• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,847 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

  • ...

7. Questioning

--Chapter 7--

Silence filled the room in the time following Falcon's breakdown. He quickly gathered himself up after letting out the first tears since... always. "Sorry, I... am not used to crying, and I'm not sure why I reacted so strongly about it. I mean, I've spent over three years on the battlefield and I've seen my brothers die all around me, this…" He pointed at the clones in beds. "…is nothing compared to some things I have witnessed." He washed off tears from his eyes.

"I'm really sorry. We-"

"You have nothing to apologize for, Twilight. You did all you were able to and at least they’re still alive. Doctors on Kamino can take care of them when we find a way to contact with the Republic.” Twilight immediately got rather excited at the thought of contacting with something from outside of this world. “That is, if we even can contact them in the first place.” Her enthusiasm dropped down a bit.

“Alright. Would you like to be alone for a bit?”

“No, I don’t think I’m going to stay here for long anyways.” Everyone fell silent again

“Soooo, would you mind telling us something more about them and yourself? You haven’t really said anything more than that you are a soldier.”

“That’s because I am a soldier and I never was anything else. There’s really not much to talk about my life, first ten years I’ve spent on Kamino, where I was trained and for the last three years I was fighting in a war with Separatist. Same goes for them. ” He stood up and walked over to Tracker’s bed.

“Tracker here is part of commando unit assigned to my battalion called ‘Phantom Squad’. He’s the best sniper in the entire battalion and as his name suggests, he’s also doing really well at tracking his targets down. He has only recently joined ‘Phantom Squad’ as a replacement for its previous sniper who has died in an ambush, and because the rest of Tracker’s former squad has also died. I’ve never found out what happened though, he’s rather quiet and hates being questioned about anything.”

Next, he walked over to Flint’s bed. “This here is Flint. He’s the Capitan of scouting squad and self-proclaimed master at setting up traps and ambushes. If it wasn’t for him and his traps the losses we suffered in previous battles would be probably twice as large. He’s also doing really well with a sniper rifle, but he’s not nearly as good as Tracker.”

He hesitated a bit when he came to Rook. “Rook is a pilot from ‘Rancor Squadron’, a unit specialized in engaging the enemy within the atmosphere as well as delivering air support for ground troops. The rest of squadron calls him ‘Rookie’ because he’s the youngest one among them, even though as far as I know he’s one of better pilots in the entire battalion.”

Twilight looked at Rook. “You know, somepony will have to take care of him. He won’t be able to live like that without help.”


“I’ll do it.” Rainbow cut in into Falcon’s answer. It was in that moment that everyone in the room realized that since entering the room, Rainbow was staring at Rook, and more precisely his missing limbs.

Falcon looked at her. “Are you sure? He’s my brother, I can take care of him.”

“Not to mention that this is a big responsibility and it’s going to limit your free time a lot.” Twilight added.

“I know, but… I just… feel like I have to.”

“Rainbow, is this about-?

“Yes, Fluttershy. It’s that.” She conformed instantly, still looking at Rook’s figure.

Falcon was about to question them about ‘that’, but Applejack has stopped him as soon as he opened his mouth. “I wouldn’t expect an answer sugarcube.” She said. “I knew her since we were kids and she never told me anything. In fact, if I recall correctly she said that the next time somepony tries to get it out of her, she’ll fund him or her a ticket to her self-made rollercoaster.” Rainbow smirked a bit when she mentioned that.

“Alright… anyways, I appreciate the gesture Rainbow, it’s good to know that others care.” He moved to Cipher’s bed. “Cipher here is a hacker of Shaw’s engineering team. I haven’t had much time to see what he’s capable of, but from what Shaw has told me, he knows what he’s doing.” He took a deep breath. “Now let’s go to the other room, I have to give Shaw his helmet back.”

He picked up the helmet from the floor and headed to the other room, with ponies following him. He opened the door and walked into the hallway, only to notice a pink pony running towards him. It wasn’t long before he realized who that was, and even faster that she jumped at him and wrapped her hooves around him, taking him in a tight hug that he could clearly feel even through the armor.

“Hi Pinkie, where have you run to?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie freed Falcon and landed on the ground, whipping sweat from her forehead (even though biologically speaking ponies can’t sweat). “I made a quick run to Ponyville to get things ready.”

Completely ignoring the fact that Pinkie just run to Ponyville and back in under twenty minutes, all ponies greeted Pinkie and walked into the second room. “Wait, get what ready?” Falcon asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough, darling.” Rarity said, giving devious smile.

Suddenly, Falcon heard Rainbow Dash whispering into his ear as she flew by. "She means an orgy." She quickly flew away, giving a smirk to blushing Falcon. "Oh boy, I'm going to have sooo much fun with you." She stated, earning a quick jab from Rarity.

Falcon shortly regained his composure and walked into the room as well. He was about to put the helmet into Shaw's chest, but suddenly remembered something. "Blast, I almost forgot." He put the helmet back on.

After a moment of awkward silence between ponies, Rainbow spoke out while Falcon remained silent. "Um, what are you doing?"

"He's probably talking with other Falcons. I often do that too, I mean how else do you think I get all those brilliant ideas from? And not to mention all the fun we can have. Of course there are setbacks, for example sometimes we can get lost and go into each other's dimensions, but we usually get that fixed pretty fast and everypony is happy." They all ignored her again.

Falcon still remained silent, but he turned towards an open window.

Suddenly, a small metal ball flew into the room, startling the ponies. Rainbow was just about to jump on the intruder, but Falcon extended his hand and grabbed the ball, attaching it to his belt. "W-what is that?!" Twilight yelled, running towards the ball, almost taking it from Falcon's belt.

"That's a drone made by Shaw. Well, not exactly made, but heavily modified. But before you ask something again, Shaw will answer all your questions. Like I said before, he'll do the job better than I could."

"Eh, can you at least tell us who she is? And why is she not a clone like the rest of you are?" She pointed at Sakri's bed with her hoof, giving Falcon slightly annoyed

"Her name is Sakri. She's a Jedi padawan-"

"What's a 'Jedi padawan'?" She cut in. Falcon responded by pointing at Shaw's bed, earning himself another annoyed look from the Unicorn.

"She's a Jedi padawan who was assigned to my superior, General Haskri, though when it comes to military ranks, I'm her superior. We've been fighting alongside for a little over two years now, since Haskri's previous padawan finished his training, and surface to say, we've been getting along surprisingly well considering my opinion about padawans."

Rainbow smirked. "How close exactly?" Rarity jabbed her again. "What!? I'm just joking."

"Humph, your comments are hardly in place. I would appreciate it if you stopped teasing our dear friend, he's clearly not used to it."

I am, just not from her. “Now, could someone tell be what happened to that bug that attacked this ‘Chrysalis’?”

“He’s also in this hospital and in fact in a room nearby, but he’s been unconscious since yesterday.” Twilight said. “It’s really surprising, but it seems that he’s more pony than a changeling. It looks as if his body mutated in some way that made him compatible with the hive mind, but until he’s unconscious we can’t be sure of anything. We’ve noticed a lot of changes in his brain and from what we can tell it is related to the hive mind, but again, we’re not sure. I would say that he should wake up sometime tomorrow though.”

“Ah’m not sure why, but Ah feel like Ah’ve seen him somewhere, I’m not sure when though…” Applejack said.

Falcon was just about to sit down on a chair between his and Sakri's bed, when they all heard a groan coming from Shaw's bed. Everyone immediately turned in that direction. "Shaw!" Falcon yelled as he jumped over Sakri's bed and rushed to his now near-awoken friend.

Falcon brought Shaw into a hug before the other clone was even aware of anything other than the fact that he was naked. "F-Falcon...?" He asked after a moment, still not quite awaken yet, but enough to return the hug. However, Shaw quickly realized that they were not alone. "Um... why are we surrounded by colorful equines?"

Falcon let him go. "They got us out of 'Interpid's' wreckage and put us back together. At least as much as they could..."

Shaw moved his head right, noticing Sakri lying in a bed next to his. "Who else they got out?"

"Sakri, Tracker, Flint, Rook and Cipher, no one else made it."

Shaw sighed and sat on the bed, covering himself with covers. "Wait a minute." He looked at Falcon, and more specifically at what he was wearing. "Why are you wearing my helmet? And where is rest of my armor?"

"It's all in the box right here." He placed the helmet in the chest. "Now, I have a mission for you sergeant."

"Yes sir?"

Falcon walked over to Twilight. "The planet we are on is technologically thousands of years behind, and this young lady here has a few questions she would like answered. Your mission is to answer all of her questions, and simultaneously question her about this planet's culture and inhabitants. I am expecting a report after that.”

Shaw saluted. “Yes sir.”

Falcon looked at Twilight, who was barely keeping herself in place from all the excitement. “Does that mean I can…!?” He answered by nodding. Twilight’s eyes immediately begun to shine and she moved the chair next to Shaw’s bed, sitting on it with a notebook and a pencil. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I would like you to answer a few questions for me. First I would like you to explain what ‘Republic’ is, what are its origins and purpose. There are also matters regarding your equipment, for example…” She then goes on like that for a long while.

Shaw looked at his commanding officer with wide eyes. “Good luck.” He said as he placed his hand on Shaw’s shoulder and left the room along with the rest of ponies.

Following their escape from Twilight’s zone, Rainbow and Pinkie begun to laugh, holding each other not to fall on the ground. Falcon and Applejack also chuckled. Rarity was of course was beyond laughing at such petty things and remained a well behaving lady (that still didn’t stop herself from smiling at Shaw’s misfortune) “Ha ha, this was absolutely genius!” Rainbow commented.

“Might I ask what is so funny?” They heard Luna say once they calmed themselves down. “And where is Twilight Sparkle if I may know?”

“Shaw woke up and well… I promised her she can question him, so now she’s doing just that.” Falcon answered. He noticed that Luna hadn’t came here alone, and brought Abuyin along. “Hello Abuyin, is everything alright?” He asked, noticing her deep desire to go to bed.

“Yes everything is fine, I’m just sleepy after the session with psychologist...” She paused for a moment. “…sir.”

“Hmm, so I assume, Luna has explained everything to you?”

“Yes, and I agreed.“

“Well then, welcome aboard Abuyin.”

They’ve spent a moment talking to each other before they eventually moved out from the hospital, leaving Shaw and Twilight alone. Princess Luna has informed Falcon that another Princess -one he haven’t met so far- wanted to meet with him. Abuyin have left with other ponies to get to know each other a little better, while Luna and Falcon headed to the castle alone.

She led the clone through castle’s numerous hallways until they have finally reached their destination. “Now, before we enter, I would like to warn you that Capitan of Royal Guard is most likely in there, and he’s not pleased with the fact that you have escaped from the prison. I don’t think you will have any reason to worry -I’m sure his bride will put him in place- but it’s better to be cautious.” He nodded in agreement.

Luna knocked to the door and shortly they were opened by a reddish-purple aura. A white male pony stood there and was about to great Luna, but then he noticed Falcon and immediately rushed at him with a scream. Falcon was about to tackle him to the ground, but before he could do that, white pony was enveloped by a light blue aura and pulled back into the room.

“Shinny! You promised you won’t do anything to him!” A female voice called out.

“I promised I won’t chase him down for braking out from the prison. Knocking out one of my ponies is something different!” He argued while Falcon and Luna allowed themselves to enter. He saw a pink pony holding ‘Shinny’ in telekinesis aura, while the two argued.

“Isn’t that too soon for you two to argue? Your marriage is supposed to be tomorrow.” Luna cut in.

“I-I’m sorry princess, but this creature-“

“Was cleared of all charges by me and all Elements of Harmony. So please step aside Capitan, we have come here to talk with Cadence.”

The third princess lowered her to-be husband on the ground. “Please Shinning, if it wasn’t for him you would end up like… y-you know…”

He sighed deeply. “Alright, I’ll let go for now. I’m going to the kitchen to finish making that soup.” He walked away, giving Falcon a glare that said ‘I’m watching you’.

“I’m sorry for that, he’s been rather nervous since yesterday.” Cadence said.

“I can imagine. Anyways, I am Commander Falcon of 144th Attack Battalion in Grand Army of the Republic.” He reached his hand out to her and grabbed her hoof when she did the same.

“My name is Cadance, Princess of love.” For a moment she eyed him, eventually giving him a barely visible smirk. “I wanted to personally thank you for what you did yesterday, even though I’d say your methods were… questionable.”

“That really depends on a point of view. From your culture’s perspective, yes, my methods were more than questionable. But from my point of view, I saw civilians being attacked by an enemy’s army and military failing to do its job. It would be against my principals to ignore what was going on.”

“I see. Anyways, I was wondering if you would show up on the wedding tomorrow. I’m sure I can persuade Shinny to come along with the idea.” She smirked.

“Well, I’m not exactly one for social events and things like that, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to show up on one.” She smiled warmly. “However, I’m probably going to take my brother along. And neither of us have any other clothes then our armors. That won’t be a problem will it?”

“Of course not. But could you tell where are you from? I’ve never seen a creature quite like you. Are you some unknown type of minotaur, or maybe a diamond dog?” She started circling him.

“No, I’m a human, not a minotaur or some dog. And I’m not from around here, to say the least.”

“Alright, guess I shouldn't ask further. Now, Luna, could you live the two of us alone for a moment? There is something I would like to talk about with Falcon. Alone...”

“Very well, I shall leave you two for now. I will pay a visit to Capitan Shining Armor and talk with him myself.” Luna replied and left Falcon alone with Cadance.

“Just please, be gentle with him.”

Luna turned around with a smirk. “Since when am I gentle my dear?” Cadence returned the smirk and turned back to Falcon once Luna have left. “Now… there is a particular somepony I wanted to talk with you about…”

The conversation with Cadance was interesting to say the least, even though it took her a while to get him to open up about the subject. About half an hour later, he and Luna walked out from Cadence’s quarters. “I would like you to come with me.” She walked past him. “I believe there is something I’ve promised to prove to you.”

“You mean that ‘Force sensitivity’ stuff? I’ve told you already, it’s simply impossible. Not only no one has ever managed to clone a Force sensitive, but I was cloned from a non-Force sensitive in the first place. There is absolutely no way that I could be a Force user of any kind, period.”

“You’re wrong about things. Magtovic Magic -or Force as you call it- is not something biological. It simply exists everywhere, in every bit of the world and connects all beings into one big web. One’s connection’s strength is based on the strength of the connection you have with those close to you. You can think of it as beings passing their strength between each other. It could be through things like hate, love, anger, compassion and nearly any emotion.

For example, a mother and father’s love for their child is a powerful connection, and since the young foals are so open to everything around them, they absorb everything their parents give to them even without them knowing it.

There are obviously other factors then just that, but we don’t know much about them yet, so I will stay quiet on that matter, if you want you can ask Twilight Sparkle for more information. Surface to say, whether you are ‘Force sensitive’ or not, has nothing to do with your heritage.”

“That still changes nothing.” Falcon argued. “I never had a family, or anyone who cared about me when I was young. Even if what you say is true, it still can’t apply to me.”

“Perhaps there was somepony you never knew about.” It didn’t convince him and Luna looked him in the eyes. “Well then, why don’t we find out once and for all? We’re in place.” She said and shortly opened a door to her chamber. “I apologize for the lack of light, I prefer to think within the darkness.” She entered the room, disappearing in the darkness of her chamber, giving him a sly smirk.

“That won’t be a problem.” He reached out his hand to the flashlight on his helmet, only to realize that it was still lying in the hospital, broken in half. “Blast it…” He sighted and entered the room.

He grabbed his force pike and turned it on, using it to give him some light. However, as soon as he entered the chamber, the door behind him closed and the light coming off from the pike disappeared. The device still appeared to be working perfectly fine, but for some reason it was not giving out any light. “Princess Luna?” He called out.

“I’m over here.” He heard her saying from the other side of the room. “Could you come over here so that we can start?”

“How? I can’t see a blasted-“ To empathize this point, he tripped over something and fell on the floor with a loud thud.

“Perhaps, but your eyes are hardly the only way to ‘see’, wouldn’t you agree?”

“What are you talking about?”

He heard her chuckle, but from a different part of the room. “Catch me and find out.” Again, he heard her voice from completely different part of the room. Falcon tried to walk in that direction, but not only did he fell on his face 3 times along the way, but when he managed to get there, Luna was already somewhere else. "Don't follow senses you know, use those that were asleep for all your life if you wish to catch me."

"It would be easier if you just stopped moving around." He rushed to the place he heard her from again, this time managing to do this without a fall. Luna however was nowhere to be found.

"Your efforts are fruitless. If you wish to catch me you must use your mind to see."

Ignoring her words, Falcon kept running around the room. He eventually begun to run out of strength (and obstacles to trip himself over). 'Use your mind' you say? Alright, I'll play along. Not knowing what to do exactly, he begun to some of meditation stuff Haskri has tried to teach him at one point.

At that time it didn't seem to do much for him, but this time, as the time passed on, things begun to change. And something has told him that someone was right behind him.

Immediately, he reached his hands out towards the darkness, grabbing something and putting it in a headlock. But just as he was about to ask questions, he saw Luna's horn shining from the top of her head, which he was holding. “Do you believe now?” She asked smirking.

Falcon didn't answer, he let go of her head and slowly sat down on the couch nearby, with his eyes expressing nothing more than shock. “W-what am I supposed to do?” He mumbled, just loud enough for Luna to hear.

“You need to learn how to control it.” She stated. “I can help you with that, and so can Twilight Sparkle. She is after all second only to me and my sister, and I feel it may teach her something new.”

Clone commander remained silent for a moment, thinking. “I agree.” He eventually answered. “I will learn from you if that's what you wish.” His lips formed into a small smile. “Just don't expect me to call you 'master', it always sounded rather kinky to me.”

Luna returned the smile. “Very well...” The light coming from her horn disappeared. “Then let us begin.”

Falcon have left Luna's chamber few hours later. His head hurt a bit from all the concentrating he was doing with Luna (and all the times he fell on his face). He headed back towards the hospital on his own, hoping that Twilight was done questioning Shaw and he'll be able to talk with his friend.

He remembered the way through the castle's hallways and got to the gate in no time. Once there, he walked out from the castle walls and begun to walk through the streets. But as he continued to walk, more and more ponies begun to follow him, and soon enough he found himself surrounded by a swarm of ponies, each with their own set of questions.

There were few reporters in the crowd and what appeared to be holorecorders, though they were much bigger then he remembers, they were nearly as large as an average pony and they had to be carried by exceptionally strong looking ponies. “Mister hornless-minotaur-alien-thingy! Could you tell us something more about you?” One of reporters said. “Is that true that you are an alien?” Another one said. “Are rumors of you having a crush on miss Rainbow Dash true?” Yet another reporter attempted to get his attention (and succeeded).

“Or maybe the rumor spread among the Royal Guard saying that you have a thing for Pinkie Pie is true?” A particularly… big reporter came forward, crushing a few smaller ponies under her… curves… she also had a writing ‘Fat Chance’ on a shirt she was wearing. “Do you think we live in a patriarchy ruled by straight unicorn stallions?” Despite her impressive size, she was quickly pushed back by other ponies, desperate to have their questions of utmost importance answered. “Can you shoot lasers from your eyes?” Some young kid said.

“Are there others of your kind here?” “Are you planning an invasion?” “Is there a chance to see a threesome between you, Pinkie Pied and Rainbow Dash?” “If you’re planning an invasion, is it going to be a peaceful one or like the one from yesterday?” “Lubię placki!” “Are your clothes made out of marshmallows?” “Can I touch your hair?” “Is there a connection between you and gods?” “Should we expect to see more creatures like you in a near future?” “Wanna taste some instant noodles, pal?” “How can somepony walk on only two limbs?” “Are you more related to monkeys or minotaurs?” “Do you have a penis under these clothes?”

Questions kept piling up, despite the cast that Falcon was no longer nearby. And in his place stood a 1:1 replica of the clone made out of balloons…

… while the real Falcon was being carried around the town by a certain hyperactive party planner. “Pinkie Pie, what are you doing!?” He yelled once they have stopped. “Though I guess I should thank you for getting me out from there.”

“That’s nothing, I just thought that since you didn’t seem to want to answer all those questions these ponies had for you I would just get you out from there. You know, like a true, true friend would.” She said with a big smile spread on her face.

“Well, fair enough I guess.” I’m still curious about how she managed to get me out from there without no one noticing, but it’s not like anything she’s been doing this day made much sense, so why would this? “However, I was wondering why do you and the other five keep calling by your ‘friend’? We hardly know each other.“ He begun to walk towards the hospital, using side alleys to avoid being spotted.

Pinkie of course followed him. “That’s because we are friends, silly!” She said with a smile. “I mean why wouldn’t we be? There’s nothing better than meeting a new friend.” She begun to bounce around in happiness, ending with giving Falcon another tight hug.

“Well, I guess I’m just not used to being called ‘friend’ by people from outside of the army.” He answered once she has finally let him go. “Though, I must admit, it’s not a bad feeling.” They’ve eventually reached the alley behind the hospital from where Falcon was about to go back to the main street to enter the building, but he was forced to hide when he was almost spotted by another reporter. “Blast it, they’ve realized I’m gone.”

“Well, maybe I’ll just turn their attention away from you and then you can just get into the hospital.” Pinkie suggested, but before Falcon could tell anything more, she came up with something else. “Oh wait, I know!” She run to the other end of an alley. “Look there.” She pointed up, at the ladder coming from the top of the hospital building. “We can get inside that way.”

Falcon looked at the ladder. “Not possible, it’s too high to grab it without something to stand on.”

“That won’t be a problem. I’ll just have to use my…” She walked up to the wall and begun to press bricks like buttons. “Secret emergency ladders safe!” The wall have suddenly moved away, revealing Pinkie’s secret safe. “What do you think of that? Neat, huh?” She took one ladder from the safe before it closed itself again.

After a moment in deep thought, Falcon answered. “I’m not even going to waste my brain on attempting to comprehended that.” He looked at her as she set the ladder below the one attached to the building. “And that’s not a ladder, it’s a step-ladder.”

“What's the difference? They do the same thing, right?”

“Ugh…” He facepalmed. Meanwhile, Pinkie was done setting the thing up and was already climbing to the top. Falcon followed her, and soon enough the both were on the top of the building. There was a hatch in the middle of the roof, under which they’ve found a ladder leading to a staircase. Pinkie simply jumped down, while Falcon made sure to close the hatch before jumping down himself.

“Alright, we’re in. Now what?” Pinkie asked.

“I was going to see if Twilight is done with Shaw and possibly talk with him a little.”

“Oh! So does that mean I can go too and be friends with him?”

“Sure. Don't let me stop you.” She smiled wide again and begun to bounce alongside Falcon. Since they were already on the top floor it wasn’t long before they reached their destination. Falcon grabbed the door’s handle and opened it.

As he entered inside, he saw Shaw, adjusting pieces of his armor. “Sir!” He saluted.

“At ease.” He then noticed that Twilight was lying asleep in Shaw’s bed. “Why is she sleeping?” He walked over to her, immediately noticing wet fur under her eyes. “And why was she crying?”

At the mention of her best friend crying, Pinkie immediately took action, by pinning Shaw to the wall. “What have you done to her you meanie!?” She yelled in clone’s face.

“Hey, I haven’t done anything wrong!” He pushed her away.


“Yes, she was telling me about yesterday events from her perspective and… well, she had me promise not to tell anything else, but surface to say, it wasn’t pretty.”

“And I assume you’re not going to spill that out even in a torture room?” Falcon cut in.

In return, Shaw smiled. “You know me too well, sir.”

“So wait. She told you some super big secret but not me? Why?” Pinkie asked.

“I can only guess that she had to let it out and I just happened to be nearby.”

“Oh, alright then!” Pinkie went back to her friendly persona. “I’m Pinkie Pie, your new friend!” She stated.

“Um… what?”

*GASP* I just realized I have to make changes in my plan!” She run out from the room, but soon came back. “I’ll spend some time with you later, I have important stuff to do.” And she run off again.

“Um, sir?” Shaw spoke up after moment of silence. “Who is she?”

“Her name is Pinkie Pie, she’s kinda strange, but seems nice enough.” He cleared his throat. “Now, we have some things we need to talk about…”

Author's Note:

Song of a day: Dry Cell - Ordinary