• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,328 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 11

Needless to say, Garble’s loyalty was still a shock not just to her, but to her friends as well. It was clear that Garble would never be their friend, but at least he wasn’t trying to overthrow Ember. A few days since his interrogation, Garble was set to report to them as the four young dragons, plus Silverback, were in her throne room where the red dragon began his review. “My father is definitely up to something. What that is I can’t figure out, but he’s been busy ordering our clan to train and reforge our weapons into perfection. Officially, he claims it’s because he’s getting ready for the next War Games this year, but I’d sell all my sapphires if that was true.”

“Not a bad cover,” replied Silverback, stroking his chin. “The War Games are a time for every clan to show their best fighting forces. They could just say they want to do their best this year and nobody would be suspicious.”

“Yeah, only the problem is we're shifting a lot of treasure to the dragon clans. My dad’s been in engagement with clans like Clan Blight, Overborn, Firebane, and Thundercrash. All of them having some beef with Ember in one way or another,” replied Garble, growling. “He’s also been spending time with Tyranus.”

“Tyranus? Why does that name sound familiar?” asked Blitz, rubbing the back of his head.

“He’s my cousin,” replied Garble. “You remember the dragon who hunted down those egg snatchers a few years ago and brutally destroyed them before returning them to their parents?”

“I remember him,” replied Ember, nodding her head as a few memories of the black and red scaled dragon with piercing blue eyes and muscle bound body ran through her head. “He’s very popular with dragons older than us and has developed quite a following. It shocked everyone when he wasn’t called for the trials to be the next Dragon Lord.”

“Yeah, I liked seeing the smirk on his face disappear when I got chosen and he didn’t,” chuckled Garble with a grin.

“I take it you don’t get along?” asked Aqua.

“That’s an understatement. Everyone in the clan, even my father, treats him like he’s the next Dragon Emperor,” replied Garble, rolling his eyes. Ember couldn’t help but agree. He was insufferable to deal with when she met him those few times, almost like this Prince Blueblood her friend Spiked talked about, only he was more arrogant and could kill you easily if he wanted. “He’s strong, smart, knows every tradition, and the guy has an ego the size of a mountain. My father treats him like a son, and he’s been spending more time with him ever since the trials.”

Ember wasn’t sure, but she detected a hint of sadness at end of Garble’s tone. It was a well known fact among the younger clans that Garble’s father was a very strict and cold dragon. Even to his own son. I wonder... how much of his attitude is because of their relationship?’

“Will he challenge Ember for the Blood Scepter? Like Dragon Lord Exar did with Dragon Lord Magnas?” asked Blitz.

“He can’t,” replied Ember, shaking her head. “There is a two hundred year time period before such a thing can happen. It’s a fail safe to keep us from killing every new dragon lord by some arrogant dragon who was upset he wasn’t chosen.”

“Do you have anything that could hint what they might be planning to do with Dragon Lord Ember?” asked Silverback.

“No. Most of my clan ignores me now. I can’t just go outright and demand anything too,” replied Garble, crossing his arms. “But if my clan is doing something to overthrow the rightful ruler of us, then I need to help stop them. Even if they are my kin.”

“And for that you will always have my thanks, Garble,” replied Ember, nodding her head. “I’ll see that you are rewarded for this.”

“... I want to hold you to that,” replied Garble, but he turned away before Ember could ask anything.

Sitting on her throne, Ember pondered her choices. It was clear that Redskull was the main power behind the alliance attempting to overthrow her. If she could deal with them, the others would crumble before her. The question was how to deal with this, and in a way that wouldn’t end up in bloodshed. She assumed by now they would be trying to poison her like they did her father, but her food and drink remained untouched by anything fowl. They couldn’t attack her directly, nor challenge her rule for another two hundred years according to law. Meaning they’ll go after someone close to me to get to me.

Thankfully, the only ones close to her were all in this room, and protected by her. Plus, Spike was back in Equestria so he wasn’t in any danger either. Dragons were pretty uncommon despite her public appearance, and if one journeyed to Equestria she would know about it. So how would they attack me?

“We could always strike first,” replied Blitz, fire in his eyes. “I got my uncle in the area with his force of 300. Combined with the guards and other nearby clan we could wipe them out in one blow.”

“The problem with that is we have no actual proof of their treason, even with Garble’s testimony,” replied Silverback, shaking his head. “If anything, it would make Ember look like a tyrant who would silence any who disagree with her new policies. We don’t want to make her another Dragon Lord Obera, do we?”

The younger ones shivered. Dragon Lord Obera was the worst Dragon Lord they ever had in history to the point where she was known as Obera the Lord of Madness. She was ruthless and paranoid that all were conspiring against her, killing dragons left and right and using the power of the scepter to force others to stay in control. She had sent their armies out to fight enemies that didn’t exist or were not even doing anything to them, earning hatred across the world. She even killed her own daughter and mate in the belief that they were changelings planning to assassinate her. The amount of bodies that were stocked up until she finally died of a heart attack could reach the heavens of the gods themselves.

Their flashback into their history lessons was interrupted when the door to the entranceway of here throne room opened and one of her guards entered with a bow. “I thought I asked us to not be disturbed,” replied Ember.

“I’m sorry, Dragon Lord, but Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria is here to see you,” replied the guard much to their surprise.

“Oh, uh, send her in,” replied Ember, getting up.

A short moment later and a smiling purple alicorn arrived with a bow. “It’s great to see you again, Ember. You too Blitz and Aqua.” She turned to Garble and gave a neutral expression. “Hello, Garble.”

“Tch,” replied the red dragon who turned away with a huff.

“I’m sorry for the loss of your father. I never knew him, but Princess Celestia did and she said he was an honorable dragon,” replied Twilight, bowing her head in respect.

“I’m sure my father’s spirit would be grateful. May I ask why you are here?” asked Ember.

Twilight tilted her head. “Didn’t Spike tell you in the letter I sent him?” She looked around. “Where is he anyway?”

Ember and the others looked at each other in confusion. “Spike isn’t here. He went back to Equestria after the funeral.”

“That’s not possible,” replied Twilight, shaking her head. “You’re guards told me that you needed him here in order to help deal with a treaty between you and the changelings since he and King Throax are good friends. I decided to come over and see if I could help you out.”

Ember’s eyes widened as her heart suddenly stopped beating and a terrible, horrible scenario went through her mind. Summoning her scepter she rushed over to Twilight, scaring her as she took her by the shoulders. “Which guards told you that? Tell me!”

“Um, I think their names were Bright Roar and Furious,” replied Twilight, looking a bit shaken. “What’s going on?”

Ember and all the other dragons growled as it soon became evident what was going on. She slammed her secepter to the ground and summoned her guards from behind the entrance. “Find Bright Roar and Furious! Bring them to me here! NOW!” The guards obeyed with Garble following them. Twilight, jumping back with her wings flared out, suddenly turned serious and demanded to know what was going on. Ember, gritting her teeth, began to tell the whole story.


Twilight didn’t take the news that her adopted brother was now a prisoner to a group of dragons that wanted Ember dead or dethroned well. At first, she panicked. Then she got angry and unleashed such a powerful aurora it reminded everyone in the room that this was the one who defeated powerful beings like Tirek. She swore to lend any and all help to Ember, but her first priority was to see Spike safe.

She was right beside Ember when the two traitorous guards were brought before them in magical chains that not even dragons could break. They argued, even as they were brought to their knees, but that all changed when Ember unleashed the full power of the bloodstone scepter to force them to obey her, and they then looked upon her with terror.

Fury from the knowledge that the most important dragon in her life was now in the claws of her enemies engulfed the room, matched only by the anger that Twilight was giving. Everyone, but the prisoners took a few steps back in fear of the combined wrath, even Silverback. “Where is he?!” demanded Ember.

“W-w-w-where’s...w-w-who?” asked Furious, but this was the wrong thing to say as the pressure in the room doubled.


Try as they might, the power of the scepter forced them to answer. “He’s... a prisoner of the Redskulls... and their alliance... we don’t know where...” hissed Bright Roar, lowering his head and growling.

“We were just told to... knock him out... bring him to a secure location... lie to the pony princess... that was all...” replied Furious, looking ready to soil himself.

“Traitors! You go behind your Dragon Lord!” shouted Silverback in disgust.

“She is the traitor! She is destroying everything we stand for as dragons! I hope Lord Redskull and his army skin you alive you pony loving bitch!” cried out Bright Roar in a moment of courage.

Ember’s response was to fly right over and smack him off his feet with her wings before putting her foot on his face as he lay there on the ground. “YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! I AM YOUR DRAGON LORD! I AM THE FIRE REBORN! MY WORD IS LAW AND I AM ABOVE YOU, INSECT! I WAS CHOSEN BY THE TRADITIONS OF OUR PEOPLE TO LEAD US AND YOU WILL OBEY OR YOU WILL BE CRUSHED LIKE THE BUG THAT YOU ARE!”

When she was done, Ember walked away and tried to calm herself down before turning to the two pitiful traitors. “Have them executed and their heads put on a pike. Their bodies can rot in a ditch for all I care.”

Despite their pleas for mercy, they were ignored as they were carried away to their doomed fate. Twilight, frowning, walked over and asked, “Was that really necessary? To order their deaths?”

“This is my kingdom, Princess Twilight. There is only one punishment for treachery and I ask that you respect it, even if you don’t like it,” replied Ember to which Twilight gave a hesitant nod. “Besides, we have more important things to worry about.”

She closed her eyes and prayed to the gods that she wouldn’t be too late to save the dragon that had stolen her heart.

Author's Note:

Things are heating up. How will Ember save Spike? You'll see.