• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 32,490 Views, 363 Comments

Finding Home - Cirrus Sky

Sunset Shimmer has to live somewhere right? But where and how did she get there?

  • ...

Chapter 8: Doctor

Finally getting out from under her friends, giving Rarity a pointed glance and dusting herself off. Sunset settled back into a seated position. “Do you want to make horse jokes all afternoon, or can I tell you about me getting a mom?”

“Oh! Oh! The Mom bit, the Mom bit!” Pinkie shouted, waving an arm around.

“Sorry Sunset, horse jokes are too easy to pass up.” Rainbow looked at least a little sheepish.

“Of course not Rainbow. You area goof and a dork.” Sunset said primly. “Alright. I told mom the whole thing. Unicorn, student to a goddess, evil power hungry darkness, magic mirror, going back to steal a crown, poorly thought-out teen zombie army...”

“We get the picture sugar cube.” Applejack laughed, the list sounded crazy to her and she'd heard it before. “Just what did she think? Ah don't think it was too bad seeing as she got it signed in that you're kin.”

“I think she was a little surprised, mostly that her school statue linked to a land of magical talking ponies...” Sunset recalled the puzzlement Celestia had writ across her face. Not something she expected of the clever woman.

“That- That is quite a lot to take in.” Celestia had finished her pot of tea as Sunset had told her about goddess princesses, schools of magic, unicorns and pegasi and learning to use all kinds of spells. Though, the troubling part was the sad string of emotional neglect that had drawn Sunset to darkness and skewed ambition.

“Yeah... But it probably explains to you my whole she-demon brainwashing bit.” Sunset had calmed down a little. Her telling had been dispassionate now; after all, her story so far had a sort of happy ending. “And the part where me and the girls get hair extensions, pony ears and wings.”

“True.” Celestia shook her head, a physical effort to organise her thoughts. “I'm sorry that I reminded you of such a sad time. It was never my intention.” She was still holding Sunset in a comforting embrace. It seemed natural for them both.

“No, I'm sorry I reacted like I did. I just, seeing the fake names on that certificate just reminded me... I wanted her to be my mother, but it didn't happen.” Sunset shrugged again. “This is all just perfect though. I was so worried about how I would get on after school. Now I'm a person. It's all so great!” She was beaming again, holding her card in her hand.

This meant a job, it meant college. It meant a future.

“Now you're officially an entity who exists though, I have arranged for you to be registered with my family doctor.” Celestia said. Her heart was soaring, Sunset wanted a mother. Was it still too soon to ask though?

“You have a family doctor?” Sunset asked, curious. “The girls only ever talked about being registered with a clinic...”

“Ah, yes... My family has never been in want of anything, I suppose you could put it.” Celestia hadn't wanted to get on to financial matters. She shifted a little to look at Sunset, but didn't let go of her. “We are all with a private doctor. As soon as I had a social security number, I'm afraid I took the liberty of registering you with her. You are currently sick and I need you checked up.” Celestia gave a thin smile, had she overstepped any bounds? Was this a huge miscalculation?

Sunset was sat back in the sofa and she'd not pulled away from Celestia's arm. She had her eyes closed though and Celestia couldn't get a read on what the teen was feeling. Finally she opened her eyes again. “Please don't say I am going to be costing you a lot of money...”


“No, please, don't. I'll get a job once I am well. I'll pay you back. It won't be cheap will it?” Sunset interrupted. She was glad she would be seeing a doctor. She'd not had any option but the school nurse and being careful for a long time. With her poor diet, bad living conditions and overall neglect of herself... A medical professional was vital now. This sickness had been a real warning call to her.

“Sunset. It is of no matter to you what it will cost. You will not have to pay anything back. But tomorrow you are having a physical and any treatments the doctor recommends without protest or demanding you pay for it yourself.” Celestia spoke firmly and squeezed the shoulder beneath her hand.


“No buts. I want you well and you are part of the family, so that means you see the family doctor.” Celestia realised the words as they slipped out, but it was too late to take them back. She held her breath, waiting for Sunset to respond.

“Okay.” Sunset was quiet, but it did not seem to be in a bad way.

“Good. Now that all this is sorted out, I think it is about time for some supper. I'm not the world's greatest cook, but I can heat up some soup and there are bread rolls too. How does that sound?”

“That would be great.” Sunset replied. Really, soup did sound like just what she needed. But her thoughts were stuck on the family comment. Just what kind of family relationship did Celestia intend?


It had taken Sunset a while to fall asleep that night. She had things to think about. Like being part of a family, what that meant. How close was it to be? In Equestria, Cadence had called Princess Celestia Aunt, she had been turned into a princess, selected by Princess Celestia for the privilege. But Blueblood had also referred to the Princess as Aunt and he was just some title inheriting by-blow from a long ago line that hailed from Princess Platinum.

Cadence was very close to Princess Celestia indeed, taken under the Princess's wing in a way Sunset had only dreamed of. Blueblood was tolerated as much as any of the Canterlot noble-ponies, proving Princess Celestia's infinite capability to tolerate just about anything.

“Not helping me head.” Sunset groaned, Principal Celestia was someone else entirely. She was not a millenia old sun goddess who ran a country, Celestia was simply a normal woman in her late thirties who worked in a school. There was little to compare.

Eventually Sunset fell asleep. She had to see a doctor in the morning and wasn't looking forward to it. Being tired on top of a physical would not be enjoyable to say the least.


Sunset woke up feeling the smallest bit better. The itch behind her eyes was lessening and the ache in her joints wasn't quite as bad. The bedside clock read nine thirty, so she was surprised to hear activity downstairs. “Shouldn't they both be at the school?” Sunset said aloud, worried that she was again disrupting Celestia's day.

She washed and dressed quickly, back into her old clothes, though leggings and a sweater against the chill of winter were sensible additions from either Celestia or Luna's thoughtful purchases. Pausing, Sunset picked put her jacket too. While it didn't have the best associations, especially with her past, it was an effective psychological fillip.

As she had guessed, Celestia was downstairs, she was in the kitchen and turned to greet the teen as she entered. “Good morning Sunset.” She smiled warmly. “It was pancakes for breakfast this morning, you can reheat some if you'd like.”

“Good morning.” Sunset returned the smile and took a seat at the kitchen island. “Pancakes sound great, cold is fine. They get a bit soggy if you microwave them.” She gratefully took the offered plate, doused them in syrup and dug in.

“We have to be at the clinic for eleven. So no need to rush.” Celestia set a mug of coffee, black, beside the teen and took a seat opposite.

“Okay.” Sunset took a sip of coffee. “Thanks.” With her need for breakfast sated somewhat, Sunset slowed a little. “You're missing work again. For me.” She tried not to sound guilty, Celestia didn't want her to be feeling guilty about anything being done for her.

“They owe me plenty of time. Letting Luna be in charge every now and then keeps everyone on their toes too.” Celestia grinned a little wickedly, “My personal days coming in at random means the staff and the student body don't know when Luna will take the lead.”

“I suppose it makes for a change for everyone.” Sunset said between mouthfuls. “Still, you keep missing work for me.”

“Yes, but I am not very well just sending you off for a health check. I want to make sure you are okay, in person. Not from hearing off you what you feel will keep me happy.” Celestia levelled a look over her cup of tea. It was at once caring and mistrustful, saying 'I know that's what you would do'.

“Yeah... I probably wouldn't say everything.” Sunset admitted, she was starting to get a little worried about seeing a doctor. She'd not visited one since coming to this world. There was a lot of things about the human world she had only picked up from the media and pop-culture.

“Exactly.” Celestia had her soft smile for Sunset. “So we'll head out for the appointment in good time. Then maybe we can stop off and pick up some extra groceries. I'm not exactly well versed in shopping for vegetarians.”

“That would be good.” Sunset returned to her breakfast. As she ate the pancakes and sipped her coffee, it began to feel more like she was family than she was a guest. Celestia pottered around the kitchen, rinsing out crockery and tidying up a little.

When Sunset was finished she took her plate to the sink to rinse. “I'm going to go and catch up on school work until it is time to go.” She told Celestia, she'd missed a few days and living with the principal and the vice-principal meant the work came home when she was well enough.

“Now that is what I love to hear.” Celestia laughed, “If only all the students were quite so dedicated.” Her approval made Sunset feel happy, the emotion not even a little tinged with guilt or regret. “I'll fetch you when it is time to go.”


The Clinic that Celestia's family used was a modern structure within the neighbourhood, the higher class end of the city. The facility was bright and attractive, though it was clear that it was a private medical clinic, the sign at the front proclaimed that a sister site was a charity concern.

“Sunset...” Celestia was trying to figure out the best way to broach the subject of the past she and Chrysalis had invented for the teen. “My friend has made enough invented background to create a record for you, but there are no medical files.” She paused before they entered the building. “We didn't want to falsify anything that might harm you later.”

“That was sensible.” Sunset wasn't really sure what else to say. She was grateful for the work Celestia and her friend had undertaken.

“We... We had to fabricate a past. The gist of it is that you were off the grid up to the age of fourteen, lived in a hostel for the past few years since you started attending Canterlot High and now I'm your legal guardian.”

“Right.” Sunset nodded. Any delay in seeing the doctor was alright in her book.

“I did explain to the doctor that you'd not want to talk about the past, so she'll probably not bring it up. This is a physical check-up, not a mental health one.” Celestia dropped an arm around Sunset to guide her into the clinic. “Though, you only have to ask if you want to speak to someone about those matters.”

“Thanks. But I think I need to get through this first.” Sunset said, some trepidation in her voice. She had never been fond of doctors in Equestria, and all of those had been unicorns with diagnosis spells. She was not scared as such, but she wasn't feeling enthusiastic.


Sat on a chair in the doctor's office having blood drawn, Sunset decided she did not like medical check-ups. “Almost done.” The nurse said.

Things had started off alright. The doctor had introduced herself as Doctor Kind Heart and greeted Celestia warmly, they obviously knew each other already. She'd been friendly to Sunset, but not in a patronising way. There had been a few simple forms to fill in that they had both signed. Then Sunset had been ushered into the office.

The first tests were all the basics, hight and weight, a reflexes check and a quick peek into her ears and throat. Then the doctor had swapped places with a nurse. A nurse with a needle.

“All finished.” The nurse smiled and placed a cotton bud over the spot she'd needled. “I know most teenagers don't expect it, but I did hear this is your first visit... So, would you like a lolly-pop?” The nurse winked like she was sharing it in secret and pulled a candy from her pocket.

“I've had a needle poked into me. I would love a lolly-pop.” Sunset mumbled, pressing down on the cotton bud to try and stem the stinging. She took the offered sweet, she'd eat it when she felt less queasy from the needle.

There were a lot less needles involved in Equestrian medicine.

“Good choice.” The nurse smiled. “It's our secret too. Teenage girls with leather jackets have a reputation to maintain after all.” Now she was standing by the trolley she had brought in, filling in the notes to go with the two vials she had drawn. “I should know, I was one!” With those last words and a final wink, she bustled out.

“So, Sunset.” The doctor had returned, she was probably a few years older than Celestia, the teenager decided. “I don't have any past medical information of yours to go on, so we'll run the full lot of tests on those bloods we took.” She sat down at her desk.

“Okay?” Sunset had no idea what that actually meant. Advanced medical texts were a little beyond the Canterlot High and Canterlot City library.

“In the meantime, I spoke to Celestia to arrange for your shots once you're over this virus.” Doctor Kind Heart said.

Shots didn't sound good to Sunset, they involved more needles, but maybe if she was prepared for them she would be okay with it? “Uh, so this is, or was, the 'flu right?” Sunset hoped it wasn't something more complicated. She had no idea just how much her physiology had been altered by the portal and turned from unicorn to human.

“Oh yes, the seasonal strain I would expect. A lot of young people are robust enough to only get a mild bout, if any. Though I suspect that you have had a difficult time of late, stress, poor diet and those other sort of things?”

“Yeah.” Sunset didn't want to spell it out to the doctor, but it was all true.

“There's a weakness, the 'flu exploits it.” She pushed her glasses up from the slight slip they'd had as she looked at her notes. “From the BMI check I did before the nurse came in, I can see you are malnourished. I expect the bloods will turn up exactly what you are deficient in too. Once I have the report I can ask you back for that too.” She flipped through the note book in front of her.

“I know that secondary infection is a problem.” Sunset offered. Celestia and Luna had cited that as the main reason they were not letting her attend school yet. Malnourished was not what she had wanted to hear though. It would upset Celestia when she found out, it would upset her friends when they found out.

“Exactly. Celestia is doing well to keep you home. I suppose the principal in her hates to keep a student out of school, but she's got to look after you.” Doctor Kind Heart smiled. “Now, lets get mom back in here to give a report hmm?” She left, not realising that Sunset was confused.

'Is there another doctor?' Sunset thought to herself. She was more confused when Kind Heart returned with Celestia and motioned for her to sit in the other chair beside Sunset.

“Alright then, I'll tell you what I told Sunset, if you are happy to let her hear it?” She looked to the teen and Sunset nodded slowly, still mulling over the mention of “mom”. “Sunset has got the 'flu. She'll need all her shots, as she's not had them in the past, once she is over the illness. Keep her off school until next week, she needs to get past the worst risk of infection. I've got some blood tests to do which we'll write to you about when we get results.” The doctor listed. “Also, Sunset is certainly underweight and probably malnourished too. I'll have specific deficiencies after the bloods are back in. There is a number of diet plans on the website if you need help, but you and Luna have always been very good about balance, so Sunset should be fine in your care.”

“I had a feeling Sunset would be malnourished.” Celestia said, appraising but caring eyes rested on the girl and Sunset couldn't help but feel loved. She felt wanted.

“I took her in from less than ideal circumstances.” Celestia reached over and took Sunset's hand, it was more to comfort herself than the teen, it hurt that she had left her so long without investigating how she lived. “I'll see to it that she is back to one hundred percent.”

“That's about it, there will be a letter in the post when it is time for the shots and the blood results.” The doctor smiled.

“Thanks Kind Heart.” Celestia said as she rose from her chair. Sunset followed behind as they left the office, shrugging on her jacket (glad the stinging from the needle had subsided).

They were out of the clinic and in the car before Sunset had sorted out in her head what to say.

“The doctor called you mom when she went to fetch you. As in, my mom.” Sunset said it quietly, ever so quietly. She had never worked up the courage to ever mention that M-word around Princess Celestia. She couldn't compare a situation like this to anything from her past, she was walking an unknown path. Sunset kept her eyes glued to the dashboard, she didn't dare look at the woman in the driver's seat.

“Did she?” Celestia replied in a tone that seemed to match exactly how Sunset was feeling.

Nervous, scared, hopeful...

Celestia couldn't look at her passenger. What if Sunset didn't want this? What if the whole debacle would make her stand away, separate herself from Celestia? “How did you feel about that?” It was a careful question.

“Confused.” Sunset admitted. She thought on it for a moment. “Hopeful.” The idea that she could have a mom again had returned with the care and concern shown her these past few days. Admittedly it was not unencumbered with her emotional baggage, but it was an option possibly open to her. With those thoughts, Sunset took a gamble. “Happy.”

This Celestia was a different one. Not a goddess princess who had so much and so many to consider. This Celestia was simply a woman who had taken the role of educator to help young minds flourish. Sunset took another risk. “It was nice, to have a mom again. Even if only for a little while.” She managed to look across, shyly, “Especially someone like you.”

“Really?” Celestia's voice cracked a little in disbelief. All this time she had been worried how to communicate her eventual intentions for Sunset and the girl wanted to have her as a mother?

“Yes.” Sunset blinked. She knew she meant it. The silence made her nervous again. “If that's okay? If you think it is too weird we can just pretend I never said that.”

Celestia laughed then, a slightly silly giggle. “Oh Sunset! If only you knew how much I had been holding back these past days!” She turned and took the girl into a slightly awkward hug, given their positions. “We have a lot to talk about Sunset. There is a nice little tea shop near here. We can get a drink and talk.” She released Sunset and gave her a smile.

Sunset sat mute with surprise.

Sunset sniffed a little and realised there were tears gathered in her eyes again. “Sorry girls, I just need a moment.

“Take as long as you need darling.” Rarity said, the others nodded agreement. Fluttershy took Sunset's hand and held it, smiling her benevolent smile.

“Its just... I had been so long without a mom and it hurt so much, again, after the Fall Formal. Everything came back. Everything I had forgotten. But I was in even less of a place to actually achieve what I wanted than I had been in Equestria.” Sunset blinked the tears free. “Then someone wanted me. I was and I am just so happy.”

“And we're happy for you.” Pinkie had taken up station on Sunset's other side. She understood when happy could be so great that you were a little bit sad too.

Rainbow poured another round of sodas, emotions made her uncomfortable but this was her friends and making a lame joke right now wouldn't be the best idea.

If it was going to take a moment, then they would have a moment.

Author's Note:

Now both of them know that they can be a family. Yay! We're not done yet though. This feels train is going right to the end of the line!



I got featured, follows and favourites and watchers jumped up by miles and so did the upvotes. Thanks everyone! I am glad people like this story. When I started I was worried that I would simply retread the same old ground in the same old way.
I hope this delivers what everyone is looking for and I don't lose that vital thread I have been chasing though this labyrinth of an idea.

Until next time.