• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 5,709 Views, 94 Comments

You Are Corporal Punishment! - LightningSword

There was no justice in Equestria . . . until you came along! Those ponies better watch their plots . . . .

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You Spank Sandbar for Almost Causing an Inter-species War (by denneylaw)

It was a new day, bright and beautiful as always, but it did nothing to ease a concern in your mind. Ever since being brought here to deal out Starlight’s punishment, assignments for more disciplinary sessions have gone through the roof. It wouldn’t be so bad if these ponies, almost all mares, didn’t see your “punishment” as nothing more than a kinky good time. You wouldn't mind if it were for girls like Sunset or Adagio, but since they were never human in the first place, they don't count. Either way, “Corporal Punishment” was beginning to lose all meaning, in name and in action.

Damn, why can't you have this kind of luck with humans?

Anyway, the creation of Twilight’s school was a surprising, albeit misguided, step towards a good future. Unfortunately, ever since the incident in which students of species leaders went missing when Twilight started running it, tensions between races had been high. The kids went so far as to blame each other, almost causing an inter-species war. When they found out who was truly behind it all, the tension grew worse when they found out it was a pony, and all hostilities were turned onto them. As a result, the princesses called a meeting and reached an agreement: swift and strict punishment dealt to the one(s) responsible, as reassurance that nothing like this would ever happen again. At first, the idea that punishment was required was a problem—until Twilight suddenly remembered her still-aching posterior and made a proposal.

Which Celestia quickly agreed to. She had had pictures taken of your assault on Starlight’s bottom.

That's where you come in. After learning from Twilight’s firsthand (or first-hoof) experience about how good you are at dealing punishment, the princesses have hired you as head disciplinarian of the school. Not that you’re complaining at all; despite lesser experience with younger cases, it is a good paying job. And at least with children, you’re confident that when you deal them punishment, they will know that it’s punishment and not enjoyment.

Which brings you to Twilight’s office. The two of you are waiting while guidance counselor Starlight brings the ring leader, Sandbar, to be punished for his actions. Ruler in hand, you’re ready for your first day at work.

“So, I trust you know that since these are kids you’re dealing with, you can't be too hard on them, right?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. They might not be my specialty, but it's not like I haven't dealt with kids before.” However small it is, you do have experience in that field. You recall times where you were called on to deal with the occasional spoiled, defiant, and/or tantrum-throwing brat.

“That’s good to know. Oh, and there is something else I need to mention, about—”

But before any further conversation from Twilight can be had, the door opens and Starlight walks in with a very nervous student behind her—a colt, you noticed. It’s a rare occasion that you deal with a male delinquent, but you know it made it that much better. This promises to reduce possible sexual tension to zero. He looks nervous, as well. Probably knows already what he was in for.

“Sandbar, glad you could join us,” says Twilight. “Please come in.”

“O-okay, Princess…” Sandbar mutters blankly, eyes on the floor.

“Please, no need for formalities, just Twilight will do. Now, you know why you're here, right?”

His head hangs down. He knows what’s next. “Yes, ma’am. I caused a lot of trouble, and I…” He hesitated, finishing with an almost indignant whisper, “And I’m getting punished for it.”

Even though he had done wrong, Twilight clearly does not want to scare him. She lightens up her face a bit before continuing.

“Now, I know you meant no harm, but your actions almost started a war, and as the princess of friendship, I can't allow you to make a mistake like that again. And as it is now, you need to learn that your actions have consequences.”

“I know, a-and I’m sorry,” he muttered, head still down. “I-I’m ready, headmare Twilight, ma'am.” It’s clear that he’s trying his best to put on a brave facade, despite what he's going through.

“Okay, my head disciplinarian, you know what needs to be done.”

You nod as you sit in the chair facing Twilight, while Starlight exits the room. Sandbar, despite the tough look on his face, visibly tries to keep his legs from shaking as he hops onto your lap, facing your left. “Let’s get this over with,” he says, a slight break in his voice.

You tighten the grip over the ruler in hand, and you begin to administer the punishment.


Sandbar moans slightly but is otherwise quiet.


A slightly louder moan.


A third swat elicits a soft grunt. The spanking is already starting to take its toll. That’s when you turn up the force:


“Ow! Ow, geez! Oww! Come on, not so hard! OW!”

With each smack, he tries to put up a brave front, but it soon fades. He starts tearing up within seconds, but you both knew, it had to be done.


“OW! Come on, that really hurts! OW! Does it have to be so hard?! OUCH!”

Each smack earns an ever-shriller yelp of pain, but at least here, it’s not of enjoyment. But as you continue, you can't help but hear it somehow. You glance around quickly as you go, but nothing stands out. Hopefully it's all just in your head—so far, it’s clearly not coming from Sandbar.

As you continue smacking Sandbar’s bottom, you hear the door open and close, and look up at Twilight for a second; Starlight has returned. You notice a strange kind of look on their faces—eyes wide and cheeks vividly blushing. Probably thinking back to their own experiences. You shrug it off and carry on.


“Ah! Yow! Ooh! Ah!”

By now, the tears are freely flowing. You keep going until Sandbar’s backside is glowing red.


“Oh yeah!”

Wait a minute. That’s not Twilights’ voice. Or Starlight’s. And it can’t be Sandbar’s either.

You look up at them, and see Starlight turn away at the last second. Probably still thinking about her time with you. Twilight fans herself and glances down at her seat, shifting around uneasily.

Somehow you share the feeling of unease, but decide to continue anyway.


“Don't stop!”

“Shhh! They’ll hear!”

This time, you know you’re not hearing things. Something definitely seems off.

You try your best to ignore it and finish up here.


“Owww…” Sandbar is full-on whining now.


“Please…no more…I’ll be a good colt, I promise…”


“Aaaahhhhh, yeah, keep going…”

“Gallus, what are you doing?!”

“All right, what is that?” you finally blurt out, landing one more smack on Sandbar’s butt before glancing around again. You can no longer take the voices with no owners. Thankfully, Sandbar doesn't seem to notice, or care for that matter. Twilight and Starlight, on the other hand, react quickly.

“You know, I do think I hear something somewhere. Is there anypony else here?”

“Well, only the other stu—”

You shush Starlight, and her mouth closes immediately (as she swiftly sits down). You look up slowly, and notice the door is open a crack. Probably where those whispered voices are coming from.

“Uh, e-excuse me, C-C-Corporal, sir?” Sandbar fusses, sniffing and wriggling slightly on your lap. “A-am I d-done here?”

You gesture to him to keep quiet for a minute. Then you set down the confused student and rush to the door. You open it all the way, and five children come tumbling out.

“What the hell…”

In the jumbled mess of creatures, you can’t make out anything definitive for a second or two. As they pull themselves together, you realize that these must be the other students Starlight told you about—the runaways that almost caused an international conflict.

You stand there in awkward silence, just before contemplating what to do next. Finally, you ask, “May I help you?”

“Oh, yes, that’s what I tried to mention earlier,” says Twilight. “Since they all took part in running away, they need to be punished too. That's why I sent Starlight to collect them while you were busy.”

“I told them to wait outside,” Starlight adds with a disappointed tone, “but it seems they wanted to get a preview of what was in store for them.”

“I still don’t understand why we’re all getting punished,” Smoulder the dragon huffs, arms crossed. “It was all Sandbar’s idea!”

“Yeah, yaks no get spanked!” yells Yona the yak, looking disgusted. “Yona spank bald monkey if try!!”

“Guys, come on,” says Ocellus the Changeling calmly (but with a hint of a nervous jitter), “I don't like this any more than you do, but we did all take part in this, so maybe we should just get this over with?”

“We would have,” Twilight interjects, “if you had waited outside. What made you want to listen in on this?”

“More importantly,” Starlight says, “what made you stay when you knew?”

“Weeeellll,” Silverstream the Hippogriff ponders, her talons cradling her face as she blushes slightly, “I always did wonder how discipline works on land.” She glances at Sandbar and her face grows even redder.

“You don’t wanna know…” Sandbar pouts, still sniffling and trembling.

“Eh, didn't sound that bad,” Smoulder brags, “dragons get punished waaaaaaaay worse than this. In fact, bring it! I’ll take whatever you got!”

It’s now that the Griffon, Gallus, walks up to you, his face the reddest of all, his talon running nervously up his other foreleg. He speaks, and you double-take at the voice that you’d heard gaining so much pleasure from Sandbar’s spanking moments before:

“Can…can I go next?”

Now it’s your turn for your eyes to widen, and you almost drop your ruler.

“Nuh-uh, Gallus!” Smoulder caws. “I called dibs!” The dragon then grew red-faced herself, crossed her arms again and turned away. “I-I mean, whenever. Not like I care.”

“Oooh, me next!” Silverstream squeals. “I don’t even think it looks like punishment! It looks kinda fun!”

Great. Just great.

You sigh internally. This is gonna be a long day.

Comments ( 3 )

Together, we bring life back into this story. (For now anyway. :pinkiesmile:). Happy reading folks. :twilightsmile:

I hope we get to see the other students spanked! If not I hope at least Cozy Glow! >:) That should be interesting considering her personality.

Comment posted by Crimson Eclipse deleted Oct 23rd, 2018
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