• Published 11th Oct 2015
  • 32,498 Views, 363 Comments

Finding Home - Cirrus Sky

Sunset Shimmer has to live somewhere right? But where and how did she get there?

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Chapter 10: Together

The ride home had been great. Chrysalis was an experienced biker and had shown off a little for Sunset. Certainly making more than one manoeuvre that Celestia would have disapproved of.

Back at the house, the teal haired woman had sloped off to the basement to spend time with Luna and Celestia was still busy working. Apparently when visiting students tore holes in the very fabric of reality, you had to get a good excuse prepped and drilled into your memory for any questions asked.

With everyone occupied, Sunset decided she'd go to her room. Recalling all the sad and happy times in her recent past for most of the afternoon, she was still feeling reminiscent. She hadn't exactly told the girls of the few personal highlights in the process of being adopted.

Three hearty meals a day, bed rest in a warm place and sleeping in a real bed at night had done wonders for Sunset. Not to mention the familial affection from Celestia and Luna. After another week off school since visiting the doctor, Sunset was well enough to return to school.

She had taken a ride in with Celestia, so they had arrived earlier than most of the other students. “Please Sunset, I would prefer it if you didn't tell everyone that you are staying with me and Luna.” Celestia had said in the car. “For your sake mostly. When everything is decided we can see about letting the others know.”

Sunset had agreed and, wrapped up in a nice warm jumper and scarf, she had gone to wait at the statue for the arrival of her friends.

“Suuuuunnnnnnseeeeeetttt!” The doppler effect of a speeding Pinkie Pie was an interesting phenomenon, Sunset mused before the pink hurricane was upon her and hugging her hard. “We were all so worried about you and none of us knew where to find you and we just knew that you were ill and we wanted to help but your phone wouldn't connect and please never do that again!” Pinkie said it all in one gasp and would have dropped to the floor if her arms weren't wrapped around Sunset.

“Hello Pinkie Pie.” Sunset put an arm around the girl. “Are the others here too?”

“Indeed we are darling. Pinkie spotted you as we entered the grounds and took off running.” Rarity approached and gave Sunset a gentler hug. “You worried us darling.”

“Pinkie did say.” Sunset disentangled the party planner wrapped around her and faced her other friend. “I'm good now, but the 'flu sucks.”

“Don't even start!” Rarity threw a hand to her brow. “Why, I suffered through a dreadful cold just last spring and to think that a 'flu is worse than that!” The dramatic over-performance made Sunset laugh, the little cough it ended in caused concern to cross her friends faces.

“I'm well enough to come in! Really.” Sunset waved away the concern. A hand held onto her shoulder, it had a strong grip.

“We worry for you Sunset.” Applejack had arrived at school, her rib cracking hug was a little gentler this time. “Good to have you back.”

“Heck yeah. Pony-Girl!” Rainbow skidded to a halt beside them, fist-bumping Sunset. The slow crunch of snow behind her indicated someone else was joining them at a more sedate pace.

“Hello everyone. Sunset.” Fluttershy was wrapped up against the cold and even softer than usual when hugging Sunset. The class bell rang out then and the group entered the school building with the crowds of other students. Sunset was being filled in on all that she had missed during her time of school from her friends and classmates expressed their good cheer at her return.

It was good to be back.


An uneventful week passed by. Sunset got as far as Thursday when a revelation hit. The school day had passed as it always did, she practised music with her friends and had a ride home with Luna because Celestia had gone to a district meeting in City Hall that afternoon.

They were welcomed home by Celestia and the enticing smell of supper. The meeting had run short and she had decided that a family dinner was in order, seeing as she was home early.

Sunset had decided that evening; after a lively conversation over a home-cooked supper, a time spent reading in company and being wished goodnight by two women who cared for her. It was not a hard decision in the end.

Celestia wanted to adopt her. She wanted to be adopted by Celestia.

They were a family, Sunset knew it. A guardian wouldn't have been so understanding about what made her feel low. A caretaker wouldn't wish her goodnight. Someone who was merely responsible adult to their charge would not decorate a room with such consideration for the person.

Luna was family too. She wouldn't have had lively debates with her sister and Sunset, or invited Sunset to play video games. Nor would she have happily shown off all the additions she had purchased for Sunset's room. Not if Sunset was just a house guest.

The fact that Luna had taken to calling herself 'Best Aunt' was a big clue too.

Thinking it over that night, Sunset was absolutely sure. She was going to have a mom again. She was going to have a family.

Making the final decision during the school day was probably not the best idea though. Sunset was very excited and it was noticeable.

“Uh, sugar cube, you alright there?” Applejack had noticed Sunset practically bouncing in her seat since they had sat in the library.

“I'm fine Applejack? Why?” Sunset sounded happy, the corners of her mouth were tugged up in a smile.

“Well y'all been jumping about in that seat since we got here. Ah figured something was going on.” Applejack knew Sunset wasn't lying and it wasn't as if she was upset.

“Oh, I'm just cheerful.” Sunset replied. “I've caught up on my missed work, aced my last test and I'm back in school with my friends.” She tapped out a little rhythm with a pen on the desk they were sat at.

“Alright then.” Applejack shrugged, she'd not taken Sunset for the bubbly type, but if the girl was in a good mood who was she to argue?


With another school day done, Celestia was glad to be getting home. She closed her office door, put on her coat and made her way from the school building. As had quickly become part of her routine, she met Sunset in the parking lot with a smiled and a quick embrace. “How was your day?” She asked the teen. Her own had been routine, a little boring even.

“It was good.” Sunset answered simply. She was hoping to choose the right moment to ask of Celestia her very important request. The excitement was hard to keep hold of and she wanted it to be a little more special than blurted out in the school parking lot.

“Nice to hear.” Celestia unlocked her car. “Luna is out tonight, do you want anything in particular for supper?”

“I'm not really sure at the moment. Can we order take-out?” Sunset sat in her seat and Celestia did her mirror checks before starting up.

“That sounds like a good idea. We'll look at the menus in the house.” Celestia smiled to Sunset and they began the journey home.

It wasn't far, Sunset was glad for that, or she may not have been able to keep quiet. As soon as they were through the door Sunset couldn't wait any longer. “I've decided.” She said, virtually shouted. Celestia stopped and turned around.

“Decided what?” Celestia wasn't entirely sure what Sunset was talking about.

Answering a question with another question could be annoying, but hopefully this one wouldn't be; “How long will it take to be adopted?” Sunset asked. Smiling brightly and really really hoping that it wasn't going to be long she waited for Celestia's reaction.

“Not long at all if I call the judge.” Celestia spoke slowly as the words settled into her mind. “An old friend of mine, he always has time for me and I him.” She smiled to Sunset, a warm and genuine smile.

“Great.” Sunset dropped her bag to the floor and fell into an embrace with Celestia.

Celestia who was going to be her mother.


In a matter of days they were headed to the courthouse. Though Sunset had missed a number of days from school and Celestia had taken personal days too, they had managed to figure one more day away. Apparently legal appointments counted for acceptable absences.

They had walked into the very impressive court building in the old part of the city. That was when the nerves had started for Sunset.

Now Sunset was sat in the hallway outside the judge's office while Celestia spoke with the man. There was apparently some sort of confidential discussion that had to go on between the judge and the prospective parent.

Court buildings were designed to be intimidating. The grand hallways, the severe portraits of past officials, the click-click of professional shoes on tiled floors as employees walked around. It was all ramping up Sunset's anxiety.

Until very recently she had been a non-entity, an illegal alien at risk of a fate worse than deportation. She had also not been a prime example of a polite citizen, it had been a very real concern that she could be arrested or at least garner police attention. Sat there on a seat outside an office, in her outfit that screamed “Bad-girl”, she looked like she was awaiting her legal counsel and a verdict on a misdemeanour charge.

Kicking her legs, Sunset wished she had brought something to read, or her journal, or anything to act as a distraction.

A door opened behind her. “Sunset?” Celestia was in the doorway. “You can come in now.” She smiled and held out a hand. Sunset stood up quickly and took the hand, Celestia clasped her fingers around Sunset's. “Ready?”

“Yes.” Sunset nodded and entered the office.

A rather severe looking man with dark hair but very white eyebrows, goatee and fringe was sat behind the desk. “Miss Shimmer I presume?” He shuffled some papers in his hand, the crisp sleeves of his black suit somehow managing to remain un-rumpled by the action.

“Y-yes sir.” Sunset said, not noticing Celestia pressing a hand to her lips to hold in a laugh. She missed the crafty wink the judge shot Celestia, looking down at the floor instead as she tried to gather her nerve.

“And you wish for Ms Sonen to legally adopt you?” He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk and Sunset shuffled forward to take a seat.

“Yes. I really do.” Sunset said, firmly and looking the slightly intimidating judge in the eyes. All at once he was beaming smiles and acceptance.

“Wonderful. Just wonderful!” He pushed the papers forward. “Celestia has signed already, I just wanted to check that you, the young lady, were indeed on board with the idea.” He smiled wide and uncapped his pen.

“Discord, I wouldn't be here with her if Sunset hadn't agreed to this.” Celestia was chiding, but there was so much amusement and affection in her tone that it had little effect.

“Pish posh. It is all part of the regulations.” He waved a dismissive hand at her and scrawled across the document. “Now allow me to present to you, Celestia Sonen; Your Daughter, one Sunset Shimmer.” He pointed one to the other. “And, Miss Sunset Shimmer, here is Your Mother; Celestia Sonen.” He smiled with a great deal of affection. “I do hope you have found in each other what you've both been seeking.”

They both didn't notice the man brush a tear from his eye, Celestia and Sunset were too busy embracing and giggling and smiling. “I'm very happy for you 'Tia.” He spoke quietly, too quietly for them both.


Leaving the court-house, Sunset and Celestia still hadn't stopped holding hands. Or smiling.

“Now what?” Sunset asked as they walked down the steps.

“Anything? Everything?” Celestia laughed. “I've always wanted to take a mother-daughter shopping trip. How about we go to the Crystal mall?”

“What? The Crystal Emporium? The huge mall?” Sunset had heard about the place from Rarity, but they had been unable to visit as a group yet.

“I have seventeen years worth of gifting and treating to catch up with. The huge mall is a good place to start.” Celestia was looking forward to splashing out a little on treats for Sunset. Gifting was always lovely and now she had a daughter to buy for.

“Are you sure?” Sunset looked eager to go, but unwilling to seem overly eager, it might look like she was greedy

“Of course. I have a surprise for the evening, but we can get lunch at the mall and get some retail therapy in.” Celestia was glad to see Sunset wanted to go, it promised to be an enjoyable afternoon.


The Crystal Emporium Mall did not disappoint. Floor upon sparkling floor was packed with store after store. Sunset grinned and looked around, trying to take in as much as she could and then decide just where to even start. Celestia watched the gleeful teen, smiling and so pleased she could witness this.

Sunset Shimmer, getting excited for a shopping trip, unthinkable less than a year ago. “Lets get some lunch, then we'll explore the mall.” Celestia suggested, holding out a hand.

“Sounds like a plan.” Sunset agreed. She took the offered hand, happy to hold it. She didn't care how “uncool” it could look, or if anyone she knew would see her. She had a mom and they were going shopping, a normal thing but something she had not done in too long a time.

Sunset was so very happy.

This really was the very best day of her life.


After a lunch in the food court, where there was more to choose from than Sunset had seen since Canterlot Palace, the pair visited any and every store that caught their eye. Celestia insisted that Sunset choose new clothes. “You have space and somewhere safe. You're bound to want a few more things to wear.” She was right too, Sunset's outfit had so many bad memories and old associations that the teen wanted to put behind her.

As their shopping trip neared its end Sunset had a few bags, Celestia had a few bags and they had both enjoyed themselves. As they walked through the mall, Sunset spotted one last shop she wanted to visit. There was a motorcycle in the window and all kinds of riding gear on display.

“Sunset?” Celestia realised she had left the teen a few steps behind and turned to see the red-headed girl looking in awe at a motorcycle. “Ah.” She grinned and walked up to Sunset. “See anything you like?”

“Yes.” Sunset mumbled in reply. “Can we take a look?”

“Of course. This is as much a trip for you as it is for me.” Celestia had an inkling as to what Sunset would want, the girl had already chosen a number of new items to wear, but had not come upon a replacement for her jacket. This store could solve that problem, maybe even another too.


Sunset left the store beaming, a large bag joining her other purchases of the day. The jacket was perfect, the boots a bonus extra, they were a matched set. Not only was she going back to school with a family to call her own, she had a new look too.

The past would rightly be behind her.

Sunset carefully hung her jacket up before changing for bed. It was treasured after all, she would never leave it lying around. There was a tap at her door; “Sunset?” Celestia had finished her work it seemed.

“Come in Mom, I was just about to go to bed.” Sunset said, sitting on her bed and waving a greeting when Celestia entered.

“Sorry that took so long. Though I think being collected by Chrys was no great issue.” Celestia sat beside her daughter and drew her into a hug. “How did it go?”

“We're getting a Pinkie party, but I think she will keep it toned down.” Sunset replied, “Everyone was really supportive and happy for us both.” She leaned in and returned the hug. “It felt good to tell them and it felt good remembering it all. Even if everyone, me included, got a bit upset by some things.”

“Oh? Nothing that will be an issue I hope?” Celestia knew that a lot of tears had been shed on Sunset's part in recent months.

“Mostly they were upset that I'd not asked for help.” Sunset looked down, “They were also upset about how I had been living and the risks I took.”

“They are good friends. I'm glad it went well.” Celestia ruffled the red and gold hair. “I came to say goodnight though. It is tiring to have to work for the school on my weekend. I'm turning in.”

“I'm sorry that magic is causing you more trouble.” Sunset grasped her adoptive mother in a two armed hug.

“You fixed the trouble though. I'm very proud of you.” Celestia rested her chin on Sunset's head. “You did a great thing, remember that.”

“I could have stopped the problem before it began though.” Sunset sighed. “But I got angry and shouted instead.”

“But you are sorry for it and realised you were wrong.” Celestia reminded her. With one last squeeze of hug, she let go and stood up. “You have changed so much for the better Sunset and you strive to get better still. I am so happy to be in your life to see it.”

“Thanks mom.” Sunset replied softly, the praise painting a light blush across her cheeks. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Sunset.”

Author's Note:

Welp, we got a party and an epilogue to go. I hope you've been enjoying this thus far.

Sorry that this chapter took a while, had a bit of a crummy week or so. Between work, a virus and a few commitments I've not had the time or motivation to write.

Hope to see you all soon!