Where are my Scale Guards? Blitz and Aquafire?”

“They’re being tended to on the floor below us. Don’t worry, the Princesses made sure that they were under their personal protection so we don’t have to worry about anyone doing something stupid and risking more problems for us.”

They eventually stopped at a room where two pegasi guards were standing guard saluted before letting by. Twilight knocked on the door. “Spike? It’s me! I brought Ember.”

“Okay... you can come in,” said a voice on the other side.

Twilight opened the door and Ember entered first hoping that whatever happened to Spike wasn’t bad. When she saw him... she felt her jaw drop and her eye twitch a bit. Okay... this really isn’t bad... at all actually.

In some ways, Ember liked the change. Because the one small tiny dragon she felt her heart burning for had a growth spurt that made him just barley above her own chin level. His baby fat was all gone, including that small belly of his that now showed an average muscled dragon chest. However, give it a few years and every dragoness would be jumping on him... and Ember would be tossing them into a lake for it.

His scales had gotten a bit darker, a regular trait for growing males, and his tail was starting to grow spines. His wings had grown, even larger than her own, and they looked strong and flexible. However, the best part was his face. It was... was...

“... perfect...” Ember whispered. His face was chiseled in every perfect corner and curve. His eyes were deep and gazing. HIi nervous smile only made her heart beat faster and she was sure no dragon’s nose was supposed to look that cute.

If it was mating season right now, Ember was sure she would give into temptation and tackle Spike into that bed and have her way with him. She didn’t care if the whole city was watching.

“Uh, surprised?” Spike asked, his voice deeper and yet it hummed like a harp. “Kinda didn’t expect to skip a few years in my lifespan.”

“Wait, lifespan?” Ember blinked out and turned to Twilight. “What happened to him?”

“Well, as best as we can diagnose, the age and rage potion, combined with Zecora’s cure, did manage to cure him,” Twilight answered, nervously. “But instead of reverting him back to his original age and size... he kinda is now about... not to far from your age I believe. Maybe five years younger.”

“Wait, the potion aged him that much?” Ember asked in awe.

“Technically, I was much older when I transformed, the antidote only manage to return me as much as it could,” Spike sighed. “Maybe it was bad luck or that there wasn't as much juice as it had, but I can’t go back to my original age. I mean that’s not so bad, I’m bigger and stronger now... but I kinda lost a portion of my lifespan, you know?”

“Look at it this way, Spike,” Twilight said, smiling. “Pinkie’s going to want to throw you over a hundred or so birthdays to make up for it.”

“I’m not against a hundred presents,” Spike chuckled.

“Well... I guess that means we’ll have to teach you a few new dragon things,” Ember said with a smile, before she walked over and hugged him. It was different now. Instead of kneeling down she was holding him by the waist and had his head resting on her shoulders. Yet it still held the same warmth she loved so much. “I’m glad you’re back, Spike... I’m sorry you got involved in this.”

“Hey, it’s okay. Besides, you saved me and stopped me from doing more harm to my home,” Spike said as he took Ember’s claws into his own and looked at her eyes which made her blush. “Ember, I don’t know how to repay you. I’m glad you’re one of my best friends.”

... I am too, but I want to be more... Ember thought, but she still smiled. Now I know, Spike. I really do like you...

The door opened again, revealing Princess Celestia although the expression she had didn’t bring any cheer to the room. In fact, she seemed disappointed and saddened for some reason. That lessened a bit when she saw Ember in the room. “Dragon Lord Ember, I’m glad to see you awakened and are well.”

“Thanks, though I hope that can be said about everyone else,” Ember said.

“Have no worries. All my subjects in the incident will make a full recovery and we’re already planning to rebuild Ponyville. This wouldn’t be the first time the town has had to go through such an event.”

“Regardless, I feel that I share some blame in this.” Ember sighed. “I had hoped to keep this little... rebellion in my own borders, but I failed to do so. I’ll see to it that we dragon's help in anyway we can.”

“I’m afraid you will not find so many wanting it,” Princess Celestia sighed, “I’ve spoken to the nobles and those representing the communities around Canterlot. Including Ponyville. I’m afraid what happened has turned everypony on edge and have sadly requested...” She didn’t finish but everyone was already looking worried. “... they have requested that Spike be put in temporary exile.”

“WHAT?!” Both Twilight and Ember shouted in horror and rage.

“That’s not fair! Spike attacked against his own free will! He would never hurt anypony! Ponyville is his home!” Twilight yelled, steam coming out of her ears. “I will personally tell everypony who even thinks of such a thing that I will send them to the moon for a thousand years if they don’t change their minds!”

“I’m afraid that will have to include most of Ponyville themselves, Twilight,” Celestia responded much to her shock. “Spike’s actions, while not of his doing, still frightened and terrified the citizens of the town. Thankfully, they’ve agreed to only allow his exile for a few years-”

“Years?! Spike isn’t just my assistant, Princess Celestia! He’s one of my best friends! My little brother... I... I cannot let this happen!” Twilight stomped her hoof. “I’ll resign as Princess if I have too! I’ll go into exile with him! I’ll-”

“Twilight,” Spike said with a sad smile. “It’s okay. I’m fine with it.” Everypony turned to him with eyes wide open. “I understand why they want me gone, I do. It hurts, but I think it might be best for everyone if I stay outside of Equestria for a little while. Besides, I’ve just grown into another stage of adulthood by a magical potion. Who knows what’s changed from my strength, fire breath, and flying? What if I gain something new or different? Or go through some kind of puberty change that could be damaging? Right, Ember?”

“True,” Ember agreed with reluctance. “There are going to be a lot of changes now that you are physically older...”

“But Spike...” Twilight walked over to her now larger older brother and hugged him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want you to go away for so long...”

“I’m not going away forever. Besides, you can always come visit me,” Spike said, giving his older sister a warm smile. “And we’ll always write to each other. Plus, if you need me I’ll come over. Exile or not.”

Ember stepped forward and put her claw on his shoulders. “You can stay with me. I won’t abandon you, my friend.”

“Thanks, Ember. See, Twilight? I’ll be fine. Besides, I get to learn more about being a dragon,” Spike said, hopefully. "We both agreed one day I would need to spend more time at the Dragon Lands... I guess its just now rather then later."

“... Okay,” Twilight replied, sighing. “If you’re okay with this... then I guess I’ll do my best to be as well. However,” she turned to Celestia with narrowed eyes, “I mean what I said. Until Spike comes back, I’m temporarily resigning as Princess of Equestria. I’ll still protect it and teach friendship, but I refuse to take the role until I have all my friends back home.”

“If that is your wish, Twilight, I will respect it,” Celestia said with a small smile. “What will you do in the meantime?”

“Well,” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, “I have always wanted to open my own school...”

After some more talking, both alicorns decided to leave to let the others know of Spike’s situation while Ember and Spike continued to sit on his hospital bed in silence. The two of them didn’t say anything, but stare at each other or at the walls. It was kinda unnerving.

Ember didn’t know what to say or do. What do you do with a friend who had just been kicked out of the only home he’d know all his life? Granted, it wasn’t forever, but the thought of such a thing had to have been hurting Spike, even if he didn’t show it.

“Ember...” Spike whispered, getting her attention. “... I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Ember asked, tilting her head.

“I... I almost killed you,” he muttered as a small tear dripped down his cheek. Looking at him, he looked almost ready to shed more as he closed his eyes and turned away in shame. “You could have died saving me... even though killing me would have been the quicker option... you still risked everything to save me...” He slowly touched her claw. “I don’t know how to thank you...”

Ember looked at their claws and then at Spike before deciding on something. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “You really want to know what you can do?” He nodded.

“Kiss me.” Not expecting that, Spike’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned red as Ember inched closer. “I said... kiss me. Not on the cheeks like a grandmother, but right on my lips... please...”

“Ember... I... I...”

“Please Spike, I need to know...” Ember whispered as she moved closer.

“Know what?”

“... if this feels right...”

It took a few more seconds, but Spike slowly leaned forward and pressed his scaled lips on Ember’s own.

Then at the moment the fire that had been building up inside her heart erupted like a volcano on overdrive. She closed her eyes and felt every inch of her body inflamed with his touch. All of time and reality ceased as this single moment in time became more important than any other in her life. Not even holding the Scepter was as intoxicating as this one, single, kiss. It was at that moment she knew that this was right.

She didn’t just like Spike.

No, she really did love him.
Spike ended the kiss and slowly seperated from Ember as the two wordlessly started at each other. Their eyes and beating hearts speaking for them. He slowly wrapped his wing around her shoulders and dragged her closer to his chest. Closing her eyes, Ember felt a smile stretched across her muzzle as she rested her head on his shoulders, their claws and tails slowly embracing one another.

“... are we a couple now?” Spike whispered.

“What do you think?” Ember chuckled, nuzzling him. “Now shut up and hold me.”



By the time you get this message chances are I will be dead, executed by the Dragon Lord. Your Uncle’s plan has failed, Ember still lives as does Princess Twilight and King Thorax. Everything we’ve worked for has failed, worse most of the clan, as well as our allies, have been sentenced to death. Only a few are allowed to live, including your bastard born half-cousin Smolder, who has forsaken our family name after learning about the death of her half-brother, Garble.

You are still far enough to flee the Dragon Lands, so I pray to the gods you will be able to escape and live. Live so that we can have our revenge. There are other exiled dragons clans, far out in the east, who you can use to gather an army, but it will take you years to earn their respect or their obedience. Maybe even a few hundred before you are ready to return.

Regardless, you are the last hope we have for restoring out people to the once great glory we had since the ancient days. Ember and her new pony friends will shame us and take us down a road of dishonor and destroy everything we dragon's stand for.

There is a reason your Uncle choose you as his heir over his now deceased shame of a son and his bastard born daughter. You are strong, wise, cunning, and ruthless. You should have been chosen in the last Call of the Dragon Lord, but perhaps the gods did this so you could free us from Ember’s insanity.

Know that you will always be in both you mother’s heart as well as mine. I am proud of you my son, and I love you. Avenge us. Avenge our clan and restore our people to glory. Farewell, my son. May the gods guide your path until we meet again in the afterlife.

-You’re Father, Brutanus.

Author's Note:

And so we reach the end of the story. Yes, there will be a second story, but not for a few months. Hope you enjoyed it guys! Thanks for reading and I hope you look forward to the next one in the future!

Comments ( 38 )

Sad to see this over. It was a wild ride, and I hope you write a sequel.

For a few months huh? Would it be the remainder of Gen. 4? Or by then, will it be Gen. 5?

Well is sounds like Brutanus was a real piece of work. I hope they catch this kid and stop him before he destroys a large portion of the world on his misguided attempt to assert his dominance.

And so it ends...and begins.

Love the nod to Smolder and the school of friendship. Look forward to the sequel.

Well, I for one cant wait for the next part of this story and to read more of Spike and Embers growing love for one another.

These are what I love in Dragon stories. The dark and brutal changes that affect not just dragons but others. I also liked that I'm not the only one who thought of the repercussions of when spike grows older or if he might cause more damage without proper training do to his Dragon inheritance.

Excellent job with the story!

I'm sad that this is over, but I'm also excited for the upcoming sequel! :pinkiehappy:

I hope it's basically just the dragons finding technology or something.

GOod luck!

Yeah, no.

Not a fan of how Spike was thrown under the bus for something beyond his control to the point where even his own home threw him out.

Best of luck with the sequel though.

I loved this story! As a fan of the EmberSpike ship this was great, and I can't wait for the sequel. I can tell it is going to be great.

It was too bad that Spike has to go into temporary exile, but the key word is temporary. At least this gives him more time to spend with Ember. I thought it was clever, getting around the age gap by having the potion unable to return him completely to normal. Also, Ember's reaction to seeing him like that was adorable. Their kiss and officially becoming a couple was cute too.

I wonder if Smolder will play a big role in the sequel? Until then, good luck with everything else and thanks once again for this fantastic story!

I like the story, but the war aspects of it puts too much of a damper on the positive feels for my to enjoy it to the fullest.

Still a good story. Not sure I'll stick around for the sequel, but good luck!:moustache:

Is there really gonna be a sequel?

Then I’ll be looking forward to it!

Poor Spike. Having to leave Equestria, and losing several years of his life. I do feel for him. But I'm sort of happy that Ember is there for him. They can actually court now. And it doesn't look so bad. I can't wait for the sequel. Great job with adding the twist about Smoulders family into this story.

Any society that would accept fear over fact and cast out one of their own does not deserve the protection provided by the magic of friendship until they learn to overcome their fear.
So while I am all for Twilight staying to teach about friendship, I believe she should lay aside her role as protector along with the role of princess.

Can't wait for the sequel.

Sad to see Spike leave, but I'm happy that ember and him talked. I'm also happy for Smolder. She will escape the fate of her brother. Hopefully in the sequel we can see how the school, and how Spike and Ember are doing.

A very nice ending. Now, I'm left to wonder about what's in store for the next story.

I imagine Smolder will likely play a large role. Chancellor Neighsay will definitely have a larger presence since Spike's rampage fuels his Species-ist sentiments, particularly towards dragons.

It'd be interesting to see how Smolder adjusts to the School. Her relationship with Sandbar I think will be particularly interesting, since I THINK he lives in Ponyville.

I don't know if there will be a time skip to when Spike is allowed to return or if he'll still be in exile when we pick back up, but regardless, I really look forward to his return to Equestria.

Should be a great story! Take all the time you need with it.

Will you be posting an announcement chapter for the sequel?


The story was short and easy to digest and the pairing was a nice, slow burn that came together rather tastefully. I'm actually glad this story ended where it did. Ending before it could drag on and become a chore to read, leaving that one thread to tie into the sequel. Looking forward to it.

“That’s not fair! Spike attacked against his own free will! He would never hurt anypony! Ponyville is his home!” Twilight yelled, steam coming out of her ears. “I will personally tell everypony who even thinks of such a thing that I will send them to the moon for a thousand years if they don’t change their minds!”

“I’m afraid that will have to include most of Ponyville themselves, Twilight,” Celestia responded much to her shock. “Spike’s actions, while not of his doing, still frightened and terrified the citizens of the town.

Does that mean some of the main six and their families and friends wanna him gone as well?

When will the sequel come out

Either the end of the year or start of next year

You don’t say? I eagerly await more!

Honestly? This isn't your best story. Way too many ideas thrown around, frankly. It started off nice enough with the slow-burning romance, then it got insane as more plot elements were added. It just feels like you were throwing shit at the wall, if you pardon the expression and hoped to see what stuck.

Did the sequel already came out? Just wondering because sometimes people forget to add the direct sequel link that usually appears.

Ah. Alright. Thanks for telling me.

Good story, I got it to go to 500 likes woohoo!

The show already did that long before this story was made. Or did you not see Dragonshy? A real dragon would've eaten Fluttershy and killed the rest of the Mane Six.

What a great story. I'm so glad that I came back and finally finished it. It gives me all the feels.

Can you perhaps share the link for the sequel, please?

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