• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 3,887 Views, 158 Comments

Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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A Long Way Indeed

A Long Way Indeed

After an uneasy night of recurring nightmares, the dragoon made his way to the library where the others were waiting. Pinkie and Applejack had carts behind them loaded with food and supplies the others had brought.

“Ok girls, we just need to load all of that into the wagon and we should be good to go!” Twilight said. “Are you sure this wagon is suited for rugged terrain?”

“Me n’ Big Mac have been workin on this for a while now, to help us get shipments out past our normal range of customers.” Applejack said. “It’s got a system for individual wheel suspension.”

“C’mon Kain! Give us a hoof with this stuff!” Pinkie said.

Kain assisted with the task, and as they began the process of loading the supplies onto the larger wagon he attempted to broach the subject that had been eating at him the night before. “It is not that I am ungrateful to receive your help-” He began.

“One second there Kain.” Applejack interrupted. “Gotta check and make sure this thing can take all the weight we’re puttin on it.” And Applejack dropped off of the vehicle.

“Alright! Is everypony ready for some adventure!?” Rainbow Dash said as she, Fluttershy and Rarity made their way over to the wagon.

“Really darling I can’t fathom just how much excitement you seek in life. You’ve only just returned from one adventure and you’re already pining for more.” Rarity said.

“Hey! First of all I’m here to help Kain. If helping just so happens to mean that I get to go on a dangerous journey, all the better!” Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy, who was walking between the two of them began to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. “Oh dear, I think I left my stove on. Maybe I should go back and check on it…for a few days.” The yellow pegasus said just as she was hooked by her forelegs and oriented back in her original direction.

“You can’t back out now,” Rainbow Dash said. “not after that promise to help Kain!”

By the time the trio had arrived at the library, they found a pink mare perched atop of the wagon they’d be using for the trip. “Alright everypony! We’ve got a big mission ahead of us! Our heroic dragon knight friend is in need of our help and it’s up to us to make sure he can make his friendship oath with a new dragon! It’s gonna be a rough journey; there’s probably gonna be some fights and some of us may not even come…” Pinkie said looking at the crew before her, some of which had horrified looks, “close to being as helpful as we thought we would! But we’re gonna stick to it! Now let’s get a move on!”

Before the dragoon could even figure out what was happening or what that speech was about, he found himself strapped at the front of the wagon with Applejack to his right. The others were already settled in and upon the wagon.

“Well, let’s get a move on. Which way is it Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, we’re headed to investigate the ruins on the east side of the Unicorn Mountains.” Twilight said.

“Let’s move out then!” Applejack said.

She and Kain moved forward and out of town. To his surprise the weight he was pulling, that of days’ worth of supplies, four mares, a baby dragon, and his own armor seemed hardly difficult.

“This is certainly new.” The dragoon said aloud, musing to himself.

“What is, Kain?” Applejack asked.

“I’d never had expected myself to be performing this sort of job.” Kain said.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Are ya saying you’re too good to be pullin a wagon?” Applejack asked.

“I mean no offense Applejack, but where I am from it is not expected for us to pull carts and carriages ourselves. We have various beasts that pull loads and ourselves in tow. Most of the time we use large birds, called chocobos, for work and individual travel; but on other occasions we’ve used horses and the like.” Kain said.

“The way you say it, you’re making them out to be simple animals.” Applejack said.

“Not to be disrespectful, but they and ponies alike are indeed simple animals on my world. But I wouldn’t treat you as such. You act and think like humans, my people, and perhaps even better than they.” The dragoon said.

With a brow raised at Kain’s digression Applejack responded, “Well that’s mighty honest of ya Kain.”

“There’s something else I wish to speak to you about Applejack.”

By the time Kain broached the subject, he and Applejack had already brought the coach well outside the outskirts of Ponyville.” Applejack, do you recall that time at the farm when you pulled me aside and asked if I was a danger?”

“Yes, Ah certainly do. We’re you not bein forward with me?” Applejack asked.

“About me posing a danger or being any danger, no. but I haven’t been truly open about my past; about what kind of person I was in my original world.” Kain said.

“What Kind you were? Alright, you’re startin to worry me a bit Kain.” Applejack said.

“Applejack, you and your friends have been so welcoming and accepting of a stranger such as myself. You’re even risking your own safety just to help me regain my abilities.” Kain said.

“Yes, and we already said that it’s because you’ve already done so much to help us.” Applejack said, growing impatient and ever more concerned.

“It is what I had done before I came to Equestria, and perhaps is the very reason I am here. There was a great conflict that befell the world; no nation was safe from the machinations of an ancient evil. Power, and the possibility of it destroying everything were at the forefront of the war.” Kain said. Applejack remained silent, attuned to his story.

“And I was tempted by those forces.” At that moment all the grief and guilt re-surged in every fiber in the dragoon’s being. “I allowed my own darkness to guide me down a treacherous path.” And yet Kain could not bear to talk about the envy that set him to betray Cecil. “If it weren’t for the efforts of my friends, my comrades, my family, I would have been pushed towards a fate worse than death.” Kain pondered for a moment after that statement. It had been the first time he’d voiced aloud the things he’d done.

Applejack wasn’t dumbfounded by the revelation, she didn’t bring the wagon to a screeching stop. Instead she looked towards the distance and mulled over Kain’s words. “Ah think it’d be best to speak to everypony when we stop.” Applejack said.

“Are you sure you don’t just want to turn around?” Kain asked.

“Its not mah decision to make alone, and since we’re already makin good time, it’s better not to waste everypony’s time with this. We’ll stop for a break, and then you can tell the others.” Applejack said.

“And what about you Applejack?” Kain asked. “What do you think?”

“Ah think that you’re a pretty good pony from what Ah’ve seen. You’ve done good by us, and need our help. But the way Ah see it, you’re pretty torn up about bein a traitor. But don’t get to thinkin Ah’m not the slightest bit disappointed with ya.” Applejack said.


After a few hours of trekking, the group finally stopped for a rest. Pinkie Pie got to setting up for lunch. Kain watched as Applejack moved to speak with Twilight. They exchanged words, and then the princess looked towards the dragoon.

“Alright everypony! Let’s gather around for lunch.” Twilight announced. And soon enough, seven ponies and one dragon were settling down for a simple meal of sandwiches. After the majority of the them had finished, Twilight brought everyone’s attention to herself once more.” There’s no other way to put this, so it’d be better if Kain told us himself. Kain?”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Kain replied. “I know that all of you readily sought to help me in my quest because you were all helped by my actions in some way or another. I am indeed grateful, but I feel that before you take your next step you need to know who you’re helping.”

The dragoon relayed the same story he’d told Applejack. At first there were expressions of sadness when the rest of the party discovered that Kain came from a world that had nearly been destroyed by war. But then the dragoon moved onto his betrayal, how in his madness at the hands of an evil overlord, had slayed some of his fellow dragoons. Dismay and shock were now the only expression seen, but one mare took it especially hard. Rainbow Dash just stared at Kain, and slowly those eyes burned straight into the dragoon’s soul; the eyes bore a look of confusion, but then began to well. Rainbow Dash blinked and her look changed to a scowl. Kain could see the same look one of the victims of his treachery had upon that mare’s face. He wanted to walk away that very moment, but then resolved to finish his explanation of his past.

He told them of how those who cared about him were able to reach into the void and bring him back. Yet despite how much of his past he poured out, Kain could not bear to give his reason for betrayal in the first place.

“Why?” Rarity asked sorrowfully.

“I cannot say. It is far too painful to think about it.” Kain replied. “So now you know that you have a traitor amongst you. Do as you wish.” The dragoon began to leave from where the group was seated.

“I’ll still help you Kain.” Fluttershy said. “It’s clear you aren’t the same pony you were before.”

“You remind me of Princess Luna when we saved her from Nightmare Moon.” Twilight said. “I can feel the same grief from you. I’m still in.”

“We helped her and we’ll help you too!” Pinkie Pie said. Rarity, Spike, and Applejack nodded in agreement as well.

Rainbow Dash was airborne and looking back towards Ponyville.

“I wouldn’t hold it against you if you left.” Kain said to the pegasus.

“I need some time alone.” Rainbow Dash replied and she went back to the wagon.

The group gathered their supplies and returned to their mode of transportation.


For a while no one spoke much until a certain yellow pegasus broke the silence. “So Applejack told me about the animals of your world. Are ponies like us really just simple animals?”

“As painful as it may sound, yes they are. We use them for ground transportation, but more so chocobos.” Kain replied.

“What are those? All Applejack said was that they were large birds.” The pegasus said.

“Bipedal birds that can run for great distances and with bright yellow feathers.” The dragoon replied.

“They sound like adorable ostriches. Not that ostriches aren’t adorable either.” Fluttershy said.

“Some people on my world raise them on ranches, and they have been in an endless pursuit of breeding a variety that would be able to fly. Black chocobos if I remember.” Kain said.

So if you weren’t a pony before then what are you Kain?” Pinkie said as she got to the front of the coach.

“I was human.” The dragoon replied.

“What are those?” Fluttershy asked.

As Kain was about to respond, the other had moved into earshot of the conversation. Even Rainbow Dash had flown closer to hear.” Humans are creatures that walk on two legs as opposed to you ponies. The only hair we have is on our heads and we have hands to use our tools with. Those first days in Equestria were difficult for me as I could not adequately use my spear.” Kain said.

“Sounds like the sort of thing a crazy pony could have dreamed up and obsessed for the greater part of her life.” Pinkie said. “Huh, now that I think about it…” she trailed off.

“So you’re completely fine being a pony?” Twilight asked. “I would think if I were in a form I wasn’t familiar with, I’d want to change back.”

“I have considered it, and I believe it to be part of my trial. I believe I was sent here to make amends for my past, and if a change in form is what I must undergo, then so be it as a price to pay.” Kain said. “Princess Luna has already been kind enough to allow me to serve the greater good amongst her Lunar Guard.”

“Princess Luna understands more than anypony that desire to make amends. She’s already done so much for Equestria since her return.” Twilight said.

“It’s a noble endeavor for the both of you. I know you’ve done terrible things, things that were out of your control, but I know that you’re moving past them.” Rarity said.

“Well, it was a pretty hard thing for ya to admit there Kain.” Applejack said. “Ah can see now why ya were so hesitant on sayin anythin. Ya could’ve just kept it quiet, but ya told us the truth, and like Rarity said most of it was out of your control.”

Kain would have felt better by those words, but he knew he was still omitting the greatest detail in his betrayal. His desire for Rosa. Still, he felt he’d already said all he could take opening old wounds.

“Thank you.” Kain said.

When the party stopped for the night, everyone gathered around the campfire. Pinkie had started making a stew while conversations sprang up between various individuals. Rarity and Fluttershy were already talking about their time away from their work. Twilight was planning out what they were going to do once they met that dragon while Spike voicing a bit of hesitation about meeting an elder dragon.

Rainbow Dash sat close to the dragoon and broke the silence that had been there most of the day. “Kain, I’m the bearer of the element of loyalty. When you said you were a traitor, it took almost everything I had to keep from just leaving you on your own. At first it was just because I didn’t want to leave the others, but I also didn’t want to leave you because of one big dumb mistake.”

“I killed some of my comrades Rainbow Dash. Though by that time I was well under the influence of a dark lord, it still does make me responsible for their death.” Kain said.

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash said with a sorrowful trail in her voice. “I still don’t know how to feel about that. Its not easy to just overlook that kind of detail. I mean, yeah you didn’t mean to do it, but you still did it.”

“And that is why I believe I’m here.” Kain said. “To have the opportunity to do the good I should have done from the start. After me and my compatriots defeated the evil in my world, I took to a life as a recluse. I could not bear to face anyone, for they knew what I was, a traitor. I couldn’t imagine they’d ever look at me the same way again. Perhaps it is better this way, better that I am helping those whom I’ve wronged only by lying to them.”

“Then let me help you get there Kain.” Rainbow Dash said.

Kain looked at her, and then at the others who’d stopped their conversations to listen in on the two of them mend their friendship. A small weight had been lifted.


Dinner went by smoothly and the topic of interest moved to the creatures of the Blue Planet. Unsurprisingly, it was Fluttershy who’d broached the topic; ever since she ‘d heard about chocobos, the pegasus wondered about all the other creatures Kain had seen.

“There are a great many types of creatures; unfortunately most of them became hostile during the war.” Kain said, omitting the fact that he’d been forced to kill many of them in his journeys. The creatures he’d spoken to them about seemed as strange to the party as some of the creatures in Equestria seemed to him.

“Geez Kain it sounds like almost every creature you’ve described could have crawled out of the Everfree.” Rainbow Dash said. “Floateyes? And giant Needlerats? I bet we could take them, they don’t sound anymore intimidating that the stuff in the Everfree!”

“Perhaps you could have trained with me on the Mountain of Ordeals.” Kain said. “I would have much enjoyed the company of a sparring partner.”

“You were out on a mountain training by yourself? For how long?” Twilight asked.

“I was there for quite some time; it seemed like little over a year. I suppose I wasn’t technically alone. There were countless zombies for me to hone my skills on.” Kain said.

“…zombies…?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, a rather weak form of the undead, but I suppose still a viable target.” Kain said.

“Wait, there are more kinds?” Rainbow Dash asked with a bit of tremble in her voice.

“Wow, Kain, this is interesting!” Twilight said. “Just what other types are there?” the princes had levitated a quill and parchment to further her notes. Spike had since fallen asleep before the subject of the undead had been broached.

“There are basic undead such as ghosts, skeletons, and zombies that have been reanimated by dark magic. Some of the more powerful types include vampires, some lamias, and liches.” Kain said.

“Interesting.” Twilight said, writing the information down.

“They can command over a small army of undead if they’re powerful enough. They’ll sometimes send hordes of flesh seeking zombies in order to pin your allies down.” Kain said, explaining in a manner akin to military protocol.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash kept slouching closer and closer to the ground. Eventually the conversation of the living dead died down and the party settled in for the night.


The next day the party continued to the Unicorn Mountains. They passed by the forest they’d first met with the dragoon.

Twilight was once again eager to learn about Kain and his world. “So what was it that allowed you to reverse the petrification of the cockatrice on the crusaders? I’ve never heard of a remedy that you could carry, ready for use on such an ailment.”

“Actually, there are different curative items, each one with a different use. Gold needles are literally what they sound like, and they activate when they come into contact with stone skin.” Kain said.

“That must be extraordinarily helpful!” Twilight said.

“It is especially helpful when one cannot use healing magic or does not have a white mage at the ready.” Kain said.

“Aside from petrification, what other problems can these items of yours fix?” Twilight asked.

“Poison, curses, magical blindness, and transformative magic.” Kain said.

Rainbow Dash eyed him at that last item, but it was Twilight that brought up the following question. “So why haven’t you tried to dispel the magic on yourself, aside from feeling you don’t need to?”

“I don’t believe they’d work. They were made for specific ailments Twilight.” Kain said.

“What about anything stronger? Is there any type of potion you have that could just purge all magical impurities?” Twilight asked.

“There are some items like that, but those were consumed during those last battles of the war.” Kain said. He recalled things like elixers and megalixers that proved to be of vital importance in the fight against Zemorus. He also recalled another item that was a cure all in terms of ailments. He still had a unicorn horn and was certain that the ponies in his company would not react well to such a macabre item. He made a mental note to chuck the item on his next opportunity.


They were just about near the location Kain had first entered Equestria. The dragoon recalled the moment he woke up in his alien body. He had such determination to face Cecil and Rosa when he thought he was near Baron, but now he’d need it to reclaim his abilities.

Kain noted the engineering involved to create a wagon that could handle rugged terrain without shattering the wheels or axels. Applejack took note of the dragoon inspecting the wagon. “Yep, Big Mac and Ah managed to make a wagon to better traverse our way to new markets. Good thing for us huh?”

“A very welcomed asset Applejack.” Kain said, complementing the vehicle.

“Just be ready if we find ourselves needin to go down any steep slopes there Kain. Ah know you’re new to this whole wagon pullin, but as long as we aren’t in any rush we should be fine.” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash descended towards the wagon. “How does the other side fair?” Kain asked.

“Well, there’s a path that winds down from a high point on the mountain. It connects to the path that goes up from here. It looks like it’s going to take a while to get all the way up and down the mountain.” Rainbow Dash said.

“What about the ruins?” Twilight asked.

“There’s a couple of villages here and there, but there’s some old looking places too. They also looked a bit overgrown by plants, just like the descriptions in Daring Do’s books. “Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, that at least opens up possible locations we can explore. I was worried that the locations in all those reports I read were all we had to depend on.” Twilight said.

“Well, let’s get goin.” Applejack said. “Gotta make good time.”

The better part of the day was spent reaching the summit area of the Unicorn mountain range. The party decided to camp for the night before embarking. Though mostly huddled under the protection of the wagon, the night proved to be uneventful.


The next day Rarity brought out some clothing she’d made for the trip. “We’d better get ready for the colder weather, especially the two of you up front.” Rarity began to distribute scarves and hats to Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike which they donned graciously.

Rarity then gave a wintery garb to Rainbow Dash. “I know how much you want to stay in the air, so I made a flight suit for you that offers the most insulation with the least weight.”

“Wow, thanks Rares!” Rainbow Dash said as she already began putting on the suit.

“Applejack I’ve made you a coat to match that Stetson that is much as a part of you as your tail.” Rarity said, giving Applejack an insulated coat.

“Much obliged Rarity.” Applejack said.

“And for you Kain, I’ve made a layer of clothing to insulate you underneath your armor.” Rarity said.

“You’ve my thanks.” Kain replied, taking the garments from the seamstress. He didn’t allow himself the normal privacy he usually had to change clothes; instead he took off his armor there in the open. The dragoon realized that the mares could probably care less about the clothes as they, with the occasional exception of Rarity, went about without them. Still, his long held notions of nudity were hard to shake, so he stood off to the side to change.

“That is one sinister looking spear cutie mark you have.” Rarity said, approaching the dragoon.

“Milady, this is a bit unusual.” Kain said, struggling to address the situation.

“I’m sorry Kain, I didn’t mean to address your cutie mark in such a way, or is there something wrong with the clothes?” Rarity asked.

“It isn’t that, Rarity, its that it isn’t customary or chivalrous for a lady to be with a male when disrobing where I come from.” Kain said.

The white unicorn’s cheeks began to redden. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry Kain. I didn’t know it was such a personal custom for your people.”

“Yes, our clothing is considered to be a custom of decency Rarity.” Kain said.

“I am indeed sorry about this…and about the time I removed your armor at my home. Oh dear…” Rarity said, her face growing ever more red.

“It wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have known.” Kain said. “The only females to see soldiers without any clothing would be our fellow soldiers and the white mages who heal ...”

“Oh.” Rarity said. “There’s no need to worry about any advances from me, I hadn’t a clue that this sort of action was so…provocative.” She rubbed a fore hoof behind her head. “Besides, I’m certain you’ve met a nice you lady in all your time soldiering, perhaps even one who dressed your battle wounds?”

Without delay Kain responded, almost snapping back. “No one of the sort.”

Rarity winced at the response, but continued to conduct herself in her most proper etiquette. “Well, I’m certain you’ll find your special somepony. Stallions such as yourself are a rare find.”

Kain was silent from Rarity’s unintentional opening of old wounds. His reaction was another painful reminder of how unwilling he was to feel love, not after what he’d done. Without his helmet, Rarity could see just how troubled the dragoon appeared. So many times had the helm hidden his emotion, and even on those occasions without it, she’d seen him stone faced. This was different; the angry outburst for certain, but that silence and sadness on his face gave her only the option to give him space. The unicorn left the dragoon’s company.

“Thank you Rarity.” Kain said as he began to replace his armor on top of the clothes she’d made for him.

Rarity just wasn’t sure what exactly he was thanking her for, the clothes or the space she gave him.

Once everyone was geared up for travel around the summit, the wagon moved forward with little event. It was only as they entered the snowy parts of the path that the party noticed just how helpful Rarity’s clothes were.”

“Wow Rarity, this outfit is great! I should use this on the next winter wrap up! It so light it’s like I’m wearing nothing-“ Rainbow Dash said before she was interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

“Hey look at all that snow!” the pink mare said. Do you think it’s deep?”

“Actually Pinkie Pie, we should be careful, we don’t know how much snow is actually packed here.” Twilight said.

“Way ahead of ya.” Applejack said, making her way to the wheels of the wagon. She banged on the hubcaps and skis unraveled from the outer part of the wheels. “Hey, can somepony toss out the snow shoes?”

Spike came outside of the wagon wearing a parka. “H-h-here.” He tossed out eight snow shoes.

“We’re gonna need these Kain.” Applejack said.

The dragoon nodded and put on the shoes after watching Applejack put on hers. The two reattached themselves to the wagon and continued on their way.


The party crossed to the other side of the mountain before Twilight Sparkle voiced her concern.

“Not to unsettle anypony, but we should probably keep it down. Loud noises can trigger avalanches and I doubt anypony wants to dig out of piles and piles of snow.” The princess said as she looked towards the three ponies outside.

There was a muffled commotion from the inside of the wagon all the while Twilight was giver her warning.

“What’s goin on in there?” Applejack asked.

“Not sure, let me just open the partition and see-“ Twilight turned and looked towards the interior of the wagon.

“And that’s why dragon fire keeps you TOASTY and Waaaaaaarrrrrrm!” Pinkie Pie said as she erupted from the front of the wagon and landed on Rainbow Dash, who unfortunately hadn’t been as high in the air as she’d hoped.

Pinkie continued her verse from atop the aloft pegasus. “So we’ll just stay inside and we’ll-‘

“Pinkie!” Applejack said, a little louder, but it still wasn’t enough to break the party pony’s song.

“Pinkie! Shut up! You’ll cause an avalanche!” Rainbow Dash yelled at her.

Pinkie stopped singing and the echo of her voice, along with the possible remnants of instrumental sounds reverberated throughout the mountain. “Oh…” was all she said.

Fluttershy poked her head through the partition. “See Pinkie, I told you it wasn’t a good idea to start singing.” At that moment an errant flake of snow landed on her muzzle. “Achoo!”

And then the mountain trembled.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Inspiration/Accompaniment: “Hey Cid!” FFIV OST; “Final Fantasy IV Main Theme Orchestra” The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra; “Sorrow” FFXI OST