• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 32,500 Views, 363 Comments

Finding Home - Cirrus Sky

Sunset Shimmer has to live somewhere right? But where and how did she get there?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Home

The rest of the weekend passed without event. Chrysalis hung around and when Luna was busy, helped Sunset work on the bike in the garage. They had a little bit of a cook-out on the deck, Discord arrived with ice-cream for everyone.

It was a nice weekend spent with family. Though Sunset didn't have quite so much family as Applejack, nor was it traditional like Rarity's or Pinkie's family (as traditional as Pinkie got really), it was still her family and it was still good.

With the weekend over and school the next day, Sunset had convinced Celestia not to worry too much if they walked from the parking lot together.

“Are you sure?” Celestia asked as she locked up her car.

“Yes Mom. I'm sure. If anyone wants to make it a problem then I have five friends to back me up.” Sunset waved an arm to the school building. “With my Aunty as head of discipline too, I don't think any sensible student here would make an issue.”

“I can't argue with that.” Celestia simply shrugged.

They walked together too the school office, not what Sunset usually did, but Pinkie had messaged her and asked that she go with her mom into the school. The teen had an inkling as to what her friends had planned. Luna had gone ahead too, so she was probably in on things by now.

“Are you joining me in the office?” Celestia asked, slightly puzzled that Sunset had not remained outside to wait for her friends.

“You'll see now.” Sunset said, opening the office door.

“Surprise!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Then, in a slightly quieter voice she read out the poster she held. “Congratulations on being Mom and Daughter!”

“The look on your face!” Luna giggled and snapped a photo on her phone. “Sending that one to mom.” She laughed again and poked her tongue out to her elder sister.

“What?” Celestia looked at her secretary, the dark haired woman had a jaunty party hat on her head and a wicked grin. There were also all four of the other girls besides Pinkie Pie. The short table in the waiting area had a bottle of soda on it and some balloons were tied to the chair. The reception desk had a plate of cupcakes.

“We had to have a small party for you both, because you don't want the whole school to know that you are Sunny's mom.” Pinkie said cheerily. She tacked the poster to a wall, Celestia noticed the little drawing in the corner that was obviously supposed to represent herself and Sunset.

“Thank you girls, Luna, Raven.” Celestia said. “Though here I thought hiring you on as my secretary would limit the shenanigans in the office.” She shot a mock glare at the woman.

“This is a good cause though.” The secretary said, picking up the plate of cakes to pass around.

“We wanted to celebrate for both of you and VP Luna was all for it.” Rainbow said before munching on the cake she'd selected.

“Sorry Mom, I wanted this to be a surprise.” Sunset didn't sound too sorry and had already gotten a cup of soda and a cake.

“It was a lovely surprise.” She selected a treat from the offered plate. “But we had better enjoy this before it is time for school to start.”

The small group chatted and enjoyed the cakes, each of the girls at one point or another letting Celestia know just how pleased they were for both her and Sunset. Eventually time escaped them.

“Sorry girls, it will be time to get to form room soon.” Luna pointed to the clock, there were a few disappointed noises from Pinkie and Rainbow, but they finished off their sodas. In moments the room was cleared and Pinkie was presenting the balloons to Celestia.

“Congrats again! Have a good day.” She smiled and danced out behind the others.

“See you later mom.” Sunset waved and walked off to join her friends.

In home room her mind wandered. This party had been nice, with her friends. The cakes were a lovely gesture. It all reminded her of the party with Celestia's friends.

That had been a little fancier though.

After their day shopping it was time for mother and daughter to return home. Sunset was eager to try on her new outfit and to place the things she had chosen around her room. In the recent past, there had been few occasions she'd been able to feel like this.

Parking up in the driveway, Celestia and Sunset carried their purchases into the house. Sunset made a a beeline to her room. “Don't take too long Sunset. We are going out for a meal soon.” Celestia called out, the laughter and love in her tone warming Sunset's heart.

“Sure. I'll just change into my new outfit.” Sunset called back and hurried to her room. While the jeans and top were lovely and a change, she couldn't wait to put her new jacket and boots on. Dumping the bags on her bed, she rummaged through to pull out the clothes she wanted.

It didn't take long to change and sliding her arms into the new jacket was pleasing. “A new look for a new start. A new me.” Sunset said happily. She inspected herself in the mirror and smiled. For the first time in an age she was feeling good. The girl in the mirror reflected that.

Until a demon scowled back.

“No...” Sunset whispered and shook her head. The flaming vision in her mirror was false, she had changed.

“Sunset? Are you ready to go?” Celestia called through the house. “Luna messaged me, they're at the diner now.” The voice dissipated the demon from the mirror, whether vision or imagination, it was gone.

“Things have changed.” Sunset said, pulling into a confident stance and walking from the room. She had a place to live, a family to call her own and a group of friends to spend time with. Such a wonderful change to her life.

“But do you deserve it?” A voice whispered in her head.

Sunset did her best to ignore it and joined Celestia downstairs. The woman had freshened up and was ready to go.


The diner had been in business for over sixty years, Celestia had told Sunset as they drove to the eatery. It had been an attempt to calm her down, distract her from whatever had turned the girl melancholy. There was a marked difference in the Sunset who had returned to the car from the Sunset who had left it not long before.

“Don't worry Sunset. These people helped me to get you and Luna has been on board nearly since I confessed my plans.” Celestia said, parking up in the lot. “They are happy this has worked out.” She could see something was bothering Sunset and wondered if meeting new people, people close to her, was the problem.

“I know.” Sunset got out of the car and closed the door. “It's just... The person I used to be was so terrible, I don't think I deserve this... I keep waiting for someone to come and take me away, all this...” Sunset pointed to the new outfit, to the nice diner she was about to go to eat at, to the kind woman who had taken her in. “All this was a dream for me. Now that I have it a part of me says I shouldn't.” She looked to her feet, the lovely brand new boots, a tear landed on the toe of one. “A really big part really. That talks with a voice I thought had been blasted out of me.”

Keeping it a secret wasn't going to help. Holding back had made problems for her before, when the sirens had attempted to drive her friends apart. It was a lesson learned and Sunset was very good at remembering her lessons. She looked up at Celestia, tears still rolling down her face.

“Oh, Sunset.” Celestia's voice brimmed with compassion and Sunset found herself pulled into yet another warm and loving embrace. Hesitantly she put her arms around the woman and allowed her head to rest against the soft material of Celestia - her mother's, jacket. “First thing tomorrow I'll get you an appointment with someone who can help.”

“Help?” Sunset drew back, blushing a little when Celestia brought out a tissue to wipe her eyes and face clear of tears.

“Pleasant Heart and her sister Kind Heart are some counsellors I know, they help teenagers and young adults with problems and illnesses they face, the ones of the mind and heart.” Celestia put an arm around Sunset's shoulders. “They can help you talk through these thoughts and feelings of yours and figure them out. To put them where they belong so you can be happy.” She looked misty eyed a moment and she gazed at the diner. “Or to at the very least, find a way to carry them that doesn't hurt you, doesn't weigh you down.”

“Thank you.” Sunset said, leaning against Celestia. A timid idea came to mind, quietly in case it wasn't well thought out. She seized it. “Thank you, Mom.” Beside her, Celestia almost froze and for a moment Sunset worried it had been a bad idea. All at once alarm bells sounded in her head and panic grabbed her heart.

They stopped in an instant when she was drawn in to another embrace, gentle and soft. “You are a wonderful young woman Sunset, you do deserve this.” Celestia whispered in her ear. The teen felt wetness where her head was pressed to Celestia's cheek. The woman pulled back, sniffed, dabbed her eyes and straightened her jacket. “Alright then, meal time. I hope you don't mind if they have ordered for us already. Luna gets impatient.”

“We have been a little longer getting in than we wanted.” Sunset offered, shrugging her shoulders. She was still nervous, but Celestia had put her arm back around her and was guiding her into the diner. For a moment the teen saw their reflection in the mirrored door, Celestia wore a beaming smile of true happiness and she too had the slightest smile, a real smile. They walked in and spotted the familiar blue hair of Luna.

“Well hey, Mom has decided to join us.” A rich and slightly teasing voice said. “Pull up a seat 'Tia m'dear and introduce me to junior.” The woman who spoke had deep black skin, teal hair and teal eyes. Quite the most surprising feature though was the myriad piercings on her ears and face.

“Sunset, this is Chrysalis Papillon. She assisted me in creating the records you needed.” Celestia pulled a chair out and sat Sunset, then sat down too. “Chrys, this is Sunset. With her taste in clothes and the longing look she gave a motorcycle earlier, I am sure you two will get on famously.”

“Hey kid. Put 'er there.” Chrysalis stuck out a hand and Sunset nervously shook it. “I'm princess-pure-of-heart's naughty wicked college room-mate.”

“Hello. Um, thanks for the files... It couldn't have been easy.” Sunset smiled, still a little nervy.

“No problems. It's fun to play around sometimes.” The teal haired woman laughed.

“Now, Sunset, this is Discord. In a less formal capacity.” Celestia pointed to the man sat across from her. “Discord, one slightly less nervous Sunset.” Celestia smiled from one to the other.

“Charmed.” Out of his formal attire, the judge looked almost punk-ish, his shirt and jacket far from the prim and pressed clothes he had worn at the court-house. He extended a hand and shook.

“Thank you, sir... It is good to meet you somewhere less... scary.” Sunset smiled, recalling his cheerful words after the papers had been signed and noted. “Thank you for helping mom and me.”

“I was happy to do it.” Discord said, smiling fondly to Celestia, the woman didn't seem to notice as she was speaking to her sister, but Sunset spotted the look. “It does this old fool's heart glad to see his dear friend finally reach a goal she long held.” He turned his look to the teen. “I also thank you, for accepting her.”

Sunset blushed. “Its - Its more than I am worth, really. But I will work to deserve it.” Her words were quiet so Celestia would not hear.

“Dear child, you are worth it to her, as such you are most certainly deserving.” Discord smiled.

“Hey, Sunset.” Luna said, jiggling the girl's arm. “I hope you don't mind, but Swiss-Cheese here wanted to order. I know you're vegetarian, so I got you a Mac'n'Cheese Burger and some sweet potato fries.” Luna looked hopeful. “Are those okay?”

“Swiss-Cheese?” Sunset asked, puzzled.

“Chrys has so many holes in her face that she's practically swiss-cheese.” Luna grinned at her joke and ignored the black hand swatting at her. “But the meal? It is vegetarian guaranteed, with a side salad and all the regular burger greens. The fries are just seasoned, they're a special here.” Luna added.

“They sound great.” Sunset said; truthfully this diner was a little beyond her means before. When she had been cruel, Sunset had no need to care for food beyond regular sustenance, simply eating the vegetarian options at school and the basics otherwise. Even with friends, care and joy in her life, they hadn't had the transport to get to a place like the diner and the prices were higher than the Hey! Burger that the girls frequented. Deciding honesty was best, she smiled self-consciously.

“To be honest, I've not really been that adventurous with food. I ate school vegetarian meals, raw fruit and vegetables and cereals when I first arrived right up until I started dating Flash... Then it was just Hey! Burger and Hoagie Jim's added to the list.” Sunset chuckled. “The girls aren't into anything fancier than the cafe near the school. This is all new to me.”

“You're in luck then.” Celestia chipped in. “This is one of the best burger places in the city. I hope someone present asked for my favourite.”

“And the big slice of cake for dessert.” Chrysalis teased. The easy-going banter between friends made Sunset glad, more at ease. No one was objecting to Celestia adopting her, it looked like all three approved heartily.

The server arrived with their drinks and meals. “Oh, root beer! My favourite.” Sunset smiled, the tall glass was iced and had a straw too.

“I do listen sometimes.” Luna grinned, dipping a fry in the sauce on her plate. “I have to remember what my niece likes if I want to be best aunt, after all.” Sunset returned the smile and started her own meal.

With all the food on the table, the five ate their meal in a happy atmosphere of light chatter. 'So, this is family.' Sunset mused, still finding it possible to be even happier with her day, despite the earlier setbacks.


Their plates were cleared and it was certainly the best burger Sunset had ever eaten. A real treat to top off the best day of her life. She'd decided it had even beat the day she got her cutie-mark.

“All you folks enjoy the food?” The host asked with a smile.

“Yes, thank you. It was as lovely as ever.” Celestia said. “Our compliments to the chef tonight.”

“Why thank you.” The host bustled about, stacking the empty plates and used cutlery. “Do you want refills with dessert?” The chorus of yes was convincing enough. “Sit tight, I'll send drinks right over.”

A tray of drinks was swiftly brought over and served, Sunset had her back to the kitchen and didn't notice that there were a few pleased glances shooting past the hostess with the drinks.

“One specially requested desert for you hon.” Someone said from behind Sunset. A cake was placed onto the table. It was big, it was iced and the scent was heavenly.

“We decided that something special was in order.” Celestia said, she and Luna looked to Sunset. 'Welcome To the Family.' Was iced across the cake and Sunset could feel tears running down her face.

Happy ones this time, fortunately.

“Thank you so much. For everything.” The teen managed to say without sobbing, it was all quite a lot to take in really.

“You're part of the family now, a little extended too seeing as Chrys and Discord helped me.” Celestia said, hugging Sunset close.

“Welcome Sunset. I've wanted a someone else around for quite a while.” Luna put her arms around Sunset too.

“Here's to a mother and a daughter who took a little longer than most to find each other.” Discord raised his glass, sharing a quick wink when Sunset caught his deeply fond regard of Celestia.

“So, if we're part of the family too, do I get to be a Mommy as well?” Chrysalis giggled, ever the mischief maker.

“Motherhood Chrys? I always thought the government had some hive where they were churning out clones of you.” Luna shot back, her grin making it more a tease than a jibe.

“Oh, wouldn't you just adore an army of me though Lulu? Hmm? Imagine if there were even just two of me... What fun we'd have.” Chrysalis purred and Luna blushed and stammered. That set Celestia giggling and through it all, Sunset couldn't do anything but smile and smile.

She had a family again.

At the end of the day, the six friends were lounging around on the lawn in front of the school. Now that they knew Sunset's “secret” she had decided it wouldn't hurt to pass time waiting for her mom or aunt to finish work by hanging out with the girls.

As each one slowly filtered off, their ride arriving or it nearing time for their bus, Sunset was very happy to be waved over by Celestia and Luna as they left the school building. “See you girls tomorrow.” She waved goodbye to those left waiting, Applejack and Fluttershy were expecting Mac in his truck to take them up to the farm, and joined her family to go home.

After years of searching, years of denying the need and months convincing herself she was undeserving. Sunset had found her home.

Author's Note:

Epilogue and then we're done.

It started a a writers block breaker. I think I went a little beyond that... I am glad so many people have enjoyed this story. I never expected a feature! Hopefully this and the epilogue will close the story well.

I have some ideas for one-shots that take place in this universe. But I also have an idea for a much different telling of the Anon-a-miss events (with Dazzlings and Shipping!). When something exists, I will post it.

Anyway. Stay tuned for an epilogue, hopefully before christmas.