• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 5,709 Views, 94 Comments

You Are Corporal Punishment! - LightningSword

There was no justice in Equestria . . . until you came along! Those ponies better watch their plots . . . .

  • ...

You Spank Twilight Sparkle for the Mare Do Well Incident (by Golden Flare)

After returning home from your difficult job of punishing Starlight Glimmer, you retire onto your couch for a spell, watching a little bit of TV before you have to do what you've been looking forward to do today. Three hours of “Friendship is Magic” on the old boob-tube later, you turn it off and stand up, heading in the direction of the basement. The doorknob to it was replaced with a passcode lock knob you got from the hardware store—you did so because of a “special occasion”.

You punch in the code and hear the lock click open, and you take that as your cue to open the door and enter and go down the steps. Once on the stone floor of your basement, you turn your head to the light switch on the wall and flick it up, turning on the lights. After you did, you turn to see the subject that is the main point of your day and furrow your brow—Twilight Sparkle.

She is strapped down to an old table by rusty, old chains, an empty bowl that was once filled with oats in front of her muzzle, a potato stuck on her horn. Ever hear of hooking a potato to a clock? Well, apparently, the electrical currents a potato gives off cancels out unicorn magic. Who knew? Her wings are bound by newer, cleaner chains; you wouldn't want those beautiful wings to get dirty, now would you?

How you got her was no normal occurrence; a multi-dimensional portal opened up in your backyard yesterday and Twilight herself stepped out of it and simply passed out, most likely due to magical exhaustion. You suddenly remembered all of the episodes she was in, especially the “Mare-Do-Well” episode. You knew this was an opportunity you couldn't pass up, so you snatched her up while she was unconscious and took her into your basement to tie her down.

“Miss Sparkle,” you say in a neutral tone, “enjoy your breakfast while I was gone?”

“Why are you doing this?” Twilight timidly asks.

“Straight to the point. I respect that.” You clear your throat and recollect your thoughts. “You are aware that you are one-quarter of the superhero, Mare-Do-Well, are you not?”

“Y-Yes, but if I may…?”

“Speak your mind.”

“How did you know that?”

“In this world, your life in Equestria is on television, entertainment for people. I've seen all of your adventures, yet…the one that really irked me was your little Mare-Do-Well escapade. You could've handled the situation better, you could've talked to her! But, you didn't. Now…” you walk over to your bench and pick up a frying pan you had prepped for this, “...you must be punished.”

“What? All this just for Mare-Do-Well?!”

“If you saw how miserable Rainbow Dash was, you'd understand why I'm doing this. Maybe I'll show you after we’re done here.”

“W-What are going to do with that?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” you speak in an authoritative voice, “I'm going to spank you until your flank is as red as Roseluck’s mane.”

You go to stand behind her, ignoring her cries of protest as you pull up on her tail and lift her butt into the air, and get ready to tan her hide.




“That hurts!”


“Please stop!”




Twilight has given up talking and starts to cry from the pain as you continue whaling on her, not stopping until you feel satisfied. After a good half hour of spanking, you decide that she's had enough; you set the frying pan back on the bench, walk around to face the whimpering mare, and kneel down in front of her.

“Now...are you listening?”

She meekly nods.

“When you return home, what I want you to do, is gather your friends together and apologize to Rainbow Dash for the Mare-Do-Well incident, all right?”

She nods again.

“Good. Now…” You raise your hands to both sides of her face. “I'm sorry I had to do that, but I had some frustrations to vent, and I thank you for cooperating. I'm gonna loosen your chains and let you go, I can get you some ice for your flank and we can chat for a bit. Or you can blast me and fly away, the choice is yours.”

You unlock the chains, take the potato off her horn, and clean it off. Twilight stands up and hops off the table, cringing as she still felt the pain from your punishment. She walks up to you and speaks in a calm voice.

“Can you get me some ice?”

You smile, glad she doesn't hold any resentment towards you. “Sure.”

“Also...could you show me this ‘Mare-Do-Well episode’? I want to see what you mean when you said that we made Rainbow miserable.”

“Okay, then.”

You two walk up the stairs and to the kitchen for an ice pack, neither of you knowing that this day was the beginning of a fresh start and a new friendship.

The End