• Published 13th Sep 2015
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Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Save Point

Save Point

“I don’t get it.” Twilight said. “Why would Princess Luna have a pony taken away like that?”

Kain’s curiosity had been piqued by this action as well. She had ordered him to investigate odd occurrences which she said she knew not the details. What wasn’t she telling him?

“I’m sure his majesty has his reasons…” a voice echoed in the dragoon’s mind.

“Princess Twilight.” Kain said. “Please send your dragon assistant to me later so that I may inquire more from Princess Luna on the matter.”

“Ok Kain. I’m sure that even if the information is secret, you’ll still be able to clear things up one way or another.” The alicorn said.

“In the meantime, Ah think we should check in on Fluttershy.”Applejack said.


The group made their way to the hospital and were allowed to visit the injured pegasus’s room. There they saw Fluttershy lying in bed, awake. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and even the rabbit Angel were in the room. Fluttershy was in tears. “I just don’t understand it. Why did he attack me?”

“Look Flutters.” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe there was something wrong with that bear.”

“But then I would’ve sensed something wrong.” Fluttershy responded. “I’m supposed to be able to help animals.”

“Well Fluttershy,” Twilight said as she entered the room.” That may be because he was a pony that was magically transformed.”

“My word!” Rarity said. “What an awful thing to do to a pony! However that doesn’t explain why he would attack Fluttershy.”

“Which is why I believe that somepony was probably using magic to manipulate Bulk Biceps, I don’t think he’d do that ordinarily.” Twilight said.

“Oh dear, is he alright?” Fluttershy asked, gaining a surprised look from the ponies in the room.

“Fluttershy, he hurt ya pretty bad.” Applejack said.

“Yes, but we don’t know if he meant any of it.” Fluttershy said. “I think Twilight’s right. Because if he became an ordinary bear, then he would have listened to me, and he certainly wouldn’t have been needlessly destroying all those trees. Harry only brought down a few before I had my talk with him.”

“We’re going to need more information if we’re going so solve this mystery. I’ll head to the library and do some research.” Twilight said. “I’ll send Spike to find you later Kain. Take care Fluttershy.” She said before coming up to the yellow pegasus, nuzzling her, and leaving the room.

“So how long are going to be here Fluttershy?” I gotta know when to throw your “get well soon” party, “getting better” party, and your “got well” party!” Pinkie Pie said anxiously.

“Nurse Redheart said she’d need to be here about two to three days before being discharged.” Rainbow Dash said. “You’ll be back with your animals in no time.”

“ ‘Cept there’s one problem there.” Applejack said. “Fluttershy’s house was damaged pretty badly. We need to get it fixed up.”

“Well then, we’d best get to it then.” Rarity spoke. “I’ll gather the supplies to garnish the interior. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, why don’t the two of you get the building materials we’ll need. Kain, take Pinkie Pie with you and begin cleaning things up over there please?”

“Okie dokie! You can count on this cleaning crew!” Pinkie Pie said. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, your place will be as good as new!”

“Just worry about resting up. We’ll handle this.“ Rainbow Dash said. “I’ll visit you later and bring my Daring Do books.”

“Take it easy there.” Applejack said, comforting the pegasus patient.

“Goodbye Fluttershy. Your house will look splendid for your return.” Rarity said.

“It was good to see that you are well.” Kain said, leaving the room with the group.

Once outside the hospital, all the mares left their separate ways with the exception of Pinkie Pie. “Alright. Let’s get to it Kain!” she exclaimed.

“Very well.” Kain said as he started moving.

“You’re going the wrong way!" Pinkie exclaimed. “We need to go to my place first!”

“I thought that the others were in charge of supplies.” The dragoon said.

“Yeah, but they forgot the most important supplies. Snacks! Can’t help anypony on an empty stomach!” the Pinkie Pie said.


Kain agreed and the two of them went to the pastry shop where the party planner amassed a multitude of food onto a cart. She strapped the cart to Kain, and the two of them departed for the cottage. As they made their way, Pinkie hopped up and down like she hadn’t a care in the world. “You seem to be doing quite well considering the day’s events.” Kain said.

“Can’t afford to be a party pooper Mr. Dragoon pony!” Pinkie replied.

“Not even after discovering all that’s happened, especially finding out that one of your friends could’ve perished?” Kain asked.

“A lot of things can bring a pony down.” Pinkie said. “But if you let things get you down, then you’d go nowhere fast! You just have to pick yourself up and keep going.”

“I have a friend from some time ago just like you Pinkie.” Kain said. “There was a time when we faced many setbacks in our journeys. No matter what, he gave it his all. Once, we’d even thought he’d died saving us, only find him some time later recovering. Too stubborn for death that one.”

“Stubborn, or persistent?” Pinkie asked.

“There’s not much of a difference is there?” Kain asked back.

“I like persistent. Stubborn just sounds like a word for a hard to get rid of pony that gets blown up and keeps on going.” Pinkie said, clarifying.

The two of them arrived at the cottage and surveyed the damage. “I guess all of Fluttershy’s animals flew the coop.” Pinkie observed. “I can’t blame them though, this place is messier than where they’d normally live.” She continued as she dove into a pile of debris inside of the house.

Kain got to work and began to move pieces of trash out of the vicinity. Anything that looked salvageable was grabbed and set aside, still perplexed as to how he was able to grasp onto some items with his hoof.

Some time passed before the others returned with their supplies. The group got to work. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Kain got to the construction of the front of the house. They cut up and measured new pieces of lumber. Rarity and Pinkie Pie continued cleaning the damaged home of debris and began rearranging the furniture that wasn’t destroyed.

“Boy, those bears really messed up the place didn’t they?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Kind of reminds me of what a certain pony did to a cockatrice model of mine.”

“You did ask me to show you how I defeated one.” Kain replied.

“I totally didn’t expect you to take to the air like a pegasus and break the thing.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ah was still skeptical on that Rainbow, 'til I saw Kain jumpin' up and down on top of the Bulk Biceps bear. As a fellow earth pony, Ah’m a bit jealous of you Kain.” Applejack said.

“It took a great deal of practice as a dragoon to be able to achieve such ability.” Kain said. “Those bound to the earth have always looked at our kind in awe.”

The day had quickly come to an end. The reconstruction crew had only been able to put up some scaffolding before nightfall. They set up camp in Fluttershy’s living room, each pony laid out a sleeping roll for the night. The group started a fire in the chimney of the cottage, and Pinkie started working on dinner in the kitchen area. The pink mare returned with bowls of soup for the group, and much to Kain’s surprise, her expertise was beyond confectionery treats.

“Ah reckon we’ll be done early tomorrow.” Applejack said.

“Well, perhaps with the construction Applejack, but there’s still the matter of cleaning and rearranging the furniture.” Rarity replied.

It hadn’t really clicked until this moment, when Kain saw all these specific ponies gathered to help Fluttershy, that he finally pondered their relationship with one another. “So I take it you ladies are well acquainted with each other?” he asked.

“Oh yeah! We’re the bestest of best friends!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “We’ve known each other for the longest time, and Twilight has been friends with us ever since that whole Nightmare Moon incident.”

“Ever since then we’ve been inseparable!” Rainbow Dash said. The other mares gave her an inquisitive look. “With some bumps in the road, but we’ve stuck it out through and through.”

“There hasn’t been a problem that we couldn’t solve when the six of us worked at it together.” Applejack said.

The girls reminisced on various times that they overcame obstacles using the ‘magic of friendship’. Kain couldn’t help but wonder about his experiences with his party in the past. Indeed they did work together to defeat the greatest threat to the blue planet. But was there truly solidarity amongst his comrades? The dragoon thought about his second betrayal when they were in the dwarven caves. Even when he was re-accepted into the party, he could see the looks in their eyes. Restrained anger in Edge and Rydia’s eyes, and sorrow in Rosa and Cecil’s .

Even given all that he felt at the time, Kain wondered if his actions were too rash, and if he could have mended his relationships with his former party. But the moment he thought about sitting down with Cecil and facing reality, vivid memories of him wanting nothing but the paladin’s death surfaced.

Memories of that desire for the love of that beautiful woman, Rosa, and how much he desired her to be his own flooded his mind. The dragoon was well aware of how much these feelings were driven by the mind control and how much was driven by his own darkness. Kain had always suspected it was the evil in him unleashed by Golbez’s magic. This was the explanation that he’d always return to.


The late hours drew closer, and the group prepped for sleep. Kain secluded himself to a separate room as was always expected when a knight shared board with women, compatriots or mere acquaintances. The dragoon slept soundly until he was awoken by a sharp, steady, poking claw at his side.

“Um, Mr. Highwind is it?” a young voice said. “Princess Twilight asked me to find you.”

Kain awoke to find it was barely approaching down. The faintest light could be seen, even if the cottage had a gaping hole with a tarp draped over it. He saw that it was Twilight assistant, Spike, that had come to meet him as she had promised. “It is good that you are here and early at that.” Kain said.

“Gotta be up early if you work with Twilight.” Spike said. “Though there are some times I wish she’d give me five more minutes.”

The dragoon noted the mares were still asleep. “Let us conduct our business outside.” He said. The two of them were some distance away from the cottage when Kain broke the silence. “I need to send a message to Princess Luna, and I was told you could assist with that.”

“I sure can!” Spike said proudly while puffing out his chest. “My dragonfire will deliver your message in an instant! So, where’s your letter?”

Kain hadn't exactly thought this through. All that time he took to learn how to write while training to be a dragoon, gone to a waste. While he was sure he could probably hold onto a quill in this form, he probably lacked the dexterity to write. “I don’t have a letter ready.” He said.

“No problem!” Spike said, “I always come prepared.” The dragon produced stationary for the message. “Fire away.”

Noting that he had someone else listening to his message, the dragoon chose his words carefully. “Princess Luna, this correspondence is in regards to my assignment in you last letter. The Apples’ farm it seems was being vandalized by a bear that was a pony transformed. The bear in question is now in your custody and now that he is in his original form goes by the name of Bulk Biceps. While he was in his bear form, he also attacked one of the citizens of Ponyville, Fluttershy, and injured her. With the help of Applejack and her brother, we were able to get the injured mare to safety and apprehend the bear. Fluttershy is resting at the local hospital and is expected to recover. I wish to add that there is a distinct possibility that this stallion was transformed not of his own will and therefore may not have been responsible for his actions. Another important not concerning this incident were the notable wings on the Bulk Biceps in his bear form, it may be relevant if there is a pattern to be discerned. Please send word on any information regarding this investigation.”

Your Emissary,

Kain Highwind

“Alright. Got that down.” Spike said as he finished writing the letter.

“Very good Spike.” Kain said. “Please send it to Princess Luna.”

The dragon rolled up the letter, held it out, and breathed green flames onto it. The letter burnt up magically into the air. “Ok, Mr. Highwind, your letter has been sent.” Spike then pulled out another scroll and marked it with his quill. “Sent letter for the dragoon, Kain Highwind, check.”

“I see that you favor your left side.” Kain said

“Yeah, I’m a south claw..err.. I mean buck-hooved in pony terms.” Spike replied. “It’s not that big of a deal is it? There’s nothing wrong about it is there?”

“No, I suppose not.” Kain said. “There are some who do not look favorably upon those who favor their left…hooves though. I myself prefer the left.”

“Well you’re not going to find anypony who’d say anything about that. Everypony is pretty friendly around here. Who would even be against such a thing?” Spike said.

The dragoon remembered when he first joined the order.


“It just isn’t a good idea Kain.” Ricard said to a younger Kain. “You may get an advantage against some adversaries caught unaware, but this isn’t how traditional combat goes.”

“But wielding a spear in my right hand just doesn’t feel comfortable.” Kain said.

“There’s nothing comfortable about combat Kain. Its life and death.” Ricard responded. “What if you needed to form a phalanx with your comrades?”

“I suppose I’d get on the leftmost side and connect my shield with their left side.” Kain replied.

“Very good son. You’re using your head, but some of your other commanding officers may not approve of you favoring the ‘sinister’ side of combat.” Ricard said. “Practice and prove them otherwise Kain.”

“Yes father.” the dragoon in training spoke as he resumed practice.


“I suppose no pony these days.” Kain said to Spike. “I haven’t encountered many that share our trait is what I was getting at. It’s good to meet another like myself.”

“You mean other than the whole dragon thing?” Spike asked. “What’s with you dressing like a dragon anyways? I know we’re cool and all, but I didn’t think ponies went about in armor that looked like us.”

“The dragoons are a most secretive order, but as of Princesses Luna’s wishes of late, I am operating in the open. We share a bond with dragons, and they share their secrets with us. Perhaps we’ll speak more of this another time Spike.” Kain said. “For now I need to return to the mares and continue with repairs on Fluttershy’s home. Thank you for your aid.”

“Ok Mr. Highwind, I can’t wait to get back to you on the dragoon conversation.“ Spike said as he left Kain’s company.

Kain returned inside the cottage to find the mares already up and about, ready to resume construction. Pinkie Pie was already getting breakfast ready while Applejack and Rainbow Dash were making their way outside to finish up with the door.

“Hey Kain, we just have a few more things left before we’re finished with Fluttershy’s place. Help us out so we can get breakfast as soon as possible. Pinkie Pie is making muffins.” Rainbow Dash said.

“C’mon Kain.” Applejack said. “Ah think Rainbow wants to see if she can finish our work before Pinkie can finish baking. Is there anything you won’t try to outpace?”

“Probably not.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Ponies, the weather, and meals, I’ll take on any challenge.”

Sure enough, the three of them were able to build the front door quite quickly. Rainbow Dash flew into the kitchen and seated herself at the very moment Pinkie yelled, “Muffins are ready!” The rest of the group shortly joined up for breakfast.

“All things considered I think he handled that quite well. Everything seems in order on the inside and the door looks like nothing ever happened to it at all.” Rarity said.

"Well, now that we’re done here, Ah suppose we should visit Fluttershy before we get back to our business.” Applejack said. The group left the cottage to visit Fluttershy once more at the hospital. After letting her know they’d fixed her home, the pegasus thanked them all. “Oh my, I can’t believe you did all that in one night, just for me.” You all are such good friends.” She said, beginning to tear up.

“Hey, it’s no problem Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said. “You’d help us out just the same.”

When their visit was over, Kain and the others were just outside the building when the dragoon informed them on his plan of action. “Considering how strange the events of yesterday’s incident was, I have a feeling as you might call it that it may not be an isolated event. I’m going to check back with Twilight and see what she has learned. In the meantime, I suggest you all keep watch for any strange creatures. I hope that we don’t have an incident with a different outcome if somehow this was no random occurrence.”

“Ah’ll be on the lookout for any strange activity concerning critters.” Applejack said.

“My eyes are in the sky, you’ll be the first to know.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Don’t you worry Kain. If there are any polymorphed or transformed ponies, they won’t sneak past me!” Pinkie Pie added.

“Mr. Highwind, you have my support.” Rarity said.

“Very well, I’ll go see Princess Twilight.” Kain began. “If one of you ladies would care to show me her residence.”

“I will dear.” Rarity said. “And let’s hope you remember where it is this time instead of dosing off like you did during my last tour.” And with that, the group separated. Unbeknownst to them, three pairs of ears were listening in from the bushes.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders, Paranormal Investigators and Potential Eliminators go!”

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Accompaniment/Inspiration: “Welcome to Our Town” FFIV OST, “The Silent Beyond” FFV OST, “Town Theme” FFV OST

I'm pretty much going to go with the notion that Spike is left handed. Sure we've seen him use his right from time to time, but the fictional universe can always use more lefties.