• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 5,709 Views, 94 Comments

You Are Corporal Punishment! - LightningSword

There was no justice in Equestria . . . until you came along! Those ponies better watch their plots . . . .

  • ...

You Spank Adagio Dazzle for Attempted World Domination (by Harms Way)

Another beautiful day in Ponyville,” you think while looking out of your window, gazing at all of the different ponies as they passed by your house with various items being carried in satchels. Some would stop and wave at you with a smile on their face, making you wave in response. But each time that the moment your hand would come into view, they would flinch a little before their cheeks would turn red and they’d give a little sheepish smile before going back to their business. This always made you chuckle as they’ve been like this ever since word got out about the role you played in the punishment of Starlight Glimmer.

“Never gets old,” you say to yourself as you walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Just before you begin to make some mix for pancakes, you suddenly hear a knock on your door. “Who could that be?” you ask yourself before you start making your way over to the door. Before opening, you stop and clear your throat. “Who is it?”

“Letter for Mr. Punishment from her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” a voice on the other side replies, making you reach for the door handle soon after.

Now what does she want? you think as you pull the door open to find the mailmare—Derpy, as your friends would say—standing just a few feet away. She proceeds to reach into her mailbag and pull out a scroll that was sealed with a lavender ribbon and the mark of the Princess of Friendship. “Thank you Derpy," you say before lightly petting her on the head (she too, flinches briefly, no doubt remembering her own encounter with you).

“You’re welcome,” she replies as you close the door and unwrap the ribbon, allowing the scroll to open for you to read.

Dear Corporal Punishment,
I will need you to come over to my castle sometime today. More details will be explained when you arrive. But I will say that your services are required for a special situation.
Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Well,” you say before you start cracking your knuckles. “Wonder who’s plot will feel the sting of justice today.”

A few hours pass until you find yourself once again walking up to Twilight’s castle. Your stomach thanks you for deciding to go back to making your breakfast rather than immediately rush over here so that your actions wouldn’t be weakened by hunger. After climbing the steps, you give a few knocks on the door before you hear hooves on the other side getting closer.

Soon, her doors become enveloped in purple auras of magic before one of them opens. “Ah, there you are, Corporal,” she says (with a vivid blush) before stepping aside to let you in. “I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna come.”

“Well, you should know this by now, Twilight,” you reply. “When it comes to dishing out punishment, there is nothing that will stop me from doing so.”

“I’ll say,” Twilight replies while giving her flank a slight rub. You can tell that the memory from her last two encounters with you are still fresh in her mind.

“So who shall get what is coming to them today?” you ask as she leads you down a hallway.

“Back before I met Starlight, I got a message from Sunset Shimmer asking me to help her deal with a problem at Canterlot High.”

“Go on.”

“She and the human counterparts of my friends were facing a threat that was banished to that world over a thousand years ago," she continues. “The sirens.”

“I see," you reply. “And what exactly do these sirens have to do with me?”

“Well…” the little alicorn replies. “Last night, I received a message from Sunset. She said that after months of searching, one of them had finally been found. But rather than have me come and serve her a punishment, Sunset specifically asked for you.”

“For me?” you ask, making the purple one nod in response. “Guess she really misses me after my last encounter with her.”

“What exactly happened between you two?” Twilight asks. “I mean… you spanked her, yet she hasn’t written anything bad about it.”

“Sorry Twi," you reply before chuckling. “But what happens on the other side stays on the other side.” This of course made the alicorn groan as the two of you enter the room which housed the mirror portal. “So what exactly did these sirens do?”

“They were forcing everypony to be mean to one another in an attempt to gain their powers back and eventually take over the world,” Twilight replies as she takes hold of a book with Princess Celestia’s cutie mark on the front. “One could say that they were simply doing what they needed to survive. But I still feel that losing their pendants and subsequently their singing voices isn’t a good enough punishment for what I experienced and what Sunset and the others had said that happened.”

“I thought sirens were creatures who lured unsuspecting sailors to their deaths with their singing," you say as the alicorn positions the book atop the mirror.

“I’m not sure as to what you’re talking about," she replies. “Maybe your world had a different breed of sirens than ours.”


“Anyways," she says before pulling down on a lever. “The time has come for you to enter this world again and do what you do best.”

“Whoever this siren is…” you say as magic flows from the book before entering the mirror. “They’re gonna wish that it was you that got sent and not me.”

“Just don’t overdo it," she says before gesturing with her hoof to enter the portal.

“Fine," you reply before stepping over to the mirror before placing one foot through. “I’ll have Sunset write to you when the task is finished.” Twilight simply nods before you completely disappear into the portal.

A few seconds pass as you enter this zone of bright colors before you find yourself on the concrete of Canterlot High’s sidewalk. “I’ll never get used to that feeling," you say to yourself. “Wait a minute... why does it not seem to affect me when it can turn ponies into humans and a dragon into a dog?”

You continue to ponder this until a buzzing sound starts emanating from your pocket. Realizing that it’s your phone, you take it out only to find a text message from an unknown number.

Don’t overthink it. This is a spankfic after all.

The message has ‘HW’ as a signature.

Okay… you think after putting the phone back into your pocket. I’m just gonna pretend that this didn’t happen and go find Sunset.

“Hey Corporal," a familiar voice says before you look up after taking care of your phone.

Well that was easy, you think as your eyes rest their gaze on the beauty that is Sunset Shimmer. “Hey there, Sunset," you reply. “How you been?”

“I’ve been alright," she replies. “Though sometimes, I still think about the time that you came here and spanked me.”

“I hope that they’re good thoughts," you say before Sunset gives you a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Of course they are," she replies before giving a wink. “But before we start going down memory lane, we need you to take care of a certain siren.”

“Yes, Twilight mentioned that you had found one of them.”

Sunset nods her head in response. “Even though we only caught one, we’ll soon know the whereabouts of the others. I’m sure she’ll be more willing to talk after she experiences your interrogation methods.”

“And how would she know where they are?”

“Because she’s their leader," Sunset replies as the two of you begin walking toward the school. As the two of you walk inside, you can’t help but notice Sunset swaying her hips more than what you think is necessary. Then again, you did enjoy giving that beautiful bottom what it had coming.

“So how exactly did you find this lead siren?” you ask as Sunset leads you down a hallway.

“Well…” she replies. “Rainbow Dash actually found her after answering her door for some pizza she ordered.”

“And how are you guys keeping her here?”

“We told her that she had a choice to make," Sunset replies. “Either take the punishment from a friend in Equestria… or deal with the police since Vinyl still has video proof of their powers.”

“Blackmail," you say before giving Sunset a light tap on her bum. “Well played.”

“I still know a thing or two about getting what I want," she says before giving you another kiss on the cheek.

“Does she know what the punishment is?”


“Excellent.” After saying that, Sunset leads you to a classroom and knocks on the door three times.

“Who is it?” the sound of Pinkie’s human counterpart asks.

“It’s Sunset," the fiery-haired girl replies. “I’m back with the surprise for our… guest.”

“Okie-dokie, lokie!" Pinkie says before opening the door and letting the two of you step inside. Once inside, you find the rest of your pony friends’ counterparts along with the one whom you presume to be the lead siren as she stood next to a stack of pizza boxes. You weren’t expecting her to have such poofy orange hair, but then again, you didn’t exactly know what to expect.

“So you’re the one that I’ve been sent here for," you say to her as you walk over to what looks like a teacher’s desk.

“Uhh… yes?” she replies. “Are you here to bring me back to Equestria?”

“No. I’m the one who is going to be giving you your punishment.”

“You?” she asks. “But I thought I was going to be punished by that pony Princess of yours. Why would you be the one to punish me?”

This makes you chuckle. “Because I’m the only one who can give you the punishment that you deserve. A good ol’ fashioned spanking session.”

“What?!” she says. “You? Spank me? In your dreams! There is no way that I would ever let you touch my glorious a--.” The sound of a censor coming from nowhere seems to annoy the siren. “Lousy freakin’ Teen rating," she mumbles through gritted teeth.

“Okay Adagio," Sunset replies. “That’s fine. I’m sure the Canterlot Police will have a field day with the three of you.” This makes the siren gulp as she appears to be hiding something.

“Are you sure we haven’t been punished enough?” she asks.

“From what I’ve heard, all that happened was you lost your jewels and singing voices," you reply. “I don’t think that really measures up to the crime of attempted world domination, now does it? Actually, I’m not sure if even a spanking would do it. In a way, this is actually a really good deal for you. So that simply begs the question. Are you going to take the spanking or not?”

The siren darts her eyes to look at the floor for a minute or so. She knows that her situation could be much worse. “So let me get this straight," she says as she looks back up to you. “If I let you spank me, then all is forgiven?”

“For the most part, yes," Sunset replies. “Of course, we’ll also need to track down your sisters so that they can receive their punishment as well.”

“Oh please," she says. “You think that you’ll make me talk by spanking me? It’ll take a lot for me to sell those two out. Even if they do make my head hurt at times.”

“I was hoping you’d say that," you reply as you sit yourself down on the teacher’s desk before patting your lap.

“Alright Adagio," Sunset says. “Time to get what you’ve had coming for quite a while now.”

Adagio groans as she rolls her eyes before she walks in front of you. “Fine. But may I ask just for just one thing before we get started?”

“And what would that be?”

“Could the rest of you leave so I don’t have to worry about anyone else getting a free viewing of my butt?”

“Fair enough, I suppose," Sunset replies. “Come on, girls. Let’s go wait out in the hall until they’re done.”

“Aww…” Pinkie groans in protest. “But I wanted to see the spanking." Sunset just stares at her as a response. “Fine," she says before grabbing a few of the pizzas that Adagio had brought.

“You’re going to pay for those. Right?” the siren asks as Rainbow and Applejack take a few more boxes.

“Of course we will," Sunset replies. “We’ll pay our debt after you’ve paid yours.” With that said, Sunset closes the door behind her, leaving you and Adagio alone.

“So…” you say, gaining her attention. “Are you ready?”

“I guess," she replies before she undoes her belt and drops her pants in front of you, revealing a pair of dark purple panties. She then crawls on top of the desk and lays herself on your lap. “Just make it quick.”

“We’ll see how things go," you say before raising your hand up.


Adagio tries to stop a gasp from exiting her lips, but fails.


She grunts a little after this one. Your hand continues to lay the smacks down upon her bottom for a couple more minutes, each one being a little harder than the last. You have to admit though. The feeling of her soft backside slowly getting warmer after each smack is making you feel good.

Well… you think as you continue to spank her. This is actually going pretty smoothly.






She’s enjoying this?



“Umm…. you know this is supposed to be a punishment. Right?”

“Oh. Sorry," she says before clearing her throat. “Please! No more! I beg of you! My beautiful butt can’t take much more of this!”

Boy, is she a rotten actress….

“You know…” you say, “if you’re enjoying this, then I’ll just go ahead and go.”

“NO!” She cries out as she stops you from getting up. “Please! I haven’t been spanked like this since well… ever! Not spanking me after giving me this would be a far greater punishment!”


“I’ll even take Sonata’s and Aria’s punishments for them!” she continues. “Just please! Keep spanking me.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay okay," you reply before bringing your hand down again.


“Ohhh…. yes.”


“Yes. Spank me. I’ve been a very naughty girl.”

“Alright," you say. “I think we’re done here.”

“Not quite," Adagio replies. “After all. If you’re going to punish me for this crime. Then I might as well be punished for all of my other crimes too.” This makes you stop your attempt to get up. If she really has committed more crimes, then you might as well get her for those as well.

“I suppose you have a point there," you say. “Though no one has voluntarily turned themselves in for more spankings before. How much more are we talking about?”

“About a thousand years’ worth," she replies. “Get comfortable, big boy. We’re gonna be here for quite a while.”