• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 32,493 Views, 363 Comments

Finding Home - Cirrus Sky

Sunset Shimmer has to live somewhere right? But where and how did she get there?

  • ...

Chapter 7: File

Eyes dried, breath caught from laughing at Pinkie's antics and ready to begin again, Sunset settled in to telling the rest of her story.

“So you were taken in while you were ill. When did Principal Celestia adopt you?” Rainbow was blunt as ever. Applejack elbowed her.

“A few weeks later.” Sunset shrugged. “She had some things to sort out first. Chrys had to finish the records, Mom had to figure out how to ask me, I had to decide what I wanted and Discord had to formalise the whole thing.” Sunset counted them off on her fingers. “Then there was me actually getting better first, Mom didn't want to rush me into anything or seem like she was pressuring me. She said that it made her feel bad enough asking me to stay when I was sick. She was so worried that I had felt pushed to that decision.”

“She's so kind.” Fluttershy said. “Lots of people wouldn't even think of that!”

“Wowie, that is a lot to work on!” Pinkie said. “And with all of that, Principal Celestia still had all her work stuff too!”


Sunset had been away from school for a week now. Celestia had personally told all five girls that Sunset was alright, if ill. Sunset herself had phoned each of her friends once her voice had returned a little better.

That hadn't stopped the rumour mill though. A number had spread, some were simple jokes about her playing hookey but others were nastier. Sunset had been finally sent away, Sunset had run away because that's what she should have done a long time ago. One person had asserted that Sunset had finally done the world a favour and jumped.

That particular sentiment had been overheard by Fluttershy, the girl had fled in floods of tears and run into Vice Principal Luna. The perpetrator had found herself in a whole world of trouble for that comment.

Luna had returned Fluttershy to her friends. “I assure you, Principal Celestia and I have checked up on Sunset and she is recovering from a bad bout of the 'flu. Once the risk of secondary infection has passed she can return to school.” Luna had left out the details, there was little point to revealing that Sunset was in a bedroom at her house.

“I know, but it just made me so sad that someone could say that!” Fluttershy squeaked, Pinkie buried her in a hug to try and cheer the girl up.

“They are being dealt with.” Luna said grimly, her sister would hear about this for certain. Ever the professional, the student would be penalised accordingly. “Please do not worry.”

“It's a good job no one said that around me.” Rainbow muttered darkly. Luna couldn't fault the girl her loyalty. The words spoken by the offender were close enough to home that she, the adult in the situation, was having a job to not get “correctional” on the student.


Living in someone else's house was a little awkward for Sunset. It had only been a few days and she still wasn't quite sure of the boundaries. Of course, Luna had made it clear that her room was off limits, as was the basement which was in her control. Sunset had her own room and the lounge to use. Celestia had told her it was fine to use the kitchen, she had stocked up on vegetarian friendly snacks and the soda Sunset liked best. She wasn't happy to cook, but there were plenty of tasty apples and carrots to eat.

She spent most of her day reading books and taking the tablets Celestia had recommended at the right times. She still felt dreadful, drained and exhausted physically, even if emotionally she was better than she had been in her whole life. Her cough wasn't going anywhere and it made Celestia wince whenever she heard it.

Sitting more comfortably on her bed, Sunset flipped the page of her book. “I hope we get some records soon. At least then she'd feel less guilty that I can't go to a doctor.” She spoke aloud, Sunset was used to being alone, even lonely, but a week without her friends was getting to her.

Eyes wandering around the room, she spotted the her journal. Maybe Twilight would be around to talk with? On their last letter the pony princess had shared that there wasn't very much to do at the moment.

Picking up the book and selecting a pen, Sunset began to write. A lot had happened in the past few days and at least one friend deserved to be kept updated.


Leaving the school at the end of her working day, Celestia was relieved to be getting home. As promised, a black suited man with a case had delivered a file of certificates, documents, cards and numbers to prove Sunset existed as a legitimate entity. A letter from Chrysalis shared that she'd set it up in the manner of a witness protection scheme. “No questions asked.” Was the woman's promise and Celestia trusted her.

As soon as she had the papers in her hand, including the all important record that placed Sunset formally in her care, Celestia had called her family doctor and set up an appointment for the very next day. Sunset would get a full physical and whatever treatments she needed.

It was a load off Celestia's mind.

More had been added of course. Nasty rumours had been spreading around. One such gossip, a certain Bitter Leaves, had been sent to her office. She'd sent the girl to the school counsellor and requested a “sensitivity” talk to be arranged.

“I am so very glad to be going home.” Luna said as they left the building together. They waved to the janitor when they passed him.

“Yes, me too. When I heard what Bitter Leaves had said... Are you alright Lu?” With no students around, she could be casual with her sister again. They had both decided on the rule of formality, if only to create a sense of demarcation between home and work.

“I am fine. Though Sunset might find herself the recipient of a hug.” Luna thought a moment “Or at least a chocolate bar. Physical affection might confuse her, hurry up and ask!”

“I can't rush her Luna, she needs to know she is welcome in our home first.” Celestia sighed. Luna was not often patient when she had taken to an idea.

“I suppose.” Luna grumbled, nothing like the senior educator who had stepped from the school building, but exactly the sister Celestia loved.

“Are you stopping at the house this evening?” Celestia unlocked her car and Luna stood by her own.

“I've got some plans this evening, with a friend. I won't be back late, just no need for a meal at home tonight.” Luna grinned.

“Okay then, have a good time.” Celestia smiled and climbed into her car. Her sister went to the gym after work and with evening plans, she likely had a change of clothes for that. It meant she had an evening alone with Sunset, just what she needed for handing over the documents.


The house was quiet when Celestia returned. She was mildly concerned as she walked through, there was no sign of Sunset. The educator was beginning to think she should worry when she came across the teen. Sunset was sat on a couch in the lounge, engrossed in a book. She was still wearing pyjamas, these ones were new; Celestia and Luna had stopped off to buy some things in Sunset's size so the teen needn't borrow anymore. Even though it had been a minute since Celestia had spotted her, the girl still didn't notice.

Celestia took the chance to spend a moment and just watch. It gave her a warmth in her heart to see Sunset relaxed and happy. Safe, warm and getting well. Once again, her heart called out for the girl to be family. The file was in her hands, just one question and they could go to the courthouse and make it real. “Hello Sunset.” Celestia greeted the girl, she had to stop daydreaming before she spilled out her request too soon.

“Oh! Hi.” The teen jumped a little. “Sorry, I got caught up reading.” She smiled shyly.

“Ah yes, I find myself lost in a good book when I have a day off.” Celestia smiled. She placed the file of documents on the coffee table. “Would you like some supper now or later?”

“I'm alright for now. I had some toast a not so long ago.” Sunset had been nervous to rummage around for too much food. She'd not cooked before, but toasters were easy to use and she had found a jar of honey too. It was a relief to be able to get food when she was hungry.

“Good, I was concerned you would be too respectful to help yourself to food.” Celestia smiled. “I have some things I want to talk to you about. So if you don't mind, I'll brew a pot of tea and we can have a good chat.”

“Alright.” Sunset put her book down and looked at the file. She wondered what was in there. Surely it wasn't her school records? Principal Celestia had been at pains to explain to Sunset that while the slate would not be wiped clean, her good deeds and improved behaviour would be marked in as much detail as the bad.

After the battle of the bands, both Celestia and Luna had apologised for their siren influenced suggestion in their office. Thanking Sunset and her friends for the actions to free the student body. So that wasn't going to be an issue. Anon-o-miss had been resolved

Hopefully this was a good thing then. Celestia had been smiling right? She had invited Sunset into her home, this wasn't going to send Sunset away, or the woman would not have asked her in.

It had to be good. Sunset just kept telling herself that.


After a short while, Celestia returned with a pot of tea and two cups. She sat down beside Sunset and placed the teapot and cups on the table. “I take it you are wondering what is in this file?”

“Yes. I know it has to be a good thing right?” Sunset eyed the unassuming looking file. It could have anything inside.

“A friend of mine is very well connected.” Celestia said, picking up the file and drawing out the documents. “I did promise to solve your situation with minimal risk to your liberty and attendance at school...” She trailed off and placed each document on the table.

“Are these?” Sunset spoke barely above a whisper. “These...” Sunset reached out and traced a finger over her birth certificate, it was hers, her name was printed on the sheet of paper. It was official. Amongst the documents there was a social security card, a real number and her name indelibly marked on the plastic.

Celestia's contact had outdone herself, there was even a learner's permit amongst the regular papers.

“Sunset, are you alright?” Celestia asked, clearly concerned. “You're crying.”

“I'm just so happy.” Sunset said, she'd not noticed the tears. This was what she needed. This was existence, a record. A way to a real future here in the human world. “I'm officially someone.” Sunset picked up the birth certificate to take a better look.

She regretted that. There were generic sounding place-holder names in the spaces for parents. A stark reminder, she was not from this world. She didn't belong. 'Why is she doing this?' A voice, a cruel voice said in her mind.

Taking a look over the papers, trying to distract herself, Sunset spotted another sheet of paper. An official looking letter that proclaimed Celestia to be her legal guardian. While part of her was thrilled, the voice was not so.

'She's probably just covering her back. I'll bet there was a lot of hushing up to do, over us. Since we came here really.' The voice was the demon, Sunset couldn't escape that truth, that voice that so haunted her nightmares. Now free in her waking hours too. 'She can't possibly care about us Sunny, you don't deserve any of this.'

Sunset battled the tightness in her chest, the terrible feelings that the thoughts were awakening. A logical part of her mind knew that she'd had a bad time of things in school recently. That she had been ill, worn out. The bad and the sad were escaping her control. But the logic was being shoved aside by the demon.

“Why?” Sunset spoke, to the apparition and to to Celestia.

“Because you are are an exceptional young woman Sunset.” Celestia took her hand and smoothed her thumb across the back of it. “You deserve a fair chance. The same chances your peers have.” Celestia was trying to be soothing. The woman had no idea she was repeating what a mare had said a long time ago.

Sunset tried to listen to the now. To what was happening today. But the empty space on the paper and, honestly, inside her, was clawing and dark. Hard to ignore.

“She said that.” Sunset whispered. “I was exceptional, I should have every chance.” The tears of joy had turned bitter. “But she didn't want me, she didn't want...” Sunset broke off into a sob.

“Sunset?” Celestia was at a loss. It was obvious the girl was hurting but she had no idea why. “Sunset, what's wrong?”

“It all happened before! She didn't see, so, so I was going to – to make her see. To make myself good enough.” Sunset stuttered and sobbed. “I strived for power, if I had power then she would want me. But then I, I just desired the power. I... More and more – I don't want that path again!” She buried her face in her hands.

Everything was boiling over, it was all escaping. She was warm and safe, worn and ill. Of course it was going to come out now. But gentle fingers were running though her hair and a comforting arm was around her. It pulled her closer and she was leaning in to a soft sweater.

“Was this the princess?” Celestia asked. Sunset nodded against her. “I can't even begin to understand Sunset. I don't know about where you came from or much about how you came to be here.”

“I guess you don't do you? Princess Twilight has heard both sides of the story, I told the girls my story.” Sunset paused and blinked some tears away. “I owe it to you to tell you. To let you know who it is you've brought into your home.” She bit her lip, nervous as to the result of this openness.

“Whatever happens Sunset, I won't be throwing you out. I was telling the truth when I said we want you here.” Celestia took the teen's hands again, to reassure her and because Sunset looked so flighty the woman was worried she would bolt.

“Alright.” Sunset paused. “I come from a magical land called Equestria. A land filled with creatures that are just legends here. The dominant species are ponies...”


“The whole thing? You told Celestia all about being a magical talking horse?” Rainbow puzzled.

“Pony.” Sunset corrected. “I don't call you an ape, please don't call me a horse.” She levelled a glare at her friend. “And yes, of course I did. She had to hear everything from me.”

“Straight from the horse's mouth!” Pinkie giggled.

“Pinkie Pie!” Sunset groaned. “Please tell me this is not going to be a new thing. “

“What did you say?” Rainbow said, cocking an eyebrow. “I didn't quite catch that, I think you're a little horse.” That earned a shove from Sunset and a push back from the athlete. Pinkie joined in for good measure. Soon all three were rough-housing as Applejack and Fluttershy looked on, bemused.

“Girls. Would you please stop the horse-play, its simply not ladylike.” Rarity managed to laugh out.

“Et tu Rarity?” Sunset said from beneath her friends.

Though, it had certainly cheered her up from recalling the sadness surrounding her conversation with Celestia that day.