• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,022 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Chapter 9

"Sunset Shimmer the former student of old sun butt," Discord said as he smiles down at Sunset.

"How did you escape?" Sunset ask willing her hands from shaking.

"Oh it wasn't a problem with so much chaos around for me to escape," Discod said.

"Then what are you doing here?" Sunset ask.

"Well seeing that there's a whole other world this one out there. I decided to let the Changlings keep the ponies while, I come here. Which is thanks to you destroying the portal, as it weaken the walls between worlds. And, I must say these humans are more of my liking then those ponies," Discord said.

"Then why isn't the world all mess up?" Sunset ask.

"Well, I was going to but, I discovered something that's more fun. Human entertainment, years ahead of anything the ponies ever thought up of. And the games, all of those the games. So many games to play around with, as many of you kids know already," Discord said smirking.

"Yeah we know," Rainbow mutters along with other gamers.

"With so many worlds and places, I can visit in the games and shows. I came to a realization. If, I went and cause chaos as, I did back in Equestria you know making chocolate rain from the sky and cotton candy clouds... Well if, I did that then the humans would stop making the games and shows that, I have come to enjoy. Which is why, I decided to limit myself to the fictional worlds in games and shows that the humans make. Or till they stop making fun games and shows then, I just have to go outside and play," Discord explains. (1)

"So that's why the world isn't something like in Alice in Wonderland," Sunset said.

"Oh, I like that book," Discord said as he eyed three girls he recognized. He pop in front of them smiling at them.

"Hey leave the other students out of this," Sunset shouted.

"Students yes but they're not humans nor are the ponies. They're sirens or as some call them seaponies. These three are Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk, and Aria Blaze three very naughty sirens with magical amulets that allow them to control others by singing and feeding off of the negativity they caused that also allowed them to live this long," Discord said.

"Hey!" Adagio said as she and her sisters have been laying low with all the government agents around. They were planning on hanging around till the right time or chance appeared for them to return to their world. The Changlings might rule the land but there is still the sea.

"No fair," Sonata said as she huddles close to her sisters. She heard about Discord and how powerful he is.

"What do you want from us freak?" Aria said putting up a brave front.

"Now that's not nice," Discord said as he snaps his fingers and the three sirens amulets puff away.

"HEY!" the three shouted.

"Now, now don't want to make it too easy for you three," Discord said now holding the amulets.

"Give those back!" Adagio said.

"Nope," Discord said as he makes them disappear.

"Alright Discord what are you up to?" Sunset ask having dialed the number Spitfire told her to call when in trouble like this.

"Oh just wanted to spice things up," Discord said. "What is life without some fun?"

"What's going on... here...," principal Celestia ask as she steps into the lunchroom to freeze where she's standing when she saw Discord.

"Well, well the human counterpart of Celestia," Discord said eyeing her.

"Leave her and the others out of this," Sunset snaps.

"Quick to defend her," Discord said.

"Just tell me what you want?" Sunset ask.

"Well to be truthful. I'm hoping that the next Mass Effect game be more fun," Discord said.

"Mass Effect?" Sunset ask.

"Oh yes, I'm a gamer. You see when, I came here. I was going to have fun but, I wanted to learn about this world first. So, I simply went and used the internet to learn everything that, I can about this new world. And well, I got to around playing the games and now looking forward to all the new games," Discord said.

"You already said that," Applejack said.

"Well, I'm just making sure," Discord said as Spitfire came in with several soldiers who all aimed their guns on him.

"Kids get out of here," Spitfire said as she kept her M16 on Discord.

"Oh please," Discord said as he snaps his fingers and all the guns turned into nerf guns.

"What?" Spitfire said as she looks at her now useless gun.

"Forget it. He's the spirit of chaos, he can make just about anything happen," Sunset said to Spitfire.

"You mean like that imp in the Superman comics?" Pinkie ask.

"You can say that. And don't worry like him, I know that if the world is destroyed that there be nothing for me to do anymore," Discord said.

"Discord just tell me what you want?" Sunset ask again.

"Just want to help out. The Chanagelings are preparing to invade this world and seeing how there is such few magic users here. I decided to awaken some of the magic users to help out," Discord said.

"Awaken?" Sunset ask.

"Oh yes, like those two magic users you already met there are others around the world who found an element shard and having the right emotion to activate it and high enough magic level, became magical. But of course, I who is enjoying watching what's been happening decided to be active and make things more interesting," Discord said as he snaps his fingers and the whole school was engulf in light.

When the light faded Sunset notice that nothing happen but then realized as she looks around what had happen.

"What happen?" Twilight ask as she looks around seeing all of her friends now wearing costumes.

"I have wings!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she flap her new metal wings on her back. She wore a white bodysuit that she seen ice skaters wear and wore a helmet with a clear face plate. Her rainbow colored hair now much longer, came out from underneath her helmet. She held a spear with a weighted metal ball connecting the staff and spear head.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said as she too has metal wings on her back like her friend. She was now dress in a green robe like a wizard would wear. Flowers and vines grew out of the robe giving her a mother earth feel to her. She held a simple wooden staff with a flower bud top.

"Land shakes!" Applejack shouted as she's now dress in western duds. She still wore her hat but her outfit is that of a long coat wearing gunslinger straight out of a western. She's armed with a lasso and a six-shooter.

"WHAT AM I WEARING!" Rarity scream. She is now wearing armor made out of gemstones right out of Minecraft. The gem helmet she wore has a unicorn horn on it. She is also armed with a pickax also made out of gemstones.

"I'M MAGICAL!" Pinkie shouted out as she's now dress in a loose fitting red and purple stripe jacket, a blue and orange checker shirt, and yellow pants with green dots one them, With a pair of mismatched boots one brown and the other white, and wore a black glove and a grey glove. And is carrying a large cartoon style mallet.

"This isn't good," Sunset said looking around seeing many other students now wearing magical outfits. There are also some boys in the crowd who also gain magic powers.

"Sunset what happen?" Celestia ask causing Sunset to turn her attention to her.

Sunset blink as Celestia is now wearing what looks like a battle dress. It looks like a white ballgown but parts of the dress is replaced with armor. The skirt is replaced with a leather one with small metal plates covering it. She wore plate armor that covered her upper body, and like her have a pair of metal wings on her back. She wore a helmet like Sunset's when she transforms, a unicorn style helmet. Instead of an axe, she held instead a massive silver colored mace like scepter with the head looking like a stone lantern with something glowing white inside of it.

"Celestia?" Luna ask stepping into the room changed as well. She wore the same outfit as her older sister but is dark blue and held the same mace model. With something dark blue glowing in it.

"Oh look at this," Discord chuckles seeing the two princesses counterparts.

"You activated all the element shards," Sunset said turning her attention back to Discord.

"Yes, I did. Now, I get to sit back and enjoy the show," Discord said.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew at Discord ready to give him a beat down.

"Hold it!" Spitfire said as she grabs her daughter in midair and grab her spear from her. She is dress like her daughter but is wearing a blue and yellow bodysuit. Unknown to her she is wearing a Wonderbolt uniform but made for a human. And she also has metal wings, which allows her to catch her daughter before she hurts herself. She is armed with a magical P90 style firearm. (2)

"Nice to see you're more level headed then your daughter," Discord smirks as Spitfire pulled her daughter down to earth with her.

"Rainbow don't you dare try to attack him again," Sunset said. "The only way to defeat him was by using the elements."

"Which expect for yours is in pieces and all of them giving the magical girls and boys a single power," Discord said.

"Single power?" Sunset ask.

"Yes you saw it with those two magical girls you already found. And you also must realize what will happen with a bunch of magic users who don't know the first thing in controlling their magic does? Remember that little purple unicorn and what she did when she couldn't control her magic," Discord said.

"Celestia had to stop her and undo all the things her magic changed," Sunset said.

"Now think of what kind of damage a school worth of new magic users will do. After all that girl who caused that storm had no idea how to control her magic," Discord said as he points to her friends.

"Fluttershy there has the power to control plants."

"Applejack has the power of strength."

"Rainbow Dash has the power of speed."

"Rarity has the power of gemstones."

"Pinkie Pie has the power to teleport. Just to name a few as for you other magic users. You all are going to have to figure out your powers yourselves," Discord said.

"Really!" Pinkie shouted as she puff in a cloud of pink smoke and appeared on top of a table. "Cool!"

"Pinkie don't teleport!" Sunset shouted.

"Why?" Pinkie ask.

"Teleporting can kill you if you don't do it right," Sunset said.

"What?" Pinkie ask.

"She mean if you're not careful you might teleport into something solid. Like a wall or someone standing where you teleported," Discord said.

"That sounds bad," Pinkie said turning a bit green.

"You don't want to know," Sunset said.

"So you see Sunset you're going to be busy teaching them how to control their new powers," Discord said.

"Just great," Sunset said glancing at Celestia.

"Oh yes you're can't see this Celestia without seeing the pony one who refuse to be the mother you saw her as," Discord said as he snaps his fingers and suddenly Sunset and Celestia were standing close together.

"What happen?" Sunset said as she walks back where she was standing but found herself being drawn back towards Celestia.

"Sunset?" Celestia said as she walks forward to her.

" Try walking away," Sunset said.

"Ok," Celestia said but like Sunset found herself unable to walk much further then Sunset could.

"We can't separate from each other," Sunset said.

"Watch plenty sitcom shows and this is a classic take on the old stuck together plot. But don't worry the spell will fade away in a couple of weeks," Discord said as he puff away.

"I don't know what's worse. Stuck together or that he's using a tried old plot," Sunset said. (3)


In Poland -

Lightning Hussar eyes are glued to her tv as she watched the latest update in the magical unicorn turn human. A strange being appeared at her school and created more magic users and there are some guys who now have magic as well. She's been keeping herself in the loop in what's happening in the states. She found an element shard that embedded itself in her ring. She transforms into an armored knight with two wing banners on her back, like she stepped out of the ancient past of Poland as that's what her armor is based on.

She did research on her element and learn she has the element of generosity. She wields a lance in her magical girl form and controls lightning. She has been training herself in learning to control her new found powers. She knows she is powerful but watching the YouTube videos posted online of what happen in the school when Discord showed up. Made her rethink her self training as it was pointed out how dangerous it is for magic user to use magic without knowing how to control their magic. She has trouble controlling her powers time to time and caused damage to her surroundings.

"But the big question is how the world do i get enough money to fly to America," Lightning ask out loud.


In Japan -

Wind Leaf had pack her belongings and lock the door of her small apartment that she once shared with her parents. She is of the Ainu people who were already living in Japan before the people who descendants call themselves Japanese. She's been living by herself ever since her parents died and she had to work after school to get by. She used her smartphone bringing up the map that would get her to the American embassy. She would go there and ask to be allow to get a green card. So that she'll be able to learn how to control her powers.

She found that her necklace has a shard of the element of kindness within it. In her magical girl form she wore the dress of an Ainu shaman robes like something out of an old painting or a museum display. The robe she wore is attached to a metal breast plate that has a pair of large metal wings and she also wore a helmet of a horse design. Like what she seen Sunset wore but without the unicorn horn. She carries a large bow that created light arrows when she draws it. She hid her magic not wanting others to know about it. Not that it wasn't hard.

The people of her town pretend that she doesn't even exist. And when her parents died in that car accident the local government made her go through loops just to keep her home and her parents life insurances. It came from the fact her father is a untouchable simply because a member of his family long ago didn't had a good job. Which for the traditional values that her town values made her untouchable as well. She tried to be kind but nothing for the people of her town would ever be enough. So having watched the news of what's happening in America, decided it time for a change.

She wave to the birds she fed and took care of and with their help awaken her magic. She walk over to waiting cab that would take her away from her old life and begin with a new one. She didn't look back as she sat down and the cab drove off. She learn she has the power of healing as she healed her bird friends. She would had used her power to help the people of her town but that kind of kindness was for those who deserve it which none of the people had ever showed her in return. And that her healing took much from her. She hopes that Sunset Shimmer will be able to show her how to use her power to help people who show her kindness in return.

Author's Note:

1 - Discord is how he was before he was reformed by Fluttershy. But since he enjoys videogames and tv shows that the humans make. He has decided to just sit back and enjoy it and mess around with it instead of the real world.

2 - The wings of the magical girls are metal as they don't have pony forms in this fic.

3 - I know it's a tried old plot but that's the best idea I had to get them to spend time with each other.