• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,849 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

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2. Lunar Crash

--Chapter 2--
Lunar Crash

Princess Luna slowly approached the behemoth that just moments ago crashed into her moon. She inspected every detail about it that she could find, sometimes using magic to power up her senses. As she got closer, it became clear that the object was made out of metal, but none that she knew of. She also realized how wrong she initially was about the size of it. Now that she stood few meters from it, she couldn’t wrap her head around something so gigantic. It was almost the size of Ponyville.

She flew up, following the strange call she was sensing. She wasn’t using her wings to fly -without air that would be counterproductive- instead, she was using magic to levitate herself. Normally that would be an exhausting task -even for an Alicorn- but moon’s low gravity along with the fact that she was close to her source of power made it a child’s play for her.

She approached the two towers on the back of the structure as her senses pointed her towards them. Considering how large the structure was and how slow compared to an average pegasus her movement was, it took her a while before she was near the towers. More precisely the left one, that’s where the creature she’s been sensing the whole night was located.

Not wasting any time, Luna looked through one of the tower’s windows. And what she saw was both incredible and terrifying. Behind the glass was a large room, with what seemed to be computer consoles that appeared to be much more advanced than what Equestria had to offer. Many of them were destroyed, and the wires coming out of them were sparking with electricity.

The walls were in a similar state, with many wires and pipes hanging out in the open. Most lights were broken, giving the room a dark atmosphere. The view was mostly blurred by the smoke inside of the room, which didn’t help to brighten up the atmosphere at all.

What terrified though her was blood. The blood that painted the walls, the floor and the dead bodies lying all over the place. Some cut in half, some with holes burned all over their bodies and one was ripped in half by something.

And they were all humans.

Which should be impossible according to what her sister has said. According to her, Humans have left the planet before she was even born, not leaving much behind them. And if they have truly left then why are they back, and more importantly how?

She looked at the object again, and the realization slowly hit her. It wasn’t just some object coming from space, it was a ship. And if that was the ship than that explained how did they came back. But the question ‘why are they back?’ still remains. Do they want to come back to their home-world? Do they want to take it back by force? There are strange cannon-like things all over the ship. And if they are here in bad will, Equestria is completely unprepared for anything like that.

She shook off that thought for now. It was obvious that they crashed and something very wrong happened before that. She could sense few life sources all over the ship. Some of which were very faint. One of such sources was (probably) the Human she was sensing before the ship arrived. And said Human was lying unconscious on the floor inside of the tower in front of her.

She decided to get inside of the ship and tried to cut a hole in glass window, but the moment the window was opened, the hole was closed by a metal seal. The same thing happened with every other window and the metal turned out to be too strong for her magic to burn through. Luna circled around the towers a few times, looking for a way to enter.

Eventually, her eyes fell upon a hole near the base of the towers. She choose to go down there and make her way to the top of the towers from the inside of the ship. She disabled her magic and let herself fall down. Right before her hooves touched the ship, her horn lit up again and she levitated herself inside.

Luna now stood in a hallway, mostly made of metal. It seemed that the part of the hallway that was exposed, was locked from the rest of the ship by what appeared to be door. She growled in frustration. She knew she couldn’t destroy that door, and that rest of the holes in the ship were probably sealed in a same way. Before she could let out her frustration however, she heard something moving under a pile of rubbish.

She gasped and jumped a little. Now that she was paying attention, she could feel that there was somepony alive in there. She quickly used her magic to lift the pile, careful not to cause whoever was underneath any harm. Under the pile was one of few still alive humans on this ship. Just like the ones she saw on the top of that tower, this one was wearing armor painted in black. She came to a conclusion that this is some sort of armor, as it seemed to be universal among them and had a visible signs of damage from various weaponry.

The human tried to get up, but Luna stopped him. “Do not try to get up, you have been hurt.” It surprised her that he was able to get up anyways, picking up a black metal stick from the ground.

*GROAN* I have to… my air reserves are almost over, I have to get through the blast door.” He looked at the door. “Wait a minute…” He turned to Luna and looked at her with disbelief (at least underneath his helmet). “What the…Who are you? And how can you breath in here? And for that matter, what are you doing here?”

“We are Princess Luna, ruler of the night and co-ruler of Equestria. We are here to investigate-“ He lifted a hand to stop her.

“Wait, you will explain this later, I can’t stay here forever and breath in a vacuum like you apparently can. Just help me get to that door and I’ll open them so we can come inside and talk.” Luna nodded. He wrapped his arm around her neck and she led him to the panel near the door. Once there, he pressed few buttons on the panel. “If you have any way of keeping yourself in place I suggest you use it now.” He said as he activated his magnetic boots.

Luna knew what he meant by that. The part of hallway behind those ‘blast door’ was likely still filled with air, and when that door will be opened, the air will begun to be sucked out into the vacuum. She decided it would be a better course of action to make sure no air will escape, so instead pinning her hooves to the ground (which she could totally do), she created a barrier around the hole in the ship.

The human pressed one more button and braced himself for an impact that never came. Surprised, he looked around and noticed a blue force field around the hole in the ship. He looked back at Luna, noticing that a horn on top of her head was glowing in the same dark-blue color. “Alright, we have a LOT to talk about.” He said as they walked past the blast door and he closed them.

He then took a deep breath and moved his arm away from Luna’s neck. “Now tell me, who are you and what are you doing here?”

“We already said our name is Luna. We have not came here to cause you any harm, we assure you. We were simply meditating when this ship crashed and we have sensed a presence calling to us from it, so we have come to investigate it. Or more precisely, the huge towers on it. Now can you tell us, who are you, and what is this ship doing on our moon?”

“Sensed? Are you a Jedi or something?” The look of confusion on her face gave him the answer. “Never mind. I am Sergeant Shaw of the 144th Attack Battalion in the Grand Army of the Republic. This ship has apparently crashed here after a battle, though I’m not sure why. Now tell me what was that blue force field that appeared out of nowhere.”

“That was us simply using magic to create a barrier around the damaged part of the ship in attempt to minimize the loss of air. Us not requiring air to survive and us speaking to you despite being in a vacuum was also achieved thanks to our magic.” She replied.

“Magic, riiiight… Now, listen. I know that we both have quite a few questions for each other, but I have to get to the bridge and try to call for help. I’m not going to leave you alone so you can walk freely around the republic ship, so I’m taking you with me. You said you ‘sensed’ something on the bridge anyways, right?”

She nodded. “Yes, we believe somepony has been calling for us.”

“Yeah, let’s just stay with that.” He raised the metal stick up and pressed something on the tip of it. The light erupted from it, startling Luna. She knew what flashlights were of course, but it was barely a month since she came back from her banishment. That wasn’t what really startled her though. What really did, was what the presence of additional light reviled.

Luna was slightly more nocturnal than normal ponies were, being able to navigate in dark places. But the near lack of light in the hallway was able to mask the bodies lying all around. Except humans, there were other creatures a well. They appeared to be more metallic, though this might have just been their armor.

She looked one of them. “Were they the ones who you and other humans fought?”

Shaw looked at her while she was staring at the droid. “Yes, they attacked us when we were leaving Udow system.” He noticed a bit of sorrow in her look. “Don’t sympathize with them, they’re just droids.” She looked at him with confusion. “I have a feeling you don’t know what droids are, do you?”

She shook her head. “No, I have never seen a creature like that.”

“They’re not creatures, just machines. They are not alive, they’re just built and programmed to perform their task. In case of those, they are meant for destruction, nothing more, nothing less.

“I… I think I understand.” Luna said, still feeling slightly confused.

Shaw looked at her for a moment. “I have never heard of your kind before, are you part of the Republic?” He asked as they slowly moved on.

“We surely are not. Unlike you humans apparently do, we know of no ways of traveling in ships like this and we have never traveled further than my moon. From what I understand, Republic is a country right?”

*SIGH* It’s going to take a while…”

Shaw led Luna towards the bridge while explaining her everything they came across and trying to answer at least some of her million questions. It was obvious that he was dealing with a new species that never had any contact with the rest of the galaxy. And the fact that he was walking between his dead brothers wasn’t helping him with explaining anything to her at all. Especially when it came to war.

Luna was of course also answering his questions, including her ‘magic’. Shaw wasn’t really sure what to think about it. On one hand, is seemed awfully similar to the Force, but on the other, allowed her to do things he has never seen a Force users doing. But then again, he was no expert.

The fact that they both used the same language was also interesting. But it didn’t matter now, they’ll get a chance to talk later, once he calls for help. Assuming that the communication system still works.

Eventually, they reached the entrance to the turbolift. Shaw pressed a button on the nearby panel to call the lift, but nothing happened. “Eh, just great. The turbolift doesn’t work.”

“The turbo-what?” Asked Luna.

“It’s a machine used for conveying people and objects to different levels on ships, buildings and alike. And this one is broken.” He kicked the sealed entrance of the turbolift.

“Maybe I can help with that.” Her horn lit up and a blue aura covered the sealed door and she begun to push it open. Slowly, the entrance was being opened. Shaw decided to help her and added his own strength to the effort.

Once the lift was opened, one more problem was reviled. “Well, I hope you like climbing, ‘cause we’re going to do a lot of it.” He said as he looked up through the macrobinoculars installed on his helmet. Should have keep that damn jet pack instead of leaving it in the armory. It would make things easier.

Luna walked over and looked up as well. “That won’t be necessary.” She smirked.

“What do you- WOAH!” Luna’s horn lit up again, but this time it was Shaw and she that were covered in blue aura. Shaw of course was used to using jet packs to fly, but this felt different. As if the gravity have suddenly stopped working, but something was still pulling him in some direction.

Despite his initial protests and discomfort, Shaw managed to get used to the strange sensation before they arrived to the top of the shaft. Once there, they found the turbolift stuck on the top of the shaft. There were 2 holes cut in it, one at the bottom and the other in the entrance. Shaw quickly realized they were made with a lightsaber. He purposely didn’t bring the subject of lightsabers up. It would just make Luna ask more questions and it’s not like he knew much about lightsabers to begin with. Not that he doesn’t find them interesting.

The two walked out of the lift and entered another body-filled corridor. The corpses of his brothers lied all the way to the bridge. And when they finally reached the bridge they both froze in place. Nothing that they have seen in the ship so far compared to this.

The first thing they have seen, was a body of a clone ripped in half lying in the middle of the bridge, almost swimming in blood. The clone’s viscera fell out of the body, almost making Luna throw up. Shaw wasn’t feeling so good either.

The rest of the room was full of bodies cut in pieces, beaten to death, stabbed, choked or simply shot by blasters. Luna didn’t expect this place to be that gruesome when she looked through the window. “Who could do such a thing!?” Luna finally commented. She was no stranger to war and felt almost offended when she found out how pathetic current Equestrian army was compared to the state she left it in before her banishment, but this trumped everything she has ever witnessed.

She knew a thing or two about a medicine and she made few subtle scans of Shaw’s body as they were walking, and she was sure that most of those wounds were meant to keep the wounded alive so that they suffer before bleeding out or before their bodies simply give up.

“Droids…” Shaw answered. He took a deep breath and walked ahead to the main communications console. He tried to activate it but all he managed to do was make the console lit up for a moment. He redirected a power from the other console to empower the com-system, but it didn’t give any effects. “Blast it!” He smashed his hand into a console.

Surprisingly it was enough to make it work. “Yes!” He screamed. But then the console exploded with sparks and turned itself off again. “No!” He smashed his hands into the console again. Sadly with no effect. Shaw sighed in frustration. Don’t freak out now, there has to be some working com-system on this ship. He turned to Luna. She was standing over Commander Falcon’s body. It was shame that he was gone, even though all clones were brothers, Falcon and him were more than just that, they were also friends. And in army where you can see your face everywhere, being a friend means just as much as being a brother if not even more.

Luna turned back towards Shaw. “He’s alive.” She said.

Shaw immediately forgot about the communications and rushed towards Falcon. But before he got too close, Luna lifted her hoof and his body was frozen in place. Surprisingly he wasn’t covered by the blue aura of her ‘magic’.“Hold on Sergeant. His body was greatly injured after the crash and he needs immediate medical attention. I have put his body in stasis, but any physical interference can cause much damage. So please, calm down.” She let him go, and as she expected, he didn’t run towards the fallen soldier.

“Does your ship have a way to safely transport him to a medical facility?”

“I have not came here via ship, I have teleported here and I plan on bringing myself, you and him to my world the same way.” He gave her a ‘you’re kidding, right?’ look. Shame she couldn’t see it through his helmet. “But… there is something more here… another life source… very weak…”

She allowed the feeling to guide her and soon she stumbled upon two more humans. Well, the smaller one was certainly a human, but the other had horns on top of his head. She felt the very faint flame of life still burning within the smaller one. But it was close to burning out. Not wasting any time, she stabilized the heart beat and did all she could to keep the human alive.

She wasn’t capable of using another stasis spell, it required constant focus from the user; Celestia and her student are the only currently alive ponies who could hold more than one person in stasis at the same time.

Shaw looked at the bodies of General and his padawan. General Haskri had a hole in his throat and it was clear that he was long dead. His padawan Sakri however was not. Her chest was slowly rising and falling despite looking like she’s gone to hell and came back.

Her face was covered in blood and a shard of glass was stuck in her face, near her left eye. She had swollen marks around her throat, indicating she was almost choked. Her right hand was also missing; there was no blood coming out of it and from the looks of it, the hand was cut off by a lightsaber.

He knew that she and Falcon were friends, which was surprising to say the least. He knew that Falcon was of an opinion that padawans should be kept out of war and left in the Jedi Temple as he always hated to work with them, saying they just get in his way. But somehow, padawan Sakri managed to befriend him. The two were sometimes acting rather strange when they thought no one was looking but he couldn’t really put a finger on it. He didn’t care either, it was their business.

As Luna was focused on stabilizing the injured padawan, Shaw heard a silent sound of a metal moving. Acting in instinct, he pointed the blaster towards the sound as he turned around. On the floor lied a commando droid with its blaster pointed at him. He wasn’t fast enough to pull the trigger before the droid shot him in the stomach. But he did manage to press the trigger afterwards.

Before Luna turned to see what happened, a blue bolt of energy hit the droid in the arm. “Shaw!” She yelled as the soldier fell on the ground with a burning hole in his stomach. Shaw’s blaster bolt didn’t stop the droid , and immediately it picked Luna as the next target. She raised a shield to protect herself from another bolt of energy, but after only one attack, her shield almost broke. It did however buy her enough time to teleport out of the second bolt’s way.

She reappeared behind the droid and magically summoned her sword. The blade of her weapon was long and slightly curved backwards. It was covered in small holes for rune-stones from the hilt to the tip of the blade. The metal which the weapon was forged with shone with faint blue light.

Before the droid could turn around, Luna brought the weapon down at it with her magic. If it wasn’t for the rune-stones in the weapon, it wouldn’t do any damage whatsoever. But since it had them all in place, it managed to penetrate enough of droid’s armor to disable it.

Doctor Health Ticket sat behind the desk in reception room. It was almost morning and soon somepony will finally came here and take his shift. Canterlot Hospital was always boring here during nights. Especially after Red Heart moved out to Ponyville. He didn’t understood why she did this though. Why choose some backwater town over Canterlot?

He looked at the clock. Soon his replacement will get here and he will just go back home.

And then, a wild Princess appeared.

With three near-dead creatures held alive by her magic.

Author's Note:

Originally I didn't plan to make this chapter, but Fimfic didn't alow me to submit the story because the first chapter didn't have enough ponies. I don't mind though, it gave me an idea for another not planed chapter. :yay:

Song of a day: Skillet - Sick Of It