• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,849 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

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12. Hunter Is On Track

--Chapter 12--
Hunter Is On Track

What the hell is going on!? That was all Tracker could think about right now. His hands were pressed against his head hard as he tried to make the strange feeling in his head go away. He was barely able to keep a balance, his changed vision made it hard for him to navigate and he constantly kept swinging from left to right. He placed one hand on the bed, barely managing to navigate his hand properly. He slowly started to calm down, but not before he puked on the bed.

Slowly, he started to remove his hand from the bed. He tried to calm himself down and get a grasp on how to navigate in this situation. He realized that next to the bed he woke up in was something that reminded him of his armor and tried to use the chest it appeared to be in as a point of direction.

He had difficulty with determining what was in front of him and what behind, but he finally managed to point himself in the right direction. With a slow, shaky walk he got closer to the chest. His body was alright, but no matter what he did, he still couldn’t get a hold on himself, feeling as if the world was spinning around and suddenly stopped at the same time. He almost puked again, but managed to stop himself by standing still for a while.

Eventually he got to the chest and kneeled next to it, taking a deep breath to calm himself. One hand moved to his forehead as he felt dizzy, and the other was placed on the chest. When the dizziness stopped for a bit, he opened the chest and picked up the first thing that was there.

Before, he couldn’t fully make out what was inside, but now as he lifted his helmet, he was sure it was his armor. Alright Tracker, get a hold on yourself. First, I must find out where I am and how I got here, not wonder about the state of my eyes. Let’s see… I remember that me and the rest were on ‘Intrepid’ when the droids attacked…

“Grenade!” Tracker yelled as he quickly jumped away from the detonator that landed next to him. Following the explosion, he immediately hid behind the cover to avoid the blast. Once it was safe, he pointed his blaster at the nearest droid, sending few bolts in its direction. He hid behind the cover again when few droids begun shooting at him, but quickly he leaned out from the side of the crate he hid behind and send another droid to hell.

“Tracker, take out that B2!” He heard his leader -known simply as Leader- call out. One of his squad mates run over to the cover on the other side of the room they were in, taking one hit from a B1 droid that was absorbed by his armor’s shield. He focused the droid’s fire on himself, giving Tracker enough time to quickly change his weapon’s mode to sniper rifle. He lifted the scope to his visor, and pointed the weapon in the direction of the B2 that was getting ready to shoot a rocket at them. Tracker immediately targeted the droid’s arm and with one shot severed it from the rest of droid’s body just before it fired.

When the arm hit the ground, the rocket was fired and hit the wall on the left, destroying few more droids in the result. “Now’s our chance, go!” Leader made a hand gesture in direction of two more squad members that were behind him. They immediately understood the command and run behind a large crate, pushing it towards the hallway where the droids were. “Tracker, Gric, cover us!”

Gric immediately opened fire at the droids as Tracker used his sniper rifle to disable all of the more dangerous droids in range. Squad’s leader hid behind the cover pushed by two other commandos and also opened fire from his DC-17m while the clones pushing the crate used their handguns to provide more fire power.

The two commandos that stayed behind begun to push forward when they got a command from their leader. Tracker switched his weapon to a grenade launcher and so did Gric. Three commandos have stopped their push forward and simultaneously opened fire at the droids, ripping the first lines to shreds.

When Tracker and Gric arrived they hid behind the cover as well, before unleashing a series of shots from their weapons. Another lines of droids were destroyed, but the commandos didn’t stop here. Tracker switched back to the sniper rifle and so did Leader. The two proceeded to destroy the droids from further away while the rest of the squad took out the few that survived the initial bombing. Soon enough they begun to push forward until the entire wave of droids was gone.

“There’s no time to rest, we can’t let those clakers take over the ship.” Leader said. “There’s control room behind that door, we have to turn on the ship’s turrets, otherwise we’re done for it.” Everyone switched their weapon’s back to their prime settings. “Virgil, you know what to do.” The commando nodded and quickly run over to the closed door and proceeded to plant the explosives on it.

“Sir, there are at least twenty droids inside.” Tracker said as he looked at the room through the security camera. “I see fifteen B1s, B2, two BXs, Droideka and a tactical droid. They appear to be in a middle of hacking into ship’s systems.”

The leader walked over to the computer console and looked at the state of the room. “Alright… Tracker, you’re going to stay here and provide cover from distance. Gric, Tiewan, you two will focus on taking out Droideka and B2. Me and Virgil will push forward and focus their fire on ourselves. Move it!” While the rest of the squad took positions on both sides of the closed door, Tracer run back to the crate that they pushed here. His weapon was already switched back into a sniper rifle as he positioned himself behind the cover.

Shortly after that, the bomb went off and forced the door open. Virgil and Leader run in first, taking out two droids that were standing near the entrance with their wrist blades. Tracker was quick to shoot another droid in front of them just before it opened fire. Gric and Tiewan run in next and too cover behind two computer consoles on the opposite sides of the room. They first opened fire at Droideka, hoping to take it out before it’s shield was turned on. One blaster bolt made it to the target, but it wasn’t enough to destroy the droid.

Virgil and Leader continued to charge until they were next to the main console where tactical droid stood. Before the droid managed to attack any of them with its blaster, Leader shoot off its head and using the body as cover, opened fire at droids that were using the console before they went in.

The two then opened fire at the remaining droids, forcing them to focus their fire at them. Meanwhile, Tiewan rolled a thermo detonator under Droideka’s shield, taking it out along with two B1 that stood nearby. The two BX droids begun to charge towards Gric and Tiewan, but the first one was torn apart by two clone commando’s blaster bolts, and the second one earned a shot to the head from Tracker, followed by a vibroblade to the chest. All that was left in the room now, was a handful of B1 droids and a sole B2.

While Leader and Virgil focused on taking B1s out, Tracer focused on the B2’s head. He targeted it’s head and with one shot he removed the head-plate from the droid’s head. He followed the show with another, and pierced the droid’s head.

They all thought it was over, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Before the B2 fell on the ground, a diode on its exposed head shone red and a sound of a clock counting down could be heard coming from the droid. They had no time to react as the droid’s body exploded, enveloping all of the clones in the room with deadly flames. The wave of explosion soon reached Tracer and the shock wave knocked off his helmet, exposing his face to the flames that were coming right behind…

Are they… dead? Tracker thought in his head as he finished to put on his armor. Am I alone...? Again? Without thinking, he put on his helmet and turn on a communicator installed in it. “Phantom Squad, this is Vector-83, do you copy?” No answer came. “I repeat, Vector-83 to Phantom Squad, do you copy!?” All he heard was static, as he felt his heart beat rise. He immediately switched to open frequency. “Vector-83 to any Republic outpost in range, code 00271d af7991, I need information about the state of Phantom Squad, does anyone hear me!?”

He felt his hands tighten into fists as he listened to a static sound, and after a moment spent in silence, he smashed his fist into the emptied chest with a scream, breaking the wooded surface. With another scream he took off his helmet and threw it on the ground and then grabbed the edges of the bed and flipped it over. He then moved to the nightstand, lifting it effortlessly before smashing it back on the floor.

He grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a chair, and threw across the room. With another scream, he felt his eyes tear up as he kicked another bed as strong as he could. He didn’t care what he grabbed next, he just broke everything around him until he was standing in a middle of a whacked room, with tears dripping down to the ground.

His legs gave up as he kneeled down onto the floor, grabbing his head with both hands. “I don’t want to be alone… not again…” He muttered silently. He spent a while like that, but suddenly he realized that something was closing in fast. While everything except him was in white, not he saw a color moving behind the wall. It was green, and from the shape it appeared to be a quadruped running in his direction.

Without thinking, he stood up and quickly wiped off his tears before grabbing the helmet and putting it back on. Just as the mysterious visitor was about to enter, he rose his blaster up and pointed it towards the creature that was now standing still. “Freeze!” He yelled at it. “Walk in, now!” He ordered, seeing that there was no one else coming with it. It complied with the command, looking visibly startled. “Now, tell me who you are, and how did I get here?” He said calmly, but still keeping the weapon pointed at the quadruped.

It looked like it was wearing some sort of armor, but because of his currant seeing problems he was unable to tell much about it. He saw that the creature had very long hair and tail. The hair was wrapped around its neck like a scarf, while the tail appeared to be braided. “I-I’m… G-Green Vail, sir.” He heard female voice speak up. “I-I was ordered by Princess Luna t-to explain everything to you when you wake up.”

“Well, I’m listening.”

“C-could you please point that thing somewhere else? I’m not here to harm you I assure you.” She said. Deciding it would be better to cooperate with her for now, Tracker lowered his rifle, but kept it ready to fire. “A-alright, so… few months ago Princess Luna found you and few others like you called: Falcon, Shaw, Cipher, Sakri, Rook and Flint…”

As Vail continued to explain everything that happened, Tracker started to calm down. He still had problems with coming to terms with losing his closest brothers for the second time, but inside he knew that he will have to accept it and move on, unless he wants to give in to depression. And he never gives up. He had learnt from her that his sudden change in a way of seeing, was due to his eyes being destroyed in that explosion and having to be removed completely to install prosthetics in their place. He didn’t really understood all her talk about magic, but she said that this Princess Luna is going to explain it in more detail.

When she was done talking she proposed to lead him to the castle in order to talk with the Princess. “You’re not leading me anywhere, unless with a blaster pointed at your head.” He raised his weapon again, making her take a step back.

“B-but the princess ordered me to-“

“I don’t care what your princess wants. I don’t trust you, and if you want me to go anywhere, I’m going to make sure you won’t try something funny.” He motioned her to leave the room with his head. “Move it.” She slowly walked out of the room and he followed behind her.

Now that he have started to get used to the new way of seeing, he was able to maneuver in a way that didn’t made him fall over with each step. It was still hard for him, but he pushed on anyways, despite feeling dizzy. He actually doubted that he would be able contain in a fight with the quadruped in front of him, so he tried to make it look like he was fully confidant. He could see her shaking a bit, so it was unlikely that she would try anything, but it’s better to be on guard.

As they walked, Tracer begun to see more quadrupeds around them, some of them seeing the two. He changed his stance, making sure neither of them was going to realize that he has pretty much taken their fellow quadruped hostage. They were whispering to each other, but he couldn’t hear any of them.

At some point he realized that he was actually in a hospital, not some research facility as he has previously thought. Seeing that most of the patients he saw was asleep, he guessed that it was a middle of night.

They eventually left the building, not saying a word to each other the whole time. The area outside of the hospital was empty as far as Tracker could see, confirming his deduction about the hour. “Is this a Republic world?” He asked.

“I-I was told to tell ‘no’ if y-you asked that question.”

“Great…” He muttered under his nose. “Are you with Separatists than, or are you neutral.”

“I-I’m not sure what you mean by that.” She replied, still visibly scared.

Then neither… that’s even worse, I must be on some backwater planet in a middle of nowhere, that would explain lack of Bacta tanks in that hospital. “Never mind.” He said. They continued to walk forward through an empty street, staying silent until they’ve reached another large structure.

Tracker recognized that this was a wall, and that they were heading towards a gate in front of them. He noticed few more armoured quadrupeds walking around the area, but neither seemed to occupy themselves with his presence, instead going on with whatever it was that they were doing. Even the guards stationed next to the main gate didn’t react to his appearance. Were they expecting him? Was he walking into a trap? Those questions kept running through his mind as he walked behind his ‘guide’, carefully observing his surroundings.

He was quite surprised by how quickly he has gotten used to seeing things in this new way. He was beginning to consider this a nice perk, as he was able to see if someone was hiding behind walls, and even if he was being followed. Still, seeing only 20 meters ahead wasn’t all that great, especially for a sniper with a fancy for tracking his targets.

The two continued to walk for a while, until they have reached an end of a corridor placed on the highest floor of the main part of the castle they were in. He saw two doors placed on opposite sides, each emitting a faint light, first one dark blue, and the other bright yellow. He quickly noticed two more shining figures behind them, the colors matching that of the doors.

They were both quadrupeds, much higher than the ones he had seen so far. The bright one appeared to be sleeping in bed, with a balcony opened wide to let the cool air in. He noticed what appeared to be a crown, or a tiara lying on a nightstand next to the bed, figuring this was probably the princess he is supposed to meet.

However, he quickly changed his mind when his attention switched towards the dark figure. This one was sitting in a middle of the chamber, surrounded by some sort of circle with strange symbols written along it. She appeared to be aware of his presence and stood up before Green Vail walked over to the door and knocked. They didn’t wait long before they were opened. “Princess Luna, I-I did as you asked. He’s here.” She said.

The princess eyed the commander before replying. “Good, I would like to talk with him in private.” She said. Green Vail gave her a low bow an turned around to leave. However, she didn’t go far, as Tracker pulled out his blaster pistol and shot her with low energy bolt, immediately knocking her out.

“Alright, now we can talk.” He said as he crossed his arms.

“You know you didn’t have to do that, right?” Princess said, barely reacting to Tracker’s action.

“Perhaps, but I don’t trust her.” He stated. “Now… I don’t care why you want to talk with me, and I have no intention to go along with anything until I get answers.” He continued without waiting for her opinion. “First of all, where am I and how did I get here? All that girl said is that you brought me and few of my brothers here.”

At first, she didn’t answer, simply standing still with a stoic expression on her face. “Come in, we can discuss this over tea.” She said after a while of silence, turning around and heading back into her room.

Tracker went behind her, still holding his weapon ready to use. Princess led him to a table in a side of the room and sat on a chair. “Please sit, we have a lot to talk about.”

“I’ll stand. Now tell me, where am I, and how did I get here?” He said with frustration starting to sink into his voice.

Luna looked at him with the same stoic glaze she held since he appeared. “Several months ago, your ship crushed on the surface of this planet’s moon, where I found you along with your Commander Falcon, Sakri Fashov, Sergeant Shaw, Capitan Flint and Privates Cipher and Rook, no one else have made it. Commander and Sergeant have already awoken and are currently in the town of Ponyville.

Now, I’m sure you are surprised by the sudden change in your way of seeing, am I right?” She didn’t wait for the answer. “When you were found, your head was severely burned, and your eyes have suffered damage that we were unable to fix. The only thing we could do, was installing artificial eyes, and since -as you probably have already noticed- we are not as technologically advanced as you, the best we were able to do is what you see now.” Tracker almost jumped in surprise when he saw a teapot and two glasses flying towards the table. “Would you like some tea?”

He spent few seconds thinking about what he saw before he answered. “No.”

“Hm, your loss.” She poured herself some tea and than drank it. “Oh right, I almost forgot.” Her horn lit up again as she levitated something small to him. “Commander Falcon asked me to give you this.” The small object stopped in front of him. Tracker slowly reached out his hand and grabbed the object, looking at it.

It was a headpiece, quite rough looking but as far as he knew it looked like it worked. He took off his helmet and replaced his own headpiece with the new one. He then pressed a button on the device to establish connection. And soon enough, he heard a voice.

“Commander Falcon here, is there a problem?”

“S-sir!?” Tracker said in surprise.

“Is that you Tracker?”

“Y-yes sir, but… how are you communicating with me? I tried to connect after I woke up, but all I heard was static.”

“Oh, that… you see, the system we’re in is… different. To simplify it, it is in a middle of space anomaly that causes our long range communication to malfunction, they have 10 kilometers of range top, after that any kind of signals disappear. That’s also why we can’t contact the Republic, we’d have to leave the system to establish a connection. The com-links we’re using now were made by Shaw with help of one of the natives to work in this environment, but the downside is, that they can only work in the middle of that anomaly. So no calling help with these either. That and… well, for now they’re all connected to central hub, so you can’t contact only one person.

But anyways, I’m so happy to hear you’re alright!”

“Me too, sir. Though, the sights could be better…” Tracker started to walk around the room, though still keeping himself close enough to Luna, in case she tried something (he didn’t know that, but she also had a com-link in her ear).

“I’m sorry, but we couldn’t do anything to help.”

“I understand sir, but don’t I assure you, I’m going give it my all. Even though I can only see 20 meters ahead...”

“Wait, they didn’t tell you that? There was supposed to be a guard who will explain you this when you woke up, what is that idiot doing?”

Tracker’s attention turned towards Green Vail, who was still knocked out cold on the floor. “She’s sleeping… and she can thank me for that.”

“Eh, I knew I should have made them tie you up…” Falcon whispered. “Anyways, I want you to roll your right ‘eye’ up.” He said, surprising Tracker in the process.

“Why?” He asked, but followed the order anyways. His finger touched the surface of the prosthetic eye and he hesitantly moved his finger up. To his surprise, it actually moved up like a switch, making a ‘click’ sound. Suddenly, his range of seeing was tripled, but in exchange he was now seeing only what was in front of him, much like he used to see before.

Immediately he felt a headache caused by a sudden change, followed by loss of balance and general disorientation. “This thing has two modes of operating,” He heard Falcon say. “normal view, and surround. You can also turn off ‘seeing through walls’ with left ‘eye’, that would give you bigger seeing range. If you want to turn it off completely, roll the right one left.”

“You could have told this earlier…” He groaned as he got up, holding his spinning head. Well, at least I can see normally now… somewhat… “But sir, do you mind me asking what are those creatures?”

“They call themselves ‘ponies’. They’re not part of the Republic, nor Seps, so at least we’re not in a middle of enemy territory. They are very peaceful people, quite naive too. Most don’t know a thing about as much as how to defending themselves, so I’m expecting you to not try to begin any encounter with them.

From the position of stars, Shaw deduced that we are on the edge of Wild Space, very close to the galaxy’s edge, meaning that without a working ship with a hyperdrive we won’t be going anywhere. That’s why, I decided that for the time being we will cooperate with Princess Luna, who in return will provide us with any help we will need. As long as she can provide it of course. I am currently training a secret group of soldiers that would do the job that the official ‘army’ can’t do, which is defending that country.”

“Sounds interesting. I always enjoyed to watch as you torment newbies.” He chuckled at the memories that flew through his head.

“Don’t get so happy so fast. I have a job for you.” Falcon stated.

His tone immediately got serious “I’m ready for anything sir.” He said.

“Physical training is one thing, but teaching them how to fight is another. And since I have no idea on what would be the most effective way for them to fight, or even the most effective thing to fight with, I’m going to need some fighting manuals. And you’re going to help me get them.”

“I’m… not sure if I understand sir. Why do you need me to do that?”

“There are two problems. A) Possessing weapons is illegal here. B) The only place where you can find a proper fighting manual is Princess Celestia’s private library, who is the one who caused those two problems in the first place. In other words, you have to break into her room, sneak into her library, steal as much of useful stuff as you can, and leave unnoticed. Princess Luna will help you with planning everything, you can trust her. See you tomorrow, Tracker. Falcon out.” And with that said, the clone Commander disconnected.

Tracker put his helmet back on and walked over to the Princess, who was in a middle of the second glass of tea. “So apparently-“

“Yes, I now.” She cut him off. “Commander wants me to help you with planning a rubbery of my sister’s library.” She gulped the rest of the tea down and got up. “First thing you should know, is that except for one of most advanced locks available locking the door, my sister has placed a shield along with an alarm at the entrance to her library. If someone goes there without her permission, she will know.”

“Is there any other entrance?” He asked.

“None that I know of. Thanks to Commander Falcon, I know that there is a web of secret tunnels around the castle, but the part we’re in was build later, so it has no such things. There is however one way to get in. According to Twilight Sparkle, my sister’s student, she used to sneak in there from time to time in order to study. She said that the shield can be temporarily disrupted by very strong electromagnetic discharge, and in order to avoid raising an alarm, all you need is something with my sister’s magic signature that would be able to confuse the spell into thinking you’re her.”

“And what would that something be?” Trace asked, already thinking about a way to disrupt the shield. He had few ion grenades in his belt, but were they strong enough to do the job? Also, I’m still not buying that ‘magic’ of theirs.

“I’m really not sure. Twilight Sparkle wasn’t really specific about that.”

“Hmm… and what if… I just happened to have some very strong sleeping drugs with me, and it just so happened that those drugs were to mysteriously be applied to her?” That would be awfully convenient. “Do you think she would be kind enough to just let me in?”

“I believe she wouldn’t argue… but, are you sure this is safe? As much as I don’t agree with her on her current policies, she’s still my sister, and I will not put her in harm on purpose.” She stated.

“Don’t worry, I just want to make sure she won’t be waking up when I’m inside.” He said, taking a small bottle and a needle from his backpack. “This thing is really strong, and if I apply her even a smallest amount, she’s going to stay asleep until noon. Shouldn’t be hard since she’s already sleeping.”

“Very well then. I advise you to not go through the front door, opening them always wakes her up. She usually leaves her balcony door open though, so you can get in that way.”

He rose an eyebrow under his helmet. “She’s one of rulers of the country and she just leaves an easy way for anyone to enter? And shouldn’t there be guards walking around to make sure she’s safe? I don’t think I saw a single one on this level. Save for the sleeping beauty lying there.”

“The answer is simple really. She does not believe that somepony would want to harm her. A very stupid move if you ask me, but so far nopony has tried to as much as get in.” She explained.

“Well, there’s first time for everything.” He turned towards the exit, but before that, Princess have thrown him a bag.

“Take this. This bag will transport anything you put in it back to my chamber.” He wasn’t sure how was that supposed to work, but he nodded anyways and put the bag around his arm. He then left the chamber and walked back into the hallway. Green Vail was still lying there, but he paid her no mind, instead walking towards the window on the end of the hallway. He could see the landscape of the land from here, and to say that he was impressed was an understatement.

He rarely gets to enjoy a views, as even when he’s not operating on some wasteland, he’s attention is more focused on the droids trying to shoot him. Still, this wasn’t the time for that either, he had a job to do.

Tracker opened the window and jumped out, quickly turning around midair and shooting a grappling hook at the side of the castle. The momentum than carried him over the side where he grabbed onto one of the decorative parts of the castle. From there it was easy to reach the balcony, all he needed to do was make few jumps and not fall. Nothing too hard for him.

With a last jump, he grabbed the edges of the balcony with both hands and climbed onto it, staying as quiet as possible. The entrance was obviously wide open, so without a moment of hesitation, Tracker walked in. He already could see Celestia sleeping peacefully in her bed, snoring a bit (she’s actually about as loud as Rainbow Dash, Tracker is just trying to be polite in his head).

He slowly walked over to her, carefully placing feet on the ground. He already had a needle covered in sleeping drug in his hand and carefully proceeded to stick a needle into her exposed neck, making the Princess groan in her sleep. However, she quickly calmed down as the drug started to kick in.

The drug also had a special toxin in it, that would create an illusion of a mosquito bite to effectively hide any marks left by applying the drug. Unless there are no mosquitoes here. He thought. Eh, who am I kidding. Those things are everywhere.

As for where he had gotten the drug in the first place, he has received it from some old man who was his contact during one of his early missions, close to the beginning of the war. He had to spy on one of the more influential Separatist on the planet and he needed the drug to steal some stuff from her apartment. All he needed to do was sneak into the kitchen and add a bit of the drug to the soup before it was served. He ended up not only getting data from his target, but also several other big deals from the planet, eventually allowing the rest of the battalion to take over the capital in one night.

This happened when his first team was still alive, and just holding the bottle with the drug was enough to tear open old wounds. He found himself on the edge of tearing up as he waited for the drug to fully kick in, but stopped himself when he heard Celestia snore again.

He sighed heavily and got up, looking over to the entrance to the library. He could clearly see the shield behind the door, confirming that Luna wasn’t making things up. He lifted Celestia’s body with some problems (related to her cake eating habits) and carried her to the locked door.

Once there, he placed her on the ground and looked at the lock.

It looked a lot like a simple mechanical lock, just very strongly made and requiring two separate keys. His first thought was to simply break it with a blaster bolt, but he quickly rejected the idea. Celestia would know that someone has broke in the moment she looked at the door. The second option was finding the keys, but he could see that it wasn’t going to be easy. Just one look at the Princess could tell you that she isn’t someone stupid enough to leave things like that just lying around.

That has left him with only one option. Lock picking.

Practically every lock used in known part of the galaxy is at least partly digital, and thus most would simply choose to hack it instead of trying to break a lock (unless they are a Jedi). However, Tracker used to operate in quite a few less advanced worlds, where he had to learn how to properly open purely mechanic locks in order to not leave any tracks behind.

The only problem is that he usually doesn’t carry his tools on missions, and he has left everything on the board of ‘Intrepid’. Still, that wasn’t something that was going to stop him. He quickly begun to search the room for items that he could use to make improvised tools, items that at the same time would not be noticed to disappear.

And the best thing he has managed to find, was box full of hairpins. He quickly proceeded to use two of them to make basic tools, immediately proceeding to use them to open the lock. It quickly turned out that Luna was right about the lock. It was really well made and hard to open. He also was rewarded with a surprise once he managed to properly position all pins on the first lock. It turned out that both locks must be opened at the same time to move any of them, making the whole thing a lot harder as he had to keep a pressure on the first lock while he tried open the other one. This also forced him to make a second tension wrench.

But despite all the problems he encountered, Tracker managed to open the lock after nearly an hour of struggling with it. He opened the door, leaving tension wrenches inside of the locks to use them for locking the place up after he leaves.

Celestia was again lifted by him and he approached the shield. To his surprise, the barrier disappeared the moment Celestia was near it, allowing him to enter without problems.

The library itself was not the biggest one he has ever seen, but it was still really impressive collection. Bookshelves rose up to the ceiling, all filled with books and manuscripts. Luckily for him, every section was marked with a sign telling what he could find there.

Not waiting at all, he placed Celestia on the ground and started to work.

Author's Note:

Song of a day: Shinedown - Cut The Cord