• Published 13th Sep 2015
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Atonement for a Wayward Dragoon - Belligerent Bindlestiff

Kain's trial at Mt. Ordeals will lead him down a particular path towards redemtion. Final Fantasy IV Crossover

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Guard Duty

Guard Duty

The rest of the train ride returning to Ponyville was uneventful. The dragoon and princess made their way through the town towards her residence. Before they could reach their destination, Kain noted the small, bipedal dragon quickly approaching.

“Twilight! Twilight!” Spike exclaimed. “I got a message from Princes Luna for you, but the scroll won’t open.” He then produced a scroll with a seal bearing a crescent moon on it.

“I wonder what she needs.” Twilight said, pondering. She levitated the scroll from Spike’s grasp and attempted to slide the ring off of it, but it wouldn’t budge. “That’s odd, why can’t I remove the seal? Oh, this must be for you Kain. The princesses did say they’d correspond with you.” Twilight floated the scroll to Kain. The dragoon instinctively made a grab for the parchment thinking he still had hands, but surprisingly enough, his hoof was able to hold onto the scroll and the moment contact was made with the parchment, the seal undid itself. Kain read the letter to himself.

To our Lunar Emissary,

It would seem that we have no choice but to place thou into action immediately upon thine arrival. News has come to us about a disturbance at Sweet Apple Acre in recent nights. There aren’t many details but speak with the proprietors for more information; what we do know is that a pony of thine talents may be needed. Remember that thou represent the Princess of the Night.

Fare thee well,

Princess Luna

“It would seem that I have business to attend to on Applejack’s farm.” Kain said. “Apologies, but I must take leave.” And with that, he left the alicorn and a perplexed dragon’s company. “Who was that strange pony, and what’s with his getup?” Spike asked.

Before setting out for Sweet Apple Acres, Kain went back to the inn to reserve a room once more and to drop off his excess belongings. Luna had provided a stipend so that he could maintain a modest lifestyle while under her banner. Not knowing precisely what he was needed for, Kain set out in full armor and armed with his weapon.


When the dragoon arrived at the Apple’s farm, he didn’t see Applejack. Instead he was met by Applebloom. “Kain!” she exclaimed. “Somethin’s been happening on the farm!”

“What exactly?” Kain asked.

“Ah don’t know, but my big brother and sister told me to stay here.” she said, clarifying.

“Where are your siblings?” Kain continued asking.

“They went to the edge of the farm Kain. Why do ya suppose they keep telling me to stay here when they check out what’s goin on? I wanna know what the big deal is!” Apple Bloom said with apprehension.

“Its most likely nothing to get worked up over.” Kain lied. “I’ll go speak with them.” Kain departed from the farmhouse and went towards the direction Apple Bloom had pointed towards.

What sort of thing had occurred in the fields? And why had they kept their younger sibling away? Kain became concerned about what lay in wait, and why he was needed to respond to an occurrence on Sweet Apple Acres. Nearing the edge of the farm, Kain saw Applejack and her brother Big Mac. Before them were scores of trees that were torn up or destroyed.

“Doesn’t look like sabotage, do ya reckon critters did this?” Applejack asked.

“Eeyup.” Replied the Big Mac.

“Ah just don’t get it. If they wanted apples, then why rip all the trees apart?” Applejack asked.

“Perhaps the culprit is trying to make you believe animals did this.” Kain said as he approached the siblings.

“Hey there Kain, what brings ya all the way out here? Thought ya were supposed to be in Canterlot.” Applejack asked.

“I was asked to be here by Princess Luna.” Kain said.

“No kiddin!” Applejack replied. “With Twilight out of town and the Mayor sick, Ah sent out a letter for help from Canterlot. Ah really didn’t think they’d send you of all ponies.”

“It would appear that you’re having difficulty with something or some..pony that destroyed a great deal of you crops.” Kain said.

“Well, the family doesn’t really have any enemies that’d want to destroy the farm. Well, maybe the Flim Flam brothers might try something, but they want the farm and trees intact. That just leaves the likelihood that critters up and ruined the trees. Take a look at this one.” Applejack said and pointed at one tree. “See how it’s got claw marks on it? Ah reckon it’s a bear that did this. We had a problem with Fluttershy’s bear, Harry, a while back.”

“Fluttershy has a bear?” Kain asked incredulously.

“Oh shucks Kain, it’s not a big a deal as it sounds. Shy takes care of all sorts of critters at her cottage. For all the things that mare is afraid of, Ah’ll never understand how she can be around that bear so easily.” Applejack said.

Ponies with dragons, bears, and monster constructs, no wonder Ponyville didn’t have a standing guard. The denizens seemed to be well protected by their own devices.

“What sort of problems have arisen Applejack?” Kain asked.

“Well, first it started off with a few apples stripped from the branches and some bushels of apples gone missing, but what really tore it was when he started to take down the trees. Fluttershy scolded him good and we never had a problem since then. But this…” Applejack said.

It certainly doesn’t bode well for the bear learning his lesson.” Kain said.

“Nope.” Big Mac replied.

“Ah guess we’re gonna have to get Fluttershy to talk to her bear again.” Applejack said.

“Are you certain he’s the bear responsible for this mess?” Kain asked.

“Pretty sure of it Kain.” Applejack said. “He’s the only bear we’ve seen in these parts of Equestria.”

“What about the forest on the outskirts of town?” the dragoon asked.

“Ya mean the Everfree Forest? There’s almost nothin natural that lives in that place. Even the plants aren’t normal.” Applejack said. “Most of Fluttershy’s critters, Harry included, are too afraid to go near the Everfree.”

“What about something coming out of the forest and destroying your crops?” Kain continued asking.

“Let’s just say that anything big enough to topple trees wouldn’t be concerned with eatin apples.” Applejack said.

“So, it is most likely best if we set out for Fluttershy’s cottage.” Kain said. The three ponies left for the animal caretaker’s abode from Sweet Apple Acres. Kain pondered about the situation; if Fluttershy was as good with animals as Applejack had said, then why was the bear misbehaving this way after it had been scolded previously? Perhaps it truly isn’t possible to quell a beast’s nature. The dragoon’s thoughts were interrupted, and almost like déjà vu, by a scream in the distance.

“No! Stop!” A panicked Fluttershy sounded from the distance.

“What in tarnation is goin on?!” exclaimed Applejack. A roar was then heard and another subsequent scream from Fluttershy was let out. The mare looked at Kain and Big Mac with apprehension. “Ya don’t think,” her tone filled with dread, “Harry’s gone crazy and stated attacking her do ya?”

Kain didn’t entertain the thought for more than a moment before breaking into a gallop. Applejack and her brother followed suit. The commotion came from quite a distance away, so it wasn’t possible to see Fluttershy. However, the group did notice a sign that trouble was occurring. Trees in the distance were being knocked down in a line directly leading to Fluttershy’s home. Again, one of the pegasus’s shrieks of terror sounded; it seemed that Fluttershy was moving as the group was to where they first heard the screaming.

“She’s trying to get to her home!” Applejack yelled.

“Make haste!” Kain ordered.


When they arrived at the cottage, the three ponies saw that the front section of the house was torn open. It was dead silent, and none of Fluttershy’s animals were to be seen. As the group moved inside the abode, they saw debris scattered everywhere. Towards the end of the building, they heard deep, bestial breathing.

“Fluttershy, where are ya, are ya alright?” asked a panicked Applejack.

When the group rounded the corner, they saw the back of Harry the bear. His head was bent to the ground. From around the view that the bear obscured, yellow and pink could be seen. “Celestia no!” Applejack cried out.

The bear turned around and faced them with a bloodied muzzle, and a wounded pegasus body behind him. Kain could literally see the color draining from applejack and her pupils shrinking. “No.” Applejack said with a whimper.

Applejack’s demeanor quickly shifted. “Get away from her, monster!” she yelled. Applejack charged the bear, full of rage. Big Mac followed her out of concern and out of the same anger as his sister.

As the two farmhooves attacked Harry, Kain noticed that the bear wasn’t fighting back, only dodging. Was he injured somehow? Ordinarily, Kain would have already entered combat, but something wasn’t adding up. A memory flickered in his mind. As the bear and the two ponies ran about the cottage, Kain remembered the protective nature of a certain dragon. “Wait.” He said to himself.

“What’s the matter bear?” Applejack said, taunting. “Ya willing to pick fights with a lone pony and not the three of us?”

Then a large object came in from the hole in the cottage and swatted the farmer siblings against the wall. There, standing in the house was another bear. Harry immediately attacked it and the two creatures spilled out of the cottage.

The beast was easily as big, if not slightly larger than Harry. Its dark grey fur differentiated it from him as well. Applejack and big Mac got up from where they’d been knocked down, and moved up next to Kain. “Two bears?!” Applejack asked.

“It seems there’s more to this than we first thought.” Kain said. “Look, that creature carries blood on its fur as well. Check on Fluttershy, I’ll go outside. “The dragoon exited the gaping hole to see the bears wrestling, claws interlocked.

It seemed however, that Harry was losing this fight. The gray bear seemed to have more mass than the other, and soon flipped the other over his head. As Kain watched the display of strength, he thought briefly on who he should subdue. It was a possibility that Harry was fighting the other for the ‘prize’, but the way he acted when the three ponies entered the house led Kain to one conclusion.

The dragoon leapt into the air and attempted to tackle the gray bear. As Kain made contact with the creature, it grabbed him and threw the knight to the side. Kain skidded along the ground but kicked off of it and reoriented himself.

Kain jumped into the air higher, hoping to impact the beast with more force. At the apex of the jump, Kain noticed that the bear was actually levitating off the ground attempting to intercept him in the air. It wasn’t until this moment that Kain spied two negligible wings on the bear. When the dragoon made his descent, the bear intercepted him and threw him once more to the side.

Just then he saw Big Mac speeding away with Fluttershy on his back. Applejack came out of the house not a second later. “Big Mac’s takin Fluttershy to the hospital, she’s been pretty banged up.” Applejack said. “What’s been goin on out here?”

“It would seem this gray bear is at fault for the attack, and can apparently fly.” Kain said as he pointed at the menace that was somewhat airborne. “Is it normal to see bears with wings?”

“Can’t say it is.” Applejack said. “Ya think somethin’s up with that bear?”

“Definitely.” Kain replied. “I need your help in subduing the bear. Can you keep him busy from the ground?”

“Sure can.” Applejack replied. She ran around the gray bear, taunting it, and soon it was focused on the farm pony.

The dragoon vaulted into the air and delivered a four legged landing on the creature’s head. The bear appeared dazed, to which Applejack then bucked it in the face for good measure. The gray bear spun around and hit the ground. It was out like a light.

“We’re going to need to restrain it.” Kain said.

“Right. Ah’ll go back and get some rope.” Applejack said as she departed.

Harry the bear had gotten up after being downed during the fight. He looked at the gray bear, and then sat down. It had been as Kain had surmised. He’d been trying to protect Fluttershy.

Moments later, Applejack returned with rope, a wagon, and apparently Pinkie Pie. “Got somepony to help us out Kain, all the others are at the hospital with Fluttershy.”

The party mare’s demeanor was a mixed bag. While she was cheerful in appearance when arriving with Applejack, Kain could see the slightest disdain in her eyes when she glanced at the bear.

The three of them tied up the gray bear onto the wagon. As they left for town, Pinkie Pie tossed a basket of pastries in front of Harry. “Don’t worry Harry! We’ll get Fluttershy back to you as soon as she’s feeling better!” she yelled as the trio set off.

When they arrived in Ponyville, they were met by Twilight Sparkle. “Can you send word to Princess Luna that the perpetrator has been apprehended?” Kain asked.

“I already sent a message once I got wind of the commotion.” Twilight replied. “Is that the bear that caused this?”

“How’s Fluttershy?” Applejack asked.

“She’s stable and resting right now.” Twilight answered. “I can’t believe this could happen to her of all ponies.”

“I’ve been told she’s ordinarily good with animals. Is this incident that out of the normal?” Kain asked.

“Yeah, as long as I’ve known, no animal has ever attacked her this way.” Twilight replied.

“There’s also this.” Kain said pointing to the captured bear’s back. “This doesn’t seem normal. Have you seen the likes of this before?”

“That’s odd.” Twilight said. “I’ve never seen, heard, nor read of a bear with wings. Ones with astrological, corporeal bodies yes, but never any with wings.”

“Well, this meanie hurt Fluttershy! “ Pinkie Pie exclaimed indignantly as Twilight began to scan the creature with her magic. “If there are more of them, I hope they aren’t like him!”

“More of these creatures with a similar disposition would certainly not help the situation at the Apples’ farm.” Kain said.

“Especially if they’re from the Everfree. No telling how many could be hidin in there.” Applejack said.

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.” Twilight began. “I’m not even certain that this is even a bear.”

The rest of the party turned their faces to Twilight. The princess concentrated a large amount of magic into her horn and then unleashed a spell onto the bear. Its form began to glow then shrank down to the size of a pony. Once the magic dissipated, strapped now loosely to the wagon was a white pegasus stallion, built like a house and with a buzz cut mane.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie let out. “Bulk Biceps is a were-pony-bear! I should have seen the signs!” she continued as she rummaged through papers and objects in a briefcase labeled ‘Lycanthropony Kit’.

“No Pinkie.” Twilight said. “The cause of this was a different type of magic, something really powerful.”

Just then a small squad of bat ponies landed before the group. “Your Majesty, we were told there was a bear that was causing trouble here.”

“Yes, the bear is right there.” Twilight said, pointing to the unconscious form of Bulk Biceps. “Though it really wasn’t a bear.”

“We’ll be taking him into custody for questioning Princess Twilight.” The leader said.

“But he may not have done any of this willingly.” Twilight said, interjecting.

“It’s just a precaution your Majesty. Princess Luna will keep in touch with you.” The leader spoke as he and his squad took the stallion with them towards Canterlot.

“Well, that was certainly strange.” Applejack said.

“And something tells me that this is only the beginning.” Kain said.

~Belligerent Bindlestiff

Author's Note:

Musical Accompaniment/Inspirtation: “Airship” Final Fantasy PS Version, “Final Fantasy II Main Theme” Final Fantasy Vol 1 Good Knight Productions, “Run!” FFIV OST, “Battle 2” FFIV OST, “Rydia” FFIV OST

Poor Fluttershy. Twice attacked in less than a week. The girl's not having the best of luck.