• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 12,327 Views, 425 Comments

A Growing Fire In My Heart - Rated Ponystar

A series of short chapters that show the growth of Ember and Spike's feelings as time goes on

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Chapter 5

Ember stared at the letter for the sixteenth time and bit her claws. It was sort of silly really. She had been the Dragon Lord for nearly a year, already making some tough decisions, and even argued with bigger dragons in shouting matches that shook the council’s cave. Yet, none of those were as worrying as the letter she had gotten today: an invitation to Spike’s Birthday a week and half from now.

And she had no idea what she was going to give him.

Birthdays for dragons weren’t that different from pony birthdays from what she’d learned. There was a celebration, food, games, presents, and laugher, though not as much decoration or sweets like in Equestria from what Spike described. There was also the fact that dragons only celebrated birthdays each hundred years, such as the one Ember had only three years ago. Ember wasn’t surprised that Spike, who was still under 20 as it turns out, was celebrating it the pony style since he among them.

Because of that, she still didn’t know what to give him. He was a baby dragon still despite his recent growth, but he was more mature than most dragons her age. He was even raised by ponies and believed in their customs and beliefs. Heck, he worshiped the pony Goddess, Fausticorn, instead of his own kind’s gods.

Which is what lead her to pace around her throne room while being watched by her two friends, Aquafire and Blitz. The three of them had became friends recently, an outcome of influence Spike has left on her. Ever since Spike and Twilight taught her more about friendship, she decided to expand her list of friends by these two. Aquafire was one of the rare Waterborne Dragons from the shores of their lands in Oceanvale. They were dragons of a almost whitish blue coloration and could breath water instead of fire while having the skills to swim whereas most dragons drowned in water. Blitz was the oldest son and heir to the Blackjaw Clan, a clan that was known for hoarding obsidian and using it for making armor and weapons while trading it with other dragons for other resources. They were at first on guard about Ember’s offer to be friends, but slowly warmed up to it and now were happy to know the real her instead of the Dragon Lord.

“If you continue to pace like that you’re going to start digging into the rock,” said Blitz with an amused tone.

“Well, maybe if you could help me come up with an idea then I would stop panicking like this!” said Ember, growling. “What do I get him? He’s not like other dragons. Gems are just too common. Books he’s got plenty of. He doesn’t like meat so that’s out of the question. He’s too young to get any of the more adult gifts either.”

“Why not get him something ponies would accept as a gift?” asked Aquafire. “Maybe flowers or balloons or some kind of chocolate?”

“What’s chocolate?” asked Blitz, turning his head in curiosity.

“Some treat they use in parties. If we’re going I wanna see if the rumors of it tasting good are true,” replied Aquafire with a lick of her lips.

“You don’t understand, this needs to be special!” shouted Ember. Sighing, she placed her claw over her face and growled. “Ugh, I got nothing.”

“Don’t you think you’re taking this a little too far? I mean it’s not like he’s the Dragon Lord,” pointed out Blitz.

No, but he could have been. Ember glanced at the Bloodstone Scepter that was in it’s holster not to far from where she was pacing. To this day, she still didn’t feel a hundred percent right about being the dragon lord when Spike was the one who won fair and square. He could have been ruler of all the dragons, but he turned it down. No dragon she ever met would have done that. He gave it to me. Trusted me. The only reason I’m able to do all of this is because of him.

“Nevertheless, Spike’s important to me. He’s my friend, and I want to show him my loyalty by giving him a good gift,” said Ember.

Aquafire’s eyes widened a bit and then narrowed while a sly smirk appeared on her face. “Well, if you're so serious and like him so much. Why not give him a Gods Blessing?”

Blitz snorted before laughing while Ember turned red as a ruby before knocking Aquafire on the head. A Gods Blessing was a special item that you only gave to one who you wanted as a life mate. It was a chain of all the stones that represented the gods with the center and biggest one being the birthstone of the one you loved. Giving this to them meant you were asking to be their life mate.

“S-Spike and I aren’t like that!” shouted Ember.

“You’re face says otherwise,” chuckled Aquafire as she rubbed her noggin.

Ember huffed. “Need I remind you that Spike is a baby dragon who hasn’t even reached fifty yet while I am a hundred and three. I may be old enough to be in love but not with him. Not unless you want me to look like some kind of sick pervert!”

“You could just be engaged with him. Nobody’s telling you to become mates, that can be when you get older,” said Blitz, shrugging. “I mean; my parents arrangement me to have a life mate when I was sixteen. Never met her, but when I turn two hundred I will.”

“I’m not putting him through it. I don’t love him... I...” Ember blushed upon thinking back to her first hug. “I just care about him.”

“Whatever you say, Princess,” said Aquafire, rolling her eyes and chuckling.

“You know I hate that nickname,” muttered Ember. “Anyway, getting off track. I need to think of a gift for him.”

“Well, here’s an idea. What does he like in general?” asked Blitz.

“Well, his friends, comic books, super heroes, knights, dancing, apple pie, his friend Rarity a lot, sleeping, cleaning, cooking, lances, and-”

“I got it!” shouted Blitz, snapping his talons. “Why don’t you commission my family to make him an obsidian lance? That should be a cool enough gift to give him.”

Ember’s eyes widened as the idea came to her head and she found herself falling in love with it. “Yes! That would be perfect! Spike has always said he wanted to learn to be a knight and they wield lances in battle. It’s perfect, Blitz! Thank you!”

“No problem, I just want to come to the party. Always wanted to see how ponies do celebrations,” said Blitz.

“Me too! I wanna see what chocolate will taste like!” seconded Aquafire.

Ember smiled and nodded. She was sure that Spike wouldn’t mind if she brought some friends of her’s over. It would be a perfect way to show how she was learning friendship and it might ease more dragon and pony relations.

Yup, nothing can go wrong!