• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,022 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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New Magic

"Maxine 'Max' Caulfield and her friend Chloe Price both have unlock the power of the shards that were near them. Max with her camera and Chloe with her truck. Max has a shard of Kindness and Chloe Generosity. Max has been using her time power to rewind time so she can help others, she didn't know that her camera had a shard in it. Chloe when she was willing to give up her own life so that others could live, awaken the shard that's embedded in her truck. It looks like a strong event is able to power the shard as long as its the right Element being used at the time," Sunset said to the panel of screens of different government heads and the president. Spitfire stood near her in the room they're in.

"And Ms. Caulfield using time magic caused the storm?" one of the government heads ask.

"Time magic is one field of magic that isn't something just anyone can use, in fact no unicorn back in my world even the princess uses time magic. The storm was caused by Ms. Caulfield repeatedly using it without any real idea how to use it. What she was doing was breaking down a wall instead of using a door. Time magic is the very last resort to ever be used. Even the villains of my world know better then using time magic. If it was as easy it is in fiction, they would have done it ages ago. I never used time magic but, I have studied it. The princess told me about time magic, saying that using time magic is the hardest spell to use even for someone like her. Even the smallest mistake cause damage, the storm is one of the things that happens when time magic is used wrong. Ms. Caulfield is currently one of the most powerful magic users, she is able to just use time magic without putting any effort into it. But as she doesn't know how to control it, she has no control over the magic she is slowly killing herself. The psychic nosebleeds she has from using her powers are signs of it killing her. Time magic causes magi overload to whoever used it and only unicorns who are strong in magic have any hope in surviving using it," Sunset explains.

"Can she be taught to be able to control it?" one head ask.

"Too risky. Unless the caster has completely control and knows what they're doing, anything can happen. And that's not going into the whole changing the past thing. While going back a couple of seconds to get the last doughnut won't change the world into a nightmare world, there's no telling what can happen the further back you go. It's a last resort that is only to be used when there's nothing else that can be done. Not to mention all the things that can happen when time travel is in play. Besides Max is only able to travel back in time a few seconds and in one cause managed to stop time around her but caused her great pain just doing it. Stopping time puts a great strain on any user, Max is lucky that she didn't die. As to go back further in time she needs pictures of the past with her in it. It's a form a mental time travel that is very limited as the user can only interact with the surroundings of the place the picture is taken and only if they're in it. And to teach her how to use time magic is impossible as, I never learn time magic," Sunset said. (1)

"The shards can be activated if the right conditions are met. Does it mean that other countries will be able to have their own magic users?" the president ask.

"Yes if the right people find them. There is also the magic pump that's being built. While it will create renewable energy it will also strengthen the magical field around it. With a stronger magic field, more shards will be charged and more magical users will be revealed. Of course unlike me, these new magic users won't be as powerful as I am. They only have shards while, I have the whole piece and know how to use it along with the magical skills. I already place spell blocks on both Caulfield and Price to keep them from using their magic," Sunset said.

"This will cause problems," the president said as other countries will have magic users of their own.

"I have an idea to handle any new magic users that appear. Sunset is the only one who can teach them to control their new powers. We can locate any new magic users and offer them training to control their new powers. Word has already gotten out in what caused the storm to happen on the west coast. The government needs to show what their stance on magic users," Spitfire said.

"Are you able to train them?" the president ask Sunset.

"I can," Sunset said. "Besides sooner or later someone is going to gain magic and use it to commit crimes. What, I know is that the Elements couldn't be used for evil acts. But since, I broke them into pieces..."

"You have no idea," the air force brass said.

"Yes and no idea how many and where the shards are," Sunset said.

"We did collected some after you you destroyed them but there had to be more pieces then what we found," a government head said.

"My best guess is that they went to people who have strong magic or where the magic is the strongest. One thing about magic items like the Elements to remember is that they only work when the right conditions are made for them," Sunset said.

"What about Ms. Price? What is her power?" one government head ask.

"From what, I seen so far her power is tied to her truck. It's a flying magical truck that is while it's in motions is unstoppable. As while we were flying back to base using her truck, she made a tunnel through a mountain," Sunset said.

"Through a mountain?" Spitfire ask looking at her.

"She needs flying lessons," Sunset said.


Russia -

General Ironwing walk to the testing chamber of the army base. Ever since the reveal that magic is real and there is a whole world of magic out there, many countries have been doing research on magic. The Americans are the only one with a train magic user who came from that world of ponies. They like other countries have been searching for any magical item, most of them turn out to be nothing. But they did find a shard from one of those elements that was destroyed to seal off the portal.

He walk up to the window and peered into the testing chamber. Around him researchers are recording their findings as the young army recuit tested her new powers. Fading Light was just like any other young soldier, till a few months ago she discovered that she gain magic powers. Scanning her body revealed that she has a red shard the size of a grain of rice embedded in her fake eye.

Her magic allows her to speed up kinetic energy resulting in massive explosion and melting solid objects. In other words she can microwave objects. Her body is also strengthen and allows her to withstand her own power. (2)

Like the girl Sunset, she gain a magical girl form as many have been calling it. In her case, Fading Light's magical girl form is that of an armored knight in a sense. Her entire body is covered by red metal that is unknown in this world, the helmet that covers her head is that of a smooth dome with no openings at all anywhere. They tested it and she can't even feel anything while in that form, and testing has proven she can be shot by tank fire. While she can still be repelled by the shot it doesn't harm her at all. Her armor form makes her into a giant at 15 feet, like one of those robots with a human controlling it. (3) From her hands she can fire beams of energy, making her a walking tank. Some researchers think that the armor isn't to protect her, but to protect others from her power. Even with her armor she generates a great amount of heat, that makes her too hot to touch without protection.

"How is she today?" Ironwing ask to the head researcher Jammer Head.

"Her power levels seem to have no limits," Jammer Head said as he looks over the energy levels she's giving off.

The testing chamber is flooded with water and the heat she's producing is powering a generator to see how much power she is creating. The amount of energy she is releasing can power a city, making her a very powerful magic user. But of course it remains to be seen how well she does against other magic users.

"Of what we know of Shimmer's powers, how does she match up?" Ironwing ask.

"Hard to say. She is a trained magic user while Fading Light while powerful doesn't have the skills to make full use of her powers. The storm that Ms. Shimmer stop was caused by a magic user who didn't know how to control her power. With time and training Ms. Light might be able to stop her body from being too hot for anyone to touch," Jammer Head said.

"Have other shards been found?" Ironwing ask.

"We're now running test to see if we can detect the shards we already found. But it looks like unless someone has the right magic and the right conditions are met can't be activated. We already tried, but all attempts in creating more magic users have failed. Ms. Light might have stronger magic in her then the others who have tried," Jammer Head said.

"What about the magic pump that the Americans are building?" Ironwing ask.

"Magic pump?" Jammer Head ask.

"It works like an oil pump but instead it draw magic. With the help of Ms. Shimmer they managed to build a machine that not only use magic as a new source of renewable energy but also strengthens the magic field it's located at. If there isn't enough magic within the people who have tried to use magic, we can simply strengthen the magic field instead," Ironwing explains.

"Yes that should work," Jammer Head said. "But how do we get the plans?"

"The Americans can't keep a new source of energy all to themselves. Once the pump is working, we simply go through the usually channels and press the issue," Ironwing said. "There's no telling how many other magic users have appeared since those shards fell across the world. We also need them if those Changlings decide to reopen the portal."

"We're already working on being able to detect when magic is being used," Jammer Head said.

"Good, we need to learn how many others have gain magic. Fading Light can't be the only one with strong enough magic to awaken a shard. And if they're like Fading Light they will be powerful," Ironwing said.


Australia -

In the the outback two young Aboriginal girls sat cross legged on the ground. One of them held a didgeridoo in her hands playing it, while the other kept the rhythm with clapsticks. Both of them wore the same outfit, different colored bodysuits underneath a tan vest and matching shorts, with matching hats. The one playng the didgeridoo bodysuit is colored blue, while the one playing with the clapsticks is orange.

Both of them sat on a piece of earth floating in the air as colorful lights dance around them. Power over Earth and Color is theirs to command. All they needed now was to train themselves to safely use their powers. (4)


The North Sea -

A young Inuit woman stood up on her father's salvage boat as they search for wreaks to bring up to sell as scrap. She wore a furred laminar armor made from harden leather, reinforced by wood and bones. She held a harpoon that held a purple shard within it. Her father radar found a sunken boat, and shouted for her to bring it up. She raised her harpoon and the metal wreck was lifted out of the water. Her power is that of magnetism manipulation and she's been using it to help feed her family.


Middle East -

A young Israeli born woman part of the IDF stood at a firing range. Her outfit is that of a normal IDF soldier but that is tainted pink. The target in front of her is a block of stone, behind her are some brass and officials watching the display. She takes in a deep breath and opens her mouth letting out a scream too high for any human to hear. The animals around the firing range began acting crazy, hearing the scream that the humans couldn't. The block of stone broke apart as the sonic waves of her scream broke it at the atomic level. She gain the power of sound and the display of power she showed is just one of the many uses for her new found power.


South America -

A young woman walk through the base of a drug lord as the soldiers there open fire on her. She wore the ancient Jaguar warrior armor that the Aztec once wore, carrying a macuahuitl a wooden sword with obsidian blades that held a blue shard within. The armor made it look like her war painted face was swallowed by a Jaguar, the rest of the animal skin covered her backside and her limbs encase within the limbs of the big cat. Her front is protected by a metal breast plate and a metal knee length battle skirt. The bullets the soldiers are firing at her never reached her as the bullets once close enough seem to hit a barrier that caused them to fall to the ground. The woman wave her sword around her head and an unseen force pick up all the soldiers around her and brought them into one big cluster in the air. Then they were all condensed into a ball, made from the soldiers and what was on them. The ball that was once over 30 soldiers including the drug lord, was the size of a tennis ball. She has the power to control gravity and using it to fight back against the drug trade.

She like other new magic user had strong enough magic already within them to awaken the shards that were near or on them. And soon the world will learn that Sunset Shimmer isn't the only magic user on the planet. Each shard of the destroyed elements gathered where there's strong magic or to people who are strong with magic, all of the shard are just waiting till they're found or when the one who found them meets the right conditions for them to awaken. (5)

Author's Note:

1 - It would explain why the time spell that Twilight used has never been used again.

2 - Fire and heat is one thing but microwaving something effects it on a subatomic level. In Needless manga, this power is shown to effect even other fire base users who's bodies can stand up to heat.

3 - Like the Apex Armor in Transformers Prime.

4 - She has the same power as Color Kid of DC comics. Which isn't a lame power when you learn that color at least in organic substances, color comes from the number and configuration of conjugated double bonds in a compound. In other words this power can create and destroy double bonds at will. A bit of create application of this, and the one with this power could effortlessly kill anyone by changing them at the molecular level.

5 - The ones who awaken a shard because of the magic already within them are much stronger then the later magic users. And all of them pale to the power of the Element of Magic which is whole. The shards gives their users a power with some side powers so they be able to withstand their own powers. And no two shards have the same power, some are alike but aren't just a copy.