• Published 1st Oct 2015
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My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Chapter 14

"The countries that were invaded by the Changelings are England, India, China, Mexico and Taiwan. Sunset felt more portals opening at least 3 more before, I destroyed the one that open here. Where they open Sunset isn't able to pinpoint where. This means we need to move the timetable in finding magic users. From what the lab can figure out when Sunset destroyed the other elements the shards didn't cover the entire world as many think. Most of the shards ended up in North and South America, while only the pieces that were sent flying skywards had the chance of being carried by the wind to other countries. Which explains why there are only a small handful of magic users from other countries found. There are simply fewer shards that ended up in the other countries and others ended up falling into the ocean. There already a search going on around here for more magic users, but we also need to search in both Canada, Mexico, and the South America countries. The Changelings from the reports we gotten from China, their magical girl was captured. The government is already cracking down on suppressing the news. The Changelings that managed to escape are now in hiding and any magic user can be a target," Spitfire read her report to the brass.

"How many magic users have come out of hiding thanks to the invasion?" a brass ask.

"There were 3 in England, one was killed the two survivors Frankie Rag and Pink Punk are now in an military base for their safety. The girl in India seems to have lost control of her powers of wind and force the police to kill her to stop her. China as, I said lost their magic girl which were still looking into to see what happen. Mexico had one magic girl, Erma Metal. Taiwan has one magic girl, Ion Storm who captured the leader of the Changeling horde that invaded Taiwan. There is no telling how many Changelings came through and how many are now in hiding," Spitfire said.

"Does Sunset have any useful information?" one brass ask.

"No. The Ponies never study the Changelings and only know about them from written records of past encounters of them. I showed her a picture of the Changeling leader that was captured and she never seen a Changeling like her before. The government of Taiwan is already sent her to a lap to study, while the dead ones are already in labs to learn what we're dealing with," Spitfire said.

"The leader that was captured is a she?" one brass ask.

"Yes it seems that the Changelings follow the hive caste system. Which means if the leaders are the egg layers, this invasion is far from over. Any of the leaders could start a hive on her own and depending on how many eggs she can lay and the time for them to hatch and mature. We may be dealing with an army of them sooner or later," Spitfire said.

"And they're shape shifters too," one brass said not liking what he's hearing.

"They are cold blooded so they can be picked up by thermal googles. Also if orders should be given where if on a military base its discover that there are two people who look alike running around. That both are to be detain so there won't be the whole which one is the real one thing that happens in tv shows," Spitfire said.

"How are the magic users doing?" one brass ask.

"They have started to learn how to use their powers safely. The two magic users who need to learn to use their powers the most are Violet Blurr and Rover, as their powers would be the most useful. Violet shown that she can open portals to anyplace she has been to at least once, while Rover can open a hole to any part of the world as long as he knows where he's going but the drawback is that he can only use it to take only one passenger with him at a time. So combining their powers together, Rover can take Violet to any part of the world and once she's been there she can open a portal there any time she wants," Spitfire explains. (1)

"It will allow us to response to any attack. But we need to have the other countries agree to it first," one brass said. As other countries like theirs wouldn't care too kindly that another country's army is operating in their country.

"How powerful are the other magic users?" one brass ask Spitfire.

"The two surviving England magic girls are Frankie Rag who has the power over cloths allowing her to control them in anyway she wants, and Pink Punk has the power to create shockwaves whenever she makes an impact. Both of them combine their powers to push back the Changelings. Rag made her clothes into a spider like walking tank that the Changelings couldn't harm, while Punk created shockwaves from inside the cloth shell, shooting them out from an opening. Fading Light of Russia from the footage is a walking tank and simply power through the Changelings. Mexico's magic girl Erma Metal is like Colossal from the X-Men, growing 10 feet tall luchador made out of metal. She is super strong and take as much as she gives, she is armed with a cannon like club that fire energy beams. Ion Storm of Taiwan managed to capture the leader of the horde that attack them," Spitfire said.

"And the ones who died?" a brass ask.

"Redheart of England was killed in action and her shard was recovered from her body, so is the India magic girl who the police there was force to kill to stop her. As for China they're covering up what happen to theirs, but from the Intel we managed to gather she was either captured by the Changelings or was killed in action," Spitfire said.

"We're going need to be ready for the Changelings, now that we know they can open portals here now," one brass said before looking at Spitfire. "The kids will need to be ready."

"Yes but only if we need them," Spitfire said not liking that both of her daughters have magic but also may need to fight.

"It's something that shouldn't be needed but they are the ones who can seal off the portals. And if the Changelings opening portals around the world all at once. We're going to need as many bodies as we can throw at them. The Changelings won't care if they're kids," a brass said.

"I know that. We nothing more to the Changeling then food, so they won't care who we are or how old we are. We're just a meal for them and nothing more then that," Spitfire said.

Author's Note:

1 - It seems that teleporting can only be done by unicorns who's talent is magic. Which explains why only very powerful unicorns are ever shown using it in the show. And it must be draining to use seeing how it isn't used that often. As in the show not many unicorns are shown teleporting.