• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 5,709 Views, 94 Comments

You Are Corporal Punishment! - LightningSword

There was no justice in Equestria . . . until you came along! Those ponies better watch their plots . . . .

  • ...

You Spank Moon Dancer for Missing Out On the Best Things in Life (by Sdrawkcabsitxetsiht)

You throw the bedroom door open. Sitting neatly on her bed, her legs folded beneath her, is Moon Dancer. A book is spread open before her.

Of course, you remind yourself. Can you honestly think of a time you’ve seen her without her muzzle in a book? The thought fades when she speaks, not leaving her book.

“Hi. How’s it going?”

You shrug as your response falls. “It’s going alright, I guess.” Suddenly you grasp a sweet aroma. “What’s that smell?”

“Oh, just some cookies I made. I had Twilight and the others over for a little while.” She waves a hoof.

You suddenly feel small objects when sitting on your own bed. Looking down, you’ve sat in the tiny remnants of some of her dessert. The crumbs cling to you.

You get up, shaking your head. “Do you want ants? Because that’s how you get ants!” Calming down, you add, “It’s nice to see you talking with them again.”

“Yeah. That’s nice.” She dismisses you with a wave of her hoof, her eyes locked onto a new page.

“You know, you could look up from your book for once.” She ignores your suggestion.

“I mean, you’ve got friends now. You’re not alone anymore.”

The only sound is her horn’s magic flipping to the next page.

“Oh come on, Moon! You don’t have to be the way you used to be. You can be smart and have friends at the same time!”

She grimaces, slipping into a bad mood. “I know that!” All without looking up, of course.

Okay, you think to yourself as you slowly move toward her. This has gone on far enough. First she eats in my bed, and then stays locked onto that darn book. What is she reading?

Scooping yourself below, you snatch the bulky book from its place on her bed, before taking a good, long look at its thick cover.


“Give it back,” she says, frowning and standing on the bed.

“Are you kidding me?” You ask her scowling face.

Moon Dancer has done this for far too long. She’s got friends, but she still slips into her old self. Besides, she went to the library all day, every day since Twilight missed her party. Are there any words she doesn’t know by now?

You suddenly realize what must be done.

What she needs is a reminder that there’s more to life than what’s inscribed on those darn pages.

You hold the book, despite her protests to return it. You take your limb that holds it, and instead of setting it down, you adjust its position in your grasp. Your second limb takes action to hold the dictionary. It is an updated edition with a built-in thesaurus, after all.

“I’m sorry, Moon.” You say.


Her eyes spread apart as wide as can be, her pupils shrinking to the size of marbles. The impact was colossal, and now, a red rectangular print was appearing on her flank. For a moment, she froze.

Gee, it’s almost like a third cutie mark. But this one is different. This one is extra special. You wince as the mark’s shade brightens.

At this point, she still hadn’t said anything.

The plan is working! You think as you draw the dictionary back.

“That. Was. Gr-”


Her sentence morphs into a scream, but not necessarily one of pain. It’s then you decide to tell her.

“I’m sorry, Moon. Wait, you know what? I’m not sorry. It’s time you learned that there’s more to life than books! I really should give you one for every day you spent in that darn library by yourself, when you could’ve hung out with your friends.”

“Twilight… moved away, six years ago…” Moon Dancer utters, looking up at you.

“Okay…” You say, estimating the number heading her way. “I’ll change it to months.”

This is going to be a long night, you state in your mind before drawing the dictionary back.


You sit on the edge of her bed, contemplating what you’ve just done. You realize you’ve made her unable to sit down for a long time. As you sit, you feel a shuffle, before a certain spanking receiver makes her way toward you.

You feel something slide across you, and then you see a yellowish gray foreleg slide across you, pulling you close toward its owner.

“I learned a new word earlier today from the wonderful dictionary, and it reflects exactly how I feel.” She says.

“And what might it be?” You smile playfully.

She plants a hoof on you and shoves you backward. She’s smiling as her horn flips you onto your stomach. In your excitement, you notice the movement out of the corner of your eye. You notice her magic seize the shelf’s other treasure: A complete set of twelve encyclopedias.

You hear her.

“I feel amorous.”