• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 5,849 Views, 266 Comments

Force of the Falcon - Omega6047

After a successful battle for planet Udow-2, Commander Falcon and his brothers are sent to another planet where they will fight Separatists. However not everything goes as planned and a completely new adventure appears in front of him.

  • ...

6. New Friendships

--Chapter 6--
New Friendships

“Alright ya’ll, Ah think we’ve talked enough about all this. Time to get to know each other.” She stepped in front of the group. “Howdy, mah name’s Applejack, the head of Apple family and owner of Sweet Apple Acers. Pleased to meet you.” She extended her hoof towards him. Her coat was light orange and her head covered by stetson hat and blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

Falcon grabbed her hoof and shook it. “Falcon, Commander of 144th Battalion in Grand Army of the Republic, GAR for short.” He turned towards the rest of group. “Now who are you five?”

The first one that tried to introduce herself was Twilight -even though he already know who she was- but the rainbow one stepped in front of her and spoke up. Or tried to, as she was suddenly pushed away from the clone and back to the group. The one responsible for this, was the pink pony with puffy mess of hair on her head, who jumped into Falcon’s arms and begun to talk. And she talked a lot.

And as if that wasn’t enough, she could speak words so fast that even most advanced protocol droids would have problems understanding all that. She also displayed a strange ability to change moods so fast that she might as well have a switch for every emotion inside her head. She even gave him bedroom eyes for a moment…

“Please ignore her darling. Pinkie Pie is a real gem, but she has occasional problems with invading other’s personal space.” The white pony with long dark purple hair said, as Pinkie Pie kept babbling nonsense (at least Falcon assumed it was nonsense. For all he knew, she could have been explaining the biggest secrets of the universe) while he held her in his arms. “Anyways, my name is Rarity, fashion designer and rare gems collector. Now tell me…”

An absolute silence filled the throne room (even though Pinkie’s mouth were still moving) as Rarity’s eyes begun to burn with fire.

”WHERE IS THE MONSTER WHO DARED TO DESTROY SUCH A FINE PIECE OF ART LIKE THE ONE YOU’RE WEARING!? I SHALL DESTROY THEM!!!” a demonic voice of Rarity filled the room, startling everyone (except Pinkie). “*NERVOUS COUGH* I mean, could you tell me why does your attire looked so… ragged. And what’s with the helmet? It absolutely doesn’t fit with the other pieces.”

“Um…” For a moment he failed to gather proper words. “Well, it gets like that after two years of use in combat. And I borrowed this helmet from a friend, mine was destroyed.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. “You wore this for two years!?” She yelled. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, this CAN’T continue. I will not allow you to walk around in this for any longer. Once we get back to Ponyville, I will make you something new to wear. And I’m NOT taking ‘no’ for an answer!”

“I… guess I have no choice but to accept… but I don’t even know what’s the currency here, and I doubt that republic’s currency has any real value here.” Falcon answered. Not that I have any credits on me in the first place…

“Oh, don’t worry about that darling, I’m not going to take anything from you. Just come to my boutique when we’ll be in Ponyville so I can take measurements.”

“Appreciated. But don’t suggest the same to Shaw, please. He hates to wear anything except his armor. Blast, it took me a month to convince him to change his old Phase I armor to Phase II.” He smiled at the memory of him and General Haskri painting Shaw’s armor pink. And more importantly, Shaw’s face when he saw it. Surprisingly that still wasn’t enough to convince the clone and he kept using his pink armor for another week. “Anyways, where’s the yellow one? She was here a moment ago.”

The blue one flew up the moment she noticed that her friend was gone and soon enough brought down a yellow shaking fur ball. “Fluttershy, I thought that you said you are afraid of heights. Why do you keep doing that?” She asked.

The response came in a form of a whisper, way too silent to hear for a normal human or pony. “Well, find yourself a better hiding spot. I can’t be around every time you get stuck on the ceiling.” She turned towards Falcon. “This mare here is Fluttershy. The most sweet and kind pony you’ll ever meet.” She flew up to his eye level. “And I am Rainbow Dash. The fastest and most awesome thing you’ll ever see.”

“Doubt it. Fastest being? Maybe, but not the fastest thing.”

She flew over to him. “Oh, is that so? What could possibly be faster than me?”

“Just about every ship I ever flew in?” He deadpanned. “Listen, I don’t know what you’re capable of, but unless you can beat the light speed, you’re not a completion for anything that GAR uses. And that’s not happening.”

“We’ll see.” She said, as Twilight face-palmed (and made a mental note to ask Falcon about it)

Falcon sighted and turned towards the last pony. “If I remember correctly, you’re Twilight, right?”

“Yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle. I was part of a team that was studying you and your friends that were brought from your ship by Princess Luna.”

“And speaking of that, who did you manage to get out of there? Save for those who were in my room -Sakri and Shaw.”

“We couldn’t identify most of them. Except for Shaw we only found names: Tracker and Cipher.” She said. “Do you know them?”

“I know all of my brothers in my battalion. Cipher is part of Shaw's engineering team, and Tracker is a sniper in Phantom Squad. How are they?” Twilight bit her lip and looked away.

“I think it will be better if you see them yourself.” Luna spoke up. “I planned to go to the hospital anyways, there's somepony there that I think would make a fitting recruit.”

“Hey, you still don't have a name for that thing!” Rainbow yelled. “And are we going to be a part of it too?” She added.

“Of course you're going to go through at least some basic training. You are Elements of Harmony, and even though you do posses some level of skill in combat -as you have proven during the invasion- but that is simply not enough.” Luna answered her question.

“Cool! Now what about the name?”

“Well, what about it?” Falcon asked.

Dash face-palmed. “Well, duh! It has to sound awesome to be awesome! Just look at me. Do you think ponies would have loved me as much as they do if my name was something lame, like… I dunno, Clear Sky? Or something like that.”

“Alright, what do you suggest? I'm admit ably bad at naming things.” He said as the group slowly begun to leave the throne room (Pinkie was still in Falcon's arms).

“Hmm...” She thought to herself. “Well, you're wearing black… Fluttershy!” The yellow Pegasus almost jumped on the ceiling again. “What cool black animals do you know?”

“Oh, w-well, there are black ants.

“I said cool.”

“Black panther?”

“I hate cats.”

“Maybe bats?”

“Nope. Come on. Think Flutershy. His name is Falcon. Falcons are birds. What cool birds do you know?”


“No! Something cool!”

“I don't see the problem in all this. We may just call it Black Guard.” Twilight proposed.

“But that's so plane darling. It needs some bazzam to it.” Rarity cut in.

“W-well, what about ravens?”

Rainbow smiled. “You mean those black birds that keep steeling Diamond Tiara's tiara?” Fluttershy nodded, making Rainbow chuckle at the memory. “Yeah, those things look pretty cool. I’ll take it!” She flew in front of Falcon. “With the power granted me be the powers of harmony, I… um, Princess, what word would you use?”


“Yeah that.” She cleared her throat, and almost burst into laughter, barely stopping herself. “With the power granted me be the powers of harmony, I -Rainbow Dash- proclaim thee, the Commander of Black Ravens. Thou shall be… *PFF*LAUGHTER* I can’t do this! *MORE LAUGHTER*” Rainbow fell on the ground, laughing her ass off. Luna gave her a smile and Pinkie Pie decided to jump out of Falcon’s arms to join her friend in laughing on the floor.

“Can’t say I see the joke, but from what I understand, those ravens are a species of black birds, is that right?” Fluttershy nodded. “Then basically what you mean by ‘Black Ravens’, is ‘Black Black Birds’. Don’t you think it sounds a bit weird?” Falcon said, happy not to have a pink pony in his arms.

Rainbow gathered herself from the floor and calmed her laughter down (the same could not be said about Pinkie). “Well, who has a better idea?”

“Well, for all ah care you can call it ‘Apple Ravens’. Sorry, but Ah have to go to the kitchen and make sure everything goes nicely with the food for the wedding, Ah’ll see you folks later.” Applejack said as she turned into a corridor leading in the opposite direction to where the rest of the group was going.

“See ya!” Rainbow yelled and the rest followed. “Now back to business, anypony has any other ideas?”

“Really Rainbow, I don’t think this is all that important, we can take care of this later.” Twilight said.

“Well, it’s not like we have much to do anyways, that is until Princess Luna will lead us to wherever she’s leading us to.”

“Speak for yourself, I have roughly 316 questions that I want to ask. And that is not counting the possible questions that will pop out during the questioning.” Falcon looked at her with wide eyes. He was not going to answer all that, he’s going to make Shaw do it once he wakes up.

In that moment, everyone realized that for all this time, Pinkie Pie was talking. “So what do you think!?” She said (or more like yelled) as she jumped to Falcon’s eye level.

“Um…” He was not sure what was he supposed to answer, but as soon as he saw all of Pinkie’s friends shaking their heads and making desperate motions that were supposed to make him agree, he decided to go along. “Yes?”

Pinkie gasped and hovered midair. “Oh, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She grabbed his face and placed her lips on his, giving him a loud kiss just before she run away from the group, yelling in happiness and disappeared from their sight.

Seeing Falcon’s beet-red face, Rainbow smirked. “First kiss, huh?”

“I-I… um…”

“Heh, virgins… always the same.” She moved to the front of the group. “Come on guys, we took down Discord, I’m sure we can figure out a cool name for secret government project.” She said.

“Well, while I don’t see why are you so keen on this, I believe that I might have a suggestion.” Rarity spoke out. “Since Princess Luna is the pony who started the whole thing, I suggest ‘Lunar Ravens’ to be the name of this project. It fits into the idea of ‘creating an army in the shadow’ -with the shadow being the night- as well as ravens representing our dear commander, who’s spirit animal, in my honest opinion is raven.” She finished. Even though his name is Falcon…

“Alright, I’ll take it!” Rainbow said. “Good job Rares!”

“Humph, I would appreciate if you would stop calling me that. Especially in presence of royalty.”

“Yeah, whatever. Nopony cares.” Rainbow said. By that time the group was already at the castle’s gate, which was guarded by a small group of guards. None of them moved at the sight of them, but they knew they were there. They left the castle with no problems -thanks to presence of Princess Luna- and went into a courtyard, where they all saw a blackened hole on the ground made during a previous day by Falcon. “What happened here anyways? Your job?” She asked Falcon.

“Yes, those changelings swarmed me and I had to blow them up with a grenade.”

“What’s a grenade?” Twilight asked.

Determined to make sure he won’t find himself in a trap that will force him into answering all the questions she has at her disposal, Falcon decided to avoid answering. “Well, I think Shaw would be able to answer this question better than I would once he wakes up. He is an engineer after all.” He heard a silent ‘damn it’ coming from her.

“Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna cut in. “I believe that Shaw and all the others will be waking up soon enough. The crystals have run out of power and their recovery is nearly completed, at least to the level it can be.” Falcon was curious as to what she meant by that, but didn’t thought it was important.

He did ask about those crystals though. “Do you mean those blue crystals that were hanging above our heads?” She nodded. “What are they for? Were they supposed to aid in recovery through some radiations?”

“Not exactly.” Twilight answered. “These crystals were keeping you and your friends in coma, as well as prevent any problems regarding lack of any physical activity for the past months. I guess yours run out of energy faster than the other ones, and that’s why you woke up faster. Of course there could be other reason, but I think this is the most likely one.”

So I guess that’s the reason why I felt like I have just left Bacta tank. They walked out from the castle, heading towards the hospital through the streets of Canterlot. The city was still being rebuild after the attack and many ponies stayed in their homes, but some of those who were outside recognized Falcon from the events yesterday.

When he was pushing his way to the castle through the streets the previous day, he encountered not only guards who were getting beaten by changelings, but also a lot of civilians captured by bugs. Including a group of kids trapped in a schoolhouse, who at the moment were waving to him from the very same building that was surrounded by changelings when Falcon got there. Of course, he wasn’t very keen on killing those bugs in front of kids, and instead used a stun settings of Shaw’s rifle.

But by doing so, he discovered that changelings are not the easiest creatures to knock out. Unless you hit the head, it is very likely that their chitin armor will allow them to fight on with minimal difficulty.

That’s why he didn’t use stun more often, he may have a pretty good eye, but certainly not good enough to keep hitting a moving targets in a head each end every time. That, and the fact that his respect for the leaving beings doesn’t include near mindless bugs attacking defenseless civilians.

He waved back, earning a smirk from Rainbow. “Enjoying your little funclub?”

“Well, it’s not like I get to see kids very often, so I might as well enjoy it. Heck, if you discount clone cadets on Kamino, I haven’t met any in my life.” He explained. The group passed the schoolhouse and continued to walk forward. At this moment, Falcon realized that the yellow pony -Fluttershy- hasn’t said a word since they left the castle (And even before that she was rather quiet). “Is everything alright miss Fluttershy? You’ve been rather quiet all this time.”

She squeaked in surprise. “O-oh! It’s just that, I didn’t think yo would want to talk with me, so I stayed quiet not to offend you!” She said.

“I wouldn’t mind it if you joined the conversation. I may not be the best diplomat in the galaxy, but if I can establish peaceful relations with natives of this planet, then I’m all for it. So don’t be afraid to ask me anything if you want to.”

Upon hearing that, Twilight’s eyes lit up (literally). “Does that mean I can ask questions too!?”

“U-um… I told you that Shaw will answer all your questions , right?” He realized that he just fell into rancor’s pit.

“But you said you will answer Fluttershy’s questions! Why not mine!?”

Blast it… “Alright… I guess answering a few questions won’t hurt.” Twilight smiled widely and immediately she pulled a notebook with a pencil. “But first, I will let miss Fluttershy ask a question if she has one.” He said, hoping that this will buy him enough time to get to the hospital.

“Y-you don’t have to call me ‘miss’, and w-well… I was wondering, what is your spirit animal?” She asked.

“I’m… not sure what you mean by that. Is this some part of your culture?” He asked Twilight.

“Yes, everypony is connected with some animal that often represents his or hers personality. For example, my animal is an Owl, symbol of intelligence, magic and seeing what is hidden from eyes. It often happens that animal connected to a pony eventually finds its way to this pony, like it happened with me, Rainbow and Applejack. From your reaction I’m guessing that this isn’t something your culture practices?”

“Not really, though I’m rather sure that some cultures of the galaxy have traditions similar to that. And how do you determine what is your spirit animal anyways? Are there some rituals you have to go through or something?”

She giggled. “Not exactly. There are ponies who are taking care of things like that. Fluttershy for example is a specialist on this matter, and Rarity picked up some things from her.”

Falcon turned towards the yellow Pegasus. “Um, it’s really nothing special.” She said. “I just have to compare the pony’s personality with the animal’s behavior and traits associated with them. Sometimes it is helpful to meditate with that pony a little, so I can have a better read of the personality and sometimes to be able to notice already established connection with an animal. Mavtovic magic can be very helpful with that, I really appreciate that Twilight have thought me some things about it.”

“What’s this ‘Mavtovic magic’?” Falcon asked.

Twilight took it upon herself to answer that. “It’s one of most mysterious kinds of magic that we know of. Nopony can really tell where it came from for sure, but we know that it is present in every leaving being, and if it is concentrated in a pony in high levels, it can allow ponies to perform things like for example levitation, without being a unicorn, or many other things that normally can’t be done.

We don’t know when was it really discovered, but the oldest known records come from times before the First Union, when three tribes formed the first shared government. About one hundred years later the Second Union connected three tribes into Equestria.

The name ‘Mavtovic’ comes from a pony who discovered a way of determining the level of traditional magic, as well as Mavtovic magic - Mavtovic The Beardless, brother of Starswirl The Bearded”

“We distinguish three types of Mavtovic spells.” Luna took over the explanation. “Spells of Light, Gray and Darkness. I am a specialist in spells of Darkness and Gray, while my sisters specializes in Grey and Light spells.”

Through their explanation, Falcon begun to realize that he in fact knows what they are talking about, he simply knows it under different name. “That sounds very similar to the Force.” He said, stroking his chin.

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked.

“Exactly what they said. A force that binds all life, that has it’s darker and lighter side and allows to do things normally unachievable.” He said.

“So this is something that is known also outside of our planet, right?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but it is not ‘magic’. I have seen few tribes on less developed worlds performing magic, and the Force completely different thing~as far as I can tell.”

“And it’s much less mouthful. I mean, ‘Mavdovic’? Seriously you couldn’t find easier word for it?” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, I’ll agree.” Falcon and Rainbow bumped their fist and hoof. “By the way, I assume that you have measured our levels of the Force right?” Twilight and Luna nodded. “So, I’m wondering what level of the Force has Sakri?”

“You’re talking about the female right?” He confirmed that with a nod. “Well, if I remember correctly, it was somewhere around 12 thousand, which is the highest number out of all of you. You have the second highest level, about 9 thousand.”

“Alright, that’s… wait a second.” He stopped in his tracks, surprised at what she stated. “What about the others, what are their levels?” He asked as the rest of group stopped.

“They are all in range of between one to two thousand. You and this Sakri are the only ones with Mavtovic le-“

“The Force. “ Rainbow corrected her.

Twilight sighed at that, but changed her wording anyways. “…you’re the only ones with Force level high enough to do anything with it, other than some simple meditation.”

Falcon almost dropped the helmet upon hearing that. “Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“This can’t be right… I’m a clone, not a Jedi, this is impossible.” He looked at Twilight. “You must have made a mistake.”

“No, not really. I will admit that it was hard to sense it in your case, but if you know what you’re looking for and spend some time on it, there’s no way to make a mistake.” He was still not convinced.

“If you still don’t believe, I will show you after we’re done here. We have reached our destination.” Luna said. Somehow, her just saying that helped Falcon to put himself together, though he was still convinced that they have made a mistake.

Right now the group was entering the hospital, immediately noticing that it was full of injured ponies. “Where exactly are we going princess?” Falcon asked.

“To the part of hospital meant for healing mental problems.” She said. “Since the law doesn’t include anything like killing in self-defense, the doctor that you have met was dealt with as if she was a murderer, and closed there. Technically, she is not sentenced yet, so it is within my power to clear her from all accusations.”

“I’m guessing that you want me to train her?”

“Well, I know for a fact that after yesterday’s events she is willing to do this, and a pony with medical knowledge would be valuable. Not to mention that after all this she was removed from her position and Ponyville Hospital could use additional staff member.”

“Agreed, a good field medic can be a big asset.” Clone commander agreed. “But could you tell me more about her? I haven’t really got to know her all that well.”

“Of course. Abuyin was forced to run away from Saddle Arabia 5 years ago after she was threatened with being stoned to death after she was found as a non-believer. She has no family here and not many friends, but is an excellent doctor. I believe that her life in Saddle Arabia has made her much more willing to use violence against changelings, since most ponies native to Equestria would not even let this thought to cross their minds. And we can all thank my sister for this…”

It wasn’t long before they have reached their destination. The door to the room in which Abuyin was in were on the end of the corridor and the group approached them. Princess Luna enveloped the handle with her dark blue magic. “I will go there myself, Twilight, you take Commander and your friends to the 6th floor.” Twilight nodded, and the group followed her.

When the door were opened, Luna saw Abuyin, lying on a bed with her hooves tied to it. Her expression was that of someone who was just about to die of boredom. “So tell me this once again miss Abuyin, why have you decided to do something like this?” The doctor sitting in the room asked her, neither noticed that they were being watched.

“Because this alien was attacked and because if more changelings appeared and he was still unable to break away, we would both be dead.” She explained, clearly bored to no end.

“And do you think there was another method of communicating with this changeling? Perhaps a way to negotiate?”


“And what if-“

“Apologies, can I stop you for a moment?” Luna interrupted him.

*GASP* My Princess! I apologize, I have not noticed you before!” The doctor said, bowing to Luna.

“No need to apologize, I have come here to save miss Abuyin from dying of bore- I mean, to clear her from all charges, all of the paperwork has already been done. Could you please remove restrains and leave us?”

The pony in question immediately was snapped from her zombie-like state, but didn’t say anything. “Yes, of course Princess.” The doctor walked over to Abuyin and removed her restrains, leaving the room shortly after.

“I… I don’t know what to say Princess… Thank you.” Abuyin bowed low. “But, can I know why did you bother yourself with a simple pony like myself?”

“Please stand up. You are not just a simple pony to me Abuyin, and know that you can always count on my help with dealing with your dreams.” Abuyin looked away in sadness, but with a small smile on her face. “But right now, I have come here to make a proposition to you.”

“Anything for you my Princess…”

Twilight have led Falcon and the rest of her group towards the top floor of the hospital. As they were about to enter the stairs, they heard Applejack calling. “Wait for me fellas!” They stopped and waited for her to catch up.

“Applejack, darling! I thought you were helping in the kitchen.” Rarity said.

“Ah was, but folks there have everything under control, so Ah thought Ah should join you guys.” She said.

The group begun to go up the stairs, while listening to Falcon complaining about lack of elevators in Equestria, unknowingly giving Twilight more questions to ask. They reached the top floor of the building, which part was closed by order of Princess Luna to put Falcon and others there for time of their recovery.

“Alright, so, before we go further, I must tell you something.” Twilight stopped in front of Falcon before they entered one of the rooms where his brothers slept.

“What is it?”

She took a deep breath. “Just so you know, we did everything we could, but the damage some of your brothers have suffered was irreversible. We were able to fully fix you, but…” She bit her lip. “Others were not that lucky.” She slowly opened the door and Falcon walked inside.

Immediately, he froze at what he saw.

There were 4 beds in this room, one more then in the one he woke up in. On the first bed lied a clone covered in scars from head to toes, with his eye missing and few fingers removed. He walked over to the bed and opened the chest with clone’s armor and weapons. On the first glance at the weapon with a white hand mark on it he could tell who was the owner. The clone lying in this bed was Cipher.

Quickly, Falcon moved to the second bed. There, he saw a clone with his legs cut off and attached to multiple life supporting machines. Again he opened the chest containing his equipment, recognizing the clone as Rook, a pilot from Rancor Squadron.

On the third bed lied a clone who at the first glance looked normal, until Falcon looked at his left hand, which was wrapped in a metal glove attached to a machine similar to the one he saw attached to Sakri. After looking at the armor, he recognized the clone as Flint, a Capitan of scouting squad.

The last bed contained a clone who’s entire face and shoulders were covered in bandages, leaving only his mouth free. Within the chest lied a Kataran-class Commando armor which belonged to Tracker, a commando from Phantom Squad.

Falcon dropped the helmet he was holding in his hand to the floor and sat on the nearby chair.

Slowly, he begun to feel tears beginning to pour from his eyes.

Tears he was holding off for three years…

Author's Note:

Here are armors of each clone:

1. Falcon

2. Shaw

3. Tracker

4. Flint

5. Rook

6. Cipher

Song of a day: Three Days Grace - Painkiller